Stoves Stoves Stoves $ Stoves RE you particular as to the kind of a Stove you would use ? Were some one to make you "a gift j of a stove, "aricl riot to restrict you- to any one particular make, you would undoubtedly select .the - best stove to be had. ' You would do this With the viewof getting the stove with 'the points of! ad vantage over all others'. .". ' ' ." . " i ' ". " .i-.;.;- are show Now, why shouldn't you use the same good judgment, when you buy t'a 'stove? . 'We ,'ing ondun floor, what we think ai the VERY BEST lines of, stoves made; and, would ask your careful; consideration of them. f. -i , 4. -. .."Estate Oak1' Heaters .. The sale' on these heaters has been wonderful during the past seven years they , have been handled in Alliance. They have merit, hence, are easily sold. The mere fact that they have a large ash pan aud door to remove ashes through, appeals to every housevfife.rThe"ash-pit is jointless, made in one solid piece. The screw drafts and doors have ground edges; fit air tight, and the stove .will hold fire for forty eight hours. m i Hl t The "Great Western Oak" Heaters and the ."Great Western" full line of stoves-have" been on sale here ever since Alliance began to exist' We-'can refer you to a long list of pleased users of these stoves. .'vVe can show you of this line, Great Western Oaks Mountain Oaks Banquet Steel Ranges Paris Wonder Steel Ranges Wonder Steel and Cast Cooks m STOVE BOARDS OIL CLOTH RUGS STOVE -PIPE DAMPERS;- ELBOWS COLLARS COAL HODS SHOVELS Kindly Listen to a Little Stove Talk. DO NOT buy a small stove to save money. The' fact of a stove being small, doesn't signify " that it will burn economically less fuel than a large one. Buy a large stove, it costs more of course, but the larger the stove, the more, radiating surface it has, and that is what distributes the heat. You can regulate a "large stove to burn a little amount of fuel. But to try to get lots of heat from a small stove, you must force the fire, which sends unconsumed gases out of the chimney, and is a waste of fuel. GEO. D. DARLING, $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ Alliance, Nebraska ENAMELED WARE TINWARE - ' DISHES S LAMPS FURNITURE J DRAPERIES J S COUCH, COVERS S CARPETS 2 GENERAL 2 HOUSEFURNISHINGS 3 STANDARD CATTLE CO. HORSE SALE! At HULLEN, NEBR., OCT. 21, 1905. The postponement of the sale of our Horses was inevit able to admit of clearing up our Cattle in all our pastures and adjacent territory.- This will be our final sale and all horses of the Com pany's will absolutely be cleaned up. This offering of one hundred and twenty head comprises the tops of our saddle and work horses and will be sold to the highest bidder for Cash. The horses will be given a period of rest before the sale and will be in good condition for work. On the above date the Company will make their final clean up by selling the remainder of their Wagons, Harness, Buggies and the like. " 41-4 Standard Cattle Co., Hecla, Nebr. Notice ! I HE FALL CAMPAIGN is now coming on, and I wish to announce to the public, that I am out as a candidate this fall for the office of Flour ' In spector, and I wish to say right here, that if I am elected I will give you the best there is for the next two years or until my successor is elected and quali fies. My platform is the 5-IHZ 0!!E3IE3A.LE, and I wish to say, that all other candidates, whether they be nominated on the publican or sinners' ticket, will stand no show of being elected, unless they have this plank in their platform this fall. For further in formation in regard to this platform, call on Libby, the Grocer 210 BOX BUTTE AVENUE . ALLIANCE, NEB. chairman of the county central committee. See to it that your candidates' are filled with 5-ISZ O Lbi!ijl.IbvdI biscuits before , starting out. Yours for luck, General Manager. i i LEE ACHESON ALWAYS HANDLES THE BEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR THE TABLE IF YOU HAVEN'T TIME TO CALL at the STORE 'PHONE No. 4. .-' &5&1h '.Q' - r .,- -.. V' w -. " y,l MP,.;.- -.iv.r v-iSr -W.-i . ';:&.3 . ,;r: r. - . Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER. . Proprietor. The Horace Bogue Store 5Vuwoxucemeu v,' TO F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moying Household Furniture , and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska, i FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. , 'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEBI' . .' ,;' E cordially invite the residents of Alliance and vicinity to inspect our NEW FALL GOODS. Never before have we. offered as large nor as complete line of Fancy Dry Goods, Novelties and Coats. We have added to our glove department the world ; : famous "Trefousse" Kid Glove, than which there is no f', ; ' ' better glove made. -v, Our most important change is in our pattern de--v, - ... partment: We have adopted the Ladies Home Journal -'-, Patterns, and are anxious that all our customers receive"- W their style book. It is free for the asking. v , .. - ,-' Until Oct. ,ist we will accept subscriptions' toi , !" yv Home Journal at $1.00 and make you -a present' of a ; ' ,. , new pattern. v.'.:- -; ' S 1L.' ' ft V "W ' - : -?.. ft. . .1: v. .4' ft . -.'. m m m m m . m 41 m m "n ,-. ,' ' HJ v- s 4. .w i '4,'swe'.- n M IIS