The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 07, 1905, Image 2

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The Alliance Herald
T. J. O'KEEFE, Publisher.
Brief Telegrams
Tbo United States congress Is to be
asked at Its next session to Investigate
tbo allogod cruelties to tho natlvos of i
tho Congo Freo State
Roanoko, Va. wnB selected by the
delegates of tho eighth annual conven
tion of tho National Firemen's asso
ciation as the placo of meeting next
An examination by German ofllclale
of the methods In voguo for coloniz
ing thinly Inhabited portions of thd
United States was begun In New
A cablegram from Hlo Janeiro states
tho transfer of P. K. Thompson from
ambassador to Brazil to that of am
bassador to Mexico is officially an
nounced at that city.
Tho board of directors of tho Equit
able Llfo Assuranco Society decided
to abolish tho J2G.000 pension now en
joyed by Mrs. Henry II. Hyde, widow
of the founder of tho society.
Omaha's five national banks have
Just Issued official ntatements show
ing total doposlt? of M7,3o4,0lC99.
This Is a gain of $1,884,431.40 a com
pared with tho reports sixty days ago.
Mount Vesuvius Is In full eruption
and is throwing out an enormous mass
of lava. Dcop rumblings are heard in
tho Interior of tho cratur nnd lava Is
flowing down the right nldo of the
King Oscar has conferred tho honor
of knighthood of the Royal Order of
Vnsa upon B. Lowenstelu of Memphis,
Tonn. Mr. Lowcnstoln has boon n
constant visitor to Swodcn for twolvo
Tho transtor of tJio- bureau of ma
terials and suppllcH from Panama to
Colon is being affected. Chief Tobey
and his staff from tomorrow on will
occupy tho De Lesseps house at Cris
tobal. One of tho familiar sayings con
cerning missions and missionaries and
tomporanco is, that ovcry ship which
carries missionaries to Africa on Its
uppor deck, carries a hold full of
American rum.
By tho will of Mrs. Julia B. Hack
ley, widow of tho late mllltonniro phil
anthropist of Muskegon, Mich., that
city gota 300,000 as an endownsont to
bo known as the Julia B. Hackloy me
morial fund for tho poor.
Tho American mlnlstor to Peru, Irv
ing p. Dudley, sailed from Oallao on
the Reamer MeraPblsi foe San Fran
cisco km leavo of absence A large
number of diplomats, officials and
others bid him farewell.
Tho stated clerk of tho Presbyterian
church, North, Rev. Dr, William H.
Roborta, has just Issued a comparative
summary of tho growth of the church
during the past six years. Tho mem
bership 1b now 1,116,020.
When Hudson Taylor, tho venerable
founder of tho China island mission,
recently died, bo left behind him a
working forco of more than eight hun
dred mon and womon scnttcred In all
parts of China doing missionary work,
William Dutcher, president-of the
National Association of Audubon so
cieties, announces that ho has received,
r check tor $100,000 from a woll known
man of tho financial world, tho money
to bo UBod in furthering the objects
of tho oraani&tlon.
Colonel Russell B. Hnrrlson of In
dianapolis, who was at Lafayette
Ind., attending the annual rounltn: of
the Ono Itundred and Sixtieth regi
ment, Indiana Infantry, hns resigned
as adjutant general of the United Or
der of Spanish War Veterans,
Tho announcement thnt the United
States Steel company hnd decided to
maintain the prlco of steel rails to its
customers for 1000 at $28 a ton was
made today at tho ofllco of Judge
Gary, chairman of the board of direc
tors of tho company In New York.
Tho president has approved tho sen
tenco in tho court-martial case ot
First Lieutenant O. S. Richards.
Twenty-third infantry, who was con
victed of duplicating pay accounts nnd
was sentenced to dismissal from the
service and to one year at hard labor.
