The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 31, 1905, Image 4

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T. J. OKEEFIi Publisher
J. B. KNIEST 7 . . . . Associate Editor
Entered at tho postollico at Alliance,
Nebraska, or transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter.
S" The Herald is the Official Publica
tion of Box Butte count and its circula
tion is nearly twice that of any other Al
liance paper.
Display, per single column inch per
month .50
Business locals, per line first insertion .10
Each subsequent insertion, per line .So
Display advertising on first page, 50 per
cent more than on any other page.
Legal notices at statute rates.
Subscription, $(.50 per year in advance.
fractional strife existing in the republi
can ranks in Box Butte county, It
expresses itself most forcibly iu the
following language:
"It is a shame and disgrace that
a county nominally republican,
such as Box Butfe is, should place
its political affairs in tlic control of
the opposition."
As to the editor of The Herald
feeling ill at easo regarding the retire
ment of ths present republican chair
man for that of younger and more
active timber, we'll take our chances.
Just proceed with the procession and
we'll try and keep up.
" "" 'A'
Democratic County Convention.
A dolcciiio outiTpntlon of the Democratic
pnrtrofltox Ilutto county, Neb.. 1 cnlled to
mctat Alllimrc, 011 butunluy. BopU 10. 1P05,
ht U o'clock 1). ni for tlio purixKo of nlncltuc
in nomination c.indlclatcn fur tlio following
named oilier. vU:
County Clerk.
County .Iu(lf-,
County Hhrirr.
County Superintendent of Schools,
County Coroner,
County Surveyor.
To Ix- otecuil tit tlio Roupral Novomler7,lK)S
election, am) for tho trnnnuctlon of such other
btuIneM ih mny come Iwforo the convention.
Tho several precinct nre entitled to roprc
wcututlon ns follows; Ono delegnto tit largo
nntl one dPlcjraM for cacti ton votes, or major
fraction thereof, cit for lion. Geo. W. Uorgu
for governor. In said pnolnct at. tlio Inst gen
eral election, tind tiro apportioned lis follows:
1st Ward 10 Lawn 3
gel Wnnl It Mlierty 4
Hoyd.....' A Nonpareil 5
ltox Ilutto & Wright &
Dontey 0 f nako retk 2
Lake 0 Itunnlugwator. 3
It Is recommended tluit the precinct caucus.
t-S bo held oti Hopt. 12. 1P03, lit such place and
hour us the precinct com oilttcemnit mny tmtno.
Vt. Mitciikm., Chnlrmnn.
I'coplc'tt Independent I'urty Convention.
A delegate Convention of the iVbplo'a Inde
pendent tarty of ltox Uutto county, Knuriu
ka, Is culled to meet at tho court honso In Al
liance on gnturrtay, September 10, 1W)5, tit tho
hour of 2 o'clovk p. ni., for tho purposed nlae
Ing lit nomination cnndldtitcs for the follow
ing nnuied olllew. vl.:
County Clerk,
County Trousurer,
County .lurtse,
County Sheriff,
County tjupgrlnlcndont of Schools.
County Coninor,
County Surveyor.
To bo elected lit tho general election, No
vemlwr 7, 1W5. nnd for tho trumactlcm of such
other lnislnass as mtiycomo beforo the con
vention. The several precincts aru allowed represen
tation nn follnwsi Unedclcguteat lnrgennd
ono doletutu for etich ten vote, ormnlor frac
tion Iheti'nf- rust for lion. CI. W. llerire. for
governor, In sntd precinct at tho lunt general
election, iimlnro upKrtloncd ns follows:
1st Word IOUjiWr 3
.'dentil 11 I.lberty I
Hoyd...., 4 Honparell 5
ltox Kittle B Wright 5
Horsey (1 Pnakn Creek... ."... a
Lnke 0 Uunnlnswnter 3
It tn recommended tlmt the precinct caucus
es be hold nit tiept, 12. HW5. nt fcuch place mid
hour us thu precinct committeeman may
name. lit a Heed, Chnlrmnn.
HfrH-- )K -
Peace Negotiations Between Japan
pnd Russia Concluded at Ports
mouth Tuesday.
The html session ot the peace com
mission held at Portsmouth, N. H.,
Tuesday morning culminated in an
agreement which put an end to the Japanese-Russian
war, and tho world re
joices that end as come to tho bloody
butchery in which so many lives were
sacriftcd and homes mado desolate.
