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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1905)
I M THE TREATY Brief Text of Some of the Articles of the famous Document PORTSMOUTH, N. H.Tho pcaco treaty opens with a proamblo reciting that his majesty, tho emporor, and au tocrat of all tho Russians, and his ma josty, tho emperor of Japan, desiring ,to closo tho war now subsisting bo tweon thorn, and having appointed their respocttvo plenipotentiaries and furnished them with full powers, which woro found to bo In form, haVo como to an agreement on a treaty of poaco and nrranged as follows: Article I Htlpulntes ror the ro-es-tnbllslitnent of pdoce and friendship be tween the sovereigns of tho two em pires and between the subjects of Rub nla nnd Jnpan. respectively. .Article II Itl majesty, the emporor or Russia, rocoRtilzea the preponderant Interest from political, military and economical points of view of Japan In me empiro o i Korea, nnu bmpumios that Russia will not oppose any meas ures for lt Rovornmont, protection or control that Japan wllldeem nccossnry to talco In Korea In conjunction with tho Korean Kovornment. but ltusslnn (subjects and ItusHlan enterprises are to enjoy the samo status as the subjects nnd enterprises of other countries. Article III It Is mutually ngreod that the torrltory of Mnncburla be si multaneously evacuated by both Rus sian and Japnnoso troops, lloth coun tries being: concerned In this evacua tion, their situations bolnt? absolutely Identical. All rlKhts acquired by pri vate persons snd companion shall ro matn Intact. k Article IVvho rights possessed by Russia In conformity with the lease by Russia of I'ort Arthur and Dalny, to Kothor with the lands and waters ad jacent, shall pass over ontlroly to Jap an, but tho properties and rights of Russian subjects are to bo safeguarded nnd respected. Article V Tho governments of Rus nta nnd Japan cngago thomsolves reclp Tocally not to put any obstaclos to tho Ronornl measuros (which shall bo alike for all nations), that China may take for tho development of the commerce nnd Industry of Manchurln. Article VI Tho Manchurlan railway shall bo operated Jointly botwoon Rus sia nnd Japan at Kouang Tchong Tso. Tho two branch lines shall bo employed ,fnly for commercial nnd industrial pur poses. In vlow of Russia keeping Its .branch line with all rights enquired by Us convention with China for the con struction of that railway, Jnpan ac quires tho mines In connection with such urancn lines wiucn inns to u However, tho rights of prlvnto pnrtlos or private enterprises nro to be re spected. Doth parties to this treaty re .main obsolutoly froo to undertake Jwhat they deem nit on expropriated Ground. Artlelo VII Russia nnd Japan on Kago thomsolves to mnko a conjunction !of the two branch lines which they own at Kounng Tchong Tso. Artlelo VIII It is agreed that the lirnnch lines of the Manchurlnn railway (shall bo worked with a view to assure commercial trntllo botweon them with out obHtruotlon. Article IX Russia cedes to Japan tho southern part of Sakhalin island n far north as tho COth dogreo of north latitude, tngetbor With tho Islands de ponding thoreon. Tho right of freo navigation Is assured In the bays of Xa Ferouso nnd Tartnro. Article X This nrtlelo rocltcs tho situation of Russian subjects on the .southern part of Sakhalin Island nnd . .stipulates that Russian colonists there shall bo free and shall have, tho right ,to remain without changing their na tionality. Por contra, the Japaneso government shall have tho right to force Russlnn convicts to loavo tho tor .rltory which Is coded to It. Article XI Russln engages itself to make an agreement with Jnpan giving to Jnpanese subjects tho right to tlsh In Russlnn territorial wnters of the Hea of Jnpnn, the Sea of Ohkotsk and Dohrlng sea Article XI- -Hho two high contract ing parties engngo tliemselvos' to re- now the commercial treaty oxtstlng be tween tho two governments prior to the war in an us vigor wun siigm modifications In details nnd with a most favored nation clause. Artlelo XIII Russia and Japan re ciprocally engngo to restitute their prisoners of wra on paying the real cost of keening tho same, such claim for cost to be supported by documents. Article XIV This neaco tronty shnll bo drawn up In two languages, French ,nnd English, tho French text being evi dence for the Russlnns nnd the Eng lish text for tho Jnpnnese. In enso of xlirtlculty of lnterpretntlon tho French . document to bo flnnl ovldenco. I Article XV Tho rntlflcntlon of this .troaty shnll bo countersigned by tho sovereigns of tho two countries with nn fifty days nftor its signature Tho (French and American embassies shah bo Intermediaries between tho Japan hose nnd Russlnns to announce by tele 'grnph tho rntlflcntlon of the treaty. a i. Two additional articles are agreed to b follows; Article I Tho evacuation of Manchu Irla by both armies shnll bo complete within eighteen months from the sign ing of tho trenty, beginning with the retirement 01 troops 01 t no nrsi line. At tho explrntlon of tho olghteen , months the two parties will onlv be nl lowed to leave ns gunrds for the rnll--way fifteen soldiers per kilometer. Artlelo II iho boundary which lim its the parts owned respectively by Russia and Japnn In the Snkhnlln Is land shnll bo tionniteiy marked off on tho enot by a special llmltogrnphlo commission. CAUSE OF ARMY DESERTIONS. General Carr Offers Original Explan I atlon. 1 WASHINGTON Brlgadlef General O. C. Carr, commanding tho depart ment of- Dakota, In his annual roport, touching upon tho subject of deser tion, says they aro mainly attributable to tho slight regard tho enlisted man Is held by tho averago American citi zen. i Ho rccommquds that tho Yellow stone bo mado a four troop post. Tho .travel In the park, he says, Is in creasing yearly and ho estimates that tho wholo number of tho visitors for 1905 will aggregate 30,000. General Carr invites attention to what ho terms tho gravo Injury to the servlco resulting from the absence of officers from their commands. Unquestionably Asiatic. PARIS Prof. Ello Metchnlkoff was seen at tho Pasteur Institute Monday and gavo tho Associated Press an in teresting expression of his views on tho outbreak of cholera in Germany. The professor added tho lmporant In formation that the Pasteur Institute had Just received special detailed re ports upon tho actual cholera cases in Germany and said ho considered .from tho bacteriological examinations .mado under his personal direction that tho cases ' are unquestionably .Asiatic cholera. WALKS THE PLANK. Public Printer Palmer Down and Out WASHINGTON Public Prlntor P. W. Pnlmor practically has been oust ed from office. It wns learned author ltltntlvoly that President Rooaevclt had demanded Mr. Palmer's resigna tion to tako effect on tho 15th Inst Tho demand of tho president for Mr. Palmer's resignation- was duo primari ly to tho lattor's action In trying to forco Oscar J. Rlcketts, foreman of printing, nnd L. 0. Hay, a foreman of divUIon, out of tho government printing office Mr. Palmer asked for tho resignation of Rlckotts and Hay on tho ground that they had been In Rubordinnto. As soon as President Roosevelt lenrncd of tho situation, that had developed ho directed Pub lic Printer Palmer to forward to him his resignation to tako effect In two weeks. It has been known for somo tlmo that Mr. Palmer would not bo re-ap-polnted to his presont office For bov cral months beforo President Roose velt left Washington for Oyster Bay ho wns casting about for n sultablo man for tho position of public printer. Ho offored It to John A. Slolchor of. Now York, but ho declined It, having something better In vlow. Until tho time there has boon no chango In tho situation. Tho Investigation mado by tho Keep commission Into tho lotting of con tract for seventy-two Lanston type setting machines for uso In tho gov ernment printing office, disclosed a serious condition of affairs In the man agement of the office, tho forces bo lng divided Into cliques. Thoso cllquos woro so detrimental to tho In terests of tho government that tho standard of efficiency in tho depart ment wero roduced materially. Tho ovllondo Bccurcd by tho commission In. tho courso of Its Inquiry created much bitter feeling among tho men holding high positions In tho depart ment, Ono of theso was tho demand by Prlntor Palmer for tho resigna tions of RIckett nnd Hay. As tho Keep Inquiry, so far as known, devel oped nothing ngalnst the Interests of. Rlcketts and Hay, tho president act ed promptly In taking tho wholo mat tor out of Palmor's hnnds, and laying It In tho hands of tho