The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 10, 1905, Image 7

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Opening of the Great
Uintah Indian Reservation
Prosldcnt Roosevelt on July 15
signed tho proclnmntlon providing (or
tho opening to homesteaders and
townslto entry of the unallotted lands
In tho great Uintah Reservation in
Tho Reservation contains 2,446,000
acres, but tho Military and Forestry
Reserves and such Mineral lands as
have to bo withdrawn under existing
laws will leave 1,069,000 acres avail-.
ablo lor entry.
Registration for tho land will com-
tnenco August 1st and close August
12th. Registration may bo mado at
Grand Junction, Colo., and Vernal,
Prlco and Provo, Utah. Prospective
settlors may register at any ono of
these places from 9:00 a. m., Tuesday,
August 1st, until 6:00 p. m., Saturday,
August 12th.
To obtain registration, each appll
cant must appear at ono of tho regis
tration places and show himself duly
Qualified to mako homestead entry
Most Extensively Imitated of All the
Precious Stones.
Among all precious stones few arc
so extensively imitated as tho pearl.
Tho real article is a silvery white.
Iridescent gem, ' extracted from the
pearl oyster. Tho genuine pearl Is
really an unfructlflod egg of tho oyster.
Its Imitation Is arrived at by a
chemical process. Tho liquid employ
ed In the manufacture is called "es
sence d'orlent." Tho baso of this
compound Is prepared by throwing in
to water of ammonia tho brilliant
scales of a small river fish called the
Tho scales are first carefully wash
ed and put to soak in water, when the
pearlyliko film falls away and forms
a sediment at tho bottom of the ves
sel, tfhls sediment is worth to the
manufacturer $25 an ounce.
White wax of mucllago or gum ara
ble forms part of the mixturo proper
tor the moro important and expensive
Imitations, such as those mado tojml
tato tho rare oriental pearls whlcb
fetch fabulous prices.
Tho emerald Is another stone which
Is cleverly Imitated. A perfect omer
aid is the rarest stone in the world
though tho "trade ranks It after the
ruby and tho diamond. The best em
eralds come from P.eru, the imitation?
from France, and a few from Birming
ham. The real article becomes elec
tric by friction and heroin lies the dif
ference between it and the imitation.
Thoughts of Great Men Immediately
Preceding Dissolution.
There are few sayings of great men
half so interesting n3 the words they
utter before tho curtain is rung down
for the last time.
What, for Instance, could bo sweet
er than this picture, of the last mo
ments of John Richard Groen, the his
torian? He had spoken tho last sen
tences of tender farewell and grati
tude to those around his bed, and
then, placing his forefinger on bis
pulse, ho looked up at the doctor
ntooping over him and with a smile
uttered tho one word, "Stopped."
Phelps' closing words were the most
dramatic ho had spoken on any stage
He was playing Wolsey in "Henry
VIII," and had Just spoken the line
"Farewell, a long farewell to all my
sreatness," when ho staggered and
was led off the boards w,hich he was
-. rever to tread again.
Many of the kings of tho earth .have
never been nobler than in the con-
eluding moment of their lives. Rich
ard I, Just as he was breathing bit
last, said to Uertrand de Gourdon.
whose arrow had killed htm, "Youth,
I forgive you," and then turning to
his attendants ho 6aid, "Take off his
chains, give him a hundred shillings
and let him go."
A curious fancy possessed Garibaldi
Just before he died. Two birds came
flying to his window and alighted on
the- sill, and to Garibaldi they appear
ed like tho spirits of his two dead
children. "They have come," he said
tenderly, "to see theh" father die. Be
kind to them and feed them when I'm
gone." Thomas Carlyle's death was
not easier or happier than his life
nd at the last he remarked, pathetic
ally: "Is it not strange that these peo
pie should have chosen the very oldest
man In all Britain to mako suffer in
this way?"
sup op thbv Jr y 5LY-r-"v I Vt"" f '
(1Gi acres) by written application to
bo mado only on a blank form pro
vided by tho Commissioner of tho
General Land Offlco. Registration
cannot be effected through tho malls
or by an agent, oxcept in tho caso of
honorably discharged soldiers or
saliora, who may present their appli
cations and duo proofs of tholr quali
fications through an agent of their
own selection, having a duly executed
power of attorney, on a blank for that
purposo provided by tho Commis
sioner. No person will bo permitted
to act as agent for moro than ono sol
dier or sailor, and no ono will be
allowed to register moro than onco or
in any other than his truo name.