Green McCurtain, governor of the
Choctaw nation, will take his place
among tho millionaires ere long. Ho
settled up the affairs of the tribe re
cently, Involving tho sale of coal lands
worth $40,000,000, Of this purchase
price Govornor McCurtain will recolvo
10 per cent as commission, or $4,
000.000. William Goodo, editor of the Lon
don Standard, passed through Topeka,
Kau. George W. Crnno Joined him
nnd went to Kansas City. Goodc used
to work for tho Crano Printing Com
pany in Topekap Later on ho branch
ed out In tho newspaper profusion,
and Is now at tho head ot the London
A series of severe earthquake
shocks were felt at Portsmouth, N.
The new 16.000 tons battleship Ver
mont, built for tho United States gov
ernment by tho Fore River Shipbuild
ing company,was successfully launch
ed at Qulncy. Mass.
James McMennmln.the first chief of,
tho Kansas City Are department, died
there, aged 70 yenrs.
John Hicks of Wisconsin, American
minister to Chile, nrrlved at Colon. II.
,G. Blerd also arrived to nssumo an
important position on tho Panama
Two Quaint Inscriptions That Oavo
Strong Testimony
I was a visitor to tho Wost cemetery
In Litchfield a few dayn ago (whero
my bones will ultlmatoly rest, unless
I am unfortunately drowned nt sea),
and after inspecting tho tombstones
of ancestors I was interested In read
Ing tho inscriptions on somo others,
to-wit: Hero lies tho body of Mary,
wlfo of Dr. John Buel, Esq. Sho died
Nov. 4th, 17C8, not, 94, having bad 13
children, 101 grandchildren, 274 great
grandchildren, 22 great-grcat-grand-childrentotal
M10; 330 survive her."
Another: "Sacred to tho memory of
Inestlmablo worth of Unrivalled Ex
collonco & VIrtuo. Mrs. Rachel, wlfo
or Joromo B. Woodruff, daughter of
Norman & Lois Barber, whoBO otherial
parts became n seraph May 24, 1835,
in tho 22 yr of her ago." Correspond
ence Hartford- Courant.
Hindu Customs.
It is in order that sons may porform
tho father's funeral ceremonies each
year that It is ordained that tho son
shall Inherit tho father's property. It
is a rulo of pur faith that by tho son's
porformanco of such acts tho father
obtains heaven. For this reason, if
ho has no malo child, tho father will
adopt a boy In order that, nftcr his
own death, his funeral ccromonlCH
may bo performed by tho adopted son.
Mysoro Standard, Bangalore
A Cure for 8tomaeh Trouble A New
Method by Absorption Mo Drugs.
DO YOU BELCn? It means a dls-
SX&tSSSfc 77oCirS I
short breathi gas, sour eructations,
heart pains, indigestion, dyspepsia,
burning pains and lead weight in pit of
stomach, acid stomach, distended abdo
men, dizziness, BAD BREATH, or any
other stomach torture? Let us send
you a box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers
ireo to convinco you tuat it cures,
MM.r;;i"rif ui" "." tT.
andvorvttlnasant. CurmlivaWntlnii. .
Harmless. No drugs. Stomach troublo
can't bo cured otherwise so says med
ical science. Drugs won't do they cat
up tho stomach and tnako you worse.
Wo know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers
euro and wo want you to know it, hence
this offer.
SPECIAL OFFER, Tho regular
price of Mull's Antl-Bclch Waf ors is COc.
a box, but to introduco it to thousands
of sufferers wo will send two (3) boxes
upon receipt of 75c and this advertise
ment, or wo will Bend you a sample freo
for this coupon.
Send this coupon with your namo
and address and druggist's namo who
does NOT sell it, for a freo box of
Mull's Antl-Boloh Wafers to Mull's
Grape Tonlo Co., 148 Third Ave.,
Rock Island, 111. Givo full address
and write plainly.
Sold at all druggists, 50c per box.
Dying, Thought of Reputation.
Sergeant Weir of tho Scats Grays,
as paymaster of his troop, was exempt
from actlvo servlco at thb battle ot
Waterloo, in which ho novortheloss
fought and fell. When tho field was
searched for tho dead and wounded,
.Corporal Scot of tho snmo regiment
found tho body of Sergeant Weir with
his namo written in blood with his
dying hand upon his forehead. This,
explained tho corporal, was obviously
done in order that the sergeant's body
might bo found and identified, and
that thereby all suspicion of his hav
ing absconded with, the money of his
troop might bo averted.
