I iiiiiiiiiuiitilpB l:vi ',' L M i vt ,r so i i fc i-i V YA"i III! 1 The Alliance Herald t ii - i-i -1 n ii 1 1 1- ii - - i --' T. J. O'KEEFE, Publisher. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. I Brief Telegrams By Imperial Russian ukaso Vlco Ad miral Krugcr has boon placed on tbo retired list ConBtmctlon work will begin next month on the first 125 miles of tho Cherryvale, Oklahoma, Qulf & Texas railway. Tho rotfd Is to bo 000 miles long. A Russian Imperial ukaso was Is, sued restoring to tho Armenians their school and church property in tho Cau casus, Tho Peruvian government has order ed tho sub-prefects to issuo froo of charge certificates to Peruvians of Chi nese descent going to tho United States. Millionaires Mackay, Gates and Kcono aro said to bo backing a gam bling venturo at Saratoga that will moko a second-class joint out of Monto Carlo In comparison. Twenty thousand citizens of Quoboo witnessed tho unvolling of a monu ment to tho Quebec soldiers who lost their lives in tbo South African war. Earl Gray unveiled tho monument Tho correspondent of tho Standard nt Odessa say that tho ordor for tho doparturo of tho Infantry division that was mobilized in tho southwestern provinces has boon countermanded. Tho Netherlands government has appointed Prof. Jacob Graus of tho technical university at Folft, as lis dol ogato to tho commission which will as semble in 'Washington In Soptcmbor. Tho sultan of Morocco has declined to nccedo to tho demands of tho French minister for tho payment of in demnity and tho release of tho chief of tho Algerian settlement of Ghar attla. Official Russian documents show that tho czar planned a compromlso with Japan Just previous to tho war, but tho alliance of Japan and England upset tho calculations and hostilities followed. Tho Japanoso government 1b negot iating with tho Krupps for fresh orders of armor plate and guns. Director Eo ctus of tho Krupp firm is In Berlin ar ranging tho contracts with tho Japan eso agents. From recent estimates made of tho citrus crop for noxt year indications point to a record breaker. That thoro will bo upwards of 35,000 carloads is certain, and tho aggregato may reach 0,000 cars. A strike, of tho International Asso ciation of Dridgo and Structural Iron Workers against tho American Dridga company went Into effect nt Pitta burg, Pa., throwing about sixty men out of employment. Ono hundrod thousand laborers in tho provlnco of Andalusia, Spain, aro without tho necessities of Ufa. Sov eral districts aro at tho mercy of tho rioters and many landlords aro seek ing safety in flight Robert M. Fleming, a dork at Swift &Co.'s packing plant at St Joseph, Ma, shot and instantly killed Carl W. Schultz, a civil engineer, on account of attentions paid Mrs. Fleming by Schultz. Fleming la In jail. An Interview between Emperor Wil liam and King Edward to tako placo when tho king Is retumlngg homo aftor tho euro in Marlenbad, has been arrangod through tho friendly offices of Emperor Francis Joseph. Tho Tangier correspondent of tho London Times says that tho announce ment made in tho Times that Germany had officially announced that the con tract for tho Tattenbach-Askold loan has been signed Is inaccurate. A cablegram from Unltod States .Consul Wynno at London says that Enoch Emory, a wealthy American, had disappeared from Paris and that detectives had boon engaged to search for him. Emery Is a native of Yar mouth, N. S. Tho books of tho defunct German bank of Buffalo, N. Y., Just produced by court ordor for tho Inspection of tho creditors' organization, show largo amounts woro withdrawn by a few depositors on tho Saturday preceding the closing of tho bank,, and on Mon day, December C, tho day of tho fail ure. Roports received by Chief Wilklo of tho United States secret service, state that about twenty arrests havo recently been mado on tho Pacific coast of alien officers of American ships charged with having obtained their licenses as such officers on nat uralization papers obtained through fraud. Secretary Bonaparte has authorized tho use of his name as a member of the advisory board of tho Bennington Memorial Association of San Diego, Cal., to erect a modern sailors' club house at San Diego, Cal., aB a memo rial to thoso who lost their lives as a result of tho explosion on tho Ben nington. A dispatch by wireless telegraph from Illto says that Hana, tho Hawaii-' an wife of Kallua, a Chinese, gave birth to ono child on last Thursday, two on Sunday, one on Monday, two on Tuesday