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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1908)
$kSi- S.'.J ms. W!.T' K,i '"V"' && siSC, -w;'"' T,w. ' K?" . e- ,, ?;. . JR.. ' 1 ! 1 A J " ,- jft" SSteV. r mi "ix ffl&JlS" I,,,. . r a v ;&v. W: Rii ?.' LSi ... SSSSV & fRC" '- fig a 8 BP" F.'T"'? f - fc- -. t '- 'M&fu.-. . :"V 01111'. ' 'i- k:. :" j,? f Alliance Will Celebrate The Fourth of July i (Continued from First page.) Tush, Marcus Frankle.C. A. Newberry, Glen Miller, Harve Ellis and J. V. Guthrie and others for expression on the advisability of celebrating the Fourth. The expression was a unit in favor of the same and then a motion was made that the chair select execu tive and finance committees which are as follows: Executive, IraTash, Marcus Franklc, W. D. Rumerand Jack Miller; financial, C. A. Newberry, L. H, High land and W. W. Norton. The committee got busy at once the following day and funds are already raised sufficient to go ahead. The ex ecutive committee met and appointed sub-committees as follows: Committee on literary, speaking and music I. E. Tash. Publicity H. J. Ellis, T. J. O'Keefe W. S. Ridgell. Committee on parade, F, E. Holstcn; fireworks, W. O. Barnes: ball game and miner sports, J. W. Guthrie, G. G. Hampton. Committee on racing J. H. Vaughn, C. C. Smith, J. A. Hunter. While we are not able to give the program of the day in this issue, we can say that the same will be one of the most interesting that will be given in western Nebraska and wo have the committees' word for it that they will spare neither money nor pains to give the people something worth going miles to see. Two special features will be - 'base ball and automobile races of the most interesting kind. Besides this there will be attractions galore and next week The Herald will let you know all about what we are going to have on the glorious Fourth. In the meantime get all the folks ready to come to Al liance to celebrate in a manner that will make the young many years younger. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. I Alliance will celebrate the Fourth of July and don't you forget it. Daniel Eagan of Hyannis came up this morning on 41 to take in the stock show. m Miss Florence. Snoddy has returned from a brief visit to nearby eastern towns. ' - ' 4 Charley Tash has secured employ ment with on automobile company in Denver. The Misses Glen and Laura Mounts are visiting with friends in Hemingford this week. James Burns is attending the stock men's meeting aud renewing old ac quaintance. Mrs. Wood Milliken, of Bayard, is a guest of her mother, Mrs. C. D. Hall, for a few days. C. H. Vinsel has invested in a motor cycle and is having the time of his life in breaking it to ride. Mrs. B. Mewhirter and Mrs. M. E. Johnson have returned from a brief visit to Grand Island. N. K. Griggs, the well known attor ney of Lincoln, visited his nephew, G. L. Griggs, in this city Tuesday, W. O'Mara and Mat Cowlin, well known stockmen of Sheridan county, had business in Alliance Tuesday. The Ladies aid of the M. E. church was very pleasantly entertained Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. I. E. Tash. S. J. Wilson, who removed from Al liance to Iowa a year or so ago, is back here for a few days attending to busi ness matters. J. H. H. Hewett has been attending the sessions of the Grand Lodge of the Masonic Order at Omaha for several days this week. - P. K. Cbristensen, son Ejner, and Jesper Jesperson, substantial citizens of Nonpareil precinct, had business in Al liance yesterday. It rains nearly every day now, and the farmers are beginning to complain that so much moisture makes the weeds grow too fast. Wm. Matzat left yesterday for Toston, Mont., where he will take up his residence on a fine farm he recently bought near that place. Dr. C. E. Slagle has gone to Omaha, where he will visit with Dr. Allison for a few days, and then proceed to New York for a sojourn of several weeks. Messrs. Thos. and lohn Katen, Brad ford Fenner and T. L. Hopkins, stock men from the vicinity of Dunlap, are , in. the city to attend the convention. ' Mrs. G; F. Betts of tiucoln has joined her husband here and the pair will make Alliance their home. Mr. Betts is employed by the Alliance Grocery Co. Miller Brothers have received their new pea nut and pop corn wagon, ordered by them last January. They are now operating it on the streets and