The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 02, 1905, Image 6

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The Alliance Herald
m n a " .
T. J. O'KEEFE, Publlaher.
Brief Telegrams
Tho Mayor of Chicago has raised tbo
"boxing lid."
Tho Illinois delegation is boofoed to
opposo tariff legislation.
"William Lalnt of Philadelphia, Pa,,
dled of Homo nt tho ago of CC ycara.
t Is said tho Cnnndlan sldo of NI-
ra Falls ha8 receded 300 foot dur-
l&eVtko last SO years.
With Masonic rites tho funeral of
former Congressman Jerry Simpson
ocenrrod at Warhltn. Kas.
Tho Pennsylvania's now car order
brings uat road's oxpondlturo for
cqulpaeat for tho year up to $2C.000v
A girl cashier in Now York con
fossod that alio has stolen $2,000 from
her employers (o supply money to her
All Russia Ib practically strike
bound. St. Petersburg Is all but Iso
lated and wido distress Is roportod In
othor dtiea.
Secretary Taft decided in 'favor of
tho contention of representatives of
Toias regarding the improvements of
tho Bratoe river.
An Imperial ukuso authorizes pro
visionally tho two of tho Polish and
Lnthuam'lan languages In tho prlvato
schools of Poland.
Tho German government will not
propose to tho rolchstag an Increase
in the B&vy boyond thb additions pre
Tioasly. estimated.
The bishop of London, Dr. Ingram,
has taken up President Roosevelt's
cue and has denounced race :: icldo
as 'a film dno to tho lovo of ease.
The domo on tho great cathedral in
Monterey, Moxlco, fell, crushing tho
church lato u heap. Tho odlflco was
ono ef Uio landmarks of Moxlco.
Plates of unworked silver worth
18,090 wero stolo and carried from n
wagoa belonging to William R. Elfer
a allvor Manufacturer at Now York.
AugUBt Hemery, for Franco, won
tho Vanaorbllt cup in tho 283-mile nu
tomobllo raco over tho Long Island
course, which was covorcd In 27C min
utes. The stato bank at Rockham, S. D.,
was robbed Tho safo was Bhatterod
by nitro-glycorlno and $3,000 In cur
rency, bcaidos valuablo securities, se
cured. Tho secretary of tho interior has or
derod tho withdrawal from entry of
300,960 acros of land In tho Ghoyonno,
Wyo., land district with a viow to
creating a forest rcservo.
Zebuiea B. Drockway, tho omlnent
prison administrator and roformcr, Is
now 79 years old, but ho has Just been
nominated by both democrats and re
publicans for mnyor of Elmlra, N. Y.
Major General Leonard Wood has
arrived nt Manila and will nssumo
command ot tho military department
oi tho Philippines during tho absenco
of Major General Corbln.
Attorney General Hadloy of Missou
ri haa instituted ouster proceedings
against tho Kansns City board of trado
and its wolghroastor and Inspectors
for refusing to allow stato Inspection
of grain.
Mr. McCormlck, tho American am
'baBsador to Franco, nnd Mrs. McCor
mlck arrived nt Milan from tho baths
of Salsomaggloro. Thoy will remain
In Milan a fow days boforo returning
to Paris.
Now York investigators decided to
Include tho stato department of insur
ance la their inquiry, becauso of a
suspicion that oxamincrs are named
by politicians In tho Interest of tho
big companies.
Rock Island passenger trnln No. 11,
west bonnd, and Rock Island passenger
train No. 12, eastbound, met In a
beacon collision, ono-half mllo west of
Falrflold, la. Four wcro klllod and a
number wounded.
Secrotary Russwurm of tho Ten
osseo Breeders association announced
that tho association has decided to test
in the courts tbo constitutionality of
tho anti-race track betting law, passed
by the last legislature.
Urgent reccommendatlon Is con
tained in the annual report of the pay
maoter gonoral of tho navy for tho
warranting of paymasters' clerks In
the aavy, and for the creation of a re
tired list for this branch of tho ser
vice. Former Governor Joao Miguel Gomes
of Santa Claro province, Cuba, who re
cently resigned the Cuban liberal
party candidacy for president of Cuba,
denied at Now York tho report circu
lating in Havana that ho had come to
Now York to buy arms for a revolu
tionary movement.
