The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 31, 1905, Image 7

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Miss Clementina Gonzales, Hotel Pro
vincla, Guatemala, 0. A., in a recent
letter from 247 Cleveland Ave., Chicago,
HI., writes:
" took Peruna for a worn-out con
dition. I was so run down that I could
not steep at night, had no appetite and
felt tired In the morning.
tried many tonics, but Peruna
was the only thing which helped me In
the least. After I had taken but a halt
bottle I felt much better. I continued
Its use for three weeks and I was com
pletely restored to health, and was
able to take up my studies which I had
been forced to drop. There Is nothing
better than Peruna to build up the
system." Clementina Gonzales.
Address THo Peruna Medlcino Co.,
of Columbus, Ohio, for instructive freo
literature on catarrh.
Special Offer
Tha namo and address of your,
shoo dealer and 16c to cover
cost of mailing, etc., willsocuro
one of the handsome rolled
gold pins illustrated above.
Enameled in colors and will
wear for years. These pins
were secured by thousands of
World's Fair visitors.
Only a few hundred left.
Write Quick.
Kobekts. Johnson SAand
Follow the Flag'
Low Round
South and Southeast, one fare plus
St Louis, Mo., dally 18.50
Richmond. Va., Sept. 8th to
11th. Inclusive 33.75
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 14th
to 16th, Inclusive 32. 7r,
Lops limits, stopovers and other
features offered In connection with
the above rates.
All Agents can sell you through
tickets and route you Wabash.
All tickets reading over the Wa
bash from Chicago cast are op
tional with passenger via Lake or
Rail, cither or both directions.
Call at Wabash City olllco. 1601
Farnam St.. or write and let me
give you all Information, maps, de
scriptive matter, folders, etc.
G. A. P. D. Wabash R. It, Omaha,
la Elegant New College Building.
66x132 Feet, Tour Stories Hlgd
All departments enlsnred. two new one auldrd. Au
ditorium and Grmnfctlum. Splendid In
llu.lneu. Short-hand, Typewriting and Trleerh jr.
Anrune writing for a Catslojg-us, will be tent free
tome elegant apeclmeni of Peninaiuhlp. Addrto
nOtlRBOlOII BROS , Omaha, Neb.
ST.A!p5CI6AR always reliable
ioux Jobber or fllrect irom factory, i'eorla, 1U.
M and Wood Frame, 25 and up. Write
C?5KijRSPKv money. Also Pumps and Wind
Wills.'" BECKUJIN BROS- Dis Motats, Iowa.
When answering advertisements
please mention this paper.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 351905.
Rents In Lincoln arc so high as to
bo almost prohibitive
Thero Is much activity in real os
tato circles In Omaha.
Many horses will tako part In tho
speed events of tho stato fair this
Vm. Morloy and wlfo of Colfax
county last week celebrated their
golden wedding.
The Citizens Security bank of "Wal
lace has been authorized by tho state
banking board. Tho capital stock Is
In tho storm Monday night tho barn
of H. S. Stanley near Howe, was
struck by lightning and entirely con
sumed. Tho Oweas Concrete 1061 company
of Omaha has filed articles of Incor
poration with tho secretary of stato.
Tho capital stock Is $6,000.
Tho wlfo of Fetor Olson, residing In
Chapman precinct, Saunders county,
was adjudged lnsano by tho board
and taken to tho Lincoln asylum.
J. C. Peterson of Dallas county, a
member of tho Arkansas legislature,
has committed sulcldo by shooting
himself through the head with a
Tho rooms of tho supremo court de
partment of tho stato capltol have
been Improved by tho placing of steel
ceilings In tho court rooms and prin
cipal offices.
Tho largo barn belonging to Tim
nuhl north of Exeter was struck by
lightning and totally destroyed. Ono
thousand bushels of wheat and much
farm machinery was burned.
Tho fall term of tho supremo court
will begin Tuesday, September 19.
Deputy Clerk Selmour and assistants
are preparing tho records in a largo
number of cases to bo heard tho first
week of tho session.
Tho Westbrook-Olbbons elovator
at Glenwood was struck by lightning
last week. It caught flro and was
completely destroyed, together with
Its entire contents, about 9,000 bushels
of corn, wheat and oats.
Hail and wind did damago In Knox
county, about eight miles from Crolgh
ton. Some of tho hailstones were ns
largo as walnuts and hen's eggs. Corn
In a small area is a complote loss and
in somo places was damaged severely.
A cutting affray in which a razor
played an important part took place on
the streets in Wood River. A farmer
had an argument with a manwho
was working for him and tho fellow
slashed tho farmer on tho arm several
times with a razor.
