iOCS - i- ft- li !? f 1(5- 2jJ IK. tii S l f IV A NEW LOT OF THE CELEBRATED Douglas Shoes $3.50 Dress Shirts A fine new line regular $1.00 values, 75c Canvas Gloves Good and heavy; regular too kind; for io days only 5c The F" a m o u s Men's correct clothing for autumn with all new style -features-$" UR lines of suits and overcoats as made by Hart,Shaff ner & Marx David Adler & Sons, and the Sterling people cover the entire clothing field. Qurclothing will satisfy men of most exacting Fleece-Lined Underwear Extra weight, i pounds to the garment; silk trim med, pearl buttons, well made, at 50c Soys' Stockings made from special spun yarn, extra heavy, high est type of American manufacture. 25c .OUR JACK RABBI T Corduroy Pants $1.25 taste. It won't take a fat pocket book here. All our various lines repre- sent the best obtainable attheirrespective prices Suits from 3.95 to Overcoats from lo We are showing the most beau, tiful lino of men o overcoats at very low prices. Our new RYTON 52-inch coat, made of the season's smartest fabrics, at SIO, SI2.50, $15 and $18 Jbgcncb CaKoret) ClotbcJf Here is a partial of tho Standard Brands Always Sold by Hart, Schaffner & Marx CLOTHING Sterling, Perfection and Banner brands, and David Adler &Sons. Adler overcoats,- Jack Rabbit pants, Carhartt's work clothes, Sargent glove?, Elk brand gloves, Elgin shirts, Lion shirts, Gold and Silver shirts, Stetson hats, Hawcs hats.Tiecr hats. Chamo- !ion hats. Carhartt's Overclothcs I DOUGLAS $3-50 and S4.00 Shoes Represents 100 cents in vafue for every dollar charged. Ibnw w f" ' Zk Extra Special $3 HAWES HATS $3 In the new Blue, Pearl, Alpiue and Elack Der bies, just received. They are right up to the min ute in style. IbBcncb TTaUoteb zloihceJM H rvft I hWXzfiistt MAW Mot '4a H WORD or two about the new styles- Colars and lapels are larger. There is greater breadth across the chest, but shoulders are shap- ed more to the lines of the figure. Coats are cut longer. Single and dou ble vents are deeper. Colorsprovide for every taste; grays, brown and green mixtures seem to be well to the front in 8 the race for popularity. Mixtures in tweeds atemov- ing nicely. Blqes and blacks are also much in favor. The double-breasted 3-button sack is the main style. The college cut comes next. The Famous Clothing House Two doors south of Postoffice Don't Miss Seeing Our great line of men's all wool suits, made in the latest approved styles, in all colors and mixtures, which we are $Q85 Alliance, Neb. Boys' Star Pattern Bib Overalls, all sizes from 4 to 14 19c HATS I HATS1 A big sample line, all colors and shapes, worth up to S3.00. 89c SHOES! $1.45 buys the best boy's shoe in town. BOYS' HATS 1 SUIT CASES browns and blacks I new shapes 1 Good one9t frm 39c $lSOto$7 September only it Douglas New Blucher Shoes made of the famous Gun Metal Calf 53.50 Now is the time to buy Underwear 50 doz. fine Derby Ribbed, Fleece Lined, all sizes in black, tan and brown; reg ular 75c garment 50c Men's Work Shirts Extra quality at 50c; they go for 10 days at 39c New patterns REGULAR 75c RIVETED ..Horse Hide Gloves.. For 10 days they will be sold for 50c Boys' Shirts and Drawers only lie Hen's Outing Flannel Night Shirts only 69c All of our Boys' $2.50 Suits marked down to $1.85 Your free choice of any in the house. $$3HitHHM 5 i I Stoves Stoves Stoves Stoves RE you particular as to the kind of a stove you would use ? Were some one to make you a gift of a stove, and not to restrict you to any one particular make, you would undoubtedly select the best stove to be had. You would do this with the view of getting the stove with the points of ad- vantage over all others. Now, why shouldn't you use the same good judgment when you buy a stove-? We are showing on our floor, what we think are the VERY BEST lines of stoves made, and would ask your careful consideration of them. -f 9eoscce9aac ', j J V -l . 4 3 Estate Oak" Heaters., The sale on these heaters has been wonderful during the past seven years they have been handled in Alliance. They have merit, hence, are easily sold. The mere fact that they have a large ash pan aud door to remove ashes through, appeals to every housewife. The ash pit is jointless, made in one solid piece. The screw drafts and doors have ground edges; fit air tight, and the stove will hold fire for forty eight hours. r- t,3Cseea The "Great Western Oak" Heaters and the "Great Western" full line of stoves, have been on sale here ever since Alliance began to exist. We can refer you to a long list of pleased users of these stoves. We can show you of this line, Great Western Oaks Mountain Oaks Banquet Steel Ranges Paris Wonder Steel Ranges Wonder Steel and Cast Cooks eoeoe STOVE BOARDS OIL CLOTH RUGS STOVE PIPE DAMPERS ELBOWS COLLARS COAL HODS SHOVELS 4 Kindly Listen to a Little Stove Talk. ,0 NOT buy a small stove to save money. The fact of a stove being small, doesn t signify that it will burn economicallv less fuel than a larcre one. Buy a large stove, it costs more of course, but the larger the stove, the more radiating surface it has, and that is what distributes the heat. You can regulate a large stove to burn a little amount of fuel. But to try to get lots of heat from a smalt stove, you must force the fire, which sends unconsumed gases out of the chimney, and is a waste of fuel. D' :.. ae99essiesoao ENAMELED WARE TINWARE DISHES LAMPS FURNITURE DRAPERIES J COUCH COVERS CARPETS J GENERAL HOUSEFURNISHINGS cast GEO. D. DARLING, - - Alliance, Nebraska L "HMHIHIMM , . v - - j:tf X ''(WA(