The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 27, 1905, Image 1

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"Paper of Both
County and
';. Largest
Circulation in
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Another car of Puritan
flour, the best flour in
the city, at A. D. Rddg
ers Buy feed and flour at Pilkington's.
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blh.
E. E. Barr, Physician and Sur
geon, Calls answered promptly day
or night. Phones: Office 201. Resi
dence 151. " I2-tf
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk.
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit yout money. Oct. 7-tf.
Dr. Koons, dentist. Office over Norton's.
Buy your sheet music at Miller Bros,
and hear it sungDn the talking
machine. 23tf.
For Sale: House and two lota, two
blocks east of First National bank.
Enquire at the house or saloon V.
N. Corneal. 6-tf
Buy "America patent" flour at Pil
kington's. 25tf
If you want bargains, look at Miller
Bros'. 5, 10, 15 and 25c counters. 23-tf
Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera-house blk.
"America patent" flour is the best In
town at Pilkington's. 25th
Save While You Can.
Shoe the' entire family. Ten's days'
shoe sale at Fred's. 30
Cash for butter, eggs and cream at
Zbiuden Bros.' feed store, by V. E.
Spencer, agent for Harding Cream
Co. 294'w,
House Cleaning.
Can supply the services of a thorough
. aud experienced man for general house
cleaning. Phoue 139. Geo. Darling.
For Sale.
'" Three residence properties. Only
email cash payment required.
G. W. Clark:
Buy Now
'i2 :for your future needs. "10 days bar
gain sale at rred s.
" ' WaHted.
First-class saddle maker, two har
ness maker to make farm harness, one
good, man who understands putting up
hay harness made from summer oak
harness leather. These harness will
be for sale by Geo. A. Hills. 28tf
Take your prescriptions to the Eagle
Pharmacy where a registered man will
give thein prompt and careful atten
SI. 00 Value for 75c.
aWred's 10 day bargain sale.
We carry the best grade of machine
oil at the Eagle Pharmacy, J. E.
Joder, 30
Death of Mrs. Etigcno A. Hall.
Death, the awful mystery that im
presses mankind so forcibly, madeltsrff
felt most keenly in this city last night,
when the sotU ot Mrs. Eugene A. Hall
departed from its tenement tif clay and
when this morning's sun dispelled the
darkness of night from almost every lip
came the deep regret announcing her
demise at the midnight hour. Deceased
had been ailing for several davs with an
attack of appendicitis together with
other complication that refused to yield
to medical treatment and with the ex
haustive, weak condition of the sufferer
the end was apparent. Surround with
everything to make life happy, an af
fectionate husband and loving eon, Mrs.
Hall resignedly laid aside the things of
mortal life for the. robe of immortality.
Deceased's maiden name was Minnie
Baker. She was borti at Lea enworth,
Kans., Feb. 27, 1870, and with her
parents moved to Ellsworth, Kans., at
the age of three years, where she re
sided up to the time of her marriage to
Mr. E. A, Hall May 17, 1893, when
they moved to Hemingford, where they
resided while Mr. Hall was sheriff.
After a year's residence in South
Omaha the family came to Alliance,
where they have since resided. Be
sides her husband and son Albin, ageil
seven years, Mrs. Hall leaves her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Baker, who
reside at Grcely, Colo., and four sisters
and two brothers. Mrs, L, J. Card,
a sister from Denver, and the parents
arrived here today.
Funeral services will be conducted
at the residence this evening at seven
o'clock, and the remains taken over the
Denver route tomorrow morning to
Greeley, Colo., for interment, ac
companied, by the relatives.
Attempted Burglary.
George Carling had a few mintues'
experience with a real live burglar last
Sunday night. ' About 12:30, George
had occasion to enter his furniture
store and as he turned the electric
light switdi on he caught sight of a
human figure making jts way hurriedly
to the the basement in the rear of the
building. Air. Darling gave the alarm
to several men on the streets and every
effort was made to apprqhend the in
vader but he escaped through the cellar
door the padloc.k of which he removed
oii entering the store. In his hurry to
get out the burglar left a. white soft hat
behind, which was daubed with grease
from" a candle. Nothing was missed
from the store, and in fact it looked as
if George had blocked the thief's game
before he had proceeded very far. The
police think they could return the white
hat to the owner, hut will wait till some
future time.
Potato Growers Organize.
Quite a large number of potato grow
ers of Box Butte county held a meet
ing at the court house in this city last
Saturday and matters pertaining to
their welfare discussed. The outcome
of the meeting was a permanent organ
ization with the following officers elect
ed: President Chas. Bauer.
