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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1905)
. ' iju ft&via. x - -4s. - ftnJUn Q J i! TOEi ADIKyffiflD PUBLISHED THURSDAYS. T. J. OKEEFK Publisher J. B. KN1EST Associate Editor Entered at the potoffico at Alliance, Nebraska, lor transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. n ? - ...,. "i -...- Cy Tub Herald Is the Official Publica tion of Box Bulte county nnd Its circula tion Utiearljr twico that of any other Al liance paper. ' ADVERTISING RAXES: ' Display er single column inch per ' " month ., Business, locals, per lino first Insertion Each subsequent Insertion, per lino .50 .10 .So Display advertising on first page, 50 per cent more man on any otner page. , Legal notices at statute rates. f Subscription, $1.50 per year In advance. t " Mrs. E. V. Alexander returned Sun day from Los Anoles where sho visit ed Iter daughter Nellie for tlio past ' four months. She enjoyed her stay there very much and saw many former Alliance peoplo, among whom were Mr. ojid Mis. Thomas Beck and the families of Doctor and Fred Smith. She also' visited Mr. mid Mrs, Samuel Burk and Rov, Wornom nnd wife at Whitticr, n suburb of Los Angeles, whom sin; says are pleased with their now home. Mrs. Alexander says that lha activity and booms in real estate in Los Angeles is not far behind the ex citement on AVnll sticet. She says it is a pleasant place to live and spend indncy but she is perfectly 'satisfied to remain in Box Butte. D. A. Paul was in from Liberty pre cinct Saturday to attend the republican county convention nnd deliver 550 head of sheep which ho sold to John Cartuey of Spear, 111. W. ). Johnson and Val Wright also sold n number to Mr. Spear who shipped Saturday. Mr. Paul has prospered in the sheep busi ness nnd in now on Easy sheet. Twenty years ago ho came to Box Butte county without any money nnd very poor health, spending the greater part of the fifst winter in bed. Prior to his coming hero he was em ployed for several years in one of the leading geut3 furnishing stores in Now York city and has sold many a "shirt -nnd collar" to such notables as Daniel Laniout nnd Grovcr Cleveland. He was elTccted with lung trouble and his physicians informed him if ho wished to spend another year in this busy world he must immediately seek a higher altitude', hence his coming to western Nebraska where he recovered his health. Mr, Paul expects to make a trip to his old home in York state the latter part of this month to visit and attend to business pertaining to an estate of which he is administrator. An Exhibition of Colts. Mike Shay has artnuged to have an exhibition of colts from the fine thoroughbred Percherou stallion owned by him, at Dcsch's livery barn October 8. It is known that there are several such colts that have commanded good money and to settle the question as to who owns the finest of the lot, an ex hibition will be mado on the above date. The owner of such a colt will have the service of the stallion free the coming season. Cess Pools Must be Cleaned. The city authorities aro getting after property owners and occupants who neglect to keep the cess pools on their premises in a sanitary condition. Ordinance No. Go, Btates specifically that any violation thereof is subject to arrest nnd fine. In many instances the city scavenger has found pools overrunning with filth, which may at any time breed disease and menanco the health of the community. Typhoid, scarlet fever and kindred diseases find breeding places when such conditions exist and every citizen should assist the authorities in keeping the town clean. There is no excuse for such filth accumulating. Democratic Delegates. At the primaries held Tuesday even ing, tho following persons were elected as delegates to the democratic county convention next Saturday: FIRST WARD " SECOND WARD Wm. Mitchell Ed Reardon Geo. G. Gadsby John Brennan L. Buechsenstein E. A. Hall C. Humphrey Roy Wells R. W, Row ells J. Wallace L. A, Berry H. P. McGuire James Devlin James Keeler E. J, Barry D. Dunn E. Folten F. J. Betzold J. B. Kennedy C. W, Brennan People's Independent Delegates. The people's independent yarty cau cuses held Tuesday evening elected the following persons as delegates to the county convention to be held next Saturday: FIRST WARD SECOND WARD Orville Owen Henry Broich D. K. Spacht A. D. Rodgers E. A, Marsh F. E. Hamblin 0. W. Jeffers Orange NeH Leroy Stafford R E. May A. C. Johnson Samuel B, Libby Ira Reed ' John Wolverton John Er. White 0. C. Reed W. A. Hood W. B. Young F. Wallace John Wallace Geo. Fox The Elks will give an entertainment at their club rooms this evening. There will be a ball game between Crawford and Alliance in this city next Sunday afternoon. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. ( LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. ( Mayor Biiecbuonslcln wns a Crawford visitor last week. Dr. Hand made a professional trip to Crawford today. Will Elmoro arrived jn tho city yosterday to visit his family. Charlie Shiudlor of HemiriRford spout last night in the city. Louis Shoecraft of Clinton, lown, is a guest at tho Ankony ranch. W. J. Owens spent a couple of days tho first of tho week at Lincoln, Karl Rubotlom wns registered at the Capitol Hotel, Lincoln, Wodnofc. day. Aquilta Trlplett and family returned yesterday' from their extended trip to tho eofsl. The Social Hour club will meet with Mrs. C. E. Bennett tomorrow afternoon, Mr. and Hemingford Mrs. W. M.. Fosket of were Alliance visitors yestotdav. Dr. F. E. Clough left this morning for Wisconsin to sec a sistpr who is who is seriously ill. Win. Welch, manager of the Rosa ranch at Binghum, was a visitor in the metropolis Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Robbins rejoice over the arrival of a baby at their" home, Tuesday of last week, Tom Poole, manager of the stock yaids, has been enjoying a visit from his father who resides at Marsland. A new steel ceiling' in the Famous clothing store improves the appearance of that, establishment very materially. Attorney Boyd has had as his guest for several daj 8 Mr. Hughes of Chi cago who is on the staff of the Record Herald. C. A. Anderson returned Monday from Lincoln where he spent a few davs Visiting his sou Ben and attend ing the state fair. Mrs. M. Frankle and daughters, Julia and Tillie, returned Sunday from a visit of several wcek3 at Deuver and other Colorado points. Mrs. G. L. Moffatt of Casper, Wyo., arrived in tho city Tuesday for a few days visit. Mr. Moffatt is now sole owner of his business and is doing well. Attorney Mitchell spent a few of days in tne Platte valley tuts week on legal business. Mr, Autcneii s . clicntile extends over all western No braska. Geo. Darling is arranging the second floor of his store in tho Fletcher block. He now has commodious quarters and can display his stock to much better advantage. Mrs. Rose Rcardon returned last Friday from her trip to Omaha, whither she accompanied several young ladies to t. Mary's convent, where they will enter school. C. J. Wildy, A. M. Miller, V. H. Ward, M. C. Beaumont and Alex Mur head were among the Hemingfordites in tho city Saturday as delegates to the republican county convention. Captain A. Sigler, of Omaha, is in the city soliciting funds to pay for the Salvation Army Rescue Home for women. Liberal contributions are be ing made by many of our citizens. Miss Mabel Duncan returned from Ft. Morgan, Colo., where she has been visiting ller parents for the past month. Miss Duncan will teach the Berea school tho coming term. E. Reed arrived Saturday from Perry, Iowa, to spend a few days with his brother Sheriff Ira Reed. They went to Crawford Monday to buy horses and will return Friday or Satur day. C. A. Posvar of Lawn returned Saturday from Lincoln where he at tended the fair. He also made a trip to Gretna and purchased a threshing machine which he will . run in this county. Pete Watson, the well known stock man and wolf hunter of Sioux county, was in Alliance Tuesday. He took home his fine thoroughbred stallion which Glaud Lester has had in train ing here. The Alert fire boys gave a dance at the city hall Monday night, which was well attended and appreciated. It is the intention to continue these pleasant pastimes at short intervals duriug the coming season. E. F. Moon the hustling editor of the Scottsbluff Herald spent Wednes day in the city. Bro. Moon reports everything flourishing in Alfalfa valley and Scottsbluff becoming more met ropolitan every day. L. Snow, Marsland's popular merchant-postmaster, was iu tho city Sunday. Mr, Snow spends con siderable of his time in the Black Hills superintending the work on the Alli ance Mining company's property. Mr aud Mrs. J. B. Mitchell are guests at the home of A. S. Reed, being on their return from a trip to the coast. Mrs. Mitchell is the mother of M. S. Hargraves. They will return to their home at Hay Springs this week. D. M. Moran arrived Suuday from eastern Nebraska where he has been engaged in the business of breaking horses for the last tour years with good success. He has decided to re main here and will follow that line of work. The residents of the northern part of Cheyenne county have petitioned for a division of the county, the new Ship Your Live Stock to THUET Live stock Commission Merchants ISSrrAIXL,ISH12X IN 1W8T SQUTH OMAHA. NEBR. J?10'UX CITY, IOWA. . , , Bunk References:. Union Stock Yards Nat. So. Omaha Nat, , Live Stock Bank, Chtuagaj Live Stock Not . Sioux City, IB.Wai Stock Yards Nat., So. St. Paul.' St, Paul Nat. Bank, St. Paul. Write for our Market Letter and SHIP VOUR -TO- Nye & Buchanan