The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 17, 1905, Image 7

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lytlla " Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Tho wonderful power of Lydia E.
rinkham's Vcgotablo Compound oyer
tho diseases of womankind ia not be
causo it is a stimulant, not becauso it
is a palliative, but simply because it is
the most wonderful tonic and recon
structor ever discorered to act -directly
upon tho generative organs, positively
curing disease and restoring health and
Marvelous cures aro reported from
all parts of tho country by women who
havo been cured, trained nurses who
have witnessed cures and physicians
who havo recognized tho virtue of
Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, and are fair enough to givo
credit whero it is due.
If physicians dared to bo frank and
open, hundreds of themwould acknowl
edge that they constantly prcscribo
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetablo Com
pound in severe cases of female ills, as
they know by experience it can bo re
lied upon to effect a cure. The follow
ing letter proves it.
Dr. 8. 0. Brigham, of 4 Brigham
Park, Fitchburg, Mass., writes :
" It (jives me great pleosuro to Bny that I
havo found Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable
Compound very ofllcaclous, and 'often pre
scribe it in my practice for female dlfllculties.
" My okVst daughter found it very benefi
cial for uterino trouble some time ago, and my
youngest daughter is now taking it for a fe
male weakness, and U surely gaining in health
and strength.
" I frocly advocate it as a most reliable spe
cific in all diseases to whloh women aro sub
ject, and give it honest endorsement"
Women who" aro troubled with pain
ful or irregular menstruation, bloating
(or flatulence), leucorrhcea, falling, in
flammation or ulceration of tho uterus,
ovarian troubles, that bearing-down
foeling, dizziness, faintness, indiges
tion, nervous prostration or the blues,
should' take immediate action to ward
off tho serious consequences, and be
restored to perfect health and strength
by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound, and then write to Mrs.
Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for further
free advice. No living person has had
tho benefit of a wider experience in
treating female ills. She has guided
thousands to health. Every suffering
woman should ask for and follow her
advice if she wants to bo strong and
well. .
TUXnitCV CI V VII I CD. destroy! all tha Bin and
lltCUAIOI rLT MLLCllafrordscomrorttoeTery
boms In dining-room, sleeping-room and place, where
niea are irouoie.
ome. Clean .neat,
lure anjlninfr.
Trr them once.
you will neTer bo
without them. If
not kept by deal
ers. Bent prepaid
for 80c. Harold
Somen, MSIIflUlk
four Jobber, or direct from factory, Feorla, 111.
This Is What feSf
Catches Me! KSB
I6oa:.-One-Third Moro Starch. t5nAw. tt
I mMKw n Premums kut onp'ihird
wflwiffllnllMMlll WW more starch than you gePof
WttilmSiw mm ot or co starching it has no
fnUajfmj W$ equal and will not stick to the iron.
Of Great Interest to the
Thoughtful and Economical Woman
wo have solved the problem of how you can dress well and stylish at Httto cost. Ask to
see oar handsome assortment o( the newest and most stylish dress (roods worn by well
dressed women (or this Fall and Winter season. We will send free upon request a beautiful
sample selection, showing the latest and most popular up-to-date materials. Buy direct
from us at wholesale prices, which means a (treat Baring to you, about hall of tho usual re
tall price. It will pay you to see our selection of dress Goods, whtch wo send free upon re
quest. Hundreds of ladles In your local. ty select their materials from us, becauso they can
get them for less thau elsewhere. Wo cut uny amount of yards desired.
M. C BRANDSTETTER & CO., 07 JG5LK5&S? ?88a&
Wnoletala Importers of Ladlee Wooleaa Exclusively
When Enough Wa Plenty.
King Saul had Just had his famous
interview with the witch ot Endor.
"There, your majesty," said tho lady,
"that's positively tho best I can do
for you in a $10 sitting. Now, if you
would caro to invest in ono of tho
$25 brand I could -givo you over so
much moro detail." "No, I thank
you," said Saul, "I think this will hold
mo for a while." And ho went out
and whetted his sword.
No chromos 6r cheap premiums, but
a better quality and one-third moro i
of Defiance Starch lor the same price
of other starches.
Even after Charity has covered a
multitude of sins a good many of
them nro still in tho opon. Puck.
Cleanliness In the Dairy.
To havo healthful milk and butter, abso
lute cleanliness in caring fur it is neces
sary, as nothing will absorb Impurities so
quickly ns milk. Many housokoenors who
aro othtsrwlso careful, overlook this when
they wash milk utensils with cheap soap,
mado from filthy fats. Use Ivory Soap and
thoroughly scald and air all pans and
buckets. ELEANOR It. PAKKEU.
