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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1905)
cn-"W'tt:'TtiHfc-'',ttvJ'J4J'. tHj-, IL Bfl Glove Clearance In order to close out what gloves we have, before our new line arrives, we offer all gloves at special prices. $1.65 Gloves at $1.39 1,50 Gloves at 1,29 1.25 and 1.35 Gloves at. .. . LOO Zhe IDorace jBogue SHofe "TRADE WINNER" Palace Liveiy Bam S. H. DESOH, Prop. one 1U.0CK west OP Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, the new zuinden and courteous treatment to all has won for us the miii.MNG. '!honc. excellent patronage we enoy. Try us. NELSON JTLlCXOHIDXa FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE fOLLOWINQ INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insuranco Company. North American of rhlladolphla. Phoenix of Ulooklyn, New YorU. Continental Of Now York City. Niagara Firo Insurance Company. Now York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial Union Assurance Co.. London See F. E. estate. Reddish for loans on real 27-tf For Sale Five hundred bushels of Red Turkey Winter Wheat for Bced. Zbiuden Bros. 73-tf. ZBINDEN BROS,, .DEALERS IN.. Flour i Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour la Our Leader. Try It.... PHONE 100. WEST SIDE MAIN 8TKEET., . Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER. . Proprietor. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance. W.S.ACHESON Hardware and Plumbing Windmilis and Pumps Tin shop in connection. Opera House Block Phone 98 ALLIANCE J. ROWAN DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, ; HAY and G-RAIN - ' WHOLESALE AND ItRTAIL HANDLES Seed Wheat, Spring Rye and Spelt. 'Phone No. 71. Residenco, No. 95. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. Liverpool. London and Globe Inn. Co. Gcrmun American Ins. Co., Nw York. Furmera and Merchants Inn. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Flro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Office UD'Stalra.Flctchcr Uloclc. WILLIAfl MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. BOYD & BARKER, Attorneys at Uiwv .. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. SMITH P. TDITLE. J1IA K. TA n. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NEB J. E. MOORE, M. D. FLETCHER I1I.OCK, ALLIANCE, NEH. Calls answered from Telephone No. C3, ofllco day or night. H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIAN ind SURGEON. Uolstcn Ilullding, - L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. 1 Ofllco In First National Hunk block. Alii anco Nebraskn. DR. 6. W. MITCHELL, Physician ano Saloon Day and nlghtcalls. Ofllco over lloguo Btore. Phono l&O. DR. GEO. HAND, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Formerly Interne Homeopathic Hos pital University of Iowa. Phono SSI. Office over Alliance Shoe titoro. Night calls answered from ofllco. FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. M8 BOX HUTTE AVENUE. Phono 258, Calls answered in town or country. Guy Lockwood GRADUATE CHICAGO SCHOOL OF EMBALMING Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert Lady Attendant.. AlllQIlCe, Neb, FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. 'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. tad-H Furniture is cheaper than new, and often just what you want. Or, we will trade new for second hand goods any time, and pay highest cash price for second hand goods, ,1 . ,1 ', . 1, T ' ' ' See W. M. WILSON, THE SECOND-HANI) MAN., Phone 20(V V''VAAAr'WA'WWAW'W jm:"H"::x-m:-:k:-h:W a 111 wav vrvrrc iiun nrDcniuiic 4 "? ..:-:. :m--k::-k:' :- J. I. Moore, roundhouse-foreman, is on the (tick list. Mrs. M. A. Hulse goes to Halsey as night operator. F. D. Sanderson has been sent to Seneca as agent. Supt. J. C Birdsell went to Dead wood Wednesday. Brakcman E. Bettclheim has resign ed from the Bervicc. L. King, conductor, is the father of a boy, born Tuesday. I. S. P. Weeks, civil engineer, of Lincoln, was in Alliance Wednesday. Mrs. J. Kridclbaugh came up from Omaha and will spend a few days with Jake. General Superintendent Phelan went to Deadwood Sunday, returning Wed nesday. Conductor W. G. Betebenner of the Hot Springs run spent Saturday in Alliance. J. W. Frey, night operator at Seneca has left the service. E. V. Gordon has taken his place. C. F. Kemmerer of Omaha has ac cepted a night position in the Alliance telegraph office. Albert Rheeder of the roadmaster's office is visiting his parents at Broken Bow this week. Miss Inez Beck returned to Lincoln Sunday to resume her studies at the Wesleyan University. V. R. Hcrncall goes to Thedford as night operator to relieve J. B. Probst who leaves the service. Mrs. F. E. Allen and daughter re turned from a couple weeks visit at Burlington, Iowa, Sunday. Engineer Mike Cusic of the Hew castle Cambria run, has been visiting at Alliance the past week, returning Sunday. A. A. Martinez, clerk in chief dis patcher's office at