The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 10, 1905, Image 6

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T. J. O'KEEFE, Publisher.
Brief Telegrams
Tho British channel fleet will sail
for tho Baltic sea August 20 and will
remain thcro through September.
Senator Clark of Montana has fur
nlshcd means to dofray tho expenses
of an expedition to oxploro tho un
known mountains of bis state.
Tho National Lead company fllod a
ccrtlflcato In tho ofllco of tho socrotary
of tho stato of Now Jeraoy Increasing
its capital stock from $30,000,000 to
Tho navy department has developed
a policy by which shoro duty of on
llstod mon will bo roscrvod for thoso
who havo served cfllclontly at sea for
a consldorablo period.
Tho Japonoso government will Isbuo
treasury bills of 12 million dollars
and deliver thorn to tho Dank of Japan
to rcnow bills falling duo for tho
somo amount Issued In April last.
ThomaB Qrconway, a formor pro
mlcr of Manitoba, estimates that with
in tho noxt few years moro than $75,
000,000 will bo spent In westorn Can
ada In tho construction of railways.
Senator Aldrlch of Rhodo Island has
purchased tho rcsldcnco and grounds
of tho late Bishop Clark, adjoining his
homo at Warwick Nock, and boa add
ed them to his already extenstvo es
tate Tho Gorman foreign ofllco denies
utterly tho report that Emperor Wil
liam sought to obtain tho consent of
tho czar for a prlnco of tho houso of
Hohonzollern to ascend tbo,throno of
Georgo W. Tweed, a son of tho lato
William M. Twood of Now York,
known as "Boss" Twcod, committed
sulcUlo by Jumping from an upper
veranda of tho Connecticut hospital
for tho Insane '
A largo Kronen steamer went ashoro
on the west coast of ono of tho Chan
nel Islands. It Is bcllovod that tho
vessel, tho nama of which Is not
known, will bo a total wreck. Thcro
was no loss of llfo.
Major William II. WIHIamB, special
European agent of tho treasury de
partment located In Paris, has boon
rccallod to tho United States, but It
is not expected that ho will return to
this country beforo fall.
Porcy Plcrco of Buffalo has beon
awarded tho $2,000 trophy offered by
Charles J. GUdden for tho best show
ing in tho rocont automobllo endur
ance) tost from Now York to Mount
Washington and return.
Ono of tho most urgent calls for
harvest hands rocolvod in Dos "Moines
camo from North Dakota, when a local
employment firm was notified that
1,000 men were wanted in that stato,
(to harvest tho wheat crop.
Henry J. Harding, Jr., of Now York,
formerly a broker on tho Chicago
board of trade, filed in tho federal dis
trict court at Chicago application In
bankruptcy, scheduling liabilities of
$97,000, and assets of $3,700.
Tho Bchooner William Olson arrived
at San Francisco from Friendly Is
lands, bringing tho nowB that a movo
mont is oh foot among tho English
residents to forco King Qoorgo, tho
rulor of tho Island to abdicate.
A trial trip just mado by a motor
boat built from plans of Charles Her
roshoff at tho plant of tho American
& British Manufacturing company In
Bridgeport, Conn., Is said to havo do
monstratod that tho craft Is the fast
est over built.
A. B. Loutzenhouscr, tho absconding
toller of tho First National bank of
Duluth, who was arrested in SL Paul
last week, pleaded guilty In tho fed
eral court and was sentenced by Judgo
Pago Morris to flvo years In tho pen!
President William E. Corey of tho
"United States Stool corporation, mot
tho president of tho subsidiary com
panies in Pittsburg. It was tho first
meeting oP tho ojnclals slnco last
April. Officials refuso to glvo out
any information.
Washington officials hero bollovo
tho senate will consent to the ratifica
tion of a treaty with Gormany which,
in return for cortaln reductions on
German imports, will glvo advan
tageous schedules to American goods
entering Gormany. '
While In tho Hawaiian islands Sur
geon General Wyman of tho public
health service inspected, together with
Govornor Cartor, tho land which It Is
proposed under a law passed at tho
last session of congress, to set apart
for a loper sanitarium.
