The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 17, 1905, Image 2

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The Alliance Herald
T. J. O'KEEFE, Publisher.
Brief Telegrams
Tho forming community of Sovllle,
Spnln, Is starving.
Secretary of Stnto Elihu Iloot has
sailed for Labrador.
A strlko against tho American
Brldgo company wont Into effect at
Creditors of tho missing mayor of
Patoreon will ask that ho bo doclarod
a bankrupt
Sir Mortimer Durnnt, tho British
ambassador, Is confined to hla sum
mer rosldcnco In London.
Hoary losses which Uio Armour car
lino Is ropprtod to havo Buffered In
handling southern fruit and borrles
may cause tho abandonment of tho
Walter Wellman writes that Sorgius
Wltto, with all his strength and craft,
facos an apparently hopeless task In
tho peaco conferenco, as Japan holds
all tho trumps.
While tho confldenco In Wall street
Is aided by tho good crop reports, con
servative commission houses urge cau
tion In buying becauso of tho high
prlcos prevailing.
Health department figures show that
unllko Now York, Chlcngo is In no
distress bocauso of tho strenuous llfo,
but instead Is ready for really nervo-
. straining conditions.
Harvlo Jordan of Atlanta, Co., pres
ident of tho Southern Cotton associa
tion, has telegraphed E. S. Peters,
vlco presldont of tho association, de
manding his resignation.
Tho London Dally Tolograph, which
In this matter may bo regarded as
Boml-offlclal, soya tho reports of tho
forthcoming resignation of Lord Cur
zon nro at loast prematura.
On tho top of Mount Tanalpals, near
San Francisco, is being erected a
wlrolcss telegraph Btatlon, from which
It is expected direct communication
with Honolulu will bo established.
Having boon driven out of St Louis
and Chicago and with Ilttlo prospect
of racing further south, tho Wostern
Jockey club may select Loulsvlllo as
tho only avallablo placo for an au
tumn mooting.
Tho condition of tho farming com
munity near Seville, Spain, Is becom
ing despcrato'. ThousandB of labor
ers, being without bread or othor food
havo been reduced to eating tho roots
of wild plants,
Citizens In -favor of saloons In Mon
roo county, Iowa, carriod tho county
by petition by about fifty plurality.
Albla will now havo saloons, and Mon
roe county is tho only ono In Iojva
In which such a potltlon wbb carrlod.
Tho govornors of twenty-six states
havo so far accopted tho Invitation of
tho National Civic Federation to ap
point delegates to attend tho national
conferenco on Immigration to bo hold
in New York December C and 7.
Ordors from Washington havo been
rocolved at tho mint to ceaso opera
tions and dlsponso with tho services
of tho COO employes, except thoso nec
essary to attend to tho affairs of tho
institution when colnago has been
Paul Morton of tho Equltablo Llfo
Assurance society haa appointed Doug
las Robinson of Now York, a brother-ln-law
of Presldont Itoosovolt, special
appraiser to mako a thorough examin
ation of tho real cstato owned by tho
Tho coso of tho United States
against Senator W. A. Clark of Mon
tana Involving a chargo of defrauding
tho United States in tho appropriation
of timber on tho public lands, was
docketed In tho Bupromo court of tho
United States.
Former Commissioner of Pensions
Tanner, and now register of wills for
tho District of Columbia, is a promi
nent candidate for tho offlco of commander-in-chief
of tho Grand Army of
tho Republic to succeed tho lato Gon
eral Blackmar.
Throo hundred Americans, employ
es of MacCaddon's circus, havo be
come chargeable to tho authorities in
Grenoblo, France, whllo awaiting a
legal decision m connection with tho
disposal of tho circus property for tho
payment of alleged creditors' claims.
Union compositors went on strlko In
tureo Detroit book and Job printing
shops. It was understood that the
printers were preparing to domand tho
eight-hour day January 1 all over tho
country. Tho Detroit typothotao took
tho bull by tho horns by declaring for
the open shop.