John Weir, prosldent of tho Wesley
an university nt Buckhannon, W. Va.,
was burned In effigy on tho campus by
tho studonts as tho result of 111 feel
ing follownlg tho president's decision
practically abolishing football from
tho colloge.
Henry S. Storrs, general superin
tendent of tho I nko Shore & Michigan
Southern railway, died at Clevoland,
The Duchess of Marlborough, for
merly Miss Consuelo Vanderbtlt, sailed
from Now York for England on the
steamer Kron Prlnz Wllhelm.
The National Grand lodge of Good
Templars has elected George Cottrell
of Washington national guard, chief
An order has been issued by the war
department creating a department ot
imllitary hygiene In the" military" acad
.,emy at West, Point.
Without good lnaltti life is not
worth living. Sickly, peevish chil
dren nro a sourco of endless trouble
nnd nnxiofy to their parents, yet tho
children's condition is frequently duo
to their parents' Ignorance or thought
lesaness, or both.
To mnko children healthy and to
keep thorn In that condition It Ib noc
essary to feed thCm proper food and
to see that thoy got plenty of oxor
ciso and fresh air. Meat Is very bad
for children. It should bo avoided
and food rich In phosphates, such as
PHIsbury's Vitos, should bo given in
its placo.
This lood is truly tho "meat of tho
wheat." It is made by tho world's
greatest millers and it Is freo from
artificial coloring or adultoratlon. It
Is not especially a child's food. Your
wholo family will enjoy this common
sense cereal. It makes a wholesome,
substantial breakfast or an appetiz
ing dessert nnd can bo prepared in
ono hundred different wayB.
Every good grocer will Bupply you
with PIllsbury'B Vitos. Largo pack
ago enough to mnko twelve poundB
of strength-building food, 16c, Rocky
Mountain Territory, 20c. Ask your
grocer about It to-day.
Failure Before Success.
Tho child creeps beforo it walks;
tho babo lisps and stutters, beforo It
talks. It is as impossible for n man
to scalo the holghts of success at a
slnglo bound as it is for tho young
bird to leap Into midair at tho first
attempt without pasBlng successfully
through Bovoral nocoBsary stages of
failure. Exchange.
"The Modern Gladiator.
Pcoplo strugglo with their wits now,
not with cold steel. Tho gladiator of
today Is really an intellectual, and
hiB arena Is tho Forum and tho Stock
Exchange, tho Hall of Science and
mo race course In short, whoro brain
is pittcl against brain, mother wit
against mother wit. Tho Academy,
Every housekeeper should know
that If thoy will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use thoy
will savo not only time, becauso It
novor sticks to tho Iron, but because
each package contains 10 oz. ono full
pound while nil othor Cold Water
Starches are put up In -pound pack
ages, nnd tho prlco is tho samo, 10
cents. Then ngain becauso Defiance
Starch is freo from all Injurious chem
icals. It your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package It Is becnuso ho has
a stock on hand which ho wishes to
disposo of beforo he puts In Defiance.
Ho knowB that Defiance Starch has
printed on every packago In largo let
ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand Do
Danco and savo much time and money
and the annoynnco of tho Iron stick
ing. Doflanco never sticks.
Peculiar Chinese Medicines.
A Chinese modlclno book, dating
back to tho Wing dynasty (I5C8-1C44)
contains no loss than 28,739 receipts.
Matorials of tho Materia Medlca Si
nensis consists of vegetables, miner
als and articles belonging to tho ani
mal kingdom, such, for Instance, ns
drngonB' teeth, centipedes, scorpions,
Spanish flies, roaches, beetles, tad
poles, etc.
Whistling Disliked by Sailors.
Whistling Is thought very unlucky
by sailors, as It is supposod to raiso
an unfavorable wind. This supersti
tion Is, perhaps, to bo traced to tho
practice of whistling for winds, com
mon to many nations In days gone by.
A whistling woman is a suro sign to
a sailor ot coming disaster, wreckago
and so on.
Samples of Enthusiasm.
Michael Angelo was so filled with
enthusiasm in his art, so afraid that
monoy might taint his brush, that ho
refused to accept any pay whatever
for hl3 masterpieces In tho Vatican
and St Poter's. Napoleon's cnthu
slasm banished tho word "Impossible"
from his dictionary.
Alast Vanishing Man.
