J- a The Alliance Herald T. J. O'KEEFE, Publisher. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Brief Telegrams Moro than ilfty veterans of tho Moxlcnn war attended Uio Missouri as sociation meeting. President RoosovcU will visit Now Orleans In October, ns planned, de spite tho yellow fovor. Tito railroads and freight handlers at Chicago aro trying to reach ngreo tnont and avert a strike Flro did $150,006 damngo to tho Fcathcrstono Foundry and Mabhlno company plant In Chicago. Secretary of Stnto Housor of Wis consin says ho will not ontor tho ra,co for tho nomination for govornor. Ovanofskl and General Fuluishlmn Blgncd an nnnlstlca In tho plain near Shnkhedcz, after negotiations had been conducted for nlno consecutive hours, Tho Spanish government has ad dressed an cncrgotlc protest to Mor occo an the result of nn attack made on a Spanish ship recently by Moroc can pirates. John Wlllo and Cub Ruhlln posted forfeits at Salt Lako for tho match to como off on September 28, the (Into having been mado ono day later than originally set. Thcro Is a Btrlko of Job printers In many cities, tho walkout being ef fective when proprietors nro not will ing to concodo an eight-hour workday on and after January 1, 190G. Ninety years old, slxtlmos married ana tho father of forty-four children, with grandchildren galoro, Jacob Kin ney of Henrico county, Vn., obtained a licenso to tako a seventh brldo. Carrying 3,780,000 feot of Oregon plno, ono of tho largest lumber car goes that over loft Portland, Oregon, u.j British stcamor Tottonbam, Cap tain Mann, called for Tnku, China. Sorgius Wltto, at a conferonco with loading Jows In Now York, just beforo tho pence mission sailed for home, gavo asBuranco that tho condition of tho Jows in Itussla will bo amelior ated. Lightning struck tho old art hall and llvo stock sheds of tho Helton (Mo.) Fair association whllo thpy wcro paclcod with people seeking uheltor from tho storm and killed two perewis. Engineer Mcrrltt Turner dropped dead in tho cab of his locomotive just ns ho was aoout to apply tho brakes to stop tho Erlo railroad's Chicago train known ns tho Pacific Expross at Dcposlt,N. Y. Tho Northwest Indiana conference of tho Methodist church dellncd to In dorse nn nppoal from tho congrega tion nt Whiting, Ind to John D. Rock efeller for financial nhl for tho build ing of a now church and parsonage Tho Ossorvatoro Romano, tho Vati can organ, prlntB nn oillclal noto stat ting that tho Vatican authorities havo not yet reached a decision relative to their fiituro action regarding tho sep aration of church and stato In Franco. Leaders of tho Philadelphia repub lican machlno caused tho withdrawal of their candidates for county offices, and substltuto "fako" reformers, In nn effort to savo tho machlno at tho polls by apparent yielding to tho reform movement. Emperor Francis Josoph accepted tho resignation of tho cabinet headed by" General Baron Fcjervary, tho Hun garian premlor, ot tho Bamo time de clining tho ministers to contlnuo in tho performance of their duties until further orders. A Kansas City mnn, In tho person of P. L. Mnrkol, will bo In chnrgo of tho Panama canal hotels, whero tho employes of tho government will b6 housed and fed during tho construc tion ot the canal. Mr, Market is a son of J. E. Markcl of Omaha. A proclamation has been posted throughout St. Petersburg again pro hibiting tho salo of revolvers or am munition to tho public generally and also forbidding any officers to pur chase revolvers or ammunition with out the permission of their superiors. Sir Daniel Dixon, unionist, has been elected to parliament, vlco James Haz lott, deceased by a majority of 474 over WlUlam Walker, labor party. The United Irish leaguo supported Sir Daniel, who is a privy councillor for Ireland, a former lord mayor of Bel fast and n prominent ship owner and timber merchant. Tho destructive earthquake which dovastated Calabria, Italy, September 8, was recorded on tho seismograph fof tho coast and geodetic survey mag netic observatory at Cheltenham, Maryland. Tho tremors nt tho Intter piaco began a, few minutos after 9 o'clock on tho night of September 7, and lasted for nearly nn hour. Allow ing for the difference In longltudo tho tremors In Mnryland and tho shocks in Calabria occurred at tho same time. The public squaro of tho Canton ot Nlnovo In Belgium has been named Place RooEevelt by order of tho can ton's legislative body, In admiration for Mr. Roosevelt's share in conclud ing tho peaco treaty between Russia and Japan. Announcement ot this honor to tho president will appear