-J5f A Household . a- . . i i i , i f i i i i "Say, old man, I told you not to let them fellows fool you on cheap flour again, but to fetch me a sack of Unit 5-X Lexington Cream. You" will find that down to LIBBY'S. Now you get right out of here and get me a'sack of that flour before it is all gone." Dray and Transfer Line. W SiB tnem The only spring dray Phone 139. Palace Livery Bain S. II. DISSCII, I?i-op. ONE 1I1.0CK WEST OV Tltn NEW ZUINDEN IJUIJ.Dl.NO. 'Phono. ISUSLSOIX JtTJL,ICXCIITSTt FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Nortlinierlcan of 1'hlliidelpnlu. Phoenix of Dlftoklyn. New York. Continental of Now York Olty. Niagara Flru Insurance Company. New York Underwriter. New York, Commercial Union Assurance Co., Loudon ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN. Flour i Feed. "Home Comfort" ir Flour Is Our Leader, Try It. 'PHONE 108. WKST SIDE MAIN STREET.. . Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. W.S.ACHESON Hardware and Plumbing Windmills and Pumps Tin shop in connection. Opera House Block Phone 98 ALLIANCE J. ROWAN DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, HAY and G-RAIN" WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UANDLK8 Seed Wheat, Spring Rye and Spelt. 'Phone No. 71. Residence, No. 05. Necessity. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't vorrj about what to do with your Household Goods , S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbi wiicrevor desired. Charges reasonable, line in the city. S. A. Milter. Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, and courteous treatment to all has won for us the excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. Liverpool. Loudon and Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., New York. Farmers und Jlirchunts Ins. Co , Lincoln. Columbia Klro Insurance Company, I'lilluik'lplila Underwriters, l'hocmlx Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Offlco Cp.Stnlrs.I'lctrlicr lllock. LEE ACHESON ALWAYS HANDLES THE BEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR THE TABLE IF YOU HAVEN'T TIME TO CALL at the STORE PHONE No. 4. W. M. FOSKETT biaotioreer Will Cry Sales in This and AdJoining'Counties. . . . On OOljUuriSSIOtT, or BY THE DAY. 3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me. .... . Hemingford, Neb. 000000 Fire Insurance. HEMIfiGFORD, Nebraska. Agent for the Oulodoulan. of Scotluud, which Insures town property only, and the Colum bia, which Insures town and farm property and llvu stock. Both uro reliable old Hue com panies L Notarial Work.. 7 0V-0000000 The Alliance Herald and Nebraska State Journal, both one year for $1.50. EA6Y WAY TO MAKE MONEY. American Raises Argument and Beta on a Sure Thing. In tho old days, when ft Kidc-wheeler on the MlnstsBlppl was tho chief way for people to travel who wero desirous of going Bouth, nn Englishman who owned a rauch was a passenger on ono of these boats Whllo en route ho had frequently been asked by a follow passenger, an American, to join in a game of cards, but the phlegmatic Englishman declined the American's solicitations. Ono day the American asked the englishman to piny a game of check ers, and to this ho consented. After three or four moves had been made the American Informed his adversary ho had butter take back tho move ho had made, as ho was sure to beat Him. Tho Englishman at once was c his high horse and Informed his rlvnl ho would not be dictated to. Tho American replied: "I did not nlctato to yon." "I never said you did. I staled 1 would not bo dictated to." Again he was met with tho answer: 'I did not nlctato to you." This angared tho Englishman, who again stated ho would not bo dictated to and that thero was no such word as nictate. "I'll bet you $5 there Is," said the American. Tho bet was covered. With ool deliberation tho American r.ulle.1 c dictionary out of his pocket and showed tho word nlctato, raennlng iUj wink nt," saying: "Thie Is the sev enth $5 bill I have won on that word to-day." A Dcast of Superior Intelligence. "You may say what you please r gardlng tho superior intaWgencfc ol tho human animal," remarked Crow- cun oratorl'cally, "bu. I have at homr- a puppy a common yollow puppy- I that is far moro clever