Vice President A. Hadley.
Secretary G. A. West..
Treasurer Fred Bauer.
The next meeting will take place
Saturday, August 12, when it is hoped
that all interested wilt attend.
A Fine Piece of Horse Flesh.
Pete Watsou of Sioux county drove
to Alliance last Friday, .briuging with
him a fine young Kentucky-Demark
stallion, Myhich was the attraction of
all admirers of horse flesh. The an
imal is a bay in color and about five
years old. He is as near a perfect form
in horse flesh as one can find and weighs
1 160 pounds, Watson surely has an
animal that would prove a winner at
a horse show exhibition, Claud Lester
will take care of the saddle stallion and
keep him in training at the race track,
A Third Clerk in the Postoffice.
Another indication of the increased
volume of business at the Alliance post
office is the addition of the third clerk
to Postmaster Tash's staff. Miss Ar-
villa Snow has received the appoint
ment and entered upon her duties.
W. V. Kennedy, An Alliance Lad, One
of the Killed as 0 Result of the
Terrible Explosion in San
Diego Harbor.
Word was received hv L. M. KpnrifwU"
of this city shortly after the terrific
explosion last Friday on Ihc U. S. bak
tleship Benningtou,Jn San Dicgo.'CaH.j
liarnor, to. tun account of wjncti ap
pears on another page of today's Hii$
ai.d) stating that hi9 son, Ward V
Kennedy, was among those fatally
scalded. Arthur Kennedy left at quccI
for the bedside of his brgthotT'and a
telegram rcceivedjyeStcrtlay stated,
flint HlA vi1llt1(r..tlWn llnil .lioft n nintii.
...... ... j.. v.w v..v ...,"tf
before.. -Everything possible was done"
to save his life but to no avail.
Together with .William Mumper,'
another Alliance boy, ""young Kennedy
enlisted in tho marine service the tst of
last February and both were assigned
duty on tho ill-fated ship. Mumper
was one of the few to escapo injury. '
The remains of the deceased are ex-'1
pected next Sunday and the funeral
will take place at the M. E. church at,
2 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
ElkTwTl7?ntertain. I
At the meeting of the B. P. O. E
last Friday evening ap, entertainment
committee was appointed and at a
meeting held by the committee Monday
evening arrangements were made for
bi-monthly social functions, the first to
occur next Thursday evening, August,
3. Tho fact that the Elks have one of
the most commodious as well as finely'
furnished club-rooms in the state willa
add materially to tho pleasure .oFtheit;
ent' rtainments. MuMc will )c furnished
by Spacht's orchestra. Percy Cogs
well is chairman and J. A. Reardon
secretary of the entertainment commit
tee which is evideuce that the program
provided will be the best.
Mrs. E. S. Jackson entertained a
party of friends Tuesday afternoon in
honor of her sister, Mrs. Betts.
Mrs. J. R. Phelan -gave a reception
Saturday afternoon and also entertained
Tuesday evening for her guest, Miss
Lacy, of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hemingway gave
a party at their home Monday evening
complimentary to their sister, Miss
Ruth White of Kansas City. About
thirty young people were present and a
most enjoyable time was had by every
one. $
A ........ ' .'.
Operator J.
Meyers has
Engineer H. R. Beans and wife are
visiting at Crawford this week.
E. W. Mitchell, operatn- is reliev
ing F, W. Simmons of Ansley,
E. W. Bell, superintendent of bridges
left for Hot Springs yesterday.
C. H. Murray has entered the tele
graph service as night operator.
Operator J, W. Frey goes to Seneca!
from Newcastle as night operator. '
Trainmaster B. S. Marvin of the
Sterling division is in Alliance today, j
Evan Sage, son of L. S. Sage is now
working in the ticket office at nights.
Bruce Benedict returned to Edge
niont Monday from tho Sterling
Commission Merchants
Reliable Market Reports, Good Service, Quick Returns.
MR. L. E. ROBERTS gives his personal attention to the classing
and selling of all cattle consigned to us, and we have active and com
petent yard men to donba Filling and Weighing,
WRITE US ABOUT YOUR STOCK; We maybe able to do you some good
Conductor Zollinger returned from
Chicago Saturday and is again on his
reg-ilar run.
A, W. I'ierson of Mr. Birclsell's offico
returned Tuesday from Ontnha, where
Ti'fr has been visiting.
SftTrank Newell, traveling encineor of
ithe Storling division was in Alliance
ho fore part of tho week.
