i) W: & 'a LIEUT. F. S. DAVIDSON. PE-M-II STRtMGTHERS THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. F. 8. Davidson. Ex-Lieut. U. 8. Army, Washington, D. C, care U. 8. Pension Office, writes: "To my mind there Is no remedy for catarrh comparable to Peruna. It not only strikes at the root of the malady, but It tones and strengthens the system In a truly wonderful way. That has been Its history In my case. I cheerfully and unhesi tatingly recommend it to thoso afflicted as I have been." P. S. Davidson. If you do not derive promptand satis factory results from the uso of Peruna, wrlto at onco to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. S. B. nartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Colum bus, Ohio. W. L. Douglas 3&3SHOESa W. L. Douglas $4.00 Clii Sdgo Line cannot bo equalled atany prlco. fssx. EtablUhed . c, w fjrif. JnlT,76. 1 w.L.onimi &s makes ANn sells ' MORE MEM'S S3. BO SHOES THAN ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER. $1 fl nnn REWARD to snycnsvrho ein ' $ I UjUUU disprove this statement. W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes have by their ex cellent style, easy fitting, and superlorwearing: qualltlef , achieved the largctt tale of any $3.50 shoe In the world. They are just as good as those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the only (inference Is the price. II 1 could take you into my factory-at Brockton, Mass., the largest In the world under one root making: men's fine shoes, and show you the care with which every pair of Douglas shoes Is made, you would realize why W. L. Douplns $3.50 shoes are the best hoes produced In the world. If I could show you the difference between the hoes made In my factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Douglas $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and ore of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 hoe on the market to-day. IV. L. Dougiam Strang Matlo Shoe ton Man. $2. BO, $2.00. Boym' School A Dream Shoem,$2.60, 32, $1.7B,S1.BO CAUTION. Insist upon having W.L.Dour las shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine without bis name and price stamped on bottom. WANTED. A shoo dealer in overy town where W. L. Douglas Stioes are not sold. Full line of Samples sent free for Inspection upon tequest, Ftttt Color Eyttett u$td; they will not uvar brauy. Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles, XV. I DOUGLAS, Urocktou, Matt. Positive, Comparative, Superlative. "I have used one of your Fish Brand Slickers for five years, and now want a new one, also one for a friend. I would not be without one for twice the cost. They are Just as far ahead cf a common coat as common cne fat ahead of nothing." (Km ea sppllottloa.) mOHEST AWARD WORLD'S FAIR, 1M4 . Be sure you don't tot one of the com mon klnd-thls Is the etCfsVQNi BAHBif awmjsv Hasma . niUIA W WVWHHMWM g it 1 Mir r liW& BOSTON. U..A. TOWER CANADIAN CO., LIMITED. TORONTO, CANADA. 35 Makers of Wet WeatherClothlng&Hata. Look for this brand on harness, collars, saddles, horso blankets, lap robes, etc. Made by Harpham Bros. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Drop as a card and will mall yoa a souvenir. tUKLS WHLRE All HSf fills. IT I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes flood. TJse in line. Hold or arnt-gma. Wim lssT "i IB jssW txi II' mbA 5SsaBNkisVfeSsk bWTZMT aWBBal' Bal BBBB BBBF BBoYs9A FABLE WITH A MORAL. The Least Said, tho Least Cause for Criticism. Tho Mngplo, tho Owl and tho Pea cock mot In tho barnyard ono day, and thoy had scarcely como together when tho former said: "I wish to tell you that I have learned a, now song, and that tho Mocking Bird Is no longer In It with mo. I don't want to mako either of you Jealous, but " "Ab to that," replied tho Owl, "I havo been practicing somo new notes myself, and I think that certain folks will bo surprised when next thoy hear mo sing." "And I havo not been wasting my time," added tho Peacock. "Whllo I havo always been called a sweet sing er, I havo felt that there was room for improvement, and havo gono ahead." "Oh, if you birds aro on tho brag wo will havo a tost right hore," ob served tho Magplo. "There Is our master approaching, and wo will all warblo away and lcavo it to him to say which has tho sweetest voice for song." As tho farmer drow nearer tho three contestants began to utter their vari ous notes. For a couplo of minutes Undo Reuben stood still in amaze ment. Then ho throw down his pitch fork and hunted for clubs and crlod out: "You wero all threo bad enough as It was, but now that you think you con sing tho noise Is unbearable, and you'vo got to go or I'll break your necks." Moral Ho who says least furnishes least cause for criticism. EXPLOIT WON MEDAL OF HONOR. Brave