According to the peace agreements
Russia retains half of Sakhalin and
foregoes indemnity, surrender of in
terned warships and limitation of naval
power. The envoys are at work on a
formal treaty of peace and armistice
will bo arranged. It is tho general
opinion of those familiar with diplomat
ic affairs, that Mr. Witte, the Russian
representative, accomplished great
success in behalf of his country.
Agrees With The Herald.
The Herald's review on county
politics, published last week, has been
the cause of stirring up the animals
and in Tuesday's issue the Alliance
Times replies to the item in question
and sustains the same in every vital
point but one and that is the reference
made to our honorable citizen, Captain
Corbin. The Herald simply made
the statement that there was a move
on foot to select another chairman for
the Republican central committee on
the grounds that the Captain had served
his time and that it would be to the
good of the party to select some youug
er man for the position. In this (he
Times sees a great wrong to Captain
Corbin. Had the editor been fair
enough to reprint tho full comment on
the chairmanship it would have put us
in the true light, which would cast no
reflection whatever on Captain Corbin.
We kuow just as well as the editor of
the Times the untiring energy of the
old chairman and his effective cam
paigning, for he made us get up and
hustle during every campaigu he man
aged. But as far as slandering Cap
tain Corbin, the Times is entirely mis
taken for there is no one who has
greater respect for the battle-scarred
veteran than The Herald. So much
for Captain Corbin.
Tee Herald is pleased to see the
frank, open concession on the part of
the Times, when it acknowledges the
V. W. Brown, fireman, has left the
Edgincer C. E, Wills went to Denver
to spend a few Uaya. .
Mrs B. L. Buffls returned from a
trip to Lincoln Sunday.
E. W. Fitt, assistant superintendent
motive power, is in Alliance this week.
' G. A. Reed, of tho superintendent's
office at Sterling, spent Sunday in Alli
ance. Chief Dispatcher H. C. Holloway
went' to Crawford on company business
Mr. and Mrs. F. J." Kraemer, daugh
ter, and Miss Smith went on a fishing
trip near Spcarfish.
Former Superintendent of the Mc
Cook division, A Campbell, died at his
home at McCook Monday.
Lloyd Smith and Herbert Mcnefeo
went to Guernsey Tuesday morning on
a fishing and hunting trip.
Attorney'N. K. Griggs of Llncolu,
passed through Alliance Tuesday on
No. 41 on his way to Sheridan.
General Superintendent Phelan is
going oyer the Sheridan division this
week on tho new motor inspection car.
Trainmaster B. A. Campbell of the
Sheridan division was i"n Alliance for
several days, returning to-i'Sheridan
F. W. Harris, chief clerk, went to
Lincoln Tuesday in connection with
the printing of tho new time cards,
which arc to be in offect Sunday.
I. S. P. Weeks, of the engineering
department of Lincoln, was a passenger
on No. 41 Sunday to Sheridan where
he was going to meet General Superin
tendent Phelan.
Jake Kridelbaugh took charge of the
station here Sunday. Mr. Sage will
probably leave Alliance in the near
future as it is rumored that he has been
offered the Beatrice station.
H. J. German, formerly chief clerk
to general superintendent, was in Alli
ance Saturday. He came up to take
his driving horso down to Lincoln. Mr.
German is now working for the Ameri
can Express compauy.
M. E. Wells, general boiler inspector
of the lines of the Burlington west of
tho river, has gone to the Wabash,
where he will accept a better position
in the motive power department. F.
E. Kennedy of Sheridan, Wyo., will be
promoted to be general boiler
inspector, taking Mr. Wells place.
Last Saturday night on the Sheridan
division near Wcssex, a stock extra col
lided. No. 45 was just pulling in on
the passing track when the stock train
ran into it, ditching the engine on the
stock extra and several cars. There
were about three cars of cattle killed.
Fireman Johnson of the stock extra was
pinioned under the engine for several
hours, he had several slight injuries
but nothing serious.