Man, llko tho oojum, is softly, If not
silently, fading away. Ono hesitates
to say that ho may one day bo as ex
tinct as Uio dodo, but at all events we
aro told that ho will bo literally no
where as compared with tho woman
of tho future. London Lady's Picto
rial. FUNNY
People Will Drink Coffee When It
"Does Such Thing."
"I began to use Postum because the
old kind of coffco bad so poisoned my
whole systom that I was on tho point
of breaking down, and tho doctor
warned mo that I must quit It
My chief ailment was nervousness
and heart trouble.
Any unexpected nolso would cause
mo the most painful palpitation, make
mo faint and weak.
"I hnd hoard of Postum and began
to drink it when I left off the old cof
fee. It bogan to help me just as soon
as tho old effects of the other kind of
coffeo passed away. It did not stim
ulate mo for a while, and then leavo
me weak and nervous as coffeo used
to do. Instead of that it built up my
strength and supplied a constant vigor
to my system which I can always re
ly on. It enables mo to do tho big
gest kind ot a day's work without
getting tired. All the heart trouble,
etc., has passed away.
T give it freely to all my children,
from tho youngest to tho oldest and
it keeps them all healthy and hearty."
Namo given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
There's a reason.
Read the little book; "The Ro4 te
.Wellyllle,' in pkga.
A Kansas City Woman's Terrible Ex
perience with Kidney Sickness.
Mrs. Mary Cogln, 20th st nnd Clovo
larid ave., Kansas City, Mo., says:
"For years I
was run down,
w o a k, 1 a m o
and.soro. Tho
kidney stcro
tlons wero too
frequent Then
dropsy puffed
up my ankles
until thoy
wcro a sight
to behold. Doc
tors gavo t&o
up, but 1 bo
can M B I n p
uoan's Kidney Pills, and tho remedy
cured mo bo that I have been well
over since, ahd havo had a flno baby,
tho first in flvo that was not prema
turely born."
Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
FoBtcr-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Producing the Yawn.
A characteristic attitude of tho
fatigue of tho will, as manifested in
attention, Is yawning. This arises
from a deep, slow and Involuntary In
spiration by which tho lungs nro filled
with air, which Is then Blowly oxplrod,
fio mouth being held open nnd tho
glottis slightly shut so as to produce
that strango characteristic nolso
which Is tho dread of orators.
Most Unfortunate of Habits.
The constant nagging, querulous
noes, complaining, dissatisfaction and
tho Invetcrato habit of seolng and
speaking '.bout tho disngrceablo sldo
of tblags aro traits which will ombit-
ter tho finest natures, and In tho end
ruin tho spirit and character of thoso
who aro subjoct to unreasonable and
contemptible caviling and complaint.
Novel Train Pilot
A train from Fenny Compton, War
wickshire, England, to Klneton ar
rived at its destination twenty min
utes late, ono day recently. In conso
quenco of a horse trotting in front of
tho train tho wholo way.
Affects Age of Horses.
Civilization Is said to havo reduced
tho Hfo of tho horse, and at twenty
six tho domestic animal Is as old as
though he had llvod thirty years In a
freo stato.
A Teacher's Testimony.
Hlnton, Ky., Oct. 30th. (Special.)
It has long been claimed that Dia
betes is incurable, but Mr. E. J. '
Thompson, teacher in tho Hlnton
school, Lui; pleasing ovldenco to the
contrary. Mr. Thompson had Diabe
tes. Ho took Dodd's Kidney Pills and
is cured. In a statement ho mnkes
regarding tbo cure Mr. Thompson
"I was troubled with my kldnoys
for moro than two years and was
treated by two of tho best doctors in
this part of tho state. Thoy claimed
I had Diabetes and there wns little to
bo done for me. Then I started to
use Dodd's Kidney Pills and what they
did for mo was wonderful. It is en
tirely owing to Dodd's Kidney Pills
that I am now onjoying good health."
Many doctors still maintain that Di
abetes Is Incurable. But Diabetes is a
kidney diseaso and the kidney disease
that Dodd's Kidney Pills will not euro
has yet to be discovered.
Real Contentment.
Money doesn't bring happiness, but
It makes a fellow feel mighty content
ed when ho Is ordering a first-class
dinner. Atlanta Constitution.
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with tho new things
of everyday use In the market, and
who Is reasonably satisfied with tho
old, we would suggest that a trial of
Defiance Cold water Starch be made
at once. Not alone because It Is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perior to nny other brand, but because
each 10a package contains 16 ozs.,
while all the other kinds contain but
12 ozs. It Is Biifo to say that the lady
who once uses Defiance Sarch will use
no other. Quality and quantity must
Beer and Heart Disease.
