The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 04, 1908, Image 6

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. St" -Jt Jt. -
Speaks fcr Elghteon Hours and Forty
Threo Minutes Money Bill Becomes
a Law Public Building Bt.l Is
Passed Burkett Explains Coup.
Tho sonato session will bo momorablo
on account of tho flllbuBtor of LaFol
lctto, Stono and Ooro against tho
emergency currency bill, tho rotnark
able Interpretations of tho ruloa which
go far to establish closuro In a body
noteworthy for tho freedom of dobato
and by tho flnal passage of tho cur
rency bill. LaJtilotto broko tho rec
ord as a long dlstanco speakor, having
spokon for olghtoon hours and forty
threo minutes.
Tho passago of tho government em
ployes' liability bill and tho adoption
of tho oonforonco reports on tho pub-.
lie buildings and tho dollcloncy appro
priation bills Immediately followod
final action on tho Aldrich-Vrooland
compromlso on tho currency moasuro.
To thoso who gavo closo attention
to tho ovonts In tho sonato during
tho flllbuBtor which marked tho clos
ing of tho session, tho chango In tho
Interpretation of tho somito rules was
considered of far greater Import than
tho filibuster Itself. Senator Bur
liett (Neb.), who gavo closo attention
to tho parliamentary tactics employed
by tho majority to bring tho obstruc
tion to an end, thus summarized tho
changes which woro accomplished :
First Tho vtco president an
nounced that It was within tho prov
inco of tho chair to count a quorum
and that ho would not order a roll call
If a quorum was actually prosont,
Second Tho sonato, by a voto upon
a point of ordor, submlttod to It by
tho vlco presldont, dctormlnod that
tho question of "no quorum" could not
bo raised until aftor Intervening busi
ness If the provious roll call had dis
closed a quorum present and that do
bato was not such Intervening busi
ness. Third A rule of tho senato which
In practtco had always lain dormant
wjis Invokod, prohibiting a senator
.from addressing tho sonato upon any
question moro than twico In any ono
Tho result of thoso throo Interpreta
tions of tho rules mako it absolutely
lmposslblo to prolong dobato Indefi
nitely and thud makes a flllbuBtor Im
possible whoro tho end of tho session
is indeterminate. Dy refusing to ad
journ and thus continuing tho same
day until tho legislation shall bo en
acted. It Is only a matter of tlmo un
til any filibustering contingent con bo
successfully worn out.
Indians to Sover Tribal Relations and
Become Mexican Citizens.
After a war which has continued In
termittently for moro than 120 years,
tho Yaqul nation, as a nation, Is about
to suitor the throes of dissolution, to
sovor tribal relationa and its members
aro to sottlo down into peaceable and
law-abiding Mexican cIUzoub. Orig
inally numbering twenty thousand or
moro people, thoy have novor yet ac
knowlodgcd tho authority of tho Mex
ican government, but tho end 1b fast
coming and tho Yaqul nation will soon
bo a thing of tho past Although
Christianized by tho Spanish fathers,
they steadfastly refused to accopt tho
dominion of Spain and as Boldlers In
the revolutionary army materially aid
ed In driving tho Spaniards from tho
country and In later years against tho
armies of tho ropubllc thoy stubbornly
maintained .tholr freedom. Beaten by
armies In tho field, they retreated to
tho mountains of Bacatote, and waged
unrelenting guerrilla warfare. Quar
ter was neither asked nor given and
tho innocont on both sides suffered
with tho guilty. When exhausted by
long struggles, there have been Inter
vals of peace, but under the thon ex
isting conditions theso could not bo
lasting, and tho first overt act on
, tho part of tho Indians or the gov
ernment led to other bloody and deter
mined struggles.
Tho Yaqul country Is rich In natural
Investigates Methods of Treating Lep
rosy on Island of Molokal.
Dr. Koch, tho Gorman bacteriologist,
who for somo tlmo has been staying
In Honolulu on his trip around tho
world, returned from a visit to tho fa
mous lopor settlement on tho island of
Molokal, whithor ho went for tho pur
pose of Investigating tho method of
treating loprosy, which has boon a
porplexing problem In tho Islands and
tho Orient.