College Don's Mistake.
- Jewet enjoyed tho company of tho
protty women whom ho invited to
Balllol, but I nover heard of his be
ing in love. Ono day a young lady
told him it would mako her bo happy
if ho would marry her. Upon which
ho assured her that he was much
touched by her proposal, but that ho
could not entertain It, as ho had long
given up all thoughts of matrimony.
Sho hastened to explain that she was
engaged to somo ono else, and that
sho had only ventured to ask him to
porform tho coremony. Lovenson
Gowcr's "Bygono Years."
Sure Cure at Last.
Montlcello, Miss., Sept. 4 (Special)
Lawronce County Is almost daily in
receipt of fresh ovUenco that a suro
cure for all Kidney Troubles has at
last been found, and that euro Is
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Among those who have reason to
bleBs tho Great American Kidney Rem
edy is Mrs. L, B. Daggett of this place.
Mrs. Baggett bad dropsy. Dodd's Kid
ney PHIb cured her.
"I was troubled with my kidneys,"
Mrs. Baggett says In recommending
Dodd's Kidney Pills to her friends,
'.'my urine would hardly pass. Tho
Doctors said I had Dropsy. I have
taken Dodd's Kidney Pills as directed
and am now a well woman."
Dodd's Kidney Pills euro tho kid
neys. Cured Kidneys strain all tho
impurities out of the blood. Thnt
means puro blood and a sound, ener
getic body. Dodd's Kidney pills are
the greatest tonic tho world has ever
A gentleman ot Yorkshire, England,
is ready to mako affidavit that whilo
be was sitting by the river Loven a
plko Jumped from tho water, bit him
Beverly on tho foot nnd jumped back
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, a nurso in Now York, dis
covered a pleasant herb remedy for womou's
Ills, called AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It is tho
only certain monthlv regulator, finrm
I female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and
urmacy iruuuies. At nil urusrcisis or Dy
mailMcts. Sample mulltil FREE. Address,
Tho Mother Gray Co., Leltoy, N. Y.
Talk is cheap,
shavo for 5 cents.
A man can get a
Star Gazing During September Month
Uranus and the Cluster of Twinkle rs
tifc-&.& 'SaVjv X S
Fig. 1 The constellations at 9 p. m., Sept. 1.
It is tho purely autumn constella
tions which may bo seen covering the
face of tho sky during tho evenings of
September. A last gllmpso of tho
striking summer group Scorpio may
still bo had, but this constellation Is
rapidly sinking low down in the south.
west and will soon disappear for an
other year. At tho closo of tho month
tlio Pleiades nnd tho Hyadcs, tho first
of tho winter stars, may bo seen Just
abovo tho ground in tho east, telling
us that summer is indeed over and
" winter is ai
that winter is at hand. Meanwhile It
,8 tho le8S Striking but no less beautl
ful faint autumn groups which are
with us.
Directly overhead will bo seen tho
brilliant Vega with tho Northern Cross
Fig. 2 The square In Fig. 1, enlarged,
showing the position of Uranus and
Surrounding Stars,
on tho cast and the dellcato Uttlo oval
figure known as tho Northern Crown
to tho west. Below tho Northern
Cross is the bright group Aquilla, or
the Eagle, while further south, at the
point whero tho milky way meets tho
ground, Is tho largo faint group Sagit
tarius, or tho Archer. Arcturus, tho
largest Btar of the group Bootes, may
still bo seen driving tho Great Bear In
ceaseless flight before him In tho
northwest, while directly opposlto him
In tho oxtremo southeast there is ap
pearing for tho first time this year
tho magnificent Royal Star, Formal
haut. Mars Will Disappear.
The planet Mars is still conspicuous
in tho southwest, but it would disap
pear during the month were it not that
It has already begun Its vory rapid
eastward motion among the stars. It
i"lg. 3 Star clusters as they appear In
a small telescope.