Somo German writers think there
is a connection between tho fact that
tho consumption of beer In Germany
has trebled In twenty years and tho
fact that there are now almost four
times as many heart diseaso "rejects"
at tho recruiting offices ot the army
and navy as In 1891.
Atk Your Dealer for Allen's Foot-Eats
A powder. It res U the feet. Cores Swollen,
Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching. Sweating Feet
and Ingrowing Nails. At ail Druggist and
Shoe stores, 25 cents. Accept no substitute.
Sample mailed FREE. Address. Allen S.
Oluutod, LeRoy, iTy.
Struggles of Life,
In the realm of conscience and char
acter man must work out his own sal
vation through ceaseless struggling,
tolling long, hard, and patiently. And
just In proportion as he goes toward
excollenco does tho work become diffi
cult Newell Dwlght Hillis.
Cactus Blossoms.
The cactus Is coming Into fashion In
England and Germany. A German
writer maintains that cactus blossoms
excel all others in variety and in beau
ty of form and color.
Business In Lhassa.
Lhassa, the Forbidden City of Thib
et, has ten thousand people, two-thirds
of whom nro women, who conduct all
the business of the city.
Ship's Time at College.
A clock in the tower of the new na
val collego at Dartmouth, England,
will mark the time as It is kept on
board ship, striking, 8, 6, 4 bells, etc.
Daniel George, n York county pio
noor, died last week.
At Madison, Mrs. A. V. Brown sus
tained sovcro burns on tho hands and
faco by a gnsollno explosion while
doing tho family washing.
Tho Fannors' Elovnior company of
Pickroll, closed tho deal for tho pur
chaso of tho Nebrnskn elevator at that
placo, tho consideration being ?G,000.
Theodoro Halm of Leryo, Minn., ar
rived in Omaha, met May Anderson by
chance, proposed, wns accepted, blew
In his bank roll upon her and was de
serted at tno altar all In three days.
Albert Radlor, of West Point who
was so seriously Injured in a railroad
accident two weeks ago Is getting
along very nicely and strong hopes nro
entertained for his ultlmnto re.covory.
Tho Northwestern railroad company
announced that a new headquarters
buttling will bo built in Norfolk at
onco to nccommodato tho overflow of
officials who have been located thero.
This has been a very busy year with
Hasting brlckmaking plants. Thero
are five of them there and in slzo and
equipment they are among tho best in
the state. Tho total output of the flvo
plants for tho season of 1905 is nearly
20,000,000 brick.
McCook lodge, K. of P., will enter
tain tho district convention of tho or
der November 8. There will be an af
ternoon and an ovenlng meeting. All
tho degrees of tho order will bo exem
plified. After the evening session Uiere
will be a banquet
Tho Sutton post of tho Grafed Army
of the Ropubllc, assisted by tho Wo
man's Relief corps, tendered Comrade
R. A. Pauly and Mrs. Pauly a farewell
roceptlon In tho Grand Army hall on
the ovo of their deprature for their new
homo on tho Pacific coast
Tho Burlington is rebuilding tho
semaphoro plant in tho Grand Island
yards, will rebuild tho semaphore
plant at Gllmoro Junction, near Omaha,
and will chango tho plant at Oroap
olls. At Grand Island an electric sem
aphoro plant Is being Installed.
A meeting of tho farmers about Neb
raska City, has been called to meet in
that city for tho purpose of forming a
protective association. Thero has been
considerable petty stealing going on
of late and tho farmers mean to pre
vent It In tho future, If possible.
Cortes B. Handy, an old resident of
Nebraska, died at Hood River, Ore.,
October 21, where he had gone In the
hopo of benefitting his health, which
had been falling for the last few years.
Mr. Handy located in Grand Island In
1876 and has been a continuous resi
dent of tho state since that time. His
wifo and olght children survive him.
A party who hns had extensive ex
perience In tho Kansas oil fields Is In
Falls City, desiring to test territory
thereabouts for both oil and gas at
his own expense, upon tho condition
chat ho can obtain a lease on at least
10,000 acres of bottom land at the
usual 10 per cent royalty.