B. C. Johnson of General Siineriii
Pholan's office wont west on
$$"' 41 tom8tlMn PheI&n
K Claim Agent E. H. JJoyd
t.n.i. 4 m
1 .tflrliii'' Silmlnv to Innl? nflfnfenmn cfnnL-
"cja ms on (he Sterling division.
i.A. W. Pierson of ills Sup9iintend-
nt's offico returned Monday from
tyaha, where he has been on a visit.
A. J. Hamilton of the freight depot
s gone away on a month's leave of
&&cneo, I. I. Archer is relefving hiinu
Vf .
I ,.fr ' 1
Duillein returned from
iQjva. Friday, where he
mA gone to accompany his family
r A cent W. 1. Hoback of Hnz.irtl is
Maying off on account of sickness and is
jijemg relieved by F. V. Simmons "of
'Artsley. ' .'jf.
I. M. Hienev. nklit ouprntn'r nt
Broken Bow, is on leave of absence
and is being relieved by R. D. Clover
df Ardmore.
;,J. E. l'lopst,
th.e telegraph
operator, has entered
service and gone
id Ardmore to take the place of
it. D. Clover transferred. v
J. C. Harris, formerly a conductor
on the Alliance division, was in the
city tho fore part of the week. Ho is
now with the Oregon Short line.
Chief Clerk F. W. Harris, accom
panied Mrs. Harris and daughter as
far as Denver Sunday on her way to
isit her-mother gtHoldredge,
Conductor W!. HainUtoit jpifteW. .V.JHE
yesterday morning from Hot Springs',' Ms .. ... ... .....".. ' t..'
where he has had charge of tho pile
driver for the past few weeks.
During the past few days there has
been several hard rains on the Sterling
division, causing washouts near Curtis,
and one between Bridgeport and Bay
ard. RoadmasterJ, W. Bowen returned
to Seneca Saturday. Mr. Bowen has
had charge of the steel laying and con
struction work -on the new track at
Boiler Inspector M. E. Wells and
daughter Grace arrived in Alliance yes
terday. Miss Wells will be the guest of
Misses Swan and McDougald during
her stay here.
A special train carrying delegates to
the American Medical association
convention passed through Alliance
Saturday evening enroute to Chicago
by way of Denver.
D. O. Ives, general freight agent for
the Burlington at .Omaha is going to
tho Wabash road soon. It is 6aid that
F. Montmorency, second assistant gen
eral freight agent of Omaha, will suc
ceed Mr. Ives.
C- N. Constable, who has been keep
ing time for Rooney's extra gang at
Wier, was in Alliance Monday on his
way to Guernsey, where ho goes to
take a similar position with tho gang
1 now laying steel for the Chicago mine
The Perkins special train arrived in
Alliance at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.
The train stopped hero about an hour
and a half while Mr. Perkin's daughter
and Miss Bacon of Boston dined with
Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Phelan. Mr. Phelan
accompanied the special south to Sterl
ing. The Perkins special came in
1 from the west.
Proposition on Hand to Have lltrco
Days' Meeting in Which Races
and Agricultural and Stock
Exhibits will Combine
A movement is on foot among the
business men of Alliance to hold a fair
or harvest festival this fall and lo add
to it a list of races worthy the track.
With' this end in view, a public meeting
will be held in the council chambers of
the, city hall this evening at which
everyone is urged to attend and givo
With the magnificent crops and as
surance of a taunteous harvest in this
part of the gUtc, it is most timoly and
appropriate to arrange for such doings
that will interest and draw paoplo from
miles around. Added to this festival,
which would prove interesting, a race
meet is proposed. With the number of
good horses that would be entered, this
feature would prove a grund success.
There is a surplus of $250.79 left
over from tho Fourth of July celebra
tion and it la suggested to apply this
sum in creating an expense fund to get
tho proposition under way. This is the
most plausable scheme to give a public
demonstration. It will he in the hands
of home people and regulated so as to
reflect credit on the city, as the Fourth
of July celebration did. It is far ahead
of turning the town over to a pack of
skin flint street fair arabs, whose only
ambition is debauchery and graft.
Let" every one attend the meeting to-,
night and unite in making the affair a
grand success.
' , .AT ! .
Tiir rminriirc -
.- yuunyiiw.i s
j 'K ;r
St. Matthew's church Sunday, July
36, hply communion and sermon at ir
a. m. Sunday school at 10 ' a. in,
Prayer and sermon at 8 p. in. Every
body invited to come. Services by
Archdeacon James Cope.
All the usual services will be held at
tho U. P. church neH Sabhiiht. Morn
ing subject, "Tho Prodigal Son."
Evening, "The Promise to Overcome."
