The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 12, 1905, Image 9

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    t m
The Curative Power of PE-RU-NA
in Kidney Disease the Talk
of the Continent.
Nicholas J. Hertz, Member of Ancient
Order of Workmen, Capitol Lodge,
No. 140, Tcarl Street Hotel, Albany,
N. Y., writes:
"A few months ngo I contracted a
heavy cold which settled in my kidneys,
and each timo I was exposed to inclem
ent weather the trouble was aggravated
until finally I was unable to work.
"After trying many of the adver
tised remedies for kidney trouble, I
finally took Peruna.
"In a week the intense pains in
my badk were much relieved and in
four weeks I was able to take up
my work again.
"I still continued to use Peruna for
another month and at tho end of that
timo I was perfectly well.
"I now take a doso or two when I
have been exposed and find that it is
6plendid to keep me well."
Hundreds of Cures.
Dr. llartman is constantly in receipt
of testimonials from people who have
been cured of chronic and complicated
kidney discaso by Peruna. For free
medical advice, address Dr. llartman,
President of Tho llartman Sanitarium,
Columbus, Ohio'.
XtP TT. 0 0 0,000
four Jobber, or direct from factory, Peoria. III.
You Have No Right io Suffer
From Constipation, Bowel and Stomach Trouble.
What Is the beginning of sickness?
What Is Constipation?
A. Failure of tho bowels to carry oft the
waste mutter which lien In tho alimentary canal
whera It decays and poisons the entire system.
Kvcntunlly tho results nro loth under the
nameot somo other disease Nolo tho deaths
from typhoid fever and appendicitis, stomach
and bowel troubloat the present time.
Q. What causes Constipation?
A. Keglect to respond to the call of nature
promptly. Lack of exercise. Kxcessivo brain
work. Mental emotion and Improper diet.
,,. -.Q. What are the results of ucglectcd Const!
L patlon?
A. Constipation causes more suffering thnn
anv other disease. It causes rheumatism, colds,
fevers, stomach, bonel,kidnny, lung and heart
troubles, etc. It Is the one disease that starts
all others. Indigestion, dyspepsia, diarrhea, loss
of sleep and strength are Its symptoms piles,
appendicitis and fistula, are caused by Constipa
tion. Its consequences are known to all phy
sicians, but few sufferers rcallzo their condition
until It Is too late. Women become continued
invalids as a result of Constipation.
Q. Do physicians recognize this?
A. Yes. The first question your doctor asks
you is "are you constipated?" That is the secret.
Q. Can'lt honoured ?
A. Yes, with proper treatment. The common
, error is to resort to physics, such as pills, salts,
mineral water, castor oil, Injections, etc, every
one of which Is Injurious. They weaken and
lncreaso the malady. You know this by your
own experience.
Q. What then should bo done to cure It ?
A. OetabottloorMull'sQrapeTonloatonce.
Mull's Grano Tonic will positively cure Consti
pation and Stomach Troublo In the shortcut
space of time. Noother remedy has before been
known to euro Constipation positively aud per
manently. Q. WhatlsMull'sGrapoTonto?
A. It is a Compound with 40 per cent of the
Juieo of Concord U rapes. It exerts a peculiar
strengthening, healing Influence upon tho intes
tines, so that they can do their work unaided.
The process Is gradual but sure. It is not a
Sbyslo, but It cures Constipation, Dysentery,
tomach and ISowel Trouble. Marine a rich,
fruity grape flavor, it is pleasant to take. As a
tonio It is unequalled. Injuring the system
against disease. It strengthens and builds up
waste tissue.
Q. Where can Mull's Grape Tonio be had ?
A. Your druggist sells It. The dollar bottle
contains nearly three times the W-ceut size.
flood for Ailing Children and If ursine Mother.
A free bottle to all who have never used 1
because wo know It will cure you.
Bend this coupon with vour name and ad
dress and your druggist's name, for a free
bottlo of Mull's Grape Tonio for Stomach
and Dowels, to
148 Third Avenue, Itock Island, Illinois
Oivt Full Addrtn and Write Plainly.
Tho tl.00 bottle contains nearly three
times the Wo size. At drug stores.
The genuine has a date and number stamped on
the label toko no other from your druggist.
Look for this brand on harness,
collars, saddles, horse blankets, lap
robes, etc. . ,
Made by
Harpham Bros. Co., Lincoln, Neb.
Drop us a card and will mail you a souvenir.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No, 41--1905.
The Boy Reared by Hand.