Horses Aided Locomotives.
In tho early days of railroading
horses wore used to help the locomo
tives on upgrades.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't keep
Defiance Starch because they have a
stock in hand of 12 oz. brands, vhlch
they know cannot be sold to a cus
tomer who has once used tho IS oz.
pkg. Defiance Starch for same money.
First English Actress.
Tho first woman on tho English
stago was Mrs. Chapman, who ap
peared as Iantho in the "Siege of
Rhodes," 1CCG.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won't shake out or blow out; by using
Defiance Starch you obtain better re
sults than possible with any other
brand and one-third more for same
Flowering Evergreen.
Tho flowering evergreen, camellia,
was brought from Japan by a Spanish
Jesuit named Kamel; henco tho name.
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win. This Is why Defiance Starch
is taklns the place of all others.
Originated Board of Trade.
Cromwell is said to havo originated
tho board of trade idea.
payments. J. MULIIALL, Sioux City, la.
Cremation In France.
Tho cost of cremating a body la
Franco is only threo francs.
"Dr. David Keuiiudj-'a Favorite Remedy
eared my life I 1 had dyepepela and kidney dlteaae.1'
El Senator Albert Uerrltt, I'arL- llace, K. Y. II a bottle.
Is there any such thing as being
absolutely unselfish? Atchison Globe.
n Twenty-Five Years America Will
Have No More Hard Woods.
"Whero the American pcoplo will
draw their supply ot hard wood from
in 1925 or 1950 is a perplexing queB
tlon," said William J. Tlsdalo of Bay
City. "Walnut has practically disap
peared from tho faco of tho earth,
commercially speaking, and oak, ash
and cherry will go tho saiuo way In
another quarter or half century.
They nro fast being cut down and
nothing is dono to renow tho Bupply.
"Tho day is not far distant when
the world will look to tho vast forcBts
of Siberia, South America and Africa
for hard wood, and oven this nppar
ently limitless supply must some day
bo exhausted. There is a big quart
tlty there yet, as tho manufacturing in
those regions Is qulto limited, but
when the sawmills of America got to
work on them they can't survive long,
There aro many mills in Michigan
and in other states that use up fifty
acres of timber in ono day and get
away with twenty-five squaro miles of
it in a year.
"That is fast work and tho forests
of this planet aro limited. It is estl
mated that in 'a few years, Bay four
or flvo, that tho supply of oak, ash,
cherry and mahogany will bo as com
pletely exhausted as is that of walnut
at tho present time. Unsettled coun
tries must then contribute their hara
wood freely to tho furnlturo factories
of America, and oak or aBh kitchen
cabinets will bo unknown in tho
homes of people of modorato means."
Milwaukee Free Press.
Good Excuse for Putting Chair From
Under WoulcS-Be Sitter.
"That," said Thomas F. Ryan, rcor
ganlzcr of tho Equltablo Life, "was
a poor excuse."
Mr. Ryan was discussing a Wall
Street deal wherein a financier had
roughly handled a railroad man. Tho
financier had come forth with an
excuse for his conduct, and it was
this excuse that Mr. Ryan was con
demning. "A poor excuse," ho repeated. "By
no means a sufficient excuso in tho
eyes of tho railroad man.
"That railroad man feols, I suppose,
like another misused man whom I
once saw in a restaurant.
"Tho man I refer to was about to
seat himself and order luncheon,
when tho chair was pulled from un
der him, and down ho flopped to tho
floor, shaking the very building.
"Ho rose and rushed at tho fellow
who had so misused him. This per
son, though, was not at all alarmed.
Ho said, with a calm, self-righteous
" 'You were going to sit down on my
hat.' "
Life's Years Restored.
Look forward, then, through each now
day's bright portal
To blessings new, outpoured
Bv Him, the high, invisible, immortal,
"By whom aro years restored.
This year of grncot What blessings In
Its vistas now may hide,
What joy nnd peace may como to run
If wo In him abide.
O Lord nnd Master, merciful and gra
cious ,
Thy peace and power afford,
And bring us to the place, so fair and
Of vanished years restored.
The years of pain and loss, tho over-care-full.
Do thou. O Lord, mako good.
The disappointing, fruitless years, all
Wo bring thee, as wo should.
Tho bitterness, the canker, and the
Wo bear but for a day.
And Love divine, our smitten fields and
Will surely overpay.
Help us to wait thy day, O Friend and
Although It lie far hence,
Assured that naught can bring to us
Beyond thy recompense.
When all tho days are old, and time
nlirna TOnrnlnp"
That it shall be no more,
Wake us In peace, where, In tho golden
Life's years thou wilt restore.
Julia II. Johnston.