In tho Army and Navy Journal. J. C. Wilson of Fair Oaks, Ark., was taken to the city hospital at St Paul Buffering from what physicians say seems to bo yellow fever, A crank professing anarchistic be liefs attempted to gain admission Into President Roosovelts presence at Oy Bter Bay and was arrested. Happiness. Happlnosa Is ho end of every man'a philosophy, whether ho bo a phlllso phcr ot tho schools or a philosopher of tho fields and shops. But tho ques tion la, "What Is happiness?" "What constitutes it?" Most of what wo thought wok happiness had tho bitter ot selfishness, but when our happi ness consists In making others happy nnd helping them In their hour ot need, thcro aro no dregs in tho cup wo drink. And If thoro wero, wo would novor know it, for this cup of joy Is always full, and further, as long ns wo llvo thero will bo those who need our help, nnd consequently wo ennnot exhaust tho contents qf this cup. Wild 'Pigeons Excite Comment. Rant H. Howltt of Wothorsflcld saw flying over tho. town Sunday a flock ot fourteen old-fashioned wild pig conB. This variety has not been seen In this section beforo for twonty years. Thirty or forty years ago thoy wcro very plentiful hereabouts. Sportsmen who heard Mr. Howltt tell about tho ' flock aro considerably stirred up and wonder If tho pigeons will roturn here after nn absenco of bo many years. Hartford Courant. Could Get No Rest. Freeborn, Minn., Sept. 18th (Spe cial) Mr, R. E. Goward, a well-known man hero Is rejoicing In tho relief from suffering ho has obtained through using Dodd's Kidney Pills. His experience is well worth repeat ing, ns It should point the road to health to many another in a similar condition. "I had an aggravating caso of Kid ney Trouble," says Mr. Goward, "that gavo mo no rest day or night but using a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills put new llfo in mo and I feel liko a now man. "I am happy to state I havo receiv ed groat and wonderful benefit from Dodd's Kldnoy Pills. I would heartily rqcommond all sufferers from Kidney Trouble to glvo Dodd's Kidney Pills a fair trial as I havo every reason to bolloyo it would novor bo regretted." Dodd's Kldnoy Pills mako you feci like a new man or woman becauso thoy euro tho Kidneys. Cured kid neys mean puro blood and puro blood means bounding health and energy in every part of tho body. A Sweet Voice. Tho loud voice, tho boisterous laugh, tho noisy behavior, emanating from tho protty, tastefully dressed woman, nro unmlstakablo evidence ot nn Innor vulgarity, unsuspected wore sho morely judged by hor appearance. Insincerity, too Is nearly always be trayed by tho voice. It oven moro than tho oyes, Is tho Interpreter of tho heart. Tho faco may deceive tho tho observer by Its masquo, but tho voice raroly. If tho speaker lack sin cerity, heart good-will, though tho words bo fair and all that Is correct, thoro is that In tho volco that betrays tho lack, somo flatness or unrespons iveness that "revorbs tho hollowness." It Is not tho physical defect In tho volco for this, though regrettable, Is not tho fault of tho possessor that mars it, bo much as tho lack of tho moral quality, if ono may bo permitt ed tho expression. Cotn for the Bride. In Holland whon a girl is betrothed, It is tho custom to placo a money box, often In tho form of a china pig, which must bo brokon beforo Its con tents can bo taken out, on tho' hall table, or somo other conspicuous placo, and every ono who calls is ex pected to drop a coin into it, which' goes to holp in furnishing tho young couple's houso. If tho Bum put in is a largo ono a paper Is generally at tached to it with tho name of tho given written on It. It is really a moro sensible- arrangement than that by which a mass of often useless presents is bestowed on a bride. HONEST PHYSICIAN. Works with Himself First. It Is a mistake to assume that phy sicians aro always skeptical as to tho curatlvo properties ot anything else than drugs. Indeed, tho best doctors aro thoso who seek to heal with as llttlo uso of drugs as possible and by the uso of correct food anil drink. A physi cian writes from Calif, to tell how ho mado a well man of himself with Nature's remedy: "Beforo I camo from Europe, whero I was born," ho Bays, "It was my cus tom to tako coffeo with milk (cafe an lalt) with my morning meal, a small cup (cafo nolr) after my dinner and two or threo additional small cups at my club during tho evening. "In time nervous symptoms devel oped, with pains in tho cardiac region, and accompanied by great depression of spirits, despondency In brief, "tho