The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 11, 1908, Image 2
! ii P k h f HEMINGFORD Postmaster W. P. Walker. Editor. Mrs. J. T. Carey wa on tho ick list last week. Chas. llashoell returned from Morrcll last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. John Moravek were in from Canton last Monday. Mrs. and Mrs. J. S. Thorp were in from Sioux county the first oHhe week. Mrs. EgRcrs spent several days in the country lust week a guest at the Klemko home. The H, D. 0. are taking steps toward an entertainment which they will give to the public in a short lime. Mr. and Mrs, E. S. Kinsley were in town Saturday doing some trading and re newing old acquaintance. The Misses Jean and Lee Rustln arrived tho first of the week to spend their vaca tion with relatives and friends. The many friends of Roy Hickey will be glad to know that he is recovering from his recent illness quite rapidly. Mrs. Dunham is visiting old friends in Hemingford this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dunham live near Oayard now, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Hughes departed for Wood Lake, Neb., last Thursday, where Walter has a position on a ranch. The Misses Lois and Ruth Wildy spent tho greater part of last week in the country with Grandpa and Grandma Ncoland. Lewis Mauck was brought to town Tues day with a broken shoulder. Dr. Eikner reduced the fracture and Louis is doing nicely. Uncle Zeke Mabin is reported qui to sick at his home southwest of town, He has been confined to his bed for the past three weeks, Alex Muirhcad's new liouso cast of the M. E. parsonage is fast nearing comple tion. It will be oue of tho finest resi dences in town. Simon Ivcrson has been appointed cat tle Inspector for the Dunlap locality. He says tho dipping vat will bo ready for use in about a week. N. J. Kinsley. Hank Clayton, Frank McCart, Roy flindman and Pete Parrel wore Sioux countyites noticed on our streets recently. Four new gas lights were placed in the Congregutional church last week, which adds much to the comfort and general ap pearance of the church. Mrs. Chas. Shilling and children from Crawford are visiting Mrs, Shilling's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kinsley and other relatives and friends. Missss Laura and Glen Mounts came up fr6m Alliance Monday to visit their friends and to attend the birthday party in honor of Miss Gertrude Olds. Col. Fosket now has his residence lighted by gas, which adds much to his already neat and comfortable home. The Colonel believes in keeping up with the times. Several of the young folks from here at tended the dance last Friday night at Jim Hollenrake's. Thev report a fine time such as they always have at Hollenrakes, The lecture at the Congregational church Monday evening was well attended and a neat little sum realized which will go quite a long way in helping pay for the new lights. Carey Johnson came down fromChadron last Saturery and remained with home folks until Sunday afternoon when he went on to Alliance to attend Junior Normal. Helper Costly is laying off for a few days on account of a badly Jammed hand. He is relieved by Clare Mewhirter. Mr. Costly will visit his parents and wife at Chadron, Tho Misses Clara liurri and Gladys Durlelgh were passengers for Alliance Sunday afternoon, where they will attend . Junior Normal, which opened Monday and continues six weeks. Miss Lucy Feldler and mother took Monday morning's train for Alliance, lay tli' From there Mrs. Feldler goes t6 Mitchell for a visit and Miss Luc returns to their home at David City. B. F. Hutchinson left last week Thurs day for Chadron to see a sister who was in very poor health. When he arrived at Chadron he found that sho had been taken to a hospital at Sioux City. A telegram from Mrs. Fred Neeland last Sunday evening brought the sad news of Mr, Esaney's death at his home in Council Bluffs that evening. We extend sympathies to the bereaved family and frlnnds. We acknowledged a very pleasant call from Miss Helen Phillips of the Alliance postotfice force. Miss Phillips had been enjoying a well deserved vacation. Miss Phillips visMed Inends in Omaha and Lincoln and then still longing for the scenes and warm friends of Hemingford decided fo spend a day in our town before returning to work. Miss Gertrude Olds entertained a goodly number of her young lady friends Tues day afternoon, June 9, it being her 15th birthday. Games and music were indulged in, after which an experienced fortune tel ler read the future of each and every one present. This afforded much amusement andfun. Lastly, but by no means least, were