Rev. Georgo L. Benton, vicar gen
eral of tho Harrlsburg dtoceso and
roctor of St James' Roman Catnollo
church, at Stoelton, Pa., has beon ad
vised of his appointment to bo a do
mestic prelate, with the rank of mon
slgnor, in tho house of Pope Pius.
Genoral Nelson A. Miles and his son,
Lleutonant Sherman Miles, aro at
Chief Wllkle of tho United States
secret servlco, returned to Washing
ton after an absence of three and a
half months mostly spent in China
and Japan on government business.
Negotiations for peace are In prog
ress between Yaqul Indians and tho
Mexican government.
Tho president has approved the find
ings in the case of First Lieutenant
Lanier Cravens, artillery corps, who
was convicted of Intoxication while on
Commercial Enterprises are Making
Heavy Drains on Thla Tamoua 8how
Place Its Tremendous Electrical
Power the Inducement
Niagara Falls, August 7: -Thft
volume of water , being diverted
from tho historic Niagara falls is
reaching such proportions that tho
people of tho Stato aro trying to pass
laws which will provent tho possibil
ity of a practical wiping out of this
subllmo natural spectacle.
Water sufficient to develop nearly"
flvo hundred thousand horse-power
continuously, twenty-four hours per
day, for Industrial purposes, Is now
being taken from tho river abovo tho
Falls, and further developments re
quiring more water aro contemplated.
Probably tho largest user of tho
electricity produced by tho waters of
the mighty rlvor Is tho concern which
by tho flvo or six thousand degree
heat of tho electric furnace brings
llmo and coko into unwilling union,
thereby producing what Is known as
Calcium Carbide.
Dry calcium carbldo 1b lifeless as
so much broken rock, but In contact
with water it springs into activity and
oogets abundantly tho gas Acetylene.
Tho light resulting from tho Ignition
of acetyleno is tho nearest approach
to sunlight known.
TheBO facts, though of compara
tively recent discovery, wero soon
seized by men with an eyo to tho com
merclal possibilities and to-day cal
cium carbide 1b being shipped every
where and used for dispelling dark
ness In buildings of all descriptions,
from tho ordinary barn of the farmer
to tho country villa of tho wealthy, as
well as for lighting tho streets of a
largo number of towns. Acotylcno
can bo easily and cheaply Installed,
and tho manufacfMro and salo of
acetyleno generators has becomo a
business of recognized standing, has
assumed largo proportions and Is
steadily growing.
Soldiers as Beeer Testers.
Tho following order was Issued to a
company of garrison artillery at Alla
habad, India: "Tho following N. C.
D.'s and men will report themselves
to tho quartormastor-sergoont tomor
row, Juno 1. at 9 a, m., for tho pur
poso of testing beer at tho supply and
transport go-down. Thoso N. C. O.'s
ind mon will bo hold strictly responsi
ble and liable for tho bcor selected,
md will havo to pay for any beer that
may havo to bo returned."
Contents of Fish's Stomach. '
A femalo plko, thirty-two Inches in
length, which was caught on Barton
Broad, Norfolk, England, somo timo
igo, when opened was found to con
ln two roaches, measuring soven
nches and four inches respectively;
wo piecces of wjre, each eight inches
ong; two Btool spanners, two keys,
hlch woro tied together; a portion
it a saw, a fragment of iron, and a
jleco of a spanner.
Beautiful Savages?
Women moro nearly attain tho stat
iro of men among savages than
imong civilized races. Our athletic
oung Indies, with free-swinging
Jrnbs and beautiful, clear, penotrart
,ng voices, as Mr. II. G. Wells do
icrlbes them, may, after all bo a re
torsion. Mind.
Sound as a Dollar.
Montlcello, Minn., Aug. 7th. Mr. J.
W. Mooro of this place stands as a liv
ing proof of tho fact that Brlght's DIs
ease, even In tho last stages, may bo
perfectly and permanently cured by
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Mr. Mooro Bays: "In 189S three
reputable physicians after a careful
examination told mo that I would die
with Brlght's Disease Inside of a year.
My feet and ankles and legs were
badly swollen; I could hardly stand
on my feet and had- given up all hopes
of getting cured when a traveling
salesman told mo that ho himself had
been cured of Brlght's Disease two
years before.