-ifr---ifr-jE--a 1
The City of Alliance,
LL1ANCE is a thriving city of more than 4000 population, pros
perous and glowing prospects for the future. 400 miles west
of Omaha, 236 miles north of Denver. It is the metropolis Of
western Nebraska. It has water works, electric lights, a three story city
hall and fire engine house, first class fire company and apparatus. Two
large school buildings; employs twenty teachers to educate its 1000
school children. Seven churches. U. S. land office, Court house, two
National Banks, modern business blocks and handsome residences. Its
railroad facilities are the best. It is on the main line of the Burlington
from cither Chicago or St. Louis to Portland and the Pacific coast. It
is the Division headquarters for western Nebraska, Wyoming, South Da
kota and Montana, the offices of General Superintendent Phelan having
been recently located here. The western division shops are located
here and more than Coo railroad men are employed here, Its people
are hospitable, entcrprisingand intelligent. Its climate is healthful and
invigorating. In short, no town in Nebraska presents superior induce
ments for men of capital, enterprise and push, to locate within her
borders. Letters of inquiry addressed to the Alliance Herald will bo
answered promptly and in detail. Better write for a copy of our hand
some twenty-four page illustrated Industrial edition, it wilt tell you more
than we could write you in a month.
Special Salesmen in Each Department.
We handle all kinds of stock. Write for our Market Letter
and call when you are at the yards.
Omaha Live Stock Commission Co.
. II. IJLANCIIAHU. Prcs. and .Manager. '
Hefercnces: t
Any Hank or Mercantile Agency, f
James C. Daulman,
Prea. aud Mgr.
J. W. GRtnrtLK,
Ed. Caiiow, Vice-Pres.
and Treas.
f sp 'Jfc 3p, if. W tJC"'
Ship Your Live Stock to
Live stock Commission Merchants
Bank References:
Union Stock Yards Nat. So. Omaha
Nat. Live Stock Bank, Chicago.
Live Stock Nat., Sioux City, Iowa.
Stock Yards Nat., So. St. Paul.
St. Paul Nat. Bank, St. Paul.
Men Who Handle Your Stock.
E. P. Melady, Mgr., Hog Salesman.
Byron Clow, Cattle Salesman.
A. E. Compton, Cattle Salesman.
Ellis J. Wright. Assistant.
j Walter Lake, Sheep Salesman.
Write for our Market Letter and Daily Paper free of charge
The American
Commission Company
Live Stock Salesmen.
Capital, $100,000.
So. Omaha & Chicago
James C. Dahlman
Ed. Caiiow.
J. M. Humphrey.
Ed. Caiiow,
Cattle Salesman.
Theo. Tillotson,
Ass. Cattle Salesman
Jim Clarey,
Hog Salesman.
Martin Cullerton,
Sheep Salesman.
Buy Feeders on Orders, Both Cattle and Sheep
Nye & Buchanan Co.
Live Stock Commission
"Write Us for 3Xtiilcct RnportK
or 11
Expert Salesmen in All Departments.
in dale
South Omaha, Nebraska. '
REFERENCES R. G. Dun & Co., Bradstreet, or Any Bank.
Special Attention Given to Feeder and Stocker Trade.
Spargur, Lindburg & Co.
Rooms no-1 12 Exchange Building, Telephone 34
On Saturday, Sept. 2, Saturday, Sept. 9, and
Saturday Sept. 16,
(B. & M. Railway)
The Standard Cattle Company will sell by public auction to the highest bidder,
for cash, the following cattle: 650 yearlings, (steers and heifers); 500 to 600
cows and calves, (calves tmbranded); 250 two-year-old heifers, and a latge
number of three-year-old steers; three-year-old spayed heifers; two-year-old
steers; two-year-old spayed heifers; numbering in all 7300 head.
These cattle are all dehorned and have been bred by the company on their
Sand Hill Ranch, from pure bred Shorthorn and Hereford bulls, and are of fine
At the same place and dates tins company shall also oiler a number 01 their
saddle horses, wind mills, drinking tanks and standing fences on their property.
The train from the east over the Burlington, leaving Omaha at 11:10 p. m.,
arrives at Hecla at 11:30 the next day, and these sales will commence immedi
ately after the arrival of this train. Arrangements will be made for the ac
commodation of-buyers after each sale and parties are requested to have bank
cefereuces for purchases made.
W. E. HI1 E and G. E. FKEEWELL. Auctioneers. 344
C. W. Spargvr, Cattle Salesman,
George M, Wood, Sheep Salesman.