morning and ono on Tuesday -ulght All aro dead. Premier RIes at Madrid, Spain, gives It to bo understood that the Moroccan conferonco will meet at Madrid. Extravagance of tho Shah of Persia during his recent visit to France puz zled Parisians, as tho sovereign is known to bo heavily in debt and has pno ylslblo means of obtaining riches. SALT RHEUM ON MAND3. Suffered Agony and Had to Wear Bandages All tho Time Another Cure by Cutlcura. Another euro by Cutlcura Is told of by Mrs. Carollno Cable, of Waupaca, Wis., in tho following grateful let ter: "My husband suftored agony salt rheum on his hands, and I had to keep them bandaged all tho time. Wo tried everything wo could get, but nothing helped him until ho used Cutl cura. Ono set of Cutlcura Soap, Oint ment, and Pills cured him entirely, and his hands have been as smooth as possible- over since, I do hopo this letter will bo tho means of helping some other sufferer." It is an easier matter than most women reallzo to becomo a thorough going boro. Wo havo all mot such n woman. Sho will rcclto for hours al a stretch tho troubles real and Im aginary which sho experiences with .her husband, children and servants. Sho will expound upon hor own ail monts and worry you with a long story of hor pains and aches. Insist on Getting it. Soma grocers say they don't keep Defiance Starch. This Is because they have a stock on hand of other brand containing only 12 oz. In a package which they won't bo able to sell first, because Defiance contains 10 oz. for th Bamo money. Do you want 16 oz. instead of 12 oz. for snmo money7 Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no cooking. I think tho first vlrtuo is to rostraln tho tongue, Ho approaches nearest to tho gods who knows how to bo si lont,ovcn though ho is in tho right Cato. Important to Mothars. Kiamluo carefully CTeiy bottle of OASTOniA, a ifa and anro remedy for Infanta and children, and bco that It Dean tho Blgnataro of GtrfzAtM In Ueo For Over 30 Yean. Tbo Kind Yoa llavo Airays Boaght. Reason Is tho glory of human na turo, nnd ono of tho chief ominencos wheroby wo aro rnlsod, abovo the beasts in tho lower world. Lord Ba con. Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurse In Now York, dis covered a pleasant herb remedy for womon's ills, callcI AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It Is tho only certain monthly rogulator. Cures femalo weaknesses, Backaoho, Kldnoy and Urinary troublos. At all Druggists or by mail 50 cts. Samplo mailed FREE. Address. Tho Mothor Gray Co., LoRoy, N. Y. Her Excuse. A bright girl asked to bo absent from school half a day on tho plea thnt company was coming. "It is my father'a half-sister and her three boys," said tho girl, anxiously, 'and mother doesn't see how sho can 3o without mo, becauso thoso boys act dreadfully." Tho teacher referred her to tho printed list of reasons which justified absenco, and asked if her caso camo under any of them. "Oh, yes, Miss Smith," said tho girl, eagorly, "it comes undor this head," and sho pointed to tho words, "Do mestic affliction." Tommy'a Explanation. Little Tommy told his mother that ho thought it too rainy for him to venturo forth to school, relates tho Now York Tribune. "But It will not be too rainy this afternoon for you to play ball, will It?" aBked his mothor. "No, mother," replied Httlo Tommy, respectfully, "becauso you can always play better ball in tho rain than In tho sunshine." "I don't see how, Tommy." "Why," replied Tommy, "It's be causo when it is raining thoro is lots of mud, and that makes It so slippery that you can slldo on your stomach bettor." Tho proof of the pudding Is In th cntlng, but Indigestion corrupts gofa morals. WRONG SORT Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes and Bread may Be Against You for a Time. A chango to the right kind of food can lift ono from a sick bed. A lady In Wclden, 111., says: "Last Spring I becamo bod-fast with severe stomach trouble accompanied by sick headache. I got w.orse and worse until I becamo so low I could scarcely retain any food at all, al though I tried every kind. I had be como completely discouraged, had giv en up all hope and thought I was doomed, to starve to death, till one day my husband trying to find some thing I could retain brought home some Grape-Nuts. "To my 8urprlso tho food agreed with me, digested perfectly and with out distress. I began to gain strength at once, my flesh (which had been flabby) grew firmer, my health Im proved in every way and every day, and in a very few weeks I gained' 20 pounds In weight I liked Grape-Nuts so well that for 4 months I ato no other food, and always felt as well sat isfied after eating as If I had sat down to a fine banquet "I had no return of tho miserable sick stomach nor of tho headaches, that I used to havo when I ate other food. I am now a well woman, doing all my own work again, and feel that life is worth living. "Grape-Nuts food has been a god send to my family; it surely saved my life and my two little boys hav6 thriv en on it wonderfully." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Get the little book, "The Roai to WellvHIo," in each pkg. r w ws The Thing Flggerln' high an' figgerln' low, An' nggerln' In an' figgerln' out. An' watchln tho days ns they como and go. We git what we're cnrnln' 1 don't much doubt, I know there's exceptions here an thero: I notice them still wherever I turn. But the rule Li yet, nn' the rule Is fair, We mighty near got whatever wo earn. There's many a follcr. I have no doubt", Is worth some more than tho task man fiays, akin' It in an' tnkln' It out. We mighty near get tho price of our days. Of course I am wlihln' I might get more. An so are you wlshln' the same, I bet, , But JUHt the same, as I said before. The thing we earn In the thing wo get. Sunset Magazine fl flKKJ DC5K BYZOfc tjUgHgj (Copyright. 1305, by Sho woro black dresses with white collars and cuffs and Httlo whlto aprons. Her part In tho plan of tho unlvorso was' to servo tho hungry peoplo who flocked from the trains Into the station dining room. It was in tho hot summer days that sho was most Inclined to rebel at her lot. She was not what would bo called a discontented girl. But when tho crowds of summer tourists camo pour ing into tho eating houso sho had stirrings of a keen unrest Though no ono would have dreamed It, she bad a secret passion. It was all tho whllo consuming her as sho set be fore tho hungry traveler tho Httlo dishes of bread and meat and vege tables tho Interminable little dishes. Ono day when tho tide of pleasure seekers and tired workers had been moving westward for weeks, sho walk ed into tho manager's offlco nnd asked to bo relieved. Ho looked up with soma annoyance. "Why, you'ro not going to leave us Just now, arcyou? This is a rushing time I don't want to break In any green girls Just now. What, did you say the trouble is?" "I didn't say," faltered tho girl. Her Angers woro smoothing out tho ruf fles of hor snowy apron. "But I'm going away. I'mcalled away." Thero was an air of suppressed excitement about her. "Well, if you must go, I suppose you must. But of courso you under stand that if your placo is filled satis factorily, you will in all probability loso your Job here." , "I I didn't expect to keep It," she answered simply, Sho walked out of tho office, and as sho went sho felt as strango as it sho had suddenly drop pod from another planet. After the lapse of two weeks sho walked into tho manager's offlco again. Tho mannger was busy and tho ono glanco ho gavo her was followed by a frown. "Didn't I tell you tho other day," ho said Impatiently, going on with his work, "that if you left your place would not bo held for you?" Tho words "tho other day" fell strangely on her cars. She almost gasped. "Tho other day." Why, it seemed at least a thousand years. "I haven't como to ask for my placo again," she said. "I havo como to tell you something to explain something." Tho busy manager glanced up im patiently, "Well, please bo quick about what you havo to say," ho said, and turned In his chair to face her. Thero was something In her look that startled him out of himself. Ho was a practical man, but ho was ono of those who can seo subtler things than thoy are sometimes given credit for. Ho had seen this girl many times, nlmblo and actlvo at her duties, serving tho Interminable Httlo dishes to hurrlqd diners. It was a part of his own duty to seo to It that these girls did their tasks well. But ho had nover seen hor look as sho looked now. Perhaps he had read of glori fied faces. Ho may have seen them In ptctures, and possibly heard them Not a discontented girl, tpoken of in church. He may havo believed In something of that sort, but he was not accustomed to see them among dining room girls. Her manner was quiet, but it was a quietness underneath which ono divined a wholo ocean of tumultuous feeling, Sho spoke rapidly, but clear ly and unhesitatingly. "I havo como back to tell you all about It," she said. "I havo come to