"Ho said ho had taken to his bed
and expected to dlo with It, but that
ho had been cured by a remedy called
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"I commenced taking them at once
and I am thankful to say that they
Bavcd my life. After a short treat
ment I was completely restored to
good health and I am now as sound as
a dollar."
Motaphysclana can unsettle things,
but they can orect nothing. They can
pull down a church, but they cannot
build a hovel. Cecil.
To the housewife who haB not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use in the market and
who Is reasonably satisfied with the
old, we would suggest that a trial of
Defiance Cold Water Starch be made
at once. Not alone because It Is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perior to any-other brand, but because
each 10c package contains 16 ozs.,
while all the other kinds contain but
12 ozs. It Is safe to say that the lady
who once uses Defiance Starch will use
no other. Quality and quantity must
Buy what thou hast no need of and
ero long thou shalt sell thy necessar
les. Franklin.
130.00 per M. Lewis' "Slnglo Binder,'
straight 5o cigar, costs the dealer some
moro than otuer So cigars, but tho hlguci
price enables this factory to use hlghei
grado tobacco. Lowls' Factory, Peoria, Bl
. The path to perdition Is lubricated
with smooth talk.
Try me Just once and I am sure t
come again. Defiance Starch.
His Ideal
Sho used to bo n maiden who Una fawn-
. like eies. and In her hnlr
Thoso, goldon tint that shimmer
through the painter's envy and
despair. '
Ilor long, dark lashes had to curl, her
aheeks were red. her ankles slim,
Her teeth 'wero even town of pearl, her
lips rlpi fruit reserved for him:
Sho used to bo In form nnd face tho
vision that tho poet sees
When, gating Into illatnnt space, ho
yields to splendid rhapsodies
Tho hnlr he brushes from his brow Is
thinner than It wns of yoro;
Onco twentv. he ls forty now. nnd world
lier than he was before.
Tho golden maiden mny bi tnlr, she may
bo youthful nnd demure.
She may have graces sweet nnd rare
but nhe must not be proud nnd
Sho mny possess nn unturned nose and
twisted teeth nna wenr n switch,
And hnvc a squint nnd pigeon-toes pro
vided thnt her father's rich.
8. E. Klser, In Chicago Record-Herald.
r ' r
(Copyright, 1905, by
Prlscllla stood at tho window gaz
ing listlessly out Into the gathorlng
shadows and tho falling rain. Her
father, tho Judge, stood before tho fire
with hs hands clasped behind him.
Thero was a frown upon his brow
and for a moment nn embarrassing
slloneo seemed to fill the room, then
tho judgo cleared his throat and re
marked: "I am sure that I feel tho honor of
such a proposal, If you do not," he
said seriously. "I havo known them
father and son for forty years.
They havo family position, social
prcstlgo and wealth. What moro can
a girl expect or desire" and he peered
over tho top of hiB glasses at tho girl
near tho window.
"But I don't know him. I have nev
er seon him besides "
"Besides what?" demanded tho
Judgo, almost sternly.
"Besides I don't want to know him
or see him either," replied tho girl,
determinedly. "And it is not right
for you to expect mo to encourage
such a proposal after what I havo
told you."
"After what you havo told met"
ropeated tho Judge, Impatiently. "Do
you suppose that I am going to en
courage, much less allow, you to re
ceive tho attention of a Btrangor a
man of whom I know absolutely noth
ing? If you havo formed any such
Idea, you aro very greatly mistaken
in your father."
For a moment tho girl mado no re
ply, but stood tapping her fingers idly
against tho window; thon, turning sud
denly to her father, she said broken
ly: "But ho Is coming to-night to to
seo you about "
"About what?" demanded tho Judge,
"Humph!" ho retorted. "Do you
think for a moment that it will do him
any good? Tho idea! I havo other
hopes and ambitions for my daughter
than to encourngo or allow tho at
tentions of a man of whoso antece
dents I nm Ignorant a mero adven
turer perhaps."
"An adventurer!" cried tho girl,
spiritedly. "I hardly think that your
daughter, much less my aunt your
own sister would havo allowed such
an Introduction if it wero so, which
ho is not."
