f k 1' f ' lit k: i v ? i' i- ,;t The Pioneer Grip GRIP PUQLISHlNQ"CO. ' i- i ALLIANCE,' NEBRASKA. ' t i ... i Tho Japanoso army Is Kalplng stead lly on its way, as tho irishman would remark. The man who says we do not know what to do with our money must bo a vegetarian. Jan Isn't tho only one who, Blnco the arrival of Uioro twins, is making music in tho Kubellk home. It Is stated on reliable authority that the horso which broke into a Cincinnati flat hod no family. Other thiftgs being equal, tho hap piest man In hot weather Is tho oce who doesn't know how hot it is. That was a sad death of Jim Cor bett's. He died of indigestion. Jim was a 280-pound Now York turtlo. Possibly Mr. Perdlcaris is at last convinced of the superior advantages of America as a place of residence. Tho Columbian university of Wash ington has changed its name to Georgo Washington university. Good swap! Pne of the Republican orators says that the problom now Is what to do with, our money. Speak for yourself, brother. Mark Twain has leased a farm In Pittsfleld for tho summer, but ho Is altogether too level-headed to under take to work it. A Bellefontalno woman has con tracted a serious case of blood-poisoning by washing her face. We hesitate to point tho moral. Hetty Green's scornful declaration that she would rather have a donkey than an automobile is not surprising. Donkeys are cheaper. Paterson, N. J., has just had a dis astrous fire. Paterson goes regularly from floods to fires and anarchists, with short waits between. Kisses, transmitted by telepathy will never bo very popular so long as there are opportunities of getting them delivered on the premises. Baseball has been Introduced in Ja pan. The Jnps being mere Imitators, it may be taken for granted thnt there Is trouble ahead for their umpires. The reason a man marries his sweet heart is because she is not like other girls. Tho reason ho divorces her is because sho is. Illinois State Journal. A German peasant hns a pair of feet that require No. 17 shoes. It is scarce ly necessary, perhaps, to add that tho peasant to whom these feet pertain is .a man. Let us give our forefathers credit for never suspecting that tho timo would come when tho toy pistol would figure In celebrations of Freedom's birthday. The woman who left a package f parls green in tho baby's go-cart has proved her eligibility to membership in tho Amalgamated Association of Boat-Rockers. It Is said that a cup of ordinary rock salt added to the bath Is soothing to tho nerves and will often insure rest ful sleep particularly If one has an nctivo Imagination. You, can teach a monkey to imitate a man, but a man can imitate a monkey without any teaching. This showB tho superiority of tho human intellect over bruto brain Tho possibility that ho might havo made even more money if ho had freshened up his faculties by taking a vacation Is tho lurking misgiving that bothers Uncle Russell Sage. President Schurmnn emphatically urges this year's Cornell graduates to marry, and doubtless they will, if they meet the right girls and feel that they aro able to support them. Newport society has dropped the monkey dinners and is going in for psychological research. An edified public will now see Mr. Harry Lehr evoluto Into a psychic phenomenon. Haytl has apologized for the attack on M. Depres, the French minister, who was stoned as ho drove past tho palace, and the incident is closed. So was the carriage, fortunately for M. Depres. Tho estimate of 14,000,000 as tho number c.f men who have lost their lives In battle during the last hundred years does not take Into account the lives lost In the annual battlo of the Fourth of July. That must Indeed bo a great spec tacle that Is taking place now !n southern Manchuria, and yet it is hard ly probable that the southern Man churlans who havo the best opportu nity to witness it aro thoroughly en Joying It. Hero's another Jilted awaln suing a flcklo young woman for breach of promise. We need this sort of thing more frequently. The current news Is getting quite too solemn and tragic. Politics and crime wax monotonous. More merriment! HOW, HIGHBALL WON THE DERBY. Glorious Race Furnished Inspiration for Poet's . t Song o the Strenuous Steeds., . Tho West against tho EaM contending, Has snt her champion to the my, On blithe High Hall our eyes are bend ing The sluggard holds the rhtht of way. Where's Irish Lad, tho New York won der. Whose deeds have pet tho turf