The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 07, 1908, Image 8

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Newly Elected Members are Duly
Installed and Committee Appoint
ments are Made.
The regular session ot tlio city coun
cil took placo at the council chambers
last Tuesday night. There was a full
representation and the procedure of
swearing in the candidates chosen at
the recent election was soon disposed
of. Mayor Smith took the oath ot of
fice for the second time as also did
Councilman Martin ot tho second ward.
C. At Newberry, who succeeds F. W.
Harris was also mado an alderman in
slrort order. Chas. Urcnnan was sworn
in as city treasurer and water commis
sioner, B. F. Gilman city attorney and
W. O. Darncs city clerk. Dr. Bell
wood was appointed city physician.
Mayor Smith then announced his ap
pointments for city marshal and night
police and tho present incumbents, C.
A. Laing and Calvin M. Cox, were re
appointed to their respective positions.
Henry Blumc was appointed city scav
enger with bond approved as also was
tho bond of Chas. Brc:.nan, Mayor
Smith also appointed tho following
Finance and purchasing committee
Holstcu and Newberry.
Firo and water Martin and New
berry. Ordinance Allen and Ilolston.
Streets, alloys and sidewalks Allen
and Martin.
License Newberry and Holstcn.
Health Martin and Holstcn.
Printing and claims Newberry and
The application of E. N. Nussman
for city sprinkler was referred to tho
finance committee, and tho appoint
ment of W, D. Zcdikcr as city plumb
er was approved. The latter position
is yet to bo created.
Tho question of city rovenuo was
next taken up and hero is whero the
council struck a snag. With tho rev
enue derived from tho saloons no longer
available, the members were at sea and
it was finally decided to call a meeting
of the citizens of tho city to devise
means by whiqh said money should be
collected and this call appears officially
in another column.
Among the many bills presented was
one from the Alliance telephone com
pany for the city's uso of phones.
Heretofore it was the custom for the
company to allow the city the free use
of this convenient talking machine in
consideration for tho street and alley
privileges of using said, highways for
poles and the like, but under the new
legal ruling tho same was prohibited
and hence the telephone company has
put in a bill. Tho council "rabsled"
with tho new question for a short time
and then referred it to the city at
torney for investigation and it will
come up at the next meeting.
Mike Byer was granted permission
to lay a three-quarter inch water main
for garden and lawn use.
The petition of S. O. Carr to extend
electric lights on West Wyoming street
was rejected.
A petition signed by some thirty
signers was presented to the council
asking for a stone crossing at the inter
section of Idaho street and Box Butte
avenue, also tho erecting of an arc light
at that point was tabled.
The following reports were made by
city officers at this session:
Ilcculviyl by police jucIko in lines $ Si.35
Murslml's f 3333
Totul S 118 70
ltalancoon liiuul April 1, HKM $ 617.49
Collected lu April , U 11.25
Total , $1123.74
UUbursemuuts v..f KSOKi
Haliiucuon lmmlMuyJ, l DOS $ 791,M)
Lester-Pierson Nuptials
The marriage of Mr. Claude Lester,
of this city, and Miss Hannah Pierson,
of Kansas City, Mo,, took place last
Thursday at the home of the bride's
parents in that city. This came as a
surprise, tp Claude's friends in this city
when he returned last Saturday and in
troduced, Mrs. Lester to his acquaint
ances. This goes to show that while
the young man recently passed a suc
cessful examination in, veterinary and
graduated in Kansas City but a few
months ago, he had another attraction
that was nearest his heart. Mr. and
Mrs. Lester will reside in this city where
Mr. Lester is well known and he will
pursue his profession. It is with pleas
ure that w e desire to extend to the young
couple our best wishes for their future
Acquitted of Murder Charge
William K. Masbn and Joseph -Van-derweide,
who have been on trial for
td weeks at Dura'ngo, Colo., charged
with the murder of United States Se-f
cret Service Agent Joseph A. Walker,
of Denver, were found not guilty, after
tho jury had deliberated four hours.
Tho trial, which was one of the most
sensational, was attended by many fed
eral officers and secret service men to
whom the verdict was a great disap
pointment. Walker was a prominent man in the
secret service department and was shot
down while working on a case at the
mines near Hesperus last fall. A. Trip
lelt, of this city, had somo experience
with the deceased, who was trailing him
while in Denver a few months ago.
Walker met Triplett just after he
got off a train there, and was going
to compel him to go to his (Walker's)
office, and it was not until Triplett's at
torney told Walker whero ho was at,
that ho left' them. Triplett say's that
whilo he nover had a desire to do bod
ily injury to anyone, he believes that
the manner in which ho was hounded
by Walker and some other secret scrv
ico men on several occasions, would
have justified him in using a gun.