it is certainly a beauty. Among the Allfancc squad attending thf tfWe university at Lincoln, now at home on furlough, wo notice Earl Mai lery, Lloyd Smith, Pearly Beach and Lloyd Johnson, Herbert Butler. On account of an embargo west of Billings on the Northern Pacific, it wa, necessary to discontinue two passenger trains, 43 and 44, over this divisions and from all reports it will be some time before they will be resumed. Dr. Scoggins of Bridgeport, former proprietor of the Bridgeport News, dropped into the Herald printery yes terday. The doctor was eurouto to Omaha with a carload of cattle. Bet a cow he didn't make the cattle in the printing business. Ode Scofield and family arrived in Alliance a few days ago and will visit here for some time with relatives. Ode is an old-time- railroader, having been employed its a conductor until a few years ago, when he left the service aud moved to Nampa, Idaho. Jay J. Keegan. whp has been attend ing the Kansas state university at Law renco lor the past year, has returned homo and will settle down on the farm with his father, J. A. Keegan, and show the "old man" some new wrinkles in the way of scientific farming. Dr. Bellwood was called to the Phc Ian ranch southeast of Alliance last Saturday afternoon to patch up Will Otto, who sustained a broken ankle by being thrown from a wagon by a pair of fractious mules. The wagon turned turtle and fell hard upon Otto, Percy H. Cogswell, past exalted ruler of the Elks lodge of this city, was the recipient of a handsome gold watch last Friday evening, a gift from a number of his friends in appreciation of his untiring work In behalf of the lodge during his administration. G. L. Shumway, of Scottsbluff, ,was a welcome visitor at The Herald office Monday. Mr. Shumway is secretary of the North Platte Chautauqua Asso ciation and was here advertising the coming meeting of the association at Scottsbluff August 7-16. See ad. A number of the little friends of Rev. Westley's 7-year old daughter :Thelma gathered at her home Wednesday after noon and celebrated her birthday. . It was an enjoyable occasion for all par ticipants. A substantial luncu was served at 5 o'clock. Many pretty pres ents were received by little Thelma. Miss Wilma Wood returned home from Lincoln Sunday, bringing with her the degree of A. B., which was con ferred upon her by the State University of Nebraska, from which she graduat ed. Amongst her other baggage Miss Wood also brought back a permit to teach school as long as she shall live or remain single. The Herald stated last week, on what was believed to be reliable information, that Brakeman Daughtry's death was caused by the carelessness of the engi neer. We are convinced that our re porter was misinformed aud that The Herald unintentionally did the engineer an cruel injustice. Hence this "amende honorable." No member of the train crew was in the least blamable for the deplorable occurrence. During the temporary absence of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Kreamer from their residence last evening, someone entered the house, supposedly with burglarious intentions, but was frightened away by the early return of the family, before be could collect any plunder. The in truder, in his hasty retreat from the house, dropped a new baseball, which the doctor will gladly return to him, with a 32-caliber ball for interest, if he will call during business hours. Geo. E. Younkin. who recently acquired ownership ot tne rox room ing bouse and the Becker restaurant has taken posession of the former busi ness and Mr. Becker will turn the res taurant over to him next week. Mr, Younkin is a thorough business man and will cater to the public in a manner that will please the largo patronage the place has always had. Mr. Becker and wife will enjoy ia well earud vacation which will include an overlaud trip to the Yellowstone park. Cy. Laing went to Crawford Monday and arrested Ed. Harden on a charge of burglarizing Desche's meat market. The market was "broken into Saturday night and a small sum of money and a quart bottle of highly prized "cough medicine" abstracted. Harden .had been working for Desch, but be jumped bis job and also the town, therefore suspicion and Cy. Laing fell upon him'. He was arraigned before Judge Berry, and waiving examination, was held to court, and failing to furnish bail, was remanded to jail. FREE ENTERTA