Act of Gen. J. Franklin Bell In the Philippines. Ono of tho few who earned tho Med al of Honor in the Philippines Is Ocn. J. Franklin Bell, and tho story of how ho did It Is 'of tho sort to stir tho slowest pulse. On Sept. 8, 1899, Gen. Bell, then Colonel of tho Thirty-sixth Volunteer Infantry, encamped with his regiment near Porac, In tho Island cf Luzon. About 2 o'clock tho following morning tho regiment left camp and set out to head off a largo body of in surgents which during tho night had attacked tho Ninth Infantry, stationed at Guagua and San Rita. Col. Bell was ahead of tho regiment with a doz en company scouts. Just as day was breaking tho advance scouts encoun tered the enemy's patrol, consisting of a captain, a lieutenant, and flvo pri vates. Tho scouts fired on them, and, as tho insurgents started to run, gavo chase. Col. Bell Instantly spurred his horse to tho front, and seeing that tho Insurgents were easily running away from tho Bcouts, ho pushed Into a gal lop. Then unmindful of the fact that ho was far in advance of his men and wholly without support, ho charged tho soven insurgents with his pistol, scattered them, and compelled the sup render of tho captain and two prl vates, this under a hot and closo flro from tho other Insurgents concealed in a bamboo thicket by tho sldo of the road. In tho end tho entire party wero captured with their arms. Stage Hand Saves an Actor. "My monologue was not favorably received by the audience," said an actor In speaking of his career. "I had made up my mind to quit the stage and return to a clerkship In the auditing department of a water com pany. Tho night which I had deter mined to bo my last upon tho stage I was received by a chilly audience. Tho house attaches were cold; tho other actors freezing. "When I was about through with my monologue, a malicious stage hand let down a piece of machinery, which hit mo on tho shoulders. Tho people laughed derisively. I turned Indignant ly and saw back of me a street scene. That saved mo. Stopping forward, I said with an injured air: "'Isn't It enough to havo a house down on a fellow without letting the wholo street down on him?" "The people laughed tho laugh that cheers, and I warmed up to tho occa sion, responded to an encore, and have enjoyed public favor ever since." Cabman Was Not Literary. The veteran circus actor threw his pink silk tights over a black velvet cushion. "Barnum?" I said. "I knew Barnum well." He took a brown book out of his pinewood chest "Barnura's reminiscences," he said, "Barnum's book. Never read it, eh? No, I expect not. It's out of print. "When those reminiscences first wero published Barnum was a proud and happy man. He gavo away free copies to everybody ho knew. One night, when I was with him, ho thought ho would give a copy to tho cabman who was taking us home. "'Like reminiscences?' he said to the man, " 'Thank ye,' the cabman answered. Thank ye, sir. But It's so late, I'm afeared tho saloons is all closed.'" As We Make It. Ob, Isn't it a glad -world when she, for whom the sky Puts on its softest azure, by tender look or sigh Confesses that the longing which you have dared to own It not a foolish madness nor left to you alone I - Oh, Isn't it a good world when, after doubt and fear. The gpal at drat so distant looms glo rious nnd near When, after what were dangers lie harm less in the post. The certainty of triumph Is In your heart, .at last! Away with him who Idly sits down -to nurse his woe Because there may be dangers out where he longs to go. And shame on him who finds it a world ot hopelessness . Because he fears to tell her or let her gladly guess. FEUITFUL FURNACES, INTEN8E HEAT PRODUCES PRECIOUS STONES. Scientists Have Succeeded In Pluck ing Real Diamonds and Rubles from the Crucible of the Furnace. Recent advices from Franco state that Prof. Molssnn, tho cmtnont sci entist and Inventor, has actually suc ceeded In making genuine diamond and rubles. Ho employs for this pun poso tho electric furnace, which has been so improved that a degree ot heat can bo produced, approaching tho cxtremo temperatures, which wero un doubtedly a factor in tho formation oi minerals and gems In tho interior of tho earth. Tho rubles obtained nro ot largo bIzo, weighing 10 or 15 carats, and In quality and color equal and oven sur pass thoso found In tho oarth. Tho natural forces attending Uio formation ot diamonds seem to havo been moro complicated, and so far tho diamonds resulting from tho efforts of tho sci entists havo been very small, but still thoy are positively identified as tho carbon crystal tho diamond. They aro remarkably clear and bright, aud on a small scale as fine specimens as naturo's own product. Tho electric furnaco has enriched chemistry with a wholo serlos