the refreshments and which Mrs. Olds knew so well how to serve. Miss Gertie received a number of fine presents as tokens of the frienship in which she is held. MARSLAND. Rev, McLaughlin of the Presbyterian church of Alliance was in town recently. Thad Slider of Crawford was in this valley last week looking itfter a bunch of stock being kept by the Kendric Bros. Mr. Jones of Shubert, Neb , an old friend of Dr. Willis, was here the latter part of the week visiting the Willis family, Miss Anna llovorca left recently for Montana whera she will visit for a time with brother and family. Mrrand Mrs. Wm. Burton of Sheridan, Wyo., are here for a visit with Mrs. Bur ton's parents. Mr, and Mrs T. J. Poole, and other relatives. Their arrival was de layed for some time on account of wash outs on the B. & M. There was a shooting affray in town Sunday and as a result one victim was laid low. L. T. Poole, one of our mer chants, sallied forth upon the street with a six-shooter in each bad and blood in his eye, pursuing a poor, old. grizzly, gray, lean, lank hound which had been Invading his kitchen and poultry yard for sometime and as a result one mora dog went to kingdom come. Mario Walbridge came from Edgemont on Friday to rlslt at Mr. Richie's and to take music lessons of Miss Nation who has a class of seven pupils at this place. The Douck brothers, who were summon ed to Chadron as witnesses in the Petti piece trial, returned Sunday and George Richie drove them to their ranch. Tho case was not decided when they left. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Tollman of near Dolmont drove down Thursday nnd were doing work at the cemetery. Mrs. L- Snow and Mrs. C. A. McGogy spent last Friday at the James Hollenrake home twelve miles east of town. We forgot to mention last week the marriage of Miss Mary Rohde and Mr. Brush Hall, which took ylace at Alliance recently. They are stopping for the pres ent with Mr. and Mrs. Ora Dickinson. E. C. Kendric, who accompanied his wife to Hot Springs S. D where she re mained for medical treatment, received word that she was not so well, but later, that she was improving, E. A. Tollman and Miss Emile Jacobson are in Alliance this week on business be fore the land office, tho former submitting proof on a soldier's Kinkaid homestead, the latter on a quarter taken before the Kinkaid homestead law was passed. Otis Basse of South Table has put in about 70 acres of grain on C. A. McGogy's place west of town. The river has been on a boom tho past few days but is rapidly receding. Il kept a force of men working all night Friday to save the dam and dike at li. 1. (jreggs, About all the dams and bridges west of hero are out. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Moore of 33 ranche were in town on Saturday and report a little camping out experience they had Thursday night. They had driven to Craw ford and on returning in the evening lound the valley flooded. There was no recourse but to remain in their vehicle all night on the opposite side from their home, with out bedding or food. In the morning onn of the sons swam his horse across the river taking them sandwiches and coffee, and after a little theflood went down so that they crossed over to their home. Mrs. H. L. Richardson and son Ilarley arrived here Friday for a visit with Mrs. R.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Richie. They have been living in and near Sacra mento, Cat., for several months and were well pleased with that sunny clime, but say that like most every other place it has its drawbacks. Ralph Thomas is up from Alliance visit ing his young friends. N. G. Poole has his cattle dipping plant in operation and a great many cattle are being put through. The clean have, to suffer with the unclean. Pete Allison of OU ranch is attending to the itchey cattle up the river and was down the other day after a load of oil. C. A. McGogy has had another hard at tack of his old complaint recently, and al though able to be around again, does not feel very brisk. He has decided that he will have to give up his store business md seek another location and for that reason he is offering for sale one-half interest in the McGogy-Poole Trading Co. business, also three-quarter sections of land west of town. This business is a good snap for any person wishing to invest along this ljne. A good trade is established and there is no better ranch town in the west than Mars land. The King's Daughters, to tho number of fifteen, with several visitors, met in a business meeting at Mrs. L. Snow's Thursday. After the exercises, refresh ments were served, Do You