II, -v 1 - iff t t WILLIAn MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. BOYD &. BARKER, A.ttomi)yN tit Law .. ALLIANCE, NUDRXSKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. sunn v. TCTTLE. IIIA B. TA II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Alain St., - ALLIANCE. NKB J. E. MOORE, M. D. n.irrciti:u ni.ocur ALLIANCE, NLB. Calls answered from odlco day or night. Telephone No. 63. H. H. BELLWOOD PHYSICIAN and SURQEON. tlolstcn Ilulldtne, - ALLIANCE, NKI1 L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSIOIAN and SURQEON. Offlco In Elrst Nntlonal Iiank block. Alii an co Nebraska. DR. G. W. MITCHELL, Physician ano Surgeon Day and nlghtcalls. Offlcoovcr Hoguo Store. Phono 150. DR. GEO. HAND, II O M E O I A T It I C P II Y S I CI V N AND SUItGKON Formerly Interne Homeopathic Hos pital Unherslty of Iowa. Phono 251. Ollico over Alliance Shoo Store. Night can't answered from ollico. reTbalfeT OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. tits box rnrrri: avenue. Phono 25S, Calls answered In town or country. Guy Lockwood . . GRADUATE CIIICAGO SCHOOL OP EMBALMING Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert Lndy Attendnnt.. Alliance, Neb, FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB.- ...MOVED... SEE ME NOW AT MY NEW LOCATION First Floor Elks Hall Billiard aoii Pool Hall FINEST IN THE WEST W. A. Hanchester Successor to M &. At Billiard Hall IMHHHnMH Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD ae 'Phone No. S. Alliance, Nebraska. J. ROWAN DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, HAY and G-RAIN WUOLK8AI.K AND IIRTAIL HANDI.K8 Seed Wheat, Spring Rye and Spelt. Phono No. 71. Residence, No. 93. W.S.ACHESON Hardware mi Plumbing Windmills and Pumps Tin shop In connection. Opera House Block Phone 9S ALLIANCE Sam Smyscr Jr., vill Enter Stanford. Sam Smyser took his departure last Saturday morning for Palo Alto, Cali., where he will attend Stanford Uni versity. This institution of learning, which was founded by United States Senator Lcland Stanford atidmniutnined with his millions, is one of the finest in the country and the Stanford grounds com pi if. e one of the most beautiful places in California. Young Smyscr was a member of the graduating class of the Alliance high school last spting and Tnu Hukald is pleased to see Al liance represented at this famous uni versity by as Upright and brainy stud ent as Sam. The evening before his depatture about twenty young friends gathered at his home to spend the evening and say good bye. He was accompanied to Denver by his father, who returned Monday. Putman Sells Cattle to Kings. On Monday, Frank Putman sold to Valentino King and Sons 450 head of cows at $22 00 per head with 175 head of calves thrown in. The deal was negotiated by E. A. Hall. , A WoVd With Congressman Mondcll. Congressman Mondell of Wyoming passed through the city last Sunday on his way homo to Newcastle from Den ver, where ho spent Saturday on busi ness. The genial congressman is quite a discusser of arid farming and has greath faith in the dry tilling scheme. He is a member of the board of irriga tion, but has more faith in alternate bi-annual farming, which he says, will eventually bring every acre of table land under cultivation. Mr. Mondell gave The Herald reporter a warm welcome to attend the "pumkin show," as he terms it, which is to be held at Newcastle this fall, and which his honor predicts, will be the greatest yet held, as crops in that vicinity are mag nificent this season. Congressman Mondell would be the fit successor to Secretary of Agriculture Wilson should the rumor that ho was to resign, be carried into effect. The Colored Boys Defeated. The gaino of base ball' on the Alli ance diamond last Sunday afternoon, between the colored team from Ft. Robinson and the Fire Department boyo was decidedly inleiesting and ie suited in a victory for Alliance by a score of 6 to 2. The visiting team put up a good game, but costly errors in the first, sixth and eighth innings lost the game for them, in which the fire boys made ,the six scores. In tiic eighth inning Green of the soldici team lifted a home run in right, which' was followed with another score. The bat tery work of both teams was good and Umpire Ryan gave the boys a square deal in his decisions. A Mother's Thrilling Experience. A woman, with a baby, aboard the Denver train, last Saturday morning, had quite an exciting experience. The mother left the car to mail a letter on east bound train No. 42, which was several hours late, and while she was at the mail car the Denver train started out, carrying away her infant. The woman became greatly excited, as a matter of