Indian Agent Randkett of Anadarko,
Okla., received special instructions
from Socretary Hitchcock ordering
him to change tho form of lease of
500.000 acres of pasture lands soon
to be opened to sottlemont Tho
chango is for a second choice, where
heretofore tho bidder must be satisfied
with one selection.
Wall street man says that Grover
1 Cleveland, instead of being immensely
wealthy, has an income of only $5,000.
Secretary Egan of tho Illinois State
Board of Health announces that Illi
nois would not quarantine against
Kentucky and Tennesseo on account
of the yellow fever.
The Cuban liberals aro preparing a
manifesto, dealing with acts on tho
part of tbo government alleged to bo
The forestry service has begun a
series of experiments to determine
tho value of tho scrub-pine for paper
making purposes.
Mary E. Lease Feels It Her Duty to
Recommend Dean's Kidney Pills.
Mary E. Loom, formerly political
leader and orator of Kansas, now au
thor and lecturer tho only woman
over voted on for United States Sen
ator, writes:
Dear Sirs: As
many of my
frlonds havo
u s o d D o a n's
KIdnoy Pills
and havo been
cured of blad
der and kidney
troubles, I feel
It my duty to
recommend tho
m e d 1 c 1 n o to
thoso who suf
fer from such
diseases. From
personal experience I thoroughly en
dorse your roraedy, and am glad of
tho opportunity for saying so.
Yours truly,
Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Sold by all dealers. Prlco, 50 cents
per box.
Unknowingly Wrote Epigram.
When Marshal MacMahon In tho
Crimean campaign took tho Malakoff
by storm and wroto his celebrated
dispatch, "J'y suls, j'y resto" ("Hero
I am; hero I stay"), theso words mado
him famous all over the world. Yot
his friends said that the worthy sol
dior had written them in tho most
matter-of-fact manner, with no
thought of phrase-making, Tho most
surprised person over the success of
kls epigram was MacMahon himself.
American "Gullibility."
Tho samo Canadian traveler mado
another remark which boars out what
I havo often said. It was that tho
Americans, in spite of their reputed
ehrowdncsB, aro tho most easily gulled
pooplo on earth by thoso who know
how to got at them. London Truth.
Great Man's Tender Hnrt
Leonardo da Vlncl, a man treat In
his kindness to birds and animals,
gteat as an architect a military on
gineor, a philosopher and nn artist
was accustomed to buy birds in cages
for tho purposo of restoring them to
Cakes for Students.
During tho examinations at Bel
grado university a professor saw tho
boys buying cakes In tho campus. Ho
bought ono and found that, liko tho
others It contained tho solution of ono
of tho problems.
Origin of "Beverage."
Tho word "beverage" has had many
changes In orthogtuphy. . It Is found
spelled "blbercdgoj. "boverego," and
"boverldgo." It cofhea from tho Ital
ian "bovcre," to dfflnk, but more re
motely from tho Lytln.
Expensive Birds' Nest
Four finger rings and seventeen
brooches were used in tho construc
tion of a martin's nest which has
been dislodged from beneath tho
eaves of a houso In Frogmoro, High
Wycombo, England.
Would Revive Old Method.
A school of nrtlsts in England is
endeavoring to revlvo tho antique
method of painting with tho yolk of
eggs Instead of oil. This method was
superseded about flvo centuries ago
by the modern method.
Parisian Journalism.
To provo that its telegrams aro
genuine, a Paris nowspaper will la
future exposo in its windows dupli
cates of every message rocolved for
tho wholo of tho day after their pub
lication. Long before tobacco was Introduced
In England smoking was common.
Tho favorlto "smoko" was the dried
leaves of coltsfoot.
When He Quit Coffee.
Llfo Insurance Companies will not
insure a man suffering from heart
trouble. Tho reason Is obvious.