Is now Just above Antares, the fiery
red star which will be seen sitting In
the extreme southwest, but during tho
month it will move entirely out of tho
constellation Scorpio and well into the
milky way. As will bo seen from fig
ure 1 It will by this time almost havo
overtaken tho planet Uranus, which Is
Itself moving very slowly toward the
east, but it will not pass this body
until Oct. 8 at 3 o'clock in tho after
noon. N
I Tho beautiful planet Saturn, with its
rings, Is each evening being brought
into moro and more favorable position
for observation. It Is now In the south
east in the constellation Aquarius. It
may be easily located on tho brightest
object In this part of tho heavens,
wjth the single exception of Fomal
haut, a reddish star which is much
j lower down near tho ground. Tho
! earth Is well abovo the piano of the
' rings, so that wo now look down upon
them and seo them well opened out.
Tho rings will continue to widen until
Oct. 27, after which they will appar
ently begin slowly to grow nnrrowor
again. Their appearance will thus
gradually change from that shown in
figure 6 to a very narrow line, as
shown in figure 0, and finally when wo
arrive in such a position that we view
them exactly edgewise they will disap
pear from view entirely, except In tho
largest telescopes, and tho planet with
its moons will alone remain visible, as
shown in figure 7.
The September Stars.
Figuro 1 shows nil of tho brighter
stars just as they appear In tho sky at
9 o'clock on any of tho evenings of
September. If tho observer will watch
tho heavens for a few moments only
ho will seo that tho groups toward tho
west, or on the right side of the map,
aro slowly setting while those on the
left are mounting higher and higher
in tho sky and now groups, not shown
on the map, are rising In tho east to
take their places. A watch of only
ten or fifteen minutes will mako thlB
motion very evident By 10 o'clock
tho group Aries will be well up from
the ground in tho east, while below
this, in the position occupied by Aries
in figuro 1, will bo seen the constella
tion Taurus, with tho beautiful Pleia
des and Hyades. Between theSso two
groups a most striking star will at
onco bo noticed, a star very( much
brighter than any of the fixed stars in
the east. ThlB is tho planet Jupiter,
which is rising earlier and earlier each
evening nnd which will for many
months be tho- most beautiful and con
spicuous object in tho heavenB.
A View of Uranus.
Tho possessor of a small telescope
should not fail to look for the planet
Uranus, not only because It is in a
more favorable position for observa
tion than it will be again this year,
but also because it Is in a very rich
region of the sky and is surrounded by
many beautiful objects which will well
repay examination. To mako this
easier a part of figuro 1 is shown on a
much larger scale in figure 2. This
figuro is a map of the stars inclosed
within tho square at the bottom of
figure 1. These may be very readily
found on the sky by noticing that the
stars A, B, C, E, F and K aro the same
on both maps. Below and to the right
of A, figure 2, will be seen a fourth
magnitude star DH; to tho left of this
there is a row of three sixth magni
tude stars of which the mlddlo ono is
Tho observer will probably have no
difficulty In finding Uranus with tho
help of figures 1 and 2, but when found
Its nppearance will probably disap
point him. Its apparent diameter is
only four secondB that is, it only ap
pears to be about one-tenth as large
in diameter as Jupiter and thereforo
in a small telescope it looks almost ex
actly like a rather small greenish star.
Yet If tho observer will compare the
plnTnet with the other stars near it ho
will soon notice a difference in tho
character of Its light or luster, while
If he has access to a telescope ot four
or five inches aperture tho little round
disk will be very distinctly visible.
Has Dense Atmosphere.
Tho planet is so inconspicuous In
the telescopo only because It Is so
enormously far away. Actually it is a
great world 32,000 miles In diameter,
but so great is Its distance from us
that Its light occupies two hours and
forty-seven minutes in making its long
journey to the earth, although light
travels more than 186,000 miles in one
second of time. The planet is sur
rounded by a very dense atmosphere,
and indeed is very probably wholly
vaporized and at a high temperature.
Its density Is still very low; a cubic
foot of Uranus would only weigh one
fourth ns much as a cubic foot of our
earth, and apparently many ages must
pnss away as It shrinks together and
cools off before it can support any
form of life which we can conceive of.