course, and ran after the train, shouting at the top of her voice for some one to stop it. A number of section hands saw the performance and flagged the train, when she leaped aboard as alert as a girl of 16, and was overjoyed as she grabbed the little tot in her arms and hugged it almost to death. . Modern Woodmen Flourishing. A class of twenty-five new members 'were initiated into the mysteries of woodcraft last Friday evening in this city. The M. W. A., which probably has the largest membership of any fraternal insurance order, continues to thrive in all parts of the country. After there ceremonies refreshments were served. Do You Want Garden Seeds ? We have received a letter from Con gressman Kinkaid requesting us to pub lish that he wishes all residents of the Sixth congressional dis trict, who desire garden seeds to be rsent to them for next year, to notify him by postal card, soon. Address, O'Neill, Nebraska. Gentry's Street Parade. The street parade given this season by Gentry Brothers' famous trained animat'exhibition is in keeping with the performance which takes place under the white tops. By the parade the performance can be judged. Between ti o'clock and noon on the day of exhi bition the parade will pass through the principal streets ot tlie city. No trav eling exhibition of any kind has a finer collection of animals and no other trained animal show can boast of so many beautiful miniature chariots carriages, wagons and buggies. But as the parade will tell its own story the general public is invited to act ab in spectors and critics and to judge for it self as to its magnificence and beauty. Eleven o'clock is the appointed hour and those who miss it can blame them selves. Will exhibit at Alliance, Tues day, Ang. 29 , HEMINGFORD. I Keith L. rierre I fully authorlced to so licit subset IpllotM and Job work and collect ihd receipt for sumo, ami transact all other business in connection with his position as an accredited representative of this p'aper. T. J O'Keefe was in town Tuesday. - James Kennedy was in town Wednes day. ' v Mrs. Dan O'Keefe went lo Alliance Sat urday. Mr, and Mrs, Hunter went to Alliance Wednesday. There was a dance in Green's hall Sat urday night. v . ' "" Wildy keeps all kinds of building ma terial and posts. Regtna Burlew has returned from her school in the cast. Dccring headers, binders, mowers, rakes and twine at Wildy's, t Seven cars of cattle were shipped to South Omaha Monday. ' 1). li. Johnson has added a phone to the equipment of his store. Mrs. Ward hurt her tnn severely by be ing thrown from a buggy. B. C, Fenner will leave shortly for an extended (rip through the east. Edna Benedict visited with Miss Sadie Hopkins several days recently. lean Rustin was tlio guest of the Misses Hopkins the first of the week. John Jelinek's boy sustained a broken arm from a fall from his saddle horse. We are in the market for good loans all the time. First State Bank, Hemingford, Neb. Alex Olds went to Chadron to spend a couple of weeks visiting relatives and friends. Jacob Shepherd arrived here Saturday and will visit with his brother Barney a few days. Longtime farm loans, reasonable interest. K. L. Pierce, First State Bank, Hem ingford, Neb. Mrs. Mabin received word this week of the death of a nephew, her sister's only surviving boy. H R, Green went to Hot Springs the first of the week to try to escape a severe case of hay fever. The boys base, ball nine have some very nice suits and all are learning to play a good game of ball. Yellow pitch pino fence posts in our yards at 10 cents each while they last, A. E. Dyers, Marslaud, Nob. A very pleasant party occured at the home of Henry Shitnek Saturday night. A number from town attended. x D. L. Fenner took a load of lumber homo Wednesday to further improve his dwell ing by the addition of porches. A prairie fire, set by taain No. 41 Tues day, near Pierce's was put out quickly, thanks to tho use of the telephone. Will deliver at Hemingford, yellow pitch pine posts in car lots at ncents each, or in small quantities at 12 cents while they last. A. E. Byers, Marsland. O. C. Green of Broken Bow has been employed by A. M. Miller to run his mill and has arrived to fill the position. The mill has been running this week. Cnn make a limited number of longtime real estate loans the last of the month at a reasonable interest rate. Must bo of fair size. Apply to K, L. Pierce. The advertised game of ball between Hemingford and Marple, Saturday, was not played on account of the fact that most of the Marple players did not come. Frank Wildy and wife arrived from Illinois Monday. They will remain here for some time for the benefit of their health and Mr. Wildy