Dr. Koch was taken to Molokal as
tho guest of tho German consul, Will
iam Pfotcnhauer, on tho Chilean
steamer Koau Hau, especially char
tered for tho trip, and was accompa
nied by Dr. Walter Brickerhoff, in
chargo of tho federal loprosnrlum; Dr.
L. F. Cofer, president of tho United
Stntos marine hospital service at Hon
olulu, and H. Focko, Chilean consul
horo. Dr. Koch mode a most careful
examination of the settlement, taking
many notos on what ho saw and ques
tioning many of tho unfortunates, but
was reticent in expressing himself ox-
copt on tho general conduct and con
dition of tho camp. As to tho sccntlflc
treatment of tho dt-eod diseaso,
whothor a pormanent euro might bo
discovered as a result of experiments
now being made by Bcientiats, ho de
clined to bo quoted.
"I visltod tho settlement," Bald Dr.
Koch, "principally to learn throo
things, namely, tho method of admin
istration, tho contentment and sur
roundings of tho lopora and whether
climatic, racial or othor conditions re
sulted in Bpeclal forms af develop
ment of tho diseaso. As a result of
my visit I found tho typo of diseaso
tho samo as that exlBtlng In lopor sta
tions of othor countries which I have
visltod. Tho buildings, gonoral ar
rangements and' equipment compare
favorably with thoso existing in the
great loper stations In othor parts of
tho world. I consldor the patfenta
well provided for in evory respect,
and osposlally In treatment and nour
ishment. Tho lopors havo ovory rea
son to be as woll satlsflod and con
tented as could bo oxpocted."
Baseball Player-Evangellit Tells Why
Some Preachers Fall.
Evangelist Billy Sunday dellvored an
address to tho Presbyterian ministers
of Pittsburg. His words caused' con
sternation among tho preachers, somo
of whom left the First Presbyterian
church, their dignity stung, but most
of them remained to the end.
Rev. Sunday, who Is a former pro
fessional baseball player, has been
conducting a revival at Sharon, near
thoro, and camo to Pittsburg to speak
on "Why Somo Ministers Fall."
Tho evangelist said many of tho
ministers of tho present day were
"fudge eating mollycoddles, who woro
continually springing bum bull-con to
their congregations."
Ho assorted that few ministers of
today aro anything but stiffs, salary
quacks, willing to accopt social dis
tinction and that many of them aro
qualified candidates for tho "funny"
Continuing, ho said: "Somo of you
ministers aro controlled' by riches nnd
not by tho bible. Many of you aro
grafters, pure and Blmple. You know
this, too. There aro Borao of you
preaching today that should bo carry
ing tho hod. What wo do want Is to
tear down tho seminaries and stand
tho professors on tholr heads in mud
puddles. A seminary and' its teach
ings aro of no moro use to preaching
than a crane's legs aro to a Betting
hen. I am not an osteopath. I am a
surgeon and my lino Is to cut out tho
abscess in tho sido of tho church."
M. O. NEW, Propr.
United States Supremo Court Decides
Copyright Cases.
Tho U. S. supremo court decided
threo important copyright cases, the
opinions being handed down by Jus
tice Day. The first doclslon was in
tho caso of tho Bobbs-Merrlll company
against R. H. Macy & Co. and Isadora
H. Strauss, tho decision being In fa
vor of Macy & Co.
In this caso tho court dealt with
tho question whether tho sale by a
retail dealer of a copyrighted book be
low tho price flxod by tho publishers
Is an Infringement of copyright Tho
Bobbs-Merrill company publlshod a
novel nnd stipulated In a printed no
tice that it should not bo sold for less
than $1 per copy. Tho house of Macy
sold tho work for 89 contB and suit
was brought accordingly in tho cir
cuit court of tho Unltod States for tho
southern district of New York, but
tho bill was dismissed. A like result
followed whon the caso was appealed
to tho district court of appeals.
The suit was based on tho theory
that tho right to dlsposo of a copy
righted work gives the owner tho
right to placo restrictions on its sale.
