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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1908)
Slato Illblorlcftl Society The Alliance Herald. Official Publication of the City and County. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. VOLUME XV, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1908 NUMBER 24 CHAS. r. TOKO. President. a.!s. ki:i:d, vice prcst. H. M. HAMPTON, Vlco Prcs. S. K. WARRICK, Cnsliicr. G. Q. HAMPTON, Asst. Cosh. (No. 4220) First National Bank OF ALLIANCE CAPITAL SURPLUS and PROFITS $50,000.00 $40,000.00 UNITED STATESDEPOSITORY Also a State, County, City and School Depository OUR POLICY: Courtesy and Conservatism The First National Bank lias no clients but its customers and no interests to conserve but those of its clients. If success in banking be measured by service rendered, then the First National Bank shall take the first rank. Special SALE Muslin Under wear REGAN'S 1 J Dip Your Sheep The First of June Dipping sheep is an operation that is performed once a year only as a rule and it is important that this once should prove effective. The right sort of dip is one that should destroy all insets or parasites and should have a healing and tnnic effect on the skin without any possibility of injury. ZENOLEUM meets all these requirements. We believe it is the Lest one made. tJM&utetlQV tObAXqjQAfc Miss Etfia Dewey Teacher of Piano Your Spring Oxfords, Madam! IlEBiED'&fe The chirping robins heard during the past few days are fair warning that Spring is near. With Spring comes the necessity for new style and lighter weight shoes. Right hero is where our "New Spring Stock" becomes of spe cial interest to you, because it offers an unlimited assortment of Women's Shoes at reason able and pleasing prices. COME, SEE OUR EXCELLENT SHOES AT $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 Don't think you can duplicate them elsewhere. If you are at all particular about your Shoes, Madam, come here. ALLIANCE SHOE STORE The Shoers t . I pecial Residence, 419 Cheyenne Ave. Phone, 103 DR. T. ALLEN, PENTIST Painless Extraction Latent Methods Bate. Sure ALLIANCE. - - NEUKA8KA H i Ladies9 $5.00 u i The Horace Eogue e,- oiuie P, NEXT TO THE POSTOFFICE We are are out for business. See our prices and our stock of both Omaha and native MEATS Porterhouse 1 "7p Omaha Oft Steak, native! lb &U T-Bone Steak, native 16cmah:i18 Sirloin Steak 1 s Om- -4 O lU'nhsi IO Round Steak nativ aha Om- native tk c Om- fi re s aha vF Shoulder Steak -- m , native II Omaha it1 Rib Roast, f sy l c native 2 Omaha Shoulder Roast, nat. vl Omaha Rump Roast, Neck Boil, native 12 Omaha 42 10 O Omaha IO Rib Boil, nat. "7, Omaha, Briscut Boil, nat. 5, Om. 3 Veal Steak - - Wz Pork Chops - - 15 Veal Chops - 15 Pork Steak, ham - 15 Veal Roast - - 12 Pork Steak, shoulder 12j Veal Stew - 10 Pork Steak, side - 12 Best Ham, I7c Second-grade Ham, lsc Sausage, 10c Best Bacon, 22c " " Bacon, 17c Bologna, 8c Smoked Shoulders, 13c Wieners, 10c Hamburger, 10-12 JAS. GRAHAM 4 WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. Every citizen of Alliance and visitor to the city is re quested to consider himself a member of the reception com mittee for Mr. Bryan next Monday not that they may look upon him as a future president of our great republic, but you will look into as true and loyal a face as any to be found in the country. You will hear a voice that has sounded the depths in more hearts than any man living, and there has never rung out of it a false note-rnever a tone that didn't ring true to all that is purest and ftest of our humanity. You will meet a man whom the crowned heads of all lands have welcomed to their courts as their uncrowned equal. Why? First, because his life is clean the true type of a christian gentleman. Secondly, his word is the Law and the Prophets to more faithful followers than any unofficial personage on earth. No, it is not hero worship. They believe Mr. Bryan is honest, and that he is big, brainy and courageous enough to meet the gigantic monopolies that hate him as the priests of greed once hated a still more exalted character. Then again, this man who has won the confidence of so many mill ions of brother Americans whom the trust bosses that dom inate such a large part of our official machinery, have tried so long to silence by slander and vituperation, lives in Ne braska thinks and feels as Nebraskans do. The special train will arrive from Crawford about 5 p. m., carrying delegations from Chadron, Crawford, Marsland and Hemingford, the Fort Robinson military band, and Alliance citizens who go to Crawford on the morning of the 1st to ac company him here. The latter delegation will be accompa nied by Mayor Smith and many prominent republicans of Al liance and vicinity. Mr. Bryan and party will take supper at the Hotel North west and remain over night at that hostelry. The, speaking will begin promptly at 8 o'clock at the res idence of Dr. Bellwood, just north of the Times office. Mr. Bryan will speak from the porch, and the military band will treat the people of Alliance to its finest selections. Agaii: we repeat, every citizen of Alliance, regardless of politics, should give our visitor, of whom all Nebraska is proud, a most hearty greeting. Everyone who desires to meet Mr. Bryan will have the opportunity. SPECIALS -SHIRT WAISTS White Lawn Waists, lace insertion and plaited 1 front, short sleeves. Good val. at Si. 25. Spi"?o White Lawn Waists, embroidery insertiou and plaited front, long sleeves, a good value at $1.50. Special price ..;. White Lawn Waists, plaited front, long sleeves, a good value at Si. 00. Special price '........ 78c 98c 75c All those who expect to go to Crawford next Monday morning must be on hand promptly at 4 o'clock, as pas senger No. 4 1 will run on the new schedule and there will be no other train tliat will reach Crawford in time to re turn, on the Bryan'special. -UNDERSKIRTS Gloriana Underskirts, full cut, flounce and dust 110 ruffle. Regular $1.50 value. Speuial price I.Bu Mercerized Underskirts, full cut, flounce and QQft dust ruffle. Regular $1.25 value. Special price wOw -MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Just received, a nice line of these garments, 35c to which we have underpriced at, per garment $2.50 KNIT UNDERWEAR Vests and Pants, close ribbed, good values, 10c to 35c Union Suits, all styles, 35c to $1.25 NORTON'S mm H OLSTEN HAS JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF Lincoln Paint Every Gallon Guaranteed IT STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST HOLSTEN'S Wl'l We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least W. C. Hibbs, Mgr. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT ): xk. icrticjVMicrt, fOCSce in Alliance National Bank Dlk.T uvcr i osiouicc. j, 'Phone 391, t -H-HH-:'KH-H'- Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. Tell U About It. ThlB paper can give all tbo local nows only as our friends lend us their co-operation. If anyone visits you, If you contemplate leaving town, If you see or hear or do anything out of the ordinary day's routine, tell us about It, that we may tell the public