A sensation was sprung at tho trial
when a life-size wax figure of Walker,
showing tho bullet wounds, was present
ed to the jury. It is said that the like
ness to Walker was so real that until
tho figure was undressed it was sup
posed to bo a living person. Tho gov
ernment spared no expense and left
nothing undone to secure a conviction.
Maypole Dance
The Maypole enelrtainmcnt given at
tho opera house Saturday evening was
a most successful affair and reflects
credit on those participating in the va
rious dances. Much praise should be
given to Mrs. Minnie Wiker and Miss
Nellie Morris for tho careful and pains
taking efforts which it was evident they
had given to the children in preparing
them for the occasion.
The program opened with a grand
march headod by Miss Eunice Eldred
and Master Michael Nolan, who led
their followers through some pretty fig
ures. Tho popular song, "I'll Bo Back
in a Minute, but I've Got to Go Now,"
as sang by the whole class of boys elic
ited much applause from tho audience.
With sprightly ease, Miss Agues El
more furnished the next number ot the
nroexam with an umbrella dance. In
troubadour costume, Master Maurice
Nelson won much praise in the rendi
tion ot the song, "I'm Afraid to Come
Homo in the Dark." Following Master
Nelson, the Misses Virginia Broome,
Agnes Elmore, Ruth Morris and Marie
Carey daintily danced the bon ton min
uet. Miss Marie Dismer, With graceful
ease, followed with a butterfly dance.
The manitou, by the whole class, was
neatly executed. The Misses Hannah
Coutant and Marguerite Harris pre
sented a pretty picture with their mir
ror dance. Miss May Newberry was
certainly a very winsome fisher maiden
in her dance of that name. LaVaughn
Moulton did full justice to herself and
her instructors in her dance, grandma's
minuet. A three-step by the class was
followed with a tambourine dance in
which the Misses Alice Morris, Helen
Broome, Frances Nolan and Nellie
O'Donnell won much applause. The
last number was, of course, the winding
of the Maypoles, of which two had been
prepared, one on the stage and another
in the center of tho hall. There was
no hitch in the winding of the ribbons
by either of the classes, both of whom
merited and received much praise for
the ease and certainty with which they
wountl the respective poles.
A dance, in which a great many of
those present participated, followed the
last number of. the program.
Half the proceeds of the entertain
ment were donated to the fund for the
Sisters' academy.
Tho following took part in the even
ing's entertainment: Michael Nolan,
Max Thornton, Fred Sweeney, Lloyd
Tully, Asa Hubbcll, Leo Cunningham,
Frank Thornton, Bernard Holsteu, Ir
vin Grothe, Maurice Nelson, Schuyler
Gilman, Gordon Moulton, William Co
taut, Michael Reed, Homer and Eail
Barnes, Alice Morris, Nellie O'Donnell,
Frances Nolan, Helen Broome, Marie
Dibtner, Marie Carey, Agnes Elmore,
Virginia Broome, Ruth Morris, Eunice
Eldred, Nellie Keeler, Lunette Zeh
ruiig, Mae Newberry, Janet Grassman,
Hannah Coutant, Delia Holsten, Mar
guerite Harris.Grace Zehrung, Phrania
McDonald, Arlene Morrison, Caroline
Griggs, Miriam Grebe, Pearl Barber,
Mildred Matthews, Margaret Zehrung,
Margaret Grebe, Katharine Randall,
Agues Newberry, LaVaughn Moulton,
Lucille Fosket, Margaret Carey.
W. N. Corneal returned Mondayfrom
Council Bluffs, where he will engage in
the saloon business, having secured a
good location. He will remain here a
few days yet, attending to business af
fairs. '
Hively-Rumor Nuptials Announced
A party was given at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Marks last Saturday
evening to a merry crowd of young
people, fourteen couples being pres
ent. Tho popular game of 500 occupied
their attention until tho hostess invited
the guests to partake of luncheon. Then
came the surprise of the evening. Un
der each plate was placed a card an
nouncing the marriage of Mr. F. A.
Hively and Miss Florcnco Rumcr, June
3, iqo8. Of course the "guilty parties"
were present, and the simultaneous
cheer of congratulation that broke forth
was so vociferous as to question the
strengeh of the roof from raising the
residence. But liko Ed Marks' harness,
it stood the test, and for several hours
the young people were at the height of
their pleasure at the Marks home.
Special sale of muslin underwear at
Nate Hart came down from Lead, S.
D., last night.
Attorney Boyd had legal business at
Hyannis yesterday.
B. F. Ankeny and Hal Hobcrt arc in
from the ranch today.
Attorney Mitchell attended district
court at Hyannis Tuesday.
Mrs. J. R. Hickox and mother, Mrs.
