The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 26, 1905, Image 7

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    J v-jS'
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4r 3
SuJTered Over Two Years Health Wax
In a Precarious Condition Caused
By Pelvic Catarrh.
Mrs. Emma Fleissncr, 1413 Sixth
Ave. i Seattle, Wash., Worthy Treasurer
Sons of Temperance, writes:
" suffered over two years with i
regular and painful periods. My health
was in a very precarious condition and
I was anxious to fin J something to re
store my health and strength.
"I was very glad to tiy I'eruna and
delighted to find that it was doing me
pood. 1 continupd to use it a little over
three months and found my troubles
'I consider It a splendid medicine
and shall never be without It, takings
dose occasionally when I feel run-down
and tired."
Our- files contain thousands of testi
monials which Dr. Hartman has re
ceived from grateful, happy women
who have been restored to health bj
his remedy. Peruna.
Beaut ISy Your
Walls and Ceilings 2
A Rock Cement annd SJJa
tlnta. Docs not rub or acalo. Destroys dis
ease, germs nud vermin. No washing of
walls alter once, applied. Any ono can
fcrush it on mix with cold water. Other
finishes, bearing fanciful names and mixed
with either hot or cold water, do not
bnvo tlm cement luff property of
Alabastlno. They aro stuckon with glue,
or ether animal matter, wliich rots,
feeding; discaso germs, rubbing,
sealing and spoiling vails, cloth
ing, oto. Such Finishes must bo washed
oil every year expensive, filthy work. Buy
AlabantIno only in 11 vo pound pnclz
ages, properly labeled, lint card,
pretty wa'I and ceiling design, " IIint3 on
Decorating" and our artists' services In
making color plans, frcv .
rand Rapids, Mich., or 105 Water St.. N. V.
The World's Standard
600.000 In Use.
Ten Times
All Others Combined.
tut S10.- t" Com
tnrj Tier of Uti
our an
6mlti ltlj tjstims,
Mi $5.- pir Cow
MM til
lmlUtlo Siptrttors. tor atw CiuJof..
Canal & Randolph Sts , 74 Corttenoi fr.t.
fcOlTON t(ltfsU.fll7iAr Ink
Every housekeeper should know
that If they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Stareh for laundry uso thoy
will save not only time, becauo It
eeter stirks to the iron, but berause
each package contains 10 oz. ono full
pound while all other Cold Wator
Starches ptg put up In i-pound pack
ages, and tho price Is the same, 10
cents. Then asain becauso Defiance
Starch Is free from all Injurious chom
Icals If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package It Is because he ha3
a stock on hand which ho wlshe to
dispose of before ho puts In Detlanco.
He knows that Doflanco Starch has
printer! on every package In large let
ters and figures "1C oh." Demand Do
fiasco and save much time and money
and the annoyance of tho Iron stick
teg. Defiance never sticks.
Daughter of John Knox Inherits
Sturdy Independence.
"Of nature 1 nm churlish, and In
condition different from many," wroto
John Knox In 1643, but tho churlish
sldo of his charactor tho great ro
formor kept mainly for people of hl"?h
rank, accustomed to dofcrenco, and In
different tr hostilo to uts alms. To
others, writes Mr. Andrew Lang In
"John Knox and tho Reformation," es
pecially to women whom ho liked, ho
was consldornto and courteous, but
any assertion of social superiority
aroused his wakeful Independence.
Rev. Henry Cowan, In his biography
of Knox, says that tho descendants ol
tho great preacher inherited his Inde
pendent spirit, and gives this story
of his daughter Elizabeth.
Tho youngest, Elizabeth, married In
1G94 the famous John Welsh, minister
of Ayr, who was Imprisoned nnd exiled
on account of his opposition to tho ec
clesiastical policy of James VI. In
1G21, when physicians recommended
him to visit Scotland on account of
his failing health, his wife personally
applied to the king for permission.
James asked her who her father was.
"John Knox," she replied.
"Knox and Wjelsh!" exclaimed tho
king. "Tfco devil never mado such a
match as that!"
"Maybe,". was the smart rejoinder,
"for wo never asked his leave."
Tho king said that her husband
might return to Scotland If ho would
submit to tho bishops.
"Please, your Majesty," replied the
hlh-splrited daughter of Knox, ex
t 'ling her npron, "I would rather
catch his head there."
Solemn-Faced Personage Had No Mis
sion of Reform.
