The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 07, 1905, Image 6

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    Jwittit- .. ll, " I
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SJgjgs 11rfflMbw''V.- H- - - JftW juwfaiftfc.jft rt riXfcTiWi . i, -,.
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Said to De Disappointment on tho Part
of Both Nations. Rusilan War
Party Thinks Wltte Could Have
Made Detter Tor mi.
on and. M. do Martens worked until
8 o'clock Wednesday night on tho
draft of tho treaty. Thoy completed
llio wording of tho prenmblo ahd throo
articles and woro discussing tho ar
ticles relating to tho cession of tho
Chjnoso Eastern railway when thoy
adjourned.' Up to 1 o'clock Wednes
day night neither tho Japanese em
peror or tho Russian' omporor had re
npondpd to tho appeals Rent by their
respective plenipotentiaries asking for
tho conclusion of an nrmlatlco.
Actual work of drafting the "treaty
of Portsmouth" began Wednesday. It
was dono by M. do Martens and Mr.
Dcnnlson, acting as legal advlBers for
tho respective sldos. While tho "bases"
of pcaco havo been accepted by tho
plenipotentiaries, considerable detail
remains to bo worked out In tho ela
boration of tho artlckH of tho treaty.
This In especially truo In regard to
tho nrtlclos dealing with tho Chlneso
Eastern railway and tho surrender of
tho loasoa of tho Llaotung peninsula
and Port Arthur and Tallenwnn
(Dnlny). Mr. Pokotlloff, tho Russian
minister to Peking, who was formerly
manager of tho Russo-Chincso bank at
Poking and who has Intimate knowl
edge of all tho details reMIng to thoso
matters, la assisting M. do Martens.
A very anomalous situation exists
as to tho Impression crented by tho
conclusion of pcaco. While tho outsldo
world applauds, In Japan thero Is evi
dently great disappointment In tho
terms, and In Russia, whero It would,
seom that thero should bo universal
rejoicing ovor tho great diplomatic
victory M. Wltto has won, tho govern
ment seems to havo rocolved It cold
ly. With tho people l. will make M.
Wltto a great and popular flguro and
add to his laurels, but at court evi
dently tho very victory that M. Wltto
has achieved makes It all tho more
blttorly roscntod. It Is an open socrot
that when liio omporor appointed M,
Wltto chief plenipotentiary tho "mili
tary party" expected him to fall. Thoy
did not want pcaco and It was freely
predicted In St Petersburg when M.
Wltto loft thnt ho bad been given an
Impossible mi-sslon. They expected him
to fall In tho negotiations or to "mako
a bad poaco," and either would havo
spelled polltlral ruin. Instead, upon
tho vory terms upon which tho em
peror told Mr. Meyer ho would mako
peaco and upon which tho military
' party did not bollevo It possible for
penco to bo negotiated, M. Wltto suc
ceeded in securing a treaty lionorablo
and under tho circumstances favor
able to Russia. This has evidently
only exasperated his enemies tho moro
and Intrlguo Is again at work to dis
credit him. SInco Japan was In a con
ciliatory mood they 'Bay ho made a
mistake in Burrondorlng half of Sak
halin. Yet ho did so by tho czar'B or
ders and himself Insists that porson
ally ho would have stuck to the end
to his original declaration not to ccdo
territory or give Indemnity.
mum and Mr. Takahlra, who last
week attended a garden party at
York, Malno, having subsequently as
certained that tho party was organ
ized pnrtly for tho benefit of tho
York hospital, gavo Jl.ouo to tho fund.
Tho management of tho hospital has
requested tho Associated Press to
mako public tho fact of this "munifi
cent and unexpected gift" and to an
nounce that It has bout decided to
perpotuato It by endowing two beds
in tho hospital and placing over them
tabletB Inscribed with the names of
tho donors.
ST. PETERSBURG Tho following
Is tho text of M. Wltte's cablegram
to Emperor Nicholas announcing
"I havo tho honor to roport to your
majesty that Japan has agroed to
your demands concerning tho condi
tions of peaco and that consequently
peaco will bo established, thanks to
your wlso and firm decision and In
strict conformity with tho Instruc
tions of your majesty .