Harding, are visiting in Denver.
Dr. Copsey attended a meeting of a
medical society at Lincoln Tuesday.
H. E. Jones, Hemingford's hust
ling real estate man, was in the city
J. B, Kniest of The Herald, returned
Tuesday morning from his visit at Car
roll, Iowa.
M. OJ New is now settled in his new
location and has a neat grocery estab
lishment. Mrs. Jerry Rowan left Monday night
on 44 for Omafia, where she will visit
for several days.
P. H. Borky .will leave soon for Ard
more, S. D., to look after his land int
erests near there.
Dr. Eikncr, H. L. Bushnell and L.
H, Necland were Hemingfordites in
the city yesterday.
Misses Margaret Bell and Blanche
McDonald returned Monday from a
visit of two weeks at Denver and
The eldest son of Dr. Churchill ar
rived today from Fort Dodge, Iowa,
and expects to try ranch life this
Mrs. J. Kridelbaugh was a passenger
Saturday night for Creston, Iowa, to
spend a month with her grandfather
who is in ill health.
Mrs. T. Morrissey, of Chadron, ar
rived in the city last night. She has
business before the laud office and will
also make a visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto arrived Friday
from Elysian, Minn., and are guests of
Geo. Douglas and family. Mrt Otto
may decide to locate in this vicinity.
Z. Goodwin, jr., came in from his
ranch north of Mitchell, Tuesday, to
spend a couple of days with his father,
who has not been feeling well lately.
Arthur O. Gordon arrived in the city
today and will make a short visit with
his many friends here. Art is very
successful in the drug business at
Mrs. Jas. A. Hunter entertained the
Ladies Aid of the M. E. church yester
day afternoon. About thirty-five were
present and it was a very interesting
A new plate glass front is being put
in the Famous clothing store which will
add to the appearance as well as con
venience tor window display at this
popular establishment.
Otto P. Kaldal was up from Angora
last Friday. He reports everything
flourishing in that locality and has
hopes of Angora becoming the county
seat when the county is divided.
J. R. Hunter of Andrews is in the
city soliciting life insurance. Mr.
Hunter lived in Omaha for many years
and is one of the best known insurance
men in the state. He has a fine ranch
in Sioux county,
The five-weeks-old baby, Harold, of
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Smith died last
Sunday of heart complications. The
funeral was held on Sunday afternoon
from the home of H. E. Bailey ou Big
Horn avenue, Rev. Jeffers officiating.
M. E. Reardon returned from Sheri
dan last Monday evening. Ed. had
had been called on to assist in the initi
ation of a class of Knights of Columbus
at that place. He reports a successful
initiation and nice trip.
Mrs. D. W. Butler entertained a
number of her friends Saturday evening.
The time was pleasantly spent in play
ing cards and social conversation. The
refreshments served were delicious and
all present had a delightful time.
Special . .
We make this offer to introduce
the finest cold cream on the
Try it one week and it you don't
like It bring it back and get your
money back
Horace Bogue
Next to Postoffice
Bryan Volunteer Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Bryan
Volunteers of Box Butte county next
Saturday evening, when matters of im
portance will be discussed. A large at
tendance is desired.
By special request of a number of
business men and others who were un
able to attend the Maypole entertain
ment Saturday night, it will be given
again tomorrow evening (Friday). The
program will begin at 8 o'clock, and af
ter the entertainment those who wish
to dance may do so.
Miss Izola Worley entertained the
Senior class at her home Friday even
ing. The decorations were in tho class
colors, red and blue, and each guest
received a red rose as a souvenir of the
occasion. At a late hour all departed
for their homes declaring they never
had a better time.
There were three sections of No. 41
yesterday. The second section was a
train of Pullmans with passengers en
route for Cody, Wyoming, where they
go to be present at the opening of lands
for entry on the 12th of May. The
third section is carrying Russians who
are going west to work in the beet fields.
Passenger train No. 43 will stop at
Hemingford, Marsland and Belmont
on the morning of June 1st, for pas
sengers who desire to go to Crawford
and return on the Bryan special in the
afternoon. We are informed that a
number will go from Hemingford and
will probably be accompanied by the
Simon Iverson, from near Dunlap, is
in the city today on land business. Mr.
Iverson and several of his neighbors,
Messrs. F. A. Neeland, Pete Anuen,
James Montague, Mrs. Morrissey and
Hugo Lichte will soon begin work on
an irrigation ditch, which no doubt will
prove remunerative and greatly en
hance the value of their lands. The
water will be diverted from the Niobra
ra river by a ditch six miles long, and
about 700 acres will be subject to irri
gation. 1
wear REGAN'S
will speak at Alliance on the evening ot
JUNE 1st
Mr. Bryan and party will arrive at
Crawford from Chadron on aspecial train
at noon, leaving on a srjecial at 3 in the
afternoon of that day, arriving in Alliance
about 5:30. The train will make short
stops at Marsland and Hemingford, for
those who desire to come to Alliance.