"Young man," began tho solemn
faced person, "how many cigarB do
you smoke In a day?"
"From six to eight," answered tht
joung man, flicking tho ashes from
tho ono he was smoking.
"And what do you pay for thom?"
"Ten cents apiece, which Is 60 to
80 cents a day," replied the young
man. "Let us averago It nt 70 cents,
which Is $4.00 a week, or perhaps $5,
allov.Ing for an extra smoko on Sun
day. That amounts to $260 a year,
or In ten years It would count up to
$2,C00, which, If It had been deposited
in n savinps bank ,at compound Inter
est might have amounted to $4,000 oi
?5,000. In twenty years It would bo
at least ?10,000. In forty years, $25,
000. And from then on It would grow
by leaps and bounds until In 200
yenrs I would havo a fortune greater
than anyone else on earth. Thus, If
"Pardon mo," interrupted tho sol
emn stranger. "You are a good math
ematlclan, no doubt, but what I want
ed to say was that I am selling tho
natural flavor cigar, at reduced rates
to prlvnto customers, and would be
glad to have you try this samrlo and
lot us havo an order by mall If It
pleases you."
And as tho solemn mnn walked on
tho young man looked after him and
"Well, If I didn't size him up for
one of those offhand reformers!"
Chicago Tribune.
What He Meant.
Mr. Grlcpsfield was a man who
meint well, but wr unfortunately ad
dicted to tho ha'dt of saying tho
wrong thing at nil times and In all
circumstances. An acqualntirco ol
his hnd suffered severe Injuries In a
railway wreck. Including a broken
nose, tho Ioes of three or four teeth,
and a gash across ono of his cheeks:
but his hurts wero not serious, nnd ho
was soon on tho street aealn, some
whnt disfigured, but In good working
Ono of tho first men to greet him
after his 'recovery wns Mr. Orlges
field, who grasped him cordially by
the hnrd nnd exclnlmed:
"Hello. Williams! I understand you
havo beon pretty badly hurt I am
glad to see you so much Improved."
I ater. when ho rcfWtnd upon it. ho
understood whv Mr. Williams respond
ed to this erecting with such a queer
Bmllc Youth's Companion.
Some of John Bull's Expenses.
An Idea of the cost of running a
great nation may be gained from tho
statement that England's balance
sheet for tho last fiscal jear shows
an expenditure of considerably moro
than three-quarters of a billion dol
lars. The exact amount was 151,.
769,000. To meet this revenues wero
raised amounting to 153,707,000,
leaving n surplus on hand of 1,938,
000. Of this vast expenditure 60,
200,000 went to the army and navy,
924,000 for dispensing justice and
15,161,000 was spent on education.
There Is one entry under expenditures
which reveals tho magnitude of the
empire's business. It is that for "sta
tionery and printing," and shows that
three-quarters of a million pounds
was expended on this Item alono dur
ing tho past year. Leslie's Weekly.
So come wo all of us at last to sleen
,.,HK ch'ldrn wearied of their play.
Within our narrow bods of onrth we creep
Unmindful of tho parish day.
Tho night la long and rest la doar and
When all our troubled ways aro run
The ohalns of lumber bind us, handa anC
Wln life's brief comedy la -done.
Oh, dusk and dark; oh, night and end
less sleep
And quiet after all the noise:
And theie they make us neither smile noi
These paltry llttlo crrtbly toys.
So coma we all of us at last to lie
Where daisied grasses softly wave.
Where death sings life a soothing lullabi
And wo Hnd rest within the Krave.
Chicago CVroilcli
Indtspeniable Requlslto In Compound
ing of Some Prescriptions.
It Is of courso truo that socio pro
prietary medicines contain alcohol nnd
noarly all liquid medicines prescribe!
by physicians contain it. No honest
man will defend tho sale of Intoxi
cants under tho guise of mcdlcino; but
overy honest man should protest
against a system of wholcsalo denun
ciation born of raaltco, or Iguornnco
of pharmaceutical principles, and fos
tered by selfish interests. It is as
sumed that alcohol is tho causo of In
temperance; but thero is a great dif
ference between alcohol nnd whisky.
If a substitute for alcohol could bo
found for uso In the manufneturo of
medicines, Its discoverer would render
n great service to tho profession at
pharmacy and tho scienco of medi
cine, for nlcohol is a very expeusivo
ingredient and a cheaper substitute
would bo gladly accepted. Unfortun
ately the word alcohol, In tho minds
of many peoplo Is associated exclu
sively with bar-rooms, drunkenness
and all forms of degradation and vice.