An oil fnrmer in Nemaha county re
marks 'hat n homo-grown, hand
spnnkod, Imrc-footod and hnrd-flstod
country Aoy makes a much bettor
fighter lb tho battles of life thnn dooa
tho pampered, high-collared, pronscd'
trousered youth of our towno nn
cities whoso clothos have always boon
dusted with a whisk broom Instead of
a shingle. Kansas City Journal.
Collision Logic,
It has been suggested that tho ex
cellcnt showing mndo by steel . cars
In collision is duo to tho fact that
tho wooden cars In the- train with
them acted as cushions and lessoned
tho force of shock.
Preserving Fish Scales.
Tho discovery of tho method of pre
serving fish scales has led to a con
siderable export trade from Russia
Tho scnloB aro used for tho making
of artificial pearls and similar ar
ticles. Monkeys Help In Tea Packing.
Chinese monkeys for years past
have assisted tho natives In tea pack
ing. Their labor Is cheap, for they aro
more than contented with payment
in tho shapo of sundry luscious mor
sels. Collie Follows Automobile.
A collie that had pursued Its mas
ter's autoinobllo eighty miles, un
known to tho driver, was found, ex
hausted, tho other day, near Rain
bow, a Cheshire (England) village.
Peanut Like the Potato.
The peanut Is' a root plant, that is,
the buds, after blossoming, bend down
enter the earth, and become tho nuts.
Tho nuts, therefore, aro dug out of tho
earth Hko potatoes.
Forests In Finland.
FIndland has a larger percentage of
wooded area, in comparison to its total
surface, than any other European
country. It leads with 51.s per cent.
Dairies in South Africa.
The growth of agricultural coop
erative societies In South Africa opens
good opportunities for selling ma
chines used in tho dairy Industry.
L payments. J. MUI.11AI.L, Sioux City, la.
How soon a man who called his
girl saucy, calls his wlfo sassy!
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance and cet the best, 16 oz.
for 10 cents. Once used, ulways used.
With somo men swearing oft is f
continuous performance.
What is aBackache?
Olseasos of Woman's Organism Cured and
Consequent Pain Stopped by Lydla E.
Plnkham'8 Vegetablo Compound
" It seems as though my back would
break." Women titter theso words
over and over again, but continue to
drag along1 and suiter with nches in tho
small of tho back, pain low down in
the Bide, " bearing down " pains, nerv
ousness and no ambition for any task.
They do not rcallzo that tho back Is
the mainspring of woman's organism,
and quickly indicates by aching a dis
eased condition of tho womb or kid
neys, and that tho aches and pains will
continue until tho causo is removed.
tjydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com
pound for twenty y-ars has been the
one and only effective, remedy in such
cases. It speedily cures all womb and
kidney disorders and restores the fe
male organs to a healthy condition.
Here Is one case among thousands:
" I consider LyUls. E. rinkharn's Vegetable
Compound the most wonderful remedy in the
world for slclc women. For a loner time I
suffered with a severo backache and bearing
down patna ; In fact, I had womb trouble.
Heading of the remarkable cure your Com
pound bad mode I decided to try it, and I am
happy to bat that it not only cured mo en
tirely of all my troubles but made me a
strong, well woman." Mrs. Elizabeth H.
Thompson, Lily Dale, N. Y.
No other medicine holds such a record
of cures of female ills as does Lydla E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
No other person can give such help
ful advice to women who are sick as
can Mrs. Piukhnm, for none have had
such a great experience Her address is
Lynn. Mass., and her advice free.
Relief that comes from tho use of
pills or other cathartics is better
than suffering from the results of
constipation, but relief and euro
combined may be had at the soma
prico and more promptly, for
Lane's Family
Is a cure for constipation, and tho
headache, backache, tudeacho and
General debility that come from
constipation stop when tLe bowels
do tnctr proper work.
Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c,
MrsElij abet) H.TJ?ompson$
Finds Quick Relief from Bladder Trou
bles Through Doan's Kidney Pills.
Hon. Joseph A. Gouldon, Member
of Congress representing the 18th Dis
trict of New York,
also trusteo of tho
Soldiers' Homo at
Mnth, N. Y., writes:
Gentlemen: As
many of ray friends
havo usJd Doan's
Kidney Pills mid
have been curod of
kidney and blnddor
troubles, 1 feel It
my duty to recom
mend tho modlclnc.
exporlcnco I know
Prom personal
Doan's Kidney Pills will cure inllam
matlon of tho blnddor, having experi
enced relief the second day of using
tho mcdlolno.
(Signed) J. A. GOULDEN.
Sold by all dealors. BO cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Duffnlo, N. Y.
'TIs Hard to Reform.