Keep commis sion for such further Investigation as might bo necessary. Coupled with this action of tho president was tho aemand on Palmer for his resignation. PLANS FOR PALACE OF PEACE. Carneala Foundation Offers Flvo Prizes to Architects. NEW YORK About $15,000 In prizes and tho honor of being ono of tho flvo architects who'plan tho peaco palaco for tho uso of tho permanent court of arbitration at Tho Hague was today offered to tho architects of all nations In a prospectus Issued by tho Carnogla foundation. This invitation was mado to securo tho Ideas of many minds as to tho most fitting edlflco In which to house tho tribunal which It is hoped will mako wnr unnecessary. Tho flvo most successful architects will receive prizes, tho largest of which Is for 12,000 guilders, a Bum of monoy slightly less than $5,000. In addition to their open offer to tho world, tho directors of tho Carnegie foundation, which will becomo the ownor of tho flvo prize plans, has also Issued a special Invitation to certain omlnont architects from each of tho principal countries of tho world re questing thorn to join tho competition. WOULD CL08E ALL 8ALOONS. Ltd Likely to Descend Upon Northern Minnesota. ST. PAUL Word has been received hero from Cass Lako, Minn., that In dian Agent Scott at Walker has re ceived Instructions -from tho Interior department to proceed with tho en forcement of tho law forbidding liquor la tho so-called "Indian country," and United States District Attornoy C, C. Houpto states that a strict enforce ment of tho law would result In tho confiscation of every saloon or liquor storo In all of Minnesota north of Fort Snolllng. This would Include tho cities of Minneapolis, Duluth, St. Clovd, Moorhead, Crookston and hun dreds of simmer places. Tho district attorney ays that If the law is en forced tho "lid" will bo shut down io tight In northern Minnesota that only an act of congress can ralso it. DOCTOR FILL8 BIG CLAIM. Asks $5,000 for Medical Attendanco on Late Ellen McKee. ST. LOUIS, Mo. A claim against tho estate of the lato Ellen J. McKeo, amounting to $5,520, for medical serv ices from January 2 to May 3, 1905, was filed in tho probato court today by Dr. W. E. Flschel. Among tho Items of tho claim is a charge of $5,000 for ten days' Bervlco during tho last Illness of Miss McKeo, when Dr. Flschol accompanied her from St. Louis to Ashovllle, N. C, where she died. Miss McKeo left an estate worth several million dollars. The hearing is set for Septomber 14. Russians Were Defeated. TOKJlO. (Delayed In Transmis sion.) An official roport announces tho complete aurt crushing defeat of tho remnant o; the Russian forces after flvo hours' severe fighting at Nalbutu on the west coast of tho Is land of Sakhalin. Japan Censuring Telegrams. PEKIN MessaEes received hero I from a good sourco at Toklo represent tne situation mere hh sruve. i no jap- anese government Is apparently con 1 soring telegrams. THE TREATY Cuba (Not Pleased With Its Compact It Has With Great Britain. HAVANA Two of tho principal commercial economic associations, re sponding to a confidential request mado by tho foreign relations com mltteo of tho senato for advlco as to whether tho pending treaty between Great Britain and Cuba ought to bo ratified, declared emphatically ngalnat ratification. Tho principal reason given is that Cuba's interests aro too Inevitably bound to its great custo mer, tho United States, to permit of granting for ton years such privileges to British ships and citizens as thoso named In tho treaty. Another reason given is that tho adoption of tho trea ty would allow privileges to British warships as well as merchantmen, not warranted by the relations between Cuba and Great Britain and not per missible in view of tho relations be tween Cuba nnd tho United States. Tho lattef reason Is considered the most potent on account of tho suspi cion that tho treaty, while ostensibly ono of cpmmerce, navigation and am ity, would In reality glvo to British warships greater privileges In Cuban ports than thoso given to tho United States by tho cession of two naval sta tions. Tho troaty was signed on May last after tho definite favored nation ciauso has been eliminated in conne quenco of representations mado by Mr. oqulers, the American minister. Tho United States government, on re ceipt of a