Tho procedure necessary to secure
lands In this greatest of government
reservations Is outlined In detail In a
pamphlet just issued by the Passen
ger Department Denver & Rio Grande
Railroad. Writo to S. K. Hooper,
Gen'l P. & T. A., Denver, Colo.
Fcr Larger Lives.
In Heaven, they say, ts undisturbed and
perfect peace; a.d yet
Alone our heartstrings, even there, a
tremor of regret
Must sometimes wander Into pain, If
memory survives
A grief that In this good, great world
wo lived no larger lives.
God moves our planet gloriously among
tho sturry spheres.
And nobler movements for our souls,
through these our mortal years,
In widening orbits toward Himself eter
nally He planned;
Wo creep and rust In treadmill graved
wo will not bo made grand.
Yet souls that win Immortal heights un
closed with self must move!
Tho only thing that wo can tako from
earth to Heaven Is lovol
To mako us great like Thee, O Qodl
Thy Spirit with us strives!
Enlarge our lives to take Thco Inl O,
give us nobler lives I
Lucy Larcom.
Waste of Nerve Energy.
So many people needlessly and
recklessly waste their nervo energy.
They drum the chair or tho desk with
their fingers or tap tho floor with their
toes. They hold their hands. They
sit In a rocking chair nnd rock for
very dear life. If they write or sew
they get down to it with a vengeance
and contract their brows and wrinkle
their foreheads and grind their teeth.
If they havo an unusual task to do
they contract and contort every mus
cle of the body, making themselves
tense and rigid all over, when tho
work perhaps required but ono set of
muscles or perhaps tho mind only, as
tho case may bo.
The 8un's Heat.
"The sun's heat?" said tho astrono
mer. "Well, let us say that tho value
of tho sun's heat is $25,000,000. Now,
what proportion of all that value do
you Bupposo warms the earth? Only
two cents' worth.
"All the rest of tho sun's heat is
wasted In space. Of tho $25,000,000
the earth only gets 2 cents.
"With coal I can give you another
idea of the sun's heat. Suppose that
the earth was to contract to heat the
sun. Do you know what tho result
would bo? All tho coal upon the earth
would suffice to maintain tho present
solar heat for just one-tenth of a sec
ond." Sober Second Thought.
A farm laborer who was getting
married found that he had not enough
money with which to pay tho minis
ter's fee. Ho promised, however, to
pay him in potatoes when they wero
ready for digging up. Tho minister
waited for somo time, but no potatoes
were forthcoming; so ho called upon
tho roan and inquired the reason.
"Well, to tell you the truth, guvner,"
was the reply, "I'd like to give you
tho potatoes, but she ain't worth it"
Harper's Weekly.
That glow of good feeling tradition
ally believed to follow a kind act is
dampened whon ono Is not exactly
sure whether or not be has been
proved an easy mark.
When a man talks about giving hon
or to tho Most High ho needs to bo
suro that ho' has some of his own In
stock Henry F. Copo In Chicago
it some men knew as much as they
pretend tq know they would Know ever
so much more than tho majority of
A woman can tano a veil, a couple
of ribbons and a smilo and beat all
the work that nature ever performed
for human beauty. New York Press.
":. ' ii i ,tw , ii.J
The battleship Missouri, which de
feated other vessels of the North At
lantic fleet in a race from Newport to
New York, is ono of the new ships of
tho navy, having been In commission
only slnco tho autumn of 1903. She is
a sister ship of the Ohio and tho new
Maine and has a displacement of 12,
300 tons.- Tho vessel Is Ivsavily ar-
Fine French Boulevard on Which They
Can Speed.
