The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 28, 1905, Image 3

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    - 1.
W. L. Douglas
3i?&3-S SHOES tA
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Clil Edge Lino
cannot bo oquatlod atany price.
mmimmi ""''. r it, vy
,w.r .nmiai as mmkfs ano atTLLS
(inn KtfARB tsanyoMwha ean
iU Uvl ditprove this statement.
W. L. Douirlas S.I. SO ihoM have bv their ex
cellent style, easy fitting:, ond uperlorwearlnj:
qualities, achieved the largM? tale ol any f 3.50
shoe In the world. They are lust as pood n
thoe that, cost you $5.00 to $7.00 tne only
dllference la the price. II I could take you Into
my factory at Urockton, Mass.. the largest In
the world under one root making; men's fine
shoes, and show you the care with which every
pair of Douglas shoes is made, you would reallie
why V. U Douvlas $3.50 shoes are the best
shoes produced In the world.
If I could show you the difference between the
shoes made In my factory and those of other
makes, you would understand why Douglas
$3.S0 shoes cost more to make, why they hold
their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ol
greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.60
shoe on the mrfrket to-day.
IV. L. Dougfmm Strong Made Sheas fen
Men. 92.BO, $2.00. Bays' School A
Dreum Shoem,$2.BO, $S, $1.7B,$1.BO
CAUTION. Insist upon bavins "V. L.Doug,
las shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine
without his name and price stamped on bottom.
WANTED, A shoe dealer In every town where
W. L. Douglas Shoes are not sold. Full line of
samples sent freo for Inspection upon tequest.
Fast Color Eyelett used; they will not mar bratty.
"Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles.
"IV. I DOUGLAS. Drocktou, Mass.
A railroad with It own rails extending
from ono Important city to another has
decided advantages over a lino depend
lng on connections to traverse tho same
distance. Through rails Insure quicker
service, entirely obviating tiresome de
lays arising from connections missed.
This Is why THE KATY, with
its own rails from St. Louis and Kansas
City to Houston, Galveston and San
Antonio has advantage's over other lines
between the same points.
Through trains with
ore run between St. Louis
and Kansas City and all
principal Texas cities.
You btcp into tho cars
rtt St. Louis or Itnnsns
City and aro not com.
polled to leave them un
til vour destination Is
"Ths Katjr" reached.
"Follow the Flao"
Sg&, Excursion
November 30th
To mnny points In Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio. Kentucky, Western Pennsylvan
ia, New York and West Virginia, at
The WABASH has solid road-bed,
rock bullast, ana new equipment. Re
clining cliulr cars (SEATS FREE.)
For rates, maps and all information
call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Far
nam St. or address
G. A. P. D., Wab. R. R Omaha, Neb.
uj'.tl -wfff. Ill tit1lr
their sex, used as a douche Is marveioasTysus-
Cessiul. iBurouKaiyfcicaii6c, iii9uicao9KCisus.
tops discharges, heals Inflammation and local
Paxtine Is In powder form to be dissolved In pure
water, and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists, GO cents a box.
' Trial Uix and Book of Instructions Free.
Thc R. Paxton Cohpani- Boston, Mass..
Heat Your Building With
Ventilating Furnace
And save 40 per cent
on cost and fuel.
Thousands In use. Guar
anteed. Snd for freo cata
logue Manufactured and
sold by tho
Bovee Grinder & Furnace
Works-, Waterloo, Iowa.
Non-union Job Compositors to work in
Chicago. Wages $19.50 per week of M
hours. Permanent positions for first-class,
reliable men. Strike on. Address, stating age,
experience and full particulars, '
Railway Printers, - - CHICAGO.
and Wood Frames, 125 and up. Write
us before you buy. We save you
money. Also Pumps and Wind
BECKUAN BROS.. Dss Moines, lows.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This paper.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 391905.
kzym Home
aw nuinii
H awkkmkmw sBJ-XasaBfisKsT Mr &V1V1
II Fwt&KmBKlmBKKsms tiwl
1 y"lllM-J-l.LJiasm kmkm
-''Ta, fl
Of Great Interest to the
Thoughtful and Economical Woman
Wo have solved tbe problem of how you can dress well and stylish at little cost. Ask to
see our handsome assortment or the newest and most stylish dress goods worn by well
dressed women for this Fall and Winter season. We will send f rtt upon request a beautiful
sample selection, snowing the latest and most popular up-to-date materials, lluy direct
from us at wholesale prices, which means a
tail price. It will pa
nuest. Hundreds of I
:e. it win pay you 10 see our selection
quest. Hundreds of ladles In your locality
yet them for less than elsewhere.