report regarding tho al leged objectionable feature, made a peremptory representation nfalnst tho troaty. The copy was sent to Wash ington, Blnco which time, according to a statement made to tho Associated Press by Secretary of State O'Farrill, tho United States government lias CQasod its representations regarding It. It Is known, however, that in Washington the treaty Is regarded as inimical to tho Interests of tho United (States, not, perhaps, In a commercial sense, becauso It does not contain any tariff concessions, but in tho broader political significance of allowing British warships equal rights in Cu ban ports with thoso of Cuban war ships, under plea of Btress of weather or accident, thus giving to Great Dritaln greater privileges than thoso granted to the United States. FAVOR FOR AMERICA. Czar of Russia Orders Change of Pol icy in Regard to Imports. OYSTER BAY, L. I. At tho confer ences between President Roosevelt and the Russian peaco envoys, Mr. Wltto, by direction of tho emperor of Russia, presented tho following com munication: "Somo years ngo In coneequenco of misunderstanding In the Intoprotatton of tho most favored nation clause, thero wero established in Russia on Bovernl articles of American produc tion customs on a higher scale than those levied on tho samo articles when imported from other countries. "His majesty, tho emperor of Rua- Bla, has commanded me to Inform tho president of tho United States that he has beon pleased to order tho discon tinuance of the levying of such higher duties on American products in order that henceforth tho American manu facturers should pay the same duties as importers from other countries." BADGE FOR PAST COMMANDER. Comrade Bross Given One as Chap lain and Head or Nebraskans. DENVER, Colo. An Interesting fea ture of tho visit of tho Nebraska de partment to the national encamp ment at tho Albany hotel wa3, tho pre sentation to Past Department Com' mander Harmon Bross of Lincoln of a past department commander's badge. The presentation address was made by C. E. Adams of Superior. Tho badge Is of gold, and Is stud ded with Bcvcn diamonds. The em blem bears a cross and a sword. The cross denotes that Mr. Bross was de partment chaplain of Nobraskn for three years, and the sword signifies that ho was a commissioned officer In the union army. STOCK WAS OVERSUBSCRIBED, Lewis Found More Suckers Than He Could Take Care Of. ST. LOUIS. Frederick Essen, re ceiver of tho People's United States bank, reported to Judgo McElhlnney of tho circuit court at Clayton, that there was in tho bank $233,536 cred ited to tho special account of President E. G. Lowls which had been received by him on subscriptions for capital stock, and which represents over-sub-scrlptlons, received after all of tho capital stock had been taken. The Judgo ordered that this bo returned to tho subscribers. DO NOT LIKE TERMS. r- Popular Outbreak at Toklo Against Peace Settlement at Portsmouth. TOKIO Rioting broke out hero last (Tuesday) night In connection with tho dissatisfaction over tho result of tho peace settlement. There wero sev eral clashes vrlth the police and it is estimated that two woro killed and ! 500 -wounded. Tho rioting ceased at midnight. Police stations woro the 'only property destroyed, A $50,000,000 CONCESSION. It Is Awarded to J. E. Market of Ne braska. NEW YORK Chairman Shonts of tho Panama canal commission an nounced Friday that ho had awarded a concession for feeding and housing tho greater part of tho canal employes to J. E. Markel of Omaha. Following a month's visit to Pana ma, Mr. Markel has worked out a com prehensive scheme, which includes tho early establishment of ten hotels along tho canal and railroad, each of thorn to accommodato from 160 to 250 laborers and twice as many dlnors. Theso hotels, It Is declared, will com pare favorably with tho better class of commercial hotels in this country nnd will bo used chiefly by tho higher salaried employes. Tho average rato for board and lodging will bo about $30 a month. WRITING POOR LIFE RISKS. Investigating New Committee Unearths Form of Fraud. NEW YORK Evidence of exten sivo fraud In tho writing of life insur ance on risks known to bo bad has been brought to tho attention of tho Armstrong legislative committee. It is asserted that in this class of fraud thero has been collusion