Owe Any Back Tax? If so, Better See the County Treasurer. To the county treasurer of Box Butte county, Nebraska: You are hereby ordered by tho coun ty commissioners to collect all back tax duo the county and to issue distress warrants on all delinquents who have been notified and have neglected to pay. By order county commissioners. By V. C. Mounts, May 14. County Clerk. Notice. The starting of numerous fires in the al leys and neglect of same before extinguish ed is a very careless practice and may be the cause of a disastrous fire in the city. The public is hereby cautioned not to set out a fire while the wind is blowing, nor to leave one burning at any time without watching same. Anyone violating this order will be arrested and prosecuted. C. C. Smith, Mayor. Attest: W. O. Barnes, Clerk. Oh! Say! We are the men Jhe people have looking fori been TTT-e Bepaix Furniture of all kinds, also stoves uicycies, uaoy carriages, sewing machines and umbrellas In fact, almost anything to be repaired We take up carpets,clean and lay them Furniture and Carriage Upholstering a Specialty Furniture crated with care All work satisfactory Located back of Kibble's office All work called for PHONE 653, Lamberson & Clason THEY TOOK A BATH In Snake River at Idaho Falls, Ida. Narrow Escape of Sells & Note's ElephantsTo Be Here Next Week A well known traveling man tells tho following interesting story in a Helena, Mont., paper of recent date: "Tho arrival in Helena today of the Sells Floto circus reminds me of one of tho most spectacular events I have ever Been," said Bcnnic K. Loeb, the well known traveling man, who makes his headquarters in this city. "My itinerary took mo to Idaho Falls last week on the same day that the cir cus was schedolcd for that city. The day was windy in fact, so great was the velocity of the wind that tho tent was almost blown down. And I am coming to the point of the story now. I have read accounts that the wind was responsible for tho stampede of the ele phants, but this was not the case. "The elephants were being taken out for a bath in a canal near by, and so thoroughly had they been trained that only one man accompanied them. Tho elephants waded across the canal, and there being no one to turn them, they proceeded to the banks of the Snake river. The river at this point is very swift, and runs between solid walls of rock which stand twenty-five feet above the water level. "Tho elephants saw the water below, and evidently seized with a desire for swimming, jumped over the cliffs, The current is said to be the swiftest found in existence, nnd there is no way of es caping, once in the water between the walls. Not a few persons, cows and horses have fallen over these walls and not ono of them escaped alive, "The town was crowded with visitors and the whole community was quite naturally much interested in the out come. Tho animals were very valua ble, being held at 30,000 by the own ets, and the fact that no person or an imal had ever escaped death after fall ing in the Bwift, deep stream made the situation a tense oue. "Along with the others I rushed to the top of the precipice aud could see but little of the floundering animals. At one moment it would be a foot, then a back and then a trunk. That an ele phant is a powerful swimmer was dem onstrated beyond all doubt, however, as all escaped through the channel to the flats below and crawled out safely. "After emerging from the waters the animals were greatly excited. They were finally captured, the tents packed, and the circus left town none the worse for wear and richer in experience. The circus manager told me that the animals were worth $30,000, but that when he saw where they had fallen and into such a turbulent stream, he would not have given one dollar apiece for them." This entire herd of Sells-Floto per forming elephants are doing their reg ular work daily with the big show and seem to feel no worse after their most remarkable adventure. Herr Christo pher Zeitz, their trainer, will be pleased to tell you all about this wonderful pic nic in the water. The big show, entire, complete in ev ery detail, with a monster morning pa rade, will exhibit at Alliance on Friday, June 19. Better arrange your plans to go, as it will be the only large circus that will visit here this year, and none better will come any time. Notice to Alliance Property Owners. Notice is hereby given all Alliance owners of real estate that alleys, vacant places and streets adjoining must be cleaned without delay, of all waste papers, refuse, manure, etc. Prompt attention and compliance with .this notice will saye costs. C. C. SMITH, Mayor, W. O. BARNES, City Clerk. Some High-Class Short-Horn Bulls. I raised the bull calf that took first premium, also calf that took fifth in same class, in open competition, at our State fair in September 1907. My herd took fourteen ribbons, altogether. 