The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 17, 1905, Image 8
-av3 4W" lMeMfW s" "WWM ?-- ' ute. ! J 1 t ! i. ATTEND OUR SPECIAL SALE ON " CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES AND ' LADIES' FINE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SATURDAY HDie ffoorace 'TRADE s A Household ST $ "4 Rf5?- I? fc St MS "Say, old man, I told you not to lcf them fellows fool you on cheap flour again, .but to fetch me a sack of that 5-X Lexington Cream. You will find that down to LIBBY'S. Now you get right out of here and get me a sack of that flour before it is all gone." Palace Livery S. II. IMCSCI-I, IPi'op. QNE 1U.0CK WEST Oli TIIK JJI'.W .HINDUS IIL'II.DING. 'Plume KJSLSOIM ITLICXCIIIIlTi FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford l'Iro Insurant Company. North American of Philadelphia, i Phoenix of uiookijru. now York, Continental of Now York City. Niagara Fire Insurance Compuny. Now York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co,, Ixindon I ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALURS IN Flour i Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It PHONE 105. WEST SIDE MAIN STREET.. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No. i Young's grocery, Alliance. Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER, . Proprietor. Sccond-Uand Furniture is cheaper than new. and often just what you sant. Or, we will trade new (or second hand goods any time, and pay highest cash price for second hand goods, See W. M. WILSON, TUB SECOND-HAND .MAN. Phone 'J dO jBogue Skore WINNER" Necessity. - .7 f . 1i , a fH 3ff V&&XM ftV ' . Bt l .- Barn Good turnouts, strict attention to-our business, and couitcous treatment to all lias won for us the excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. ! Ltvcrnnol. London and Glolte I a. Co. fJcnniin American Ins. Co.. Ne York. i-urmers ami .Merchants ins. co Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Company Philadelphia, Underwriters. Phoenix Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Office tD-Stnlrs. Fletcher lllock. LEE ACHESON ALWAYS HANDLES THE BEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR THE TABLE IF YOU HAVEN'T TIME TO CALL at the STORE PHONE No. 4. DR. J. Q. BREN1ZER llHFCDEIt OP Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped SHORTHORN CATTLE BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA. Herd headed by CRIMSON SCOTT, 77035. Straight Scotch Breeding. Herd numbers 90 breeding cows that weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds, a large number being pure Scotch, and as good breeding as was ever brought from Scot land. Experience has taught me that tor breeding purposes cattle shipped in are very little good the first year, their consti tutions must become accustomed to our high altitude and our grass. Hence ani mals raised here are preferable. I intend to raise them here. Good, first class Nebraska breeders, th equal to anything raised in tne u. a. Lome ana see me. (2o-6m) 4 Time Table Alliance, Ncbr. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, nnd nil points east anil nil point west mid WHItll. TllAISS lBA VE AS FOM.OWP. MOUNTAIN TlMlM No. 41 Passenger dally. DrHdw-xxl. Hilling, nil points north and went 12:50 No. 42 Passenger dully, Lincoln. Omaha, Chicago and ull points cast 3:lfu.m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver Ogden.Sult Lake, San Frun , Cisco and ull Intermediate points, departs nt 3tC9a.rn. No. 303 Passenger dully from Denver and all Intonnedliito polnti, arrlvoH nt. lOMJa.m. No. 305 Tuesdays. Tliuriulay, 8tur dnys. nolntn south and wutt. dcuartN R:00u. m. No. 300 Tui'Klayn, Tliurxility. Satur days, soiilii and west, urrlvej.0s25p. m "Slpeptnjr, illnliiu and rocllnlni: clmlr car fdcatH frifO on thronali tniln,. Tickets Kotd nud ImjrRiiKn elipfltcd to any point la tlio unilCHi staio.s or i;unaun. i or iniortnauon time tuhlcs and tlckutsoall on or write IH. 8a(ik. Aitt'tit. or U V WAKKt.RY, Con crul PaosuiiKur Auo t. Oumlia.ieliraHlta. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. hTATH OFFlonitS. Hon. John II, MlrUey Governor. Hon. K. O. Mi'tlllton LleiiUnant (lovernor. Hon. A. fiitluslia Secretary of SUUe. lion, 1 M Soarlr, Jr. -Auultor. Hon. l'eter SlortcnseiiTreasuror. Hun. .1.1.. Jlcllrlon- Mupt. I'uhllc Inntmctlon, Hoti. rorris Jirown Attorney uomnui. Hon. 11. M. r.aimi -Com'r Public I.ati .Htuls and IllllldlllRS. Hon, Harry l.liidsny-SttttO Librarian. co.NOnuss Hon. J II. Millard-C. P. Senal. Unii. K. J. HuiltettU. S.Snate, Hon M I. Klnkald-CougriMHinnnSixthDUt. District. . surmoiHcotmT. Hon S. A. Ilnlcomb-Chliif Justice. Hon Samuel II, KcdKdwIck Associate .lusflce. Hon joiiii ji. mimes -Associntu .nisinrn. Hon K. Sl.Cnrry -lepreuiitiitlvnli,1rd Dlst, lion. Chns. 1. llreseo Senator Wtli Dlst. V. 8. MNP Ol'FICK. Itruce Wlleox lleuister, V It. Akers I!cteler. J.JI. H.lluwett-Clerk nifiTUtoT .lunars IBth ntSTitidT. Hon. W. II. Westover Ktislivllle. Hon .1. J. tlnrrliiRton-O'Nelll. COUNTY tlCFlCKtl., IIOXHUTTK COU.NTY. 8. Jl. Snijser County Clerk, Itecordor, and Clerk District lourt O. W. L'reusurcr. Ira KcccI-blierllT I) K. fpaclit-County JiidRf. Leora A. Htntln Sept. Public Instruction.' William Mitchell -County Attorney. . J. P, Hazard -County Surveyor. A.M. Heed -Assessor. O W. Loer t ommlsslonor. Chairman, l'rank Cnlia- Loinmlstoncr. L, I', Smith -Commlhslonur. II. II. Hell wood, M. I) -tmnty Physician. Dr. J.K Moore Coroner. t'lTV UFFiatl.s I.ouls Iluecliscnsteln .Mayor, I-iedtt. Iiarrls City Clerk. Mike Hhiiy-Chlef of Police. W H. llliljcell-Polleo.ludBe. It. C. Noionmn- -City Attorney. Dr. II. H. netlwootl-Pliyslclnn. K. M ICntclit City Treasurer and Wuter CominlHsIonor, CHU.NC.I.MF.N. Prcd MollMnB i ,,-. , ... B. A. Ftaiitclliii ,lrst "nr1. 8, fiifiorrjidoV' ; WHni. Ired Hreunaii -Chief I Iro Department. Prof. V. 11. llartz-Sup't. City stliools. CIICHCtllN CATHOLIC -lleKUlur "midny services 7i30 a. m.; 10a. in j 11 u in., c.iteehUnr for country children; 7 p m . eiitechlsm. 7::V) p. in , benediction, Instruction. Week dayh 0 31) mass, exceiit on Mondii at ruSilii in.; 2,0o i. m., Saturda)s, e.ite ' chlsm. I'lither JullusDc Xot. MLTHUDIST -ltejjiilar Sunday serlco-ll a. in.; S it. in ; btinilay school 10 a. ill.;; Lpuorth League 7 p. m.i Prnjer meeting Thursdayh, 7:30 p. in. lto . C. Y. Kay, Pastor. 