,1 ' IV '' it-' I. ft !; Jf Nrf JR.-. y 0 fr " $ liT'' i . HI WILLIAfl MITCHELL ATTOnNEY AT HW, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. BOYD cS: BARKER, .. A.ttOl.'llQyH XjUAV ALLIANCB, NK11KASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. 6M1T1I P. TUTTI.E. IIIA K. TA H. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Muln St., - ALLIANCE. NEII J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.r.Tciii;it liT.ocu, AI.UANCi:, JfUII. Oaljs answered from olllcc day or night. Telephone No. 03. H. H. BELLWOOp 1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, llolstcn lluildlng, - ALLIAN'JE, NK1) L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ofllou In I'lrst National Hunk block. AUl unco Nebraska. DR. G. W. MITCHELL, 4'hyslclan ane Snrgeon Day and night calla. Onicoovcr l!ojrui Store. Phone 150. , DR. GEO. HAND, II o'm i: O I A T II I c P II Y S I C I V N A N I) SUKGCO X Formerly Interne lloiiienjmtlilc Hos pftal Uulerslty of Iowa, Phono 251. Olllco oer Alhnncu Shoe Store. Night c.ills imsueri-rf frum olllcc. FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. 1)18 IIOX IHTTTi: AVENUE. Phone 25s, Calls answered in town or country. Guy Lockwood . . GRADUATE CHICAGO SCHOOL OE , EM HA I.MING Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Qlfice 214. Res 205 Expert Lnily Attcndant .. Alliance, Neb. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water He'ating. Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE,' NEB. ...MOVED... SEE ME NOW AT MY NEW LOCATION First Floor Elks Hall Billiard and Pool Hall FINEST IN THE WEST W. A. rianchester Successor to M & .M Jlillinrd Hall Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. -W. M. FOSKETT .A.-jLCtIo:n.eer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Cqunties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. C3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with ie Hemingforo, Nnn. oooooooo STfoWVi . Yvevce. Fire Insurance. Hemingford, Nebraska. A pent for the ilodonlun. of Scotland, which Insures town proporty only, unci tho Colum bia, which Insures town und farm property und live stock, lloth uro rollubloold lino com punUs. t Notarial Worlt OV 00000000 v LONG AND SHORT 8TOR1E3. Some Pointers Letter Writers Will Do Well to Rrmember. . , , , ., , . i Snerwln tony In his "Training Courso in Correct English, Business Correspondonco nnd Advortlsmont Writing," lays down some rules ns to the length of buslnoss letters. Ho says: "Write n long lcttor to "A farmor. "A woman. "A customer who lias asked you a question. 'A customer who Is angry nnd needs quieting down, nnd will bo mndo only moro angry If jou Boom to alight him. "A man who Is Interested, but must bo convinced boforo ho will buy your goods. ' "Wrlto n short lcttor to "A busy business man. "An lndlffcront man on whom you want to make n sharp Impression. "A person who has written you about a trivial matter for," which he cares little. "A man who wants only a record of a piece of Information. "A person who needs only tho slight est reminder of something ho has tor gotten or overlooked." v Walk for Their Health. A number of public men In Wash ington, Including all Kansas senators and representative, are carrying pedometers and are doing Immense walking stunts for t'-cli 1 ea".th. Sen ator Long and Fourth Assistant Post master General 13r .-tow are responsi ble for the new fa 1 n ith had stomach trouble and thoj . ' 1 In a snnlta rlum. They chr? - jcut tho hills and plains for n rn Whilo they lost flesh, their stomachs Improved nnd they even learned to'ent five or six Hinds of breakfast food. "Get a pedometer and vnlk" was the advico thoy gave upon returning. Within two days every pedometer In town was bought up. Statesmen may bo seen rushing about ns though engaged in a six-day walking match. In order to get tho full benc.1t of the new "cure" each lawmaker must walk at loast thirty-five' miles a week ten miles on Sunday nnd tho other twenty-five during the other six days. Relative Security. One tale is told of nn interview a Chicago man named Lyon had with Ljman J. Gago when tho former sec retary of tho treasury was cashier of the First National bank. Mr. Lyon was pushed for cash, and a note for n large sum indorsed by him wns held by that Institution. Mr. Gago sug gested that