The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 30, 1908, Image 6

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Reduced Winter Tourist
excursion rates available
every clay to the resorts of
the Southeast Cuba, Flor
ida, the Gulf Country,
Texas and the Southwest.
Nine months coast excur
sion rates to the Pacific
Coast, Southern California,
Democratic National Con
vention in Denver, July 6th
to nth.
Send D. Clem Deaver,
General Agent Burlington
Landscekers' Information
Bureau, Omaha, Nebraska,
the names and addresses of
your farmer friends back
east, who might be induced
to rent, buy or homestead a
farm in your neighborhood;
He will send descriptive
matter and get in touch
with them.
W. L. Wakklky, G. P. A., Omaha. Neb
Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
ISo. 5.
When you plan your home
remember tlie importance of
Good Plumbing
1 do sanitary work and guar
antee it.
I install Standard bath room
Steam and Hot Water Heat
ing with modern, up-to-date
Ideal Boilers and American
Radiators right in my line.
Some High-Class Short-Horn Bulls.
I raised the bull calf that took first
premium, also calf that took fifth in
same class, in open competition, at our
State fair in September 1907. My
herd took fourteen ribbons, altogether.
1 now have thirty bulls, from one to
three years old, which I would like to
sell for fall delivery; n car load. I will
sell from twelve to twenty; you take
your pick for ?ioo each. I will keep
them for two months, feed them oats,
alfalfa, etc., gut them in good shape,
You take them in December, winter
them at home, and they will do you
some good. J. G. Hkenizur,
43 1 year Broken Bow, Neb.
County Treasurer's Notice
Owing to the time it took to forward all
back taxes up to date, I have been delayed
in getting out all delinquent personal tax
notices but now give all due notice that I
am going to Rive everybody not having re
ceived notice, a statement of their delin
quent pergonal tax and if the same is not
paid in tan days, 1 will be compelled to
collect same with extra costs. Now, I
mean busiuees and am going to collect
1 axon due the county from everyone,
Fkku Mollring,
County Treasurer.
1200 bushels of good seed oats and
about 250 bushels of broom corn and
Russian millet seed for sale by Geo. E.
Douglas, Leave orders at office of
Uuited States Land Co., first door
north of Hila Grand hotel. 15U,
Postmaster W. F. Walker, Kill tor.
Miss Alma Jay Is saleslady at Wildy's
Mrs. Ham Hall is reported very sick at
this writting.
Mrs. II. It. Olds is slightly under the
weather at present.
Miss Lena Wildy spent last week with
friends in the country.
Roy Hickey had a now 'phone installed
at his residence this week.
W. S. Sloan is assisting John Anderson
in the Drug store at present.
E. W. Chandler was in from the Canton
neighborhood Monday after supplies.
The work on tho telephone lines is pro
grossing nicely considering the weather.
Dr. Koons, tho dentist, will bo in Hcm
ingford Friday and Saturday, May 1 and
2, ig-aw
Tho many friends of Mrs. Eggers will be
glad to hear that her condition is improv
Mrs. Martin, of Alliance, spent last
week with old time friends and neighbors
in and around this city.
Phil Michael closed a four months' term
of school in the sandhills last week and re
turned to his home near here Saturday.
Mrs. Little arrived from Gretna tho lat
ter part of tho week. Dr. and Mrs. Littlo
are now citizens of our city. Welcome.
Geo. Dillon was thrown from a horse
Monday evening and pretty badly shaken
up, Wo did not learn the extent ot His
G. F. Hedgecock accompanied by O. J.
Scribner drove down to Alliance Monday
afternoon in tho former's auto, ieturning
Mis3 Lena Wildy returned to her home
in Illinoiso Wednesday. Miss Wildy has
been hero so long that she will be missed
by a lot of friends. (
Tho Misses Bertha and Gladys Burleigh
entertained a number of their friends to a
six o'clock dinner Sunday in honor of their
friend, Miss Snoddy, of Alliance. ,
G. lr. Hedgecock is spending' most of
his time in the last few days driving the
auto recently purchased from H. E, Jones.
George has proved himself a very compe
tent chauffeur.
H. E. Jones new automobile arrived
Tuesday and he is treating his friends to
some swift littlo spins. By the way the
new machine is a thirty horse power Ram
bler and makes sixty miles an hour with
The youngest of the Campbell boys, a
lad of 12 or 13 years, got three fingers
taken off in a potato cutter recently. Dr.
Little replaced the fingers and fixed up the
hand apd last report says the boy is doing
nicely. , '
The high wind of last Thursday did con
siderable damage in and around here. The
large windmill on L. F. Leavitt's ranch
was blown down and completely demol
ished. Mr, Leavitt said it would have to
be replaced by a new mill.