This Is a serious matter to the hus
band or father who is solicitous for
tho future of his dear ones. Often
tho heart trouble Is caused by an un
expected thing and can bo corrected
if taken In tlmo and properly treated.
A man la Colorado writes:
"I was a great coffeo drinker for
many years, and was not awaro of tho
injurious effects of the habit till I be
camo a practical Invalid, suffering
from heart trouble, indigestion and
nervousness to an extent that made
mo wretchedly miserable myself and
a nuisance to thoso who witnessed my
"I continued to drink Coffee, how
over, not suspecting that it was tho
cause of my ill-health, till, on applying
for llfo Insurance I was rejected on
account of tho trouble with my heart.
Then I became alarmed. I found that
leaving off coffeo helped mo quickly,
so I quit it altogether and having
been attracted by tho advertisements
of Postum Food Coffee I began Its use.
"Tho chango in my condition was
remarkable, and it was not long till
I was completely cured. All my ail
ments vanished. My digestion was
completely restored, my norvousness
disappeared, and, most important of
all, my heart steadied down and be
came normal, and on a second exami
nation I was accepted by the llfo in
surance Co. Quitting Coffeo and us
ing Postum worked tho cure." Name
given by Postum Co., Battle Creek,
There's a reason, and St Is explained
in the, Ilttlo book. 'Tho Road to Well.
I ville," In each pkg.
From " Down Country Lanes," by Byron Williams
Ovor tho hills and far away
Is the land of tho summer weather;
Down In the vale; where tho shadows play,
Ib my heart on a silken tether.
Over tho hills, beyond tho pines,
Is tho maid of my passion's longing;
Thoro 'midst tho roses and columbines,
Is the spot where my thoughts go thronging.
Over tho hills, beside- the sea,
Whero tho waves aro a-froth with scolding, '
There Is tho ono in tho world for me,
Is tho ono that my heart Is holding.
Over tho hills of crosted gold
She dwells 'mong tho bees and clover;
There Ib my queen In a garden old
With Eros, the god, tho roverl
Over tho hills I haste away,
Whore my heart, on a silken tether, .
Follows my queen through tho live-long day,
In tho land of tho summer weatherl
Curiously Delicate Combs That Legs
Are Provided With.
"Wasps aro exceedingly dainty In
their habits," says a writer In The Pil
grim, "and in order that they gratify
their instluct for neatness to tho ut
most naturo has provided them with
a set of marvelously delicate
combs and brushes. If we
look closely at the wasp's legs wo will
find that each bears on Its outermost
long Joint two small, movable splneB,
known as tho apical spurs, and If wo
examine theso with a magnifying
glass each is seen to be provided with
a row of flno teeth, so that tho appa
ratus answers for a coarse and flno
toothed comb.
"Tho tidying up process consist of
various perfectly definite steps, usual
ly taking placo In a particular se
quence. First, it passes both front
legs over the face from abovo down
ward, and after repeating this move
ment several times draws them
through tho Jaws. This Is to remove
any foreign substance which may
havo collected on them. Tho legs are
then passed backward from tho fore
head, much as wo should smooth bacK
our hair. Tho wings are then stroked
again and again from the base to tho
tip, although tho most careful observ
er would fall to detect anything upon
them. Tho nbdomon Is next carefully
stroked from base to tip until every
fine hair points In the right direction
and a gloss as flno as satin is attained,
Last of all, each of tho six legs, in
turn, is laboriously drawn between
two of Its fellows, so tho wasp Is once
moro ready to face Its world."
Sauce for Goose and Gander.
Chairman Shonts, of the Isthmian
Canal commission, was praising a
foreign system of requisitions.
. "Tho advantage of this Bystem," he
said, smiling, "is that It works both
ways. It Is llko tho marriage of tho
spendthrift poet.
"This poet made a good deal of
money, but, being extravagant, he
was alwayB In debt. One August, at
the seashore, he wooed, won and
wedded a young woman of great
wealth. Thereafter times were better
with him.