will enter the employ of C. J. Wildy. Norbert Frohnapfel went to Omaha Tuesday and on his return trip will make the acquaintence of his wife's folks whom he has never seen. They reside near North Platte. Mrs. Rustin was in Hemingford the fore part of the week, classifying and arranging the school exhibit from this part of the county which will be shown at the state fair this fall. H. C. Spillman went to Kansas City Monday to take a position as salseman for one of the largest stallion importing firms in the United States. This speakes well for Mr. Spillrmn's qualifications in this line. Bids for Central Operator. Bids will be received up to August 25, at noon, to operate central for one year, from September 1, 1905 to August 31, iqoG. The operator is to furnish room, heat and light. It is conditioned that if central is moved from present location it shall be at the expense of the bidder A. M, Miller, H. R. Green, Orville Kidwell. Trustees. By Chas. II. Burleigh, Secretary. MARSLAM). Mrs. A. E. Byers was a Crawford visit or Wednesday. L. Snow returned to Mystic, S. D., on Monday to continue work in the gold fields. C. G, Hollibaugh went to Omaha on 46 Saturday, He accompanied a shipment of cattle. Rev, Shriver started on his southern visit last Tuesday and expects to be absent about a month, Word received that a son arrived recent ly at the L. T, Poole home, Alliance, Tom no doubt has in mind that large prize al- Methodist Episcopal Conference. The thirteenth annual session of the Northwest Nebraska c inference will bo held in tho First M. E. church, in Al liance, Aug. 30th to Sept. 3. Bishop J. W. Hamilton, D. D., president; Uc. D. Clark, presiding elder of Chadron district. Rev, A. R. Julian, D. I)., presiding elder of Long Pino district; Rev. Chas Waynr' Rty, D. 1, pastor. PHOUKAM. Wednesday. A tut. :t0 Lxainlnationsuf utHlcrKradmifc. 4:00 p. 111. . .Business svvdon Lpworth Lcaguu 8-OOp.m Lecturo by Bishop Hamilton Tluirmlay, Aim .11. P.fle 11 111.. Pauratnont of tho Lord's Huppcr, liy Illshop Uatnlltoti 10 imam . . Conference htislnras session Is.Wp tn Missionary Mirnmn ltuv C C. I .... IllluD.lll N.1.1. 3 : p. in. Anniversary I'rcachura'Atd socloty ltov. 1 II KlKlllllK 7 so p. 111. Anniversary rnnreii UMcnstoii Adilrvss-Bev Korlien, U.I). Philadelphia Friday, Bept 1. rtlWii.m Devotional service l':00a in... . . . .IlilHlnesH nosslon 10 (M11. m Address to I'liKH-illsliop Hamilton S.tWp 111., Aimlxersnry rntelicn Missionary MK'lety. Mrs. K. 15. Bunt. president. Address by Miss Melva A. Llverniore, nils- slormry from India. BOO 11. 111 , Lecture '"I ho Old Book and tho New Mnir-Hov .1. T Mcl'iirlnnil, I) . 7:30 p. m... Sunday School Union AimBerwiry Address Bov, .1. T. McKarland Saturday, tfcpt S. 8:)u, 111 Devotional services nuoa m .-llusineiis session 2 30p 111., Anniversary Women's Homo Mis sionary Hocloty. President, Mrs. .1. A. Htamauorn , Address Mrs, M. K, Itotiorts, Lincoln 8:00 p.m. Kihicatloual Annhersary Address by Iter. (1, W. Ishatii, 1) I),, University I'lace, Nebraska Sunday, Bept. 3. 0:30 a, m., Oonfercnro Lovel'east Bov. J. A. S('aiiiKhorn,Uordon, Neb lO'.TOn. m Sermon by Ishop Hamilton 2:00p in ,, Hormon 3:00 p. m .Ordfnntlon Sorvlces T'OOp. m Kpworth LoaRUo Bervleo 8 00 p n , Missionary Anniversary, Her, I) .1, (Hark president Address (1. W. Isliani, I). U ways offered by the Fourth of July com mittee for the largest family group. . Mrs. C. H. Rickey returned from Alli ance Monday where she had been for medical treatment. The little daughter of Peter Hunsaker stepped into a pile of live coals and burned her foot quite badly. James Hunters' and J. Sullcnbcrgers ate ice cream with the family of H. G, Furman Sunday last. Misses Marcia and Josie Kcndric came up from Alliance Sunday, having attended tho last two weeks of normal., C. R. Phelps shipped a car of fine Hol stein 4-year-old steers to Omaha Monday. Mr Phelpsaccompanied tho shipment. A. E. Byers is advertising his entire slock of goods (except groceries) at cost, having decided to go out of business. Now is the time to get good goods cheap. Mrs. Snow and son Linn came up from Alliance Sunday. Drs. Bcllwood and Clough assured them that the fractured bone in Linn's arm was doing nicely. Mrs, John Shipley ami sons, Ben and Ross, were visitors at John Sullenbcrger's recently, having driven down from the Sioux county ranch to meet friends on 41. Quite a number from this place attended a dance at Henry Shimek's on South Table Saturday night. All report a good time and were well entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Shimck CANTON. ' Look out for the total eclipse of the sun August 30, at r38 a. m. The Christian Endeavor was