blues 1" I at first tried medicines, but got no relief and at last realized that all my troubles wero caused by coffeo. I thereupon quit Us uso forth with, substituting English Breakfast Tea, "Tho tea seemed to help mo at first, but In time tho old distressing symp toms returned, and I quit it also, and tried to use milk for my table bev erage This I was compelled however to abandon speedily, for, whllo It re lieved the nervousness somewuat, It brought on constipation. Thon by a happy inspiration I was led to try tta Postum Food Coffee. This was somo months ago and I still uso it I am no Jonger uervous, nor do I suffer from tho pains about the heart, whllo my 'bluas' have left mo ana llfo Is bright to mo once piore. I know that leaving off coffeo ami using Postum healed mo, and I make It a rule to advlso my patients to uso It." Namo given by Postum Co., Battlo Creek. Mich. 'i here's a reason. $ ;.v i NEBRASKA STATE NEWS" NEBRASKA BRIEF8. Charles D. Thompson, well known B an advertising agent In Omaha, died last week. At Nebraska City, Art Sharp, a col ored man, was attacked by his wlfo and soverely cut with a knife. Lightning struck tho barn of MrB, Meyers, north of Nebraska City, and destroyed It with all of its contents and ono horse. A special election for voting on bonds for a water works system was held nt Leigh. Tho bonds carried by a largo majority. Rev. J. W. Scott, who has been tho pastor ot tho M. E. church In Ne braska City, hns resigned nnd will go to Holton, Kas., to preach. A Bult has been filed by William Thomas against tho Omaha Packing company to recover $2,000 damages for alleged personal Injuries. Lightning struck a barn on a farm belonging to Ira Williams of Fre mont, situated near Cedar Bluffs, and It was wholly destroyed with its con tents. Robert W. Brown of Loulsvlllo, Ky., grand exalted ruler of tho Elks, has appointed Dr. W. H. Lynn, a prominent Elk or Hastings, to tho position of district deputyshlp. James Reed, aged CO yenrs, was found dead In an attic at Lincoln. Ho had poisoned himself with carbolic acid about twenty-four houro before, whllo In a fit of despondency. He had been in HI health for several years. J. E. Kolby of tho legal department of tho Burlington, revolved a messngo from General Charles F. Manderson, saying tho General and Mrs. Mandor- son had reacned tho united states from Europe, whero thoy Bpent tho summer. Red Willow county captured every thing in sight in tho lino of premiums for peaches at tho state fair, taking first for collection and first on five separate varieties, besides S. C. King of McCook exhibited tho prlzo win ners. Improvements which will amount to moro thnn ? 10.000 wero commenced at Uio Nebraska City stock yards last week. Fifty-two pens will bo added to tho yards. They will bo all paved with brick and under cover and will bo largo enough to handle several hundred carloads of llvo stock per day. Tho hronzo statuo ot the late J. Sterling Morton, which was received from Paris a Bhort tlmo ngo, has been admitted froo of duty, by order of tho secretary of tho treasury, as a work af art Intended for public purposes. Tho release from tho survoyor of cus toms nt Omnhn hns been received and tho Btatuo will bo put In placo at once. James Hudgeons, an Insane laborer confined In tho county jail at Lin coln, tried to commit sulcldo by drowning in tho bnthtub. When found by tho attendants ho was hold ing his head under tho water in tho half filled tub. Tho man was sent to tho Lincoln lnsano hospital after hav ing a hearing boforo tho county In sanity commission. Tho actlvo work on tho first good road In Nebraska, under tho direction of tho government experts, is now in progress on tho Nemaha bottom road running east from Auburn. Farmers havo contributed freely, as well as business men, and ons of tho best roads In tho etate will soon bo an ac tual fact This is the first experi ment of tho kind in Nebraska. Tho report of tho department of tho government bureau of statistics on internal commorco of tho United States for tho month of July shows n continued healthy growth of tho grain business In Omaha. Tho re port says: Tho receipts of grain at Omaha during tho month of July reached a total of 1.513,000 bushels, and wero nearly 100,000.000 bushels larger than a corresponding move ment In 1904. A peculiar accident occurred to n young man named Lick, living west ot Albion, which resulted in his death. Ho was plowing and tho clevis pin broke, throwing him over tho plow handles and striking his head against the mold board of tho plow, cutting his car in two