1'lltar PUKSHYTLltlAN-ltoular Bunday service JI a. m.; h p m.i Sunday school 10 a. in.; Clulmlnn Endeaor 7;l5p. m. 11. P. V. Uokuc, Pastor UNITUD PJIESIIVTKKIAN-Hular Sunday i-ervlco 11 a m. 8 p. m,, Sunday school 10 a. in.; y. 1. V. IT. 7:15 p. m Itov. JlcCun well, Pastor. lUPlTST Heirulur Sunday ssrlco II a.m.; h p, ni.; Sunday school 10 a. m ; Young Pioplo's meutliiR 7iir l'raier incctlni; Thursday, !j p, in. Hov. u. C. Jeffers, Pastor. GF.UMAN LUTHKIIAN'-lteKular Sunday sur ico 11 n. m ; Sunday school i() n. in; E enlng services twlceeucli mouth. Uov Otto ltuehriir. Pastor. ALI.IANCK bECIIHT SOCIETIES. EASTERN ST.VU-lst an'd 3id Tuesday nights Mrs Anna Davis, Worthy Matron KEHECCAB 2nd and 4th Friday nlghu. MrsUeoLoidy, NO DU illKi: 01' II0N0K-1M and :ird Monday ulRhts. Mrs A i: Heynolds, C H 1.0,ALNi:iOIIHOP-2nd and 4th Wednes " ynlylits. Mrs UN Hosklns, Oracle L O 'i M -2nd and 4th Monday nltchts. Mrs C M lloeky LADIES ACXILIAltY It of ItT-2nd and 4th Thursdajs 2 p m Mrs U N Hosklns Mistress LMHES AUXILIARY O of L K-lst ahd 3nl Thursdajs:.' pin JlrsKL Harris, Presi dent LADIES APXILIAIIY notLP-2ndand 4th Fridajs2lm Mrs W L Austin. ODD FKI.LOWS-F.vory Tuesday nlsht. L T Poole, Noble Ornnd A l tc A M No. ji-3 Tliursxlay on or liefore full moon. S A Franklin, W M IIEULAII COMHANOEKV No, 20. IC T-2nd and 4th Tuesday nights. W K Zollinger, C K It A M No. M -1st and 3rd Monda;uIghts. S a I raiiKiin, ii r A O U W 2nd and 4th Monday nlslits, L iiutcnsensiviu, .-iiuter worivman M V A-tst and 3rd Wodncsilay nights. Ed gar .tiariin, v u EAULES-nd and 4th Sundays, 2:30 p m W B Kldgell, W V . 1C P-lst nnd 3rd Monday nights, J 11 Mil ler, ao KOYAr. lllGHLANDEnS-Evcry Tuesday ulght. It C Strong. 1 1 11 of L E 1st and 3rd Wednesday 2pm S A Franklin, C K t 11 of L F-Every Friday night. C W Tlllett, Master z O It C Every Tuesday dreus, CC at 2 p ra J N An- n of It T every Thursday night. W A Man- ciiesier, Jiasier A O O P Alliance II irlior SoAl 1st and 3rd Friday nights I). W. Hayes, Com. K, C Eory2dce. J. It. Kennedy. Grand Knight. J A. lliardon. Financial Sec'y. -11. P. O K.-I.very Friday night. Win. Mitchell. E. It. T. J. O'Keefe? See. Burlington Bulletin. Or ROUND TRIP RATES. Chicago and return, on sale daily,. $33.70 St, Louis and return 30.70 on sale daily. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle aud return ,.,..,., 4 0,00 on sale daily. Denver and Colorado Springs and return 12.00 on sale daily, on sale Aug. 30 to Sept . 4 Denver $4.80, Colorado SpriDgs 6.30, Salt Lake and Ogden and return, , $24.25 Yellowstone Park, through and including hotels and stage, and return,., $105,00 Cody, Wyo., Black Uills. and Hot Springs S. D., approximately half rates all summer. l.cfial Notices. Notice of Settlement. In the Htato of Nebmnka I J-M. Itox Hutti" tirunty, I In the matter of ttiu rstato of llrnry II. M.llor, dcct'usrd. Tii lie crcdluiM, liolrs, lciriitiw, and otln-r. Iiitrcstt'd Intliocsiirto of Iluuryti. culler, deoMMil: Take notlcp. Tlrat Annie Liiltli lini llletl In tlio county court a report of tier doliiKi R1 administratrix of Mild entate, and It It ordered Unit tlui mimo Htatid for limrltiKtlioSrtlhilnror AtiRilt,A. I). lUOj.liefi to thu ixnirt at tlio hour of t o'clock p. m.. at wlilch lime iiuy iwrson Inturoited may nppurir uml except to and content tlin miuio And notleuuf tills iinieeudliiK li urdervd Rlvn 'J'lio Alllauro Herald for two wti'ks prior to milt! day of lieiirliiK. Witntw tny hand and the scat of the rouiity court at Alliance this itlKluy of lYiwist, A U llX. 1). K. ttiudii. (copy) .14 2 Cimiity .Indifo Njllce to Creditors. In county Court, within and forHox Hutte county, Nuliniska. Aui?. 15, nto, In tlio mattiT of the uxtuto of Henry Crllly deoviined. To the creditors of said CHtatoj You are hereby untitled, that 1 will Mt at the County Court Itoorn In Alllanco In said county, on the 20th day of I'ehruary, MOO, at 2 o'clock p in. torccclvtmud oxaniluenll claims acalns-tsald estate.wlth n view to their meat and ullou mice. Thy time limited for the presentation of clalinn aaluxt wild estate Is U mouths, from the 15th day of Auk , A 1). 