This Is due to n lack of knowledgo
by tho genoral public of tho fact that
alcohol Is an lndlspensablo requlslto
In drugs, tinctures and fluid extracts.
All fluid extracts and tinctures on tho
drugglcts' shelves contain from 20 to
90 per cent of alcohol; and of alt
liquid medicines prescribed by phy
sicians mote than 75 per cont contain
It In largo proportions.
Alcohol Is required to preservo or
ganic substances from deterioration
and from freezing,' and It Is also re
quired to dlssolvo substances not solu
ble In water, whllo It contributes to
their preservation when dissolved.
Diluted alcohol Is largely employed in
fluid extracts; and whenever a greater
strength of alcohol Is required as a
solvent (for extracting medicinal prin
ciples) tho mediclno is of such a char
acter as to preclude a large dosago;
and for this reason preparations, oven
If containing 50 per cent or more of
alcohol, aro practically less Intoxicat
ing than beer. In such cases the
character of the modlcinal constituents
Is such as to absolutely forbid tho
taking of the medicine in any way
except In very small dosc3 and at
stateJ Intervals only. To assumo that
any great number of proprietary med
icines are used as beverages Is tho
veriest absurdity. Exchange
Famous Bow Bells.
Thero are no church holla in Eng
land moro famed than Bow Bells.
They set limits to the boundaries of
Cockneydom. Americana regard all
Londoners as cockneys. But only
thoso born within hearing of Bow
Bells can claim tho distinction which
is supposed to confer on its possessor
peculiar privileges of speech, partlc
ularly where asplnates aro concerned
Western Life Indemnity Go.
The roller Holder' Committee t No. 77 Jsckuni)
nird . CMcuen, ulll plteeimplcte Infnnrullonitliotlt
the expendlinre of I2POO0O of compnr fund at
r.mmti!nn to Mr. Itosenfeld for ttia pnrcha'S ol
life Inmrtnco Ompunjr of renntjrlvonla liui'nrM
nude an or iil'out February Si'th, itt, and ttia ex.
renilliurenf 1200 000 on September 20th 1905 tn pun
rriMcSjW ihnreaof uti cK In tho Seeurltr I.lfonmJ
Annuity Compiinjr. (pur 1u 110 per hte) Mr
Mnulion. Mr. UntnfeU and Mr the Kxecu
the Committee, are now died hy Judge KuM-ast tc
,liow cauio why they tbould nut ho punl,hcd rot
contempt In tnnklnt- ! tt tr"fricn Mukr
Inquiry at once. IIEIIVEY U. HICKS, Chairman
Enough for a Bath.
Should an American, nn English
man, a Fronchman, an Austrian, o
German, an Italian nnd a Russian flit
down to n table together and ordei
drinks In a quantity that would show
tho relativo consumption of these bov
ornges by their, respective peoples
some would get enough for a bath
while otherB would obtain only a few
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will aurel) dcatruy tho ,eue of imell
and cnnpietcly ilerancc llio vln.lo artteui hrn
cntertnz It through the inuroui mi r face. Such
artlcei should noter he uied except on prentif
tl.m from reputable ph)ilrlanc, u ihedamuce ihey
lll dj tt ten fold to tho good yu can poalbly de
rite from them. Hull' Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by K.J.Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 conlMna no mer
cury, and l ta'.en InleniAlly, aillus directly up n
the blmd and inucoua surface if tho syiem. 1L
buylnx Hall's Catarrh Cure be ure sou pet tl
genuine. It Ss taken Internal!) ami made In Toledo,
Ohio, by F J. Cheney A I Te-tltn tila a frea.
hold by DruBKlHU. 1 rica TV perb tile.
1 ale Half Family l'llla for oju.ilpjtlon.
Do Amusements Amuse?
Happiness is always unconsclou'
(watch children and puppies at pla
and you will bo convinced of tho fact)
but amusements, as a rulo, rendei
their participants even more Irritable
and self-conscious. Lady Violet Ore
villo in tho Graphic.
Important to Mothers,
Eicmino carefully every bottle of CASTOTWV
a safe and remedy for Infants aud chllilrtiu
and sco that It
bears tho
Signature of fi4Zfyy-C6CCLt'Z
la Uso l'or Ortr 30 Years,
Tho Kind Yoa Have Always Boujht,
Mosquitoes and Files.