on nre? His hoof heats rlag Ilka rumbling thun-dor-Ills Titan heart will ntfver tiro! Which horse will win tho Derby laurel? Will Woodson snatch tho Croesus prize? Will Hlghlmll conquer In the quarrel, - Or English Lad the world surprise? Rapid ntor, too, may lnom as master ing brother to the boisterous breeze, "How the frenzied crowd Is shout ing, as English Lad bends to the chase!" Blithe Highball's stride seems surely faster Than surging foam from wind swept seas. Tls Derby Day, our glorious sonson, When summer swoons upon the land, To back the- bangtails Is no treason, To pick tho winner from tho stand. Each Jockey grimly eyes his neighbor, And trails him at his saddle belt, And urges on the steeds that labor With the flro and fury of tho Colt! Over fifty thousand hero nssemblo To seo tho maddening, bruising chase; Shy, piquant maids will pout and tremble, "Bravo Highball will win tho race." Blithe Highball looms so spruce and slender. Moharlb stout may snatch tho prize; Fort Hunter looms n keen contender Rich laughter gleams In Beauty's eyes. What ringing cheers salute the Master, Blithe whirlwind of the pampered East; Staunch Highball neighs and spurns dis aster. And looms a supple, splendid beast. A crafty Jockey guides his chances Fuller Impassive In his seat. The pompous palfrey proudly prances And caracoles with dainty feet. Comes English Lad, the West's Defender, The stubborn sluggard takes his ease. Requital's son looms spruce and slen der Big brother to tho boisterous breeze. Old Time, they fay, Is fast and Ueetlng; Time Limps a laggard In his train! What fierce delight when stceds'are mint ing And grappling on the wind swept plain! They're at tho post all grouped together; They're Jockeying for the friendly rail; With hearts as buoyant as a feather, Like chevaliers of Grecian tale. They hearken to the bugle blowlpg; Its aerial challenge through tho air, Keen silvery stnnzus thinly (lowing Like haunting strains fiom Siren's lair. "They're off they're off," the railblrds crying "All ranged together In a line!" Supreme delight to seo them Hying Ar stately squadron o'er the brine Each gallant thoroughbred Is straining With foam lleckcd mouth nnd tossing crest; And dauntless Highball's grimly gaining POOR LUCK WITH ALLIGATORS. Visitor Failed to See What Captured the Negro. When I got down into Mississippi I began to look for alligators, think ing to find them basking in the sun on the banks of every creek and bayou, but three weeks passed and I had not yet got sight of one. Then I accepted an Invitation to stay with Major Burbanks for two or threo days. Ho had a big bayou on the west of his plantation, but would not guarantee nn 'alligator. On tho second ovenlng I walked down to tho water to look In vain, but at the same time I was somewhat Interested In a negro who sat on the log fishing. Ho told me ho had never seen a 'gator In tho bayou, and that ho was expecting to catch a catfish at any moment, and I had turned away whey there was a yell and a splash. I whirled about, but all I could seo was the muddy water churned into foam and the waves lashing the bank. At that mo ment the major Joined me and I said: "Major, there was a negro fishing from that log a moment ago." "Yes?" "And something h,as taken him." "Yes?" "But buf It must have been an alligator?" "And you never caught sight of him?" "No." "Shoo! You do seem to bo out of luck with tho 'gators, for shore. Let's go back to tho veranda to smoke. BEGGARS AMUSING CHARACTERS. Strange Requests Made by Impecuni ous Mendicants. Miss Mary Richmond of Philadel phia is ono of the noted charity work ers of America. As the executive head of tho Phila delphia Society for Organizing Char ity, Miss Richmond has made a thor ough study of all sorts of boggars, and some of the beggars she has mot must have boon amusing characters. There was one, for Instance, a New England beggar, who used to tramp about In the twilight, saying to every housewife who answered to his knock: "Will you give me a drink of water, lady? for I'm so hungry I don't know where I'm going to sleep to-night." sSs&Sffifi A And Woodson nobly stands the test! How rich the muesuro. sweep, how grand tho That rises llko grey ocean's nwoll, They spurn the turr with lordly pleas ure. Exulting JIko dear chiming hell. ' They rls and fall like billows swelling, And surge and shoulder In the tight, Full ntty thousand men aro yolllng And oheerlng nt tho glorious