We cut any
M. C. BRANDSTETTER & CO., 67 KJAR.f c."cT5ic2co
WlioUasJe Importers of Ladles' Woolens ExduiWely
Scalp Humor Cured by Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment After All Else
Hnd Failed.
"I was troubled with a seVoro scalp
humor and loss of hair that gave mo a
great deal ot annoyance and Inconvcn
lenco. After unsuccessful efforts with
many remedies and so-called hair
tonics, n friend Induced mo to try
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. Tho
humor was cured In n,.short tlmo, my
hair was restored as healthy as over,
and I can gladly sny I havo slnco been
entirely free from any further annoy
ance. I shall always uso Cutlcura
Soap, and I keep tho Ointment on
hand to uso as a dressing for tho hair
and scalp. (Signed) Fred'k Duscho,
213 East 57th St., Now York City."
Slncorlty Is tho salt of character.
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. This Is why Defiance Starch
Is taking the place of all others.
PIf CwV Automatic
iiLVl Generators
can be installed at small cost in any
home, larjro or small, anywhere.
Acetylene Gas is cheaper than kero-
scne, brighter than electricity, safer
than either. '
Full particulars FREE for tho!
Acetylene Apparatus Mfg. Co.,
157 Michigan Ave, .. Chicago :
Save $10.- Per Cow
Over All Gravity Setting Systems
And S3, to $5. Per Cow
Over All Imitating Separators.
Now is tho time to mako this most
important and profitable of dairy farm
investments. Send at once for new 1905
catalogue and name of nearest agent
The De Laval Separator Go.
Randolph & Canal Stt.
74 Cortland! Strett
"I have tried all kinds of waterproof
clothing and have never found anything
at any price to compare with your Fish
Brand for protection from all kinds of
rTb nam and addr.i of tbawrftar-of tUa
unollcIle4 ltlu tamj l had upon application)
Highest Award World's Fair, 1901.
A. J. TOWER CO. IT Sisnof the Fish
Bosun. U.S. A. fjCfiVER
CO.. LIMITED jZr.i '
Toronto. Onsda ..
Uaktrt tVarrsMtetf Wit Wtathtr Chthlng
great saying to you, about ball of the usual re-
01 areas gooaa, wnicn we &nu iree uku re-
select their materials from us, because ttiey can
amount of yards desired.
Minor strains tho hnhy's.
1 l m fox W&izEMmBGmmmm
Ms IMMMi fwytiu i
MattsW ii'ltifflstBaHWr'SS ImfcT liciaisHl i
No Matter What She Signed, Woman
Would Pay When She Liked.
"Do you know what you signed?"
asked tho man, as tho woman laid
down her pen.
"Why, yes," sho replied. "I signed
a contract to pay for n piano In bo
many months at tho rato of so many
dollars per month."
"How do you know you did?" asked
tho man. "You didn't road tho con
tract." "I know that," said tho woman. "It
wasn't necessary. I haven't tlmo for
that. I know what I told them down
nt tho ofllco yesterday."
"That Is just llko a woman," said
tho man, impatiently. "They clap
their names to any kind ot a docu
ment without roatllng it over. So care
lesB aro they about such things that
halt tho womon In tho land would
sign their own death warrant and not
know It"
Then tho man rend slowly through
tho written agreement.
"Here," he said, "Is n mistake, first
pop. Fortunately you nro dealing with
a rellablo firm that will rectify it If
you woro buying from some Jay con
cern that would hold you to your bar
gain you would havo to mako your
payments on tho 12th of every month,
Instead of on tho 1st, as you wish to
"Oh, that's nothing," said the
woman, serenely. "Don't worry about
that. I'll pay whenever I get ready,
no. matter what the contract says."
"Oh, excuso me," said tho man, "Per
haps that explains why all women
think it unnecessary to read whatever
papers they sign."
Didn't Care to Advertise Wealth.
Ono of tho wealthy residents In tho
Wicker park district is a manufactur
er who from a street peddler worked
himself up Into position and has ac
cumulated money so that his neigh
bors estimate his wealth at about
?500;000. Throughout his career he has.
never learned to wrlto and his figur
ing has been upon a system peculiar
to himself. A few days ago somo of
his friends, In tho presence of a re
porter urged tho manufacturer to toll
some of his experiences so that an
article might bo published about him.
