The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 11, 1908, Image 7

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"Box Ui& ostaX
5ot tooWvKUuXcuX
&tvu SwrccaV C&5C5
"Rates, $! to Jtefc BT XDCttV.
Miss Mary E, Smalley
Hiss Edith H. Swan
STUDIO 424 Laramie Avenue
Phone - - 220
Physician one Sargeon Day and night Ub
Office over Boguo Store. Phono 150.
Offlco In First Natlonul Bunk block. Alli
ance Nebraska.
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 300
Calls answered promptly day and nlclit from
oQllce. Otllces: Alliance National Hank
Untitling ovur the I'ostOUlco.
Special Attention
Paid to Eye Work
Formerly Interne Homeopathic Hos
pital University ot Iowa.
Phone SSI. Ofllco over Allianco Shoe Store
Residence Phone 251.
Churchill & Thornton
(Successors to Dr. J. E, Moore)
Ofllco hours 11-12 a.m., 2-4 p.m. 7;30-9 p.m.
Office Phone 62
Res. Phone, Dr Thornton, 187
Night calls, Phone 62 or 187
(Successor to Drs. Frey & Dalfo)
Graduate and Post-Graduate of the Amer
ican School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Mo.
' May be found at his residence,
2i6Toluca Avenue
Drs.CoppernolI & Petersen
(Successor to Drs. Frey & Ua.fe)
Office in Rumer Block
Office Phone 43, Residence 20
Examination at Office Free
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lockwood
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Phones Office 214. Res. 205
Graduate Chicago School of Embalming
Private Nurse
Phone 492
Attorney at Law
Office in rooms formerly occupied by
R. C. Noleraan, First Nal'l Bank blk
Phone 180. ALLIANCE. NEB.
Long experience in state and federal
courts and as Register and Receiver U. S.
Land Office is a guarantee for preempt and
efficient service.
Office In Land Office lluilding.
Attorney at Law,
N orlbilaln St.. - ALLIANCE. 2 ED
Princess Virginia
By C. N. and A. M. WILLIAMSON,
Author ofObUf htnlntf Conductor," "Rose
mary In Search of a Father," Etc. J
10s. He had boon to cnll on yotriu
your town houso, ho Btopped his auto
mobile to toll mo, and, hearing from
mo that you would bo back this eyeu
lng, ho decided to stay all night nt'tho
hotol, bo that ho could havo a chat
with you after your return, no matter
at what hour It might bo. I belle vo he
has loft a note at your house."
"I will go to him, and wo can then
discuss Its contents together," Bald
Count von Brcltsteln, and tho chauf
feur who drovo his electric carrlngo
was told to go to tho Hohenlaugcuwald
Tho prince, who would, tho chancel
lor hoped, become tho deus ex machlua,
was engaged in selecting tho wines for
his dinner when Count von Broltsteln's
card was sent in. Ho was pleased to
say that ho would recelvo his visitor,
and, Egon having been sent nbout
his business, tho chancellor was shown
Into tho purplo drawing room of tho
suit reserved for royalty.
As ho entered a young man Jumped
up from an easy chair, scattering
sheaves of illustrated papers, and held
out both his hands, with a "Welcome,
my dear old friend 1"
It would have been vain to scour tho
world in quest of n handsomer young
man than this one. Even Egon von
Brcltsteln would havo seemed a mere
good looking puppet beside him, and
tho chancellor rejoiced In the physical
perfection of a prince who might provo
a dangerous rival for an absent em
peror. "This is tho best of good fortunel"
exclaimed Count von Brcltsteln. "Egon
told mo you were here, and without
waiting to get tho note he said you
had left for mo I came to you straight
from the railway station."
"Splendid! And now you must dlno
with me. It was that I asked of you
in my note. Dinner early, a serious
talk and an antldoto for solemnity in
a visit to the Leopoldhallc to sec Mile.
Felice from the Folios Bergere do her
famous Ore and fountain dance. A
box, curtains half drawn, no ono need
know that the chancellor helps his
young friend amuso himself."