"At breakfast, during the honey
moon, tho brldo said to the poet ten
derly: " 'Does the fact that I havo money,
dearest, make any difference to you!"
" 'To bo sure It dcs, my Jove,' tho
poet answered.
"She drooped a little, erplexed,
. " 'What difference,' she asked.
"'Why,' Bald he, 'it Is such a com
fort to know that If I should die you'd
be provided for.
"'And If I should die?' said the
"'Thd,' he returned, 'I'd bo pro
vided for.'"
Proof Positive That Valet Had
glected His Duties.
Senator Daniel of Virginia was be
ing interviewed in a Philadelphia
hotel by a reporter.
Tho reporter, with great Ingenuity,
was telling Senator Daniel the object
that had brought him to tho Quaker
City. Tho youth's deductions caused
tho older man to smile and shako his
"You aro a good reaEoner," ho said,
"though it happens that in my caso
you draw a wrong conclusion. Still,
you reason well. You are a Sherlock
Holmes. You remind mo of a friend
of mine in Lynchburg.
"My friend, being rich, employs a
man servant. Ho said to this servant
one morning:
" 'Sir?' said the man.
" 'You aro getting careless, Hoskln.'
" 'Oh, sir. I hope not, sir.'
" 'You don't brush my clothes regu
larly any more.'
" 'Oh, sir, I assure you '
"There, Hoskln, that will do. I left
a dollar In my white vest pocket yes
terday morning, and it is still
there.' "
Lots to Learn.
Tho proprietor ,of tho laundry was
greatly disappointed at the showing
of tho new laundress who bad told
him she was experienced in order to
get tho job.
"You have lots to learn," ho said,
picking up the shirt which sho had
ironed and examining It critically.
"Tho bosom isn't a bit bad, but the
neckband is something fierce. Always
remember that the neckband should
be ironed so that the collar button
can't be put into the hole without tho
aid of a Barlow knife."
We ourselves, old employes of the
place, thought the advice was good
and would have thanked him for It,
but the new hand, being a girl, of
course, broke down and cried. Atlan
ta Constitution.
Makeup of Norway's Army.
In Norway during peace time 25,000
troops aro usually trained, including
tho seventh year Landvarn course.
Every Norwegian Is liable to servo in
the army or navy, commencing in his
twenty-second year and lasting six
teen years, viz., six years in the line,
six years In the Landvarn, and four
years in tho Land storm. But even in
the line the soldier Is kept with the
colors for a certain period during each
of tho first four years of service, al
though In the Landvarn all do a short
training in the first year. On mobiliz
ation tho lino would yield 25,000
troops, the Landvarn 24,000 and tho
Landstorm 23,000; total, 72,000. Hith
erto, tho arrangement has been that
tho first line alone is liable to servo
beyond the frontiers.
Society Woman's Good Scheme to
"Keep Her End Up."
A woman who goes a good deal into
society recently called at a registry
offlco which sho sometimes patronizes
and mado known her wants.
"Can you secure (or me an intelli
gent, well bred young woman as a
reader?" she asked.
The proprietor looked dubious.
"Do you wish her to live in tho
houso, madam?" ho inquired.
"No, indeed," .said the patroness. "I
want hor to como to mo at stated
"Will tho duties bo anything besides
reading to you, madam?" next queried
tho proprietor.
"Reading to me," Bnld the woman.
"I don't want her to read to me. I
want her to read for me."
Tho man looked puzzled and tho
woman explained.
"You Bee," sho Bald, "I am not fond
of reading. In fact, I never can read a
book through, no matter how Interest
ing it is. But I find that the people
with whom I mix In society arc all
well posted on tho new books' and on
current happenings about which they
havo read. I will not read myself, but
If I can get tho right kind of a young
woman to rad what I ought to know
about, and after sho has digested It
give mo tho gist of what she has
learned, I can manage, I think, to kpop
abreast of tho rest of my set And,"
she added as an afterthought, "I am
willing to pay her well for it." Brook
lyn Eagle.