1005, and thullnio Itii'lted for payment of debts Ih oiih year from said 16th day of Auir. lWj. Witness my hand and the beat of said county court, this l&th day of August, U05. ( True Copy) 1). K. Sptnv. st.ALl S-4 County Judec Land Ofllcent Alliance, Neb., Juno 27. 10V. Notice Is hereby given that thu following named settler has riled notice of his Intention to maku final proof In supiiort f bis claim, mid that said proof will bu mudu heroic Iteglstor and Hccelvor at Alliance. Nob , on August mil 1P05, viz JEIICMK H. llUltLDUHT. of Canton, Nehr. who made II. E. No. 2203 for the w't ney, w'iseU. section 22, town 21 ti range f2 w, Ho names tho following wltnesuns to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of suld land, vU: Oeotirn W Jones of Alliance, Nebr.; Charles Hall, of Canton. Neur.: Albert Hall, of Canton, Nebr ; Louis Hood, of Clinton. Nebr 2S 11 HnucK Wilcox. Itngistcr. Land OHIce at Alliance, Nebr., May 20, 1P03 Notice is hereby glten that the following named sot tier bus (tied notice of his Intention to maku llnal proof In support of disclaim, undthat said proof will bo made liefore Keg Istoi and Itecelver at Alllaiicu, Nebr , on July 13.1W5, Uz: JIUIIKKT CliHUV of Hemlngford, Nebrasku.on homostcad entry No. 84 V), fort L'4 suction 35, township 20. N. range ww. He names the following witnesses to prmo his continuous residence utioii nnd cultivation of said laud, viz: Allle II. Mablu. John ICcelle, j.mory Aiiiey. waiter jangtoru, an or nem iugford, Nebr. ic-a Ukucr Wilcox, iteglRtcr. Notice to Itodccm, Tho State of Nebraska, 1 u Dox Jtatte County. f" To thu known and unknown heirs of Joel T, Karl, d -ceased: You nnd each of jolt aro hereby notified that on tho 4tli day or November, l'.VX .1 Eurl purchased at tux sale the W'4 Sff'l Sec. 5 and the S'i SWU See (land E'i isT.'i M-c C. all III township 24. tmigc 49, III Hox Uutto county, Nebraska. That said laud was taxed In luiineof JoelT. Eurl and said pur chase of tux sale of said land was nmlu for the year llMi, anil thai subsequent tuxes have liecn paid on said land by W. .1. Earl for the )earsMM3and 1H01. That the time for re dempllouof tho aforesaid land will eplro 011 the 4th day of November, 1W3. W..I.EABU Dated July 13, 100i. fp July 13-5t Nebraska Stock Grower s Association, (Incorporated.) A, M. Hodlsett, president, Itushvllle; K. M Hampton, vice-president, Alliance; K. M earlo Jr.. secretary-treasurer, Ogntalla Executive committee E. P. Myers, Lena; It. It. Ktncutd. ntnghum; John Ilrciinan, Alliunco;.Mt. YanUoskirk. Alliance; E. E. Lowe, H) mints; John M. Adams, Potter; It. M. Allen, Ames; It. LUco, LoOgepolo; Evert Hldred, Orlando; K. C. IlarrlB, Chudron; L. V. Hickell, Kimball; Itobert Oraham, Al liance; John Conway, Dunning J. II. Cool:. Agate; A. S. Iteed, Alliance. E. MAItlN. Hemlngford, Nob. Cattle branded flying horseshoe on 1 b;lit hip, as