His Name Will Be Presented at Chi
cago Convention.
So many false and ml9leadlug state
ments regarding Vice President Fair
banks' candidacy have been and aro
being made that Senator Hemenway
authorized tho following statement:
"Tho purpose of theso reports Is ob
vious and should not bo given cred
ence. Vlco President Fairbanks' namo
will bo presented to tho Chicago con
vention for tho presidential nomina
tion. Any report or Intimation be
tween now and tho assembling of tho
convention at Chicago, from whatever
source It may bo attributed, that any
variation will be made from Vice
President Fairbanks' present position
may be put down as absolutely untrue."
Adolph Stelnheil and Mother-ln-Law
Found Strangled and House Looted.
A sensation has been caused In the
art world at Paris by the brutal
murder of the distinguished painter,
Adolph Stelnheil, and his mother-in.-law,
who were found strangled in tho
former's residence In the Rue do
Vanglrard. The house was ransacked
of everything of value. M. Stelnhell's
wife, who was found gagged and
bound to a bed, declares that the
crime was committed by two men and
a woman. The latter she believes she
Tecognlzed as a model who was em
ployed by her husband'.
Impressive Services at Methodist Con
ference In Baltimore.
The most Impressive moment of tho
Mothodist Episcopal gonoral confer
ence at Baltimore was whon Bish
op Honry W. Warren, placing his
bands on tho head of Dr. William F.
Andorson of Now York, pronounced
tho Bolomn words that made tho
kncollng minister a bishop of tho
Tho Lyrio, In which tho consecra
tion servlco was hold, was crowded to
tho very limit of its capacity. In tho
rooms reserved for tho uso of tho bish
ops a procession was formed and it
moved out on tho stage, led by tho
bishops-elect, Rev. Drs. William F. An
dorson of Now York, John L. Neulsen
of Borea, O.; William A. Quaylo of
Chicago, Charles L. Smith of Pitts
burg; Wilson S. Lewis of Sioux City,
la. j Edwin H. Hughes of Greencastle,
Ind.; Robert Mclntyro of Los Angeles,
Cal., and Frank M. Bristol of Wash
ington, D. C, each accompanied by
his two presenters.
Following these came Bishops War
ren and Goodsell and tho other conse
crating bishops, the first named' as
senior bishop presiding and acting as
chief consecrator. Tho candidates for
ordination wore oxamlnod by Bishop
Warren, who pronounced them eligible
and this was followod by tho declara
tions and oaths of the candidates.
Then, after another brief prayer,
Bishop Warren pronounced tho words
of consecration over Rev. Dr. Ander
son aud other bishops performed' tho
samo office for tho other candidates.
Five Hundred American Marines Will
Be at Polling Places.
The Panama campaign which 1b to cul
minate In an election tho first week in
July, has recently developed "revolu
tionary tendencies" to such an extent
as to cause grave concern and tho se
rious intention to employ severo meas
ures on tho part of tho American gov
ernment to Insure a fair and honest
election, probably tho first in the his
tory of Central American politics. The
600 American marines stationed on
tho isthmus will bo detailed on tho
two election days to the 100 polling
places. As some of the precincts will
need no armed supervision and others
may need moro than a handful of
troops, tho marines will bo distributed
where they will do the most good in
tho way of preserving order.
Tho contest is between Vlco Presi
dent Obaldla and Secretary of State
Tho call for a personal report from
Minister Squires Is tho result, It is
explained, of theso now developments.
At tho samo time, Mr. Squires may be
asked to explain certain newspaper
comment to the effect that ho has al
lowed himself to become enthusiastic
In favor of one of the candidates. Mr.
Squires will sail for the United
States today.
Final Actlcn on Overture from Ger
man Presbyterians Asking for Inde
pendent 8ynod la Deferred Until
Next Assembly.
In eoloctlng tho oxocutlvo commis
sion of tho church boforo final
adjournment tho tenth gonoral assem
bly of tho Prosbyterlan church in the
Unltod States consummated tho most
Important act of Its ontlro ten days'
deliberations at Kansas City.