Word reached town Sunday evening
that Mrs. Evans living south of Marsland
had fell sustaining serious injuries. Later
it was found that Mrs. Evans' injuries
were not as serious as at first thought, but
the old lady will be confined to her bed for
a time,
A deal was consumated last week where
by Norbet Frohnapfeland MikoTschacher
became owners and proprietors of the liv
ery business formerly conducted by G. F.
Hedgecock. We are informed that Geo.
intends to devote hi3 time to the ranch in
Sioux count f.
Word received from Mrs. Rollo Johnson,
who went south for her health, states that
she reached her destination, Austin, Tex
as, on Sunday the 19th. Was delayed
four hours on account of storm and high
water, but stood the trip remarkably well,
much better than anticipated. We are
hoping that the change will be beneficial
to her.
J. Sullenberger was a business visitor in
Crawford Saturday,
The U. & M. depot at this place is pre
sided over by A. 1 Fagon, in the absence
of Mr, Hayes.
Mrs. C. A. McGogy is the owner of a
very nice new buggy and harness, which
sha purchased recently.
Mr. Jaines, son-in-law of E. A. Tollman,
who has been here for sometime, returned
to his home at Faragut, Iowa.
Mr. Kenton entertained some relatives
at the Commercial Hotel, who stopped of!
here to visit him, and who went on from
here to Montana.
Mr. Clatterbuck and family who moved
here recently from Alliance, have gone to
housekeeping in the Hughes house. Mr.
Clatterbuck will engage in the real estate
and insurance business and we bespeak
for him a liberal patronage from our peo
ple both in town and country.
Kendrick Bros, have decided to quit try
ing to run the steam plow which ihey
bought recently on trial and have been try
ing to operate in this vicinity. They are
experiencing nluch 'trouble and the ma
chine falls far short of doing what it is
represented to do. This will be quite a
disappbintment to the Hendricks as well
as those who expected to have plowing
done. 1
We see by the report of the court com
mission, which was appointed to investi
gate the. fraudulent claims of Capt. Allen
. Fisher of Chadron, against the state of
music lovers
are talking of the great
cordially invite you to
hibition of the world's
last you a life time and
Ivers & Pond
. r
and many
Sales Manager
H) is J 1
IYI. O. NEW, Propr.
Having started a cash grocery I will quote the following
prices on groceries:
16 lb. granulated sugar, $1
7 bars Diamond C soap, 25c
Pure Old Cider Vinegar, 30c gallon
Baking Powder, worth 25c, now 18c
" 15c, " 10c
" 10c, " 7c
First grade Flour, best on market, $1.40 sack
Second grade Flour, $1.35 sack
Third grade Flour, $ 1'. 30 sack
Pure Old Cider Vinegar
Nebraska, that they found him guilty on
two counts. But in view of the fact that
he never get the money, little injury was
done, and therefore the Bar commission
recommend clemency to the supreme
court. We suppose if he had gotten the
$7000 it would have been otherwise.
Several windmills were blown down by
the high wind of Thursday night. One on
the Thomas place, two for E. T. Gregg,
one for E. E. Horner. The Marsland
Lumber Co., had their lumber, outside of
thejeheds scattered around promiscuously,
and one of the large glass was blown in at
the Commercial. Theheavy rain wet up
the ground in good shape but the freeze
that followed doubtless killed the plum
and apple blossoms which were out in all
their beauty.
The Marsland Telephone Co. purchased
the schoolhouse which stood in what is
called the Hughes district and have moved
it on to the creamery lot just south of the
old creamery "building. They are fitting
it up for a "Central". Henry Hollinrake
and Gid Dumon moved it up. This build
ing has done good service as a pioneer and
ln stood the storms of manv vears and is
said to have been erected "22 years B. C"
and most every one else in Alliance and vicinity
success the ROSS P. CURTICE CO. have had here in the past. Again we most
call at our new location, Mrs. S. J. Holdridge's, and
most famous pianos. No stencils, no made by so and
give entire satisfaction.
other makes
Come and see them you are as welcome to look
any of you, all of you.
Our easy payment plan allows 1 2 to '48 months to
Old pianos and organs taken as part payment.
Phone No. 32
and do not
ask for credit
We are in receipt of a clipping from the
Walla Walla, Wash, paper which reads
as follows, "After a short illness, George
W, Grant, residing on South Second
street, died in the Walla Walla hospital at
10:30 o'clock last night. He came here
from Louisville, Ky. about one year ago
and durine that time ho has surrounded
himself with a largo circle of friends.
William Grant, son of the deceased is the
only relative living in Walla Walla, the
remainder of his family living in Nebras
ka. Mr. Grant was a member of the Odd
Fellows lodge in good standing in Oklaho
ma and was buried in the Odd Fellows
cemetery. William Grant J r, writes his
mother, Mrs Mary Grant, of near-Canton,
that his father died under the knife in an
operation for appendicitis, his death being
very sudden and most unexpected.
