1 . V . i-cwsyy-i.sW.J "j 'W)jUWO.LiIJWHtHWBMft I' K'WMU''JUWimiMUM:WHI.WWWi " "'MjMjjjjgBBUjSiinKP'W.UUWAJUiwwt1 l- 11 Saturday Special Laces and Embroideries AT llhe IDorace 'JBogue Store' "TRADE WINNER" A Household Necessity. J' jMMi j . ., VHIJi" . " AWSjVT jr m.wm 1 ', .ajjl. ..- . ; --vrfi Aitj ?C TiSiFwH J?'1R " J ' fUc ' "Say, old man, I told you not to let them fellows fool you on cheap flour again, but to fetch me a sack of that 5-X Lexington Cream. You will find that down to LIBBYiS. Now you get right out of here and get me asackof -that flour beforeit is all gone. " I Palace Livexy Bain &. TI. l12SOII, Prop. ONH iii.ock WP.ST 01' Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Tin: Nl'.w ,iUNDr.K nnd courteous treatment to nil lias won for us the mill.niNfi. 'Phone. oxccllent patronniro wo enjoy. Trv us. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT , ncpncecNTa the following ihsurancc companieo, Hartford l-lro liianraneo Company. ' Liverpool. London and Olobe Ins. Co. North Amorlenn of Philadelphia. I Uonuun Ameiloan Inn. Co.. Now ork. I'liocnlx ii f lllooUljn. Now York. Farmers and Merchants Ins. Co , Llucoln. Cniillu&ulnl of Now York Olty. i Columbia Pirn Insurance Company. Niagara Hlro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Now York Underwriters, Now York. Phoenix Ins. Co.,sUartford, Conn. Comiuerelul Cnlon Assurance Co., Loudon i Office I'p-Stnlrs.rietchcr Mock. ZBlNDEiN BROS,, DEALERS IN Flour ! Feed. "Home k Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It.... 'PHONE 10S. WI-.8T SIDK MAIN BTHKET.. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LTNE Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance. Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER, . Proprietor. I LEE ACI1ES0N I I ALWAYS HANDLES THE BEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOR THE I Second-Haud Furniture ) is cheaper than new, and often just what you want. Or, we will trade new for second hand goods any time, and pay highest cash price for second hand goods, See W. M. WILSON, thi: skconimianu max. l'honc 200. 4'VVAA'WArO'WW'W'W-'W R TABLE I I IF YOU HAVEN'T TIME I I TO CALL at the STORE I 'PHONE No. 4. I DR. J. O. BRENIZER lIKP.r.DEK OF Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped SHORTHORN CATTLE BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA. Herd headed by CRIMSON SCOTT, 177035, Straight Scotch Breeding. Herd numbers go breeding cows that weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds, a large number being pure Scotch, and as good breeding as was ever brought from Scot land. Experience has taught me that for breeding purposes cattle shipped in are very little good the first year, their consti tutions must become accustomed to our high altitude and our grass. Hence ani mals raised here are preferable. I intend to raise them here. Good, first class Nebraska breeders, the equal to anything raised in the U. S. Come and see me, (ao-Om) J RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS ', J. L McGarr is a new switchman. Brakeman J, W. Hagcnnan has left the service. Storekeeper J. H. Ellis is at New- eastlo this week. B. S. Marvin, trainmaster of Sterling was iti Alliance Sunday. W. Willis, machinist, is the father of a boy, born Monday. E. W. Bell went to Lincoln yester day on company business. Master Mechanic Soberhagen of Sheridan was hero yesterday G. T. Gehlmrd, extra dispatcher, re turned Sunday from Huntley. Engineer C. Pflcger nud wifo went to the Black Hills for a few days outing. Robt. Rolfson was called home Sat urday on accautit of sickness. The striking operators on the North ern Pacific returned to Work Sunday. .E. J. Beard and R. A, Parrish have entered the train service as brakemeu. Frank Piersou of trainmaster's office went to York Saturday, returning Mon day. Frank Newell, traveling engineer of the Sterling division, was in Alliance Monday. Conductor L. H. Highland" went to Burlington, Iowa, in the interest of the O. R. C. Carl 'Spalz, night foreman at the round house, is the father of a boy,- born Sunday. A. W. Piersou of the superinten dent's office went to Seneca on 42 to meet friends. J. E. Mifka, operator at Crawford has been transferred to Alliance and is working nights. Mrs. B. S. Marvin and daughter went to Dcadwood Sunday to visit a couple of weeks. General Superintendent Phelan went south on the Sterling division Saturday, rctuuitig Sunday. Dispatcher F. W. Sharp, wife and children went to Chicago Saturday to be gone two weeks. G. W. Holdrege, general manager, came in on the Denver train Saturday and went west on 41.