"Russia will remain in tk6 far east
tho groat power which she hitherto
has boon and will bo forever.
"Wo have applied to tho execution
of your orders all our intelligence and
our Russian hearts. We beg your
majesty mercifully to forgive that wo
havo been unablo to do more."
Sincere Joy at Odessa.
ODESSA News of the conclusion
of penco was received by all classes
hero with slncoro joy and Immense
relief, and especially as the promulga.
Uon of a ukase for tho mobilization
of troops on tho previous day clearly
Indicated tho possibility of a contin
uance of the war. The peaco terms are
considered a great victory for M.
Wltto. Tho conclusion of peace is im
portant to Odessa, whose commerce
and industry suffered severely during
tho war.
Gtc.1r.1er Pecontc Sinks Off Coast of
Florida. .
FERNANIHNA, Fla. Twenty men.
constituting all but two of tho offlcora
and crow of tho American steamship
Pcconlc, Captain James, Philadelphia
to Now Orleans with coal, woro drown
ed by tho Blnklng of that vessol off
tho const of Florida Monday. Tho
disaster was tho result of a fierce galo
which raged along the coast during
the night and early morning. Lash
ed by tho storm an immense wavo
struck tho vessel with terrific force
about 12: CO o'clock this morning, Tho
Impact, coming Just as the vessel was
making a turn, caused a shift of tho
cargo and the vessel leaned over and
sank Immediately. Tho accident oc
curred so quickly that only two of
thoso aboard, an Italian and a Span
lard, were nblo to Bavo themselves
They succeeded In getting Into a life-"
boat, reached Amelia Dcach about
noon and on landing told tho story
of tho disaster.
About midnight of Sunday, accord
ing to their story, during tho heaviest
part of tho storm, which had raged
all day, tho officer of tho deck gavo
the order to put further out to sea,
fearing thoy woro approaching tho
coast too nearly. In tho endeavor to
turn tho ship wns struck with a heavy
sea, the cargo shifted and It began
Blnklng rapidly. In less thnn ten min
utes after tho alarm was Bounded It
had gone to tho bottom. Ono of tho
two survivors wns at tho wheel at tho
time tho ordor was given, tho other
wns upon watch. As soon as tho ship
began to enrcon thoso two men rushed
for ono of tho small boats, which thoy
Jumped Into as tho vessel began to go
down. With their knives thoy severed
tho ropes as tho water's level was
reached and tho small boat was thrown
far out on tho waves. Thoy further
more say that thoj discovered through
tho blackness and storm tho figures
of part of tho awakened crow, Bomo of
whom managed to crowd Into another
of tho ship's boats. This was, how
over, caught In tho trough of tho sea,
thrown violently ngalnst tho ventilat
ors and then wedged fast. Their piti
ful cries for holp could bo heard a3
tho ship went down In tho sen, which
swallowed It up.
Alono through tho balanco of tho
night, In tho awfal wash of wators,
with tho Btorm raging and threatening
each momont to swnmp tholr small
boat, theso two men were gradually
borno ashore nward Amelia Island,
landing Just atll a, m. Monday.
SPRINGFIELD. 141. Governor Do
noen heard tho application for a war
rant on a requisition from Governor
Mickey of Nebraska for tho roturn to
North Platte, Neb., of Henry D. Nor
rls of Anclort who is wanted on tho
chnrgo or abandoning ms who and
child. Morris, through his attorney,
Mr. Sterling, fought the Issuing of a
warrant on tho ground thnt ho had
mndo n contract to marry tho com
plnlnnnt, and that thero was n stipu
lation that after their child was born
ho did not havo to ronufin, and there
fore thoro was no abandonment. Gov
ernor Doneon Issued the warrant for
his roturn.
Russian Minister of Agriculture
Well Pleased.