One of the facts established within
a few years Is that mosquitoes are the
deadliest of all creatures. A writer
in tho Lancet adduces evidence which
indicates that flies, too, cause thou
sands of deaths, especially of Infants
every summer, by contaminating fooo
with diarrheal germs.
Odd Rents in Br.taln.
The English delight In odd rents
but tho oddest is a tenancy at Brook
house, In Yorkehlre, where the renta
is on; snowball in June and a rec
rose In Dccomber. The rose Is easilj
arranged and the snowball Is now
made of shaved Ice.
It doesn't take the average 'man
long to tell all ho really knows, but
ho never gets through telling what
he thinks he knows. Chicago News.
s& . szttz.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills rtenlly Curo
tndinostton Instead of Moroly
Relieving Symptoms.
Thoro'nro plenty of uuucdionbr which
you can relievo for tlio time heartburn,
pain and gas on tho Rtonlnrlt unit nut
suinthcr uuivouR M'liMttioiis.nutl iiiduco
Rrtiiioinl sleep. Yon enn liniunr jour
Rtoiuaeli byRUing It predicted food.
But when you tUo your noxt uienl nil
vour trouble begins
Theie Is only one scnsiblo thing to do.
Strengthen tho htoumch mid do uwny
with tho necessity for drugs nnd nrtl
Acini foods. Tin' bust ipinedy ever found
lor this putjioso U Uiu unit Hint was tictl
by 12. U. Strong, of Capluiillo, ahulby
county, IViin.
"Fur ycaiH," ho stntos, "I suffered
prcntly fioin iiitlltrcstiim. I tiled ninny
(lillereiu r'inrdits mid koiiiu of tlimu
"Would relieve mo for n time, but the
tumble always came buck About f.lx
inoiitliH ngo 1 had nn uiimuiilly nuvcio
nttiu-k, mid whllo I tili-il evnythiiig I
liatl eer hoard of, I found Hint none of
tho oitliuiuy renii'ilii's would tench tho
ililllcnlty this time
" One dnv 1 ri'iid in n Memphis paper
how Dr.WilliuniH'l'ink 1MN hud cured n
Michigan woman, nMiiTctoi from chuuiio
dynpopsia of a most tJtnbbom typo. I
tl'ion tiled tho MUiio lumudy nnd It
pioved just ns muvcssIuI In my case. I
took only tin re boxi's, mid wns enred. I
havo not had the Klifhtubt KymptoiiiH of
indigestion since."
The tonic ttcatmont lint n son ml prin
ciple ns it s basis, nnd nbnmlaii t Mtreisn in
ni'tnnl Uso. Multitudesof cnscHtlntt hud
tit-lli'tl nil oilier i umedicH lmvo been eul i-d
bv Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Tho pills
actually mnktMiew blood nnd strikonliho
riMit of nil diMiisescnnst'd by bail blond.
They contain no limmfiil Mltiitilunts or
ophites. Every ilvspeptio should mid,
What to Hit unit How to K.U. " Write
Uip Dr Wllilnms ModicinoCo., Schuneo
tady, N.Y., for n ftuo copy.
Eighty Per Ccut
If by a single stroke all mnrrlago
tics now In existence wero struck oil
or declared Illegal, eight-tenths' of nil
couples would bo remarried within
forty-eight hours, nnd Bcvon-tcnths
could not bo kept asunder with bayo
nets. Eighty per cpnt of all marriages
aro n success from a biologic point
of view. Dr. Wood3 Hutchinson in
Contemporary llovlow.
Doctors In a Race.
An attraction of tho last North
Georgia fair was a "doctors' rnco.s
Tho physicians who took part In tho
contest had their, horses stabled and
wero themselvcB undressed nnd in bod
when tho cnll for thom was mnde.
When the bell rnng they hnd to dress
and hitch their horses and drlvo ono
mile to a certain place.
Life-Saving Pigs.
A coasting steamer wa3 wrocked
near Sydney. Tho cnptaln tied life
lines to somo pigs which formed part
of tho cargo. Thoso on being thrown
overboard, quickly Bwam ashore, tak
ing tho lines with them. Communi
cation being thus established, ovory
person on board was rescued.