- A number of the boys working at the depot went to Hot Springs Saturday, returning the next day. Operator G. H. Weston has left the service aud went to Deadwood Tues day to join his mother. OV'D. Boycr of chief dispatcher's office at Lincoln was hero Sunday, go ing on to Denver Monday. Mrs. F. W. IJnrris father, C. Shet ler of Holdrcdgc, Neb., was visiting here the fore part of the week. Operator C. W. Mackey is taking a two weeks vacation. He loft Friday for Chadron to visit his patents. Master Mechanic F. J. Kreainer went to Denver to attend the meeting of the Master Mechanics' association. E. O, Pattoison, night operator at Mason, is laying off and has gone to Sidney. II. J. Huffback is relieving him. Homer Hough, formerly conductor out of Alliance, is visiting here. He is now running a train out of Pocatella, Idxho. Mrs. E. W. Bell and daughter.Mar garet, returned to Alliance Saturday They had been visiting at Wilber and Lincoln. U.S. Tyler of the general solicitor's office at Omaha is here visiting withjkV. W. Pierson. lie expects to go to Den ver Thursday. J. C. Birdscll's new gasoline motor car artived Friday. This ar will be used for track inspection, it being four seated and has a canopy top. E. W. Fitt, assistant superintendent of motive power, of Lincoln came in from Denver yesterday arid will re main Iicic the rest of the week. M. Shaffer, formerly of Alliance and worked in the freight depot and who has a similar position at Billings with the Burlington, is in Alliance visiting. R. G. Holden of general superinten dent's office returned from Huntley Sunday. Bob says Huntley is more of a summer resort than it is a railroad town. Vern Hampton, who has spent his summer vacation working in the machine'shops, left Tuesday for Perdue, Ind., to enter school, goiug by the way of Denver. ,wwwwww, Some People of Quality in Boston." Bishop riamiltou will deliver a lecture entitled, "Some People of Quality in Boston," Aug. 30, at eight o'clock p. ni at the M. E. church. The lecture will be given under the auspicies of the Epworth League and the proceeds are to be applied on the new parsonage. Admission 35 cents. SAY, SMOKER, TRY THE LATEST SPENCER JUNIOR 5 CENT CIGAR Every Cigar a Guarantee for Quality Once smoked always liked Try them and be happy Ur y,. fa &zr IB XJ 1 ' , WDZ.OrTHE. SAME STOW 4 t 'hELCBRAUB " , - c I G A R AOUrMbMkiBJ The Spencer Junior, always worth 10c, now sold for 5 cents ?i5r FOR SALE BY THE FOLLOWING DEALERS : OSZ5.T7? C 13 Gleason & Franklin Lee Achcson J. E. J oder Charters HotoU. James Graham i J. A. Baxter G. W. CHASE & SON MERCANTILE CO., St. Joseph, Mo., Distributors HrnHH i'1'Uiiii-n'HM Time Table Alliance, Ncbr. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, nnd nil points oast and all point west and south. Thains Leave as Foixows. Mountain Time: No. 41 Passenger dully. Deadwsod. llllllnKs, all points north and vrcst !2:Ml.ui. No. Passenger dally, Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago and all mints cast 3:15a.m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver Ogdcu.balt la1(i:t Snn Fran cisco and all Intermediate points, departs at 3:20 a.m. No. 302 l'ussengcr dully from Denver anu an lntornieoiaio points, arrives at 10:4Vi.in No. 305 Tuesdays. Thursday, SaUu 1:ijs, points houth and uest, departs s;00a.i.. No. 39(1 Tuwriiiys, Thuniday. Sutur- i jdays, south and west, urrtves.C 35 p. i . Sleeping, dining and reclining chair lai.l (soatH free) mi through train. Tickets .'I ' and lKiggugo checked to any point In the ( United SiatoK or Canada. For information timu tallies and tickets call on or wnn L. B. Sacib, Agent, or I.. V. Wakki.it, 0 i erul PiiMnetiRr Age .t, Omaha. Nebrnslva Alliance Juesd 'y,Au-29 GENTRY BROS. Famous Shows! (UNITE!")) Only Big 'Railroad Show Coming This Year AMERICA'S LVRGEST AND MOST COMPLETE SHOW REPKUSKKriXc; MANY NEW HIGH CLASS FEATURES Burlington Bulletin. ' OK HOUND TKtt KATES. " ; Chicago and return, on sale daily,. $33 7c J St. Louis and return, 30.70 ( ou sale daily. i Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and return 4o.oo on sale daily. ' I Denver and Colorado Springs and I return...; - 12 00 ! on sale daily. 1 on sale Aug. 30 to Sept . 4 Denver ' '$4.80. Colorado Springs $6 30. Salt Lake and Onden and return. . $24. 25 ' Yollowstone Park, through and including J hotels and.stage. and return,.. $105.00 j Cody, Wo., "Black Bills, and Hot Springs ; S. D., approximately half rates all summer 1 MVOMMia fii 1 ' ' 1 1 J l ' . . ' TLl"" wmwii. iu.ium Mi unmiw oooooooooo 5 Fire y 7 0 0 Agent for too uaiciiomun.or jf tirouertv oulv. fila, which insures town and 0 insurance. 6 Hemwgford, Nedraska. 2 J Scotland, which dnsiircs town uroperiy oui iilu. which farm nrotiertv and live stock, lioth aro reliable old Hue com- i panics A 0 lsTotELvio.1 Work. 4f O V -rO00OO0O0 W. M. FOSKETT i-u.ctiorLeer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY fHE DAY. $iT Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingford, Neb. - The Alliance Herald and Nebraska State Journal, both one year for tj5l.50. 2fk( PERFORMING HORSES sjfk( 50 MONKEY COMEDIANS 50 3 - Herds of Performing Elephants - 3 SPECIAL FEATURES THIS SEASON: r See the Troupe of Musical Ponies cuu-1 ONLY ACT OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD THE NORflAN FAfllLY (Five in Numher) ACROBATS and INDIAN 6l.NB JUGGLERS irioiiASifG" TAPiisi"" "He (Seven in Numher) The Highest Salaried Troupe of Japs in This Country) A BubyCam'el aniflisJlother T0 2hZFAlMciJ See tlxe u.anLrn.-sr Clowns! EVERYTHING NEW THIS YEAli-NOTHING OLD BUT THE TITLE Two Performances Daily Afternoon and Night Watch for the Grand Free Street Parade! Dally at 11 a, in. A Brilliant Array of Beautiful Magnificence A WORD WITH YOU WOODEN TANKS AND sheep Dipping Vats cattle We make a superior article in our factory and want you for a customer. Our material is the hest and our prices are right. New list just out. Send for it. FOREST LUMBER CO. - Alliance, Nebr. 6A 1