VlltSH, . B THE STUFF OFF! IS YOU WILL, HAVE TO HURRY ! i i IF YOU WANT TO BUY WET GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST We are Receiving Orders From all Over the State Get in now while the going is good ! ! - WHISKEY Former Prjce How Cut to Kentucky Dew, per gal. Sharpe Rye, per gal. Calvert Rye, per gal. Brandy Cognac, per gal. Apricot, per gal. Orange, per gal. Blackberry, pergal. Gin, per gal. Wines Angelica, per gal. Port, per gal. Sherry, per gal. Tokay, per gal. Few broken packages bottled Wines, 35 to 50 cents jal. $4'5- t , 3-oo j J! ' ' $4.00 4 l4 . , 4'00 ' v . ' t 1 " $3 00 3.00 "3.00 3-25 All Case Goods, bottled in bond, from $8 to $9 per case in case lots Broken Packages Whiskey, from 70c to $1.10 Limited Amount Budweiser quarts on hand. Will close them out at (?? OS Per 7 J 9j& J case These goods are all strictly first-class We have no Junk to sell 1 s .3 , . , S- 'fl-iif- Prices Strictly Cash ETZOLD ItHi LADIES OXFORDS The secret of a fine foot is f ar more in its dressing than in its size or shape. The Krippendorf Oxfords gives the foot just that trim you so much de- nr- sire. 1 ry a pair. $2.50 to $5 NORTON'S Estray Notice. Want to know who claims horses branded "T on right thigh. R, M. Hampton. railway notes and personals i ,j..j;..j..,;...'....;.;..j..;..j..;.,.;..;'.;..;. Operator F. Pierson is on the sick list. Brnkcman G. P. Ehrhardt thas left the service. J. J. Fay lias been transferred to Dcadwood as car inspector. ' Roadmaster D. E. Lynch of Edge niont was in the city Tuesday. E. M. Gregg' and family are visiting fiiends at Lakeside this week. Drakcman G. H. Young is spending a few days in Scottsbluff with relatives. G. H. Wright will leave in a few days for a brief pleasure trip to Denver. Mrs. W. E. Janes left Monday for a few weeks visit with her parents in Lyons, Colo. L. H. Mosher left Tuesday on 44 for Omaha to attend a meeting of the Knight Templars. Engineer C. 15. Gibson and wife are spending a few days in Denver this week with relatives. Engineer A. H. Robbins and family arc on an extended visit with friends and relatives in Aurora. , Superintendent L. 13. Allen is mak ing an inspection trip over the Sheri dan division this week. E. P. Bracken passed through Alli ance on 41 Sunday from Brookficld, Mo., to make arrangements to move family from Sheridan, Mr. Bracken was formerly superintendent at Sheri dan and is now superintendent at Brookficld. Conductor L. T. Halvesstadt has been transferred to Ravenna, and has moved his family to that place. H. E. Geist, stenographer in the foreman's office, spent a few days in Denver last week, returning Tuesday. Brakeman A. H. Davis has taken a sixty days leave of absence and will make au extended trip to the coast go ing via Seattle. L. Bartlett iu in. Chicago this week attending a meeting of the operating officers to be held Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday. Engineer M. F. Nolan sustained a very severe sprained ankle last Satur day. Mr. Nolan made the trip to Ra District Court. The regular spring term of court will convene on Monday, May 18. There are about forty cases on the docket, eighteen of which are equity and fore closure cases and eight actions for divorce. The latter are: Minnie C. Sward vs. Carl August Emil Sward "A Woman of Mystery." An intensely inttesting and facinate ing drama in the Phelan opera house, Friday night, May 1. Alliance is fortunate in seeming a company of such merit as the one under direction of Mr. Roy D. Way who pre sents the noted English actress Miss Courtenay Morgan with ail able com- 1111 awu.ru. William M.Wilson vs. Mis'souri Anna I l,an'often P,a'ers in tlie dutiful iUon. I diama A Woman of Mystery" in the Phelan opera house Friday night, May Wilson Amelia Johnson vs. Emmet Johnson. Myrtle L. Robinson vs. Clarence J. Robinson. Helena Ridgell vs. William S. Ridgell. Edna A. Maycock vs. Thos. G. May cock. Mary Helebrant vs. Frank Helebrant. Celia R. Zimmerman vs. George E. Zimmerman. , THE JURY. venna' and back and is now resting . J, H. Vaughan. easily. S. H. Desch. J Jataes Dougherty. Jos. Henricks. A. P. Brown. for , C. W. Spacht. Newcastle to pay Mr. Severn's parents j Gard Nelson. Fireman H. J. Severns and wife were in the city a few days the first of the week and left on 41 Wednesday Hereford Bulls 1 have a Car of Registered Hereford Bulls in Alliance which will be sold at the Checkered Front Barn. These are strictly high-grade animals. Come and look them over. a visit. 