It be taken up. Mr. Lyon intimated that It would bo rather dif ficult for him to find the money at the time. "Well," said Mr. Gage, "ou have been traveling In the south In a private car and jou drive a good team. If you can do that jou ought to take up tho note." "Gage," replied Lyon, "I'll lake up the note If you wish, but I don't seo why you fear tho security simply be cause I ride In n prlvato car and drive n good team. Is it your theory that the security would be better If I rode In a smoker and used a street car?" Plumber Died Poor. The man near tho rear door of tho street car was Inveighing against plumbers to eager listeners and ho finally clinched his arguments by look ing around In a defiant way and say ing: "Did any ono of you ever know or hear of a plumbor who died a poor man?" "I know of ono case," replied a man who had been reading his newspaper with seeming interest. "Then let us hear It." "It was tho case of my own father, who was a plumber. Ho Invested $17,' 000,000 in a steamboat lino and dur ing a hurricane every single craft In tho line went to tho bottom. Ho died a year later and he didn't have money enough to pay tho undertaker's bill " Beautiful Yellowstone Park. .We have received from the Burling ton passenger department :t verv hand some leaflet desctibing the new liuntiiiR and fishing region between Cody and Yellowstone Park along the Shoshone river. The folder dosciibes tho two log cabin inns built along the way by W. F. Cody, (Buffalo Bill,) and pre sents a map of tho country showing the roads to and through the park, shows how to get into the country via Cody and announces practically half rates for the round trip every day to Cody and return. The leaflet is highly illus trated and indicates the beauty and grandeur of the mountain scenery. Copies of the folder and all information in legard to this wonderful new togion can he obtained of the Burlington agent." www- Burlington Bulletin. OF ROUXU TRIP RATES. Chicago and return, on sale daily, . S33.70 St. Louis and return 1 30.70 on ale daily. ' Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and return -Ic.oo on sale daily, Denver and Colorado Springs and return 12,00 on sale daily. on sale Aug. 30 to Sept 4 Denver $4.80, Colorado Springs $6.30. Salt Lake and Ogden and return. . $24.25 Yellowstone Park, through and including hotels and stage, and return,,. $105.00 Cody, Wyo., Black Hills, and Hot Springs S. D., approximately half rates all summer. SI 1.35 to Lincoln and Return. On account of tho Nebraska Epworth Loagtie assembly the Burlington will sell tickets to Lincoln and return at $11.35, August 1 to :i inclusive. Write for pamphlet "Souvenir Tal ent" which will tell you all about it. L. W. Wakuia, Goneral Passenger Agent, Omaha. I HEMINGFORD. 1 (Keith I riorro Is fully nutlioflr.cd to o- I I nd receipt for tttnc ami truunnct nil other , uciiituijsoriiHioiia Hint jou worn nnu ooweei ftna rtni'int for ame nnil tnniHact nil otnur business in connectum with hw position ns nn business in ronnertUm with his petition n accredited rvprvscntiitUout thin pnpor.l B. li Johnson Went to Omaha Friday Wildy keeps all kinds of building ma terial and poss. Mr. Hills made a business trip to Hem ingford Monday. Deering headers, binders, mowers, rakes and twitie at Wildy's, John Anderson has bought Mrs. It. M Bean's business" buildifig. Capt. Corbin, his chafieur, and Ira 1J Tash wcre in town Tuesday. Hev. Scliult and wife have been spend ing a few days at Hot Springs. School will begin the first Monday In October and continue S months. Miss Pollock of Lcntlug, HI., visifed with Mrs. John Wildy last week, Wm. Fosket has been out to his ranch all week getting teady for his sale. Mrs. Richards went to Hot Springs Monday to spend a couple ot days. K. L. Pierce and wife visited with James Hunter's the first of the week. Wm. Walker went out to his homestead Monday and will make hay this week, Cut prices on straw hats. Straw hats from five cents up ut H, L. Buslincll's. Wm, Mabin's infant child, born Sunday, died and was buried in Hcmingford ceme tery Monday. A. A, Marsden, an old time New Hamp shire friend of H. It, Green is visiting with him this week. Trains No. 41 and 4O collided near Bel mont Tuesday doing considerable damage to rolling stock. Ora and Ira Phillips went to Alliance