The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 21, 1905, Image 4

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vf'-wj'"iflr. Ijr- v
T. J. OKEEFU Publisher
J. 13, KNIEST Associate Editor
' Entered at the postoOico at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter.
VST Tiitt Herald is tho Official Publica
tion of Box Butte county and its circula
tion is nearly twice that ot any other Al
liance paper.
Display, per single column inch per
month. .. . . ,50
Business locals, per lino first insertion .10
Each subsequent insertion, per lino .Co
Display advertising on first page, 50 per
cent more than on any other page.
Legal notices at statute rates.
Subscription, Si. 50 per year in advance.
E. Rccd returned to Perry, Iowa,
Mr. and MrB. B. V. Reeves aro re
joicing over the birth of a son, born
Dr, and Mrs. Koons were tho guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pattison at
Lakeside Sunday.
Mrs. A. H. McLaughlin came down
from Marsland Monday on No. 42, re
turning on 43.
Mr. and Mrs. James Curry of
Nonpareil precinct were trading with
our merchants yesterday.
The Ladies. Aid society of tho M.
E. church, meets with Mrs. Mallcry
next Wednesday at 2 p. tn.
Mrs. Dunn arrived from Omaha yes
terday and will spend a month with
her sister, Mrs. Tlios. Spencer.
Stanley Civish shipped two cars of
cattle to South Omaha Tuesday. L.
H, Nceland also shipped two cars.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Newberry and
. childcrn returned Friday from a few
days outing on tho Brcnpan ranch.
Georgo Olson returned Tuesday from
a year's visit ' at his old home in far
away Norway. Mr. Olsen will no doubt
assist his brother,' Thomas, in the shoe
Will Morrissoy, who has been on tho
road for tho International Harvester
Co., was in the city Tuesday. He
lias been transferred to the Elkhorn
district with headquarters at Chadron,
Two large Panama hats arrived
through tho mail last Saturday which
camo all tho way from Cebu, Philip
pine islands, to W. E. Spencer. They
were sent by John Baumgardncr, and
aro iudced a novelty in tho hat line.
Mr. and Mrs. Tobiu, who have been
visiting their children here for the past
five weeks expect to return to there
homo in Stewart, Iowa, tomorrow
morning. Their daughter Mrs. M. F.
Nolan will accompany them to Omaha.
Win, O'Mara was down from his
ranch in Sheridan county Tuesday.
Will has had another affliction in the
recent death of his youngest child a
bright little girl of two years. Ho
certainly 1ms had his share of sorrow
during tho present year.
Tho Queou Esther society will give
n Free Will Offering social tomorrow
(Friday) evening at tho homo of Miss
Louise Krajicek. Refreshments will
be served and the receipts will be used
for benovolcnt purposes in Alliance this
The .Editor recently received a letter
from Rev. E. C. Horn, pastor of
Trinity M. E. Church, Grand Island.
Among other things Dr. Horn says:
"Captain Akcra delighted a large
audienco at the Trinity church Sunday
night as he spoke on the subject,
"Jerusalem." Though I announced him
as Receiver of the United States land
office at Alliance, nearly everyone
thinks he is a minister and speaks of
him as "the revcrned."
H. G. Furman of Marsland was
down yesterday with sixcars of feeders
cattle. Three of these sold at $4.35,
the highest price of the day and well
up in the record price for tho season.
These steers were all Black Polls and
they averaged 1,100 pounds. Every
fall for the last six or seven years Mr.
Furman has made shipments to this
market and has never failed to top the
feeder market. South Omaha Stock
man, Sept. 20,
Miss Bertha Kern arrived Sunday
morning from Burlington, Washington,
and is tho guest of Miss Delia Heed.
Miss Kern spent two months of the
summer here and at Denver, returning
to her homo a mouth ago to assume
tho position as teacher in the citv
schools. Her health, however, was so
much improved during the summer
that upon the advice of physicians she
resigned her position and came back
for a longer stay. The family former
ly lived at Hemingford, where Mr.
Kern was pastor of the M. E. church.
He is filling a like position in the coast
city but contemplates moving to
Montana or Colorado, believing the
change would prove beneficial to the
health of his family.
The statement from the State Super
intendent regarding the prizes won by
Box Butte county was received Tues
day by the County Superintendent and
are as follows: One $5.00 library
from D. C. Heath and Co., to the
Junior Normal. This exhibit was by
Prof. Eaton's Agriculture class, and
library books given to all Junior Nor
mals making a creditable display. The
books are to be cared for by the Alli
ance High school. The pictures of
the Alliance and Hemingford school
buildings and grounds were entered in
the school house and ground depart
ment. The first prixo of $20.00 was
taken by Nemaha county for the
Auburn schools. Many others receiv
ed prizes, among them Alliance a
prize of trees for school grounds from
Crete nursery.
