The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 09, 1908, Image 6

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County Commissioners' Proceedings.
Reduced Winter Tourist
excursion rates available
every day to the resorts of
the Southeast Cuba, Flor
ida, the Gulf Country,
Texas and the Southwest.
Nine months coast excur
sion rates to the Pacific
Coast, Southern California,
Democratic National Con
vention in Denver, July 6th
to nth.
Send D. Clem Deaver,
General Agent Burlington
Landseekers' Information
Bureau, Omaha, Nebraska,
the names and addresses of
your farmer friends back
east, who might be induced
to rent, buy or homestead a
farm in your neighborhood;
He will send descriptive
matter and get in touch
with them.
W. L. Wakrley, G. P. A., Omaha, Nob
Wm. James,
Dealer in
No. 5.
When you plan your home
remember the importance of
Good Plumbing
1 do sanitary work and guar
antee it.
I install Standard bath room
Steam and Hot Water Heat
ing with modern, up-to-date
Ideal Boilers and American
Radiators right in my line.
Your Printing
It should be a fit representative of your
business, which means the high grade, ar
tistic kind, That.s the kind we do.
These represent our facilities for doing
the kind of printing that will please you.
The prices are right, and prompt delivery
the invariable rule at this office.
Alliance, Nob., March 30, 190S.
The board of county commissioners
mot mirsimnt to adjournment. All
members being present. Chairman, J.
I Jensen, J. M. Wanck and Sang C.
Keck. The following proceedings
were had:
The board ordered that a reward of
$ 1 00 be paid ior the apprehension and
conviction of horse or cattle thieves
operating within the boundaries of Box
Hutto county, Nebraska.
Tho board authorized the clerk to
exchange tho old Century typewriter
for a new No. 3 Underwood.
Tho following claims were audited
and allowed and tho clerk ordered to
draw warrants on the general fund for
the same:
Edith Rhodes $7000
W. C. Mounts 2250
D. W. Hughes 20 75
II. H. Ucllwood 24 00
Codrad Sterkle 1 iG GO
Al Wikcr.. 14 4
Mrs. Al Wiker 1800
H. H. Sniicc 2134
Carl Spacht 2152
Will KitiBley 12 00
Ora Phillips 25C.15
Ira Roland. 900
H. M. Bullock t2 00
Brown Griffith ' 3 00
A.P.Brown C 10
Hammond & Stephens 24 00
Cal Cox 8 00
Auburn Telephone Co 12 00
H &S Co 730
Klopp & Bartlctt 19302
Frank Vaughan 1800
Chas Brcnnan 2760
Anton Morava 10.00
Omaha Printing Co. 30 44
Forest Lumber Co 2 95
Lee A Roland 6 00
L A iierry 3 75
W C Mouuts '. .... 25 Q5
Board ordered taxes of $2,43 re
funded to H. H. Frazier on account of
his being assessed in wrong school dis
trict. Also Will Mabin $3.00 on
poll tax, after which tho board ad
journed until toworrow morning at 9
W. C. Mounts, County Clerk.
Alliance, Neb., March 31, 1908.
The board of county commissioners
reconvened as per adjournment. Pres
ent, Chairman J. P. Jensen, J. M,
Wanek and Sang C, Reck.
The county treasurer submits the
following report to the board:
To the Honorable Board of County
Commissioners of Box Butte Coun
ty: The following is the airiount of taxes
collected from January 9th to March
30th, 1908, $12,156.05, of the above
amount $4022.24 is back tax collected
from years 1890 to 1906.
F' McCoy was appointed road over
seer to road district No. 9.
Bid of H. H. Smice for rent of
poor farm for 1908, it being the only
one the county attorney was ordered
to draw up the contract for the
The following bonds were submitted
and approved.
Bond of L. A. Berry for justice of the
Boud of the State Bank of Hemingford
for additional deposits.
The following claims for refund of
taxes, paid under protest considered
and voted to refund:
Alvina Anderson $1000
A. S. Gerdes 300
The following claims were audited
and allowed and clerk ordered to
draw warrants on general fund for
Carl Spacht S 1 92
W C Mounts 1 19 50
Mae Keaue 175 00
Chas Moravek 8 00
C Klemke 720
Eugene Burton 193 90
I- A Berry 3 00
J E Colby 1200
A G Starr 232 25
E W Ray 1 50
Board adjourned until tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock.