between tho officers nnd agonts of companies of high standing. Subpoenas summoning tho medical examiners of somo of tho big compan ies to appear beforo tho commlttoo havo been prepared. They will also bo requested to havo ready for tho committee tho medical records of tho company for the last few years to bo used as exhibits In case they are re quired. All tho medical examiners probably will be called for tho samo day. LEARN OF PEACE TREATY. Oyama Congratulates Gen. Llnevltch on the Outcome. GODZYADINI, Manchuria At 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon a Japan eso messenger, bearing a white flag" and escorted by soldiers, arrived at a post near the railway and handed to tho Russian officers who went to meet him a letter from Field Marshal Oyama to General Llnevltch, con gratulating him on tho conclusion of pcaco and begging him to appoint Russian plenipotentiaries to arrango an armistics. Fiold Marshal Oyama had appointed General Tukushima as plenipotentiary for his side, tho letter announced, and ho suggested Chakhedza as tho mee lng place. Woman's Relief Corps. DENVER Tho Woman's Relief Corps of tho Grand Army of the Re public elected the following officers: Senior vice president, Mrs. Julia G. Sine, Chicago; junior vlco president, Eunlco Mung'er, Oklahoma City, O. T.; treasurer, Charlotte E. Wright, Hartford, Conn.; chaplain, Catherine C. Kennedy, Denver. Executive board: Dr. Orpha Bruce, Tampa, Flo.; Sarah E. White, Rockvllle, Ind.. Florence S. Babbitt, Ypsllantl, Mich.; Maria E. Dean, Chattanooga, Tenn., and Mrs. Alice W. Fuller, Cleveland, O. The encampment adjourned sine die. Doesn't Fear an Outbreak. WASHINGTON Tho Japaneso le gation is without advices as to the dis turbances which have taken place In Japan in disapproval of tho terms of tho peaco treaty. M. Hlokl, tho first secretary, stated, however, that very few Japaneso wero perhaps satisfied with tho terms of tho treaty, the senso of discipline In tho people was so great that there was not tho slightest fear of any serious outbreak. INVASION OF NEW ZEALAND. American Harvester Trust Menace to Implement Makers. LONDON The Times correspond ent at Wellington, New Zealand, Bays: Tho operations of the American harvester trust aro seriously menac ing tho prosperity of New Zealand lm-v plement makers. The manufacturers recognize that even a protective tariff of 20 per cent would be unavailing, A deputation asked the government to prevent tho trust from doing business. Tho premier Intimated that tho gov ernment would- proceed with tho mo nopolies prevention bill. BUT ONE LARGER CORN CROP. Kansas Yield This Year Estimated at 230,000,000 Bushels. WICHITA. Kas. F. W. Fraslus, ed itor of the Southwestern Grain and Flour Journal of this city, Is author ity for the statement that tho Kansas corn crop will reach 230.000,000 bush els. Only once In tho history of tho stato was thero a larger crop of corn than will be gathered this fall. That was In 1889. when tho yield of Kansas was 270,000,000 bushels. Authorities all say that tho present crop without doubt is tho large." t over grown In tho state, acreage considered. Teamsters In Open Revolt. CHICAGO Open revolt against tho International Brotherhood of Team sters, which practically amounts to secession, catno when three of tho best organized local unions In Chicago, tho Ico wagon drivers, van teamsters and brick, sand nnd terra cotta teamsters, voted to ropudlato tho election of of flcors at tho international convention at Philadelphia, adopt tho referendum and withhold support from President Shea and the oxocutlve board. Tho unions 'whlah defied Shea number 4,000 G. A. R. CHIEF Corporal Tanner Is Chosen Commander of Grand Army of the Republic DENVER Tho thirty-ninth annuat national encampment of tho Grand Army of tho Republic elected offlcors on Friday as follows: Commander-in-chief, James Tanner, Now York. Senior vlco commander-in-chief, George W. Cook, Denver. Junior vlco commander-in-chief, Si las H. Towlcr, Minneapolis. Surgeon general, Hugo Phlller, Wau kesha, Wis. Chaplaln-ln-chlcf, Rov. Father J. G. Leary, Chapman, Kan. Minneapolis was chosen as tho meeting placo for 190G. Tho contest for commander-in-chief was tho most interesting feature of tho sessions Friday. Besides Corporal Tanner, R. B. Brown of Zanesvllle, O., Charles