The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 24, 1905, Image 4

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All Up-to-Dato Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold "Water Starch, be
cause It la better, and 4 oz. mora of It
lor same money.
Gas Light for
Country Homes.
Small country homes, as well os
largo ones, may bo lighted by tho
best light known ACE2TYLENB
QAS it is easier on tho oyca than
any other illumlnant, cheaper than
kerosene, as convenient as city gas,
brighter than cloctricity and safer
than any.
No ill-smelling lamps to clean, and
no chimneys or mantels to break.
For light cooking it is convenient
and cheap.
ACETYLENE is mado In tho baso
ment and piped to all rooms and out
buildings. Complete plant costs no
mora than a hot air furnace
Off f rp Automatic
IlLiV1 Generators
make tho gas. They are perfect in
construction, reliable, safo and
Our booklet, "AftcrSunset," tells
moro about ACETYLENE sent f rco
on request.
Dealers or others interested in tho
salo of ACETYLENE apparatus writo
us for selling plan on PILOT Gener
ators and supplies it Is a paying
proposition for reliablo workers.
Acetylene Apparatus Mfg. Co.,
IS7 Michigan Avenue, .. CHICAGO, ILL
K1k..Whompson, Ey Wttir
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 341905.
1 Egg POWDER 1
K WpSgafcBtl is the wonderful raising powder oi the m
K ra UfrtjwlJU Wave Circle. Thousands of women are 1
Wfe. RyU rlHII brinSinS greater health and better food
P iJJJ, I into their homes by using K C Baking H
H rl)?SiMLMir 6 cl rowJcn Doi,,t accept a substitute! M
B Svmi"L(I!j Usc tnesac wholesome and reliable K C m
jK MJtStesS&I?' Baking Powder. If you have never used p
BL fiSDESs it you don't know what you've missed. W
Q 25 ounces for 25 cents V
Chicago K
.--'HI' ikttfefei Tbsarttslla" Book of Presents" Ef
L.--'v" HRfe. frse upon request. dJ
f jiifl DalnHy, Crtsp, Dressy
s-rfiL- Skirts
; Omaha, Nebraska
Trailing Dresses Barred.
Tho authorities of Nordhauson, Box
ony, have forbidden tho uso of tho
Btrcots to ang person wearing an nr
Uclo of dress that swoops tho pavo
mont. Offenders aro to bo fined 30
Lowis' "Slnglo Bindor" straight Bo cigar.
Mado of rino, mollow tobacco, so rich In
quality that many who formerly smoked
lOo cigars now smoko Lewis' "Slnglo
Binder." Lewis' Factory, Peoria, DL
Englishman's Haroh Criticism.
An Englishman says that tho peoplo
of the Unltod States aro ncrvo-rackod,
bald-headed, gray-hcadod, catarrhal
pooplo, who do not know how to llvo.
Plso's Curo Is too best xa'cdtclno wo trrcr used
for all nffrctlons of tho throat and luncs. VftL
0. EitDsi.aT, Vanburen, Ind., Ieb. 10, 1W0.
Few Suicides In London.
London has fewer suicides than any
other great capital. "Whilo Paris has
400 suicides per million per year, Lon
don has only ninety.
FREE-Btpaee copyright book. "Advloa tJ
Victims Great Whlus Plague (Tuberculosis.)"
Drs. Van Uummell, OH inn St., Denver, Colo.
- Tho Really Strong Mind.
"Tho mind that is parallol with tho
laws of naturo will bo In tho curront
of events, nnd strong with their
strength." Emerson.
Why It Is the Best
is because made by an entirely differ
ent process. Deflanco Starch is un
like any other, better and one-third
more for 10 cents.
"You're Just a poem, Bess," I said
And I was right, you see.
,1 knew tho way she tossed her head
Sho was a verso to mo.
"Dyspepsia Tormented Mo for Years. Dr.
David Kennedy's F&torlte ltenmlr cured me." Mrs. O.
(.Dougherty, UllWIlJe.N.J. Uped orer SO yean. 11.00,
Consider the Wasp.
"Tho wasp Is a disputatious crea
ture, to bo sure," observed the profos
sor, "but It always carries Its point."
Two English Cities Keep Walls.
York and Chester aro tho last Eng
lish cities to preservo their surround
ing walls intact.
Defiance Starch
should be In every household, none so
Rood, besides 4 oz. more for 10 cent?
than any other brand of cold water
Nothing except what flows from the
heart can render even external man
ners pleasing. Blair.