Co. Live Stock Commission SOUTH OMAHA "WIto TJh I'oi aiurlcct K)orts or u Paper, Expert Salesmen in AH Departments. A WORD WITH YOU WOODEN -TANKS AND " sheep Dipping Vats cattle We make a superior article in our factory and want you for a customer. Our material is the best and our prices ' are right. New list just out. Send for it. ' FOREST LUMBER CO. - Alliance, Nebr. county to be named River with Bridge port the county seat. The proposition will be submitted to the voters at the next election. W. S. Acheson left Tuesday morn ing for his former home at Allciton, Iowa, to pay his father a visit. Mr. Acheson had not been back for four teen years hence ho was looking for ward with much pleasure for his visit of ten days. S. C. Reck retuned today from Erie, buying new machinery for manufactur ing pressed brick. Sang is determin ed to have the best on the market aud made the long trip to examine the machinery before purchasing. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Davison of Hemingford returned from Denver Tuesday and spent a day with Alli ance friends. They attended the soldiers reunion in Denver and visited Mr. Davison's, brothers who are old residents of Lcadville and Denver. Attorneys Barker and Noleman re turned from Omaha the first of the week where they represented' the Krause Brothers in the government land fencing case. Judge Munger took the case under advisement and it may be several days before a decision is rendered. Mrs. T. Gregory of Cody, Wyo , is visiting with her son A. Gregory, who, is in the telegraph service here. Mrs. Gregory was a delegate to the Grand Chapter Order of Eastern Star held at Cheyenne last week and was honored by being elected grand chaplain of the above organization. G. M. Burns, principal of the Emer son school, was obliged to quit work Tuesday noon on account of neuralgia caused from bad teeth. He had elev en of the molars extracted Tuesday altcrnoon and expects the ailment to cease. Miss Pearl Bartz is filling his place in the school. Morning theme at tho M. E. church: "Enduring Christians Happy." Even ing: "Despise Not the Day of Small Things." The Ladles' Aid society meets with Mrs. Cornu Wednesday at 2 p. m. Bible study at Captain Akers Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Prayer meetiug Thursday evening. F. L. Wright, the prominent auc tioneer and insurance man of Scotts bluff, stopped in the city Monday on his return from Lincoln where he had charge of Scottsbluff county's exhibit at the state fair. Their agricultural products were fine and several pre miums were awarded them. Bates Copeland who has been visit ing in the city for several days will leave tomorrow morning for St. Paul, Neb., where he will locate.' He has been at the old home in Loup City for a couple of weeks and of course could not settle down to business again with out visiting Alliance but we won't tell why. The i4-months-old babe of Rev. and Mrs. Westley succumbed to an attack of pneumonia Sunday. The funeral took place Monday, the little body be ing buried in Carpenter cpmetery. It was only a wee mite of humanity tak en from the Westley household, but the loss will be felt more keenly than would be that of untold riches. Dr. F. M. Knight returned Tuesday morning from his extended visit through the west, on 42, and he looks as if he enjoyed the trip. He exper ienced another attack of hayfever the day of his arrival but is feeling better again. The doctor has handed to a number of his friends pocket souvenirs of the Portland exposition. Special Agent Owens of the Burling ton was at Mullen this week, where he CHICAGO. ILL. SO. ST. PAUL, MINN. Men Who Handle Your Stock. E. P. Melady, Mgr., Hog Sajesman. Byron Clow, Cattle Salosman, A. E. Compton, Cattle Salesman. Ellis J. Wright. Assistant. Walter Lake, Sheep Salesman. Daily Paper free of charge LIVE STOCK apprehended one Robeit McBride, who about three years ago was station agent for the Burlington at Moorcroft, Wyo., and got away with about S200 of the company's coin. Owens took his man to Lincoln, and while there offect ed a settlement with his prisoner satis factory to the corporation. J. M. Devlin returned Saturday from a five weeks visit with his family in Colorado, most of the time having been spent in the Victor and Cripple Creek district. He reports those towns ver' quiet on account of so many mines having been closed down. There are over 200 vacant houses in Victor. Jim says he had a splendid trip but was glad to return to Alliance. Mrs. A. S. Gerdes and daughter Miss Ruth Taylor were ip from Marplo Saturday. Miss Ruth will start this week for Lyons, Iowa, to finish her education. in a convent there which she has attended for two years. Her mother was also educated there. It is an ideal school for young ladies and most beautifully situated