Burrows of Rutherford, N, J., and Charles G. Burton of Nevada, Mo., wero placed in nomination. Burrows' namo was immediately withdrawn. As tho roll call of departments proceeded It became apparent from tho number of departments seconding Tanner that his election was a certainty. Al though Georgo Stono of San Francisco was not named, formally as a candi date, tho Department of California and Nevada cast its fifteen votes for him. Tho total vote for Tanner was 447. Brown received 187, Ohio und Penn sylvania giving him their full voto and Indiana a majority. Tho only largo delegation that voted for Burton was that of Missouri. His total wa3 42 votes. When tho adjutant general announc ed the result tho convention went wild. Tho old veterans leaped from tbelr Beats, shouting and cheering and throwing their hats In tho air. Amid tho din General Brown mount ed the stage and moved to mako Tan ner's election unanimous. Messrs. Burton and Stono both seconded tho motion, which was carried with a roar of applause. Commander-in-Chief King then appointed tho defeated com rades a committee to escort Corporal Tanner to tho stage. "While tho four wero walking down tho center alslo tho delegates made a rush for Tanner, and, lifting him Into tne air, carried him bodily to tho rostrum. The dele gates then rose enmasse and cheered for several minutes. In a brief speech Corporal Tanner thanked his comrades. "Thero is ono man," ho said, "whose esteem and as-, slstance It is necessary for the old soldiers to havo. Thero aro three men in tho encampment whom I will call in council In meotlng President Roosevelt." Another great shout went up as Cor poral Tanner Indicated the person ho referred to in his veiled remark and as it died down he said that he ex pected to havo tho beneficent counsel In all his undertakings as commander-in-chief of Senator William Warner of Missouri, General John C. Black of Chicago and General Grenvllle M. Dodgo of New York. CHINA TAKES STEP FORWARD. Old Method of Educational Examina tions Abolished. PEKING An important edict has been Issued in response to the memo rial of Yuan Shi Kl and other promi nent men, abolishing examinations for tho old system of degrees. By means of this system, established from tlmo Immemorial, China has recruited gov ernment officers. The idea of obtain ing by competitive examination tho best educated men Is essentially good, but It has been rendered entirely fu tile by tho knowledge demanded. Hitherto the aspirant for honors was required to bo proficient in the writ ings of Confucius and other classics, tho ability to compose essays in a par ticular form, consisting really of a kind of literary jugglery. The learn ing so obtained was entirely useless for practical purposes, while tho closo study required to attain tho necessary knowledgo provents attention to other modern and more useful subjects. 8ALMON QUITS HIS OFFICE. Doctor Tenders Resignation and It Is Accepted. WASHINGTON Dr. David E. Sal mon, chief of the bureau of animal In dustry, department of agriculture, has tendered his resignation to tako effect immediately upon the appointment of his successor, and It has been accept ed to tako effect on October 1. Tho resignation was announced by Secretary Wilson at noon today, but ho declined to state whether tho sever ance is due to the charges filed re cently against Dr. Salmon, of which the doctor was exonerated. ENVOYS GIVE TO CHARITIES. CONCORD, N. H. Letters from tho Russian and Japanese pcaco plenipo tentiaries on the ovo of their depart ure from this country, which accom panied checks of $10,000 each for charltnblo purposes In tho state of New Hampshire, wero made public Friday by Governor John McLane. Tho envoys wrote In cordial apprecia tion of tho hospitality and courtesy shown them by the stato and leave the question of disposition of tho funds to the discretion of the governor. IS FOR PENSIONS. Roll Reached Its Maximum Last January. WASHINGTON Tho pension roll reached tho maximum number In Us history on January 21 last, tho num ber being 1.004.19G. Tho roll passed tho million mark In September of last year and gradually Increased for tho next four months. Tho decline began with tho first of last Fobruary and by the following May had dropped bolow tho million mark. These facts aro developed in a sy nopsis of