ST. PETERSBURG Among thoso
who aro completely satisfied with tho
results of tho Portsmouth conforonco
aro Charles von Schwanobach, minis
ter of agriculture, who said to tho As
sociated Press;
"We should bloss heaven for bo
happy and honorablo a settlement of
tho war. Peaco Is highly desirable,
and wo can now dovoto our attention
to tho settlcmcnet of Russia's Inter
nal problems, which need careful and
undivided efforts without external
Tho minister expressed his belief
thnt tho reforms will now tako a sano
and natural course, but ho declared
that to certain phasos of tho agitation,
a caustic must be applied firmly and
thoroughly, and tho Boro burned out
of tho body politic. The result of tho
poaco negotiations, he said, was im
portant to tho United States as well
as to Russia and Japan, since tho
American republic emerges from tho
negotiations with Its prestlgo as tho
arbiter of great world questions firm
ly established.
NEW HAVEN. Conn. All litigation
over tho estato of Phllo S. Benuctt, a
former merchant of Now York City, of
which William J. Bryan was executor,
Is believed to bo ended by tho filing
of a notlco in probate court to tho
effect that an appeal of Mrs. Graco
Jmogeno Bennett, tho widow, and oth
er heirs, to tho allowance of Mr. Bry
an's accounts, will be withdrawn. Tho
notice of an appeal had been entered
for n hearing and this action by the
heirs was expected.
Russians Settling In Panama.
PANAMA Fifty Russian families
left Panama for Chlrlquo. Arrange
ments havo been made by which tho
samo number of Russian families will
bo settled every month in different
portions of tho republic The govern
ment gives each family $500 and
thirty acres of land.
Bubonic Plague on Isthmus.
WASHINGTON Consul General
Lee at Panama cables the stato depart
ment thut there was one death from
piar,ue at Panama on Saturday.
Thlrty-Four Cases In Town Scattered
Over Large AreaHamburg Out of
Infected Cities Strong Fight
Necessary .to Keep It Within Con
trol. BERLIN Tho spread of cholera
from two localities on tho Welchsol
river flvo days ago to thirty-four cases
In twelve localities, extending from
the Daltlc to tho Wartho river, 150
miles south, and Its appenranco In
Hamburg has given an unpleasant
thrill to tho peoplo of Germany, for
It may mean a long and steady fight,
as in 1852-93, to prevent tho disease
from getting beyond control. In thoso
years It is estimated that 800,000 per
sons died In Russia from, cholera.
Tho Prussian government Is keenly
awaro of tho possibilities of tho dan
ger, which so far Is not regarded as
giving occasion for apprehension. A
commltteo of tho cabinet consisting
of D Studt, minister of medical af
fairs; Herr von Sudri), minister of
stato and minister of public works;
Herr Moltef, mlnlstor of commerce
and Indus'ry, an'd Dr. von Bothmann
Hollwog, minister of tho Interior, haB
tho direction of tho provcntatlvo
Numerous bacteriologists hnvo been
sent Into tho Infected district to as
sist In tho Burvelllanco of tho prison
ers who hnvo contracted cholera. Cau
tionary notices aro published in all
towns nnd villages In tho affected
RASTENBURO, East Prussia
Thero has been ono death, believed
to havo boon caused by cholera in tho
villago of Paris and one In tho vll-
lago of Warnlkclm, and In both vil
lages tho government commissioners
havo discovered Bovoral suspicious
Prussia Two deaths from cholera
liavo occurred among tho river men
In a villago at tho intersection of the
Wartho and tho Netze.
EINLACE, West Prussia No boats
or craft hor any fishcrmon from Rus
sia will bo allowed to pass tho locks
horo. All arrivals aro detained under
inspection in threo divisions. Tho
first, for cholera cases, contains ono
patient; tho second, for suspects, also
has one; tho third, for thoso exposed
to disease, fens forty-soven river men.
LEMBERO, Austria Two deaths
from cholora havo occurred horo and
several suspectod cases aro under ob
servation. Tho deaths occurred In the
family of a rlvor boatman who has
been working in tho Vistula district of
Deluged With Letters Bearing on
Preservation of Niagara.