Four Small Moons.
Uranus Is attended by four small
. ,fl. . :v,v V '
j!vryJ Yvyi'.-'- t!'ki..' - ' -Vow. v ' .
' V i
r ." ' . . r.
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Fig. 4 The
around tho planet in only two and ono-j
half days, while tho outer one requires,
only thirteen and one-halt days in
which to make tho circuit. It will be
remembered that our own moon goes
around tho earth in twenty-eight days.
While a month on Uranus, reckoning
by Its nearest moon, is but two and
one-half days long, tho year, on the
contrary, is eighty-four times as long
as ours, for Uranus occupies eighty
four years in passing around the sun.
Only an Inhabitant who lived to bo a
good old age would therefore bo priv
ileged to see tho four seasons, spring,
summer, antumn and winter, on this
On figure 2 there aro Bhown a few
of the Interesting objects in this part
of the sky. Each round dot ot this fig
ure represents a star, the size of tho
dots showing tho comparative bright
ness of tho stars, whilo each triangu
lar dot shows tho position of a Btar
cluster or nebula. Each doublo star is
marked D, each trlplo Btar T, each red
star R, and each varlablo star V.
Star Clusters.
Tho clusters will well repay exami
nation. Those at L, S and 2 aro rathec
loose clusters, but are fine objects in
a small telescopo. Those at W, O and
Q aro densely crowded clusters of
faint stars, the first being surrounded
by a suporb field of brighter stars. The
two dotB marked P are remarkable
nebulas. Tho lower is an enormously
extended nebulous cloud which Is di
vided by black lanes Into three parts
and mixed up with a cluster of stars;
the upper is tho horseshoe nebula
whose appearance In a largo telescopo
is as shown in figure 3. In figure 4
are several star clusters as they ap
pear in a small telescopo; tho first of
these Is tho cluster at Q, figure 2.
The little dot marked X shows tho
point at which in 1G04 a magnificent
now star appeared and grew so rapid
ly in brightness that it soon far out
shone every other Btar in tho sky. It
could even bo easily seen in full day
light. It remained visible for two
years, but It has now long since entire
ly disappeared.
Astor's "Stately Pleasure Dome."
Tho London Mirror tells of the ac
tivities of our former fellow-citizen,
Mr. W. W. Astor, In making a new
homo for himself in England. It seems
that ho has bought a property de-
Fig. 6 Saturn as It appears now.
Fig. 6 Saturn as It appears when the
rings are seen nearly edgewise. . ,
Fig. 7 Saturn when the rings are
turned edgewise toward us.
scribed as "the historic Hever estate
in Kent," and is improving it.
It includes 2,000 acres, ot land and a
moated castle, nearly six hundred
years old, whero at ono time Henry
VIII maintained Anne of Cleves. On
this estate Mr. Astor has put to work
about one thousand men, with duo ap
paratus, and Is making changes rated
as improvements which tho calculat
ing natives estimate will cost him a
million and a quarter pounds.
He is building a lake, a model vil
lage, roads, bridges and gardens, and
is doubtless having a good deal of the
sort of fun that Mr. Kipling in a re
cent story has suggested as a suitable
recreation for tired Americans.
Turkish Title for American.
The Bultan of Turkey has conferred
on Prof. Herman V. Hllprecht of Phil
adelphia, the Order ot the Golden
Lalkkat. Tho order was founded by
Abdul Hamid in J890, and tho degreo
is usually conferred upon victorious
Turkish generals for "valor and loy
Horseshoe Nebula.
Did Not Disappear Until tho Blood
Waa Renewed by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Typhoid fever Is Bometimoscnllod nor
tons fever. Daring tho courso of tho
fever tho nerves nro always profoundly
disturbed, and when it Is over they ar
left so sensitivo that tho patient lias to
boguardedagniuBtalloxcitcmcub. In the
tonio treatment then demauded, regard
must bo paid not only to building np flesh
bat also to strougtheuiug the nerves. A
remedy that will do both, mako sound
flush to repair waste and givo new vigor
to feeble nerves, is tho most conveuleut
and economical. Such a remedy is Dr.
