la ":torlcnl Society e Alliance Herald. Official Publication of the City and County. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. . -- VOLUME XV. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1908 NUMBER 17 s Th If i ,' ; ft l.ft ' CIIAS. E. FORD, President. A.'S. HKIiD, Vlco Prcst. R. .M. HAMPTON, Vlco Pros. (NO. 4220) S. K. WARRICK, Cnslilcr. G. O. HAMPTON, Asst. Cnsh. First National Bank OF ALLIANCE CAPITAL - - $50,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS $34,000.00 United StatesDepository OUR POLICY: Courtesy and Conservatism The First National Bank has no clients but its customers and no interests to conserve but those of its clients. It will render any service of a financial na ture which any Individual or Corporation may properly desire. If success in banking be me'asured by service rendered, then the First National Bank shall take the first rank. i iff aye YOU H0T1CED m ' " - that the most exacting people speak well of our LUMBER That's worth something It's conclusive proof that our timber must possess many good qualities, otherwise we would not be favored with so many orders. Estimates cheerfully furnished and we await your orders Forest Lumber Company W. C. HI BBS, flgr. "DRY" VOTERS SHOWER THE BALLOT BOXES Tuesday's Municipal Election Brings Out Largest Vote Ever Polled in Alliance More than One Hundred Majority Against Saloon License. H evariaismwjmgjtMaa The question of saloons or no saloons was paramount in the election last Tuesday, and from the opening of the polls to the close of the same, nt 7 o'clock p. in., the campaign was kept up to the highest pitch. The fight seemed to be all one way from external appearances and it was the "dry" ele ment that made the mo3t active cam paign. They were out in force and hao arranged a compact and comprehensive campaign in every detail. Two auto mobiles with flying banners bearing the inscriptions "Alliance is Going Dry," "A Dry Town Makes Happy Homes," etc., flaunted in the moist atmosphere, which prevailed at the time, and seem ed to be the tauntings of a "wet" weather man. The saloon men too, were on the streets all day working but it was evident to most of them from 'the start that their fight was a hopeless one. The contest for mayor was handed at the start of the about noon, the name of F. was brought forth without edge, with the result that Mr. Harris showed himself a strong man. But for the fact of C. C. Smith's pop ularity ho would have been a close second. Mr. Smith's vote in the First ward was 244 and in the Second 146. Mr. Harris received 82 in the First ward and 77 in the Second. For city treasurer, Chas. Brennan 'had a complete walkaway. Out ol C44 votes he secured 504, thus attesting his worth as a public officer while coun ty treasurer, from which office he retired this year. For councilman in the First ward C. A. Newberry was elected, being "tlfe only candidate in the field. In the Second ward, C. L. Drake was pitted against E. M. Martiu for councilman but the popularity of Mr. Martin as councilman was attested by a majority of iGg. The question on licensing saloons single game, but V. Harris his knowl- was opposed in tho First ward by a vote of 221 against 149. In the Second ward the "drys" polled 150 votes against 117, making a majority of 105 against tho granting of license. The temperance ladies served hot coffee and sandwiches all day at the Darling store and 1 1 nguo's hnrdwnro es tablishment and it is said that they had a large patronage their motto being "quick sales and no profits," but when the result of tho election was announced tho ladies felt satisfied with their day's work. ,w The Election Elsewhere. License carried in Lincoln by Icsb than 200, but saloons will bo open only during the day, irom 7 a. 111 to 7 p. m. The civic league announces that the fight will be kept up till the saloons go. The excise board revoked two licenses Wednesday. Where anti-saloon men won: Tecum sell, Tckatnah, Holdrcge, Wymore. Syracuse, Auburn, Wood River, Ar lington, Kennard, Friend, Ravenna, David City, Blue Hill, Bladen, Upland, Hildrcth, Alma, Clarks, Juniata, Ken esaw, Clay Center, Inland, Osceola, Beatrice, Nelson, Shubert, Dawson, Broken Bow, Fairmont, Blair, Homer. Where the saloon men woniKcarney, Greenwood, Silver Creek, Humboldt, Miudcu, Holstein, Nebraska City, Fair bury, Tobias, Dunbar, Utica, Red Cloud, Campbell, Lawrence, Seward, Exeter, Sutton, Roseland, Sterling, Grafton, Superior, Stella, Vcrdon, Plainvicw, Arapahoe, Harvard, Indi andla, Neligh. KILLING AT CRAWFORD Alliance National Rank Or ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA CAPITAL STOCK PAID IIS SURPLUS $50,000 20,000 State, County, City and School Depository All Its Officers and Directors are Residents of Alliance - Stands Squarely on Its Own Resources Has No Borrowed Honey and No Branch Banks . F. M. KNIGHT, President W H. CORBIN, Vice-President F. W. HARRIS, Cashior S. FICKELL, Assistant Cashior Negro and White Soldiers Mix and Five of Uncle Sam's Men are Shot. There was great excitement at Craw ford Tuesday night when a negro shot five white soldiers, killing two and bD.ily wounding the other three. LuBt night the soldiers from the post went to town with the intention of cleaning out the negroes, but it is reported that all had left town. The shooting oc curred in the proscribed district. Shirt Waist Sale. Regan's. Norton's r Gloves Gloves Gloves Gloves s. S Gloves REGAN'S A DR. T. ALLEN, DENTIST Painless Extraction Lateit Methods Safe. Su ALLIANCE NKBKABKA Shirt Waist Sale. Regan's. RE you ready? Go! But one thing's certain; you're not ready, no matter where you're going, unless you're properly dressed. The best clothes for you to wear for any man to wear the best clothes made, are Hart, Schaff ner & Marx clothes. And our store is the place where you find them. If you want a sack suit that .will look right on you, you'd better see our new Varsity models; snappiest styles ever shown. You can get any kind of a good suit here, but we'd like to show you the Varsity. Prices Range from $18 to $30 This store is tho home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes New, Nobby Fancy Vests $2 to $5. v & Kuppenheimer's latest styles TrT men's clothing. These are the latest creations $20 to $35 TICC Just received our large line of I IE.O Easter ties. Nobbier than ever U ATC All the latest shapes, including IIH 1 O the college shapesf The famous Gordon & Ferguson make LOW SHOES J " Talis, Buttons, Ties' Norton's 7S 1 1 mWns Stetson Hats $3.50 to $8.50 FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE Copyright 1908 by Hart Schaffner & Mam A STORE FOR MEN HOLSTEN HAS JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OF Lincoln Paint Every Gallon Guaranteed IT STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST HOLSTEN'S lDES3Sf3X3,X, j-Office in Alliance National Bank Blk. Over Postoflice. Phnt.M ini . .. jy. ;. livyrv..yvvSvvv,Ij.jvSv'i"ll 1000 Every dollar snctit in naintine vnnr house and sheds and fence this spring will make it look 100 dollars better, last longer and give vou a degree of pleasure never experienced before. Come here and select your paint if you want tlie real genuine satisfaction giv ing kind. lu24euaticv GEO. J. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. Shirt Waist Sale. Regan's. ? .-