" 'fW.W: rT SruciAL Salesmen in Each Department. R. K. ROGERS. J. D. ULANCIIARD. R. DRYSON A. B. ROGERS Lest You Forget WE AGAIN CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE OMAHA LIVE STOCK COMMISSION GO. Wc handle all kinds of stock. Writo for our Market Letter and call when you are nt the yards. AnyHankorMercauViioAffcncy. f Omaha Live Stock Commission Co. f. It. IU.ANCHAHl..lrc9. nnd .Manager. NEW GOODS FOR FALL, 1905 AT FRED'S Beautiful New Dress Goods and Silks Exhibited n si " ? s 'i i f I K N I It James C. Dahlman, I'res. and Mgr. En. Cauow, Vicc-Pres. J. V. Griddle, Sec'y and Treas. The American Commission Company Live Stock Salesmen. : Capital, $100,000. Salesman. TllEO. TlLLOTSON, Ass. Cattle Salesman So. Omaha & Chicago Jim Clauey, Hog Salesman. J. M. Humphrey. Martin Cullerton, Sheep Salesman. DIRECTORS James C. Dahlman. Ed. Cahow. Buy Feeders on Orders, Both Cattle and Sheep South Omaha, Nebraska. REFERENCES R. G. Dun & Co., Bradstreet, or Any Bank. Special Attention Given to Feeder and Stockcr Trade. Spargur, Lindburg & Co. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP. Rooms 110-112 Exchange Building, Telephone 34 C. W. Spargur, Cattle Salesman, R. D. Robinson, Hog Salesman. George M. Wood, Sheep Salesman. O. F. Lindburg, Office. ROSENBAUH BROS. & Co. (incorporated) live s'tooz: Commission Merchants South Omaha, Nebr. UNION STOCK YARDS Chicago, Illinois. Sioux City, Iowa. W. H. Dudley, T. D; Perrine, Cattle Salesmen W. F. King, - Scott Harrell; Allen Dudley, Hog Salesman. Office Jno. Ross, Jr., Sheep Salesman. BUen SJubles & Co. LIVE STOCK ConniSSION flERCHANTS ROOM 237 NEW EXCHANGE BLD'G SOUTH OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. Telephone 132 So. Omaha. Telephone 302 Co. Bluffs. ESTABLISHED IN 1 867 ;- WOOD bros: Live Stock Commission Merchants SOUTH OriAHA, NEB. Also Chicago, 111. We uave a special salesman in every departwent who is ably assisted by a full SiOUX City, IOWa corp3 0f yardmen. We will be mote than pleased to send free roasket reports to all desiring them. REPRESENTED AT CHICAGO, ILL. South Omaha Nebraska H. E. Tagg, A. W. Tagg, Cattle Salesmen, John Smith, Sheep Salesman, G. M. Hamill, Jas. Hildurn, Hog Salesman. W. B, Tagg, Secretary, TAGG BROS. Live Stock CooiisiD Co. 107-109 Exchange Bldg. South Omaha, Neb. 234-236 Exchange Bldg. South St. Joe, Mo. South St. Joe, .Missouri H. B. Hamill, Hog Salesman and Manager. M. D. Young, Cattle Salesman. J. C. Sager, Office. 25 pieces of new Novelty Goods for school dress, in plain, figured or neat plaid. . .25c per yd. 75 pieces of new Dress Goods in all the new weaves, panama, mohair, weaves, serges, Henriettes, wool suitings, at 35, 50, 75, 80c, $1, $1,25, $1.50 per yd. 25 Dress Patterns One pattern of each. All new and nobby weaves; $5 to $10 a pattern New line of wash Toile Du Nord goods in neat dark colors, at . , 12C New cheviots for waists and shirts, in fancy stripes, at 12o New linen warp suitings 12jC New llanneletts in fancy figures and stripes, 10-12C New (lanneletts, new and novel designs, in Japansese, Victoria and fancy stripes. . . ; 121j-15c New Outing Flannels-A big line to select from THEY GO AT 8-l0-12yc PER YARD. NEW UNDERWEAR FOR FALL At a Price You can SAVE PWNEY Ladies' fleece-lined, .cotton ribbed vests and draw ers, cream color, a 35c value, goes at 25c Ladies' fleece-ribbed union suits, a good value at. .75c Children's underwear, in fleece-lined and elastic ribbed cornes in vests and pants at 19-25-35-50C T UfAMT trTT T irMrviiT 101 1 VV.mi 1WU 1VJ IViNVV loV I SELL THE BEST toL l st m uranaren s School Shoes V v w sdkx The Red School House gi Shoe In sizes 5 to S at $1.15 In sizes 8 to 12 at 1.45 In sizes 12 to 2 at ' 1.65 A BARGAIN One lot of children's shoes to close; sizes, 8 to 12, for 05c. Boys' all solid leather shoes $ 1 . 