I" V if ft! Pl f i I i 1 t t! r i ! i i I 5 ., WE- & ... Mil IIKK Wua II v nunmitfiiiuiy IP ' mint icttwn TiiitURDAVS. P' " . - T. J. D'KEEFK Publisher J. D. KNIEST Associate Editor Entered at the poatoffico nt Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. iT Tub Hbralo is tho Ofliclat Publlca tion of Upx Butto county and Its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch per month.... ........ 5 Business locals, per lino first insertion .to Each subsequent insertion, per line .So Display advertising on first page, 50 per cent mora than on any other page. Legal notices at statute rates. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. i LOCAL PAIfXGRAPIIS. i Tho Misses Fickell visited at tho Hampton ranoh Inst Sunday. Dr. Eikner and wife of Hcmingford were visitors in tho city Tuesday. F. E. Reddish is feeling himself again after several days' indisposition. E. J. Harry attended tno Eagles con vention at Denver, returning Sunday. Mrs. Al Wiker" was quite seriously injured Tucsdav by falling down stairs. Miss Delia Reed returned Sunday from her visit with relatives at I'crry, Iowa. Mrs. F. M. Broome returned Tues day from her visit at Denver and Omaha. Mrs, Win. James and daughters vis ited tho family of "It. R. Ralls at Bon ner Tuesday. Register Bruce Wilcox and wife re turned Sunday from a visit with rela tives nt Rcdingtou. W. C. Phillips, tho efficient corres pondent of The Herald at Canton was in town Tuesday. Jnmes Hollinrako was down from Hcmiugfoid Tuesday transacting busi ness at tho court house. Mrs. J. E. Sullivan and children, of Iowa, a,ie visiting her brother Conductor FV O'Connor and family. D. W. Hughes was called cast Sat urday by a telegram announcing the ssrious illness of his wife. Miss Susie Frazier has returned from Sidney where, sho was engaged in in stitute work a couple of weeks. John D. Cannichaol of Casper stop ped in Alliance on his way to Denver to attend the Eagles convention. Miss Gertrude Hand of Hav Springs arrived 111 the city Tuesday for a few days visit with her brother, Dr. Hand. Miss Viua Perry was n passenger yesterday for Shcridan.whcro she will visit relatives and friends till school be Kins. Kail Spatz, foreman of the round house, was passing cigars tho first of the week' on tho arrival of a son, born Sunday morning. Eugiucer Hagcr has gone to the Black Hills to secure relief from hay fever. His family will go there soon to spend a week. Miss McCullough returned today from her purchasing trip to Chicago for W. D. Rumor. She also visited at her former homo in Iowa. , 'Mrs. Dr. Bowman departed Sunday for Dcadwood to spend a few days visiting tho family of Conductor E. W. Stewart and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Fernald arc spending a few days at Torrington where they went to visit and make the acquaintance of a grandson. C. O. Aspinwall and family left Sun day for Portland, where they will take in the sights at the exposition. They weie accompanied by Miss Baker. Rev. P. J. Lynch of Newcastle came in from Denver Tuesday where he had been to have an operation performed on his nose for a catarrhal trouble. Miss Bertha Kern arrived from Den. ver Saturday and after a few days visit with the family of Ira Reed will return t her home at Burlington, Wash. Tho genial Tom Poole, who so graci ously attends to the wauts of the stock men at the Burliugton yards, is the happy father of a young republican. Mis. M. L. Phares, sister of Mrs. Watson, who has been visiting in this city for several weeks, returned to her homejn Grand Ledge, Mich,, Monday morning, Mr. and Mis. F. F. Badgley and daughter, Mrs. E. M. Todd, returned Sunday front a three week trip to the Portland exposition and Pacific 'coast points. k. m. Hampton purcuaseu 150c bushels of oats of C, J. Benjamin yes erday. Mr. Benjamin, whose farm is seven miles north of Alliance, raised about 4,000 bushels this Benson off an 80 aero field. Misses Josie and Marcla Kendric re turned to their homo near Marsland Sunday. Miss Marcla will teaoh in tho Crawford schools the ensuing term. Flavcl L. Wright, a prominent voung business man of Scottsbluff, is spend ing a couploof days in tho cityand will seek tho mysteries of Elkdom tomor row