confess and let you do what Is right I have counted the cost and I'm will ing to pay. I want you to send me to" prison. I am a thief. I have stolen Zz&Tzg&zW I Y&sn&zss- We Earn RINEhART -SL Dally Story Pub. Co.) , from you from tho- proprietors of this place." Sho paused. Tho mannger was startled. Ho looked at her sharply, doubting her sanity. This was an un usual thing. This girl's honesty ho would havo staked anything on, and ho prided himself on knowing human nature. "What do you mean?" ho said. "You must explain yourself." "You. remember tho linen that was missed, and some of tho silver-1 you wore nil puzzled, and couldn't account for It. I am tho thief." "What are you saying, girl? And "But but would that be right?" aha said, why aro .you confessing it now? What mado you tako It, then, In the first placo, and why not return It now?" "I can't return It becauso I sold It That's why I took it becauso I want ed tho money. I didn't see any other way, and I wanted to go away. I wanted to seo tho mountains. They seemed to call mo when I saw all tho peoplo hero day after day going. I wanted to go so many years all my life and I had no money. I knew that It would loso me everything, but somehow I felt If I had tho mountains to remember tho rest of my life, I could stand It, In prison or anywhere." "But if you had only kept still, you would nover have been found out." "Oh, It Is bo hard to make you understand." she said. "Don't you see that I never meant to steal and not pay the penalty? I meant all the time to pay the penalty. I donH think I could havo done such a thing and nover confessed. Oh, haven't you ever In your life, wanted something so much, and wanted It so long, that you felt you would be willing to give up everything else, even tho rest of your life if you could only have that ono thing. That's tho way it has been with mo. I don't think I could help having that feeling about tho moun tains. It must havo been born In me that that feeling for them. My mother loved them and always said that in a pralrio country sho was sure sho could never live. Sho had been born In tho mountains and thoy were a part of her life. After awhile my father left the mountain country and my mother died wo all thought of a broken heart. And I grew up and never remembered seeing them, Jwt always, always I longed for them. And so many times I planned to go. 1 worked and worked, and saved and saved, and always thero would bo somewhere for the money. Once father had a stroke of paralysis, and thero was a doctor's bill, and again my sister's baby died, and had to be burled, and then again another sister was going to be married and slid loved pretty things, and I couldn't bear to be selfish and uso the money for my self. That's tho way It has always been, and we've always been poor. I worked for wages that were barely enough to keep my soul and body to gether. It seemed to mo that I could never see my' mountains. . Therd was no other way, I felt sometimes as It I couldn't live very much longer If I couldn't see them just onco. Especi ally of summers after I came hore, and saw so many tourists. It seemed to eat Into my very soul the desire to go. Then I thought of taking the things and selling them. I knew It was wicked, for I've always been an honest girl, but I told myself that there was nO other way. I would see my mountains, and then I would come back and tell you all, and you could do what you will with me send me to prison, I suppose. I know that will bj right, and I am ready to go." Sho stopped and. looked at him with that glorified light still in her face. Sho looked like one who has seen ill) y$ tho glory toward which ho has been. Journeying slnco tho morning, and Is satisfied with a mighty peaco at oven-! lng. Tho manager looked at her, and! knew that she spoke tho truth. For' a moment thero was silence. "I think I seo a Httlo how it has been," ho snld. "I I believe I under stand. Wo will arrange this between ourselves, and you can go back to yoUr old placo in tho morning." For tho first time she faltered. "But but would that be right?" sho said. "I havo stolen. Mustn't I oughtn't I to pay tho penalty?" "Well, if .1 can arrange It to tho satisfaction of everybody it will be all right In this case I guess," ho said. "You can work it out, you know." "Oh, how good, how good you arel" Tho manager turned away hastily from that radiance In her face. "Don't mention It," ho said, shortly. "And If that's all, you may go now," ho said. Tho next day In tho noisy