WASHINGTON President ' Roose
velt Is being , deluged by letters from
Individuals In all parts of tho country
praying him to do whatover lies In his
power to prevent further destruction
of tho natural beauties of Niagara
Falls as an Incident to tho develop
ment of tho great power plants on
both sldos of tho Niagara river. All
of thoso communications nro being
filed with tho stato department, and
It Is not Improbablo that tiiey may
servo as a basis tor some action by
tho president In the dlroctlon of tho
creating of an International commis
sion to deal with this subject.
STAMFORD, Conn. A steel safo
of considerable eight, which is under
stood to havo contained ?150 In cash
and Jowelry valued at over ?20,000
mysteriously disappeared from tlio
summer residence of Paul Bonner at
NIrvann on tho Sound. Tho family
bollevo that burglars entered tho
houso through a window on tho lower
floor and convoyed tho safe to tho
shoro and placed It aboard a vessel.
It was learned tonight that ono of Mr.
Bonner's servants found a noto In tho
p.laco from which the safo was re
moved which read as follows:
"If wo aro deprived of our freedom
this placo will bo in ruins.'
New Star Discoveries.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. A now star
has been discovered by Mrs. W. P.
riemtng of tho Harvard observatory
in tho constellation of Aquilla, which
at p. m. JuBt now is about on tho
meridian nnd half way from tho south
ern horizon to tho zenith. Tho star
was first seen on August 10 was largo
as C.3 magnitude on August IB, or just
on the vergo of visibility to tho naked
eye; was 7.5 magnitude on August 21,
and on August 26 was of tho tenth
magnitude, showing a rapid diminu
tion of lt light
Greatest "Height Has Been Reached
Throughout China.
PEKING Tho American boycott al
most overshadows the peaco negotia
tions as a topic of Interest in China.
Accounts reaching Peking from trad
ing centers indicate 1hat tho move
ment attained Us greatest strength
early In August, and sinco then has
been dccrct.tng. Nowhere except in
Shanghai has American "business ro
colved a serious blow.
Dut Fears That Other Wars Will
MOSCOW Count Tolstoi received
information Tuesday that peaco at
Portsmouth was practically assured,
according to on Intimate friend of tho
family. Commenting then upon poaco
as an established fact. Count Tolstoi
"I nm indeed very happy to see tho
end of this fearful butchery, but it is
a great certainty that this war will
not bo tho" last. It cannot be tho last
war. because nations will fight each
other so long as tho social system re
mains unchanged, so long as opposi
tion and threat saro considered dog
initi of Boclcty." .
Tolstoi made no comment on tho
conditions of poaco, declaring them to
bo quite unimportant In comparison
with tho final results to bo attained
through tho conference.
PORTLAND, Ore "Tho boycott
upon American goods In China will
never end until tho Chlneso peoplo
'are admitted freely Into tho United
States, or until tho samo discrimina
tions aro mado ngalnst tho inferior
classes of other nations ' as thoso
which wo mako against tho coolies of
Thus tho Cnincso boycott situation
was summed up by F. F. Tong, who
Is at present In Portland on his way
to Washington, D. C, as a special en
voy from tho emperor of China.
Continuing, Mr. Tong said: "Tho
American people havo no truo Idea of
tho extent of tho present boycott. It
Is confined to no ono class men, wo
men and children aro united in it"
Sells Road to China.
NEW YORK As tho result of tho
conference between tho president and
J. P. Morgan at Oyster Bay tho Chl
neso Development company held u
meeting and ratified tho salo of tho
Hankow railroad back to China.
and other officials hero aro making
inquiries Into tho mysterious death
by assassination, August 2G, of Aplk
UndJIan, a prominent Armenian, who
was shot in the Galata quarter of this
city by a man named Chlrkls Vartan
Ian, who claims to be a naturalized
citizen of tho United States. Accord
ing to tho official version of tho affair
Vartanlan, who is a native .of Khar
put, and resided for ten years in tho
United States, says he was ordered to
kill UndJIan, but refuses to sny by
whom tho order was Issued. UndJIan
was arrested as a revolutionist during
tho massacres of 189G, but had since
discontinued his connection with tho
revolutionary party.