"And so that Is why you refuse to
favor or consider this proposal of
John Howard "
"Yes!" interrupted tho girl quickly.
"In his letter ho writes me that ho
will call upon mo this evening to ob
tain my permission to ahem, to pay
what?" demanded the
his respects to my daughter. What
shall I tell him?"
"Tell him No!" replied tho girl,
promptly. "Tell him thero Is anoth
er, and he, too, Is coming here to
night to ask you tho same question."
"If ho does," ejaculated the old man
passionately, "I shall tell him 'No'
mighty quick and feel Justified in Go
ing it too," and ho stopped suddenly
and glanced sharply over at tho girl,
who had started nervously at the
sharp clang of the bell, thon for a
moment they stood there, fathor and
daughter, looking straight into each
. ,iSiHl I
J '4,
other's ves then tho clrj stooped to
N, tA-.r-1-rv DMvi
Dally Story Pub. Co.)
the door, but paused a moment as she
"He Is hero now," sho said quickly.
"You will at least be civil to him, I
The old man mado no reply, but
shut his lips tightly together and
stood glaring angrily at tho flro as the
door opened and the butler entered
the room, closely followed by a young
man in a rain-soaked coat, and then
the butler vanished, and the door was
closed, and tho girl stood crouching
half way up tho stairs In the gather
darkness and shadows, waiting and
wondering which one of them it was,
Started suddenly to her feet,
for her flight had been hasty and tho
hall below was yet dim with unlit
Outside the twilight grew into dark
ness; tho night wind and tho rain
beat In fitful gusts around tho cor
ners of the house and almost drowned
tho subdued murmur of voices their
voices In the llbrnry. She could hear
now and then tho voice of her father
as If in protest, 'and occasionally tho
lower tones of the other, then sud
denly to her surprise she heard and
quickly recognized the hearty laugh
of her father, and then his words wero
lost In the roar of the wind.
Ono by ono the seconds dragged
Into minutes until half an hour passed
and then the girl, crouching thcro In
suspense and tears, started suddenly
to her feet and stood clutching wildly
at the banister.
Tho library door had opened and
tho two men passed out and stood for
a moment at the foot of the stairs,
and there plain In the flood of light
that came from the library, she saw
and knew him saw the smile on her
father's faco and tho cordial clasp of
his hand and heard him say:
"You havo my most hearty consent
and approval, my boy. She's yours to
win if you can," and then before the
astonished girl could movo or speak
ho was gone and tho Judge retreated
into tho library and softly closed the
A moment later Prlscllla was In tho
library; tho Judgo was In his easy
chair beforo tho flro and In another
second sho was in his lap and her
arras were about his neck.
"You dear old dad. You didn't tell
him 'No,' did you?"
"Who?" gasped tho Judge from un
der her tight embrace.
"Who!" 'she qulzzod. "Why, my
Jack, of course. You gavo your per
mission your consent I heard you
"Your Jack!" exclaimed the old
mnn In wnndfli "I nnwnn'f conn him
1 Ho hasn't como yet."
"But that was he!"' she Insisted.
"Don't you supposo I know?"
"I guess not!" muttered the Judgo
quickly. "That was John BrookB, the
man of my choice but not of yours,
"But I call him 'Jack,'" sho whis
pered. "His name is so plain, you
know, John Brooks."
"John Howard Brooks," interrupted
her father quickly. "I guess I know!"
Cutting 'Em Short.
. well-known minister In a small
Wostern town said during his dis
course ono morning:
"In each blade of grass thero is a
sortnon "
Tho following day one of his flock
discovered the good man pushing a
lawn mower about the yard, and paus
ed to remark:
"Well, parson, I am glad to see
J that you aro cuttlnir yn- rmons
2 y-n-DUonao
Man of Experience Awards Palm to
Roast Duck.