Sheridan has resign ed from the service and will move to Deadwood. A. T. Lunn, trainmens' timekeeper, was called to Chicago to attend a meeting of timekeepers. He left Wed nesday morning. Miss Blanche McDonald, returned trom Ravenna Tuesday where she had been visiting, she also spent a few days at the state fair. G. T. Gebhardt, extra dispatcher at Alliance left this morning for Sterling to take the place of Dispatcher W. A. Johnson who has resigned. Chas. Thatcher, formerly a dispatch er at Alliance now in the government employ at Washington has been spend ing a few days with F. W. Harris. O. V. Constable timekeeper for Rooney's extra gang, came in from I Guernsey Thursday night on his way to visit his home at Atwood, Kansas. Flagmen on train 41 and 42 have been layed off on account of a blocking system being established for these trains effective the nth of September. B. C, Johnson, stenographer in gen eral superintendent's office has handed in his resignation to take effect Satur day, when ho will leave for his home at Kansas City to visit before going to Wyoming, where he has accepted a position with an engineering party. City Council Proceedings. Regular meeting, Sept. 5, 1905. Called to order by Mayor Buechsen stein. Present: Councllmen Mollring, MacCray, and Smith; absent Franklin. Minutes of last regular and adjourned meetings read and, on motion, approved. On motion of Mollring, duly seconded, the following resolutions was adopted by unanimous vote, same to be effective on Raskins & MacCray furnishing approved bond in the sum of $500.00: Keports of City Officers, tor month 01 August, showing as follows, were read. and ou motion, accepted: City treasurer, bal. on hand Ang. 31.. .$2,101 77 Water commissioner, rents collected., 259 B7 Police Judge, lines collected,. .,$131 60 Police judi;c, marshal fees 53 15. ...18175 On motion of .Mollring, duly seconded, bid of C. A. Newberry, for construction of eave spout with four down spouts on City Hall, at cost of $50.00, was approved by unanimous vote. Following claims were read, passed to committees on claims, approved, return ed and warrants ordered drawn, with th e exceptions of No. 319, G. M. Fox, return ed to Street and Alley Committee for per fected bond: Z. Goodwin, street sprinkling 60 00 (!. A. Newberry, revolver and tank 2! 0 G.M.Fox concrete crossings 159 50 G. K, Leldy, street labor. 8 K F.N' Wallace, hauling hosocart.. ...... 1 25 F. W, IlHrrls.sary.clerk and postage.... 10 75 C.A. Dake, labor , 1 15 Forest Lumber Co.. lumber 46 85 K, -M. Kulglit, water cominlMloner 10 00 H J. Lawrence, light and pumplng.Ang. 383 17 O. E, WykotT, street labor... 1 50 M. A. Hilar, sal. marsliul and expenses. . . 67 50 F. H. Mollr-ine. curtains 10 flu J. Daugherty, night police 65 00 Following resolution, offered by Mol lrng, was duly adopted: Resolved That permission be given to C. L. Drake to use south half of Idaho Street, adjacent to Box Butte Avenue, immediately north of Lot 18, Block 10, for a period of ninety diy from this date, for the purpose of piling building material during the construction of hotel and to erect temporary buildings on the rear of Lots iO 17 and 18, in Block 10, for storing building material and for the use of work men during the time of construction ot the hotel, with the understanding that at the expiration of this permit that all rubbish and accumulation in the street Shall be re moved and street left in as good condition as it now is. Request of Mr. Spry to construct a cess pool in the alley west ot Lot 2, Block 21, same to be arched over, was presented, On motion of Smith, duly seconded, re quest was granted, cesspool to be con tracted as near lot line as possible, all voting yes. Moved by MacCray, duly seconded, that Mrs. Elmore and Mrs, Ellis be allowed the privilege of laying i inch pipe in north SAY, SMOKER, TRY THE LATEST ! SPENCER JUNIOR 5 CENT CIGAR Every Cigar a Guarantee for Quality i x Once smoked always liked j & j Try them and be happy IP - i - - - ft . &. a ir 0. It - 'P. H 1, a s! ' The Spencer Junior, always worth 10c, now sold for 6 cents FOR SALE BY THE FOLLOWING DEALERS:"2C3 Gleason & Franklin Lee Acheson G. W. CHASE & SON side of Wyoming Avenue from Niobrarf. to Sweetwater streets, pipe to be 23 feet from lot line and not to interfere with any pipe that is now or may hereafter be put in uy me vwiy; vote, an yes Ordinance No. 96, for a sidewalk in front of Lots 16, 17 and 18 and along west side of Lots 15. Block 14, Original Town, also in front of Lots 19, 20 and 21 and along the cast side of Lot 1, Block 22, was read first time, and, on motion of Mol lring, rules being suspended was passed to second reading and read second time, by unanimous vote. Ordinance No 97, prohibiting women from frequenting saloons, was read first time, and, on motion of MacCray, duly seconded, rules bring suspended, was pass ed to second reading and read second time, all voting yes. Moved by