Cabbages were introduced into Eng
land In tho sixteenth ocntury.
are a delight to tho refined woman every
where. In order to get this result see that
the material is good, that it is cut in the
latest fashion and uso
rst rata
in the laundry. All three things are import
ant, but the last is absolutely necessary.
No matter how. fine the material or bow
daintily made, bad starch and poor laundry
work will spoil the effect and ruin the
clothes. DEFIANCE STARCH is pure,
will net rot the clothes nor cause them to
crack. It sells at 10c a sixteen ounce pack
age everywhere. Other starches, much in
ferior, sell at 10c for twelve ounce pack
age. Insist on getting DEFIANCE
STARCH and be sure of results.
BiaioD Starch
S. TJ. Toyloc, sheriff of Hall county,
bos resigned.
Tho foundation of tho now depot at
Wood lllvor is complotod.
Johnson & Bros., Nebraska City,
havo decided to open a wholesale
Heavy rains rocently in Dodgo coun
ty havo been highly beneficial to tho
growing corn.
Owen Roberts of Geneva has boon
adjudged Insane and taken to tho Lin
coln asylum for tho Insane.
A young man named Howe, of Beat
rfco, whilo playing "circus," fell from
a trapeze, and was seriously hurt.
Insuranco Auditor Pierce has an
nounced that ho will examlno into tho
workings of tho various fraternal or
ders of tho state.
J. O. Morgan, who has been working
for different parties in Seward for sev
eral years, loft recently for parts un
known. Ho has been gotting money on
fraudulent checks.
Charles Burns, tho actor, who fell
from tho Paddock opera houso stage
In Bcatrico, to the pavement dlod from
his injuries. His remains wero taken
to Lincoln for burial.
On Soptembcr 13 and 14 will be held
tho third annual livestock show- at
"Wlsner. All preparations aro being
mado for tho ovent and It promises to
bo tho largest yet held.
Tho secretary of stato declares that
tho Great Northern must pay a filing
fee and bo incorporated beforo the
corporation can excrciso tho right of
eminent domain in Nebraska.
Tho body of Mrs. L. B. Gibson, who
died at tho Her Grand hotel, Omaha,
from acuto stomach trouble, has been
identified as that of Cathorlno Lcarlng
of Yankton, 8. D., by her brother, B.
Tho second annual Dawson county
Chautauqua opened In Lexington park
with a good attendance. Tho grounds
wero In flno condition and ovcry pos
sible convenience hod been arranged
for tho visitors.
Horses in tho vicinity of O'Neill aro
rapidly dying off, as tho result of a
plaguo of Bwamp fever, which- has
been spreading through tho county,
according to State Veterinarian C. A.
McKim, who arrived in Norfolk from
Chicago dispatch: Mrs. Bertha E.
Finney of Lincoln shot herself in tho
left tcmplo at tho homo of a sister,
Mrs. Patterson, and died as a result
threo hours later. Despondency, duo to
ill health, is believed to havo prompt
ed tho act
Work has commenced on tho now
school building at Palmyra. It Is to be
of brick with all tho modern Improve
ments and conveniences. I. B. Man
son of Nebraska City has tho contract
to complete tho building ready for oc
cupancy" for ?G,045.
Henry Eckhart as administrator of
the estate of his son, Henry Eckhart,
has begun suit in, district court at Lin
coln against tho Union Pacific railway
for $2,000. Tho boy who was flvo years
old was killed April 4 by a Union Pa
cific freight train in Lincoln.
A horse and buggy was stolen from
the barn of Ed Robinson in Falrbury.
Tho thief was captured and brought
back from Beatrice by Sheriff Case.
The outfit was taken by a boy who
gavo the name of Ralph Leonard and
claims that his parents llvo near
Boone, la. Ho was held to tho noxt
term of tho district court.
The Stato Board of Equalization has
authorized County Clerk Stephenson
to mako a number of changes In tho
assessment of Nanco county. In the
valuation of horses an increase of 25
per cent is ordered; pianos, 25 per
cent; threshing machines, 15 per cent;
sowing machines, 30 per cent, and in
the valuation of mules an increaso of
15 per cent.
Frank King, aged 40, who lived with
his parents near Lawrence, committed
suicide by hanging himself to tho Mis
souri Pacific railroad bridge, two miles
north of that place. King was treated
in tho Lincoln insane asylum about
flvo years ago and when returned was
much Improved In health, but during
last year his condition had grown
worso again.