than some humnDB. "ihe other evening I -carried homo a bottle and Joyous anticipations, The former I sought to open with a patent corkscrew. For tho first time in It? period of service the scrbw broke half the cork off and on tho second tr pushed tho remaining half Into in? neck of tho bottle. "I took It out in the kitchen and labored with it for a while, trying to fasten tho Hplral of tho screw into tho floating cork. Would you believe it? That pup crawled under the waah tubs at the exact moment the con dropped In and never Bhowed so much aB the tip of Its noao until I fished the bit of cork out with a ru3ty button hook. Then it came out and congratu lated mc with many wags of the tall. If that is -not superior Intelligence 1 should like to know what is." "Superior to what?" asked Doer lng. Crosscup eyed him bb ono who would seek to nrouso unpleasant mem orles. "My wife tried to advise me,' he said simply. Deerlng, who is married also, said. "Oh!" Digging Well to Drain a Bog. An ingenious Ynnkoo who lives ov. tho west coast of Florida adopted a novel method to drain a bog op his plantation. Ho put down a four-inch well in tho middle of his bog deep enou&n to tap tho water bearing grav ol. A nice flow of water was encoun tered, which rose in tho well nearly to tho surface. As soon as the top of the pipe was pushed down to a level with the bottom of tho bog, tho water in tho pond ruahed down Into the well and passed off through sub terranean channels. In a few hours tho bog was drained. Tho land has since been plowed and is pow a valu able truck farm. Scientists declare that wet lands in many sections of tho country can "bo drained by this simple method. Care must be taken not to permit the well to fill up with rubbish, which might impedo tho ingress of tho water. Plenty of Raw Material. "Grandpa," said the children, "toll us another story about tho time when you wero a young man and traveled with tho show." "Well," said Grandfather Dutton, "when I was with Nixon & Kemp'B circus, forty or fifty years ago, ono of my great acts was to get n boy to put an apple on top of his head and thon I would stand ten. paces away and shoot a rifle ball through it." "But didn't you sometimes miss the npplo and shoot the boy?" "Not often, but It happened once In a while, of course." "What did you do then?" they asked breathlessly. "DoT" said Grandfather Dutton, shrugging his shoulders. "Why, some times I bad to wait two or three min utes before I could find another boy, but not often. Thero aro always plen ty of boys." Dr. Parkhurct and the Immigrant An English visitor was talking to the ltev. Charles II. Parkhurst the other day about the recent Tammany victory In tho New "York city election. "1 suppose It was due to the immi grant vote," said the Englishman. "That'a how Adam and Eve account ed for It, isn't it?" roplied the doctor. "They said It was tho fault of the Im migrant Into the garden. But if Adam and Eve had been decent peoplo, the immigrant couldn't have troubled them." Christmas Box. The familiar term Christmas box comes from the old-tlmo custom of placing alms-boxes in tho churches Christmas morning to receive dona tions from the congregation for tho benefit of tho poor. As the alms were not given out until the next day, Dec. 26 came to be known as "Boxing day." A NEW JERSEY SOLOMON. Easily Settled Dltputo Concerning Ownership of Hens. Magistrate Jermon once spent a summer In a lttUo town in South Jersey and made the acquaintance of a Justice of the peace who held moro offices than Pooh Bah himself. "He was," says Jermon, "a notary public, a storekeeper, superintendent of tho Sunday school, a lay preacher, post master, coroner, a farmer and a few more things that I can't recall now. Ho was a shrewd old fellow, as a jlcclslon In a case that I heard will go to show. Two farmers had a dis pute about tho ownership of some poultry, and each pleaded his own case. Each Bldo had an equal num ber of witnesses and thcro was somo tall swearing done all round. If I had been sitting on tho case I would have given -it up as a bad Job, or sent it to court for trial. .But' that's just what he didn't do. "I forgot to state that in addition to all his other functions he was his own constable. Tho