INMEKT FOR STOCKMEN Whitten' MoiIng Pictures and Illustrated Songs and Grand Ball-All Fres fir Visiting Guists and tha Public Generally In the Phelan Opera House Friday Night. Satisfactory arrangements were corn completed yesterday whereby the en tertainment committee has succeeded in securing the opera house for Friday night. Prof. Whitten has no desire to in any way antagonize citizens in their desire to use the opera houso for a free entertainment for visiting guests and he surrendered his prior right to the house. In return for the courtesy, the committee has engaged him to give one half hour exhibition of his moving pic tures in the house, which will be free to the public at the expense of the com mittee. This pcrformadco will begin shortly after 8 o'clock p. 111. and will bo over by 9 o'clock, immediately after which the grand stockmen's annual ball will open and continue the balance of the evening as has .been customary. The opera houso will be used this Thursday evening by Prof. Whitten who will give a two-hour exhibition of .moving pictures and illustrated sougs. Having given exhibitions in Alliance for several years past he is no stranger to our city for in past years his shows have filled the opera house to its capa city and everyone went away highly pleased. He will close his engagement Saturday night. Prices for each enter tainment Thursday night and Satur day night will be 10 cents for children and 20 cents for adults. Social Events. Mrs. C. H. Tully entertained a large party of friends Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. F. W. Hurris entertained a number of lady friends at a dinner party Monday evening. Mrs. R. J. Lawrence will give a luncheon this afternoon complimentary to Mrs. W. C, Taylor and mother, Mrs. Davidson, who will soon remove to Sheridan, Wednesday evening Mrs. W. E. Cotant gave a reception in honor of Mrs. F. M. Dorrington, Mrs. J. Caps Cornell, Mrs. W J. Adams and Mrs,', Ellen Ford, who are the guests of rela tives nnrl frinnrla in A11innri ''M The Fort Robinson baseball team played two games with the Alliance team on the latter's grounds this week'. On Sunday Alliance treated the soldier boys to a mess of goose eggs, defeating them by a score of 7 to o, and Monday rubbed it in by putting Uncle Sam's minions to rout to the tune of 19 to 1. Bridgeport will tackle our conquering heroes tyere today and tomorrow. Have you tried Nohe's bread? 23-tf Five - room house for rent. G, W. Jones. Estray Notice. Strayed onto my premises about No vember 1907, one blue roan mare un branded, weight about 1000 pounds, age about 7 years. Owner can have same by proving property. Walter R. Kent, sec. 12, twp 26, R 46, Sheridan county. Wanted. Someone to break 40 acres prairie near Alliance; will pay $2.25 per acre. Inquire at Herald office. Krug extra pale beer, $4.50 per case, pints or quarts; Si. 20 back for empties. Luxus, S5.25 per case, $1.20 back for empties. Good whiskey, 3 a gallon; better whiskey 4 per gallon. F. O. B. Bridgeport, Neb. Address-. P. Fowl ston, Bridgeport, Neb. 24-4 Let the John Hague company figure on your tin and galvanized iron work; also plumbing and heating.' Lost Small gold locket with initials "L. C. T." engraved on front. Reward for return to Lloyd C. Thomas, room 20, Rumcr block, Alliance. 24-2 For Sale An extra good four-year old dark brown Percheron stallion. Enquire at the Phillips livery barn or address J, A. Keegan, Alliance, 2t The John Hague Co., hardware.heat ing and plumbing, also tin and galvan ized work. For Rent At 4-room quire at Herald office. house. In- Forty acres of hay land to lease. For further particulars inquire of P. J. .Nolan. 26-tf Taks Notice. All persons indebted to Everett Cook are requested to pay at once. Account8 not settled by May 20, will be placed I in the hands of a collector. f2?i2 2!a' 232 3; RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS v'tlfrMli S S 31 l'I"t i4 S Si 3!v Mrs. Ross Paul is visiting friends and relatives iri'Ouiaha. Brakeman D. L. Stewart is sojourn ing in Kansas City this week. Conductor B. Ponath and family arc In Deadwood visiting relatives. Mrs. W. F. Kicntop is visiting in Mitchell this week with relatives. Mrs. W. L. Austin and son, of Sen eca, are visiting relatives in Alliance. Mrs. Geo. McGill is on an extended visit in Ottumwa, Iowa, with friends. Brakeman O, S. Brush is visiting homo folks in