James Whitehead, register of tho
land office at Broken Bow, Is In Port
land, where he was subpoenaed as
witness by tho general land office to
appear against Frank. Lambert, for
merly of Mullen. Lambert was re
cently nrrested In Oregon on the
cnargo of obtaining land by fraud
under tho Kincaid act.
Tho Methodist ministers of Hum
boldt havo recently made an agree
ment to assist each other In conduct
ing revival work during tho coming
winter in preference to tho old custom
of Importing professional evangelists
from other points. They expect to so
curo better and moro lasting results
from this character of work.
Rov. John Doano of Fremont city
has received a call to tho pastorate of
tho First Congregational church of
Greeley, Colo., and will probably ac
cept. Ho recently tendered his resig
nation as pastor of the Congregational
church of Fremont, which was accept
ed. Ho has been prominent In his
denomination In this state for tho past
fifteen years.
Tho Nebraska University Glee club,
which Is to tour the Pacific coast next
spring, is now made up for the winter
season. After trying out over 200
eager applicants, Director Gillespie,
Mr. Kllpatrick and Manager Dirks
havo finally selected thOBO to com
pose tho working squad. Thoy will
train steadily and after the home con
cert in February the number will be
reduced to half, and the western trip
Burlington fast freight No. 70 had
her second wreck, in which ono man
was killed and much damago done, at
Otis, Colo., a light engine ran into the
road of tho train smashing tho way car
and injuring two stockmen one of them
being burned severely about tho less
by the stove. Sunday night at Eckley
another freight ran Into her rear, kill
ing ono stockman, T. P. Mallory and
Killing a largo number of sheep, and
causing groat daamge.
The tobacco trust has obtained a
mailing list of York and York county,
and has shipped Jn within tho last ten
dnys hundreds of pounds of cigarette
paper. The trust evidently knows it
is violating the Nebraska law, as ono
of tho instructions Is "Don't give this
paper away."
Back pay amounting to over $8,000
Is due to 1,800 members of tho First
and Second regiments of the Nebras
ka National Guard for tho four days'
time at Camp Lincoln just before they
wero mustered Into the federal serv
ice. This amount was recently award-
i ed them by the government
Interest Manifested as to What Is Go.
trig to Be Shown.
Tho Stato Bureau of Statistics says
an Omaha Beo correspondent, Is esti
mating tho yield of tho various crops
In tho stato this year, and In view of
tho estimates and figures given out by
other interests thero Is somo interest
being manifested as to what the fig
ures of tho bureau will show relative
to tho various crops, and especially
as to tho yield of corn. From Bur
lington sources tho corn yield has been
estimated at 300 000,000 bushels and
tho cstimato made by General Man
ager BIdwoll of tho Northwestern Is
275,000,000 bushels. The figures is
Buod by tho Union Paclflc approximate
$246,000,000 bushels.
Special attention has been given tho
matter of crop enumeration this year
by the stato bureau, Tho matter of
acreago enumeration constitutes tho
basis upon which nil crop calculation
must bo formed, and from tho first of
tho year until the assessors completed
their enumerations the bureau used
ovcry means to impress upon tho as
sessors tho necessity of thoroughness
In tho collection of acreage statistics.
Tho result was very satisfactory to
tho ofllclals and thoy consequently be
llevo that tho figures on acreago this
year aro as accurato and complete as
It is possible to secure.
Commissioner Bush and Chief Clerk
Despaln have organized a system of
crop correspondents over the state,
consisting of ten crop correspondents
In each county. Thoso aro located in
as many different localities in tho
county as possible, and are Instructed
to cstimato the crops only within a
radius of eight miles of their resi
dence. The average of these ten es
timates constitutes tho bureau's esti
mate for the county. This corps of
correspondents Is composed entirely
of representative producers.
If tho figures of tho bureau on
acreago of corn In Nebraska aro any
where within tho realm of accuracy
the stato would havo to havo an aver
ago yield of forty-flvo or fifty bushels
per acre In order to conform tho esti
mated yields quoted abovo. Accord
ing to tho government reports of 1904
thero wero only six 6tatcs in the union
which had an average yield of thlrty
flvo bushels per aero or more. Of these
three wero as high as thirty-eight or
more, tho highest being Maino with
Information That Will Be Helpful to
the Voter.