For Tuberculosis Patients.
TOPEKA Secretary S. J. Crum
blno of tho stato board of health says
tho physicians of tho stato will uso
tholr influencj to have tho next legis
lature establish a hospital for tho
treatment of tuberculosis. Ho Bays
ono Is badly needed and that It should
bo located In western Kansas, whero
tho air Is light
, Quarantines Against Memphis.
HOUSTON, Tex. Stato Health Of
ficer Tabor quarantined against Mem
phis. Tho restrictions affect only peo
plo from Memphis, passengers coming
through tho Memphis gateway continu
ing to bo admitted to Texas.
Shonts Looking to Preservation of
Food Supply.
WASHINGTON Chairman Shont3
of tho Isthmian canal commission has
returned after a trip to Oyster Bay
and Now York, whero ho looked into
tho details of establishing cold stor
ago facilities on tho Isthmus. Tho
plan includos refrigerators on tho
ships, a big cold storage warehouse
at Colon nnd ten refrigerator railway
cars, which aro being built In Chi
cago, to transport food supplies to
Panama, stopping and delivering or
ders at any of tho labor camps along
tho way. Foodstuffs will bo sent from
tho United States In flvo days and de
livered on short notlco without any
danger of spoiling.
Will Pay the Depositors.
NEW YORK A practical settle
mont of tho affairs of tho Merchants
TniPt company, which failed n fow
months ago, was announced. Tho se
curities of tho Hudson Valley Railway
coinfany, which waa ownod by tho
Merchants' Trust company, or held by
It ns collateral for loans, wore sold
yesterday by tho revolvers to the Col-
vi syndicate. Tho price received for
those properties was not made public,
Lur. counsel for the receivers slatod
that tho proceeds of this would pay
Troubles of Twin Kingdoms.
KARLSTAD, Sweden The first
meeting of tho Swedish and Norwegian
delegates appointed to consider the
trims of tho dissolution of the union
of Sweden and Norway was held hero
Thursday. It was agreed that each
delegation should elect Its own chair
man. Sweden selected Premier Chris
tian Lundeberg and the Norwegians,
Premier MIchelsen. Each will pro
tide on alternate days. It was decid
ed that the conference shall bo secret
The next meeting will take plico Sep
tember L
In tho Negotiations Japan Yields
Many Important Points Russia
Pays No Indemnity and Gets Half 1
of Sakhalin.
PORTSMOUTH, N. H. Tho long
nnd bloody war between Japan and
Russia is ended. Tho terms of pcaco
woro settled by M. Wltto and Baron
Komura at tho Besslon of the confer
ence Tuesday morning, and in tho nf
ternoon preliminary arrangements fof
an armlBtico were concluded and tho
actual work of framing the "treaty of
Portsmouth" was by mutual agreement
turned ovor to Mr. Do Martens, Rus
sia's great international lawyer, nnd
Mr. Donnlson, who for twenty-flvo
years has acted as tho legal adviser of
the Japanese foreign office. Tho treaty
is expected to bo completed by tho end
of tho week.
This happy conclusion of tho confer
ence, which a week ago would havo
been shipwrecked hnd it not been for
tho heroic Intercession of President
Roosovolt, was sudden and dramatic.
For tho sako of peaco, Japan, with
tho maguanimlty of a victor, at tho
last moment yielded everything still
in issue.