evening. Father Devos has made arrange ments to hold services at Lakeside next October, somelimo between tho 1st and 10th of the month, thereafter he will hold monthly services. Mrs. J. R. Sexton of Cleburne, Tex as, arrived in the city Monday from Denver and will visit friends here till noxt week when she will go to Missouri Valley, Iowa, for a visit. Sheriff Ira Roed returned Monday from Lenark, 111., where he shipped a car of horses. Not finding a ready sale there, only two were sold and the rest will bo shipped to Pennsylvania. Chas. C Jamicson was up from Ells worth yesterday afternoon. Mr. Jamie son says that the work of haying is pro greasing nicely 011 the Spade ranch since the weather has become favorable W. H. Ashworth, representing the G. W. Chase & Son Mercantile Co., St. Joseph, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Ashworth sells tho ceiebrated Spencer Junior cigar advertised in this issue. Tho Alliance council Knights of Col umbus have received their new robes and pharaphernalia and also charter, all of which arc elaborate, making this one of the best equipped councils in the state. Win. Sherlock, residing six miles west of Alliance,.is not only blessed with fine crops this season, but to make Mini uouoly nappy, lus gooa witc pre sented him with a fine baby boy Tues day of last week. Brakenian Hugh McGuitc has so far recovered from tho injuries received re cently at Crawford as to he able to make n tup to Hot Springs, S. D., where ho will rest and recuperate. He loft Monday on 41. Father DelFosso and fiiend William Henderson of Central City were the guests of Father Devos a couple of days this week, leaving yesterday for Hot Springs to spend a day before re turning to their home. ' A number of J. G. Beck's Odd Fel low and Woodmen friends surprised him last Saturday evening, to remind him 01 tho passing of another milestone in his life. Refreshments were served and a general good time was had by all present. Kennit Roosevelt, second son of the president, passed through Alliance Monday on No. 41 enroute to Dead wood where ho will spend a week hunt ing with Captain Seth Bullock, who is chief of tho forest reserve and a close f 1 iend of the president. Harvey Allison and Mrs. W. D. Johnson returned Tuesday from Mis souri, having gdtio there last week to attend the funeral of their father, Mr. Allison. Colonel Allison has visited here and mado many friends who re gret to hear of his demise. J. J. Jewett, principal of the Casper (Wyo.) schools, arriyed in the city from Denver Tuesday and visited until to day with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Heming way who were his classmates at Ober lin college. Mr. Jewett was on his re turn from a trip to the Pacific coast. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hunter came down from their ranch in Dawes coun ty last night and met Mrs. Harris who made final proof on her homestead to day. Mrs. Harris will remain in the city to care for her sou Tom who was injured in the wreck at Adelia last night. Timet Bros., commission merchants, South Omaha, write under date of Aug. 23: We had the creditable dis tinction today of topping the market on feeding cattle for P. J. Sturgeon of Alliance, 36 head averaging 1219 lbs., and sold for $4.05, tho highest price paid for feeders on this market this week." T. J. Doyle, a prominent attorney of Lincoln, and T. P. Lanigan a well known business man of Greeley Center, passed through today enroute to Ta- coma, where they are interested in a copper mine. Mr. Lanigan came to Alliance on the first train, seventeen years ago, and was interested in the Box Butte Banking Co's bank here for three years. Dr. C. E. Peirce arrived from Den ver Sunday, where he was in atten dant at th osteopathic convention, and will assist Dr. Balf during the ab sence of Dr. Frey. Dr. Peirce, who was a former resident of this city, is a graduate of the Still college of osteo pathy, Des Moines, and Is now in prac- Ship Your Live Stock to THUET BROS. Live stock Commission Merchants ICSXARI-.I.Sr-IIGl) IN lBKiT SOUTH OMAHA. NEBR. SIOUX CITV, IOWA. Bank References: Union Stock Yards Nnt. So. Omaha Nat. Live Stock Bank, Chicago. Live Stock Nat., Sioux City, Iowa. Stock Yards