1 now have thirty bulls, from one to three years old, which I would like to sell for fall delivery; a car load. I will sell from twelve to twenty; you take your pick for $ 100 each. I will keep them for two months, feed them oats, alfalfa, etc., get them in good shape'. You take them in December, winter them at home, and they will do you some good. J. G. Brenizek, 43-1 year Broken Bow, Neb. Warning. Any person or persons found guilty of marring or in any way destroying newly finished cement walks, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Attest: C. C. Smith, Mayor, W. O. Barnes, City Clerk. Coming to Alliance Friday,June1 9 Admission, Adults 50 cents, Children, 25 cents SELLS - Circus-Menagcrie-HippodromelVild West lOQ-STARTLINQ, SUPERB, SENSATIONAL AND STUPENDOUS 3UE.PRISES-100 30-GHANh P10N AEPiIAUSTS IN THE 20-6HAKPIDN ACROBATS PERFORMING AT QKGE-20 10-CHAKPION EQUES TRIANS 10 : 30-SLGWHS MAKING FOOLS OF ONE ANOTEg. SAME TIME-30 2G-MAR-VEIQUS ACTS AT 6NE TS5&E-20 Cp$t 1908, Stlh. Si Fbla mi m iwa; 30 YES m c4vj M 30 CLOWNS SEE THEM WHILE YOU CAN.' A Band of Sioux Warriors! "by Special Permission of U. S. Government Illustrate Indian Life -Horsemanship -Dascrag-In Native Costume- Battle Scenes ofWiId,Wt, LOW RATE SUMMER TOURS TO CHICAGO, AND EASTERN RESORTS: Republican convention tickets on sale June 12 to 16. Daily low excursion rates commencing- June 10th to Canada and New York tourist resorts; also low excursion rates to tourist resorts in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, via Montreal. Via Albany, Thursday of each week, commencing" June nth. Daily tourist rates to Michi gan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Northern New York, Vermont, etc. TO COLORADO Cheap excursion tickets to Denver early in July for the Democratic National Con vention. TO THE PACIFIC COAST Daily low round trip rates to California and the northwest. Go via Portland and return via California. HELP US SETTLE UP YOUR COUNTRY Excursion rates twice a month from the East to the West, Excellent chances yet to secure irrigated lands along our line near Garland, Wy oming, and Billings, Montana, and Carey Act Jands near Cody, Basin, Lovell and Worland, Wyo. Write your friends back East about these chances and send their names to D. Clem Deaver, Land seekers' Information Bureau, Omaha. Vuie, tCrt. W. L. Wakblky, G. P. A., Omaha. Net FLOTO AIR AT ONE TIKE . AT TH 'JLKi '&. tm mMmPMm Shimmering Ba- &i?i w ': m m :" 1 M Vvt:-i-. h& uw luuHfiwflfcHU Utl It A A M AtoaWMftMB amm aai II Ml M Mfc EHHIDH IN REE! TO ALL STOCKMEN WRITE TO TGG BROS. Live Stock Commission Company South Omaha, Neb., or South St. Joseph, Mo., and they will send you their celebrated Weekly Market Tag, free of charge during the shipping season. Typewriters for Rent Machines cleaned and repaired Expert Public Stenographer Work done neatly and quickly at reasonable prices. Lloyd C. Thomas Phone 281 Room 20, Rumor Block H. NELSON, 1 Painting, Paper Hanging and Kalsomining Phone 641 Agnce' Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone No. S. Alliance, Nebraska. RARE WILD BEASTS' FROM EVERY CLIME. 58 t ft i-" FREE x STREET PARADE Moving in Ma jestic March, Under Irr descent m a A Jl A 10:30 A. M. ners- Free Exhibition on Show Lot on Arri val of Parade 10 Acres of Waterproof Tents-Come, Rain or, Shine-2 Shows Daily Afternoon and Night, DOUBLE HERD OF GIANT PERFORMING ELEPHANTS FREE HORSE SHOW digress ? Bsutifal Womso; YANKEE 000M.E 8PE0TAQU-: ssureuai tlATt IIUVKS) THIP ALL HJHLIMM SX StE,KlEni& When you plan your. home remember the importance of Good Plumbing: l do sanitary work and guar antee it. I install Standard bath room fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heat ing with modern, up-to-date Ideal Boilers and American Radiators right in my line. FRED BRENNAN New Machine Shop. R. E. Rodgers, a practical machin ist, has opened up a general repai shop in Gadsby's carpenter shop, back of Bogue's store. He will give special attention to repairing automobiles, sew ing machines, guns and all kinds of machinery. Reasonable charges and patisfaction guaranteed. Give him a call. Telephone 303. Well Drilling. I am now prepared to put down tubu. lar wells, deep or shallow. Satisfaction gnaranteed. For further information inquire at The Herald office or of Robert Littick, Long Lake, Neb.