At the semi-annual meeting of tho
stockholders of tho farmers' grain as
sociation at Benedict the "penalty
clause," requiring members of tho as
sociation who sell to competing ele
vators to pay into tho association ono
cent per bushel, was stricken from tho
by-laws and all money received from
this source was ordered refunded to
those having paid it
Governor Mickey has received a
draft for $8,012.83 from the general
government for tho members of the
Nebraska regiments which took part
in tho Spanish-American war Tho
basis on which tho monoy is to be
distributed Is not known to tho gov
ernor, but it Is stated that the Wash
ington attorneys who' had chargo of
the claims will forward a list of the
names as certified by the war depart
ment Isaac Robinson, whilo engaged in
mowing weeds on tho Union Pacific
right-of-way north of Beatrice, re
ceived a sunstroke, tho first reported
there this season. Ho is 67 years of
ago and lives in Glenover.
The postal authorities at Fremont
havo a case on their hands that may
prove interesting. Monday night Sec
tion Foreman J. W. Johnson of Arling
ton, whilo returning from his work out
on tho lino of tho Northwestern found
a package containing $2,700 worth of
drafts five miles east of tho town. The
drafts wero sent from Creston to the
First National bank of Fremont
The State Hospital for Crlppled,"Rup
tured and Deformed Children.
Tho Nebraska Stato Hospltnl for
Crippled, Rttpturod and Deformed
vhlldron will bo formally oponed at
Lincoln September I.
Tho last stnto legislature of Ne
braska appropriated $10,000 for tho
ostabllshmnt of this institution, which
Is ono of tho most beneficent over or
ganized In tho stnto. Ncbrnska is tho
third stato to havo such a homo, Now
York and Minnesota bolng tho first
to establish such n hospital.
Tho hospital is locatod in tho com
niodrous building of tho Homo for tho
Friendless In Lincoln, tho building
having boon recently remodeled and
fitted up for tho caro and treatment
of crippled and doformod children.
Uesldos special surgical npparata a
room has boon equipped especially for
X-ray diagnoses.
Dr. J. P. Lord of Omaha Is tho su
perintendent of tho Institution and
slates that tho object of tho homo is
to caro for deformed children whoso
parents or guardians nro unablo finan
cially to provldo sultablo treatment.
Applicants for admission to tho homo
must furnish satisfactory proof that
tho parents or guardians aro unablo
to caro for tho chlldron. Only pa
tients between tho ages of 2 and 1G
years will bo admitted, except under
unusual circumstances.
Tho Bovcnty-flvo crippled and do
formod children at present confined
In tho stnto poor houses will bo re
moved to tho homo as soon as It is
Dr. Lord will maintain his resldenco
and ofllco in Omaha, but will mako
regular trips fo Lincoln.
Information for Sportsmen that Should
Be Preserved for Reference.
Numerous inquiries aro being mado
concornlng tho gamo laws of Ne
braska and for all interested parties
tho Inws as they now stand aro given:
Pursuing-, tuklnc, wounding, killing or
havlnp In poHnesslon of pmo or flsb, or
sons, insectivorous or otlior blrdu Is pro
hibited except as permitted under license
nnd during tho open season. Except that
wolves, coyotes, foxcR. wild cats, iltunki
and rnbbltfl mny be killed at any time of
year, tho open acasons nro as follows:
Horned Deer and Antelope August 15
to November IE, Not moro than ono deer
and ono antolopo, or two deer or two an
telope, to bo killed by ono person during:
1'ralrio Chicken, Sage Chicken and
Grouso September 1 to November SO.
Quail November 15 to November 30, In
clusive. Wild Duck, Qeeso. Brant, Crano nnd
Game Water Fowl Septembor 1 to April
Jack Snipe, Wilson Snlpo and Yellow
Lojrs September 1 to May 16.
Wild Pigeons, Doves and Plover July
1 to July 31, inclusive.
Not more than ten wild gceso or brant
nnd twenty-five tramo birds of other va
rieties to be killed in one day, and no
person allowed to have in his possession
moro than ten wild geeso or brant, fifty
duckvi and fifty othor birds at any ono
time; provided that not moro than ten
prairie chickens mny bo had in posses
sion during month of September.
Trout (Not less than eight Inches Ih
length), April 1 to October 1. All other
fish. April 1 to November 15.
Not more than twonly-flvo fish to bo
caught In one day, nnd not more than
fifty to bo in possession of one person at
ono time.
No game or fish to be hnd in possession
moro than five days after the closo of tho
No hunting allowed in tho night. Only
ordinary shoulder gunB to bo used.