sight! How the frenIed crowd Is shouting. As English Lad bends to tho chaso; Lithe Illy lasses Hushed and pouting Show lustrums cjts, shy rosekiif face Blithe Highball gnllop surely faster, Than whimpering wind or rippling rain, Rapid Water seems to spurn disaster. Stout Woodton nobly stands the Btraln. Far back English Lad Is hiding. The stubborn sluggard bides his time; HI? Jockey nurses, calmly guiding, His hoof beats ring llko silvery rhyme. Relentless as lltho leopard leaping, Highball comes bounding thro' Ihe throng, Resistless as llorce cyclone sweeping, He glides as splendid as a fcong. "Come cm you hound," the tlpstora yell ing, "Woke up and do your song and dance! The railblrds with alarm are Bwelllng- "ou brute, move up and tnko a chance. But English Lad still keep hi distance, Blithe Highball holds the right of way, ire seems to spurn the turf resistance. And Woodson trails him In tho fray. They're In tho stretch and mndly strain ing, Tho panting steeds set Ball for homo; And gallant Highball's grimly gaining. All dappled grey with Hocking foam. The Jocke.is nurse the steeds that labor, And trail them nt their saddle bolt. And grimly eye their strenuous nolghbor With tho Hro nnd fury of tho Colli The pace was swift, tho strugglo bruis ing, As they thunder down tho sloping way, With foam flecked mouth like hounds u crulslng Staunch Highball leads tho strenuous fray. Their hoof boats drown tho rumbling thunder. Relentless nR fierce Cyclops might. Thero Is no time to break or blunder Since Death's In ambush for n light. Who won tho race, who snatched the plunder? "Twas Highball filched the Croesus pilze. His hoof beats ring like rumbling thun der. The Eastorn champions roused the world's surnrise. Vain, English Lad, your desperate strain ing For dauntless Highball's vanquished Time "Vain, English Lad, your desperate straining, for dauntless Highball's van quished Time." And Woodson nt his heels was gaining Their names will live In rippling rhyme. James E. Klnsolla. Registry Division. Chicago I'ostolllce. FRESH AIR THE BEST TONIC. Physician Declares Women, Need More Exercise. "It Is safe to say," declared a phy sician, "that one-half of the women are simply starving for fresh air, and if they would throw away their pill bottles and headache powders and ex ercise freely In tho open air for at least two hours dally they would feel like new women nt tho end of a year. Nature cannot bo cheated, nor can impaired forces ho restored by swal lowing medicine every time warning pain and Illness overtakes tho offend er. .A busy woman may be compelled to neglect some duty or pleasure for a time In order to obtain the outdoor exercise, but under the circumstances it will be excusable, and In the long run she will make up for It because of Increased bodily vigor." PESSIMISM HAS LONG EXISTED. People Were Prone to Comp'toin Ages Ago. Dr. Richard T. Gotthell, of Co lumbia University, nas a broad knowledge of Oriental tales and prov erbs. Dr. Gottheil was condemning pessi mism one day at Columbia. "Pessimism," ho said, "is as old as the hills. Mankind has always rec ognized It, and has always derided it. "Thero is a Persian story about a pessimist. This story is so old that no date can bo assigned to It. It con cerns a pessimistic farmer. "'Good friend,' a viitor said to tho farmer, 'you are fortunate this year.' He pointed to tho heavy and rich grain fields spreading as far as the eye could see. 'Ycu can't grumble,' he went on, 'about your crop this sea Hon, eh?' " 'No,' whined tho pessimist, 'hut a crop llko this is terribly wearing on tho soil, " Reason for Long Workday. A recent attempt to reduco tho dally hours of female factory workeis at Frelborg, Germany, was opposed, on the grounds thnt competition with Italy, Japan and China would not per mit It, and that. If factory life were made too attractive, domestic help would be still more difficult to ob'tain than It is now. S Mi o mm - SMASHUP ON WABASH ROAD ASCRIBED TO TRAINS WRECKERS i Who la responslblo for tho awful railroad wreck at Lllqhllold, 111., July 3, which claimed twenty-two lives and maimed thirty-four pnsaongorH? Of ficials of Litchfield ar Inclined to tho belief that the train and Its passon gars were tho victims of a plot hatch oil by miscreants. Threo hours boforo tho wreck occurred n Wabash train, running at n speed of sixty miles nn hour, passed over tho snmo track with out meeting a mishap. Between that