Mollring that the "AA" straight reading Crown meter to be de livered by National Meter Co. for Alliance for $12.00, without connections, be adopt ed by the city, duly seconded, vots all yes. On motion Attorney was instructed to draw ordinance putting city on meter basis, Water committee to decide as time for installation. Adjourned to September 7. LAKESIDELIGHTS. Leon Hancock has been cutting hay at the home ranch this past week. Tom Higgins and Ed T ravers are among the ranchers who have brought cattle in for shipment so far this week, Mrs. I. E. Skiles and the twins returned yesterday from a few days visit at the Webster ranch, fifteen miles south or town. Lanlord Bristol is just bristling with business these days, with the hunters for work, for help, and for game of various kinds. W. C. Barber and wife, who visited the G. A. R. rally at Denver last week, re turned to their home Sunday morning via Lakeside, In last weeks items Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barber, Austin and Crovath, etc., should read, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barber apd Austin Crovath, etc. A musical program is announced for Lakeside during the fore part of October. Dates given later. The proceeds will be devoted to improvements on the parsonage. J. A. Crowther is the first in our vicinity to reach the climax of hay cutting, and that of course is the completion. Mr. Crowther is now acting as the good neigh bor and helping those less fortunate. Mrs. Theo. Thompson will start on a sixty days visit to friends and relative in Idaho tomorrow. Miss Lena Thompson will accompany her as far as Newcastle, Wyo for a few days visit at that place. E. G, Kindred and family left on 43 for Greeley, Colo., this morning, Mrs. Kin dred and children will remain in Greeley with Telatives during the winter to take advantage of the school at that place. Mr, Kindred will return in a week or ten days, Mrs. Cooper, who lives near Ellsworth, drove into town last evening with a load of vegetables and home grown watermelons, and now well everybody knows what happens when watermelons, those kind that do not taste to strong of "white iron," come to town. Dr. Kopns, dentist. Office over Norton's. "America patent" flour is the best in town at Pilkington's. 25th AVe carry the best grade of oil at the Eagle Pharmacy. machine VJ. E. Joder. , 30 Buy America patent" flour at Pil kington's. 25 tf 'MADE OF THE SAME STOCK HERBERT SPEltGER ' J. E. Joder Charters Hotel MERCANTILE CO., St. DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT The J 1.00 bottle eorUlns 2X times the trial ttee, which Mils for 50 cents. PREPARED ONLY AT THB LABORATORY OT E. C. DeWITT & COMLPANY, CHICAGO. XIX. F. E. HOLSTEN. For Sale by Notice ! The FALL CAMPAIGN 1 wish to announce to as a candidate this fall for spector, and I wish to say elected I will give you the two years or until my successor is elected and qUali- fies. My platform is the and I wish to say, that all other candidates, whether they be nominated on the publican or sinners' ticket, will stand no show of being elected, unless they have this plank in their platform this fall. For further in formation in regard to this platform, call on Libhy, the Grocer 210 BOX BUTTE AVENUE . ALLIANCE, NEB. , chairman of the county central committee. See to it that your candidates are filled "with 5-IZ O ZE3-E2..ZkvdZ biscuits before starting out. Yours for luck, General Manager. LEE ACHESON ALWAYS HANDLES THE- BEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR THE IF YOU HAVEN'T TIME TO CALL at the STORE I'HUNli wo. 4. I TABLE H AS OUR CELEBRATED James Graham J. A. Baxter Joseph, Mo., Distributors I mmtn ii HMUVMWVl tr is now- coming on, and the public, that I am out the office right here, best there of Flour that if I In- am is -for the next 5 - 1 OZE3ELA.IM:, Rf)A TELEGRAPHERS auu NEEDED aisrncwWt YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits," Learn Telegraphy and R. R. Accounting w o .V!e-furPlsh.75 Pent. of the Operators un,l SiS .1." .?".,u America, pur six schools "L""J".rKCst exclusive Teleerauh S IZt KKH V: "!?!! a """".-uiuarixi.Bonn to yyery student tn furnish blm or her a position paying 7rom Via $ .". ""SI1' .estate- easHfteTocky WeeiMXn T; R"?"""? "?"" . Mountains, or from eiiues west o nraduatton. nfhi -TV10. wou u niouth lh of the Kockles, Immediately upon tlOllit irc,l".c" time. No vactt- "u,lf . runuii particulars regurulnir minf our Schools write direct to our execuAvo oThco at Cincinnati. O. Oatalogue f ree. The Morso School of Telegraphy. Cincinnati, Ohio, Atlanta, Un Texarkaua, Tex. IlntTalo, N. y. Lacrosse. Vis. Sun Francisco, Cal IKodol Eyspepsia Cure is certainly wonderful romorl., f. tjj , .; wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspep sia and weak stomachs. They say it never fails to cure and that it strengthens hi digestives organs and makes the sTomach and breath as sweet as a rose. F .E. Hoi- i A