Mr. Bryan will spend the night in Alliance
and leave the next morning for the Platte
A large delegation headed by Mayor
Smith will go to Crawford on the morn
ing of the 1st and return on the Bryan
special in the afternoon. Crawford will
also send a big delegation, accompanied
by a band, to Alliance. Everybody is in
vited to join the big crowd and meet our
distinguished Nebraskan, who will be
nominated for President at Denver next
The Star Store
A few hints from Alliance's bargain center. Never
were we better prepared to take care of your wants at
prices much less than you are accustomed to pay.
Amoskeag staple check ginghams regular iac value, our low price a yd 7jc
Fancy drest ginghams sold by many stores at 15c, our low price a yd 7j
Very best standard prints, black, blue, red and gray worth 7c, our low
price a yd 6c.
Good unbleached towling 15c value, our low price a yd 10c.
Good glass towling worth I2c, our low price a yd 10c
Extra heavy huck towels wotrh 65c a pair, our low price each 19c, a pair 35c.
Most complete line of back
sash pins, belt buckles, belt pins; veil pins, cuff pins
and hand bags ever shown and at prices astonishinnlv
lnur . .
- " r "
The Star Store
Would Tap the Till
The night clerk at the depot lunch
couuter employed the assistance of the
night policeman early Tuesday morn
ing to round up four "boes," who, he
claimed, attempted to tap the cash reg
ister. The strangers were a man and
three boys, evidently tramps. The
leader of the moving aggregation had a
bottle and drank freely of the contents,
inviting the clerk to join him in the re
freshment. After loitering around for
several minutes, the stranger watched
his chance to touch the register. When
tho little bell rang, the register rang up
$6. The sound of the register bell at
tracted the attention of tho clerk, and
before the stranger.could make a haul
he and his pals took for the tall timber,
or rather the empty box cars in the rail
road yards, where they were discovered
and arrested by the night watchman a
few minutes later. They were taken to
jail, but as no evidence was found
against the boys they were released.
The man was given a light fine and is
working it out on the streets-.
Weekly Report of Payments Toward
the Erection of the School Building.
Following is the amount of money
received for the Sisters' Academy and
by whom paid. Much of this is only
part payment of subscriptions. The
committee is now out collecting and the
amount received will be published
Previously acknowledged $7il6755
Geo. Darling 25.00
Thad Huston 5-
Cash 5oo
Jos. McNamara 25 00
Geo. Hand 5.
J. Rowan 25-00
Nellie Morris... t. 12.5
Mrs. J. Wiker, .".... ..''.-, 12.50
Ira Tash. t .. g- iS
A W i, T -r
VJTotal , -17.342.55
and side combs, hat pins, I
. Crmck on-l irm tUiivi K
f OUlll. UI1U Ott Lllllll
Mrs. W. A. Grieb is visiting relatives
in Omaha this week.
Conductor Nels Pederson of Ravenna
was in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. G. W. Riddle of Ravenna is
spending a few days in Lincoln.
Mrs. C. B. Gibson is spending a few
days in Denver with relatives.
Fireman C. E. Howard and family
are on an extended visit with friends
in Billings.
T. D. Roberts of the sjiop force is
on a thirty-day visit with his family in
Miss Mae Shrewsbury left a few days
ago for an extended visit with friends
in Glendive, Mont.
Mrs. W. B. Hosier will leave in a
few days for a few weeks' visit with
her parents at Creston, Iowa.
.Fireman W. E. Janes left Monday
for Lyons, Colo., where he will join
Mrs. Janes who has been visiting there
for two weeks.
Roadmaster C. C. Holtorf of the
Deadwood line passed through here
Monday on 44 for a brief visit with his
relatives in Omaha.
D. Willard, 2d-vice-president, will
pass through Alliance today enroute to
the Cody line where he will loolf after
business pertaining to the company.
P. S. Eustis, general passenger, agent,
of Chicago, and L. W. Wakely, assist
ant passenger agent of Omaha, passed
through Alliance Saturday morning on
a trip through the Big Horn Basin.
Engineer G. L. Milliken and wife
will leave tonight on 44 for au extended
trip to the east. Mr. Milliken was
elected delegate for the B. of L. E.
and will go to Columbus, Ohio. Mrs.
Milliken will accompany him to this
place and from there they will go to
Wheeling, W. Va., and thence to New
York City. They expect to return in
about six weeks.
Judge Berrv went to, Rushville. yes
terday on legarbusiness,