In Franco automobllo building has
reached Its highest development,
though our manufacturers aro fast
closing tho gap that separates them
from their Gallic competitors. Not
only Is tho machine made In Franco,
says Everybody's Magazine, but roads
for It to do its best on aro provided.
Biarritz Is constructing a 90-milo
boulevard on the coast at Arcachon
for tho excluslvo use of fast motor
cars. On it there will bo no bpeed re
strictions, and every man nnd woman
ambitious to break a record or a necic
will havo a froo llcenso to do sq. Lum
bering trucks, family parties drawn
by old Dobbin, nurse-maids with per
ambulators will not attempt to cross
tho bows of 70-mlle-an-hour devil wag
ons. Solid walls will lino each sldo
of a 70-foot-wldo cement boulevard,
and any accidents thnt may enliven a
day's sport will bo confined among tho
Bpeoders themselves. Llko tho course
of Ormond, Fla., this Freifch raco
track will bo on tho beach, where in
terlopers will have small excuse to go.
Tho construction of tho course will
cost $1,600,000, a comparatively small
amount when the magnltudo of tho
automobllo business Is considered.
Fishers and Suckers.
There aro those who claim that "a
sucker Is born every minute." And It
may bo stated that tho birth rato of
those who mako a business of fishing
for suqkers Is also largo. Tho sucker
fisherman does not stay long In ono
place. If the suckers nibble ho per
mits them to swallow bait, hook, bob,
lino and sinker, and then, wise flshpr
man, ho goes to anothor place, spits
on his bait and tries- his luck again.
Warn tho sucker of his fate? You
would as well try to admonish a pig.
When tho biting season Is- on it Is his
Instinct to nibble. "A fool and his
money aro soon parted." And tho
cynic will Insist that the only way
to mako a wise man out of a fool Is
to part him from his money. Atlanta
Few Catawba Indians Left.
Robt. Leo Harris, chief of tho Cataw
ba tribe of Indians, which has a tiny
reservation embracing only ono square
mile near Rock Hill, S. C, on which
aro eighty members of tho tribe, lately
visited Raleigh, N. C, seeking in the
stato library for all Information pos
sible about tho Catawbas. These In
dians wero, oven after 1700, a power
ful tribe, and touched tho Chorokees,
who wero in tho North Carolina moun
tains and in tho foothills. Chief Har
ris says that there are only 150 Cataw
bas In tho United States, while in 1700
tho, tribe could muster several thou
sand warriors. Ho Is anxious to havo
tho tribe put under federal caro and
educated by tho government.
Left Sermon to Catch Burglar.
Rev. R. B. Scott, pastor of tho Bap
tist church In Falrmount, Va., Is evi
dently a believer In muscular Christi
anity. In tho midst of the service
Sunday night a man named World en
tered the church and Informed the
minister that his (World's) hbnso was
being robbed. The pastor mado tho
announcement from tho pulpit, cut
short tho closing exercises and the
congregation rosolved Itself at onco
Into a sort of posse committee to hunt
burglars. Upon reaching World's
houso it was found that the burglar
had fled.
Diner's Ready Promise.
After a recent banquet ono of the
diners having tipped the table waiter,
the wlno waiter nnd every waiter
within sight, was confronted by still
another of them. "You'll remember
the waiter?" was tho murmur. "Let
mo see: what have you dono for me?"
"Toothpick, sir," was tho reply, as
tho waiter lndlcatod tho horrid and
unused Implements. "Remember
you!" exclaimed tho diner, laying a
genial hand upon his shoulder. "I
shall never, never forget your lovely
morcd and her guns aro in proportion,
aB sho carries four twelve-Inch guns
and sixteen six-inch guns, with n num
ber of smaller weapons. Tho Missouri
has two submerged torpedo tubes, and
her complement Is 551 officers and
men. In tho rnco Just won by the
Missouri tho averago speed was 18.22
Though Off Reservation, He Wanted
Old Customs Kept Up.