Incut. Home ranch sec. 2.1-27-50. Ilorso runoh in 0-43. A. HILLING. Itv Ttt.t.n SIaI. Cuttle branded as 1) cut 011 left bin. also with the bar over Insteail of under brand Alsoonleft hide It'nch nwM rsW-VAUll f,m lu townbliip rane 4tJ. . sen ill anus., Sehill, Neb. Cattle branded on right thigh or XV on right side. Township 27 range 45,Shcrldan county. STORM LAKE RANCH, HOUEItT GRAHAM, Clcman, Neb. As In cut on right or left hip; left ear cropped. Horses branded O onleft Jaw, MOSLEU & TULLY, Jess, Neb. Stock branded as shown on cut on either side. Also JrO on eith er side. Township 20- and range 43. CUItRAN nitos., Canton, Sioux county, Nob. (Cross H Cross) on left side. Also Ml on left thigh. Under slope on left ear. Horses branded same us cattla on loft Jaw and u on left shoulder. POINT-OF-KOOKS RANCH. JOHN O'KEEFE i SONS, Alliance. Neb. Cattle bra n do OK on loft side: also ok and OK on left side. I f&tiR " " " n II Uf'U II. m JJ f J 3& ft M J o &WZm&&,Tzml jjStrTsSiP Alliancejuesd 'y, Aug.29 GENTRY BROS. Famous Shows! nJ-NirrcT) Only Bij! Railroad Show Coming This Year AMIR1CAS LARGEST AND g REPRUSKXTING MANY NEW iiiM ' l I ' .'.'SJLSg1 PERFORMING HORSES n)AA !DOQS AND riONKEYSW 50 MONKEY 3 " ers Performing Elephants - 3 SPECIAL FEATURES THIS SEASON? -rwSee the Troupe of Musical Ponies ka- ONLY ACT OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD THE NORflAN FA11ILY (Five in Number) ACROBATS and INDIAN CI-NB JUGGLERS mn lmllll (Seven in Number)' The Highest Salaried Troupe of Japs in Tin's Country) A Baby Camel and Its See tixe TjLrxrL C lo-rrLS I EVERYTHING NEW THIS YEAR Two Performances Daily Watch for the Grand Free Street Parade! Dally at 1 1 a. m. A Brilliant Array of Beautiful Magnificence MARSLAND. The B. & M. workmen are here plowing fire guards this week. Quite a number from this place contem plate attending Gentry's show at Alliance Augnst 29. L. Snow came down from Mystic last week called by the accident which befell his son Linn. Harry Gregg was down from Sunnyside ranch, Sioux county, fpr a visit with the home folks last Sunday. s lohn Ellsworth, a former resident of this place but late of Chadron, moved to his homestead a few miles west of town the first of the week, Mrs. J. Sullenberger returned Sunday from a visit at Scottsbluff with the C H. Irion family. She also visited in Alliance a couple of days. Miss Verda Cheney of Crawford, and -vho frequently visited her sister, Mrs. H. P. Kendrick near this place, was recently married at Chadron. Miss Minnie Wanek 0 Lawn, who has attended the entire session of normal, came in on 41 Sunday. She will teach the Lawn school the coming year. The new bachelor section foreman re cently assigned to this place, has resigned. We suppose there are not enough of young ladies in the town to suit his bachelor taste. Daytoi Sullenberger accompanied the mail carrier, George Richey, to Agate, Sioux county Monday returning Tuesday. He went to see the '"big injuns" encamped at Jas. Cooks' and will also devote some time to collecting curios. Mrs. C. H. Richey went to Alliance Sunday for a two weeks stay. She went to be near her physician, Dr. Bellwood, who has been treating her for heart trouble and from which she does not entirely re cover. All hope that she will be benefited by her visit. Chief American Horse, who was at the head