At a meeting of tho Wost Point
school board Miss Elva L. Sly of Paw
neo City was elected principal of tho
High school of West Point. Miss Sly
is a graduate of the University and
was assistant principal in tho Auburn
High school last year.
Tho case of Johnny Myers, tho 16-year-old
boy who was brought .to
JBrokon Bow charged with criminal
assault upon Miss Perry, at Ansley,
' has been continued by County Judgo
Armour for thirty days. Tho Judgo
.fixed his bonds at $500.
Johnson & Gustafson of Irving,
Kan., who secured tho contract for
constructing tho now cottago at the
Instltuto for Feeblo Minded Youth,
aro in Bcatrico and expect to com
mence work on tho structure at onco.
The building will cost $25,000.
Will Helco, a young farmer living
nar tho Burt county line, while
bringing in some of tho horses to
Blair, was Jerked out of his wagon and
severely kicked in tho mouth by a
colt, loosening several teoth, badly
cutting his faco and rendering him
unconscious for somo time.
Fred Straw, a farmer living south
of Nebraska City, has filed a suit In
tho district court asking for $030 dam
ages from Otoo county. Tho plaintiff
alleges that on July 29, 1905, a team
of horses and wagon ho was driving
fell through a defective bridgo and the
Injuries ho received merit $650 com
pensation. The plant of tho Woodmen Linseed
Oil works, Omaha, controlled by the
American Linseed company, was seri
ously damaged by Are. Tho estimated
loss is placed at $30,000. The origin
of tho fire is unknown. The entire
plant was assessed at $85,000, all of
which Is fully Insured, making the fire
loss fully covered.
Tho residence of William Bartells,
near Tobias, was struck by lightning
and ' damaged to tho extent of $25,
Mr. Bartells was hit by the same bolt,
it striking him In the face and then
traveling over his breast and arms.
His shirt was burned and torn to
shreds. He was rendered unconscious
for over three hours.
"Buster" Wilson, a colored man
who was arrested in Omaha, proved
to be tho fellow who was wanted for
stealing Chris. Shoe's horse at St
Paul, On the way up from Omaha
he made a clean breast of the whole
affair to Sheriff Alexander, confessing
to tho theft of two horses, a buggy,
a set of double harness and a saddle,
bridle and a pair of riding boots.
Tecumseh business men have per
fected the organization of a commer
cial club. Tho movement has been on
foot for several weens and a number
of meetings have been held for a dis
cussion of plans of organization.
Because Daniel Rieger of Richard
son county married three sisters from
the same family tho relationship of
tho heirs of his father-in-law have be
come so woefully mixed that it has
been necessary to appeal to tho su
preme court to untangle the Jumble
before the estate of his father-in-law
may be distributed.
Interesting and Profitable Place for
Nebraskans to Visit
Thero is no Investment of a few
dollars which will pay so largo divi
dends of pleasure and profit and In
creased knowledgo as a visit to tho
Nobraska Stato folr at Lincoln, Sep
tember 4th to 8th. Tho railroad faro
Is ono fare for tho round trip; thore
ts tho plcasuro of tho trip at tho tlrao
of tho year whon tho harvest is gath
ered or in sight; tho opportunity to
visit tho capital city and tho public
Institutions thero located, among them
tho university, experiment station and
stato farm, capltol building, asylum,
ponltentlary, also Wesloyan unlvorsl
ty, Union collego and Cotner univer
sity. At tho Stato fair will bo gathered
for inspection, comparison, and com
petition tho products and llvo stock
from our farms; tho handiwork of our
homes In art and needle work; mod
els and ideals in educational lines, and
a great wealth of exhibits In farm im
plements, farm machinery, buggies,
carriages and wagons.
At no placo In tho stato at no time
in tho year is it possible to boo so
much that is useful on tho farm or
In tho house; so much that adds to
our plcasuro and comfort as at tho
Stato fair. In addition to all theso
things, aro tho peoplo themselves
representatives from every county
and section of tho stato. The most
Interesting Btudy of all Is tho study of
mankind. In 1904 thero wcro 80,343
admissions to tho state fair. It is
believed tho 90,000 mark will bo
reached this year.
Tho great aim and object of tho
Stato fair management Is that each
and every visitor shall return homo
pleased and satisfied with tho trip and
that no fcaturo of tho fair shall bo of
a questionable or objectionable na
ture. Tho Stato fair date is September
4th to 8tb.
Monday, September 4th, Time Set for
Day's Observance.