conducted Sunday evening by Miss Jessie Clayton. Mrs. Hattie Jewell of Lawn, was visit ing with her brother, Con Bass, Sunday. Miss Orah Clayton was visiting with her sister Mrs. Will Cory of Alliance, Tuesday and Wednesday. PostmasterC. A. Lockwood visited with Rev. and Mrs. J offers on their claim, south of Canton, Saturday. ... The stacking bee on the ranch of J. W. Broshar Saturday was well attended, Miss Pearl being manager. Doc Randall is building a granary for his large crop of grain. He will build a buggy shed in connection. Mr. Alcot, at his ranch in Sioux county, while handling a colt, was jerked over and had his collar bone broken. Miss Jessie Leavitt and brother Ira, from Lawn, attended church at Canton Sunday, and was the guests of the Misses Broshar. Mrs. Ida Spencer, who has been visit ing relatives and friends here for Btveral weeks, left Saturday morning for her home at Loveland, Colo. Miss Gracie Wright of Loveland, Colo., who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood, left for her home Saturday morning". G, II. Clayton started for Omaha the first of the week with two cars of cattle, but on reaching Alltaace sold t a buyer there for $41 per head. The dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Randall Sunday wa immense. Those present were the three Misses Bro shar, Miss Jessie Leavitt and brother, Arthur Bass and ye scribe. Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within and for Box Batto county, Nebraska, Aug, i, 1005, in tho mutter of tho estate of Henry t'rllly, deceased. To tho creditors ot said estate: You are hereby notified, that 1 will bit at the County Oourt Boom In Alliance In said county, on ttio'JOth day of February, 1000. at 2 o'clock it m..to rucclveand examine all claims against said ci.ute.wUh a view to their adjust ment and allowance. Tho time limited for tho presentation of claims against wild estate Is 0 monins, irom mo lain uay oi auk., a.i, it. and tho time limited for payment of debts Is ons year irom sam ism uuy oi auk, 1005. Witness my hand and tho seat of said county court, this ISth day of AuRnbt, 1003. True Colirl s-K. Spaoiit. fjBKAI.1 3S- t;ouDtv Judge. Are You Going to Paint This Fall? It will bo n good fail to paint. But it will be n good deal better to paint our houses, barns, vehicles, implements, &c. with . HAM PCAC PA I NT MADE F0R A I)RV CLI- I mL.LCV r'tt.lll 1 MATE AND TESTED, I'l l.l. HAHAN1LT.il. For Sale Tost "Time Waits for No Man" NOR NO HACHINE. YyHEN you are haying", you want machin ery that time don't have to wait for. Moral: ry T7' McCormick Mowers, Binders and Rakos. f3 II Y International Stackers and Sweeps. Dain Stackers and " Sweeps. Superior Stackers and Sweeps. All most approved haying machinery, at NEWBERRY'S -j THE FINEST CASH Fresh and Salt MEAT MARKET VcaI, ,, Pork Sausagei, Etc. C. F. KK0I.L, Propr. CHEAP FOR CASH I GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER First Door South of Stccn Cafe immmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (ii'.'i $&$. ;; f The Palace -jAYING purchased The Palace Meat Market, we desire to announce that we will give patrons the best meats and prompt attention. The following" CASH prices will be strictly adhered to: Loin Steak 1 2c Pork Loin and Steak 1 5c Beef Boil '5c Beef Roast. . . .8 and 10c Sausage 10c per lb., 3 lbs. for 25c 'Phone your orders early. No. i HEATER & PREUSS, Props. m Jiamonds, U Souvenirs ... Repairing in all its branches. Mail orders promptly attend to. W. 0. BARNES, Jeweler and Optician Absolutely Pure Paint STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST Every Gallon Guaranteed.. FOR SALE BY F. E. HOLSTEN Dray and Transfer Line. W them The only spring Phone 139. 'WJPW wW&BJp t Wc um the old-fash-lofled genuine Oak Tan CaHf oral leather. Very beat ebtaJaable. Olves loag, fcdthful aarwUc Trlmmlaga perfect. Ikread, Irish Haea. Workmea, master ate caantec. Made la aM a t y I a. Ask yaw dealer he has tfeera. Stead up for Nebraska. ENDS OF TRACES STAMPED BwcKatafT Bros. Mff. Co. - J El. TOXDIEIK A Big Come-down in lumber is not at all likely, unless tho unexpected happens. Prices are moro likely to go up. We carry a tun line ot LUMBER AND COAL Dlcrhs' Lumber and Coal Co. D. WATERS, Mngr. Also agents for Neb Cent. Bid. & Loan Asso, 'Phono 22, t-9 Meat Market 131. Watches, Gold Jewelry, H mm I nfl 3 VvnHM mrmfmi mm: ' mmm HEN "VOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; s'tore tbeat in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship wherever desired. Charges raasonaDie. dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. BUCKSTAFF BB HARNESS Kj. THE BEST MADE tmmmmmWmmP - ' I Nfc,, Lincoln. Nt. - J -