Tho commission chosen is repre
sentative of tho entire country and
Elected for one year: Ministers,
Baxter P. Fullerton, modorator, St.
Louis; Joseph Weaver, Donvor; J. F.
Bushnell, Minneapolis; elders, ox-Sec
retary of State John W. Foster, Wash
ington, D. C; H. B. McCormick, Har
rlsburg, Pa.
Elected for two years: Ministers,
S. M. Temploton, Texas; Robert Was
son, Cincinnati; olders, John W. Soy
orance, Cleveland; Edward Bulkeloy
New Jersey, and' Thomas L. Hall, Chi
cago. Elected for threo years: Ministers,
J. D. Moffat, Washington, Pa.; W. II.
Black, Missouri; W. H. Hubbard, Now
York; elders, J. Willis Barr, Los An
geles and Judge J. M. Gaut, Nashville.
Dr. William II. Roberts of Philadel
phia, tho stated clork, is secretary of
the commission.
Legal and administrative questions
occupied most of the sessions of tho
general assembly of the Presbyterian
church. The routine of this procedure
was relieved somowhat by tho prelim
inary skirmishing of tho adherents of
Denver and Seattle for next year's as-
Bombly. The excitement was all in
tho preliminaries, howover, as tho as
sembly voted almost unanimously for
Denver on tho first ballot and subse
quently tho voto was made unanimous.
Tho assembly will meet In Denver on
tho third Thursday In May. Denver's
offer of a bonus of $15,000, her moro
favorable location and tho fact that
the soml-centonnlal colobratlon of the
Presbyterian church In Colorado will
bo held In 1009, wore powerful argu
ments in influencing tho vote.
An overturo from tho German-speaking
Prosbytorlano, asking for homo
rule, or Independent presbyteries, em
bodied in tho report of tho committee
of polity, was of surpassing Import
ance. The Germans, carried tho mat
ter direct to the general assembly, in
stead of consulting local synods, who,
they thought, would not approve tho
creation of now presbyteries In their
torrltory. Tho general assembly con
sidered tho question of Jurisdiction
and decided it would bo a bad prece
dent to act lndopondontly of tho
synods affoctod. While approving tho
establishment of the now presbyteries,
the assembly doclded that final ac
tion would bo deferred urftll the next
assembly, bo local synods could bo
This question is of special concern
to tho Gorman population of Illinois,
Wisconsin, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa,
Minnesota, North and South Dakota,
Missouri, Indiana and' Ohio. This is
the third assembly which has had tho
subject under consideration. Tho
Gorman churches want their own
synod, to bo called tho Gorman Bynod
of the west, and to have threo presby
teries, to bo called tho Galena, Georgo
and Waukon presbyteries.
Good Groceries
Cheap for Cash
Pure Old Cider Vinegar
M.0. NeW PhoneNo.32
Garage, 33
House, 225
Full Line of Auto. Accessories Machines for Rent
We make a specialty of train calls and short trips
Flood Ties U Traffic at Billings.
A flood, resulting from a cloudburst
west of Columbus, Mont., swept away
a bridge over Deer Creek and carried
away moro than a mile of Northern
Pacific track. Train service Into Bill
ings from tho west Is at a standstill.
The floods botween Columbus and Big
Timber nro said to have been tho most
disastrous over known there.
It will surprise you how little the ex
pense of screening your house will be
when you' buy
Screen Wire and Screen Doors
from us. In our stock of screen doors
you will find a large variety of hard pine
doors as well as the common green doors
Newberry's Hardware Co.
Whipped Off Baltimore and Ohio Flyer
While Rounding Curve.
Twenty passengers were Injured,
three of them probably fatally, when
the observation parlor car on tho flyer
train on the Baltlmoro and Ohio rail
road, bound from Chicago to New
York, left tho rails two miles from
Garrett, Pa., and plunged down an
embankment. That nono was killed Is
considered miraculous.