of a party of Siouxs in camp at Jim Cooks, has returned to the reservation leaving the party in charge of Chiefs Mar row Bones and Walk on the Ground. Some of the bucks are employed on the ranch as hay hands. The party will give their an nual war dance before their return to the reservation, On request of attending physicians, Drs. Bellwood and Clough, Mr. Snow took his son Linn to Alliance Wednesday to have his broken arm placed under the X ray. The bones had begun to knit but owing to the fact that the fracture was to near the joint it had not been properly set and had to be broken over again. The physicians think it will be all right in a short time Box Butte Beats the World for .HESEiHEEr 3 Tfi?''Kkk MOST COMPLETE SHOW HIGH CLASS FExU'URES COMEDIANS. ....50 mm ' m Mother T0 ihi?eMToSfI!"cD - NOTHING OLD BUT THE TITLE Afternoon and Night LAKESIDE LIGHTS. Did you see the eclipse of the moon? Chas. Crowther was an Alliance visitor over Sunday. Grandma Kendall has gone on a visit to friends at Hemingford. Ding' dong! dingl dongi Heardem bolls, dont you hear dem bells? Not a few people are looking for homes in this part of the stindliill country. Fred McClain located a homeseeker yesterday. Mrs. Rev. Lyons and the other lions arrived home from Colorado City about ten days ago. Hence the preacher wears a broader smile. Fred Baker, a jeweller and watch repair er of Newcastle, Wyo., visited a week at the H. I. Thomnson linme rotnmin, - 41 Sunday; and why look so sad? Some of the weeds about town have been suffering of late at the hands of the strong mower. But oh my! What about those on unoccupied ground and on the strees? Ben Skiles returned last week from a three months sojourn in the eastern part of the state. He reports everything in the line of vegetation in fine condition an'd all crops great. Flora Cook returned from Normal at Alliance Saturday morning. Mrs, Pen dergast with a couple of little Pendergasts accompanied her for a few days visit at the Cook home. Mrs, Pendereast returned to Alliance Monday. Wanted Less rain'and more sunshine, for which the ranchmen of this part of the country agree to cut and put up all the hay on the hill-sides and in the valleys except what is under water that they possibly can in the next six weeks. Mis3 Lottie Crowther returned from the Alliance Normal Friday morning bringinc with box one of her Alliance friends. Miss Colburn. They are having a jolly tinle at the Crowther home three-fourths of a mile west of town. Miss Colburn expects to return to Alliance Thursday. Fred McClain has moved his- wife and other effects into town durinpthe hayinc season while it is anticipated he will be away from home a good portion of the time. They occupy the house vacated by Mr. Downs, a former section foreman here the property of D. Ashberger. L. H. Carstensen is packing his house hold effects preparatory to moving to Cur tis. Mr. Carstensen resigned his position, at Lakeside not long since, as agent for the U.& M. to accept a partnership with his father in the furniture business at Curtis. Neb., whither he will move as soon as re lieved here. Mrs. Carstensen anticipates going oday or tomorrow Mr. Carstensen has relinquished his homestead claim east of town to J. H. Lunsford. The Alliance Herald and Nebraska State Journal, both one year for j5 1.50. -1 X t 'i - K