"I thank your royal highness for the
honor you suggest, and nothing could
give me greater pleasuro if I had not
a suggestion to venture, In place of
yours, which I believe may suit you
better. I think I know of what you
wish to talk with me, and I desire the
same, whllo the business I hayo most
at heart"
"Ah, your business is my business,
"I hope you may so consider It In
any case it is business which must bo
carried through now or never and Is of
life and death importance to those
whom it concerns. How It's to bo
done or whether done nt all may de
pend on you, If you consent to interest
yourself, and It could not bo In more
competent hands. If I'd been given
ray choice of an nsslstant out of tho
whole world I should havo chosen your
royal highness."
"This sounds like nn adventuro."
"It may bo nn adventuro nnd at tho
same time nn act of Justice."
"Good. Although It was not in search
of au adventure that I came to you,
any more than It was tho hope of game
which brought mo on a sudden Impulse
to my llttio hunting lodge, still I trust
I have always the instinct of a sports
man." "I am sure of that, and I have tho
less hesitation In enlisting your good
will because it happens that your bird
and mine can bo killed with ono shot."
"Chancellor, you exclto my curios
ity." Tho old man smiled genially, but un
der the bristling brows glowed a flamo
as of the last embers In a dying fire.
"Upstairs," said he, "Is a pretty wom
an, a beauty. She claims tho uamo of
Helen Mowbray, though her right to It
Is more than disputable. Her lovo af
fairs threaten a public scandal."
"Ah, you aro not tho first ono who
has spoken of this pretty lady since I
crossed tho frontier this mornlug," ex
claimed tho young man, flushing. Ho
paused and bit his lip before going on,
as If he wished to think or regain self
control, but at last ho laughed not al
together lightly. "So the lady most
talked about for tho moment In all
Rhaetla is under the same roof with
"Fortunately she Is close at hand,"
said the chuncellor. "To you more
than to any other I can open my heart
In speaking of our great peril. This
girl has drawn the emperor into a fit
of moon madness. It Is no moro seri
ous than that, and were sho out of
tho way ho would wake as from a
dream. But this Is tho moment of tho
crisis. He must bo saved now or he Is
lost forever and all our hopes with
him. Blessed would be the man who
brought my poor master to his senses.
I have tried and failed. But you could
do it."
"Tho sword of Justice is ready for
your hand."
"That sentence has a solemn ring.
I don't see what you want me to do.
But what sort of woman is this who
has bewitched your grave Leopold?"
"Beautiful und clever as women are
clever, but not clever enough to tight
her battle out against you and me."
Tho princo laughed again. "It Isn't !
my metier to fight with women. I pre
fer to mako lovo to them."
"Ah, you havo Bald ltl That Is what
I beg your royal hlghnoes to do."
"How am I to got at her when Leo
pold stands guard?"
"Ho will not bo on guard for bouio !
"lln, hal You mean mo to "under
Hand that there's no time to wnsto."
"Not a moment"
"What Is the girl like?"
"Tall and slender, pink and white bh
a Ilowcr, dark laBhcd and yellow hair
ed, like an Austrian beauty; eyes
gray or violet. It would bo heard to
say which for a man of my years, but
eveti 1 can assure you that when tho
lady looks down, then suddenly up
again under those dark lashes, It's
bomethlng to quicken the pulse of any
man under sixty."
"It would quicken mlno only to hear
your description If you hadn't Just put a
maggot in my head that tickles mo to
laughter Instead of raptures," said, the
prince. "Tell mo this has this girl a
tiny black mole Just over the left eye
brow, very fetching, nnd when Bho
smiles does her mouth point upward a
bit on tho right side, like a fairy sign
post showing tho way to it small round
scar almost as good as a dimple?"
Tho chancellor reflected for a few
Bccouds and then replied that unless
his eyesight nnd his memory had de
ceived him both these marks were to
bo met with on Miss Mowbray's face.
He did not add that ho had seen her
but onco and nt tho time had not tnkeu
Interest enough to note details, for It
was plain thnt the prince had a theory
as to the lady's real Identity and to es
tabllsh it as a fact might bo valuable.
"Is It possible that you've already
met this dangerous joung person?" he
asked eagerly.