Russia refused to budgo from tho ul
timatum Emperor Nicholas had given
to President Roosevelt through Am
bassador Meyer. No Indemnity under
any guise, but an agreement to divide
Sakhalin and relmburso Japan for tho
maintenance of tho Russian prisoners
wero his last words. They had been
repeatedly reiterated in M. Wltte's in
structions and In the form of a writ
ten reply to tho Japaneso compromiso
proposal of last Wednesday, they woro
delivered to Baron Komura this morn
ing. M. Wltto went to tho conference
declaring ho was powerless to change
tho dot of an "1" or the cross of a
''t" in his instructions. Emneror
Nicholas' word had been given not
only to him, but to President Roose
velt, tho head of a foreign Btaie. When
Baron Komura, therefore, first offered
the new basis of compromiso outlined
in tho Associated Press dispatches last
night (the complete renunciation of
Indemnity coupled with a proposition
for the redemption of Sakhalin at a
price to be fixed by a mixed tribunal
consisting of representatives of tho
neutral powers, in fact, if not in
words, tho solution offered by tho
president), M. Wltte again returned a
non possumus.
It was what M. Wltte termed In his
Interview with tho Associated Press
tho "psychological moment." M. Witto
did not flinch. Ho expected a rupturo
and, as ho oxprcssed it afterward, ho
was utunned by what happened. Baron
Komura gave way on all tho disputed
points. With the prescience that has
enabled tho Japaneso to gauge tho
mentnl processes of their adversaries
on tho field of battlo and upon the
sea, they had realized in advance that
pcaco could be obtained in no other
way. They had warned their govern
ment President Roosevelt had ad
vised Japan that it meet tho Russian
position rather than tnko the responsi
bility of continuing the war for the
purpose of collecting tribute. Tho
mikado, at the session of the cabinet
and elder statesmen yesterday, had
sanctioned the final concession. When
Baron Komura yielded tho rest was
mero child's play.
Articles X and XI (interned war
ships and the limitation of Russia's
sea power in the far east) wero with
drawn. Japan agreed that only that
portion of tho Chinese Eastern rail
road south of Quanchontzl, tho posi
tion occupied by Oyama, should bo
ceded to Japan. Both sides, once tho
deadlock was broken, wanted a "Just
nnd lasting" peace, and In that spirit
it was decided to practically neutral
ize Sakhalin.
President Approves Sentence.
WASHINGTON Tho president has
approved tho sentence in tho court
martial case of Firot Lieutenant G. S.
Richards Twenty-third infantry, who
was convicted vt duplicating pay ac
counts and was sentenced to dismissal
from the Bervlco and to ono year at
hard labor.
OYSTER BAY, L. I. In a letter to
Baron Komura, the peaco envoy of
Japan to the Washington peaco con
ference, tho president extended his
congratulations thus:
"Oyster Bay, N. Y. My Dear Baron
Komura: I havo received your let
ter of August 29. May I ask you to
convey to his majesty, tho emperor
of Japan, my earnest congratulations
upon tho wisdom and magnanimity ho
and tho Japanese peoplo havo dis
played. I am sure that all civilized
mankind share this feeling with me.
Sincerely yours,
Greatest Man In His Time.
BALTIMORE, Md. In response to
tho request for a statement relative
to President Roosevelt's part in the
conclusion of peaco between Japan
and Russia Cardinal Gibbons said:
"President Roosevelt is a great man,
tho greatest in his time. Ho is first
in peace and first in tho hearts of his
countrymen. Ho is the biggest man
In this contury, becauso ho has been
tho means of bringing to an end a ter
rible war. I admire him for his great
work and the nations will bless him."
Summary of What Russia and Japan
Get In the Settlement.
Japan's terms nro accoptcd by Rus.
sla on tho following points:
Russia's recognition of Japan's "pre
ponderant influence" in Korea, with
hor right to preservo order in tho civil
administration, givo military and finan
cial advice to tho emperor of Korea,
Japan binding herself to obsorvo tho
territorial integrity of Korea and It is
believed tho policy of tho "open door."
Mutual obligation to ovacuato Man
churia. Japaneso obligations to restoro In
Manchuria Chlneso sovereignty nnd
civil administration.
Mutual obligation to respect in tho
futuro "tho territorial Integrity and ad
ministrative entity" of China in Man
churia and to maintain tho principle of
equal opportunity for tho Industry and
commerce of all nations (open door).