hour nnd tho tlmo tho Limited crashed Into tho switch Tickol Agent Condonu declared that no cars were run onto tho sidetrack. For that reason ho says that no ono connected with tho rond turned tho switch and neglected to throw It back. Tho lock that held It vns found near by. Irvln L. Rico of CO 18 Calumet nvo nue, Chicago, ono of tho eye witnesses of tho fatal train wreck, said his os- Airow polntc to the open owltch speed, on a sidetrack, on which stood crowded train plunged, throwing the positions, and cmashlng the forward o capo from death was miraculously 3trango. Following is his thrilling story of tho wreck: "Tho train, which was composed of nine conches, left Chicago Sunday morning at 11:03. 1 was In tho first car, which Was a combination coach, bound for tho World's Fair. The train was whirling along at tho rate of about sixty miles an hour at 5:40 o'clock when the crash camo. Tho engine Btruck the switch and com pletely turned around. Tho coal ten der flow right over it and alighted at fftMM&flanBOtiatfiBitfi ' COMPARATIVELY Tho list of saved In tho Norgo steamship disaster hns been Increased by seventeen. Seventeen survivors wero landed at Aberden, Scotland, by tho steam trawler Largo Bay. Thoy wero picked up from ono of tho boats of the Norgo. Tho total number of survivors so far as known now Is 145. This reduces tho probable number of lives lost to C27. Tho Danish government and tho steamship company have sent out a Hteamship to search the seas for tho boats and tho vessel will visit all the Map Showing Location of Rockall, I Butt of Lewis, off Which Islands within a possible radius, but tho rescued at Grimsby and Storpo way, who havo gone through a terrible experience believe that thero Is little ground for hope unless an outgoing vessel should have picked up one or more of tho boats, or unless tho sur vivors havo landed at St. Kllda and Flannnn islands. While the stories of the survivors naturally differ in some details, in tho main they agreo that in the supreme Long Trip In Automobile Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. GUddon of Boston, who are touring tho world in an automobile, havo roturned from Ku rope. During tho past two year they havo beou through all of tho European countries, covering in thoir twenty-four-horso-power machlno ovor 10,200 miles. On August 1G, 1903, while in Norway, they raado tho first trip evor roado In an automobile Into the arctic zone. Mr. Glldden oxpects to covor a distance of about 40,000 miles, tho tour to be finished in 1907. least ono hundred feet away. "Every pnssongor ln; my car was thrown hcnd-long In every direction. 1 wob thrown against tho sido of the car with such lolonco that tho knoos or my trousers were bndly torn. My back And ono of my Idgs were Injured. After tho confusion had partly sub sided 1 wna" greatly surprised to find thnt tho car had been split right In two parts. I crawlod out of tho open ing, followed by othors. Harry Diet rich, tho labor loader, had boon sitting In tho rear of tho same coach. Ho was killed whon tho next coach behind crashed into ours. "Thnt was tho first coach that caught fire. Elated over my miracu lous escape from a horrible doatb, I as sisted lu tho work of rescue. I ran into ono of tho burning coaches In which a woman was screaming loudly for help. Her legs wore pinned down I I which threw the train, going at high a line of freight care. Into these the cars and engine Into all conceivable ncs to splinters. i between tho seats and tho flames wore spreading toward her. '"Cut my legs off' sho cried. "A man ran forward, pulled a knife from his pocket and attempted to sever tho limbs. 'Go abend; cut them off,' said tho woman. It was his plan to cut tho flesh to tho bono nnd then break tho limbs. "As each moment passed tho flro grow closer and closer to us. Finally tho heat became so lntcnso that wo had to abandon tho poor woman. Sho burned to death before our eyes. FEW SURVIVORS j OF STEAMSHIP DISASTER I tfiHmaaOMwwK moment thero were exhibitions of marvelous heroism, and additional stories of their experiences only ndd In this pnrtlcular to what has already her: totd In tho dispatches. Tho contingent now being caro for at Aberdeen consists of twelve passen gers, tho third mnto of tho Norge, tho quartermaster, a steward, a lamp trimmer and ono of tho crow. They drifted at tho mercy of tho Atlantic for six days. When both water nnd food wero gone and when tho occupants