"Well. I begin to believe It may be
so. I'll explain why later. Thereby
hangs a confession. At all oveuts, a
certain lady exactly answering the de
scription you've given Is very likely in
this neighborhood. I've heard that sho
was shortly duo In Kronburg, and It
was in my mind when deciding sud
denly to spend a few days iu the woods
for tho sake of seeing you that I
might seo her also before I went home
again. As a matter of fact, tho lady
and I havo had a misunderstanding
at a rather unfortunate moment, as I'd
Just Imprudently taken her Into my
confidence concerning er some family
affairs. If It is sbo who is masquerad
ing in Rhaetla as Miss Mowbray nnd
turning your emperor's head, It may be
that she's trying to revenge herself on
mo. She's pretty enough to beguile St.
Anthony, let nlono a St Leopold, and
she's clever enough to have thought
out such a scheme. Our smnll quarrel
happened alnnit four weeks ago, and
I've lost sight of tho lady since. Sho
disappeared, expecting probably to be
followed, but sho wasn't. Tho only
question Is, If she's playing Miss Mow
bray, where did she got tho mother?
I've heard there is n Mowbray mother."
"There's a faded Dresden china shep
herdess thnt answers to tho name,"
said tho chancellor dryly. "But theso
mantelpiece ornnments aro easily man
ufactured." The prince was amused. "No; she
wouldn't stick at a mother If she
wanted one," ho chuckled. "And, while
sho was about It she has apparently
annexed a whole family tree. Tho
black mole and the scar dimple you'ro
Mire of thom, chancellor? Because, if
you are"
"Oh, I am practically certain 1" (
"Then tho moro pieces in the puzzle
which I fit together tho moro llkelj
does It seem that your Leopold's Miss
Helen Mowbrny and my Miss Jenny
Brett aro ono and the same."
"Miss Jenny Brett?"
"Did you never hear tho name?"
"If I havo I've forgotten it."
"Chancellor, you wouldn't forget if
you wero a few years younger. Jenny
Brett Is the prettiest if not tho most
talented singer ever sent out from
Australia, the fashionable home of
singers. Sho Is billed to sing at the
Court theater of Kronburg In a fort
night, her first engagement in Rhao
tla." "You aro right. It may well be that
she's boon having a game with us a
game that we can prevent now, thank
heaven, from ending in earnest"
"Oh, yes; we can prevent that."
"Your royal highness met tho lady
In your own country?"
"N-o. It was In Paris at first, but
I'm afraid I induced her to accept an
engagement at home. Wo were great
friends for awhile, and really she'B a
charming creature. I can't blarao ray
self. Who would have guessed that
she'd turn out so ambitious? By Jove,
I can sympathlzo with Leopold. Tho
girl tried to twist mo round her finger
nnd, I verily believe, fancied nt ono
tlmo that I would offer her marriage."
"It must be tho saino girl. And tho
emperor has offered her marriage."
"What? Impossible! But with the
left hand, of course, though even that
would be unheard of for a man in
"I swear to your royal highness that
If ho Isn't stopped ho will force her on
tho Rbaetlan peoplo as empress."
"Gad-littlo Jenny Brett! I dhln't
half appreciate her brilliant qualities."
"Yet I would wager that she appre
ciated yours."
Tho princo hrugged bis Bhoulders.
"I bcllove she rclly cared something
for mo a mouth ago."
"Then sho still cared. You are not a
man whom n woman cau forget though
pique or ambition mny lead her to try.
I tell you frankly I bcllove thnt Prov
idence sont your royal highness hero
at this inoniont, and my best hopes
aro now pinned on you. You and no
ono as well as you can save tho em
peror for n nobler fate. Even when 1
supposed you n stranger to this lady
who calls herself Helen Mowbray I
thought that If yon would concent to
meet her nnd exorclso your fascina
tions there might bo hope of nvertlng
tho danger from my master. Now I
hopo everything. I beg, I entreat that
your royal highness will send up your
name and ask the lady to seo you with
out delay. Sho will certainly recelvo
you, nnd when tho emperor learns that
sho has done so it mny go far to disil
lusion him, for, pardou mo, your royal
highness has a great reputation as t
lady killer. Still moro valuable would
be, however Indeed, ho would bo cured
of his Infatuation forever If If
"If what?" Inquired the young mnu,
tired of tho chancellor's long winded
ucss nud beating about tho bush.