dining room, In her black dress, her white collar and cuffs and her Httlo white apron, she served Interminable little dishes of meat and vegetables and desserts to hungry travelers. In her faco tho glory still lingered. xUSE FOR A SCREEN. Gov. Ames' Notion That It Might Pro fitably Be Employed. Oliver Ames, twlco governor of Mas sachusetts, loved a good story, but his friends all knew thnt any bit of pleas antry Indulged in in his presence must be of a nature all the world might hear. The Republican committeo of a city in this state, together with several stato campaign workers, wero gath ered in a hotel reception room ono afternoon prior to his first election. Mr. Ames was writing at a table, and, emboldenpd by tho gubernatorial can dldnto's evident absorption, ono man told a story which called forth some shamefaced appreciation. On the strength of tho bon mot, tho story teller retired from the room, as ho thought, In good order. "Who Is that man?" asked Mr. Ames, after tho door had closed. "His name is Jones," some ono vol unteered. "He's tho largest coal deal er In this city." "Well " said Mr. Ames deliberately, "If he doesn't screen his coal any bet ter than ho does his language, I would not trade with him." Boston Herald. Eccentric Logic. In his "Reminiscences of Bench nnd Bar" Mr. Sergeant Robinson has re corded some cholco specimens of ec centric logic in tho sentences pro- nounced by Sergeant Arabln, a com missioner of tho Central Court In sentencing a prisoner convicted of stealing property from his master ho thus addressed him: "Prisoner at tho bar, if over thero was a clearer, case than this of a man robbing his roaster, this caso Is that case." Again, In sentencing a man to a comparatively light punishment, ho used these words: "Prisoner at tho bar, there are miti gating circumstances in this case which cause me to take a lenient view of it, and I will therefore glvo you a chance of redeeming a character that you havo irretrievably lost." He onco corrected a talkative wit ness thus: "My good man, don't go babbling on so. Hold your tongue, and answer the question that Is put to you." Mother of Twenty-five Children. Mrs. John Mello of Berkeloy, Cal., was born In the Azores forty-six years ago. She began married lifo at the ago of fifteen and has had twenty-flvo children. She has been wedded twice. Her first husband was tho father of ten infants, and John Mello of fifteen. Mrs. Mello la tho youngest of twenty children by her own mother, and knows of several additional half-brothers. "I don't know Just how many," says Mrs. Mello; "I think ten, but maybo more." After her marriage Mrs. Mello came with her husband to California. And before she was six teen Manuel arrived to prove to his grandfather that tho family tradition was just as strong In the new land as In tho old. Tho records of to-day show twenty-five children In thirty years, with seven pairs of twins among them, each time, until tho last, a black-eyed boy and a blue-eyed girl. Chicago In ter Ocean. How They Must Laugh. How they must pity us they That neither toll nor spin. They that, having found the way. Slyly slip their big hands in And from the public crib keep taking out What we are storing there! How they must laugh at us who shout The glories of our land, who swear Allegiance to Its laws and soil Our hands with hard bread-winning toll. How they must smile at us thoy That dwell 'mid luxuries. And from our earnings, day by day, Tako boldly what they please! How ofton must they leer at us who hoe And hew nnd sew and risk for bread; How mean and feeble we below Must seem to them. In heart and head: With proud contempt they, far' above. Still let' us live but not for love. How they must rati at us they That see us stupidly Laboring for little pay. And vainly fancying that we. With worn-out moral codes and lack of wit, nest serve ourselves and God! How. as we treasure bit by bit Poor, dull workers near the sod They oft must laugh, who take our gains. And wonder at our dearth of brains! 