ot new compounds. Probably the ono of most valuo to mankind at large is Cal cium Carbide. Tho simple applica tion of water to Calcium Carbide gen erates tho gas Acetylene, which Is now bolng commonly used for light ing. Tho peculiar merits of Acetylene light are its brllllanco and high can dle power, ease of Installation, eco nomy and Its adaptability for lighting buildings of every description, regard less ot their location. Charming Away Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism is a dlseaso ot advancing life; its nchos and pains aro most wearing; it cripples so many of our friends that It Is not surprising people who begin to feel its grip aro ready to try anything and everything for Its arrest. A stolen potato wcrn in tho left-hand pocket is a very widely employed charm for this pur poso In England. It Is ono which of fers many points of Interest to the folk-loro student. It is of great an tiquity, dating from tho time of tho Romans aud before. In thoso days a certain root was carried by such as wero anxious to avoid not only dls easo but other ills. NOISES jNJER HEAD Mrs. Reagan was a Nervous Wreck, But Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Brought Sound Health. 11 Before I began to tako Dr. Williams1 Pink Pills," said Mrs. Mary Reagan, of No. 80 Kilburn Btreot, Fall River, Mass., recently, I was in and out of bed all tho tiuio, but now I stay up all day and do all my own work. "I was badly run down from over work. Ono day noises began in my head and nlmost inado mo crazy. My head felt as if a tight band had been put around it, aud tho pressure and tho souuds rnado iuo so uneasy thnt I often had to walk tho floor all night. " My stomach was in bad shape, and I had smothering sensations. At such times my body seemed bloodless, my hands wero liko chalk and my face turned yellow. Tho doctor said I hnd dyspepsia in tho worst form. Then my nerves gnvo way and I was completely prostrated. I frequently suffered from smothering sensations. ' Tho first box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I used quieted my nerves bo that I could got a good night's sleep, which was a now experience for me. Before I began to uso them I was a nervous wreck and trembled nt tho slightest sound. I was bo weak that I had to sit down and rest every few steps when I went up stairs. Now I can run up a wholo flight at once. Tho smother ing sensations have gono and tho noises in my head havo stopped entirely. My appenrauco has greatly improved, for friends who wero nlarmed on my ac count before, now say: ' How well you nro looking 1' My husband spent over a hundred dollars on treatment for me that was worthless, but a few boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills brought me sound health." Sold by nil druggists, or sent, post paid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxes for (2 60 by the Dr. Wil liams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Cost of Continental Armies. Tho armies of continental coun tries are tho first branch of tho ser vice. The cost of the French army is 1135,000,000 per annum. Germany can put into tho field a vast, wey-equipped irmy for JIGO.OOO.OOO a year. Tho Russian army, another tremendous machine, costs 1200.000,000 a year. Including India, England Is paying 1265,000,000 a year, Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOTtlA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and seo that It - WST Bears the Signature la Ceo For Over 30 Years. Toe Kind Yon llavo Always Bought. If tho grandeour ot living depended on surroundings and occupations, they aro few who would ever feel its In spiration; but it hns its seat In the soul that looks out upon its vissltudes and opportunities. John Buskin. More Flexible and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out: by using Defiance Starch you obtain better re sults than possible with arty other brand and one-t.hlrd more for same money. In Norway on pay days saloons nro closed and savings banks open until midnight. 8ULTAN8 D,N!!!18 expensive. It Costs Turkey's Ruler $5,000 Every Day. Tho Sultmv of Turkey's dinner costs him 5,000 a day. Tho tablo Is ot silver, and It is said to bo tho most oxqulBlto specimen ot tho silversmith's art that tho world contnlns. Tho dishes nro brought In upon tho heads of Jublaklars, or cooks' assist ants, and each dish is covered and sealed with tho royal seal. Thoro are always fifty or moro dishes, and all nro set before tho sultan at tho Btimo time. Ho ents, usually, from nbout six. Though tho sultan is himself n total abstainer, tho finest vlntaco wines nro always offered to such guests ns dlno nt tho pnlnco. Every dish tho ruler partakes of is first tasted In tho kitchen by tho grand vizier, lost It bo poisoned, and it