tho annual report of Pension Commissioner Warner covering tho operations dt his ofllco for tho fiscal year ended Juno 30 last At the end of tho yeartho number of pensioners had declined to 998,441, a net increaso for tho year of 3,439. Tho report shows tho following ad ditional facts: During tho year tho bureau Issued 185,242 pension certificates, of which number over 50,000 were originals. Tho annual value of tho pension roll on Juno 30, 1905, was $136,745,295. By the term "annual value" Is meant tho' amount of money required to pay tho pensioners then on tho roll for ono year. During tho year 43,833 pensioners, wero dropped from tho roll by reason of death and of theso 30,254 were Bur vlvors of tuo civil wnr. On June 30, 1905, tho roll contained tho names of 684,608 survivors of tho civil war, a decrease of over 6,000 from the previous year. Tho total amount disbursed for pen sions for the fiscal year Is $141,682, 841, of which $4,197,167 was for navy pensions and $3,409,998 wag paid to pensioners of tho Spanish war and $133,022,170 to the survivors of tho civil war, their widows and depend ants. Tho total amount paid to Span ish war pensioners since 1899 Is $11, 996,198. The total amount of money paid for pensions since the foundation of tho government Is $3,320,860,022 and of this amount $3,144,395,405 has been paid on account of tho civil war. Tho total number of claims allowed, origi nal and Increaso, under order No. 78, known as tho "age order," since that order went Into effect April 13, 1904, up to June 30 1905, was 65,612. GUARDIAN FOR A RICH MAN. Millionaire Wells of Iowa Unable to Manage Estate. GRUNDY CENTER, la. Guardians were appointed today for Georgo Wells, pioneer citizen and millionaire land owner, on petition of his sister, Mary Wells Nelson, who alleged him to be of unsound mind because of ad vanced ago, Wells being over 84 years old. He Is one of Iowa's richest men. Ho owns nearly 14,000 acres of choice farm lands In Grundy, Emmett nnd Kossuth counties, valued at from $50 to $100 per acre. Ho has $200,000 on deposit In Chicago banks, $150,000 in Iowa banks and has other personal property worth $500,000. PEACE ENVOYS AT DINNER. Wltte and Baron De Rosen Entertain ed at New York. NEW YORK George C. Harvey en tertained at dinner Thursday night, at tho Metropolitan club the Russian peace envoys, Mr. Wltto and Baron do Rosen, the members of their Bultos and a company of men distinguished in the different walks of life. Tho dinner company numbered more than eighty. Mr. Wltto first spoke, saying ho had Insisted upon being accorded that privilege that ho might havo tho honor to propose a toast "to tho health of tho Illustrious statesman, Theodore Roosevelt" Mr. Wltte'8 last words wero drowned with cheers. When these wero ended ho resumed speak ing In French: "At the samo tlmo it Is my great pleasure and I bellovo It my duty, to propose a toast to tho prosperity of tho great and marvelous Americans, who aro so admirably personified In tho president. I drink to this glorious republic and its president, Mr. Roose velt" ' GRAFT CHARGE AT ST. JOE. Insane Hospital Trustees Accused of Diverting Money. ST. JOSEPH Abraham Davis, a lo cal democratic politician, filed an in junction suit in tho circuit court to day, in which ho charges that Dr. C. R. Woodson, superintendent, and tho Board of Managers of the State Hos pital for the Insane No. 2 aro divert ing monoy paid by the county for tho keep of indigent lnsano to the building fund, which Is supposed to be kept up by tho state, and asks that they bo re strained from using county money lor state purposes. It Is estimated that tho loss to the taxpayers of the county Is $5,000 annually. It is also alleged that a profit Is charged on clothing fur nished tho patients part of which Is manufactured by them. Dr. Woodson says he courts the fullest Investigation and that he can disprove every charge made. Ambassador Meyer Coming Home. ST. PETERSBURG Ambassador Meyer will leave St Petersburg Sep tember 11 for Berlin and Paris and thence he will go to America at tho end of September on leave of absence. Find of Spanish Gold. DETROIT. Mich. A special to tho Tribune from Traverse City says that $150,'000 in Spanish gold has been un earthed on North Fox island, off Grand, Traverse bay, In Lake Michigan.' ue-j c Mi I