Sets of historical pictures were
awarded tho county for its graded
schools, by the Youths Companion.
Tho schools entitled to these arc Alli
ance main building, Emerson building
and Hemingford.
A Folso Report.
A rumor was set in circulation since
last Sunday to the effect that Geo. L.
Moffatt, at one timo a well known resi
dent of this city, had been accidcntlv
shot at his place of business in Casper,
Wyo. All torts of conjectures were
to be heard as to how the deed was
done, but nothing authenative was
learned until Tuesday, when a telegram
from Mrs. Moffatt discredited the
whole affair, nothing of the kind hav
ing happened her husband.
Judge Hastings Nominated.
At tho state conventions of the Demo
cratic and people's Independent parties,
held at Lincoln Wednesday, W. G. Hast
ings of Wilbur was nominated for supreme
judge. For regents, Louis Llghton of
Platte and D. C. Cole or Polk received the
nominations. Judge Hastings has served
eight years on the bench and one term as
supreme court commissioner. He is re
garded as an exceptionally strong man.
X. !-
Chief Clerk F. W. Harris spent Sun
day in Denver.
General Superintendent Phelan went
to Chicago Monday.
Superintendent J. C. Birdsell went
to Deadwood Tuesday.
G. J. Burke, of tho superintendent's
office, is in Lincoln this week visiting.
B. C. Johnson left for Independence,
Mo., Saturday morning to visit his
Ed Rcardon went to Broken Bow
Friday to attend the funeral of D.
E. M. Westervelt, right-of-way agent
of Lincoln was in Alliance Sunday on
his way to Deadwood.
C. J, Saberhagen spent Saturday in
Alliance attending a meeting of Engiu
men's Schedule committee.
Anna Roark, who has been in ,tho
lunch counter for the past year, left for
Denver to make that her home.
E. G. Englchorn has been made ex
press agent, Harry Milligan accepting
the position of cashier at the freight
E. C. Reed of Chicago has entered
the station service as clerk in the
freight house. His wife and child will
arrive here sometime next week.
Fridav evening 16 cars were ditched
at Mullen on a stock extra cast, caused
by broken llangc on wheel, causing sev
eral hours delay to passenger trains.
H. L. Ducstard has becu transferred
from helper at Mcrna to the office of
tho chief dispatcher. He takes the
place vacated by E. G. Euglehorn.
Harry Kelley, cashier at the freight
house, resigned Saturday and accepted
a position with the International Har
vester company as traveling salesman
with headquarters at Alliance.
F. A. Hively has taken the position
in the general superintendent office
vacated by B. C. Johnson, F. A. Pier
son of the trainmaster's office taking
Hively's place in the superintendent's
In tho Real Estate Line.
J. F. Ringlerwent over to the Platte
valley this morning with a party of
F. E. Reddish returned the latter
part of the week from a business trip
to Des Moiue3, Iowa, and Joplin, Mo.
Mr. Reddish is of the opinion that
there will be a big immigration to tho
west in the near future. He says that
in the sections he visited a large
number of farmers were from Illinois
and are now beginning to wonder how
they are going to pay for the high
priced land on which they have made
only one or two payments.
R. B. Hamiltou was ' showing lands
to several homeseekers yesterday. The
prospective purchasers were from
Southern Iowa and are very favorably
impressed with the country. The low
railroad fare now in effect is an advant
age to homeseekers and the west. The
first and third Tuesday of each month
a round trip ticket can be purchased to
Alliance for $14.35 w"h stop-over priv
ilege on way out between Waco, York
county, and Alliance. Mr. Hamilton
expects another party of Iowa people
in this week.
A. J, Durland, of Norfork, was in
the city Monday. Mr. Durland repre
sents a farm loan company and was
here for the purpose ot examining some
applications for loans on farms in
Sheridan county. Mr. Durland thinks
Box Butte county is all right and will
make loans on real estate. It has
been a number of year since much has
been loaned on western lands by east
ern parties and the fact of their
coming west again to do business is
conclusive evidence that they are no
longer afraid to invest their money
Estrayed from my place 10 miles
north of Alliance, about Aug. 25,
One black mare, small stripe in fore
head, weight 850 pounds. Any in
formation leading to her recovery will
be liberally rewarded. Notify P.H. Dil-
Ion, Alliance, Neb., box 69.
M 1 1! 1
W7 .are in8" t0 make a desperate effort to clean up our entire stock of Drv Goods, Cloth-
ingf, Shoes and Groceries within the next 'X'SSLXEKniT ZD-."Z"S. We have
t leased our present location to Lockwood & Co., and must give possession October 15 to
?-3AvAi? . be imPssible t0 havc our new building completed bv that time, all our NEW FALL
GOODS will be included in this sacrifice sale. Don't wait BUY QUICK.' We are going- to
make the prices to move these goods. We expect to close out our grocer)' department in a week or
ten days; We quote you some prices, but you must see the goods to appreciate the values in our
Dry Goods and Clothing Departments.