and a gash in tho side of his face. He was taken home In an unconscious condi tion, from which ho never regained consciousness. Tho Owens & Lovelace Construc tion company nnd tho Sub-Contrac tors Sanders and Reynolds hnve com pleted about eight miles of tho Great Northern grado near Ashland, and tho steel gang will go to work In a fow days to lay tho track, It has been rumored that tho now town, nbout ten mllos north of that city, will bo mado the Junction and that n spur will bo built from that point to connect with the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy to Omaha. , The Nebraska normal college at Wayno began Jts present term with a largo attendance and tho growth of this magnificent institution tho en suing year will no doubt exceed that of any year in its history. The penitentiary mode money dur ing tho week of tho fair. A charge of 10 cents Is Imposed on each visitor for tho Bervlce of a guide, nnd the money Is devoted to a library and amusement fund. In all, during fair week, $750 was collected In this way, Books, music and other extras will he bought with tho money for the I chapel and. library. STATE FAIR HAS BALANCE. Board Expects It Will Be Five Thou sand Dollars to the Good. - LINCOLN With tho detailed expen ditures yet to check up, Chairman Rudgc of tho Stato Fair board i3 ot tho opinion that tho board will como out ahead of the gamo from $4,000 to $5,000. Tho total receipts of tho fair this yenr amounted to $40,244.45, or nbout $3,000 less than last year. Tho new stock pavilion proved a good thing, especially because of tho rain, and Mr. Rudgo Is anxious that a pa vilion for exhibition of hogs bo con structed during the coming year. The aetalled receipts of tho fair aro shown In tho following table compiled by Secretary Bassett and Treasurer Mc Intyre: Geeral admissions $15,488.50 Amphitheatre 2,790.75 Quarter stretch 455.25 Reserved seats 75.75 Speed entries 1.3G0.00 Camping permit 2.50 Stalls and pens 1,125.00 Concessions 5,125.55 Miscellaneous 3G2.40 Stato appropriation 3,000.00 Railway coupons 10,452.75 Total ..$40,244.45 MISS WARNER'S DISCOVERY. Is Able to Photograph the Colors of Nature. LINCOLN Miss Florence Warner has Just declined an offer of $1,000,000 for her patents of an Invention to tako photographs in tho colors of nature. She Is now in Chicago, perfecting a machine by which to lino the camera plates, with color, at a rapid rate, and expects, to havo It completed within a week. Whon Miss Warner found her inven tion practical she communicated with camera people over the country. Tho Eastman company offered here $100, 000 for the Invention with a royalty of $75,000 a year. Tho company was to have an option to buy the invention within a year. Tho contracts wero signed, when tho company demanded that Miss Warner turn over the pat ents. This she declined to do. Then tho contracts wero cancelled. She has been visited by the agent of a larfee London corapnny, but has de cided to go Into business herself. Sho has organized the Florence Chromatic Plato company. Gets a Baby In Denver Depot. DENVER Mr. nnd Mrs. Adelbert H. Browning of Pawnee, Neb., who havo been attending tho Grand Army reunion, left yesterday for lfome. As they were seated at tho depot Just beforo train tlmo a strange woman np- proached nnd asked Mrs. Browning to hold her 1-ycnr-oV baby whllo sho at tended to nn errand. Sho did so, and tho woman disappeared, never to re turn again. Mrs, Browning found this noto pinned to tho child: "Name, Helen Brown. Born August 1, 1904. Tako good care of her. Sho is of good parentage." Location of Town In Doubt. FREMONT Tho location ot tho now of Estlna Is still In tho air. Vlco President Hill ot tho Grbat Northern Is expected hero soon and will decide whero the town will be. Estlna, It Is conceded, Is tho place whero the lino to Omaha leaves the Ashland lino and Is likely to bo a placo of somo Im portance. It Is possible that neither of tho rival sites will win out Struck by a Bucket. PLATTSMOUTH Wesley Knauss, a farmer, living near here, was work ing at tho bottom of a forty-foot well, wjen an Iron bucket, weighing fifty pounds, brko loose from Its moorings and fell upon him. It struck him scquarely i the faco, breaking every bono and battering his face into a bloody pulp. Former Norfolk Man Shot NORFOLK. John Lodge, a man forty-one years old, who made his home for years In Norfolk, and whoso parents still reside there, was fatally shot by a person whose name has not yet been received, at Sacramento, Cal. The tragedy occurred at tho raco track there. Farmer Killed by Fall. NORFOLK While stacking hay at hla farm, three- miles southwest of Mnenet, Neb., Andrew Brumqulst, a farmer, 40 years old, slipped from tho top of tho stacker, turned a sume saitlt In the nlr ns ho fell, struck on tho top of his head and broke his neck. Death was instantaneous. 