R. D. Robinson, Hog Salesman.
O. F. Lindburg, Office
Dr. Barnes, the eye specialist of
Omaha, not being able to keep his ap
pointments in August, will visit Alli
ance, without fail, on Wednesday the
13th. Attentiou will be given especial
ly ou this trip to school' children.
inorougu examinations will pe given
free of charge. Call as early as con
Mrs. John Akers and Mrs. Howard
of Alliance, came over last Saturday
aud visited a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Raymond. They re
turned home Tuesday evening. Scotts
bluff Herald.
Mr. and Mrs. Batty and daughter,
Miss Luella, have come down from
Deadwood and will make their home iu
Chadron for the present with acting
Principal .Snow of the academy. Mr.
and Mrs. Batty are Mrs. Snow's
parents. Chadron Journal.
Frank Olds and wife left for Omaha
Wednesday night, where they will yi
joy the siguts ot the metropolis lor a
period of ten days. Frank, who is suf
fering from a severe attack of hay fever,
thinks he can Icse his affliction in the
lower altitude. Chadron Journal,
sheep Dipping Vats cattle
We make a superior article in our factory and want you '
for a customer. Our material is the best and our prices
are right. New list just out. Send for it.
rOREST LUMBER CO. - Alliance, Nebr.
Commission Merchants
South Omaha, Nebr.
Chicago, Illinois. Sioux City, Iowa.
W. H. Dudley,
T. D. Perrine,
Cattle Salesmen
W. F. King,
Allen Dudley,
Scott Harrell,
Hog Salesman.
Jno. Ross, Jr., Sheep Salesman.
Tor Sale.
Three residence properties. Only
small cash payment required.
G. W. Clark.
Lost A red cow and calf both
branded F bar on left side. Also dog
head and W brand on cow. Finder
please notify John Burns of Malinda or
Will Reed of Alliance and receive the
reward. w- 35"3
Notice to Settle.
All persons knowiug themselves in
debted to the Palace'Mcat market are
requested lo call and settle at once.
H. L. Busiinel,
Stock Dipping Certificates The
form of blanks proscribed by Govern
ment Stock Iuspector Dr. L. S. Camp
bell especially for The Herald are
kept in stock at this office. tf
House Cleaning.
Can supply the services of a thorough
and experienced man for general house
cleaning. Phone 139. Geo. Darling.
Take your prescriptions to the Eagle
Pharmacy, where a registered man will
give them prompt aud careful attention.
Hllen Rubles & Co.
ConmssioN Herchants
Telephone 132 So. Omaha. Telephone 302 Co. Bluffs.
See F. E. Reddish for loans on real
estate. wwwrwww, 27"
SI. 00 Value for 75c.
at Fred's 10 day bargain sale.
Attention, Ranchmen!
Yellow pitch pine posts delivered at
Alliance at 12 cents each, in car lots,
while they last. A. E. Byers,
Marsland, Neb,
Attention, Ranchmen I
Yellow pitch pine posts delivered at
Alliance at 12 cents each, in car lots,
while they last. A. E. Byers,
Mar3land, Neb.
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf.
Buy feed and flour at Pilkington's.
Ptomm of Welding Aluminum.
A firm ot Hanau, Germany, has suo
Meded In welding a?imA.M '. aout
the use of any metal, aolder or ncld.
No ttui can be detected, and the weld
ed pieces can resist blows and tern
perature variations km well u It there
were no Joint. The' proceae la a ae
ore ona
wood bros:
Live Stock Commission Merchants
Also Chicago, HI. We have a special salesman in every
c- --4. i departwent who is ably assisted by a full
SlOUX City, IOWa corps of yardmen. '
We will be more than pleased to send free masket reports
10 an uesinng mem.
South Omaha
H. E. Tagg,
A. W. Tagg,
Cattle Salesmen.
John Smith,
Sheep Salesman.
G. M. Hamill,
Has. Hiluurn,
Hog Salesman.
W. B. Tagg,
Live Stock Commission Co.
107-109 Exchange Bldg.
South Omaha, Neb.
234-236 Exchange Bldg.
South St. Joe, Mo.
South St. Joe,
H. B, Hamill,
Hog Salesman
and Manager.
M. D. Young,
Cattle Salesman.
If. C. Sager,