Nat., So. St. Paul. St. Paul Nat. Bank, St. Paul. Write for our Market Letter and &HIP YOUR -TO- Nye & Buchanan Co. Live Stock Commission SOUTH OMAHA Wvito XJh for 3Ii-lcei X.ioitH or n Tnpei Expert Salesmen in All Departments. On Saturday, Sept. 2, Saturday, Sept. 9, and Saturday Sept. 16, jrr . oexz (B. & M. Railway) The Standard Cuttle Company will sell by public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following cattle: 650 yearlings, (steers and heifers); 500 to 600 cows and calves, (calves unbranded); 250 two-year-old heifers, and a laige number of three-year-old steers; thtce-year-old spayed heifers; two-year-old steers; two-year-old spayed heifers; numbering in all 7300 head. These cattle are all dehorned and have been bred by the company on their Sand Hill Ranch, from pure bred Shorthorn and Hereford bulls, andurc of fine quality. At the same place and dates this company shall also offer a number of their saddle horses, wind mills, drinking tanks and standing fences on their property. The train from the cast over the Builington,, leaving Omaha at 11:10 p. 111., arrives at Hccla at 11:30 the next day, and these sales will commence immedi ately after the arrival of this train. Arrangements will bo mado for the ac commodation of buyers after each sale and partio are mim-stcd to have bank ceferences for purchases made. W. E. HITE and G. E. FREEWELL, Auctioneers. 344 tice with Dr. Petersou, another former Allianccitc, at Calgary, Alberta, Cana da. Both are young men of integrity and their numerous friends here aie pleased to note their success. The sociable given by the ladies of Holy Rosary church last Thursday evening was largely attended and en joyed. The refreshments were de- liciously prepared and neatly served. While tho weather was rather cool for ice cream, the hot coffee and fine sandwiches prepared the way for the frigid dishes. The string and phono graph music added to the pleasure of the occasion. A picnic was tendered the Sunday scholars of Holy Rosary church last Saturday, on tho beautiful grounds sur rounding the parsonage. The after noon was given to playing games and indulging in contests such as races, jumping, and tho like. In the evening the little ones together with their teachers enjoyed a sumptuous supper. Judge Ridgell and wife returned Sun day from Denver where he attended the Eagles convention while Mrs. Ridgell visited friends. Tho judge says there were 25,000 Eagles in atten dance besides fully 50,000 visitors in the city, and Denver people did them selves proud in entertaining. One of the unique features during the parade was snowballing, the snow having been hauled down from the mountains. BUSINESS LOCALS. In the wise management of its assets rests the strongth and prosperity of every bank. Each officer of The First National bank of this city has had from five to twenty years .experience in Ne braska banking. Save part of your earnings ana deposit it in tins well managed bank. 32U Dishes 25 per cent dis count for cash. A rare bargain. At Rodgers. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf. Dr. Koons, dentist. Office over Norton's, For Sale: House and two lots, two blocks cast of First Natioual bank. Enquire at the house or saloon W. N. Corneal. G-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. "Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. "America patent" flour is the best in town at Pilkington's. 25th Our ice cream, crushed fruits, etc. at the fountain are delicious. J. E. Joder. .w,,. 3 We carry the best grade of machine oil at the Eagle Pharmacy. J. E. Joder. .www, 3 Wanted A cook. Apply at The Herald office. CHICAGO, ILL. SO. ST. PAUL, MINN. Men Who Handle Your Stock. E. P. Mclady, Mgr., Hog Salesman. Byron Clow, Cattle Salesman, A. E. Compton, Cattle Salesman. Ellis .T. Wright. Assistant. Walter Lake, Sheep Salesman. Daily Paper free of charge' LIVE STOCK ;leCo.AuctionSale j Juni hi n Save While You Shoe the entire family. Can. Ten's days' blioe sale at rrcu s. 30 For Sole. Three residence properties. Only small cash payment required. G. W. Clark. Order Light Brahma roosters now for fall shipment of G. Bralim, Aurora, Neb." Come early on Friday to get your choice of white shirt waists, worth up to $4.50 for Si. 46 at Norton's. On Saturday, you can get 50c. wash silks for 2gc. per yard, for one day only, at W. W. Norton's. Stolen In Alliance, Monday night, August 14, two gray horses, five years old, branded 31 on left shoulders. Twenty dollars reward. Notify Sheriff Box Butte county. Lost A red cow and calf both branded F bar on left side. Also dog head and W brand on cow. Finder please notify John Burns of Malinda or Will Reed of Alliance and receive the reward. w 35-3 Notice to Settle. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the Palace Meat market are requested to call and settle at once. H. L. Bushnel. Stock Dipping Certificates The form of blanks proscribed by Govern ment Stock Inspector Dr. L. S. Camp bell especially for The Herald are kent in stock at this office. tf Buy America patent" flour at Pil- kington's. 25U Buy Now for your future needs. 10 days bar gain sale at Frdd's. House Cleaning. Can supply the services of a thorough and experienced man for general house cleaning. Phone 139. Geo. Darling. Take your prescriptions to the Eagle Pharmacy, where a registered man will give them prompt and careful atten tion. ,WWWWWWWWW See F. E. Reddish for loans on real estate. . 7-tf $1.00 Value for 75c. at Fred's io'day bargain sale. Attention, Ranchmen! Yellow pitch pine posts delivered at Alliance at 12 cents each, in car lots, while they last. A. E. Byers, ' Marsland, Neb. Salesman Wanted. We desire to secure the services of a real live, energetic and competent sales man in every county in this state, to represent us among farmers and stock raisers. Guaranteed salary and com mission. Address, Suparier American Stock Food Co., Findlay, Ohio. Attention, Ranchmen I Yellow pitch pine posts delivered at Alliancsat'12 cents each, in car lots, while they last. A. E. Byers, Marsland, Neb. SrECiAL Salesmen in R. It. ROGERS. J. n. ULAMCHARD. WE AGAIN CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE OMAHA LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. Wo handle all kinds of stock. Write for our Market Letter and call when you are at the yards. AtiyiMikor&ant:iieAg0ncr.f Omaha Live Stock Commission Co. J. 11. IlLANdllAKI). Pros, anil MnttaRer. James C. DahlSTan, Pros, and Mgr. : J. W. Gridulb, The American Commission Live Stock DIRECTORS: Capital, James C. Daiilman. Ed. Caiiow. So. Omaha J. M. Humphrey. Boy Feeders on Orders, 5" South Omaha, Nebraska. REFERENCES R. G. Dun & Co., Bradslreet, or Any Bank. Special Attention Given to Feeder and Stocker Trade. Spargur, Lindburg dc Co. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP. Rooms no-1 12 Exchange Building, Telephone 34 W. Si'argur, Cattle Salesman, George M. Wood, Sheep Salesman. ROSENBAUn BROS. & Co. (incorporated) LIVE STOCK Commission Merchants South Omaha, Nebr. UNION STOCK YARDS Chicago, Illinois. Sioux City, Iowa. W. H. Dudley, T. D. Perrine, Cattle Salesmen W. F. King, Allen Dudley, Office Mien EHible & Go. LIVE STOCK ConmssioN Herchants ROOM 237 NEW EXCHANGE BLD'G SOUTH OMAHA, - NEBRASKA. Telephone 132 So. Omaha. Telephone 302 Co. Bluffs. : ESTABLISHED IN 1 867 : WOOD BROS. Live Stock Commission Merchants SOUTH Also Chicago, 111. Sioux City, Iowa We will be more than pleased to send free masket reports to all desiring them. REPRESENTED TAGG d ROS. Live Stock CoiimissioD Co. South Omaha Nebraska H. E. Tagg, A. W. Tagg, Cattle Salesmen John Smith, Sheep Salesman. G. M. Hamill, Has. Hildurn, Hog Salesman. 107-109 Exchange B!dg. South Omaha, Neb. 234-236 Exchange Bldg. South St. Joe, Mo. W. B. Tagg, Secretary Each Department. N. K. 11RYSON A. E. ROGERS Ed. Caiiow, Vice-Pres. bec'y and Treas. Company Salesmen. $100,000. Ed. Cahow, Cattle Salesman. TllEO. TlLLOTSON, Ass. Cattle Salesman Jim Clarey, Hog Salesman. Martin Cullerton, Sheep Salesman. & Chicago Both Cattle and Sheep t - ir ,y As. R. D. RoniNSON, Hog Salesman. O. F. Linduurg, Office " Scott Harrell, Hog Salesman. Ross, Jr., Sheep Salesman. Jno, OHAHA, NEB. We have a special salesman in departwent who is ably assisted by corps of yardmen. every a full AT CHICAGO, ILL. South St. Joe, .Missouri H. B. Hamill, Hog Salesman and Manager. M. D. YouNe, Cattle Salesman. If. C. Sager, Office. t -e .dr 4 i -.