Dry Goods Department
All our Ladies' Suits and Jackets, Silks,
Laces, Dress Goods, Velvets, Table Lin
ens, Domestics, Outing Flannels and
Blankets will be included in this sale
as will all other goods in this depart
ment. We sell
PrInts 3K, 4K and 5lAc per yard
Unbleached muslin 5c per 'ard
Bleached muslin 6, 7 and 8c per yard
Outing Flannel 5, Q'A and 7c per yard
Ginghams 5 and 6c per yard
Percales (3 Q and iQc per yard
Lining Silks 25 and 35c per yard
Fancy Silks 35? 50 and 60c per yard
A large line of wool dress goods 25, 30, 50c per yd.
Cotton and wool mixed goods 15, 20, 25c per yard
Good table linen. 25, 35 and 50c per yard
Cotton Bats 6c each
Saxon yarns 6c per skein
Embroidery silk " 2c per skein
Cotton blankets 50 and 65c
Ladies' wrappers 50 and 75c
Ladies' jackets $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00
Ladies suits $3.50. $5.00 and $7.50-
Ladies' and Children's SHOES
t o
Corn per can
Tmatoes per can
Peas per can
Soup per can
Sardines, per can v
Pork and Beans per can '.-
Pumpkin per can
Kraut per can
Oat Meal per pound
Washing Soda per pound
Rice per pound
Peas per pound
Time Table
Alliance, Ncbr,
and all points cast and nil points west and
Trains Leave as Follows. Mountain Time:
No. 41 Passenger dally. Deadwood,
Hillings, all points north and
west , 18:50 p.m.
No. 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln,
Omaha, Chicago and all
points east 3:15a.m.
No. 43 Local passenger between Lin
coin and Edgemont. arrives
ut 7:00 11. m. One hour for
brtSa blast.
No. 44 Local passenger oust between
Edgotnont and Lincoln, ar
rives at . 1:35 a. in.
No. 301 Passenger dally, tor Denver
Ogden.salt Lake, Han Fran
Cisco and all Intermediate
nolnta. denarta at SHMiiiyv
No, 303 Passenger dally from Denver
and all Intermediate points,
arrives at 10:45a.m.
No. 305 Tuesdays. Thursday, Satur
days, points south and west,
departs 8:00a.m.
No. 300 Tuesdays, Thursdays, Satur
days, south and west, arrives. 0:25 p. tn.
Bleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the
United btates or Canada. For information,
time tables and tickets call on or write
L. H. Saqe. Acent. or L. W. WiKcley. Gen.
era! Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebraska.
o & ir y D
6 cents
.-...., 10 cents
6 cents
t 6 cents
, 6 cents
,... 7 and i2 cents
' ,.,& 8 cents
8 cents
, 3 cents
- 3 cents
.' 6 cents
Hon. John H. Mickey Governor.
Hon. E. O. McGilton Lieutenant Governor.
Hon. A. Galusha Secretary of State,
Hon. E. M.Searle, Jr. Auditor.
Hon. Peter Mortensen Treasurer.
Hon. J.L. McBrien Supt. Public Instruction.
Hon. Norrls Drown Attorney General.
Hon. H. M. Eaton Com'r Public Lands and
Hon, Harry Lindsay State Librarian.
Uon. J. H. Millard U. 8. Senato.
Hon. E. J. Uurkett-U. S.Senato.
Hon. M .P. Ktnkald-Congressman BixthDlst.
Hon.S. A. Holcomb Chief Justice.
Hon. Samuel H. Bodgawick Associate Justice.
Hon. John 11. Humes Associate Justice.
Hon. V. M. Curry Itepresentatlve &3rd Dlst.
Hon. Chas. P. Urcsee-Senator 11th Dist.
Ilruco Wilcox Hesister.
W. K. Akers ltecelver.
J. H.H. Howett-Olerk.
Hon. W. II. Westover-ltushvllle.
Hon. J. J. Harrington O'Neill.
8. M. Smvser-County Clerk, Recorder, and
Clerk District Court.
O. W. Hrennan Treasurer.
Ira Heed-HherilT.
D. K. Spacht- County Jndge.
Leoru A. Knstln Sunt. Public Instruction.
William Mitchell County .Attorney.
J. P. Hazard County Surveyor.
A. B. Heed Assessor.
G. W, Loer Commissioner, Chairman,
Frank Ualia- Commissioner.
L. F. Smith Commissioner.
II. If. llellwood, M. D. County Physician.
Dr. J.E. Mooro Coroner.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
Clothing Department
We place on sale 500 Men's Suits at
$3.00, 5.00. 7150 and 10.00
These suits are worth from $5.00 to $15. They
are all money savers for you.