CIT permanently cored. KofUaoroerTtmaneMafur
rllO hrmtdayaunaof Dr.Kllne adreatNerTBlteitor
er. Send rnr i'UH f. OiMO trial bottle 1 and treatise.
l)L U. It. kLIN t. LUi , Wl Arcn btreet. l-hlladelphl. .
Nye Regretted Sense of Humor.
It Is related that Dill Kyo ofton
Bpoke, lato in his life, of his gift of
rare humor as a curse. Ills fun palled
upon him while his renders were still
roaring. He saw himself as a buffoon,
a clown, nmuslng the rnbblo aud tho
Idea was not sweet to him.
You never henr any one complnln
about "Defiance Starch." There is none
to eciual It in -quality and quantity, 16
junces, 10 cents. Try It now and save
your money.
Few men amount to much until
Jiey havo fallen In lovo a few tlmos
ind havo been thrown down.
When what you oat makes you
uncomfortable it is doing you very
littlo good beyond barely keeping
you olive. Digestive tablets aro
worsothan nseloss, for they w ill In
tlmo deprive tho stomach of all
power to digest food. Thestomnch
must bo toned up strengthened.
Tho herb tonic-laxative,
Lame's Family
will do tho work quickly and pleas
antly. Sold bv all dealers at 2c. and ;oc.
$5 to $20 an Acre
S3 to IIS for unimproved, and f 13 10 to 15) for
ImPrortd Wo h ivo .1 1 inro lUt of tlio llnpst
l.iud thorola It I" located In tliu-outliwrnit-e
n pirl of Nebrnsm, wlirro ion .an raise
cunt. ul'lf.i. all Vlncls of .mall era n winter
w liojt mid all klnU-. or frnlu Tie (HtklnU
of water and tlio lioalthlxxt all-L-r-around
cllmalf juuean II oln Tlio soil U a de'p,
dark loam no sand, mostly 1 11 love), close to
towns, seliools nnd ril'roads Why co f r
tliorout w hen yon c in b iy (rood land In Ko
br ska thnt l cIo-e to a rcol mtiket, for
less mnnpy ttinn oilier pliers Spurlal low
riil" to0)k over tlio I ind Write us forrx
cur Ion rules nnd frco in an of Neoraska.
MHstlnKs & llttyrieii. Wi Curnam St.,
Oman i. or Oxford, Notirasku.
MASON, FENWICK & LBEXCE, Patent Lawyers,
Washington, D. C, established 1861.
Bead fr our (3rd Aoolrertsry frraBwUet, hw
lOKliluairatlons i f Hn tunlcal M vcmenta. Itcur
eacra.Iliadatrret slid thftusanda or atl-fled elleuta.
Cuiuniunlcaituns coufldentlal. Write us to-day.
Coney Island Souvenir Post Cards.
Blx beautiful ulordM.i.ue. inr 'Ac Coney Inland
Postal Card Co., Conoy Inland, N. V.
DEFIANCE Cold Water Starch
makes laundry work a pleasure. 18 os. pkg. 10c
Characteristics of Koreans.
Tho peoplo of Korea nro timid and
poncoful, tho men (nil, with high fore
bends, straight noses, and a graceful,
Indo'ont cnrrlago, tho womon shoit.
squat, nnd ns ugly ns their lords aro
Hope for Them and Him.
A mnn ImB mndo grettt progrms
when ho has learned that some of tho
people who don't ngreo with all his
opinions mny, after qll, be partly
right Somorvlllo Journal.
After 30.
Whllo she Is undor thirty n woman
may get comfort out of tho though
thnt flho Is younger thnn sbo lookR
After that her only hope is to look
younger thnn she Is.
The Better Part of Valor.
Tho courage of ono'B convictions It
nn excellent thing, but It should never
bo allowed to become unyoked from
tho discretion of one's reason. Puck.
Born an American Cittzen.
A Bon born to American parents
whllo traveling in n foreign country 1b
nn Amorknn citizen, and ns such is
eligible to the presidency.
Isn't He a Nice Man, Ladles.
After all, a pretty baby doesn't need
a prize. A pretty baby is n prize. And
nil bnblcs nro pretty. North Adams
Tho penalty In Ocrmnny for adulter
ating food is six months In prison
nnd n flno of 1,G00 nlnrks.