"If you could pcrsundo her to go out
to your hunting lodge. Thou Leopold
and Rhaetla would be saved by you.
What could bo better? What could bo
more sultnblo?"
"What Indeed," echot'd tho prince,
"for every ono concerned except for
Jenny Brett?"
"Considering tho hnvoc sho has work
ed among us all, need Bho be consid
ered before tho' Interests of a great
country nnd, perhaps I may hint, nn
Innocent nnd lovely roynl lady whom
this girl Is doing her best to humlll
nto?" "I'm hanged If sho need bo so con
sidered! Anyhow I'll do what you nsk.
I'll send up my card, and then we'll seo
what happens."
Tho prince took from his pocket a
amall gold case sparkling with Jewels,
a trifle which advertised Itself as the
gift of a woman. Out of this came a
card, with a crown over tho namo in
the fashion of his country and some
others. An equerry waiting in an ad
joining room wns summoned, the card
given to him, passed on to n hotel scrv-
ant, and then for five minutes, ten min
utes, the old man and tho young ono
waited, talking of a subject very near
to both their hearts.
At last, when they had no moro to
sny, word came that Lady Mowbray
and Miss Mowbrny would Bee his royal
"Tho vnluo of a well regulated moth
er!" laughed tho young man, who had
not troubled to Inquire for Lady Mow
bray. "Well, whatever comes of this
Interview, chancellor, I shall presently
havo something to tell you."
"Tho suspense will be hard to bear,"
said Count von Brcltsteln, "but I havo
perfect faith In you. We understand
each other completely now, but I'm
growing old, and tho past few days
have tired me sorely. Remember, I
pray you. all that's at stake and do
not hesitate for nn instant Havo no
falso scruplo with such a pcrsbn as
this. The emperor will soon nrrlvo in
Kronburg. He'll loso no tlmo In trying
to find the girl, and onco thcy'vo had
v"1w Jf
"I'll send tip my card."
another meeting all our plans, all our
precautions, may be In vain, no
searches for her to offer his crown."
The princo listened nnd did not smllo
as ho went out
Ho had bidden tho chancellor await
his return In tho salon of tho royal
suit,, which was always kept at his
disposal when ho appeared In tho
neighborhood, as he often did since
purchasing tho bunting lodge a few
miles out of Kronburg In tho forest.
Other foreign royalties or lesser
princes from tho provinces occasional
ly occupied tho apartments also, and
this hnndsomo royal highness of today
was not tho only ono whom tho chan
cellor of Rhaetla had visited there. Ho
know by heart the rich purplo hang
ings In tho salon, with the double
wolf head of Rhaetla stamped In gold
at regular Intervals on tho velvet, and
he sickened of their splendor now as
tho moments dragged and he remained
When hnlf an hour had passed ho
could no longer sit still on tho purplo
velvet sofa, but began walking up and
down, bis hands behind him, scowling
at tho full length oil painted portraits
of Rhaetla's dead rulers, glaring a
question Into his own eyes In tho long,
gold framed mirrors a question he
would have given his life to hear an
swered in tho way bo wished.
Three-quarters of nn hour had gono
at last, and still the chancellor paced
the purple drawing room, and still the
princo did not come back to tell the
news. '
Had the young man failed? Had
that siren upstair beguiled him, as she
had beguiled one strongor and greater
than ho? Wna It powlble that she had
lured the whole sowst of their schemo
from tho prince nud then Induced him
to lenvo tho hotol whllo her arch ene
my fumed In the Balon, awaiting his
But, no; thcie were quick footsteps
outside tho door. Tho handle was
turned. At least his royal highness
was not n traitor.
As tho chancellor had confessed, ho
was growing old. Ho felt suddenly
very weak. His lips fell npnrt, trem
bling, yet ho would not utter the words
thnt hung upon them.
Fortunately the prince read the ap
peal In the glittering eyes nnd did no'
wnlt to be questioned.
"Well, I've seen the lady nnd had n
talk with her." he said In n voice
which was, the old man felt, somehow
different iu tone from what It had been
an hour ao.
"And Is sho tho person you have
known 7"
"Yes, she's a penou I havo known.