'Brumqulst had a family. Haddlx Gets Twelve Years. BROKEN BOW W. S. Haddlx, who was found guilty this week of murder In tho second degreo was last night sentenced by Judge Hostetler to twelve years In tho penitentiary. A motion for a now trial was overruled. Judgo Sullivan states that an appeal will bo mado to tho supremo court Reception to Mrs. A. A. Adams. SUPERIOR A public Kjcptlon was tendered to Mrs. Abblo A. Adams, the newly elected national president of the Woman's Relief corps, In this, her home town. The meeting was held In the Grand Army of the Republic hall and was presided over by a' past com mander, but the attendance was gen eral and large. Expressions of con gratulation and confidence were nu merous, hearty and well spoken. Tho .nationnl headquarters ot tho order are established in Superior for this ad-, ministration. Tumors Conquered Without Operations Unqualified Success of Lydia B. PinKham's Vegetable Compound in Cases of Mrs. Fox and Miss Adams. JmirSnRM "l VfvJi wtmmmmV3Sit3 Tmmm9l'r9W II '.HHHb7t&2 mo H -' Wit M " .. HLv,&23vV& if WLWsPk w laWaB Ivmml ,.$ r lulr fJ SnBBBjJuC JUL tJWrMK ' pJSSkFannle Fox JxyLAiiisLueUaAdams) Q Ono of tho greatest triumphs of Lydla B. PInkliam's Vegetable Compound Is tho conqucrinjr of woman's dread cnemv. 'lumor. So-called "wandering pains" may como from its early stages, or tho pres ence of danger may bo made manifest by excesslvo menstruation accompanied by unusual pain extending frpm tho ovaries down tho groin and thighs. If you havo mysterious pains, If there aro indications of inflammation ulcera tion or displacement, don't wait for ttmo to confirm your fears nnd go through tho horrorsof ahospital opera tion; secure Lydla E. PInkliam's Vege table Compound right away and begin its uso and write Mrs. Pinkhatn of Lynn, Mass., for advice. Read theso strong letters from grato ful women who havo been cured: Dear Mrs. Plnkham: (First Letter.) "In looking over your book I nee tlmr. your medicine cures Tumor of tho Uterus. I litis o been to a doctor and ho tolls mo I hnvo a tu mor. I will bo moro than grateful if you can help mo,as I do no dread an operation." Fannie D. For, 7 Chestnut St.,Brodford,Po. Dear Mrs. PinVham: (Second Letter.) "I tako tho liberty to congratulate you on tho success 1 have had with your wonderful medicine. "Eighteen months ago my monthlies stopped. Shortly -fter I felt bo badlyl sub mitted to a thorough examination by a phy sician, and was told that I had a tumor on the ujfifus and would hare to undergo on operation. " I soon after rend ono cf your advertise ments and decided to give Lydia E. Pink ham' s Vegetable Compound a trial. After taking fivo bottles as directed, the tumor is entirely gone. I havo again been examinod Lydla E PinkTmm's Vcielablc Ccainound Every housekeeper should know that If they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry uso they will save not only time, because it never sticks to tho iron, but because each package contains 16 oz. ono full pound while all other Cold Water Starches aro put up in -pound pack ages, and tho price is the eamo, 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is freo from all injurious chem icals. If your grocer trios to sell you a 12-oz. package It is becauso ho has a stock on hand which ho wishes to dispose of beforo ho puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures "1C ozs." Demand De fiance and savo much time and money nnd tho annoyance of tho iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. Wo pity tho man who Is unappre ciated to tho extent that his wife doc3 not believo his smoking on tho porch will drlvo away mostquIWes, and that ho really smokes to keep tho mos quitoes away from her fair skin. DISFIGURING HUMOR. Brushed Scales from Face Like Pow derDoctor Said Lady Would Be Disfigured for Life Cutlcura Works Wonders. "I suffered with eczema all over my body. My faco was covered; my eye brows camo out. I had tried three doctors, but did not get any better. I then went to another doctor. He thought my face would bo marked for life, but my brother-in-law told me to get Cutlcura. I washed with Cutlcura Soap, applied Cutlcura Ointment, and took Cutlcura Resolvent as directed. I could brush tho tcales off my face like powder. Now my face Is Just as clean as It ever was, Mrs. Emma White, 641 Cherrler Place, Camden, N. J.. April 25, '05." Two is company and threo Is a crowd at a gonulno picnic. Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray a nurso in Now York, dls- Ills, called AUSTKALIAN-IJ3AF. Ills tho I only certain monthly roRulator. Cutes female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and I Urinary troubles. At all DruRptists or by i mailMcts. Sample mailed FREE. Address, Tho Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. . It's a wiso investment that knows its own par ' WET WEATHER COMFORT "I havo uied your FISH BRAND Slicker for f ia years and can truth fully tay that I never have had anything give ma to much com ,fort and tatkfactlon. Encloted find my order for another one." (hamc ako Aooocie on ArnjOAnoii) You can defy the hardest storm with Toxera ' Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats. Highest Awara World s Fair. 1901. 1 33 OUR GUARANTEE IS BACK OF THI3 SIGN OF THE FISH A. J. TOWER GO, tdWER b.w. It tt m Wi(4M Jf JOWen CANADIAN CO. umittt - ,:.. .o TpaoHTO, cahaca 'OrillUu bv tho nhvsiclan and ho savs I havo no signs of a tumor now. It has also brought my monthlies around onco moro; ana I am entirely well . I shall never bo without a bot tle of Lydia Plnkham's Vegetable Compound in tho house" Fannio D. Fox.Bradford, Pa. Another Caso of Tumor Cured by Lydia E. Plnkhaiu's Vegota bio Compound. Dear Mrs. Plnkham: " About threo years ngo I had intense pain in my stomach, with cramps and raging; headaches. Tho doctor prescribed for me, but finding that I did not get any better ho examined me and. to my surprise, declared I had a tumor in the uterus. "I felt Miro that it meant my (Jeath warrant, and was very disheartened. I spent hundreds of dollars in doctoring, but the tumor kept growing, till the doctor said that nothing bufc an operation would savo me. Fortunately I corresponded with my aunt in tho NewEng-. and States, who advised mo to try Lydla E. I'inkhatn's Vegetnblo Compound beforo sub mitting to an operation, and X at onco started taking a regular treatmont, finding to my great relief that my general health began to improve, and after threo months I noticed that tho tumor had reduced in size. I kept on taking tho Compound, nnd in ten months it had entirely disappeared without an oper ation, and using no medicine but Lydia EX. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound, and words fall to express how grateful I am for tho good it baa dono me." Miss Luclla Adams, Colon nade Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Such unquestionable testimony proves tho value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and should giver confidence and hope to every sick woman. Mrs. Plnkham Invites all ailing women to write to her at Lynn, Moss. for advice. ' : a Wwnan's Remedy for Woman's Ills Wc Can Help You In getting beautiful and harmonious tints on your f alls wit1! Wrlto for sample card of handsomo tints. Tell us Just what work you havo to do, and sco how wo can help you in getting: beautiful effects. Alabastlno is not a dis caso breeding hot or cold water gluokalso mlne, not a covering stuck on with posto liko wall paper, hut a natural cement roclc base coating. Anyone can npply it Mix with cold wator. Alabastlno docs not rub or scale. Destroys disease gorms and vermin. No washing of walls after onco appllod. Buy only in packages prop erly labeled. Hints on Decorating" and: pretty wall and celling doslgn free. ALABASTINE CO Grand RapMs, Mich. New York CHy. IMPORTANT FACTS FOR COW OWNERS p,. Tho mechanical Cream Separator has becomo a vital feature of every homo dairy just as of every butter factory. Its uso means much moro and niBchi better cream and butter, as well as saving of water, ice, time and room. Tho difference in results is not smalL' but big. Few cows now pay without a. separator. Dairying is the most profit able kind of farming with one. 03 of tho creamery butter of the world is now mado with De Lavall machines, and there are over 600,C0O farm users besides. Send for catalogue and name of nearest local agent. . The De Laval Separator Co. Randolph & Ctnai Sit I 74 Cortlandt Strait CHICAGO NEW YORK. ?hf,2,3ofif. This is AVERY- ..i!i '"nana work. ma.nshlp.ig unequalled. Farmsrs Want Mainly Tnrei Things. 1. A wl fialthcd and an kcctttl. bnlltweon. The Wagons Our Fathers Used " r..t A"" XI ""W'agi-imt How TKerDId I L.tJ fur W.gon tie after thi. order. tumHS. I ute models, one end to h... .,. ..V -V. --"rr'r I fSsetiB8. Avery Manufacturing Co., 01" "F i.. Peoria, IH. f t h