Pulling out somo old tax receipts
ho said: "It might bo nice to get my
name, in tho paper and a wrlteup
which you think might help me so
cially. If you print, however, that
I am worth $500,000 then tho board of
review will ralso my taxes. I have
found that people In society pay for
what they claim to havo more often
than for what they actually possess.
I'd rather keep my taxes as they are
and let no ono know just how much
I own." Chicago Chronicle.
Cautious Bride.
Brldo (In railway train) Now, my
dear, you must remember not to act as
If wo were Just married. It would bo
perfectly horrible to havo all these
Btrange peoplo know It Sit up a little
closer. I want to fix your necktie. It's
all crooked. There's somo dust on
your coat. I'll brush it off. How white
the stifff Is I It must bo from that
rice. Ono corner of your mustache
points down and the other up. It looks
too funny for anything. Walt; I'll fix
It I'm tired to death, dear. Sit up
closer, so I can rest my head on
No, that won't do; I must pretend to
read a novel, and I don't know; per
haps you'd bettor go Into tho smoking
car. All tho married men do.
Groom Well, I'll go, my darling, If
you think best.
Bride Yes, you must go. Help me
off. with this glove, dear. You must go
and stay real long ten or fifteen min
utes. Now York Weekly.
Don't Use Slang.
"A lady used tho expression 'Geo'
the other night," says an exchange.
It had never occurred to her that this
was taking tho name of tho Lord In
vain, and probably few of many who
indulge In sugar-coated profanity ro
allzo that they aro swearing. What Is
"Gee" thdugh, but a euphemism for
"Jesus?" "Dear mo" Is nothing but
tho Latin "Deo Meo" (My God), "For
Goodness Sako" is only for "God's
Sake." "Drat it" Is "God rot It"
"Judas Priest" Is "Jesus Christ." "Gol
ly," "Gosh," "Glory," etc., aro only va
riations of "Damn it" In short, there
is probably not an expression of this
sort that cannot bo tracked to an oath
for its origin.
A Street Scene.
Tho American tourist In London
was showing somo photographs to his
English acquaintances.
"This," ho said, exhibiting a picture
taken during tho recent blow-out of
tho Dramatic Order of Khorassan, "Is
a street scene on Woodward avenue,
Detroit, Mich., In tho heart of the
Tho Englishman expressed much
surprise at the largo number ot fierce
looking sheiks and sword-carrying
brigands in the crowd, but tho Ameri
can explained that, during tho last
year 85,764 Turkish and Arabian bri
gands had landed in New York city
alone. Detroit Tribune.
Failed to Capture Whales.
Excitement was caused recently
among the shlpplne at Port Elizabeth,
Capo Colony, by the appearance of
two large whales, a bull and a cow.
Tholr gambols were watched by a
large number of spectators. Several
fishing boats and tugs went after
them, and ono succeeded In getting a
harpoon home In the cow. A whaler's
crqw then had an exciting time, the
whale towing tho boat about the of
fing until nearly three o'clock, when
It managed to break away. More
boats and tugs then joined In the
chase, but failed to get within strik
ing distance.
How a Chicago Woman Found Help
When Hope Wat Fast Fading Away.
Mrs. 13. T. Gould, 914 W. Lnko St,
Chicago, 111., says: "Doan'a Kidney
Pills nro all that saved mo from death
of Drlght's Dls
eo.8 0, that I
know. I had eye
trouble, back
a n li n. rntrlifn
lJ y ix??.. when lying nbed
or wfren bend
ing over, was
languid and oft
en dizzy and
had sick head
aches and bear-lng-down
Tho kldnoy secretions were too copi
ous and frequent, and very bad In ap
pearance. It was In 1903 that Doan's
'Kidney Pills helped mo so quickly and
cured mo of these troubles and I'vo
been well ovor since."
Fostcr-Mllburn Co., llutfnlo, N. Y.
For sale by all druggists. Price, SO
cents per box.
It a lawyer's buccoss dopended
wholly upon tho gift of gab there
would ho moro woman lawyers.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won't shake out or blow out; by using
Defiance Starch you obtain bolter re
sults than posHlble with any other
brand and one-third moro for same
Tho bitterest ropentnnco cannot re
call tho hour that Is past
t?ITC permanently curnl. KontsornerrouimfMafter
rl I O IlratuaT'atiMi of Dr. Kllna'allrett Ntro ltfator
r. R-nd for FltlCK 8'i.OO trial bottl and t-MtlM.
DU. H. U. KLIN K. Ltd., SSI Arcli Strett, Philadelphia, fa.
Kcoplng your sins a. secret is only
hiding them In nn incubator.
payments. J. MUL1IAI.L, Sioux City, la.