Jim Big Heart, a wealthy Indian
farmer who lives at Pnwhuskn, I. T.,
got Into trouble In Kansas City, Kan ,
tho other day by having too much
money. Having sold two car loads of
cattle, ho proceeded to display some of
his eccentricities. Officers were called
to a rooming houso, whero Big Henrt
Insisted on sitting on tho beds and
making hlmsolf perfectly at homo. He
explained to tho ofllccrs that on tho
reservation he was accustomed to go
ing where ho choso and that tho
homes of his people wore open to him.
Ho was taken to tho police headquar
ters and $1,500 wns found in his pock
cts. Big Heart Is well educated and
speaks excellent English. Ho owns a
700-acro farm and several hundred
head of horses and cattle. Chicago
Famous Swiss Cheese.
According tda report by United
States Consul Hlggiua of Berne, there
aro 700,000 cows In Switzerland. Thoy
averago C25 gallons of milk a year por
cow, a total of 402,500,000 gallons, val
ued at $44,000,000. Forty-two por cent
Its used for homo consumption and
tho rest for condensed milk, cheese
and butter.
Although representing but one-fifth
of tho entiro milk production tho
cnecso market dictates tho price of
milk to all Switzerland. Tho cheose
Is mado In about 2,000 small creamer
ies, somo of which nro owned by
cc-oporatlvo societies and others by
Independent cheese makers.
Summer cheeso made from milk dur
ing tho tlmo tho cows nro In tho
pastures commands a better price
than tho winter product mado when
tho cows aro stabled. Tho averago
price for cheeso In 1903 was fifteen
cents per pound.
The total export In 1903 was 53,000,
000 pounds, valued at $8,000,000.
Only Self-Made Man.
Tho only self-made man In the
world, Dr. Mdry Walker, now has an
opportunity to rejolco and bo exceed
ingly glad. Sho Is vindicated. A wise
judge in Pasadena, Cal., has rendered
a decision to tho effect that ho finds
no ordinance whereby women shall
bo prevented from wearing trousers If
they choose. Mrs. Mary Johnson, lead
er of a cult In Pasadena called "back
to naturo," raised the issue. Thoro Is
a colony of these pants-clad ladles In
that city, nnd they may parade tho
streets at will, trousered llko papa, ir
not boarded llko a pard. Let us hope
thoy will go ui that grand street
called "Millionaires' Mllo" and pass by
tho homo of Bob Burdetto, who may
find material In tho scene for n new
lecture entitled "Tho Rise and Fall of
tho Skirt." Portland Oregonlan.
America's Great Iron Fled.
Tho best-placed field for the produc
tion of Iron In North America or, save
that In northern China, in tho world,
Is In tho central section of tho Missis
sippi valley, mainly between tho great
river and tho Appalachian system of
mountains and northward beyond the
gret lakes to the headwaters of tho
streams flowing Into Hudson's Bay,
tho physical conditions on tho wholo
being favorable for tho cheap produc
tion of tho metal and Its ready trans
portation to tho principle markets, it
Is a question, however, if tho store
will supply the demands of tho future.
International Quarterly.
Auto Was Very Useful.
Frank E, Gleason, a farmer out in
Warren, Is ablo to see somo good In
automobiles after his experience of
Tuesday. Mr. Glearon had a big load
of hay Just ready to go In when ono
of his horses balked. A thunder show
er was about to begin operations In
tho vicinity and ho was in a quandary
when a man who is visiting him rode
Into tho field in his auto. Quickly
making fast a "hawser" to tho axle
of the hay rack, the load was snatched
into the barn In short order. Boston
Daughter of Governor of State Will
Name the Kansas,
Preparations for tin launching of tho
now battleship Kansas aro nearly tfom
iloted and tho monster war boat soon
will glldo down tho wayB at tho New
York shipbuilding yards at Camden.