A crook, who had married and tried
to settlo down and lead an honest life,
was riding in n street Car when he felt
a slight tug iu his stud. Without turn
lng his head ho looked down and saw
a 'busy hand trying t6 work It out of
his shirt front. He nt once worked
his right hand behind his back nnd
took tho other fellow's wntch. When
he had it securely In his pocket ho
turned around and Bald: "Say, 13111, I
was In the snmo Hue myself not loug
ago." New York Sun.
Tho Duncanson Mall Order Real Es
tate Co. of Omaha, has advertising
contracts with 4,480 Weekly Papers
that cover tho United States. Their
ads reach FIVE MILLION families
that represent tho cream of tho buying
world. They frequently get 100 buy
ers for a single piece of property.
Such extensive advertising finds a cash
buyer quick. Their ohnrgo is only one
half tho ordinary commission. Good
men are always In demand, at good
salary. List your property today.
Soldiers Cultivate Gardens.
Soldiers in Franco nro allowed to
cultivate gardens In any spare ground
ruout barracks, and to help out their
rations by growing vegetables.
Mrs. Vflnalow's Boothlnir flyrun.
For children teething, softens tbs Rural, reduces (r
DmmUon,tlsjsrm,curoswloJcollo. ascabottle.
Cabby's Windfall.
A London cabman found a dead cat
on one of the seats of his vehicle. Ho
was about to throw the corpse Into the
gutter when a constable stopped him.
:'You can't leave that In the strpet."
said the offlcer. "But If I can't." said
tho cabman, "what can I do with It?"
"Take It," said tho constable, "to
Scotland Yard, and If It Is not claimed
within three months It becomes your
The Ideal Woman.
The Ideal woman, If she over could
exist, would bo a bore, a prig, a hope
less dowdy, and would undoubtedly
bo at loggerheads with all her friends
and relations. World.
Liberal Offer.
An advertisement in n German
newspaper contains this tempting off
er. "Anybody who can prove thnt my
tapioca Is damaging to health will at
once receive three packets gratis."
His Receipt "In Full."
A German being required to give a
receipt in full, after much mental ef
fort, produced the following: "I ish
full. I wants no more money. John
No man can help feeling sorry for a
pretty girl who marries somo other
follow while he la still In the bachelor
It sometimes happens that a man
lies when he smiles and says nothing.
Money talks, but tho wise bank tel
ler doesl't tell nil ho hears.
The whirling dervish would be lost
In the whirl of society.
The miser can keep most things
easier than friends.
It's a pretty bright caudle that Is
always up to snuff,
Gossip and lec cream spoons upon
many feminine mouths.
"Good," He Sayo, "But Comfort Ect
ter." "Food that flta Is better thau a gold
mine." says a grateful man.
"Before I commenced to use Grnpp
Nuts food no man on earth ever had
a worse Infliction from catarrh of the
stomach than I had for years.
"I could eat nothing but tho veiy
lightest food and even that gave ine
great distress.
"I went through the catalogue of
prepare'd foods but found them nil
(except Grape-Nuts) more or irtu in
digestible, gonoratlng gas In t! e si-mi-acli
(which In turn produce. I head
ache nnd various other pit In and
aches) and otherwise unnvalla.'ip for
my use,
"Grape-Nuts food I have found
easily digested and nssltnllaucU nnd
It has 'renewed my health am vIl-ir
and in ado me a well men acam 1 l.n
catarrh of the stomach has -.hail
peared entirely with nil. Its atiowdnri
lis. thanks to Grare-KutB. v!;.c.i uov
Is my almost sole I no
other." Name Riven by T'oetit.11 Co..
Battle rvcek. JMch.
Ten day's trial tsils the? sjory.
Tboro'ri a rojuo.-:.
Ill-Used Peasant Almost Seized Crow
of Hungary.
George Dosza was a Szoklor, 01
ponsant of Szokolfyfold, a district of
Hungary. Ho was n quiet, lnw-nbld-lng
man, notablo only for his great
strength nnd tnll stature.
Ono day, however, an Austrian no
blo "thought fit to decoy nwny
from he fnthor's house Dosza's only
daughter, a nmldon of 14. Tho dis
tracted parent sought tho abductor far
nnd near, but, falling to flud him,
Journeyed to Vienna nnd laid his enso
boforo tho omporor.
Tho latter only laughod. Whereupon
tho peasant roturned to his own vil
lage nnd pasted upon the door of his
littlo cabin a formal declaration of
war against his sovereign. A month
lator he was marching on Vienna nt
tho bend of a huge, but undisciplined
nnd 111 equipped army.