One pound of washed wool produces
on nn nvcrngo a yard of cloth 3G In.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won't shake out or blow out; by URlnrj
Dellnnce Rtntcli you obtain better re
sults thnn possible with nny other
brnnd, and one-third more for name
Many a man who owns nn automo
bllo ought to bo pushing a. wheelbar
row. Defiance Stnrcb is guaranteed biggest
and best or money refunded. 10
ounces, 10 cent. Try It now.
A good ostrich Is worth ?300.
Cut It out: tnko It to your trroccr; ho III nlvo
niicu irjiuju. wo writrno ono ireoto cvory
;n Amorlci to convlnco Iter It is tlio Dcst ana
jnust vunvcniuQi juriu ui
Wont freezo, break,
opill nor spot clothes.
Onco used always used.
25 Cts.
rnv ' in "-n
.-Mr iti nur p
IU UNI. Urtl
'ihteisi dimuiv ir i rnuir.i
SIBAIGIIISCIGAR always reliable
a our Juuucr or ulrc t uum Kixiory, 1'eorU, XU.
Moans a pro
ductivc ca
pacity In dol
lars of over
SI6 per acre.
This on land which has cost tho farmer noth
ing but tbo prlco or tilling It, tclU Its own
Tbo Canadian Government gives absolutely
frco to every bottler 100 acres of such land.
Lands adjoining can bo purchased at from t
to 10 per aero from railroad and other corpor
ations. Already 175,000 farmers from the United
Suites have made their homes In Canada.
I'or pamphlet "Twentieth Century Canada"
tnd all Information apply to Supt. of Immigra
tion, Ottawa, Canada, or to f ollowlne authorized
Canadian Government AccnWW. V. Ucnnctt,
Wl New York Life Hulldliig, Oraoho. NebrtuJca,
(Mention this paper.)
troubled with ills rccullar to
their sex, used as a douchs is curvelouTTy uc-
cetifai. Tnoroaeuycieaases.iciiiiaitMtoeermi,
stops dladuiees, beals Inllamm.Uloa and local
oo Aiets.
iaxtlne Is in powder form to be dissolved la pars
water, and Is far more cleansing, healing, Ksrmlcidil
sod economical than liquid antiseptics for all
for sale at druggists, 60 cents a box.
Trial Box and Uook of Instructions Free.
The B. Paxtois Company Boston, Mass.
"follow the rim"
November 37th
To many points In Illinois, Indiana
Ohio Kentuiky Wostern Pennsylvan
la New York ntnl West VlrKinla, at
The WAUASII h.i solid nxid-bed
roi-k ballast, nna new eciulpmont Re
cUnlng cMUr cars 18KATS KIIKB.)
For rates maps and all Information
cull at Wabash City Olllee, lfiOl Kar
nam St. or address
IIAItUV u. 3iooiti:s,
O A P. D . Wub. H. It , Omaha. Neb
rtV-wW,.-.wVAe..A. 1 I
HttTZ ri-. -t-UV-rtfl. ' tHP-
1 --V- A t".":,ui S. ---rs-Ja-' -
.x v;"e.-:
X Yj
i w i si tynnrni s2
j2y&8yKjjr -
fersa nome visitors
IOls II TO FH FARMERS, lluytberbear
Jjr Us-U oaleaco Beai Co- tajo, IU.
Da ngrsra nnd Pain of Tliln Critical Period
Avoided by tho Usd or Lydln. B. Plnk
liam'a Vegetable Compound.
Ho many ' o
mru realize that
tho most critlAil
period In r wo
mnn h oxistonco
is tho change of
life, nnd that tho
anxiety felt by
women ns this
time draws near
is not without
reason ?
If her system is In a deranged condi
tion, or sho is predisposed to npoplexvi
or congestion of any organ, It Is ntthrV
timo likely to'becomo active nnd, with
a host of nervous irritations, tnuko Ufa
a burden,
At tins time, also cnnccrsnnd tumors
nro mote llnblo to begin their destruc
tive work. Such warning ry inptoms as
a Hon so of siiffocntion, hot flashes, riz, heitdnche, dread of impending
I'vll, sounds in tho cars, timidity, pal
pitation of tho heart, sparks bcforoi
tho cyin, Irregularities, constipation,)
variable appetite, weakness and inqui
etude lire promptly heeded by Intelli
gent women who are. approaching tho
period of life when woman's great
uhnngo may be expected.