Sea Birds Have Scheme That Does
Away With Nests.
W. L. Flnley, tho new naturalist
photographer, writes In thq Country
Calendar of his experience on Three
Arch Rocks, off tho Oregon coast, as
"By far tho commonest birds on
tho rocks are the California murres.
They nest up and down the sides of
tho cliff, wherever tho ragged rock
furnishes a footing. There is not the
least sign of a nest, but the single
egg is deposited wherever there is a
niche to keep it from dropping into
the sea. The peculiar top shape of
tho murro's egg Is a uniquo device
to keep it from rolling. The practical
value of this can bo seen every day
on tho sloping edges. We tried sev
eral experiments with theso eggs, and
found they were of such taper that not
ono rolled over tho edge. When they
were started down grade, they did
not roll straight, but swung around
llko a top and camo to a standstill
four or flvo Inches down. Tho eggs
were tough-shelled, and a sharp pusn
sent one only about nlno Inches be
foro It whirled, around on Its vertical
The Poor Boy.
I know a small boy and I pity him so
lie's poor In what made me so rich, Ions
In tame little, clean little sand piles ho
And can't romp around with tho calves
and the pigs;
No trees may he climb, for his clothes
nro too good;
He mustn't roam 'round by himself in tho
Ho hasn't a dirty old dog he can squeeze.
Ho daro not play horse 'round the lawn
on his Knees;
Can't even blow suds, till hla mamma
His form with a towel tucked In 'round
his neck.
Can't Jump up and down ona walk-board
that Squirts
He's Just so Indecently clean that it
He can't go out barefoot at dawn for the
Shove hay to tho horses or follow the
Hunt eggs in tho hay mow or swim in a
'Way down In the meadow through June
he's In school 1
Can't dam up tho branch with black
muck to his eyes,
Can't play ho's a baker, with mud for his
Ho hasn't a big, husky daddy whoso
Are horny and strong as tho best iron
Instead, onco a week, or such like, he
may meet
A man llko tho others he sees on the
Who orders him 'round maybe loves him
a bit
While this little boy would as leave ho
should quit.
In fact, for this poor Ilttlo codger, I
And knowingly, too, for tho boy is my
S. W. Gillian In Baltimore American.
Large and Respectable.
Tho deacon of a south side church
who Is noted alike for his excessive
waist line and for his Btrlct attend
ance at church functions, left home to
attend a business meeting of tho
church directors on a rainy evening
recently, but returned home within an
"Guess you did not have a very big
meeting to-night," suggested his wife,
who is not bo enthusiastic as her hus
band over religious matters.
"There were but two of us present,
the Janitor and myself," responded her
husband, "but wo had a large and re
spectable gathering. Yes," he added,
after noting the inquiring expression
on his. wife's face, "I am large and the
janitor is infinitely respectable."
Chicago Chroncle.
He was a laggard at wooing and the
dear girl had. quite lost her patience.
One evening he said In a casual
way, "I'm a firm believer In the old
proverb, 'Marry In haste and repent
at leisure.'"
Sho looked up at him and smiled
"But, of course," she said, "that
couldn't really Interest you."
"And why not?" he asked.
"Becauso you wouldn't have any
tlmo left to repent in."
He thought this over for some time
and finally saw the point When he
left an hour later -ey wero engaged-
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A frlond of tho homo
A foo of the Trust
Compile with tho Puro Food Laws
of all States.
Mirrors Long In Favor.
Mirrors wero used by Anglo-Saxon
women, slung to tbolr girdles. Tho
samo custom obtained In tho tlmo of
Elizabeth and James I. They formed
tho center of many fans at that period
and later. Before glass was invented,
horn was used, and metal.
Woman at Her Best.