Sargent for a few weeks, Clare Mewhirter, of the telegraph of fice, spent a few days in Graud Island last week. Mrs.W. A. Gricb lelt a few days ago for Deadwood, where Mr. Gricb is now employed. Mrs. B, I. Joder and children are visiting relatives iu Paxtou, 111., for a few weeks. Conductor J. H. Cantlin and wife are spending a few weeks with friends and relatives in Fremont. Fireman J.J. Rogers and B. W. Rear don are taking a lay-off aud will spend a few days in Denver. Conductor T. R. Randall and family are visiting relatives and iriends at Chadron for a few days. L. S. Sage, formerly agent at this place, now of Beatrice, was in the city Saturday renewing acquaintances. Mrs. L. Dartlctt returned to her home in Denver Sunday, after spcudiug a few days visiting her husband iu this city. Mrs. F. O'Connor left Sunday for an extended visit with relatives and friends iu Burlington, Iowa, aud Quincy, 111, Mrs. J. G. Beck and daughters Inez aud Haxel aro on an extended visit with relatives and friends at Omaha aud other points. Fireman E. F. Gleason is taking a well-earned vacation and is visitiug friends and relatives in the eastern part of the state. G. M. Reynolds, formerly master mechanic at this place, was an Alliance visitor Saturday. George is living on a farm near Bayard at present. On account of slack business only one crew is working on Crawford, hill, Engineer Hawkins and Fireman Peter son having been transferred to Alliance. ngiEneer F. E. Allen and family loft on 41 Sundav for Sheridan, where he will participate in the annual trap shoot tournament to be held in that city this week. Eucino 6& struck and killed an Ital ian laborer named Thomas GuilitWl near ijuena vista, b. u.t last batur-, day. ' Guilitto was on a handcar alone, and did not hear the approaching train, and on account of the darkness the en gineer rould not see him. BuildhTgloTSale. I offer for sale cheap, the frame build ing now used for. the Burlington lunch station at Alliance. It is 2ox5o,covered with cor-rugated iron and would be valuable for many purposes. Call at Hotel North west cafe for particulars. 23-tf T. H. 13ARNES. Notice. All parties knowing themselves in debted to King's Place, are requested to call and settle at once. All accounts not settled by May 20, will be placed with a collector. Special sale of muslin underwear Regan's. rwwwwvw. For rent furnished room, close Inquire at Herald office. at in. Wanted. by wholesale phonograph company, one in each county, to fill out weekly in formation list, $10 to $100 monthly. W. Williams, Chana, 111. Watch Lost Lost on road between F McCoy's and Bonner, open-faced gold watch; end of chain broken off. Reward for return to Gene Sights or The Herald office. Wanted Man and wife Inquire at Herald office. on ranch. 23-tf For a pleasant evening's entertain ment go to the Crystal Picture Parlors. Seven-room house, city water, barn, for rent. A. D.Rodgers. 23-tf. Have you seen that washing machine yet? Easiest running machine made. Only 57.00. At A. D. Rogers. 23-tf, For sale Three-year-old mulley Polled bull cheap, at John McNulty's, oue mile north of town. Lost Gold bracelet with amethyst setting. Reward for recovery. Leave at The Herald office. Lost Silver watch, Elgin works, gold stem, gold hands, with a leather fob and Alliance high school pin. Reward for return to Herald office. Elmer Reed. 22-tf n. The John Hague Co. Windmills, Pumps and Hardware. . For a pleasant evening's entertain ment go to the Crystal Picture Parlors The "Alaska". Coldest refrigerator sold in Alliance. Buy 'em of Geo. D. Darling. We are moving to larger offices over the Alliance National Bank WE HAVE TO--We are doing the largest business In Box Butte County NEBRASKA LAND CO. ALLIANCE J. C. McCorkle, Mgr. GQQQOQQQOCiQ The Best Roof is tho roof that requires tho least attention. Rubcrotcl Roofing has proved by its uncqualed record of 1G years' satisfactory service, that it requires less attention than any other roofing made. nun oil & TrJ. Mirk lug. U. S. l't. OS. is especially prepared for use onRuberoid roofs. It revitalizes the roofing and adds years to its life. Is the most perfect preparation for its purpose that has ever been compounded. FOR METAL ROOFS, use S PC Flexible Iron Paint. It's a splendid preservative. Stops leaks and prevents rusting. Manufactured by THE STANDARD PAINT COMPANY, New York. FOR SALE BY ooooooooooooo BUSfNESS LOCALS. i Another one of thoso great big cars' of new furniture just unloaded at Geo. D. Darling's store. Tell him your fur niture needs. We always have money to loan on farm land and city property. i8-tf F. E. Reddish. Try Pardy's Cottage Bread. ; Just received a car lord of fertilizer for lawns. You'll have to ljurry to get BOme. J. Rowan. 