wero nlmost too ex- slet Where the Nome Was Lot. and Steamer Was Last Sighted. haustcd even to hopo, the trawler hove in .eight. This was on July 4, when tho boat was about thirty miles off St. Kllda. Those rescued had eked out an ex istence on two biscuits a day. When they started from the ill-fated ship thero was only one small cask of fresh water In tho boat. Before the Largo Bay fell In with them this and the biscuits had been finished nnd the pangs of hunger had set In. Lord Mllner Breaking Down. A lettor recolved from Johannes burg glvoa a painful picture of Ixird MUuor. It declares that slnco his re turn from England he has aged con siderably. Tho stross of the last few months has. In fact, told upon him more than did all the anxlotios of the war time. His shoulders aro bent, his hair sllvorod and his gonoral appear anco careworn. He has boon bosought by Ids friends to rolax the strain whlali he porslstently places upon hlmsolf, but this he refuses to do. AS THE WORLD REVOLVES- CLAIMS TO BE (THE ME88IAH1W , ' 4' k r 4 'ff 1 LondoVi Minister the Founder'cTa New Sect. A dispatch from London, England, tells of a pretondod Messiah who has n largo number of followers. T4iq Rev. John Smyth-Plggott, who claims to bo tho Messiah, recently In tho chapel of tho Abode of Lovo nt Spax ton, a plcturcsquo vlllago In Somerset shire, conducted a special service, which Is tho subject of several lengthy reports In London papers, ono of which heads its article with tho slnglo word, "BInsphemy." According to all accounts, it was n remarkable service. None but tho. faithful wero present, tho gront oak gates of tho rotreat be ing closely guarded. It was a calen dar day of tho sect, chlof disciples be ing summoned from far and wide. Norway wns, porhnps, most largely represented, but th6 worshlpere In cluded at least ono Russian counted and many handsomo young English women. By long dlBuao tho "Messiah's" throno had become tawdry and faded, but a little upholstering and work by tho ministering damselB had mado it luxurious and stately. Tho servicp -ii VTVK-JL 1 "The Abode of Love." was timed for midday, nnd a cosmo politan congregation of worshipers had gathered In tho temple, when sud denly thero was a hush and tho self 'styled "lamb of God" approached. Tho "Messiah" slowly and silently wnlked to his renoyated throne, his disciples rising as ho crossed the por tals and bowing their hoads reverently. "Behold tho Iamb of God," uttered slowly, deliberately nnd unaffectedly, wns tho astounding exclamation which suddenly broke tho spoil of silence. Tho words had scarcely passed tho lips of the "Messiah" before all tho disciples mado obclsanco, tho women bowing low and muttering exclama tions of lovo and dovotton. Tho cen tral figure was a good looking man, plainly dressed In clerical garb. Thero were two hymns, and tho "Messiah" hlmclf preached a Bhort sermon, selecting as his text tho words VLovo Ono Another." Next followed psalms, sung In a sub dued key by a splendidly trained cho)r. The servlco lasted Httlo moro than hnlf an hour, and then tho "Messiah" and the congregation went to partako of luncheon. FIGHTS STANDARD OIL TRUST. George Rice Is Perennial Opponent of Great Monopoly. Georgo Rice of Marietta, O., tho former oil dealer who for years has been ono of tho most persistent an tagonists of the Standard Oil com pany, has asked tho courts of Now Jersey to dissolve the company on the ground that It Is Illegal, -appoint a receiver, and distribute the asseta among the stockholders. Rice, who wns squeezed out of business by tho Standard Oil company, was ono of tho principal witnesses la Attorney Gen eral Monnett's suit In Ohio. Farmer's Boy Wins Honors. Warren Ellis Schutt of Cornell, 1905, who has won a Rhodes scholarship and will bo off for Oxford university presently. Is a farmer's boy, captain elect or tho Cornell track team and tho best cross-country runner of bis tlmo In the American college world. About Wocden Shoes. Wooden shoos, It is computed, aro worn by 70,000.000 people in Europe. For tho stylo of wooden shoos called sabots basswood is mostly used, but willow is proforred. Poplar, birch, wal nut and beech are also used. To Get Pointers From America. Dr. Baernrelther, former minister of commorqo, una Count Mervelft, for ruor governor of the provinces of tho Tyrol and Silesia, will study the edu cational institutions of this country. v. jlJ&: IbP Si ' " if-i 4wwiHi'W 'ft-