to attend the concert given by the Weslyan quartette No. 2. H. It. Green and A. A. Marsden went out to the Davig neighborhood to install a phone Tuesday. Marshall and Street Commissioner Shimek is doing his anual work of repair ing streets and walks. A woman on her way to tho coast, ac companied by her two children, died on 41 Tuesday near this place. ' Miss Lizzio Wadum spent Monday in Hcmingford, continuing on her way to Grawford Tuesday morning. Mrs, Elmore, mother of Mrs. Dan O'Keefe is visiting here She was accom panied by her trained nurse. Grain is said to badly damaged in some instances by rust. The yield will be fair though not what was expected a few weeks ago B. H. Johnson bought a couple of cars of cattle from John and James Moravek and G. W. Loer Friday and went with them to Omnhffi Joel Sheldon has a phone installed and is on the Kcister line. His phono is far ther east than any other which connects with Hemingford exchange. Big reduction is fresh meats. You can bu beef as low as three cents per pound at II. L Busnnell's i 1 Hcmingford and also at his Palaco meat market in Alliance. Albert Hedgecock has two young half grown antelope which he made pets of "but which lie now desires to sell. They are gentle and will make nice pets for children. John Cosgrove, who has been section foreman here for four months, has been 4-transferred to Marsland in the place of A. II. Hunsaker who comes here in his place. Dent Piper Is U S. man from lleming- Iford to Dunlap, and Miss Blanche Fosket is at the head of things at the central office at present. Mr. Piper will work for Mr. Lichte luring haying. Potatoes in certain fields are being at tacked by a small white worm which works up the stalk and destroys the whole vine. It has not made its appearance in many fields but where it has it will cause tho, yield to be greatly decreased. Ole Davig now has telephone connection with Hemingford having joined with the' Moe-Johnson line, Ho is located just half way between Hemingford and ' Alliance and it may be the rest of the way might be arranged for thus giving connection without the use of the Moyer line. Ezra Middlecroft and wife, relatives of Joel Sheldon visited him a few days last week. They aro on their way home to Indianola, Iowa, after spending some time on the Pacific coast for tlKrfbeaefu of their health. They left for Indianola Friday. Public Sale. The undersigned will sell at public auc tion, on the James Hollinrako ranch, eight miles north and one-half mile west of Hemingford, on Thursday, - August 24, 1905, commencing at 10:30 a. m., the fol lowing doccribod proporty: Seven 2-year-old steers. Ten yearling years. Four 2-year-old heifers. Five yearling heifers. Nine milch cows. Nine dry cows. Four steer calves. Fourlisad of horsos. One top buggy nearly new. One set buggy harness. Terms of Sale, Six months'-with inter est at 10 per cent, approved security. Two per cent discount for cash. All property to be settled for before removed from the premises. ' J.Vmeu Hollinrakb. W.'E. IlOLWNRAKK. W. , Fosket, Auctionegr, Frank Hall, .clerk. MARSLAND. HflMtig ts 011 in full Mast but the frequent tains retard the work Dan Duuwa, of tho water semce, is the new pump Operator at this place A number of horse buyers have been in this icinity recently hut found but few for sole. Mrs John Sullanbontor is at Srotts blutfs for a fortnights visit with the famiU of C. II. It ion. Missus Josie and Mnroia Kcndrick wont down to Allianco loconlly to be in attotldancu at the remaining two weeks of institute. Row Shrivor anticipates a visit in tho near future, lo the ted npple country, Arkansns. He will also visit relatives and friends in Kansas nnd Missouri. L. Snow is again in the gold regions of South Dakota, assisting in opening up a mine in which he is intbrestcd. He will be absent n month orsi weeks. A utuubor of intichnicn in tho vici nity of Canton have been haw ling tele phone poles fioin Pino Ridge. Wo mulct stand they will connect with Hemingford. A nephew of T. J. Poole's from the. eastern part of the state has been visit ing at the Poole ranch recently. He came out to look at the greatest couti liv 011 earth. Mrs. Ed Mason, accompanied by Mr. Mnson and their son, Rocknfcllcr, came in ftom tho Sioux county ranch Monday night. Mrs. Mason ttiok 42 for Alliance