It's It's nil right nbout that plan of
yours, chancellor. Sho's going with me
to tho lodge."
"Ilcnven bo prnlsedl It seems al
most too good to bo true. When does
Bho go?"
"At once that Is, ns soon ns she
can get ready. Sho will dlno with me,
nnd my cquorry will stop behind nnd
cat tho dinner I had ordered here."
"Magnificent! Then Bho will go with
you nlono? Nothing could bo bettor
Tho presence of the alleged mother as
chnpbron would bo a drawback."
"Oh, no chaperon Is needed for us
two. Tho or mother remains at tho
hotel with n la a companion they
have, who Is 111. It was or somowlmt
dlfllcult to nrrange this matter, but I
don't think the plot I havo In mind
now will fall, provided you carry
through your pnrt as smnrtly nB I
hae carried mlno."
"You may depend upon mo. Your
roynl highness Is marvelous. Am I to
understand thnt tho lady goes with
you quite of her own free will?"
"Quito. I Hatter myself that sho's
rather pleased with tho Invltntlon. In
a few minutes I nud tho fnlr damsel
will bo spinning away for a drive In
my- red motor you know, the ono
which I nlways leave at tho lodge, to
bo ready for uso whenever I choose to
pny a flying visit. I shall keep her out
until It's dark to give you plenty of
time, but before stnrtlug I'll telcphono
to my chef that, after all, I shan't bo
away and ho must prepare dinner for
"I also will send a telcphono mas;
sage," sajd the chancellor.
"To Leopold?"
"Yes. your royal highness. This tlmo
there will bo no uncertainty in my
words to him. They will strlko home,
and even If ho should not bo intend
ing to como to Kronburg tonight they
will bring him."
"You aro sure you know whero to
catch tho emperor?"
"no'll telcphono mo from Felgarde
when ho has found those he sought aro
not there, ns he will, nnd I must bo nt
my houso to recolvo and answer his
message. It will soon be tlmo now."
"Very well; nil thnt seems to arrange
Itself satisfactorily," said the prince.
"Our motor drive can be stretched out
for an hour nnd n half. The lady will
then need to dress. Dinner can bo
kept back till half past 8, If It would
suit your book to break In upon us nt
tho tnhle. My dining room Isn't very
grand, but It has plenty of light and
color and wouldn't make a bad hack
ground for tho last act of this llttio
drama. What do you say. chnncellor?
I've always thought that your success
as a stage manager of the theater of
nntlons was partially duo to your eje
for dramatic effects."
"Such effects are not to bo despised,
considering tho nudlenco we enter for
in that theater."
"Well, I promise you that for pur
llttio amnteur play tonight lu my pri
vate theater tho footlights shall blp lit
tho stage set and two of the principal
puppets dressed aud painted for the
Bhow before 0. I suppose you can In
troduce tho leading man by that tlmo
or n llttio later?"
Tho bristling brows drew together
involuntarily. Count von Brelsteln
wns working without scruple ugalust
tho emperor for the emperor's good,
yet he winced nt his accomplice's light
Jest, and It was by an effort that he
kept n noto of disapproval out of his
"Unless I much mistake, his majesty
will order a special train ns soon as he
has had my message." said ho. "Thnt
and everything else falling as I con
fidently expect, I shall be ablo to bring
him out to your roynl highness' hunt
ing lodge n llttio after 0."
"You'll find us at the third course,"
prophesied tho prince.
"Naturally the emperor's nppearanco
will startle your visitor," went on tho
chancellor, keenly watching the young
man's extraordinarily handsome face.
"Sho would not daro tako the risk and
drive out with you, great as the temp
tation would no doubt be, did sho
dream that ho would learn of tho es
capade and follow. Indeed, yutir roy
nl highness must have found subtle
weapons ready to your bund thnt you
to soou broko through the armor of
her prudence. I expected much from
your ningnetlBm and resourceful wit,
yet I hardly dared hopo for such
Bpeedy, bucIi unqualified success as
this which now seems assured to us."
"My weapons wero shnrpencd on my
pnst acquaintance with tho pretty
lady," explained the prince; "otherwise
tho result might have been postponed
for as many days as I have delayed
moments, though at last the end might
have been the Baine."
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