To be of tho highest economic val
ue, says a writer, a woman must eith
er bo a mother or must choose her
'lno of work that In tho caro of others
aho finds scopo for her maternal ln
itincts and works, upon and not across
tho lines laid down by nature.
Vain RemorGe.
A man is better employed In giving
'.hanks that power to resist was
vouchsafed to him than in fretting
sver wicked impulses which como un
sought and extort an unwilling hospi
tality from tho weakness of our noc
ture. Anthony Hope.
American Accent In English.
Not only tho nasal sounds, but
many American phrases aro qulto
common In Suffolk, England, among
the farmers and the peasantry, and a
stranger passing an afternoon in
Woodbrldgo market might fancy him
self In Massachusetts.
Gratitude Well Expressed.
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Aug. 14th.
Mr. C. L. Smith, painter aud decora
tor, whoso homo is at 309 Anne street,
this city, makes tho following state
ment: "I was laid up with some kind o
pains. Somo said it was Lumbago,
other Sciatica and others again Rheu
matism. A few of my friends sug
gested that it was lead poison, but
whatever It was it gave me a great
deal of pain; in fact, almost complete
ly crippled me. I had to uso two
canes to walk about, and even then it
was a very painful task.
"A friend advised mo to try Dodd's
Kidney Pills and I began tho treat
ment. After I had used tho first box I
waB ablo to throw away ono of tho
canes and was considerably improved.
The second box straightened me up so
that I could go about free from pain
without any assistance, and very soon
after I was completely cured, well and
happy, without a pain or an ache.
Dodd's Kidney Pills seemed to go
right to tho spot in my case and they
will always havo my greatest praise."
Deserted Husband Fined.
In northern New Zealand recently
a natlvo women deserted her husband
and ran away with another man. A
natlvo court fined tho desorted hus
band horses, cattle and money for
"lack of marital authority In not be
ing ablo ta-retain his wife."
Those Who Have Tried It
will use no other. Defiance Cold Water
Starch has no eqUal in Quantity or
Quality 16 oz. for 10 cents. Other
brandB contain only 12 oz.
Start of British Museum.
Tho British museum took its start
from a bequest of Sir Hans Slocum.
who had colleced a largo number of
works of nrt, specimens of natural
hlsiory, curiosities, books and manu
scripts, at a cost of about 50.000.
Tho collection was given Into tho Brlt
lsh government in 1753.
Bismarck's Love for Explorer.
Prlnco Bismarck had the greatest
affection for tho lato Major von WIss
man. When ho left for East Africa
as commander of tho German Schutz
ruppo to suppress the insurrection of
the Chief Bushlrl. the chancellor tnlr
his chubby face in both hands and
kissed him.
Perry Not to Be Killed.
Perry Shrum had' the misfortune ac
cidentally to Bhoot himself through
tho arm last week, making a very
painful wound, but is recovering fast
It would bo a hard matter to kill Perry
unlesB you cut his head off and hid it
from him. Mitchell, Ore., Sentinel.
Find Remains of Sea Reptile.
Tho remains of a big sea reptile,
said to be the first of its kind known
to scientists, have been dug out of.
the limestone in Humboldt county,
Novada, and shipped to the University
of California. -
Always Something Lacking.
Love Is like a waltz. It never qulto
fulfills all one expects of It Either
the man's lead is too fast or too slow
his hold too tight or too loose ho
stumbles over your gown or steps on
your feet, and It everything else is
right it is tho wrong man. Life.
Batons of Conductors.
Meyerbeer, tho celebrated composer
of "Don Giovanni" and "The Prophet "
used a baton of silver. That of Fetl's
was richly adorned with gold and
gems. Mozart conducted his choral
concerts at Salsburg, his native city
with a Ilttlo stick made of ivory.
Use for Sea-Water Serum.
Sea-water serum has been found
distinctly beneficial in tho early
stages of pulmonary disease.
r.V" J",.
i- 'A-