where she will visit some days with her sister, Mrs. L. T. Pool. Word is received that a three pound daughter arrived recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Irion, former residents of this place but now of Scottsbluff. This is n child of the irri gation district, hence its uncommon weight. Linn Snow met with a very painful accident the other day, With little Smith Poole they thought to do some "bronco busting" and mounted a yearl ing colt with the result that both were thrown off and Linn sustained a broken arm, Hie fracture being in the lbow. David Huiisakct, who has been sec tion foieman at this place for the past car has been changed to liemingford. The new foreman, w hose name we have not learned, is a single man and Carmcl Cheney and wife will have chaige of the section house, CANTON. News is scarce this week. G. H. Clayton wns trading in Hem' ingford Satuulay. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hickoy were trad ing in Hcmingford Saturday. Aithur Bass was in Hcmingford Fti day and sold a fine young horse for Miss E. E. Broshar was entertained by Mrs. Doc Randall Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. W. A. Randall and Mis. Alice Stewart were trading in Hemingford Monday. Con Bass sold his fine saddle a few days ago to Henry I!uinrighouBcu of Lawn. Consideration $21. Harvest has commenced in earnest and all kinds of grain is of good quality and the quantity is large. A son and daughter of Ham Hall's from north of Hemingford were guests of M. A. Sheldon Saturday. Lloyde Hickoy of Gretna, a nephew of John and Roy Hickey, is visiting at this writing with bis relatives. Will Bruster is visiting this week with his cousin Roy Hickey. Mr. Bruster is from Iron Mountain, Mich. Rev, G. C. Joffers of Alliance is but holding down bis claim and assisting G. H. Clayton in putting up his hay. C. H. Richey of Marsland was driv. ing through this part of the county this week with a commission man from Omaha. . .. Mik Orah Clayton came up from Alliance Saturday where she has beon attending the Junior Normal from tho beginning, John Moravek and sons sold thirty four head of cattle to B. E. Johuswi of Hemingford last weok and delivered the same Saturday. Mrs. Simmons and her two chjldrcn, who have been visiting for a fortnight with her sister, Mrs. John Hickey, left for her homo Sunday morning, Clyde "Zimmerman is among the criu pies this week. While drving in a bunch of horsos Sunday morning he was kicked by one and almost broke his leg below the knee. Stock Dipping Certificates The form of blanks proscribed by Govern ment Stock Inspector Dr. L. S. Camp bell especially for Tint Hbkald are- kept in fatock at thU office. . tf "Time Waits for No Man" NOR NO riACHINE. yyn-HIN you are haying, you want machin ery that time don't have to. wait for. Moral: 13 f T7' McCormick Mowers, Binders and Rakes. rS I) Y International Stackers nnd Sweeps. Daln Slackers and " Sweeps, Superior Stackers and Sweeps. All most approved haying machinery, at NEWBERRY'S 1 CASH MEAT MARKET C. r. KROLL, Propr. i"i. -- a 7 FOB QU ALIHTV and' UAINTITY GrO TO The Palace Meat Market 'Phone Your Order Early. No. 131 H. L. BUSHNELL. Propr. I. E. BUSHNELL, Mgr, J y iamonds, y . Souvenirs Repairing in all its Branches. 1AVO. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. A WORD WITH YOU WOODEN TANKS AND sheep- Dipping Vats -cattle We make a superior article in our factory and want you for a customer. Our material is the best and our prices are right. , New list just out. Send for it. FOREST LUMBER CO. - Alliance, Nebr. Absolutely Pure Paint STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST Every Gallon Guaranteed.. FOR SALE BY F. E. HOLSTEN IT WILL PAY YOU 'IO GO TO N.FROHNAPFEL Tho Hcmingford Mcrchunt WIIHN YOU WANT DRY GOODS, GROCERIES OR CLOTHING THE FINEST Fresh and Salt Meats Veal, Pork, Beef, Pork Sausage, Etc. CHEAP FOR CASH GIVE. US A TRIAL ORDER First Door South ot Stcen Cafe A Big Come-down in lumber is not at all likely, unless the unexpected happens. Prices arc moro likely to go up. We carry a full line of LU M OE R AND COAL Dlerks' Lumber and Coal Co, O. H'ATEHS, Mngr. Also agents for Neb Cent. Bid. & Loan Asso. 'Phono 22, 4 .&. Ti Watches, Gold Jewelry, i flail orders promptly attended to.- if&rn9uJRPjHhW -HBsh" r JMBtw -