Tho short cut to unpopularity Is tell
ing men that they aro growing bald.
Flso's Curo Is tho best medicine wo over uw;d
for nil affections of tho throat .and lungR. Wm.
O. Erdblbt, Vanburcn, Ind Feb. 10, UOO.
It takes moro than push to. open the
doors of paradise.
No chromoB or cheap premium", but
a better quality nnd one-third more
of Defiance Starch for the same price
of other starches.
A grass widow is seldom as verd
ant as her tltlo would indicate.
Mothers Am Helped
Happiness of Thousands of Homes Due
to Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable. Com
pound and Mrs. Plnkham's Advloe.
A devoted mother seems to listen to
every call of duty excepting tho su
premo one that tells her to guard her
health, nnd before she realizes it somo
derangement of tho female organs has
manifested Itself, and nervousness and
irritability take the place of happi
ness and amiability.
ol- i s
I'AsMoamaa m ai aMMaaaaaauuauanaea
Tired, nervous and irritable, tho
mother is unfit to care toe her chil
dren, and her condition ruins tho child's
disposition and reacta upon herfelf.
Tho mother should not be blamed, as
sho n? doubt is suffering- with back
acho, headache, bearing-down pains or
displacement, making life a burden,
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound is the unfailing1 curo for this
condition. It strengthens the female
organs and permanently cures all dis
placements and irregularities.
Such testimony as tho following1
should convince women of its value :
Dear Mrs. Pinlcham :
" I wont to tell you how much good Lydia E.
Plnkham's Vegetable Cotniound tuwdono me.
I suffered for eight years with ovarian
troubles. I vraa nervous, tired nnd ir
ritablo, and it did not wcin as though I could
stand It any loner-as I had flvo children to
caro for. Lydia E. Plnlcluvn's Vegetable
Compound was recommended and it ban en
tirely ctfred mo. 1 cannot thank you enough
for yom; letter of ndvicft and for what Lydia
E. rinktueu's Vegetable Compound has dot
for Bie.T-Mrs. Ph. IToirma, 100 Illmred
Htreet, Brooklyn, N. Y."
Mrs. Pinkham advises side women
free. Address, Lvnn, Moss.
Kemp's Balsam
Will stop any coufjli tbat
can be stopped by any
medicine and core coughs
that cannot be cured by any
other medicine.
It Is always tbe best
cough cure. You cannot
alford to take chances on
any other kind.
coughs, colds, bronchitis,
grip, asthma and consump
tion In first stages.
(rteghrtofMBierlysinflked maim dov snols
Tour Jobber or direct from Factorr, l'eoris, la
909A. "5 ifeSESEX
I mmitWmk
Fall of Niagara River.
Nlngnra rlvoi4, in Its cnurso from
Lnko Krlo to Lako Ontario, falls a ills
tnnco ot C27 feet A survey by tho
United Statos engineers, who meas
ured tho flow ot tho river "below tho
falls, shows that It discharges 30,000
cubic feet ot wator a second from tho
ono lako to tho other. By a slmplo
calculation It appears that In Its des
cent of twonty-soven miles from lnko
to lako, Niagara river dovclops tho
aqulvalent of about 9,000,000 theoret
ical horsepower.
Gen, Jackson Vine.
Tho wild grapo vino on tho shores of
Mobllo bay, about ono mllo north ot
Daphne, Ala., Is commonly known nB
tho "Gen. Jackson vino," from tho fact
that Gen. Andrew Jackson twice
pitched bis tent under It during his
campaign ngnlnst tho Somtnolo In
dians. This vino, In Juno, 18D7, was
reported to havo a clrcumferenco of
six feet ono Inch nt Its bnso. Its ago
was estimated at that tlmo to exceed
100 yearB. Scientific American.
In True American 8tyle.
An alarm of flro In tho vicinity of
Hnrrrlecn street In Daltlmoro brought
out tho flro department of tho district.
"Whllo tho bolls clanged nnd tho pun
gent wood emoko of tho engines filled
tho nlr, tho merchant who occupied
tho first floor pushed his way through
tho crowd and hung a slgnbonrd over
his door. It read: "No intorruptl&n
to business."
The City Child Abroad.
Lucy was on her first visit to tho
country, nnd, although she had heard
of cows being milked, sho hnd novcr
seen tho operation. On tho first even
ing after her nrrlvnl at tho farm sho
said: "Mnma. plcnso may I go down
to tho bnrnynrd? I want to sea Just
how they get the milk Into thoso cowb
nnd how they got It out ngaln."