Is immediately thereafter that Its seal ing tnkes place. Always, beforo ho can fall to on n dtsli, tho sultan must brenk Us seal. It is not becauso ho eats $5,000 worth of food himself thnt tho sultan's dinner bill Is so expensive. Ho eats, nB n matter of fact, no moro than a half dollar's worth. But tho guests and retainers who dlno at his oxpenso number daily sovc'ral thousand. MOSQUITOES ARE KILLING BIRDS Attack Them at Night and Suck Their Blood Away. Scores of canaries and other birds in Baltimore, Md., aro tho victims of the merciless attacks of mosquitoes. Great numbers of birds becomo weak and die as a result of having thollfo blood sucked from their bodies by tho insects at night. "Scores ot birds dlo in this city each year," said James A. Graham, a canary fancier, "of tho attacks of mosquitoes. Several years ago I noticed that tho legs of my pets wero swollen and the skin cracked nnd sore. Tho birds perceptibly shrunk in size and wero nlmost dead when it was suggested to mo that mosquitoes had something to do with the trouble. "I at onco Bot to work, accoptlng tho mosquito theory as tho correct one. Tho cages wero covered with net to keop out tho pests, and as an extra precaution tho legs ot tho birds were dipped in oil of pennyroynl, red cedar and other remedies with per fectly satisfactory results. Tho insects can blto through tho feathers of tho canary with perfect caso. All birds when thoy sleep during tho Bummer spread out their feathers, making it easy for tho long-billed mosquito to reach their bodies. How He Was Crushed. A dudlsh young man sat on tho end of tho seat of an open car with a Bcnse of proprietorship, when another dudlsh young man jumped upon tho footboard and stared at him for a mo ment and then said: "Thlr, why donth you hitch along?" "Why should I hitch along?" queried the other. "Becauso, thlr becauso I lisp. If you will pay attention you will seo thath I lisp. I have had a front tooth taken out, thlr. Yes, thlr, I havo had a front tooth taken out so as to mako mo lisp, and I demand, thlr I demand thath you hitch along and glvo mo tho end seat." "You aro way off, my lisping friend. Can't you seo that I havo just had my ears manicured and that they are of a beautiful pink?" ' "Oh, I thee," said tho lisping young man. "Yes, thlr, I theo, and I will admit thath pink ears beat a lisp, but I will climb over you and thlt down and feel duly crushed." Cincinnati Enquirer. Where It Really Was Cold. At the boarding house on Morrison street they were discussing climate. Tho Portland man declared that tho ground, last winter never frozo to a depth of two Inches. "It frozo two feot where I came from," said tho man from Now Jer sey. "Up in the Adirondack mountains," remarked tho Now Yorker, "tho ground last winter frozo to a dopth of ten feet." Tho Iowa man sat quietly munching his lettuce while the others expect antly awaited bis effort to outmatch the Now Yorker. "Pshaw I" he said, "that's nothing. Why, back in Des Moines the ground frozo so deep that tho Chlneso em; peror sent a request to Gov. Cum mlngs to start a fire. Ho complained that his subjects had cold feet." Portland Oregonlan. The Passing. I lust missed happiness to-day. Coquette, she took another way, Anothur turning. Oh, he went up n I came down; Only the flutter of her gown, Her nocking laughing lor my frown And wistful yearning. A moment more, a moment less Had won or lost her Happiness. But ah. worse this is: To como Just near, enougli to see What might bo and what could not be; Just near enough her lipsah me! To think of kissss. Just near chough to realize How glad her smile, how blue her eyes How swift her pace Is. Alas, Just near enough to say, "Bo close was Happiness to-day I know, who might not bid her stay, How sweet her face Is." Theodosla Garrison, in Woman's Home Companion. Unreliable. "Martha," said a Westport woman to her negro cook, "when are you and Abo going to o married?" "Doan' know es Ah'll mahry dat man," replied tho cook. "What's the matter, now?" she was asked. "Well, ma'am," tho cook said, shak ing her bead, "Ah hear Ab been run nin' around wit ornuthah woman. Ah's full ob susplciosity 'bout dat man." Kansas City Times. Constipation Endangers Life Deal With the Honest Druggist When you ask your druggist for Mull'e Grape Tonic, a cure for Constipation, Stomach and Bowel Trouble, and he tries to tell you something else which he claims Is Just as good, that Is substitution or dishonesty. It lo tin Insult to your Intelligence. He does It for profit, and not because ha cares about your health. No honest druggist will do It. Stop a moment and reflect before you permit him to mislead you. He la willing to endanger your life and health for the sake of a few pennies. Is he a safe man to trade