50-1 . 75-2 .00 Women's common sense house gaters, for sore feet; a soft kid house shoe for $1.45 Ladies' fine kid dress shoe, soft or extension sole $3.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR FOR FALL A good fleece-lined shirt and drawers at 37c A wool fleece-lined shirt and drawers, $1.00 for. .85c Men's fieece-lined, ribbed shirt and drawers at. .50-750 All wool camel hair shirt and drawers, extra good value and fine at $1.25 f" -a if NEW LINE OF Vlen's Hats All the Latest Styles in blacks, browns greys and tans Fedora, Austin, Negligee and Stiff Hats SPECIAL All $2.50 Hats $2.00 SPECIAL All 3.00 Hats 2.50 SPECIAL All 2.00 Hats 1.50 BOYS' HATS.... 1. 00 65c Men's and boys' Fall Caps, 35c to 75c Special prices on Men's Dress Shirts 10 dozen $1.00 and $1.25 dress shirts, your choice, 65c Boys' 75c dress shirts, 45c. Men's work shirts, in dark blue or black, 45c NEW GOODS PILING IN EVERY DAY, I am out for business this fall and want your trade, and I will give you good new goods at the lowest possible prices. Yours respectfully, PRBD H. MOLLRING SHIP YOUR LIVE STOCK -TO- Nye & Buchanan Co. Live Stock Commission SOUTH OMAHA "Writ XJh l'oi Mnrlcot . R;poitw or a Paper. Expert Salesmen in All Departments. -r-H '' ''' The City of Alliance HLLIANCE is a thriving city of more than 4000 population, pros perous and glowing prospects for the future, 400 miles west of Omaha, 236 miles north of Denver. It is the metropolis of western Nebraska. It has water works, electric lights, a three story city hall and fire engine house, first class fire company and apparatus. Two large school buildings; employs twenty teachers to educate its 1000 school children. Seven churches. U. S. land office, Court house, two National Banks, modern business blocks and handsome residences. Its railroad facilities are the best. It is on the main line of the Burlington from either Chicago or St. Louis to Portland and the Pacific coast. It is the Division headquarters for western Nebraska, Wyoming, South Da kota and Montana, the offices of General Superintendent Phelan having been recently located here. The western division shops are located here and more than 600 railroad men are employed here. Its people are hospitable, enterprising, and intelligent. Its climate is healthful and invigorating. In short, no town in Nebraska presents, uperior induce ments for men of capital, enterprise and push, to locate within her borders. Letters of inquiry addressed to the Alliance Herald will be answered promptly and in detail. Better write for a copy of our hand some twenty-four page illustrated Industrial edition, it will tell you more than we could write you in a month. It Is Not Too Early " to begin talking C0AT3. We 1 - have a complete line and inyite ' you to come early and look them .'-' over. ,4 1U iThe iDorace JBogue tore TRADE WINNER" 3' . .- Ship Your Live Stock to THUET BROS. Live stock Commission Merchants ESTABLISHED IN 1887 X .. SOUTH OMAHA. NEBR. SIOUX CITV, IOWA. Bank References: Union Stock Yards Nat. So. Omaha Nat. Live Stock Bank, Chicago. Live Stock Nat., Sioux City, Iowa. Stock Yards Nat., So. St. Paul. St. Paul Nat. Bank, St. Paul. CHICAGO. ILL. SO. ST. PAUL, MINN. Men Who Handle Your Stock. E. P. Melady, Mgr., Hog Salesman. Byron Clow, Cattle Salesman. A. E. Compton, Cattle Salesman, Ellis J. Wright, Assistant. Walter Lake, Sheep Salesman. Write for our Market Letter and Daily Paper free of charge t -&i .LiMi IffiL. . -J-J--. . rr- -wi.n n. jp - V - r-rT "CiffiT