W. C. Mounts, County Clerk.
Box Butto county Nebraska, to the
1st ward precinct of the city of
Allianbe, Box Butto county Nebraska.
Tho petition of F. B. Defrccs paid
nndcr protest, voted to reject,
The following statement of the
county treasurer submmlted and upon
vote of the board was approved as
To the Honorable Board of Coun
ty Commissioners of Box Butte
The following refunds have been
made in this office:
January Poll Rfd Other rfds
Roy Randall fire certificates. . . $ 2 50
WD Rumer merchandise.... 13038
R E McCool disability 2 50
D R Hills over ago 250
F R Badgley over age 250
R H Watkins over age 2 50
R A Cook paid in Sheridan Co 2 50
John Knudson over age 2 50
Wm Watts over age 2 50
L E Hawkins Mar. 1905 and
1906 6 00
Aria Cattle Co personal 25 74
Otis Bass, district refund 3071
Emma Bass dist refund 162
John Kean poll and interest as
sessed twice 430
W E Field poll receipts Sheri
dan county 2 50
Elmer Marsh assessed twice. . . 4 75
t, U Koons tire ccrtiticatcs. ... 3 00
J N Colerick over age 2 50
A D New over age poll and in
terest 3 90
J D Pyle over age 3 00
Wm Moulton fireman 250
E C Koons fireman 3 00
E W Bell over age 2 50
Joseph Mismiller disabtlity. ... 3 o
J H Hedges over age 3 00
A Tschacher not of age
Ed Mabin, not in county poll
and interest
Jas Houston assessed twice. . . .
Total $72 00
April 1,
3 00
4 30
193 72
2G5 72
1908, grand total. .
J. P. Jensen
J. M. Wanek
Sang C. Reck
The following claims were audited
and allowed and the clerk ordered to
draw warrants on general fund for
FredMollriug $119 80
Forest Lumber Co 4 25
Board adjourned until tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock. ,
W. C. Mounts,
County Clerk.
Alliance, Neb., April 2, 1908.
Board reconvened from yesterday,
present, Chairman. J. P. Jensen, J. M.
Wanek and Sang C. Reck.
The following proceedings were had.
It is orde;ed by the board of county
commissioners that the following
fuuds be transferred to the general
Amended reports of D. K, Spacht
for years 190G and 1907 submitted and
approved by the board.
The following bills were allowed and
clerk ordered to draw warrants on the
general fund for the buue:
Sang C Reck $12 00
J M Wanek 18 20
J P Jensen 20 40
Board then adjourned subject to
W. C. Mounts.
County Clerk.
To the Board of Education and Patrons
of the Alliance-Public School:
The following is the report of the city
schools for the month ending Mar. 27, 1908.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone landing a sketch and description mT
upimon ire wnei
DatentAhla. Cnmn
t'.oniitrictlrconOdeutlaL HANDBOOK onl'tnu
quickly ascertain our opinion fre
Intention la probably patentable.
ether an
sent free. Oldest aitency for socurtagpatents,
raieuia taien tnrouiD aiunn x CO.
spnioi notice, witnoni course, 10 ua
Scientific American
A handsoroelr Illustrated weeklr. I-arsest cir
culation or anr clentlflo Journal. Terms, IJ a
yeart four months, SL Bold b J all newsdealers.
ilUHH & Co "iBro.-,,. New York
Branch Ofloa, eSbVBL, Washington, I). C.
Alliance, Neb., April 1, 1908.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
all members present, Chairman, J. P.
Jeusen, I. M. Wanek and Sang C.
It was moved and seconded that
lot two north of the county addition
to Alliance be transferred from Lake
precinct to the 1st ward precinct and
upon vote on same the following order
was entered. .