with? Deal with the Honest drug gist who will promptly supply you with what yeu know you want, and that which you call for. Until Mull's Grape Tonlo was put on tho American market there was no cure for Constipation and 8tomach trouble. Your Doctor will tell you as much. He knows that a physio won't cure Constipation. Some remedies may act as laxatives and physics, but you and I know from experience that physics aro dangerous, that they weaken, that they not only fall to euro but make us worse until finally they lose effect entirely, which means paralysis of the Bowels and death by Typhoid Fever, Appendicitis, Stomach, Heart, and Lung Trouble, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Kidney and Brlght's Disease, etc. There are honorable druggists In most every locality, men who will promptly supply you with Mull's Grape Tonlo and not try to sell you something else; but should there be no such druggist there, we will send you the Tonlo direct from this factory without additional expense to you. If you have Constipation and want to try Mull's Grape Tonic and have never used It, we will send you, or any of your friends who suffer with this affliction, a free bottle. Send us name and address at once, while we are giving the first bottle free; we want to prove to you, at our expense, the truth of the claims we make for thla valuable remedy. Use the coupon below at once while we are giving the remedy away. Free to all who have never used It. FREE GRAPE TONIC COUPON 113 Ssad this coupon with your nam aid address aad jour druggist's nams, for a fres botUe of Hall's Ortpo Tonlo, Stomach Tonlo, OonUptlon Oura and Blood Furifier, to HULL'S GRAPE TOMJO 00. , 118 Third Ays, Bock Island, 111. aire full addrsss and writs plalalr. Ths (1,00 bottls contains nearly tares Ums tho tOo, sits. At drug stores, Tbs gnnlas has a data and nnmbsr stamped oa tho Ubsl Uk so other from your druggist. w& wmtmmmmtu jmssjhsjsjjsm W J r " " Tw " aV ' 7 ys' 1 ssk. . IT (( mmnm itaisxh 6 SMOKERS FIND LEWIS! SINGLE BINDER StCIJar better Quality than most 10! Clftirs Your Jobber or direct from Fsctory, l'eorts, IV PIT & PtTLESS SCALES. ForStert nnd Woul Frames, J25 and up. Write Vis before you buy. we save you money. Also Pumps and Wind Mill. L'EJKMAN BROS.. Oil Molosi. lows. Whiin answering advertisements pfei.se mention this paper. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 371905. Of Great Interest to the Thoughtful and Economical Woman We have solved the problem ot how you can dress well and stylish at little cost Ask to see our handsome assortment ot the newest and most stylish dress goods worn by well dressed women for this Fall nnd Winter season. We will send frea upon request a beautiful sample selection, showing tho latest and most popular up-to-date materials. Huy direct from us at wholesale prices, which means a ereat saving to you, about half of the usual re tail price. It will pay you to i.ee our selection of dress coous. which wo send tree- upon re quest, Hundreds of ladles In your locality select their materials from us, because they can Bet t.em for less than elsewhere. We cut any amount of yards desired. M. C BRANDSTFTTFR Xr'CCi new york smd cwcago III, V UftrtllUOltl lliK. OC VA-., 67 w.u.1, Av.nu., . CHICAGO Wholes. Importer of Ldls Woolens Exclusively "Just eat common sense tor breakiast" 4SS9fc MnsrWMw A tremendously nutritive, pure white wheat lo5d, with a flavor thnt will make you pass your plate lor more. Two tloncst Pounds In Every Package, sPRICE 10 CENT3 ASK YOUR OROCBR. MliBttry.Wsinknrn Tlesr Mills C, Hloncspslls, Hlao. til. SUM Bmmm, ' (3 .Hairs amd Cuffs laundered with Oefflance Starch never crack norbeccne brittle. Thoy last twico as long as thoso laun dered with other starches and glvo tho wearer much better satisfaction, If you want your husband, brother or son to look dressy, to feel comfort able and to be thoroughly happy uso DEFIANCE STAltCH in tho laundry. It is sold by all good grocers at 10c a package 10 ounces. Inferior starches sell at tho same prlco per packago but contain only 13 ounces. Koto the differ ence. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH. Insist on getting It and you will never uso any other brand. mnipaDi Omaha, Neb. FOR WOMEN troubled with Ills wcolisr to ueir eex, used as a douens u nurveloasly sao cesital. Tnoroueuiy cleanses, kills disease ccrms, stops disciarjes, beats inflammation and local soreness. iutlne I (n powder form to be dissolved In iwro water, and is far more cleansing, hetling, KenolcidU and economical than liquid antiseptics for all TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For sale at druggists, CO cents a box. Trial Box and Dook of Instructions Pree. Ths R. Paxton Compant Boston, Mas. IUs-i-PI svii-is--w fyrl