LINCOLN Secretary of State Gal
usha will havo somo sample election
ballots printed .and mailed out to the
various county clerks nt onco. This
year thero will bo flvo rings at tho top
of tho ballot, ono each for tho repub
lican, democratic, populists, socialists
and prohibition parties. This increaso
of ono party is duo to tho fact that
tho democratic and populists fused
without calling it fusion. This last
act of these two parties will cause
somo embnrrassmont to voters In
counties out In tho stato where thero
Is fusion between the two parties and
frequent Inquiries havo been made at
tho stato house regarding tho effect
of placing a cross In tho ring after one
or tho other ot tho two fusion parties.
In a county where thero Is recog
nized fusion a straight democratic
.vote or a straight populist vote will
count only.for tho head of tho ticket.
In other words, a cross on tho ballot
after tho namo of either of tho fusion
parties will affect tho ticket only in
sofar as thero Is fusion.
Frost Damages Potatoes.
GORDON The potato raisers In
this locality have been hustling the
past two weeks In tho effort to har
vest tho enormous crop of sand hill
"spuds" beforo freezing weather sets
It It lias been almost Impossible to
procure help In tho potato fields and
farmers havo been compelled to get
Indians from tho reservation to pick
up potatoes. Bo t said to tho credit
of Poor Lo, he and his squawo and
papposes havo rendered valuablo
service in this capacity. Tho wages
paid theso Indians has been $1.50 per
Patients Escape from Asylum.
NORFOLK Crawling over tho tran
som just beforo bedtime, while the
eyes of tho attendance were turned
away, two men patients at the Nor
folk Insane hospital escaped. They
walked thirty miles In different direc
tions and were captured after a hard
chase and strugglo.
New History of an Old School.
PERU, Neb. Prof. McKenzIe, first
principal of Peru normal, and first
stato superintendent In Nebraska, is
preparing a history of tho Peru nor
mal. It will bo a book of about 300
Chamberlain ts Acquitted.
AUBURN At tho conclusion of a
week's trial, District Judge Good, sus
tained a motion to dismiss the charges
against jCharles M. Chamberlain, ac
cused ot wrecking tho Chamberlain
bank of Tecumseh. Tho specific
charge was embezzlement
Three Victims of Kerosene.
BLADEN Two girls dead and their
mother In a dying condition Is the re
sult of trying to start tho kitchen
fire with kerosene at the home ot Fred
Piel at Bladen.
Case Soomod Hopetoss but Yielded tc
Dr. Wllllama' Pink Pills.
Mr. Kenuey hns actually escaped from
tbo paralytic's fato towhlch beseemed a
short time ago hopelessly doomed. The
surprising report lias bcou folly verified
nnd somo important details secured In n,
persoual interview with the recent suf
ferer. "The doctor," said Mr. Keuncy, "told
mo that if I wanted to live any length
of timo I would have to give up work al
together, and ho told my friends that
tho paralysis which had begun would iu
time involvo my whole body."
" Just how were you afflicted at this
timo?" Mr. Kenuey was asked.
" Well, I had first hot, aud thon cold
nnd clammy feeling, aud at times iuy
body felt as if needles were being stuck
into it. Theso sousations were followed
by terrible pahis, and ngain I would hnvo
no feeling at all, but a uumbuess would
come over mo, and I would not be able to
move. The mostngouiziiig tortures came
from headaches nnd a pain iu the spine.
" Night after night I could not get my
natural sleep and my system was wrecked
by tho strain of tortnriug pains and tho
effect of tho opiates I was forced to take
to iuduco sleep. As I look back on tho
terriblo suffering I endured during this
period I of ton wonder how I retained my
Teasou through it all.
" Bat roller camo quickly when L
was induced to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Palo People. Tho very first bos
seemed to help mo, nnd seven lxixesmado
nio entirely well. There can bo no doubt
about the thoroughness of my euro, for I
have worked steadily ever since and that
is nearly four years."
Mr. Kenuey is at present employed by
tho Merrimac Hat Company aud resides
at 101 Aubin street, Amesbnry, Mass.
The remedy which he nsed with such?
satisfactory results, is sold by nil drag
gists, or direct, by the Dr. William
Mediclno Company, Schenectady, N Y..
Many a good namo has beea giver
tho tar and feather degreo by idlo gos
sip. How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease of Catarrh that cannot ba cured by liall
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CIIENKY & CO., Tolede, O.