henB were In court in a coop and he ordered that a con stable should take the coop to tho roadway opposite tho farms of the liti gants and turn the creatures loose. And he did the job himsef and got his feo for doing it The henq settled tho case .by going directly to ono of the farms, and tho Justice declared that they know their way home, and gave Judgment accordingly," Philadelphia Press. BOSTON LIKES SENATOR DANIEL. Virginia Statesman Makes Distinct "Hit" at the Hub. Senator John Warwick Daniel of Vir ginia was tire lion of the occasion at tho recent dinner of tho Boston Mer chants' association. A Boston dally declares that "from tho moment tho company was seated Mr. Daniel was 'tho cynosure of all oyes.' A certain power radiated from his finely cut countenance and somehow It seomod as though where he sat thero Was tho head of the table. A genuine fiouth ron, a gentleman from Virginia, of tho old stock, and of clearest title to tho much-abused 'F. P. V,' with all tho graces and outward marks of that dis tinction. With Gooci Effect. It was at a chamber concert by a famous string quartet, says the Chica go Journal, and tho two largo hatted, chatty persons of tho nrStlnoe typo who sat directly before tho music lov ers were so communicative as to their affairs and those of all their acquaint ances that the rental was of small pleasure to tho appreciative and long- BUfferlng couplo directly in the rear of the conversationalist,. "I am sorry we could not have heard moro of your conversation," tho patient palo lover of music wrote oi tho margin of his program, "but tho violinist has incon siderately been making himself heard from time to time. I am sure, how ever, If you speak a little louder ho will understand and give way to you," "I would like to drop that in thoir laps," he said, passing it to his com panion with a savage gleam In his eye "but I don't quite dare." "I do, then," said the mild-voiced young woman at his side, and in some sudden and inexplicable manner the paper appeared before the eyes of the voluble persons beforo her. They looked wrathfully behind them, only to encounter a row of Immobile faces, all eyes raptly regarding tho stage. They glared to the right and to tho left of them, with no moro satisfac tory results. Then they sulked, which had the desired effect, and the remain der of tho evening was a distinct suc cess In their vicinity. The Wild Duck. You love tho mud flats where the wave lets hrr-ak. Tho blue ot sea, the green recess of river, The llnshlnt: mirror of the silver lake Vhpre In tho breeze the golden reod beds quiver. Like Invalid, n. change of wind will make You Jiuste to travel Inland from the But lusty strength your whistling- pin ions bonst As throntrh tho clouds your marshalled flight you take. To your Btald brother of straw-scattered yard Scavenging placidly tho livelong day. How llko and yet how different you arel Your twinkling eye is ever on Its guard. A distant human speck and you'ra away, While he scarce waddles from the scur rying car. Westminster Qaretto. Spain Is Waking Up. A recent report from Bilbao states that thero is a very strong possibility of the Import trade in nltrato of soda and sulphate of ammonia for agricul ture purposes being considerably In creased, owing to the et'orts to im prove tho methods of cultivation in Spain. About 4,000 tons of nitrate are used every year at Bilbao in the production of acids and chemical manure. Electoral CommUslon Survivors. Only three of the fifteen members of the famous electoral commission of 1877 survive ex-Senator Edmunds, Senator Hoar and Gen. Eppa Hunton, ot Virginia. Alt of the five Justices of tho Supreme Court who sat on the commission long since passed away. Steamers from Antwerp to Congo. Negotiations aro proceeding be tween tho Congo Free State and Ger man shipping companies for tho es tablishment ot a German-Belgian line of stoamors between Antwerp and the Congo. Dog Has Broom-Stealing Habit. A dog in Brandon, Vt, has acquired the habit of stealing brooms and bring ing them home. Already he has secured half a dozen, and his owner canuot Sna cut where he got them. makrtpmiVt Blrriidr Cvlenratvrt. The German Shakespeare Eeaellschaft celebrated the blrthdar of tho