The T. M. S. jneets Wednesday after
noon with Mrs. Caven. The midweek
prayer meeting Thursday evening at
"the church. -
Regular services at tho M. E. church
next Sunday. Morning subject, "The
Lighted Candle or the Exalted Light."
Evening, "The "Way to God". Ep
worth prayer meeting Tuesday evening
at the homo of Mrs. A. Fro'cshla. in
West Lawn. Regular prayer meeting
Thursday evening.
Will Take an Extended Trip.
Dr. F. M. Knight an J Horace Bogue
will take their departure in the morning
on an extended trip. They will first go
to Arizona, thence to Los Angeles and
after visiting the principal resorts in
California will see the Portland exposi
tion. From there Mr. Bogue will go
(o New York to make purchases for his
store and in all will probably be gone
six weeks. Dr. Knight will bo joined
on tho coast by M. L. Wright and they
will spend sometime in sight seeing
during' the hay fever season.
James Lawsou and Dr. Ancorn, gov
ernment stock inspectors arc here again
to remain until the dipping season is
over, the former having come from
Wyoming aud the latter from Idaho.
S. I. Valentine, another inspector who
was formerly located here, passed
through Wednesday enroute from Utah
to Broken Bow to which point" he has
just been transferred.
Hiram Wilson, a well known citizen
of Box Butte precinct is in the city to
day. Mr. Wilson says his sou has 160
acres of crop which is looking fine.
The oats he believes will yield at least
40 bushels per acre. Besides the farm
ing this family do quite an extensive
dairy business, the income from this
industry alone being over $100 per
month, How does that sound to you
eastern renters.
Henry Crilly Seriously III.
Oho of Alliance's old land natWt
Mr. Henry Crilly lies dangerously ill at
hiahoinc on cast Dakota street and his
chances for recovery are fov. '
Mr. Crilly is suffering with strangu
lated hernia, and his condition became
bo acuto Tuesday that a surgical opor
tion was performed to relieve him. Ho
rallied belter than was expected and a
short time it was thought he would re
cover, hut siuce last evening tho symp
toms are loss favorable and the worst
is feared. As tho patient is well ad
vanced ill years tho chances ectm less
Mr, Crilly is an old employe in tho
car-cleaning department of Iho Bur
ling at this place and is a man with
strong force of character rind has a
good word for everybody. The boys on
tho road say no matter wha,t tha weath
er might be, it was aluntys sunshine to
good old Ilontv, And that it may yot
continue so after this cloud passes by,
is the wish of his many friends.
Hugh McGuire Injured
Brakomati Hugh McGuiru who was
thrown trom a car at Crawford, today
was brought to Alliance this afternoon
and his friends arc pleased to -learn
that his injuries aro not so serious as
first reported. A gash was cut iiiff his
head by striking on a rail and his spitia
injured, however the doctors do not
anticipate any serious results.
. Will Morrissey arrived recently from
Valentine to take a position in tho
office of tho International Harvester
company and will probably travel for
this concern in a few weeks. Ho is a '
brother of Apdrew M, Morrissey, the
well known -attorney.
C. H. Evans, an enterprising: young
stockman-farmer from tho northwest
part of the couuty was in tho -city Sat
urday on business. , Mr.. Evans has a
says is looking fine and -he expects n
yield of 125 bushels pur acre.
Mr, and Mrs. S. M. Smyser received
a telegram this morning from their
daughter, Mrs, A. )3. Slade, advising
them of her departure from Los An
geies, her home last night. She is ex
pected to arrive here Sunday and will
visit her parents during the-summer.-
F. M. Wallace letunicd Tuesday
night from Scottsbluff where he visited
his brother a couple of days, Mr.
Wallace reports a terrific rain and hail
storm between Bridgeport and Bayard
Tuesday evening which was .veiy des
tructive to the crops. The water ran
over the railroad track in several places.
A ladies' Highlander pin found on tho
street Saturday evening by Mr: Sann
will be given the owner by calling at
this office.
Oiir ice cream, crushed fruits, etc.
at the fountain 'arc delicious, j. E.
Todcr. www - 3
See F. E. Reddish for loans on real
estate. .r 27-tf
Wanted A cook. Apply at Tim
Herald office.
In the wise management of its assets
rests the strongth aud prosperity of
every bank. Each officer of The First
National bank of this city has had from
five to twenty years experience in Ne
braska banking. S.ive part of your
earnings and deposit it in this well
managed bank. 32tf
Save Doctor Bills
See Cream Parlors
; In Alliance 10-30 of every month. 1
,C Office over Norton's ,..
'Phone 391. ,
t .