Tho following Labor day proclama
tion has been issued by Governor
"By virtue of tho authority vested
In me, I, John H. Mickey, governor
of tho state of Nebraska, do hereby
proclaim Mondny, Soptembor 4, to
bo Labor day, and do enjoin upon all
toilers that they observe tho day In
tho spirit in which its segregation
was conceived. Thero are few idlers
in Nebraska. Wo aro nearly all labor
ers, either with brain or hand, and
an occasional rcsplto from duty not
only promotes physical welfaro, but
tends to better results when toll Is
again resumed. I suggest that the
peoplo generally assemble at conven
ient recreation spots and that tho daj
bo devoted to such amusements at
aro best calculated to furnish whole
somo entertainment and afford needec
rest to both mind and body. It would
also bo fitting to carry out platform
programs providing for tho discus
sion of Industrial and economic ques
tions in tho broad spirit of charity
and benevolence so characteristic ol
tho American peoplo."
Build Large Sheep Shed.
HUMBOLDT Power'' Bros., local
grain buyers and farmers, who have
been quite successful the past fow
years In feeding and marketing sheep
are arranging to embark in tho busi
ness moro extensively than over dur
ing tho coming winter, and to that
end are Just completing a gigantic
shed near their elovator. Tho struc
ture will bo used to shelter tho flock
from tho severe weather which has
caused a great many to perish in
other years. Tho building Is 108x256.
New Teachers at Peru Normal.
Principal Crabtree, of the Poru Nor
mal, has Issued a circular calling at
tention to the fact that the faculty
of tho school has been enlarged and
strengthened by tho addition of J. W.
Searson, formerly superintendent of
the schools at Wahoo, and a well
known educational lecturer; F. M.
Gregg, recently a member of the staff
of tho Wayno normal, and a member
of the legislature for 1903; Harold
Hewitt, of Freeport, 111. . '
A Costly Check.
Charles Olson, a paroled convict,
who was arrested a few days ago for
forging a check, will have to serve
out his twenty-year sentenco as well
as what he will draw on tho check
proposition, as Governor Mickey re
voked tho man's parole shortly before
ho left for Portland. Olson is now
in the county Jail at Lincoln.
The Presbyterian parsonago at Te
cumseh, construction of which was
begun two weeks ago, is to bo a fine
structure. It is to bo a frame build
ing and will cost about $3,000. The
foundation has been completed.
Twenty Cattle Killed by Train.
STELLA A farmer who purchased
a" bunch of fifty cattle at Humboldt
was trying-to drive them through
Stella to St. Deroin and was driving
at night to tako advantage of the
cool of the day. In crossing tho
tracks north of town the cattle turned
down tho track toward the depot Ono
of tho fast freights came through at
a high speed, killing twenty-one and
crippling two others, so the section
men had to kill them. Tho engine
knocked them off on either sldo of
the track about eauallr.
Scandal Disturbs Serenity of Inhabi
tants of Dlnrjvlllf.
It Is rumored on reliable authority
that Hen WlUon has left hlB wife
again owing to somo mnrltal troublo
between thorn. This is not tho first
tlmo Hen and Sary Ann have had mar
ital trouble. Tho last tlmo boforo this
Sary Ami struck Hon with a rolling
pin abovo tho left oyo and ho went out
of tho house nnd did not return for
sovernl weeks. Somo says ho wont
to tho Co. sent nnd spent most of his
tlmo In a hospital, Finally ho returned
homo a sadder and wiser man and
him and Sary Ann mndo up ngaln and
started out together to tty to llvo a
different llfo with the dovo of peace
perched abovo their hearthstone, ns
you might say.
But now ruction swift nnd terrlblo
hns broken out In their midst again.
Wo got this straight or wo wouldn't
say anything about It In print. Mrs.
Wilson herself told Mm. Carollno
Hooper thnt Hen had left homo fol
lowed by nil tho cooking utensils in
tho kitchen. Mrs. Hooper told It to
Bon Wado's wlfo and Bon Wade's wlfo
told it to Mrs. Widow Henderson who
told us.
Sary Ann has a quick temper and
when she gets mad thero seems to bo
nothing elso to do but for Hen to dig
out for a whtlo nnd wait until tho
clouds roll by. What tho troublo was
this time was that Hon went right Into
tho house llko a durn fool and set hls
solf down on a now sofa pillow which
Mrs. Wilson had Just finished. Mrs.
Wilson stated that Hen might think
that sofa pillows wero mado to sit on,
but ho was mlstakon. Hen's where
abouts ts at present unknown. "Blng
vlllo Buglo Items" in tho Boston Post.
John Ruskln's Self-Introduction to His
Tho London Outlook tolls a pretty
story of tho lata John Ruskln, artist,
author, reformer, which Bhows that
courtly and chlvalrlc gentleman and
great writer In a playful mood:
r Mr. Ruskln was taking a morning
walk down tho road Just In front oi
Brantwood, when ho saw a lady sent
ed on a camp-stool making a sketch
of tho house, and, with a courteous
grnco which was intensely his own, he
addressed her, Inquiring her reason
for choosing tho house In question lor
her subject.