At first tho luck wnsU on his side.
Ho dofentod tho rogular troops in a
number of pitched bnttles, carried by
assault several lnrgo and strongly for
tified towns and was actually within
sight of tho capital, whonco tho orn
peror had already fled, when ho was
betrayed Into ambush through tho
treachery of a guide.
Tho misfortune constituted tho be
ginning of tho end. Tho bulk of his
followers fell away from him and wero
hunted through tho mountains nnd
woods Hko wild beasts. Altogether, It
Is said, that over 150,000 of them wore
put to tho sword.
Tho "Jack Cado of Hdngary," hav
ing been takon prisoner, was seated
on nn Iron throne, beneath which a
huge flro had previously been kindled,
crowned with a red-hot Iron crown,
and his flesh torn from his bones with
red-hot pincers. Kxchnnge.
A Revised Version.
John Alden had Just concluded his
oloqucnt prnlses of Capt. Miles Stand
Ish and waited anxiously for Prlscll
la's answer. Coyly sho regarded him
for nn Instant, then, blushing, sho in
quired: "Why don't you speak for yourself,
"Great Scott!" ejaculated tho young
puritan, "what do you suppose I am?
I ain't workln' no Hoch nor WItzhoft
game I'm runnln' a straight, legiti
mate matrlmonlnl bureau, that's what
I am. I'll go straight back to Cap.
Standlsh and tell him that If ho wants
that female bunko-steerer at tho old
man Mullln's house, hell hnvo to got
somebody else to do tho Job. I'm
And, Jamming on his hnt, ho rushed
forth, banging tho door behind him,
whllo Prlscllla wept bitterly. Detroit
Sawyer's Description of His House.
Somo years ago a church conven
tion was being held In Calais, Mo.,
and tho church members wero to en
tertalu tho visitors. A, visiting dlvlno
was notified that he would bo hospit
ably cared for with Lemuel T. Saw
yer. Not knowing where Mr. Saw
yer lived, ho was directed to tho har
ness storo of Sawyer & Halliday. As
it happened, when ho went in ho met
Mr. Sawyer and, without knowing
him, asked if ho could direct him to
Lemuel T. Sawyer's residence.
Mr. Sawyer replied: "Oh, yes; go
down Main street until you como to
Church avenue; turn to the right, go
up tho avenue, and you can't miss It;
you enn't miss It, as it has a brick
underpinning and two mortgages on
Conditional' Piety.
Two Scotch fishermen, Jamie and
Sandy, belated and befogged on a
rough water, wero In some trepidation
lest they should never get ashore
again. At last Jamie said:
"Sandy, I'm steering, and I think
you'd better put up a bit of prayer."
"I don't know how," said Snndy.
"If yo don't, I'll chuck yo over
board," said Jamie.
Sandy began: "Oh, Lord, I never
asked anything of Ye for fifteen years,
and If Yo'll only get us safe back I'll
never troublo Yo again, and "
"Whisht. Sandy!" said Jamlo, "tho
boat's touched shore; don't bo behold
en to anybody." New York World.
One of Them.
There wero three men sitting to
gether on a seat of tho open car, and
after they had talked politics for ton
mlnuts ono of them observed:
"Excuse me, but hero Is my card."
The other two scanned It and saw
that he was Dr. So-and-So, and then
tho second man produced his card. It
showed that ho was Undertaker So-and-So.
Then the two looked at tho
third man, who made no move to pro
duco a card, but who presently said:
"Well, I B'poso I sorter belong to
the profession myself."
"No. I see to the grave-digging
Brown's President Lost a Point.
President Nicholas Brown, for whom
Brown university was named, was
fond of quizzing small boys. Ono day
whllo walking In tho streots of Provi
dence ho camo upon a llttfo fellow
who attracted his notice.
"How do you do, my boy?" said tho
president. "What Is your namo?"
"My namo is Harry, sir," replied the
"Harry, Is It?" returned President
Brown. "And did you know the evil
ono Is often called Old Harry."
"Why, no, sir," answerod tho boy.
"I thought he was called Old Nick."
Subway Parlor Car.
Tho first parlor car has made Its
appearance on tho Now York subwny,
being intended for the directorate and
iTTTs 1 1 IfK WW
ANbgclable Pre pnralionTor As
similating IlicloUniulRcdtila
ling UicStoinachs nndBowcls of
Promolcs Digcalion.Checrful
ncss aruWcst.Contalns ncllltcr
Opium.Morpliiuc nor rlincraL
Not "N arc otic .