While rounding a sharp curve, tho
observation car swung from tho
tracks. Tho train was running on
schedule tlmo and, like the crack of a
whip, tho coupling snapped and the ob
servation car was thrown down an
embankment, Tho passengers were
scattered pell melt. A number who
were seated on tho platform under an
awning were pitched far Into the air,
alighting clear of the wreck, but
among stones and cinders, causing
painful Injuries to all. Others were
thrown Into a heap to the floor and
showered with broken glass.
Second Series of Storms In Oklahoma.
A second series of tornadoes and
heavy rains struck Oklahoma. Torna
does are reported nt Hennessy, Enid,
Frederick, Cushion and Duncan;
cloudbursts from Weleetka and Tulsa
and n waterspout at Navlna.,The dam
nge by the storms Is as great as tho
flood of last week.
Italian Autolst Killed.
Cedrino, the noted Italian automobile
driver, was instantly killed on Plmllco
racetrack. Spectators saw his car
skid and turn over, three of its wheels
being smashed. Cedrino and his
brother, who Is his mechanic, and
with him in the car, were thrown vio
lently against the fence, and, whilo
the brother was little hurt, Cedrino
died Instantly of a broken neck.
Weather, Crop and Business Reports
Are Irregular.
Bradstreet'B says: Crop and trade re
ports are Irregular. There aro Bomo
rather less reassuring advices from
somo sections as to tho leading crop,
duo mainly to excesslvo rainfall In
wide areas; bad roads are a necessary
result of this and trade In affected
sections naturally has suffered. In
other places, where a few days of
warm weather has Intervened, trade Is
bettor, In many instances being due
to reductions, which havo resulted In
large stocks of goods being cleaned
up. Taken as a whole the eastern
and central western states send best
reports as to final distribution. In
some primary lines of distribution the
bettor feeling nOtod some tlmo ago
has become more1 widespread. Thus,
in cotton goods reductions or ad
vances In quotations havo Induced
more demand, and tho same Is truo of
leather, pig Iron, some kinds of ma
chinery and railroad track suppllea.
In some lines of Industry, particularly
tho textllo branches, there is a dispo
sition to put more people and ma
chinery to work or to run a longer
time, but whether this Is a mereiy
temporary reaction from earlier In
tense dullness or whether It Is a defi
nite turn for tho better Is debated bv
somo observers. That business la
much less active in many lines than a
year ago Is without question.
Failures for the week number 253.
Wheat exports for tho week aggro
gate 2,827,289 bushels. Corn exports
lor tho week aro 237,151 bushels.
of all descriptions
for- any part of a
house or barn.
DierksLumber &Coal Co.
Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr.
Views and
Work & &
Alliance Art Studio
M. E. GREDC, Propr.
Artistic Portraits a Specialty
In Every
Style j & &
I OWHERE can quality be made to express care and skill more than
Slight Mishap to Vaderland.
The accident to the liner Vaderland,
over which considerable anxiety has
been felt on account of rumors that It
had gone ashore or had' been In col
lision with another vessel, Is very
slight, consisting of a simple disar
rangement of its machinery. Tho
steamer returned to Flushing after re
pairs had been completed, and left
that port for Dover.
Family of Four Drowned.
A family consisting of William Eidle
mau, aged thirty-eight years, his wife,
Elizabeth, aged thlrty-soven, and two
children, Anna, aged' seventeen, and
William aged seven, of West Pen
sauken, N. J., wore drowned In Pen
sauken creek, below Rlverton, N. J.,
by tho capsizing of a small rowboat.
Tho family was taking an outing party
In celebration of tho fact that tho
father had Just cleared off tho mort
gage on their home. The bodies ol
tho four were recovered after several
hours' grappling.
in laundering. You can get clothes washed anywhere. But
steam laundering means more than washed. It means, ist thor
ough cleansing with steam and harmless soap; 2d finishing by good
machinery and skilled larjor. Plain clothes show the result as well as
fancy articles, Won't you let us show you? PHONE 160
Since purchasing the hardware stock of Mr. Gadsby
we have added a car of mills and oumns.' Wp
shall also continue our line in plumbing- and
heating-. Goods and work guaranteed. We
respectfully solicit your patronage jf jt. jt,
The John Hague Company
Checkered Front
OSCAR BRAMAN . Proprietor.