"It is tho houso of tho famous John
Ruskln," sho frankly asked.
"Havo you met Ruskln?" sho was
"No, Indeed," sho replied. "If I had,
I would havo deomod It ono of tho
greatest privileges of my life."
"Then, madam, If you caro to fol
low me, I will show him to you."
In a twinkling tho stool and easel
wero packed up and tho artist eagerly
followed tho guide. To her surprlso
and gratification, ho led her up to tho
houso, and entering, bado his guest
follow, which sho readily did. On
marched tho stranger Into tho drawing-room;
then, placing his back to the
fireplace, a familiar attitude, ho ex
claimed, to tho amazement of his com
panion: "Now, what do you think of Rus
kln?" From "The Giaour."
Ite who hath bent him over the dead
Kre the first day of Death Is fled,
Tho first dark day of Nothingness,
Tho laet Danpcr and Distress
(Beforo Decnys offaclnpr fingers
Have swept the lines vvhero Beauty ling
res). And marked the mild ancellc air.
Tho rapture of Itcpose that's there,
The fixed yet tender traits that streak
The languor of tho placid cheek.
And but for that sad shrouded eye,
That fires not. wins not, weeps not now;
And but for that chill, changeless brow,
Where cold Obstruction's apathy
Appals the gazing mourner's heart.
As If to him It could Impart
Tho doom he dreads, yet dwells upon,
Yes, but for these, and these alone,
Somo moments, aye, one treacherous
He still might doubt the Tyrant's po-ver;
So fair, so cnlm. o softly sealed.
Tho first, last look by death revealed!
Buch Is the aspect of this shore;
'TIs Greece, but living Greece no morel
So coldly sweet, so deadly fair.
We start, for Soul seems wanting there.
Hers is tho loveliness In death.
That parts not quite with parting breath;
But beauty with that fearful bloom.
That hue which hnunt.i It to tho tomb.
Expression's last receding ray,
A glided IIolo hovering round decoy.
The farewell beam of Feeling past away!
Spark of that flame, perchance of heaven
ly birth.
Which gleams, but warms no more Its
cherished earth.
Lord Byron.
Properly Introduced.
Margaret is a well-brought-up little
girl who haB somo knowledge of eti
quette. She has been taken to the
country this summer to a bouse where
there is a large dog.
"Don't go near the dog, Margaret,"
said her mother; "ho doesn't know
you and he might bite."
But that did not suit Margaret and
she knew how to arrange matters.
Going to the dog, she made a little
courtesy such as she has been taught
to make at dancing school and said po
litely: "Doggie, I am Margaret Brown."
Then, the introduction having been
mado and the dog having no excuse
for not knowing her, Margaret waltzed
up and petted him, while ho wagged
bis tall with much graclousncss.
New York Times.
The Two Brothers.
Harry Lehr told at Newport a story
of two brothers the one rich and
ugly, tho other poor and handsome.
The two brothers sat In a cafe gar
den, and the rich one, as he lighted a
cigarette, sighed complacently and
"Confound It!, AH the mothers In
New York are after me. There's no
The other brother, laughing, an
swered: "Yes, and all the daughters are af.
ter me. We divide the women folks
between us." -
f--- ' "" c: J fe E3 &&PV&& H I M
I i I m 0 E9BIIH
I liaAil H QQillll
ltf. r U"-lh
-AYcrjcfable PrcpnrntionrorAs-
simiiaung iiicrooaanuHCRuia
UngihcSluinachsoMBowjlsor Fromolcs Digcslion.Checrful
ncss and Hcst. Contains ncltlier
Siitim.Morpliinc norXiiicral.
jfcy orounrsmmFfTCHm
ImfJtin Seed'
AsutSttd f-
Apctfccl Remedy forConsIipa
Hon, Sour Slonwch.Dlnrrhocn
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcnsh
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Facsimile Signature of
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We believe tho best way to convince you that Mull's Grape Tonic is a posi
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Bowels or Intestines are in a state of decay and death. Bowaro of physics
Pills, etc., they make you worse.
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Ott Full Addrtti ami Writ Vlalnlv.
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Of Great Interest to the
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Wo have solved the problem of how you can dreRs well nnd stylish at little cost. Ask to
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Whole Importers of
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Tho (1 00 bottlo contains nearly three
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Nothing plcasca tho oyo bo much as
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To get the uest results It
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It is the delight of tho
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contains 10 ounces.
Other starches, not nearly so good, sell
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contain only 12 ounces of starch. Con
sult your own interests. Ask for
DEFIANCE STARCH, get it, and we
know you will never use any other.
empaMfg Cteliia, Nb.
67 Wabash Aveoue, . CH1CACO
LidW Woolens Exclusively