It is hereby ordered by the board of
county commissioners of Box Butte
county, Nebraska, that lot 2 of County
Addition to the city of Alliance,'
Box Butte county, Nebraska, accord.'
ing to the recorded plat
the same appears of record in- the
county clerk's office of said ""exfrarrty,
be transferred and the same is hereby
transferred from Lake precinct
Total number of pupils enrolled 700
Number of boys unrolled 371
Number of islrls enrolled 3U3
Total unrollmont to dato
Total number of dyn iittundnncu i:iKJ7
Averauo dally itttfiitliiuco tKW.N
Total miuttr of days belonging 14551.5
A rvriiKU number pupils belonging r.7.0
Percent of tlally attendant.-)) KtH
Number of cusvs of tardlums 8
Number of tiupuiiblous 4.
Minutes lost by tardiness :U
Number halt tfnys lost 12A)
Number present eerv day 500
Number of visitors . K)
Absent from school without substitute.. . 8
Days abstmt from rchool with t-uustltutu Nonu
Absent from teachers' meethiK Nonu
Tardy at school None
Tardy at teachers' lueetlns None
Visit to patrons 17
The high school retains the flag again
this month for being perfect in punctual
i:y and having a higher percent of attend
ance than any competing grades. Its per
cent of attendance was 97.52. The B 2nd
grade also secured a flag with 97.50 per
cent of attendance.
The 5th and Cth grades, Emerson school
secured the flag in that building with 93.74
percent of daily attendance.
Ten rooms were perfect in punctuality
during the month. The following is the
list, the rank in percent of attendance be
ing indicated by the order:
High school, B 2nd, 5th B 3rd, A 4th,
7tlw 3rd, A 2nd, 6th and 5th Emerson,
and 6th Central.
Respectfully submitted,
. D. W. Hayes.
Supt. City Schools.
Railway Notes from Edgemont.
Edgemont Express
Mrs, O. G. Moore and family have gone
to Alliance for a tliorj visit.
Mr. Baker, the round house carpenter
has gone to York, Neb., on business.
Engine 3136 that ban been in the shops
for repairs went out on 45 Tuesday,
Engine 3147 is going to the Sheridan
shops for heavy repairs in the near future.
Engine 3143 has been kept in the shops
for drop pit work and will be repaired
Engineer McNaughton is on the extra
list at Sheridan and is running out of there
at present.
Master Mechanic L. Harriett who has
been in Deadwood some days went to Al
liance Wednesday.
Mr. Rivett has been appointed superin
tendent of grounds and buildings, taking
the place of Mr. Hcddengren.
R. E. Smith of the store department will
be chief clerk ih tho office here, following
the promotion of II. Johnson.
Superintendent liirdsell went to Dead
wood Tuesday and returned Thursday go
ing upon company business.
Men have been at work repairing the
gasoline engine on the turntable and en
gines have to be turned by hand,
M. W, Smith who has been night fore
man at the shops and then went to work
as machinist, has quit the service.
Engine 2982 which lost her tank in the
turntable pit here, has been equipptd with
a now tank and is now in commission.
Fred Houser, traveling engineer of the
Burlington High Line accompanied Super
intendent Roup to Alliance Wednesday
All dydraulic jacks and the machinery
of the round house in general is being
overhauled and placed in first class
Engine 1509 is expected here in the near
fnturo to work in the yards in place of en
gine 2982 which is doing the work at
Wm. Dye arrived in town from Craw
ford and will run out of here in the future
as his crew has been withdrawn from the
Crawford hil.
K. C. Spatz, the foreman of the round
house has sent to Alliance for the white
wash appliance preparatory to whitewash
ing the round house.
Engine 640 has been assigned to ths Hot
Springs-Minnekahta run and engine 6o3
will come to Edgemont and work out of
here on the high line.
I. S. P. Weeks who has been chief en
gineer of the Bnrlington western connec
tions is now superintendent of maintenance
and way, in place of J. R. Hickox who has
been made train master on the Sterling
Brakeman Haskins fell from his train
Wednesday on going into the yards at Gil
lette and was crushed to death. It is
supposed he was going from a box car to
the tank and slipped. The remains were
shipped to his home.