We are in receipt of a very nice Maga
zine entitled "The District Teacher and
School Board Journal" edited by C, L.
Hopper, CountysSuperintendent of Sheri
dan county, and Miss Jennie Ellis, County
Superintendent of Dawes county. It is a
fine little Journal full of good "reading
matter. Miss Ellis speaks of her visit to
the Marsland schools on St. Patricks Day
m I ffjftT WirJL BBJH iMl (JTc IT u x II '' 1 r?1 YHmH
ITS Tone Quality Is Superior to 'that of an Vprlght. It occupies practi
cally no more space than an Vprlght. It costs no more than the largo
Vprlght. It weighs less than tho larger Uprights. Il Is a more artlstlo
piece of furniture than an Vprlght. It has all tho desirable qualities of
tho larder Grand Pianos. It can bo moved through stairways and spaces
smaller than will admit even the small Uprights,
Permanent Alliance Store
Mrs. S. J. Holdridge's
403 Box Butte Ave.
and we quote some of the good things she
says about them. "Mrs. Burns, primary
teacher, has exceptionally good order in
her room. She speaks and moves quietly
and the children follow her example.
Each ope appears to attend strictly to his
own work. We listened to some of Mr,
Burns arithmetic classes and found thor
ough work being done. There will be five
pupils to take the eighth grade examina
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Burns have both
passed examination for work in the Philli
pines and may receive au appointment
soon. Meantime Marsland knows and
appreciates their worth as teachers." Miss
Ellis was in Marsland again on Thursday
and Friday of last week and gave exami
nation to five eighth grade pupils. While
here she made arrangements, for a gradu
ation entertainment, the program of which
will appear later.
We had a fine snow storm but it did not
last long.
Mr. Hazard made a few calls the first of
the week.
Calvin Lamon was back again in this
vicinity today.
Mrs. Wistmiller visited at Mrs. Tur
ner's Tuesday.
Mrs. Ella Hashman is going to Omaha
Friday to have an operation.
Mrs. Bessie Vaughn visited with Mrs.
Vaughn a few days Inst week.
Roy Denton and Arthur Lower were
the guests of Carl Hashman Sunday.
Miss Ina Green is visiting at the home
of Miss Amy Hashman for a few days.
A number from this neighborhood at
tended church in Alliance Easter Sunday,
The farmers are rejoicing over the fine
rain we had, but the wind did not blow
Mr. Sheep Jobuson, who has bsen vis
iting in town a few days, arrived home
Mr, Lammon, the assessor, came to this
neighborhood to collect what he might
find out, if the rain had not frightened
see a magnificent ex
so, but pianos that will
as to buy; any time,
complete payments.
Public Sale.
The undersigned will sell at public auc
tion on his premises 17 miles due west of
Hemingford, on Monday, May 18, 1908,
commencing at 10 o'clook sharp, the fol
lowing property:
Ten head of horses, 3 wagons, 3 mowers,
3 hayracks, 1 rake, 1 sulky plow, 2 break
ing plows, 2 cultivators, 1 dhc with seeder
attachment, 1 binder, r harrow, 1 potato
digger, 1 lister, 1 threshing outfit. Pigs,
all sizes, 1 full-blooded Chester white
boar. Five dozen white Leghorn chickens,
5 dozen Plymouth Rock chickens. Two
sets harness, saddles, spurs, sheds, poles
wood piles, lumber, all kinds of tools, wind
mill, water tanks pnmping horsepower,
fanning mill, corn shelter, feed grinder.
Household furniture and many other
articles too numerous to mention. Come,
there will be something for everybody.
Terms: All amounts under Sio, cash;
above So, six months' time at 10 per cent
interests. Free lunch at noon.
W. M. Fosket, Auctioneer.
him away. He wishes to have those he
did not visit to hand their report in next
Saturday when in Alliance.
Miss Ina Green and friend, Carl Hash
man attended the dance at Mr, McCoy's
Friday evening.
Fred Nichols did not come as was ex
pected Friday on account of his father's
death Sunday morning.
Mrs. Ella Skinner and granddaughter,
Miss Hembry, visited over Sunday with
Mrs. Norman Lieshman.
Unity Sunday School will take for their
lessons for awhile The Life of Christ, be
ginning with Matt. 2-xo.
Miss Amy Hashman and friend, Uollin
Ross attended the dance at Mr, McCoy's
Friday evening and report a fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner were greatly sur
prised by an Easter gift from Mr. Gaga
hagan, a fine dog It did not stay long
leaving for parts unknown.