We, tbe undersigned, nave known F. J. Cheney
for thelait IS yearn, and believe him perfectly hon
orable In all Business transaction and financially
ablo to carry out any obligation) made by hla firm.
Walpino, Kikk an Mabti,
. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cnro Is taken Internally, acunr
directly upon the blood and mucoua aurfacei ef the.
tyttein. Testimonial! icnt free. Price TS cenU per
bottle. Sold by all Uruirglits.
Take Uall'a Family Tills for constipation.
Tho man with timo to burn never
gavo tho world any light
Lewis' "Slnglo Blndor" straight Co cigar,,
roado of extra quality tobacco. You pajr
10c for cigars not so good. Lewis' Factory..
Peoria, iL
Most deaths occur between sunset
and sunrise.
Vou Havft No Right f o Suffer
From Constipation, Bowel and Stomach TrouM-
Q. "What ts tbo beginning ot slcknetsf
A. Constipation.
Q. What ls'Constlpatlonf
A. Failure of tbe bowels to carry off tbo
waste mutter which lies In the alimentary canal
wbere it decays and poisons tbo entire system.
Eventually tbo results are death under ttro
nameof some other disease. Note tbe death
from typhoid fever and appendicitis, stomach,
and bowel trouble nt tbo present time.
Q. What causes Constipation?
A. Neglect to respond to tbe call ot naturo
promptly. Lack of exercise. Excessive brain
work. Mental emotion and Improper diet.
Q. What aro tbe results of neglected Ootvtt
patlon? A. Constipation causes more suffering thao
any other dUea&e. It causes rheumatism, colds,
fevers, stomach, bowel, kidney, lung and heart,
troubles, etc. It Is the one disease that starts
all others. Indigestion, dyspepsia, diarrhea, loss
of sleep and strength aro Its symptoms piles,
appendicitis and tlstula.are caused by Constlpa- '
tfon. Its consequences are known to all phy
sicians, but few sufferers realize their condition
until it is too late. Women becomo conormed)
invalids as a result of Constipation.
Q. Do physicians recognize thlsT
A. Yes. Tho first question your doctor asks
you Is "are you constipated!" That is tho secret.
Q. bo'cured 1
A. Yes, with proper treatment. Tho common
error Is to resort to physics, suoh as pills, salts,
mineral water, castor oil, Injections, etc, every
one of which Is injurious. They weaken and
increaso the malady. You know this by your
Q. What tbcn'sbould bo done to cure it f
A. Get a bottle, of Mull's Drape Tonlo at once.
Mull's Grape Tonlo will positively cure Consti
pation and Stomach Trouble in tbe shortest
space of timo. No other remedy has before been
known to euro Constipation positively and per
manently. Q. What is Mull's G rape Tonlo 7
A. It Is a Compound with 0 per cent of the
juice of Concord urn pes. It exerts a peculiar
strengthening, healing Influence upon tbe intes
tines, so that they can da their work unaided.
The process is gradual but sure. It is not a.
physic, but it cures Constipation, Dysentery,
Stomach and Bowel Trouble. Having a rich,
fruity jrrape flavor, it Is pleasant to take. As a
tonlo it is unequalled. Insuring tho system
against disease. It strengthens and builds up
waste tissue.
Q. Where can Mull's 0 rape Tonic be had !
A. Your druggist sells It. The dollar bottle
contalns nearly three times tbe 50-cent size.
flooa far Alitor Children ul Horsing Xotban.
A free bottle to all who have never nsed 1
because we know it will curt you.
Send this coupon with your name and ad.
dress and your drugtrist's name, for a freo
bottle of Mull's Urape Tonlo for Stomach
and Bowels, to
14.3 Third Avenue, Itock Island, Illinois
Ght Full Jiddrtu and Writ Mainly.
The 11.00 bottle contains nearly threo
times the JOo size. At drug stores.
Tbe genuine has a date and number stamped on
tv '-hl-mW an ntVA. fww "our fir"-.- ,.
Make your Buggy a Sleigh for $8.00
Freight Prepaid Quick Shipments
As we sblp It Ready tor ujo
M&,ortCmcul'.AR .descrlbInS the simple, Wjt
Sf,?H",i???elui5? U'ventiont also our sleigh
Cauiog (M styles) The Tony 1'ony Line dwSiat
Ponies and Pony Bigs for boysand girU. (We lr
sell and raise Shetland Ponies.) Our new. lanrl'
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