His Threat.
Thero was n very naughty hoy nnd
hie mother did not know what to do
with him. So sho said, "I will put
you In a hencoop If you will not bo
have." Then ho said, "Well, before
you put mo in, I want to tell you that
I will not lay nny eggs." Now York
Blood, Stomach and Bowel Remedy
Will You Accept It and Be Cured or inject It and Be Miserable Unto Death,
Until Mull's Grape Tonic wns brought to America there was no curo
for Constipation and Stomach Troubles.
It is now the Internationally famous remedy for theso ills. The
world's greatest curo for Constipation and Stomach Troubles, Impure
Blood, run down, and bad health generally. The lllood, Stomach and
Ilowcls, are strangely subject to tho curative power of Mull's Grape Tonic
Mull's Grape Tonic has cured thousands, not hundreds, my reader,
but thousands of follow sufferers who now know tho pleasures of perfect
Men, women nnd children in every state and neighborhood through
out the whole country bear willing witness to tho marvelous curing
qualities of this sovereign remedy, Mull's Grape Tonic.'
Mull's Grnpo Tonic Is In truth a boon to mankind. Mull's Grapo
Tonic is peculiarly the relief and cure for decaying IntestineB and ltowels,
Impure lllood, Diseased Stomach and digestive organs which allllct niue
tcnths of tho human race.
Constipation and its attending ills: A rundown system and general
bad health, Khcumatlsm, Colds, Fevers, Stomach, llowel, Kldnoy, Lung
and Heart Troubles, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, loss of sleep and
strength, Piles, Fistula, Appendicitis, Womanly Troubles, Dizziness,
Impure lllood. Had Complexion, etc., yield at ouco to tho wondrous cure
of Mull's Grape Tonic.
This freo bottle offer is mode alike to ono and all, Fathers, Mothers,
Brothers, Sisters, "Wives and Children, and to every one, to you my
suffering render, and to tho ailing ones of your friends atid acquaint
ances, who will even try, to be well and strong again.
Nowhere now in all tho world can any sufferer say, "I havo no hope,
no help, no friend to aid mo in my silent misery." There is a help. Thero
is a cure. There is a friend. Thero is a way. Tho help is Mull's Grapo
Tonic. Mankind's bestlriend, and tho way is free. Mull's Grapo Tonio
is freo, nothing to pay, nothing asked, only that you bo willing to try to
bo yourself ngaln and test for yottrseif at our cost, free, tho marvelous
merit, oi una sovereign cure, vviien
you send your name and address, tell
us simply that you want a bottle of
Mull's Grnpe Tonic, tho great
Stomach anil Dowel remedy, free.
You will recclvo tho bottle without
ono cent of cost. Every penny of tho
e.pense is ours. Simply fill out nud
mail this coupon at once.
Tba KCoulaa baa a dale and number stamped on
the label take no other from your drnmUst.
This Is What
Catches Me!
IOose. Ono-Ttitrd Moro Starch.
mmm m
A MWwr
. i j. lis ( TaIioI. j I 1SbbBJuC?vk
Mrs. Lena Smith, N. Cherry street,
cor. Line, Nashville, Tenn., writes:
"I have had poor health for the past
four vears, pains in the back and groins,
and dull, sick heudachc, with bearing"
down pains.
"A friend, who was very enthusiastic
about Pcruna Insisted that I try It,
"I took It for ten days nnd was sur
prised to find that I had sollttlo pain.
"I therefore continued to use It nnd
nt tho end of two months my pains had
totallv disappeared.
" have been In tho best ot health
since and feel ten years younger, i
am very grateful to you."
Catarrh of the internal organs gradu
ally sapH away tho strength, under
mines tho vitality and eaiiRes nervous
ness. Pcruna is tho remedy.
Send this coupon with your name and ad
dtesa and rnur druirRltt's name, for a free
bottle of Mull'a Grape Tonlo, Stomach Toulo
and Constipation Cure.
a Grape Tonlo Co., 148 Third
Ave., Rock Island, III,
Oil full AJdrtti ana Writ Mainly.
The 1.00 bottle contains nearly three times
luouuoauc. ai aruaT afurea.
Cbtf irttir
a-.!iA.3 No Equal, '.
M m euzsiioaaijft '
No premiums, but oncihird
more starch than you gef of
other brands. Try it now, for
hot or cold starching it has no
equal and will not stick to the iron.
aaaatfMtwsgiiii'riiigMMii'sjatisiuMii.i . utommjmtmmmiiisiatiisttsK-tvvv -