8. E. KIser. Needn't Pray Below Bangor. We all take things for granted. This was the case at a prayer meeting In Maine when the pastor remarked that If any hnd relatives in distant lands prayer would bo offered In their behalf. Thereupon a man arose and said: "I would like you to pray for my brother. Ho went " away two weeks ago, and I haven't heard from him slpco. I don't, know Just where he Is, but you needn't pray below ingor " L08T 72 POUNDS. Was Fast Drifting Into the Fatal Stages of Kidney Sickness. Dr. Melvln M. Page, Pago Optical Co., Erie, Pa., writes: "Taking too many loed drinks In Now York in 1895 sent mo homo with n terrible attack of kidney troublo. I had acuta congestion, sharp pain in tho back, hdad- aches and attacks of dizziness. My e y o s gavo out, and with tho Ian- &4itL s guor and sleep lessness of tho disease upon mo I wasted from 194 to 122 pounds. At the time I started using Doan's Kid ney Fills an abscess was forming on my right kidney. Tho trouble was quickly checked, however, and tho treatment cured mo, so that I havo been well slnco 1896 ttnd weigh 188 pounds." - Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ' For salo by all druggists. Price, 60 cents per box. A Dangerous Flower. Tho florist held a tulip in his hand. 'Somo peoplo claim a tulip' has no moll," ho said. "As a matter of fact it has a dangerous smoll. Takrj a tulip of a deep crimson color and In oalo It with profound inspirations, and it will bo apt to mnko you light headed. You will say and do queer things dance, sing, flght'and so on. For two hours you will cut up in this way. Afterward you will bo de pressed." ' A Gentleman. Como wealth or want, como good or ill," t Let young and old accept their part And bow before tho awful will, And bear it with an honest heart Who misses or who wins tho prize Go, loso or'conqUer, as you can, But If you fall, or if you rise, Bo each, pray God, a gentleman. W. M. Thackeray. Choice In Color of Skin. Tho color of tho skin Is a thing that makes for beauty or mars It among different people. Each raco considers Its own color preferable to avery oth er. Tho North American Indiana ad mires a tawny skin and tho Chlneso disllko tho whlto skin of tho Euro peans. The Reason Why. Drummond, Wis., Aug. 21st (Spe cial) Whole families in Bayfield County are singing the praises of, Dodd's Kidney Pills and tho reason why Is given In experiences such as that of Mr. T. T. Wold, a well-known citizen here. "I had Buch pains In my back that I did not know what to do," says Mr. Wold, "and as I came across an adver tisement of Dodd's Kidney Pills, I cant for a box. That ono box reliev ed me of all my pains. My wlfo also used them and found them just what sho needed. I recommend Dodd's Kidr noy Pills as a sure euro for Back-'' .ache and other Kidney Troubles." Backache is ono of tho earliest symptoms of Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills euro It promptly nnd per manently and prevent it developing into Rheumatism, Dropsy, Diabetes or Brlght's Disease. Progress. "People that llvo in glass houso3 needn't havo any fear nowadays," said Undo Allen Sparks. "Thero aro plato glass Insurance companies." Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use thoy will save not only timo, because lt never sticks to tho iron, but becauso each package contains 16 oz, one full pound while nil other Cold Water Starches are put up In -pound pack ages, and tho price Is the' same, 10 cents. Then again becauso Defianco Starch Is free from all Injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because ho has a stock on hand which ho wishes to dispose of before ho puts in Defiance. Ho knows that Defianco Starch 'has printed on every package in large let tors and figures "16 ozs." Demand De fiance and save much timo and money and the annoyance of tho Iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. Italians Avoid Bad Habit. To an Italian, charged in a London court with drunkenness, the magis trate said: "Italians don't often get drunk. Don't get English ways." Ask Your Dealer for Allen's Foot-Eaia A powder. Itrcstt the feet. Cures Swollen. Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet KinF0W,SF Na?a- .At n" Druggists oud Shoe stores. 25 cents. Accept no substitute. Samplo mailed FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. ' Wo know a man who can trace his ancestors back to William the Con queror, and his ancestors would not care enough about him to trace him to tho next corner. Somebody ought to writs a book educating hosts and hostesses in tho fact that there Is a difference between entertaining peoplo and spending money on them. Ono phase of amoltlon Is that which prompts a man to own a sixty-horso power auto In a locality where ho can't uso over twenty-horse power to save his life. Tho acme of goodness Is to lovo tha public, to study universal good, and to promote tho lnterosts of tho' whole" world as-far as lies in our, power. John Ruskln. ' " " ' " I fl lfc)L jff 1 i "f n