We place on sale all our Boys' and Children's
Suits at the same sweeping reduction in prices.
Men's regular price $2.50, 3. 50 and 5.00
pants, sale price, $.75 2.50 and 3.50
200 pairs Boys' Knee Pants,
25 per cent off regular price
Men's Ulster Overcoats
$3.50, $5.00 and 7.50
These coats will cost you 25 to 35 per cent more
anywhere than the prices we are offering
All our MACKINTOSHES go on sale at
25, 35, 50 and 75c
Get Our Prices v Get Our Prices
& p a r t m & n t
sXan.d. G1!ss starch
Cocoanut per package ....
pepper per pound...
Cinnamon per pound
Sugar 17 pounds
Coffee per pound
Tea per pound...v
Prunes per pound
n,oi,- ' 1
wuwiuo lci 1UU11U ,
Apricots perpound
Pears, per pound
Evaporated Raspberries perpound
Louis Ducchsensteln Mayor.
Fred W. Harris-City Clerk.
Mlko Shay-Ohlef of Police.
W. H. Hldgoll-Polico Judge.
! O- Nolemun City Attorney.
Dr. II. H. nellwood-Phystcian.
P. M. Knight-City Treasurer nnd Water
Fred Hrennan -Chief Fire Department.
Prof. W. H. Uartz-Sup't. City Schools.
..,,. . CnURCHES
CATHOLIC Regular Bunday servlces-7:30a
m.; 10 a. m j 11 u. m., catechism for country
.illdH?n.i. ' p; m- cntcchism: 7:30 p. tnT.
benediction, Instruction. '
. .ondays-1?)A mass wcepton Monday
at 5:30 a. m.s 2KX) p. m Haturdais riitt.
chlsm. tatherJulfusDoVos. '
METHODI8T-Hegular Sunday service-U a.
m.i 8 p. m.i Hunday bchool 10 a. m:
Junior League 2:30 p. m.; Epworth League
3P' m,; .. "O'er meeting Thursdars
7:30 p. in. llev. C. W. Hay, Pastor. y
- K.pUoCgue.8iJastor:ndeaVOr 7i,5p" m'
""""EMAN-lhBuJur Sunday
lift 'U:'Ja- v- v' 7:li P- " Kv. McCon-
BAPTIST-ltegular Sunday servlce-ll a. m
8 p. m.j hunday school 10 a m; Youni
People's meeting 7:15. Prajer meeting
Pa'siSr' 8 P m- "ov- O-C. "":
GERMAN LUTHERAN-ItegularSundav sor.
vlce-U u. m.i Sunday school 10 Z m
Srtolffrr.i:!craSttwo?:eeucu h.u-i&:
EASTERN STAU-lst and 3rd Tuesdav
IlEMEr8HFddy,aNnG4thFr,day n1-
5 cents
ZZZ'Z'Z'Z 6 cents
;;; ;;;;;;;:;;;;;20 cent8
2Q cents
T "
ZZZl. ."cjTas c
.., cent
"5 32 4 )
0 cents
..12 cents
..12 cents
..10 cents
-25 cents
DEniI.lh "P-ypn-lst and 3rd Monday
nights. Mrs A E Reynolds, C H
ROYAL NEIGH no RS-nd und 4th Wednes
day nights. Mrs UN Hosklns, Oracfe
cTn"io"cky and iXU MondliJ' nlehts- Mrs
ThurldM11' B.?f ", T2nd "d 4th
Mistress0 B m Mrs U K "osWns
LADIES AUXILIARY B of L E-lst and 3rd
Thursdays 3 Pln MrsRL Harris, Prell-
LADIKS AUXILIARY n of L F-2nd and 4th
DSVN"teaVnedyTUeSdUy nlBhU h T
A F & A M No. 1B3-Thursday on or lmfora
full moon. S A Franklin. VM ' t0r
BE1AI!iC,9MS'ANDEUVNo1 20. K T-nd
und 4th Tuesday nights. E Zollinger.
" nMiftT""1 MMuUrtntohts. s
A O U W 2nd and 4 th Monday nlahts I.
iluechsensteln. Master wSJkmaa l '
gar Martln,dVC Wednesdar nlSh. Ed
EABrinfeud?np4th Sundays- 2:30 P m w
K fe'o cnd 3rd Monday nlnt8' J u M-
D iankiin! OE Wedne&dy 2 P m S A
i,Su1sIt7rEVery Friday n,8ht' W Tillett.
1drewE,VcrcTueSday at 2 v m J N An-
D ches?e7? SFarsyteTr,,Ursdy nlsht- w A Man'
A n n i in ...
3rd Friday Tix"? '
Knight n3 'a u'J- B-Kennedy, Grand
nignt. J, A. Reardon. Klnni. i'u..5-
MMrEjTrJiK'sec. '-