Superintendent of Motive Power Roup
has been in Deadwood for two or three
days and Tuesday evening he returned to
Edgemont where he looked over the engine
that has been testing the water from the
deep well and he expressed himself well
pleased with the outlook and the way in
which the water was working in the switch
engine. On Wednesday morning he lett
on 42 for Alliance.
Harry Johnson has been appointed as
chief clerk of the Alliamce store depart
ment and will assume his new duties after
the 7th of this month. He will be under
J. L. Berryhill and his move is a promotion
for Mr. Johnson and as such will be hailed
with delight by his friends on his account,
although they will hate to see him leave
the town where he has been prominent in
building up the band. He has taken great
interest in the organization and his itstru
ment will be very much missed, He has
the best wishes of a host of friends in his
move and they will always be glad to hear
of his future success.
- Pleasant Hill School Report.
Report of Pleasant Hill school, district
No, 15, for month ending April 3, 1908.
Enrollment 15
Total days lost by absence 62
Number of tardies. 3
Total No. days all pupils attended. . .237
Average daily attendance 11
Pupils neither absent nor tardy, Grace
Hansen, Carl Hennings, George Hennings,
Clara Christensen, Nina Christensen.
Marie Hansen, Teacher.
Notice to Hunters.
For Sale Cheap.
Household goods. Also new piano
if desired. These goods are in modern
house which can be rented reasonable.
of 1 call at this office. i6-tf. .
Owing to the act that hunters have
shot several of my horses, two fatally,
during the last two weeks, I will have
to strictly forbid hunting on my prem
ises in the future. Parties found hunt
ing on my laud at anytime hereafter
will be prosecuted to the full extent of
the law. W. R. Kent.
Notice to Alliance Property Owners.
Notice is hereby given all Alliance
owners of real estate that alleys, vacant
places and streets adjoining must be
cleaned without delay, of all waste
papers, refuse, manure, etc. Prompt
attention and compliance with this
notice will saya costs.
C. C. SMITH, Mayor,
W. O. BARNES, City Clerk.
THE man who gets the most out of life Is the man who
lives to learn. An old man, walking by the banks of a
river, said to his grandson: "See this river, my child.
It has a different Interest for every one of us. That man yon
der thinks of It merely as a place to fish. The boys down
there think of It as a swimming pool. Tho man who owns
the sawmill considers It a part of his workshop. Those young
people In the launch think of It as a pleasure stream. Tho
farmer finds that It enriches his fields. The cows come down
to drink. The old settlers tell us of a battle that wac fought
near the bend. And you and I find It a many-sided object
lesson. For you are soon to go out Into the world, and you
will find life like this river. You will observe that every man
thinks of it from his own standpoint. Some are Idlers along
the banks waiting for chance to bring them what they want;
some row up stream and some float down; some find refresh
ment, some only pleasure; some see only the hard work; and
some are looking back at the past, thinking of the battles that
have been fought In years gone by. But you and I will find It
a great object lesson a 6chool where all the activities of men
and women become lessons, and where progress in wisdom
and goodness Is the chief motive In all that we do."
(Copyright, 1307, by Joitph B. Bowie.)
jiMrH MT3S
Daily Star
Nebraska's Greatest Home Paper
contains all the news of the world and
the nation; all the state and local news;
complete market reports; a complete and up
to-date Nebraska newspaper in every respect.
No cut price rates nor bargain weeks.
The Star is worth all we ask; $3.00 per
year, $ 1 .50 for six months, with
a useful premium free. Furth
er information, sample cop
ics, etc.. by addressing
Circulation Depart
x mcnt.Lincoln Daily
sifcMesgs: ,,.' m: ,u',. .-anx: ir.3 ;.u y.-ttiii
The Machine You Will
Eventually Buy
Do you know that for Correspondence, Statement
Work for Billing- and for all other classes of work
the UNDERWOOD is the best machine? Do
you know that the UNDERWOOD, because of
its visible writing- and various other superior fea
tures, will save you at last 20 per cent of your
time? Do you realize that time is money? Do
you know that the UNDERWOOD holds the
speed record of the World?
The UNDERWOOD is best because of its visibil
ity, durability and absolute reliability under all
Underwood Typewriter Co,
161 7 Farnam St.
Omaha, Neb.
1 3
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