Tho surrender to Japan of tho Rus
sian leases of tho Llao Tung ponlnsula,
including Port Arthur, Dalny and tho
Blond and Elliott islands.
Tho surrender to China by arrange
ment with Japan of tho branch of tho
Chinese Eastern railroad, runnlns
south from Chutefu to Port Arthur and
Now Chwang, together with the retro
cession of all tho privileges obtained
under tho concession of 1898.
Tho limitation Of tho Chlneso con
cession obtained by M. Rothsteln and
Prlnco Uhktomsky in 1896. under
which tho "cut eft" through Northern
Manchuria was built to conuect tho
trans-Siberian and tho Usurri rnilroad3
bo ns to provide for tho retention of
tho ownorshlp and operation of tho
lino by tho Chlneso, but with provi
sion for the eventual substitution of
Chlneso imperial police for Russian
"railroad guards."
Tho grant to citizens of Japan of tho
right to fish in waters of tho Russian,
littoral from Vladivostok north to tho
Bering sea. '
Pay for the malntonanco of Russian
prisoners In the custody of tho Japan
ese. What Japan Yields.
Japan yields tho following demands:
Remuneration for tho cost of tho
Tho surrender of tho Russian war
ships interned In neutral far eastern
Tho limitation of Russia's naval pow
er on Pacific waters.
As to tho Island of Sahkalln It has
been agreed that Russia- shall tako
the northern half and Japan tho south
ern half.
Roosevelt the Main Factor.
PARIS Tho unwavering conviction
of Franco that President Roosevelt'3
notable Initiative would culminate In
peaco has received Its reward. Tho
news of tho successful termination of
tho conference at Portsmouth which
was first mado known through tho As
sociated Press bulletin, produced a pro
found Impression whon it was commu
nicated to tho members of Ifle diplo
matic corps and tho high officials of
tho government, who unanimously ex
pressed tho keenest satisfaction that
tho heavy strain and anxiety had been
removed, and President Roosevolt'a
unrelenting persistency was gonerally
considered to havo been the main fac
tor In bringing about the happy results.
SALT LAKE CITY Many prospec
tive Bottlers on government lands In
tho Uintah reservation aro reported to
bo returning, having become discour
aged oy tho scarcity of good lands
available. William S. Gray of Le
high, Utah, Is ono of these. Mr. Gray
drew No. 13 In tho allotment and ex
pected to securo a good farm. After
looking carefully over tho land he has
returned, determined not to file upon
any land. Mr. Gray says all that ts
loft for settlement after tho Indians
havo taken their allotment Is precipi
tous hills nnd alkali flats. He reports
that men with low numbers who went
out to got farms aro returning by
Omaha in List of Increases with 55,000
NEW YORK Special cable and tel
egraphic communications received by
Bradstreet's show tho following
changes in available supplies as com
pared with laBt roports:
Wheat United States and Canada,
east of tho Rocky mountains, decreas
ed 303.000 bushels; afloat for and In
Europo, Increased 1,600.000 bushels;
total supply, Increased 1,497,000 bush
Corn United States and Canada,
east of tho Rocky mountain, increased
453,000 bushels.
Oats United States and Canada,
east of tho Rocky mountains. Increased
1,246,000 bushels.
Tho loading increases reported this
week aro 375,000 bushels at Manitoba,
241,000 bushels at Chicago private ele
vators, 5C.000 bushels at Omaha and
55,000 bushels at St Joseph. Stocks
held at Depot Harbor decreased 128,
000 bushels.
Dr. Garey Dead.
BALTIMORE, O. Dr. Henry F.
Garey, the eyo specialist, died toaight
of Bright's disease. Dr. Garey in
vented tho opthalmo oscillator In 1899,
which marked a now era in scientific
eye surgery.
Japan Orders Ships.
. GLASGOW The Nippon Yesen
,xu.,oua. vdujianeeo steamship com
pany), through tho Japaneso consul
hero, is plaolng contracts for olghteen
' liners with Clyde shipbuilding firms.