great English loet at Wliar with all the customary enthusiasm. Heir Von PoKSart the manager of the Bavarian court theater at Munich gave a lec ture upon "Scenery" in Shnkcs.i'nre'a time which wan illustrated with a .Tiodel of tho primitive Elizabethan ttage. Tho meeting, at which se fer al English and American guests wor? present, was presided over by the vn crable Dr. Oschelhatisor, one of tin founders of the society, who Is sow in hip righ'-flm -- No Trace. Patience "They say there are ml cfobeii in kisses." Patrice "Yes, but isn't It a lucky thing that they don't leave any marks." How Is Yotir Complexion? Do you realize that you can have a clear, smooth, velvety skin by simply using os meo Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER, . Proprietor. Xcbruskn Stock Growers Associntton. (Incorponited.) A.M. Modlsctt. president, Hushvllle; n. M Hampton", vice-president. AlliancPi E. M Searlo Jr., secretary-tieasurer, Oalalla. Executive commltteo H. P. Myers, Lena; R. Jt. Klncnld, Ulngham; John lircnnau, AlllancojJ. R. VanHosklrk. Alllunccj K. E. Ixiue, Hjannls; John M. Adams, Potter; It, 11. Allen, Ames; It. LUcn, Lodgepolo; Evert Kldred, Orlando; K. 0, Harris, Cbadron; L. W. Hlckoll, Kimball; ltobert Graham. Al liance; John Conway, Dunning; J. II. Cook, Agatn;A. S. llced. Alliance. r M.vniN, Hcmlngfurd, Nob. Cattlo branded flying horseshoe on tight lilp.as Incut. Home ranch sec S5-27-60. Horso ranch in 20-49. II. A. DILLINO. Hox Hutte. Neb. Cuttlo branded as I) cut on loft bin. Iilto with tho bar over instead or under brand. Alsoonleft side K'nclinwh section IT. in townsulp rango 46. 21. HC1I1LL imos., Schlll. Neb. Cattlo branded on right thigh or XV on right side. Township 2T range 43,Shcrldan county. STOItM LAKE KAKOII, KOUEIST OKAIIAM. Clctnnn, Neb. As In cut on right or left hip; left ear cropped. Horses branded O onlef t jaw. M09LER & TULLY, Jess, Neb. Stock bniuded as shown on cut on 'cither side. Also J-O on eith er side. Township 2o. and rango 43. CURRAN BROS- Canton, Sioux county, ieD. (Cross II Cross) on left side. Also II I on left thigh. Under slopo on left ear. Horses branded same us cauls on left Jaw and U ot left shoulder. POINT-OF-ROOKS RANCH. JOHN O'KEEFE & SQNS. Alliance, Kcb. Cattlu branded OK on left side: also ok and OK on left side. R The Beauty Matter Only COc per Jar. p 1 - FOR SALE DY I F. J. Brennan Co. I XEEUZI DRUGGISTS tt-----m 1 ALLIANCE, - NEBRASKA rsTr Jhl J--'JlHr3rTn.MlVMi MT WtjPl Mill "W i J W U aW t O - mm -" Time Table Bs! AUianceNebr, LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY, KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ,; : ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and nil point east and nil points west and1 MJUtll. . THA1S8 Leave as Follow. Mountain Time-.- No. 41 Passoncer dally. Deadwfod. .' innings, all points north and west 19:50 p.ni. - No. 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln. Omaha. Chicago and all points east 3si5a.m. No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver . Ogden.Snlt Lake, San Fran- .t.m. .11. .1 nil Inl AfntOflltitn points, departs at 3iOXm. .'& i0. UU2 ritssenger uany irom Denver , v; and ll Intermediate points, ' , No. 301 Tuesdays. Thursday, Stur- VJtsI ntfiTM nt m:.niL.Tn. - - nays, points souin nnu wesi, .. Mi-vcTv departs 8:00 a. m.-T,' No. SOtl Tuesdays, Thursdays. Satur- ., -' -1 dayn, south and west, arrlvs.9:25p. m.' ffcmF' Sleeping, dinlni? and rrcllnlnt; chnlr car '"agf (seats frw) on thronifh trains. Tlckots sold- a mid bnsRHRA checked to nuy point In tho - v United States or Canada. For information. ,J,,i tliiio tables and tickets rail on or write - ju ' erul I'uMCUKer Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. --N OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICEItS. Hon. John II. Mickey Governor. Hon. B. O. McUUton Lleuwuant Governor, linn. A. liiiinslm Secretary or State, ' - Hon. H. SI. Sarlc, Jr. Auditor. - - - Hon. l'eter Mortenson Treasurer. Hon. .1. h. Mcllrlen Supt. Public Instruction. Hon. Norrls llrown Attorney General. lion. H. M. Katon Com'r l'ublio Lauds ami Uullding. Hon, Harry Und-ny State Librarian. ' cosokeSs Hon. J. It. Millard -U,.8.Seiiato. - Hon. K. J. lJurkott-U. S. Senate. Hon. M .1'. Klnkatd-Congrossnti -Congrussnian BlxtliDlst. District. SUPHEJIC COtJKT. -v ,.. Hon.S. A. IlolcombOhlet Justice. .'