on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi river. The season for prairie fires will soon be here, in fact the grass in several localities has alreadv taken fire. A small blaze on the Denver right-of- way, about a mile trom town, required the attention of the company and ranchers in the same section were like wise called out to fight fire on the Sab bath. The heavy growth of grass this season will have a tendency to make prairie fires all over the land numer ous and fierce. E. L. Everett came down from Hemingford Tuesday evening and .spent Wednesday in the city. Mr. Everett is not pleased with the idea of passenger No. 41 not stopping at Hem ingford and says the village board may pass an ordinance compelling the trains to slow down to eight miles an hour. That would give a fellow an opportunity too jump off without much danger of taking a header into a potato cellar or pricking his hands on Russian thistles. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Smyser and daughter Mrs. Slade, and Judge W. G. Rice of Deadwood returned Tuesday from a few days hunting trip in the sand hills. They found all kinds of fame and bagged enough for all the ranchmen in the viciuity. Mrs. Smy-. ser had quite a thrilling experience shooting out of a boat. She was obliged to stand up to get the gun above the cat tails which were growing there and after discharging the gun lost her balance and came near taking a bath in the lake with a big mallard she brought down. Most of their time was spent at the Frank Ankeny ranch where they were royally enter tained. County Superintendent Rustin re turned Friday from Lincoln where she was in charge of Box Butte county's educational exhibit at the state fair. Although she was unable to secure as desirable space as she wished still the exhibit attracted much attention and was awarded third prize. Considering the fact that this was the first exhibit ever entered from this county and the large number of counties teprcsented it is indeed a splendid testimonial for our schools and encouraging to the young people in their work. Nemaha county was awarded first place and Gage second. Mrs. Rustin will try to pre pare an exhibit that will capture first prfze next j'ear. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf. Buy feed and flour at Pilkiugton's. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. SrLciAL Salesmen iv Each Department. R. It. ROGERS. J. 0. DLANCIIAIlD. N. R. I1RYS0N A. K. ROGERS Lest You FOITfor&t , WE AGAIN CALL your attention to the OMAHA LIVE STOCK COMMISSION C0.; . We handle all kindi of stock. Write for our Market Letter ' . ."$Js$f' and call when you are at the yards. , lA$3ifc Any i!nkOTMtMtno Agency. Omaha Live Stock Commission Co. ' $fy J. II. IILANUMAKI) I'rcri. nnd .Mnnoficr. t '-l' r James C. Daui.mas, Pros, and Mr. J. W. Gntnat.8, The 'American Commission Company Live Stock Salesmen. DIRECTORS: Capital, James O. Dahlman. So. Omaha Ed. Cahow. J. M. Humphrey. Boy Feeders on Orders, South Omaha, Nebraska. .i- i.'. 1 REFERENCES R. G. Dun & Co., Bradstreet, or Any Bank. Special Attention Given to Feeder and Stocher Trade. Spargur, Lindhurg & Co. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP. Rooms no-112 Exchange Building, Telephone 34 sotjt'sz ozmljszlj., 2t:e::e3. C. W. Spargur, Cattle Salesman, R. D. .Robinson, Hog Salesman. George M. Wood, Sheep Salesman. O. F. Lindbuug, Office ROSBNBAUn BROS. & Co.. (incorporated) HjITTES stock Commission Merchants South Omaha, Nebr. UNION STOCK YARDS , Chicago, Illinois. Sioux City, Iowa. W. H. Dudley, T. D. Perrine, Cattle Salesmen Bllen SDuble & Co. LIVE STOCK ConmssioN Merchants ROOM 237 NEW EXCHANGE BLD'G SOUTH OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. Telephone 132 So. Omaha. Telephone 302 Co. Bluffs. ' ESTABLISHED IN 1 867 : WOOD BROS. r Live Stock Commission Merchants SOUTH OriAHA, NEB. AISO Chicago, 111. We have a special salesman in every Sioux Citv Invvi dePartwent who is ably assisted by a full sioux ity, iowa corps of vardmen We will be mote than pleased to send free masket reports to all desiring them. REPRESENTED AT TAGG BROS. Live Stock Coniininn Co. South Omaha Nebraska H. E. Tagg, A. W. Tagg, Cattle Salesmen, Hoim Smith, bheep Salesman, G. M. Hamill, Has. Hilburn, Hog Salesman, W. B. Tagg, Secretary 107-109 Exchange Bldg. South Omaha, Neb. 234-236 Exchange Bldg. South St. Joe, Mo. En. Caiiow, Vice-Pres.' ,&y Sec'y and Trons. $100,000. rSfesihan; TllEO. TlLLOTSON, Ass. Cattle Salesman & Chicago JimClarey, Hog Salesman. Martin Cullerton, Sheep Salesman. Both Cattle and Sheep ' W. F. King, Scott Harrell, Allen Dudley, Hog Salesman. Office Jno. Ross, Jr., Sheep Salesman. CHICAGO, ILL. South St. Joe, .Missouri H. B. Hamill, Hop Salesman and Manager. M. D. Young, Cattle Salesman. J. C. Sager, Office. ! f IM & tf 4 -Mi $ M.