"I was reading a magazine article
tho other day I'm alway evading
something," said tho hardware mer
chant, "thnt had It that Dr. Kennedy
had discovered that birds havo a sensa
of humor. Ono of his anecdotes waB
to the effect that a robin was feeding
bef young with earthworms, when a
crow, feigning lameness, appeared on
the edge of the nest with open mouth
nnd claimed a share of tho meal. Tho
robin looked tho Intruder over, picked
up a bit of dead twig that resembled
a worm, nnd hastily thrust It Into his
throat. The crow was so greedy that
ho nearly choked to death beforo ho
realized that ho had been deceived. I
can easily believe that, but I've al
ways thought that the bird whoso
senso of humor was most highly de
veloped was the duck. A roast duck
will have moro fun with you In a
dumb, solemn kind of way than any
thing that wears feathers. I don't
except women or Indians.
."I'vo taken carving lessons and I
know Just where the Joints of a duck
ought to be, but they're rover whero
they ought to bo; they're always
somewhere else. What's worse, they're
never located alike In any two ducks.
Again, if you have one duck you can't
mnko it go around, and If you havo
more than one there's too much. And
the way a duck'll bound and spring off
from the knife and go under the table
with you, If you're not careful, Is won
derful. A roast duck always seems to
say to me:
" 'You've got mo whero I can't do a
lot to you, but you'll be sorrier than I
am, nt that, before we're through with
ono another.'" ..
Anxious for His Divorce.
A Rhode Island lawyer who devotes
much of his attention to the procure
ment of divorces, tells the following:
"One day last month there entered
my ofllco a prosperous looking Ger
man, who, without much preliminary
conversation, stated that he wanted
a divorce. Suffice it to say that tho
mass of facts elicited from tho appli
cant would have served to obtain sev
eral divorces. At that, it was a toss
up as to whether tho man or his wife
was the better entitled to a judicial
separation. So I hinted to tho German
that It might bo well for him to al
low tho woman to get the divorce.
'Sho's a woman, you know,' I added,
'and It would bo wiser for both of
"Tho man gazed anxiously at mo
for some minutes. Then ho exclaimed
excitedly: ,
" 'You think I haf done enough to
her alretty, eh?'
" 'Certainly,', answered I.
" 'Because, ho added, eagerly, 'If I
haf n't, den I'll go and hit her onco
Signature Thieves.
It Is difficult to get access to the
government's historical documents
and papers In Washington, and they
who do get access to them are always
accompanied, as they make their con
sultations, by a guide.
H. Clay Evans said recently thnt a
big percentage of tho government's
documents have been robbed of their
signatures. Tho signatures, If of
value, have been cut out by thieves.
Hence the precautions thnt aro taken
Autograph hunting is thought to bo
not very common, and yet so many
hundreds of the signatures ofWash
Ington, Hamilton, Burr, Lincoln, Jef
ferson, etc., havo been stolen from
governmental documents thnt it ap
pears as If every American citizen, on
seeing a good autograph, feels that he
has the moral right to lift It.
For Ave years, though, thanks to
the vigilance that is now maintained,
no autographs have been lifted from
the government's archives.
Food That Produces Cancer.
"I could seo no reason for the
prevalence of cancer among tho back
woodsmen of North America," says an
English writer. "Tho other day, how
ever, I happened to read, In an ac
count of the backwoods of Canada,
that tho lumbermen maintain their
remarkable powers on buckwheat
cakes served with molasses, potato
pie, baken beans, white bread, pork,
and bacon; so far so good, but that
tea, black as Ink, sweetened with mo
lasses or sugarhouse sirup, is always
near tho flro by day and night, and Is
used In vast quantities. Hero we have
tho rich nutriment and tho great ex
cess of stowed tea and tho excess f
sugar, corresponding to the excessive
beer and excessive coffee of parts of
Holland, Scandinavia, Switzerland,
Baden and Bavaria, In all of which
cancer Is exceedingly prevalent."
Life Is Good.
Tho maiden, vlrgln-cyed, laughed low
and sweet.
"Give me of love and Joy my fill," she
"And Sorrow?" asked the nngel pityingly.
"T know her not," her merry laughter
,The woman drank her cup and at tho
Sho faltered sore: "Ah, why so bitter
The nngel answered gently: "Nay. poor
"Thou has not won thy sorrow's price
less Jewel."
Tho aged one sat dreaming nt life's dusk.
"Lol I have lived unto tho end," she
"What thlnkest now?" the kind-voiced
angel asked.
"Life has been good," she whispered
with bowed head.
Grace Q. Hostwlck In Broadway.