No fishing allowed except with rod and
line and not more than flvo hooks on ono
Hunters must hold license. Fee, J10 for
non-residents: fl for residents.
Non-residents not allowed to take out
of state more than fifty gamo birds or
twenty-five fish, dame must be accom
panied by owner on samo train.
Fines For unlawfully pursuing, wound
ing or killing elk, deer or anteiopo, $100
to $300, or Imprisonment not moro than
ninety days, or both.
For birds or fish, unlawfully taken or
had In possession, 15 for each bird or fish,
or not exceeding sixty days' imprison
ment. For UBlng dynamite or other explosive,
fiolsonous or stunlfylng substance in tak
ng or killing llsh or placing In water
containing fish. JloO to $500, or peniten
tiary not moro than ono year.
Kvory net, trap, sclno or dovlce de
clared a public nuisance, to bo abated or
destroyed summarily by any person; ex
cept nets or seines not exceeding twenty
feet long by three feet deep, used for
taking minnows of variety not protected.
All guns, ammunition, dogs, blinds and
decoys nnd fishing, tackle unlawfully In
use forfeited to tlte state.
License to be procured from county
clerk. Non-resident of state fee, $10; pro
vides fine of not moro than 100 or sixty
days' imprisonment.
Residents of state, outside of county of
resldenco, II. In county of actual resl
denco no licenso required; provides tine
of ISO, or thirty days' imprisonment.
Cook Commits Suicide.
BEATRICE After several hours of
intense suffering Ed Bateman, a cook
at tho Davis house, died from the ef
fects of rat poison, taken with sui
cidal intent Ho was about 35 ycart
of age.
Drowned In Jar of Water.
THAYER Tho little child of Gil
bert Goudys, aged 3 years, was play
ing in tho yard and fell into a largo
Jar of water and drowned beforo as
slstanco came.
Identify Dead Man.
FALLS CITY Tho young man who
was discovered dead along tho Mis
souri Pacific track four miles south
of Hiawatha, Kas., was identified as
Ernest Allenbaugh of this place.
After Loan Concern.
Secretary Royso of the Stato Bank
ing board said that he had asked the
attorney goneral to proceed with the
prosecution of an unauthorized Install
mont investment company which is
operating in the stato. It Is believed
that tho company Is working at
HYANNIS While M. B. Ganow,
living thirty miles north of here, was
driving- a stacker team, a singletree
broke, hitting him in tho stomach. Ho
died from his injuries.
A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many
Dread Diseases Intelligent Women Prepare
for It. Two Relate their Experience.
tho most critical period
of a woman's existence,
and tho anxiety felt by
women ns it draws near
is not without reason.
Every woman who
neglects tho caro of her
health at this titno in
vites disease and pnln.
When her system is in
a deranged condition,
or sho is predisposed to
apoplexy, or congestion
of nny organ, tho ten
dency h at this period
likely to become notlvo
and with a host of ner
vous Irritations, mnko
lifo a burden. At this
time, also, cancors and
tumors nro moro llnblo
to form and begin their
destructive worlt.
Such warning symp
toms ns senso of suffo
cation, hot Hashes, head
aches backaches, dread
of Impending evil, timid
ity, sounds in tho cars,
palpitation of tho heart,
sparks beforo tho eyes,
irregularities, constipa
tion, variablo appetite,
weakness nnd inquie
tude, and dizziness, aro
promptly heeded by in
telligent women who aro
npnroachlncr tho period
In llfo when woman's great chango
may bo expected.
rl heso symptoms nro nil just bo many
calls from naturo for help. Tho nurves
nro crying out for assistance and tho
cry should be heeded in time.
Lydla K. Pinkhnm's Vcgotablo Com
pound was prepared to meet tho needs
of woman's sj-Btom at this trying
period of her llfo. It invigorates nnd
strengthens tho female orgnnism and
builds up the weakened nervous system.
It has carried thousands of women
Bafely through this crisis.
For special udvlco regarding this im
portant period women nro invited to
write to Mrs. Pinltham at Lynn, Mass.,
and it will bo furnished absolutely f rco
of charge.
Read what Lydia E. Plnkham's Com
pound did for Mrs. Ilyland and Mrs.
llinklo :
Dear Mrs. rinVkam:
"I had boon suffering with falling of tho
womb for years and was passing through tho
Chango of Life. My womb was badly swol
len; my stomach was sore; Iliad dizzy spoil,
sick headaches, and was vory nervous.