! Hon. PamuolU..Seili;awlck Associate Justice, '' "--. nou. ooun ii. uarucs AssooiatQ .iiibiice. ' LECtSLATUKE. . - i Hon. K.M. Curry UeprciontatlvoKlrd Dlst. . Hon. Clias. I. llreseo-Senator Jlth DM. I', s. land omen, llruco Wilcox Heclstor, W U. Al.ers Heceivcr. J. 11. H. Ilevrett Ulurk. dirtbict; JDbOEC 15m insTiiiCT. Hon. V. II. Westover-Itushvllle. Hon. J. J. Harrington-O'Neill. county orncEita, hoxiiuttk countv. S. II. Smy.er County Clerk, ltecorder, und t'lerk District Court. , s ' O. V. llrennan Treasurer. Ira Iteed Sheriff D. IC. Snaclit- County Judgo. I.eora A. Ilntln Supt, Public Instruction. William Mltotinll County Attorney. ' J. P. Hazard County Surveyor. A. f. Ifecd Assessor. O. W. Loer Commissioner, Chairman, Frank Calm- Commissioner. L. V. Smith -Commissioner. II. II. Ilellvfocd. M. D. County Physician: Dr. J . E Moore Coroner. cm officials t '.' i Louis Ilueehscnstein Mayor. Fred W. Harris City Clerk. . " Mlko Hlmy-Chlef of Police. W. B. Itldgell-Pollco Judge. """ It. U. Nolemnn City Attorney. Dr. II, H. IJellwood-l'hyMcIun. ' K, SI. Knight City Treasurer and ' Water" Commissioner. COtJXC'ir.MES. Fred Mollrlng I ,, w,i B.A. Franklin f Hrst "nr1- H. K. MaeCiay t u.,.,,,, ur,i Mahlon .loder (SM0I1(1 xs,l,, Fred lltenuau -Chief Flro Department. Prof. V. II. Hartz- Sup't. City Schools. ciiuitriiES CATHOLIC Uegular Sunday services 7:30 a. m.; 10 a. in ; llu.m,, catechism foreountry clilldrru; X. p. m , catechism; 7:30 p. m, benediutlou. Instruction. Week days C:30. mass, except on Slonday at. 1:30a. m.; -:(K) p. m., Batuidays, cato. chlsra. Father Julius Do Vos. METHODIST -Itegnlar Sunday servlce-ll a. m.j 8 n. m.; Bunday school 10 u, ni.; Junior LcHguo 3.30 p. in.; Epworth Leaguo 7 p. in.; I'rayer meeting Thursdays, 7:33 p. m. ltov. C. W. Hay, Pastor. FIRST PRESHYTEIUAN-Kegular Sunday service 11 u. ni.; 8 p. m. i Sunday school 10 a. ni ; Chrirttlan Endeavor 7:15 p. m. ft. P. V. Hogua, i'astor. UNITKD PKEBHYTERIAN-lteguhir Sunduy service 11 a m. 8 p. in.: Sunday school 10 n. ni.; Y. V. C. U. 7:15 p. in. Rev.McCon nell, PAstor. BAPTIST Regular Sunday servlco-11 a. m.; 8 p. m.; Sunduy school 10 n. m. ; Young People's meeting 7:15. I'rayer meeting Thursday, 8 p, m. Rev. G. C. JeCtors, Pastor. GERMAN LUTHERAN-Regular Sunday ser vice II n. in ; Sunday school 10 it. m.; Evening services twlco each month. Rev. Otto Roehrlg, Pastor. ai.uanci: BKCnra societies. EASTERN BTAR-lst and 3rd Tuesday nights. Mrs Anna Davis, Worthy Matron KElinCOAS-Snd and 4th Friday nights. Mrs Geo Leidy, N U DEOREH OF HONOR-lst und ard Slonday nights. Mrs A E Reynolds. C H ROYAL NWOHUORS-Siid nnd 4th Wednes day nights. Sirs U N Hosklns, Oraclo LOT M 2nd and 4th Mondny nights. Sirs O H Rocky LADIES AUXILIARY H of RT-2nd and 4tl Thursdays 2 p ni Mrs U N Hosklns Mistress LADIES AUXILIARY II of L E-lst und 3rd Thursdays 2 pm JlrsR L Harris, Presi dent LADIES AUXILIARY II ot L F-2nd und 4th ,1 ' ridaj a 2 ti in Mrs W L Austin. ODD FELLO WS-Every Tuesday night. L V Poole, oble Grand A F & A M No. IM-Thursrtay on or boforo full moon. S A Franklin, V 51 UEUlVII COMSlANDF.RYNo, 20. K T-2nd und 4th Tuesday nights.. W E Zollinger. R AM No. 54-lst and 3rd Monday ulglits, B A Franklin, HP A O U W-2ud und 4Ui Slontluy nights, L. Uufcchsensteln, Master Workman M W A 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights. Ed- Kr .niriiu, v v EAGLES 2nd and 4th Sundays, 2:30 p m W K P-lst und 3rd Monduy nights, J H Mil ler, GO t ROYAr. HIGHLANDERS-Evory Tuesday night. RCBtrug.ip B of L E 1st and 3rd Wednesday 2 n rn S A Franklin, C E ' BotLF-Every Friday night. C W Tltlett, Master IdpEv;l7'1'UCf,u:a' "t 2 p ni J N An il of R T-every Thursday night. W A Man chester, Master A P,P,' Alliance Harbor No.42-lst and 3rd Friday nights, I). . Hayes, Com. K. C.-Every2dteek. J. B. Kennedy. Grand Kulght. J. A. Reardon, Financial Sec'y. is cheaper than new, and often just what you want. Or, we will trade new for second hand goods any time, and pay highest cash price for second hand goods, See W. M. WILSON, THE SECOND-HAND .MAN. I'honc 200- Sccoud-Hand Fiiriiitiirc i Sl '.J, a H$$n 4 z v V V .