London's Fatal Accidents.
London's average death-roll by acci
dent among males Is between four
and flvo per diem. London's male
population numbers 2,161,897, so that
tho risks of death by accident are
moro In London than In the rest of
tho country. Every two days through
out the year nine Londoners are killed
by unpremeditated violence
A woman sees n hat or bonnet In n
milliner's window It is in the latest
style, oo she determines to have that
hat or one Just like It
No use to try to dissuade her sn
wants thnt kind of a hatl No other
will suit her.
There she displays her will power,
and probably does the same with
everything she buys for herself or her
family. Sho makes, ns It were, a fem
inine "declaration of Independence."
Is It not surprising, therefore, to find
some few women who still allow their
grocers to choose for them In import
ant mntters like foodstuffs?
In spite of the fact that grocers as a
rule have long ago realized the neces
sity of catering to their customers'
rather thari their own desires, thero
are still a few of the other kind left,
who show a marked Inclination to per
suade customers to take what they do
not ask for, or desire.
Take Lion Coffee, for Instance, tho
leader of all packnge cofTees, nn estab
lished favorite for over twenty-five
years In millions of homes, on account
of Its absolutely pure and uniform
Wouldn't you thing It impossible)
that a single grocer can still exist who
would oppose such an invincible argu
ment of merit, by trying to persuade
a customer to buy loose coffee in pref
erence to Lion Coffee?
Loose coffee has no standard quality
nobody can guarantees that it Is
even clean.
Of course, really independent and
Intelligent women know this, and so
do up-to-date grocers, but If women
were as particular about coffee as
about hats, no kind of grocer could bo
Without Lion Coffee.
Tho ordinary load for a camel la
from nine to ten hundred pounds.
Important to Mothers.
Examine. carefully crery bottle of OASTOItTA,
a safe and earo remedy for infants and children,
and seo that it
Bears tho
Signature of
In Vto For "Over 30 Years. .
Tho Kind Yon llnvo Always Bought. I
Many fatal blunders aro duo to tho
belief that friendly advlco was not
entirely disinterested.
When Your Grocer Says
he docs not have Defiance Starch, you
may be sure he Is afraid to keep It
until his stock of 12 oz. packages aro
sold. Defiance Starch Is not only bet
ter than any other Cold Water Starch,
but Contains 1G oz. to the package ami
sells for same money as 12 oz. brands.
Tho world Isn't any worse than it
was when you wero young. You'vo
merely got onto it
payments. J. MULHALL, Sioux City, la.
"Shoddy" Is a term that may mean
several things. A piece of goods has
Bhoddy In It when tho material so
used Is scrap material from the best
tailor shop, pulle'd to pieces, twisted,
anew Into a new yarn and woven Into
& new cloth. Also a piece of goods la
shoddy when it Is made from tho
poorest of old woolens plucked to -fibers
and made over Into a cloth that
will hardly hold together.
The Truth of It.
Says a Georgia philosopher: "You
can't outrun lightning, you can't growl
ns loud as thunder, and you can't
mako the sun stand still when tho
gas Is out, so there's no sense at all
In spending two-thirds of your llfo
worrying about It" Atlanta Constitu
tion. All Chips of One Block.
Mr. S. Sparkcs, who has just died
at Uffculme, Devon, England, was
manager of a local woolen factory for
sixty years. His father and grand
father wero with tho same Arm beforo
him, and his son has now succeeded
While pursuing a mouse, Mine. De
latour of Paris broke through the floor
of her room and found in tho hole a
brass box containing gold coins of tho
value of $1,000.
Technicalities aro what the lawyers
fight over when the evidence Is limit
ed. Compound
comes to life when tho body fels
the delicious glow of health, vigor
and energy,
- .
Thai Certain Sense
of vigor in tho brain and easy
polso of tho nerves comes when
the improper foods are cut out
and predigesteu
Nuts take their place.
If it has taken you years to run
down don'tcxpectonemouthful of
this great food to bring you back
(for it is not a stimulant but a
10 days' trial shows such blij re
sults that one sticks to it
"There, a Reason."
, Get the little book, "The Itoad to
WeUvUle,"ineachpkg .
', Jm