Herbert McFadden, at the funeral
directors' annual convention In Phila
delphia, declared consistency to be an
overrated virtue.
"Becauso," he said, "wo held the
French method of embalming to bo the
best ten years ago, must wo, for con
sistency's sake, stick to tho French
method now, when we know that tho
American method in every way sur
passes, it?
"These upholders of consistency
would go as far as the widow who
wanted to havo her husband cre
mated. "She took the corpse to tho cre
matory, and the manager of tho place
said to her:
" 'Wo cremate hero, madam, In both
'"Both ways she repeated, con
fused. "'Yes,' ho explained. 'The French
way and the Italian way. Which do
you prefer?'
"'Ob,' the widow answered, bright
ening, 'the French. Tho French, by
all means. Poor John never could
bear Italian cooking.' "Buffalo En
quirer. Who Was Born on Christmas.
It was music day in the first grade.
"Now, children," said the singing mas
ter, "I will give you a pretty Christ
mas song to learn for next time."
Then being a true teacher arid a man
of deeply religious sentiment, ho
added, "Of course you all know who
was born on Christmas?" Up went
a forest of bands. "You may tell,"
ho said, pointing to a littlo fellov
who was fairly Jumping out of hit
seat. "I was, sir," was the uner
pected reply.
Danded for Good Purpose.
Paris possesses a curious social or
conization with an odd purpose. It is
i band of prosperous tradesmen, who
tgreo to trade with ono another to
Jio utmost oxtcnt possible and when
iccessary to help ono another with
oans without interest. Tho cllquo
:alls itself "The Tranquil FathorB."
Rummage Sale Incident.
A clergyman at Yarmouth, England,
Alio was attending a "mmmago salo,"
that was bolng hold for a charity laid
i now Btraw hat on a stall, and when
30 turned around to get it a minuto
or two Inter found that tho energetic
itallkecpcr had sold it for 4 cents to
tn unknown purchaser.
Monks Made Champagne.!
In tho seventeenth century a monk
lamed Perlgnon had chargo of a vine
yard belonging to tho abbey of St
Peter Hautvllllcrs, Champagne, and
no also superintended the making of
-ho abbey wines. In tho courso of his
experiments ho discovered "sparkling
The Ideal Husband.
Tho real Ideal husband should bo a
ousy man and ono whoso day is very
'till. Men aro not happy without
plenty of work; and a man who has
lot outlet for his onorgy olsowhero bo
Uowb it on hiB housohold, with gen
rally unfavorable results. Lady St.
Heller in Lclsuro Hour.
Bishop Invented Bombs.
Bombs, it la said, wero first thrown
March 24, 1580, on tho town of Wach
tendenck, in Gueiderland. Tho his
torian, Hono, says "the Invention is
commonly attributed to Galen, bishop
of Muonstor."
To Cana for Water.
Tho boy had to descrlbo our Lord's
first miracle. Tho turning of water
Into wine, ho wrote, was tho first
miraclo and it happened at Cana.
Then ho added: "After that every
body went to Cana for water."
Gigantic Wedding Feast.
Two carts, full of break, drawn by
horses, wero utilized to supply tho
guests at gigantic wedding feast at
Sorignac, in Brittany, at which 1,000
persons weer precsnt, and seventeen
wholo oxen wero consumed.
Body Macs of 8ore6 Could not Sleep
Spent Hundreds of Dollars on
Doctors, but Grew Worse
Cured by Cutlcura for $3.
"Cutlcura saved tho life of my
mother, Mrs. Wm. F. Davis, of Stony
Creek, Conn. Hers was tho worst
eczema I over saw. Sho was hardly
able to eat or sloop. Her head and
body was a mass of sores, and sho de
spaired of recovery. Finally, after
spending hundreds of dollars on doc
tors, growing worso all tho time, liv
ing in misery for years, with hair
whitened from suffering and body ter
ribly disfigured, sho was completely
cured by two cakes of Cutlcura Soap,
flvo boxes of Cutlcura, and three hot
ties ot Cutlcura Resolvent, Geo. C.
Davis, 161 W. 3Cth St., N. Y." ,
It is not nlways tho applo with tho
rosy cheek that 1b tho most palatable,
C9TC pennanentlr cured. KofitiornerrcuMMtartW
r 1 1 w nrat ! uh of Dr. Kline's Great Nerre Keator-
Sr. Send for VUKK 8.00 trial bottle And treatlta.
B. U. U. Klixe, Ltrt., su Arch Street. ltUUdelpbla, V
Truth is stranger than fiction be
cause thero Is less of it.
Plso's Curo for Consumption Is an lnf alllblo
medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Samuel,
Ocean drove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1C00.