4t. . Go1 t,o Patdy.'s ' Bakery for your' Pies anil Cakes. WWWW1WW, Freezers and Squeezers, for Ico Cream and Lemons. Geo. D. Darling's store. See F. E. Reddish for loans on real estate. 27-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk George D. Darling, Housefurnisher, haB everything to furnish your home. Go to him for your needs in this Hue. Just received, a car of famous John Deere & Velio buggies that will be sold at a sacraflce or will trade for horses. 5I-tt J. K. JORDAN. Try tho new shop. Phono 498. 33-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. For Sale Good six-room house, quire of P. R. Workman, Alliance. In- Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Let Geo. D. Darling figure youcfloor covering. He will cut it and lay it'and save you money. Parties desiring to build, improve or repair, will save money by figuring with S. C. Reck before spring work opens Up. " wrvv Pardy's Bakery is 114 West Montana street. r-. The Denver Times delivered to your house every day for 65c per month. Leave your order at the Bee Hive store. Lost A largeopeu-faced silver watch with Elk's head on back. Return to A. J. Macy or The Herald office and re ceive reward. For Sale Four head of Shorthorn bulls. These are good animals, from the Ed. Meyers herd. May be seen at my ranch. Wm. Welch, Bingham, Neb. ' 4W NOTIOB OF INCOUI'OUATION OP THE I'llKEMAN CATTLE COMPANY 1, The namo of this corporation shall bo Tho Freuinan uaiuo uouiuaur. Its nrlncloal ulace of business tiliall bo at Ellsworth. Slii-Tldan county, Nebraska conducted slmll bo the buyliiK mid nollinc of xne Kenurui niuuro 01 1110 mieini-hs u 00 citttlu una other livebtoclc, mid tlio production ot tho name for tho markut una bale. Also to hold, purchase, bell and tnorlKKU real 'estate: 4. The amount of capital stock uuthnrUed Is Fifty Thousand Dollars, divided Into shares ot Ono Hundred Dollars each, of which al least Twenty Thouaund Dollurs thall Iw paid iu at the time of commeuceinent of business. 5, The corporation shall begin business on tho 11th day of May, lttus, uud hhall continue for a period of twenty yearn, unlesa soonerdla Kolved by a majority of threo-ilfths of tho stock & The highest amount of Indebtedness for which this corporation shall be liable at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. 7. Tho uffalrsof this corporation shall bo managed by a board pf directors consisting of threo persons who shall be stockholders in the corporation and Who shall serve for a trm of ono yearatter the uunual meeting of the stock holder, or until their successors in, office are elected. W. O. OOMSTOOK GKO..KKEEMAN UARTLKTT IUCHARDH fp Junell-Iw Lloyd C Thomas, Sect. MMdHMiHI NE PAINT Will you be one? One's Customers are his BEST Advertisements . TZ. I AM now prepared to do any and all kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing in the most scientific and , satisfac tory manner possible. . . Prompt service positively assured and satis faction guaranteed. Will call for and deliver mantle clocks at any address" within tho city. F. P. YOUNG WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN Phone 104 204 Box Butte Ave. Latest Designs in Post Cards AT BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE Our stock is unusually large and include handsome local and foreign views, also comic and artistic varieties that will interest yon. Call and look them over. Dip Your Sheep The First of June Dipping sheep is an operation that is performed once a year only as a rule and it is important that this once should prove effective. The right sort of dip is one that should destroy all insets or parasites and should have a healing and tonic effect on the skin without any possibility of injury. ZENOLEUM meets all these requirements, We believe it is the best one made. S. C. Reck wilL quote you .prices on all kinds of mill wprk, tanks, screens, Storm sash and' repairwork. Largest stock pf Rugs, Carpets, Lin oleums, Floor Oil Cloth and Mattings in Alliance. Geo. D. Darling.s store. 1 ii j jm