Lydln 13. Pinkhnm's Vogotaulo Com
pound is tho world's greatest remedy
for women nt this trying period, and
mny bo relied upon to ovcrcomoalt dis
tressing symptoms and carry them
safoly through to a hculthy and happy
old ngo.
Lydln 13. Pinkhnm's Vcgotnblo Com
pound invigorates nud strengthens tho
female organism, nud builds up tho
weakened nervous system ns no other
medicine can.
Mrs A 13. O nylnnd, of Chester
town, Md., in a lottur to Mrs. Pink
ham', says :
Dear Mm. rinkham s
"I hail Ik-cii BunVrlnp; with falling of tha
womb for years and won pimalng through tuft
change of life. My womb vnn btully nwollon.
1 hud a good deal of oronuss, dizzy nlts,
headaches, nml was vet y nervous. I wroto
you for iwlvleo nnd coininemtxl troatmont
with Lydln K PinkhamTi Vegetable Com
pound as yon directed, and I am happy to say
that all Uioso distressing symptomx left ine,
anil I havo ptueifU natoiy uirougn uio cnaago
of life a well woman."
For Bpecinl ndvico regarding this Im
portant period women arn invited to
write to Mrs Pinkham for advice. It
Is free aud always helpful.
yot a Jo Wlglo
To hft
Wm will nvlrom tht tn
mH throunh vonrinlitMr. op
JiTlroct. f or IU faco valuoof 6oM n
;a'calTid by rod In payment inr n So Wlge
6tlok,orlnhalf pajment for Ik lOo stick,
-;a; WKawa wtJram
-r-'-r tSK 1 - mw M ' 4BkM&aw4P'
ir h -r'rj'jjriii m .i. f Ik m w . -v:-
Cw -qryZyOr . - . I V . M H 'S Om
v u. I I i ! tmmm---
TT -K-KaO' t P - '
(rrlll, yino.nnn no. n,rr-re rwa er" t.i .
is round, never flat. Tho lilue in
insldo, never outside
Beware of Imitations.
I won't sell Antl-Orliln tn a dealer wlin won't uurant
JF. TP.JDlctncrX:0.,lianutacluxor,8prtHaJteia, Mb,
W. L. Douglas
W. L. Douglas S4.0O CI. Edgo Llrfft
cannot bo oquallod atany price.
' SfsZi
iBataMlshed i c?
Jury , JJ78.
nnn REWARD to an70Phoe
UUU dlsprova this statement
W. L.I)ouelaaM.SO shoes have bv their e.
cellent style, easy fitting, and superior wearing
qualities, achieved the largest rale of any S3.SQ
stioc In the world. They are Just as eood aaf
those that cost you $9.00 to $7.00 the only
dlllertnce is the price. If I could take you lnt
my factory at HrocMon, Mass., the largest lo
tne world under one roof making men's firs
shoes, and show you the care with which every
pair of Douglas Fltoes I made, you would reallrb
why W. L. Oou las $3.50 shoes are the best
alines produce I In the world.
II I could show you the difference between (hb
shoes made In my factory and those of other
makes, you would understand why Douglas
S3. SO shoes cost more to make, why they holt)
their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ol
greater Intrinsic value than any other SJ.SO
shoe on the market to-day.
iV. L, Dougam Strong Ma da Shoe fa
Man, S2.60, SZ.OO. Boy a' School A
Dr oa Shoam,S20, 2, $1.7B,S1.B0
CAUTION. Insist upou h itlnjt W.L.Dmirf.
las shoes, rake no snlwtltitto. None cennl'fs
without his uaiiie and price stamped oil bottom.
AVANTKD. A shoe dealer Ineverylown wbwrtt
W. L. DoukUs HIkms are not sold. Pull line of
samples sent free for Inspection upon let) nest.
fait Color Eytltts used; thtij will not VKur oratlf.
"Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall BtjKaV
AV. I nOL'GLAS. Itrocktou, Uass.
Heat Your Building With
Ventilating Furnact
And savo 40 percent
uiiTOKiona luei.
Tousuim1h In uso. Qaats
ontcrd. Srndferfreeeatan
lojruo ilnuufuotored sea
sold by tha
Bovtc Grinder & Furnace
Works, Vatrrloo, tow.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 43t305.
LUKtS WHkht ALL llhi. IAJLj.
Host Coutfh S7ruu, Tastes Uoua, Dro
in lima, tola or arusKisia.
I angao i ta y g 'v ,
mWZSei I S54fc29