Misery loves company, but is a no
toriously poor entertainer.
.Aferetable Preparalionfor As
similating ttieFoodandDeguia-
ung Htebraiaaens anatforwisor
Promotes DigcslionChcerfur
nessandHest.Contalns neither
Opium.Morpuine norlfineraL
KOX "NAR.C otic .
Aperfecl Remedy forConsOpa
non. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcveris tv
ness and Loss of Sleep.
FuSimita Signature of
ffffillffifrSififev COMMODORE
COMMODORE Somorvlllo Nicholson
of tho United States Navy, in a
letter from 1837 R. Street, North
west, Washington, I). O., says:
''Your Pcruna has been and Is now
used by so many ot my Mends and
acquaintances as a suns cure for ca
tach that am convinced ot Its cura
tive qualities and I unhesitatingly rec
ommend It to all persons suffering
from that complaint."
Our army and our navy are the natural
protection of our country.
Pcruna is tho natural protection of
tho army and navy in tho vicissitudes
of cllmato and exposure.
We havo on filo thousands of testi
monials from prominent pcoplo in tho
army and navy.
c can givo our readers only a slight
f;llmpso of tho vast array of unsollc
led endorsements Dr. llartman is con
stantly receiving for his widely known
and efficient remedy, Pcruna,
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from tho use of Pcruna,
write at onco to Dr. S. B. llartman,
President of Tho llartman Sanitarium,
Columbus, Ohio.
Coniieta Follows Trial
"Wlion. buying Ioobo coffbo or anything your grocer happonB
to havo in ins bin, how do you know what you are
. getting ? Sorao quoor Btorics about coifoo that is Bold in bulk,
' could bo jtold, if tho pooplo who handle it (grocers), cored to
Could any vamount of moro talk havo persuaded milliona of
housokoopors to uso
lion Coffee,
the leader of all package coffees for over a quartor
of a century, if thoy had not foundit superior to all other brands in
Purity, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity?
1-fatn nnanlar mll-FCM Of LION COFFEE
eaa be due only to inherent merit. There
Is no stronger proof ot merit thaa con
tinued and Increasing popularity.
II the verdict ol MILLIONS OF
HOUSEKEEPERS docs net convince
you o! the merits ol LION COFFEE
It costs you but a trllle te buy a
package It Is tae easiest way to
convince yourself, and to make
LION COFFEE is told only In 1 lb. sealed package),
and reaches you as pure and clean as when ft left oar
Lion-head on erery package.
Bare these Llon-he&as lor Tamable premium.
Tho Hind Ton Have Always
In uso for over SO years,
m aflaJLf Wa!fll Hi A sHaW H
njyVy-?,, sonal supervision since its Infancy
'C6cC4i6G A Hirer n nn fatrlACAtvA vnn lr tltla.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Justas-good"aro but
Experiments that trifle wltk and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Caetor Oil. Fare
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It ii Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm
and allays Foverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving1 healthy and natural sleep.
She Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars the
The Kind You to Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tuc atarrau oommmv. tt ttuaaav irratcT, mw veaH cm.
F.llow tlw Ha' rn.
ilfjmwwm Hound
South and Southoast, ono fare plus
Hot Bprlnfrit, Ark., daily.. ,. ..$23.00
fU. Louis, Mo., daily,.. J 1S.S0
Dotroll, Mich, August 13th
and 14th S1.60
rittsuurff. I'a., Autc. 17th
and 18th 25.25
niohmond, Va., Sopt. 8th to
11th Inclusive 33.75
Philadelphia. Vn.., Sept. 14th
to 10 tfi. inclunlvo 32.7R
Long limit;, stopovers and otlior
features ottered in connection with
the abovo rates.
All Agents can soil you through
tickets nnd routo you wnlmsh.
All tlekots rending over the Wa
bash from Chicago cast nro op
tional with pnssanKor via Lako or
Hall, oltlior or both directions.
Call at Wabash City oince, 1C01
Farnam St, or wrlto and lot mo
givo you all Information, maps, de
scriptive matter, foldors, etc.
Q. A. P. . Wabash It. It., Omaha,
Look for this brand on harness,
collars, saddles, horso blankets, lap
robes, etc
Mado by
lUrpham Bros. Co., Lincoln, Neb.
Drop us a card and will mail you a sotrvtntr.
nnd Wood I'rninc23 and up. Wrlto
u bclore you buy. we save you
money. Also rumps and Wina
Mill. BECKMAN BROS.. D Holoei, lowi.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 331805.
Bonglit, and watch has bee
lias borne tae signature of
lias been made under Ids per-
Slgnaturo of