'B. C. Anderson returned Monday on 43 from a brief trip to Lincoln and Omaha. Ben witnessed a few base ball games while there and says he thinks Lincoln will win thn nnnnant this year. Five cars of company coal was de railed at Northport Tuesday afternoon, in a freight train coming north in charge of Conductor Ayres. The cause of the accident s as yet unknown but is presumed that some ot the brake rigging broke and dropped on the rails causing the accident. A large number of persons braved the windstorm of last Sunday and walked across the viaduct to the round house to get a glimpse of the new Mal let compound encii.e No. iqoG. This engine has twelve drive wheels with two cylinders on each side and weighs 353 tons and will be used as a helper engine on Crawford hill. The shop men were obliged to disconnect the tank in order to get the engine into the roundhouse. Engine 1007 of the same type arrived here Tuesday. These en gines will be eenumbered into the class "T" series of the"Q" and will the 4001 and 4002. ,wwwwvwwww. Card of Thanks, Harry Kelley. Ed. Curry. Peter Swanson. C. S Danforth. J. S. Kaper. C. E. Phillips. Ralph T. Watson. Harry Highland. Chas. A, Posvar. O. L. Drake. W. S. Acheson. R. H. West. H. S. Raymond. Chris Boness, Emery Abley. Eugene Sights. F. N. Young. 1. This is one of Mille Bernhard's gieat successes which has thrilled audiences of thousands of people throughout all parts of the civilized world and it will be faithfully repro duced in Alliance Friday night, hand somely mounted and gorgeously cos tumed. It is a beautiful playy, a beau tiful story and has a strong caste to present it properly. Those failing to attend will miss a treat in the line of a high-class drama. Prices have been reduced to 75, 50 and 35 cents with a special rate of 25 cents for children. It is specially requested that those hav ing small babies will arrange for some one to care for them at home, should they desire to attend, for this is a play that is intensely facinating and any dis traction will spoil the play for any one desirous of getting the full effect from It. .ww Well Drilling. I am now prepared to put down tubu lar wells, deep or shallow. Satisfaction gnaranteed. For further information inquire at The Herald office or of Robert Littick, Long Lake, Neb. The Star Store Highlanders Will Dance. The Royal Highlanders will celebrate the eleventh anniversary of the order in, Alliance with a grand ball in the opera house next Monday evening, May 4. An admission of only 25 cents will be charged to defray expenses and a cordial invitation is extended to all. Music by Kelly's orchestra. CONTRIBUTJONSTO SISTERS' ACADEMY A. S. Bent We desire to return our smcerest thanks to the many kind friends aud neighbors who so kindly assisted us at the time of the illness and death of our beloved daughter, Esther Marian. Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Gregg. Weekly Report of Payments Toward the Erection of the School Building. Following is the amount of money received for the Sisters' Academy and bywhom paid. Much of this is only part payment of subscriptions. The committee is now out collecting and the amount received will be published weekly. Previously acknowledged, S7t7'55 Jack Barry 10.00 W. L, McNamara 100.00 Kettle River Stone Co 50.00 A few hints from Alliance's bargain center. Never were we better prepared to take care of your wants at prices much less than you are accustomed to pay. Amoskeag staple check ginghams regular i2c value, our low price a yd 7c Fancy dress ginghams sold by many stores at 15c. our low price a yd 1 Very best standard prints, black, blue, red and gray worth 7c, our low price a yd Be. Good unbleached towling 15c value, our low price a yd 10c. Good glass towling worth I2c, our low price a yd 10c Extra heavy huck towels wotrh 65c a pair, our low price each 19c, a pair 35c. Most complete line of back and side combs, hat pins, sash pins, belt buckles, belt pins; veil pins, cuff pins and hand bags ever shown and at prices astonishingly low. jf & & & Come and see them The Star Store Special Sale Dress hats. A nice line of "Merry Widows" just re ceived. Lakies' Skirts, and all the latest styles in Mexican drawn work. mrs. smnoNs i ia . I 1 .$7.i67-55 l Total