VrryUut Saul
tjifiird .UfdW
iltitrfrfrn Vlmrt
Apctfccl Remedy forConsUnn
TIoit, Sour StonuichiDlarrltoca
Wor ins .Convulsions , Fever j sh
ncss mul Loss of Sleep.
FacSimilo Signature of
Try this Common Sense Breakfast
jy vi
mi vi w IV
diA Your Croctr To-Day
25 Cts.
If you havo cream to Bepnrato a good
Cream Soparator is tho most profitable In
vestment you can potwibly make. Delay
means dally wasto of
time, labor ana prouuet.
f 10.- per cow per year
every year of use over all
gravity setting systems
and 5.- per cow over
all Imitating separators.
They receivod the Grand
Prize or Highest Award
at Ht. Louis.
Baying trashy cash-in-advanco sepa
rators is penny wiso, dollar foolish.
Such machines quickly lose their cost
instead of saving it.
If you haven't tho ready cash
DE LAVAL machines may bo bought
on such liberal terms that they actually
pay for themselves.
Send today for now catalogue and
name of nearest local agent.
The De Laval Separator Co.
RuUlpb & Canal Sta.
74 Cortlandt Striel
tbree (treat pursuits
)mvc uKnln titiown
wimdtrful results on
Magfilflccnt climate -fanners plowing In their
shirt sleeves in the middle of November.
"All aro bound to ho more than pleased with
tho final results of the pant weuson'K uarvont."
Coal, wood, water, hay In abundance schools,
churches, markets convenient.
This is tho era of tl.00 wheat.
Apply for Information to Superintendent of
Immigration. Ottawa, Canada, or to authorized
Canadian Government Agent W. V. Hontett,
01 New York Life Uulldlnj;, Omaha, Nebraska.
(Mention thin paper.)
and Wood Frames, JJ5 and up. Write
us pciorc ou uuy. we save you
monrv. Also Futnns aud Wind
BECKUAN BROS.. D Melon, loot.
Tor Infants and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
tmi ocktauh aoMfAnv. lira yen crrr.
Mb nil
r Jfv In
ftp Use
Pilisbury'fl Vltos with other cereals and
you will Instantly recognize,
In (he rich, white color oil
which is actually the "Meat ol the Wheat." ,
It It the white heart ol the wheat
kernel, sterilized. Nothing added:
nothing taken away.
Food nnd you will never change
1 won't toll AntLOrlplne to a dealer who won't auarantea
It. Call for jour MONEV HACK IF IT DON'T CDKB.
JP. I V, I)lcmcr, M. JDl&aaitMluicT,8prlngleldt Mb.
W. L. Douglas
n.BO O Sfft.OO tA m f
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Chi Edge Line
cannot bo equalled atany price.
July t, Mtt.
tm nnfl REWARD to anyonivthscaa
$ I UjUUU ditprovi this 1 itatemeirt.
W. U Douglas $3.50 ahoea have by tbeJr ex
cellent atyle, easy fitting, and aurcrlorwearliiK
qualities, achieved the lamest tale of any J J. SO
ahoe in the world. Thev are lust as rood aa
those that cost you $3.00 to $7.00 the only
j difference la the price. It I could take you Into
my laciory at urocKlon, mass., ine largest in
the world under one roof making men's fine
shoes, end show you the care with which every
pair of Douglas shoe Is made, you would realize
why V. L. Douglas $3.30 shoes are the best
ahoe produced In the world.
If I could showiou the dilference between tha
. ahoes made In my factory and those of other
$3.30 shoes cost more to make, why they hold
their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ol
greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50
ahoe on the market to-day.
W. L. Daugtam Strong MatJa Shoos for
Men. S2.BO, SS.OO. Bays' School A
JOrema Shoom,$2.30, $2, S1.7B,S1.SO
CAUTION. IntUt upon havlne W.L.Doug
la shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine
without bis name nnd price ti.iu.l ou bottom.
TVANTHIl, A shoe dealer In every town whero
W. L. Douglas Shoes are not sold. Full line of
lamples sent freo for Iiupectlon upon tequest.
fait Color Eytltts used; they will not Uhiar brassy.
Write for lllimtrattxl Catalog of Fall Stylos,
AV. L. DOUGLAS. Urocktou. Mass.
Ofa I rn FOI1 FARMER8. nuy the cbp
nllAl l0 rt a1"1 ''"' trad '"' P'lo.
UUHLl.Ucbici. BcaW Co., Chicx, HI.
LUHtK WHH F All Sf Call S.
Best Cough tirrup. Taotcs Good. Use I
in lime. Kola or aruuanu.
W'tlaPtf'TL KtaMlihed,,r'fJ