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Cewpewd Succeeds Where there Hi,
Special Offer
Tho namo and address of your
shoo dealer and 15c to cover
cost of mailing, etc., willsecuro
ono of tho handsomo rolled
gold pino illustrated above.
Enameled In colors and will
wear for years. Thoso pins
wero secured by thousands of
World's Fair visitors.
Only a few hundred left.
Writo Quick.
Roberts. Johnson f?AND
Mum th Fiia' xr
3C -I .rw
South and Southeast, ono fare plus
St. Louis, Mo., dally 15.60
Richmond, Va., Sept. 8th to
11th incluslvo 33.75
Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 14th
to 16th, inclusive 32.7C
Long limits, stopovers and other
features offered in connection with
tho above rates.
All Agents can sell you through
tickets and routo you Wnbash.
All tickets reading over tho Wa
bnah from Chlcugo east are op
tional with passenger via Lake or
Rail, either or both directions.
Call at Wnbash City ofQce. 1601
Farnam St., or write and lot me
give you all Information, maps, de
scriptive matter, folders, etc.
Q. A. I D. Wabash K. It., Omaha,
troubled with ills Decall&r to
their sex, ncd as a douche is nurvtloaily snc:
(tops discharges, seals uuUtnnutloa ftfld local
1'aitlne U la powder form to be dlisolvtd In para
water, and U Ur mora deantlnc, healing, eermlcidal
and economical Uun liquid antlteptlc for all
For tile at druggists, CO cents a box.
Trial Box and Book of lostructloai Pre.
The R. Paxton Company Boston, Mass.
westers Imitmrit lad GuKintyCt., Omaha, Nfer.
Tucumaeh. 17 rra. hotel f urnUhetl, modem, 110.
000; livery barn, CO head, m tons hay, U.CMJ. Hoop
er, barbershop, bowline alley, lot, 13.000; pop
factory, lot, lJ.0-0. liulf canu. l'apllilon, restau
rant and coufocllonory, IWG. Cralr, pool ball,
lunch, II vlnf rooms, t'W. South Oulaba.bakery,
confectionery, rir. baru, 1 1,000. Osmond IU)A.
Impvd.. SKA. Plalnview, half aeo., liiipvtnrnU,
S16.TO) Crelrhtou, J0.. near town, water, tit A
CubcU UluSa, la, restaurant, complete, tWO.
'i fyjfi !
"I wrote you for nd vice and commenced
troatmont with Lydia E. tfnkham's Vego
tnblo Compound as you directed, and I nru
liappy to say that all tlioso distressing symp
toms left me and I have passed safely through
tho Chango of Life, a well woman. I am
recommending your lnodielno to all my
friends "Mrs. AimloE. a. U viand, Chostor
town, Md. ' '
Another Woman's Case.
"During change of llfo words cannot ex
press what 1 suH'ereit. My physician said I
had n cancerous condition of thu womb. One
day I rend noma of tho testimonials of women
who had been cured by Lydla K. Flnkbam's
VegoUiblo Compound, and I decided to try it)
nnd to write you for advlco. Your medicine
mado mo a well woman, and all my bad symp
toms soon disappeared.
" I advlso every woman at this period of life
to take your nicdlclno and write you for ad
vico." Mrs. Llzzlo llinklo, Bolom, Ind.
What Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegotablo
Compound did for Mrs. Ilyland and
Mrs. llinklo it will do for any woman
at this timo of life.
It has conquered pain, restored
health, and prolonged llfo In cases that
utterly baflled physicians.
Instantly Relieved airJ Speedily
Cured by Baths with
Soap to cleanse the skin,
gentle applications of Cuti
cura Ointment to soothe and
heal, and mild doses of Cuti
cura Pills to cool the blood.
A single Set, costing but One
Dollar often cures.
Mr8iidforThamlUiuaorCui. lUOtiTtm.
In Elegant New College Building,
60x132 fee'. Tour Stories High
all department enl&rtr&l. two new onw added. An
dltorluiu and OyranaMuia Sple dl! eoure In
Uutue, Miort-hand. Tj xw rittiijr and Ti lekTanbT.
anyone writing fur a Catalogue, will be tent free
toino eletrant i
rani a; ncunen m rei
feninaiulilp. Addreas
nolIRUOlGH BROS , Omaha, Neb.
CUIUS WHtitt All tlbt FAILS. I
t Cough djrop. TaatcaGood. TJaoi
latlme. sold by drunrUta. I