Tho Kansas, which will bo tho larg
est battleship In the American navy,
will bo chrlBtened by M!bs Anna Hoch,
laughter of Gov. Hoch of Kansas.
This suporh addition to tho navy will
jlvo ground for encomiums oven great
nr than thoso Prosldcnt Roosovelt
hoapod upon It whon, after rovlowlng
tho squadron from on board tho Sylph,
ho characterized it ns "n most power
ful flcoL"
Miss Hoch, who stands sponsor" for
tho Bhlp, has Just passed her mnjorlty.
Sho kcops closo to her father in all
if hlB ndmlnlBtratlvo duties, nnd It la
said ho consults hor almost dally.
Tho keel of tho Knnsns was laid on
Feb. 1, 1004. Known ns n 450-foot
battleship, tho Kansas Is a sister ship
to tho Connecticut, tho Minnesota and
tho Vermont. Sho will havo accom
modations for 800 ofllcors and men.
Sho will bo required .to mako a speed
of eighteen knots.
Last of the Lltto, Famed Far and
Wide for Strength, Is Dead.
Tho Inst of tho Lilts family, ono of
tho most romarknblo in Now York, has
gono with tho passing away of Thom
as, who died in Montlccllo. Ho died
suddenly from tho effect of tho ox
tromo heat whllo at work In a Hold
near his home. Ho was 80 years of
ago and for tho last half contury had
been ono of tho most commanding
nnd prominent figures in Sullivan
county becauso of his slzo and wonder
ful strength. Ho was sorgcant in tho
143d regimont of New York volunteors
nnd was tho strongest man In tho reg
iment. Every member of tho family
of ten, flvo males and fivo females,
was as strong as a giant and the won
derful fcntB of strength performed by
thorn won for them almost national
fame. Thomas Lltts, whllo attending
tho old-tlmo logging and haying bees,
on dlfforent occasions has boon known
to pick up a barrel full of cider nnd
drink from the buughole. A brother
carried a barrel of pork on his back,
a mllo without resting, on a wagor,
tho pork being tho wager.
Frederick E. Carlton Declared to Be a
Much-Married Man.
Tho latost wife of Frederick ,E.
Carlton, Now York's Bluebeard, was
Miss Wllotta Sherwood Bird of 422
Wost Nineteenth street. Sho was
married to Carlton on April 2G, 1904,
when ho went under tho name of
James Edward McCandless. Ho gave
his age at that time as 23 and his
homo address as Moberly, Mo. What
has como to bo called Carlton's court
Bhlp ammunition has been turned over
to tho inspector by Miss Eleanor Van
deventer, with whom tho man lived
beforo his arrest and whom ho says
ho will marry when be Is free, It con
sists of a lot of fine jewelry and trin
kets and pieces of feminine finery.
Laughing at London.
It is only In London that Buch a
misuse of so splendid a position as
Trafalgar square would be tolerated
as It has been for more than two gen
erations. The National gallery, with
Its squat facado and pepper-box domes
tho laughing stock of the intelligent
foreigner makes a fitting background
to tho Sahara of asphalt, which no one
ever crosses, the muddy fountains
guarded by meaningless lions, and the
towering column surmounted by a di
minutive figure of Nelson. Times of
maclnted by Diabetes; Tortured
with Gravel and Kidney Pains.
Henry Soulo, cobbler, of Ham
mondsporL N. Y., saya: "Slnco Doan's
Kldnoy Pills cured mo olght yeara
ago, 1'vo reached 70 and hopo to Uvo
many years long
er. But twenty
years ago I had
kidney troublo so
bad I could not
work. Backacbo
was peralstont
and It was ngony
to ilft anything.
Gravel, whirling
headaches, dlzzl
nnofl nnil tnrrlhlfk
urinary disorders ran mo down from
1C8 to 100 pounds. Doctors told mo I
had dtnbctcs nnd could not llvo, I
wns wrotchod nnd honolcss when I
.began using Doan's Kidney Pills, but
thoy cured mo olght years ago and
I'vo boon well over slnco."
Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
For salo by all dealers. Prlco, 50
conts per box.
Tho tonos of human voices aro
mightier than strings of brass to movo
tho soul. Klopstoclc.
Baby Covered With Sores and Scales
Could Not Tell What 8he
Looked Like Marvelous
Cure by Cutlcura.
"At four months old my baby's faco
and body wero so covcrod with sores
and largo scaloa you could not toll
what sho looked llko. No child over
had a worso case. Her faco was being;
oaton away, and oven hor flngor nails
fell off. It Itched so sho could not
sleep, and for many weary' Lights we
could get no rcBt. At last wo got
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Tho
sores began to heal at onco, and she
could sleep at night, and in one month
sho had not ono goto on her faco or
body. Mrs. Mary Snndors, 709 Spring
St, Camdon, N. J."
Sympathy goos a great way toward
creating a feeling that con bo mis
taken for lovo.
Bvery person thinking of visiting th
Uintah Indian reservation In eastorn Utah,
to be opened for settlement August 28th.
should nave a Homesaekers' (luldo and
sectional map. It tells everything. Bant
Sostpatd for 60c. Address W. II. Km
ions, 700 17th St., Denver. Colorado.
Tho bottor tho reputation the hard
or is it to socuro tho rowards which
really belong to it.
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Gray, n nurso la Now York, dts
covered a pleasant herb remedy for women's
Ills, called AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It Is the
only certain monthly regulator. Cures
female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and
Urinary troubles. At all Druggists or by
mail Mots. Sample mailed FREIi. Address.
Tho Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y.
Masqueraded as Criminals.
Original was tho Idea of a Berlin
doctor who gavo a ball at which tho
SuostB woro obliged to masquerado
is well known criminals Naturally
algh-born malefactors of history, such
is tho Borglas, In that they afforded
most scopo for artistic costumes,
woro chlofly In favor, though ono of
:ho hits of tho evening was mado by
in Englishman, who, got up as Charles
Pcaco, tho notorious burglar, mingled
with tho aristocracy of crlmo.
Care for Pauper Children.
Tho plans of maintaining tho chil
dren of tho pooi- or such as may be
tn tho poorhouses or "unions" in cot
:agos and homes of that character, is
Qndlng a very general adoption la
England, no less than 128 "unions"
sow maintaining the children away
!rom tho pauperizing effects or poor
iouso association. Tho county of Los
don paid out 72 conts a head of Its
population for tho half-year on poor
Chlrography Was Puzzle.
Harvey Walters, on expert on pat
9nt cases, bad occasion to write Rufusi
Choato on somo important question,
Mid when ho received tho reply was
unable to read a word of It so took'
tho missive to Mr. Choato and asked
him what ho had written. Mr. Choato
replied: "I never can read my writ
Ing after tho Ink is dry, but if you will
tell mo what It is about I will tell you
what I havo written." And ho did.
Shows Ho Knew What Food to 8tlck
Forwarding a photo of a splendidly
handsome and healthy young boy, a
happy mother writes from an Ohio
"Tho enclosed picture shows my f-year-old
Grape-Nuts boy.
"Slnco he was 2 years old ho has
eaten nothing but Grape-Nuts. Ho
demands and gets this food three
tiroes a day. This may seem rather
unusual, but ho does not care for any
thing else after he has eaten his
Grape-Nuts, which he uses with milk
or cream, and then ho is through with
his meal. Even on Thanksgiving day
ho refused turkey and all tho good
things that make up that great din
ner, and ate his dish of Grape-Nuts
and cream with the best results and
none of tho evils that the other fool
ish members of tho family experi
enced. "He Is never sick, has a beautiful
complexion, and Is considered a very
handsome boy. May the Postum Com
pany prosper and long contlnua. to fun
nlsh their wholesome food!" Name
given by Postum Co., Battle Creek
There's a reason. Read the little
book. "The Road to Wellville," In p
ery pkg.