Williams' Piuk Pills for Pnlo People.
One proof of this is tho experience of
Mr. Charles Worth, of East VaBsalboro,
Mnlub. Ho fays: "I had a severe at
tack of typhoid fever lato in tho fall
which loft me very weak and debilitated.
"My heart palpitated, my breathing be
nmo difficult uf tor tho least exertion nud
there was numbness in both bauds. I
suffered in thnt way for fully six months.
Ah I did not grow out of it, did not in
fact see the slightest improvement as
time passed, I decided to use Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills as I know of some oure
they had effected iu cases like luiuo.
"Almost ns .soon as I began taking
them 1 could seo decided improvemeut
aud after keeping on with them for
several weeks I was completely woll. I
consider Dr.Williams' Pink Pills a most
valuable remedy, nnd I nm in tho habit
of recoiutneudiug them to others afflicted
as I was."
When the nerves ache and trem
ble it menus tbat they nro starving. Tho
only way to feed them is through the)
blood, and the best food is Dr. Williams
Pink Pills. Thor aro absolutely guaran
teed to bo free from opiates or other harm
ful drugs. They aro sold by all drug
gists, or may bo obtained directly from
tho Dr.Williams Medicine Co., Schenec
tady, N. Y.
T don't seo how Bilklns can stand
that wlfo of his. She's ugly, ill hu
mored, and she'B his fourth at
tempt, anyhow." "That's just it
He's been married four times, but this
is the first tlmo ho's struck a real
good cook."
A large Minneapolis manufacturing
concern, Tho Pillsbury Co., aro em
ploying a unique method in advertis
ing their product, "Pillsbury's Vltos,
The Meat of tho Wheat," in appealing
to tho "Common Sense" of tho Amer
ican public.
Their assertions aro modest as com
pared to most of tho cereal food ad
vertisements of the last few years,
but thoy carry a ring of truth. Their
reasoning is certainly rational; hero
is some of it:
"Wo all believe that Wheat la the
best cereal tho Creator has given
Pillsbury's Vltos is nothing more
nor loss than the whlto heart of this
wheat kernel, cut out by Bteel ma
chinery, and BteriHzed nothing add
ed nothing taken away no adultera
tkni no flavoring no coloring no
This product comes to your table
in its puro, white, granular form, an
appetizing dish for young and old.
Easily digested because it retains
its granular form when cooked, never
lumpy er pasty.
A two-pound package makes twelve
pounds of puro white cooked food,
and "Pillsbury quality too. Two gen
erous dlshos for ono cent.
We havo no competitors becauBO
we aro the largest millers In tho
world and get tho best wheat. Your
grocer will gladly fill your order for
Pillsbury's Vltos because ho knows
ho sells you satisfaction. Vitos is put
up only In two pound packages air
tight. Prlco 16c. Don't bo without
No man ov boy 1b ever the slightest
good In this world unless bo has ambi
tion. Lord Stanley.
Every housekeeper should know
that If they win" buy Defianco Cold
Water Starch for laundry uso thoy
will savo not only time, because it
nover etlclra to tho iron, but because
ach package contains 16 oh, ouo- full
pound whilo all other CokJ Water
Starches are put up In -pound pack
ages, and tho prlco Is tho Bamo, 10
cents. Then riln because Defianco
Starch la free from all Injurious chem
icals. If your grocer trios to sell you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which ho wlsbos to
dispose of beforo he puts in Defianco.
Ho knows that Defiance Starch ha8
printed on every packago in largo let
ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand De
fianco and Bavo much time and money
and the annoyance of tho iron stick
ing. Defiance never sticks.
An averago man would Boon attain
perfection if ho followed the advlco
bo hands out to his neighbors.
Automobile touring car for sale.
For particulars address A. I Purcell,
415 Karbach block, Omaha, Neb.
Even the toper has his cardinal fea
E Sp!S St iD hew
M doctor
,, .... i. .:.'--" r" D&' t.
. tram hX"fu "'.'"" TLI. dr'lnk ll
novreU enrh ,! i'!i!:"rl''o Wore thn