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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
K? fnqrH' T,, ,- rw $-. T$lXjmr E . f I r-H)!MfcrMIWMHfc ( ITime Table iBsa I i 1 1 ll fer u K irtT i i i B THERE US SOMETHING DOING AT ROGUE'S STORE , THESE DAYS The Summer Sale closes Satur day night positively and some lady is going; to get a silk dress. Extra Specials with Hour With Every $1.00 Purchase a Ticket Is SILK DRESS. Horace Dray and Transfer Line. & W S6 tnem The only spring dray Phone 139. v Palace Livery DBarn. S. II. I2SCII, Prop. qNK 11LOCK WEST of Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Till'. 'r. ziiindkn anj courteous treatment to all has won for us the liiJll.DLNO. 'Phone. excellent patronajjp wo enjoy. Trv us. Sccond-lland taiilurc is cheaper than new, and often just what you want. Or, we will trade new for second hand goods any time, and pay highest cash price for second hand goods, See W. M. WILSON, Till. SECOND-HAND MAN. Phono '200. VfAArw-'WA-AA-'W'W F. M. WALLACE DRAY LTNE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance. ZBINDEN BROS,, .DEALERS IN. Flour Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Js Our Leader. Try It..., 'PHONE IOS. WEST SIDE MAIN STREET.. . Checkered UlVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELEK, . Proprietor. Sales all day Saturday, HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shi wherever desired. Charges rsasonablo line in the city. S. A. Miller. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone No.. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. J. ROWAN DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, HAY and GRAIN W1IOLK8A1.K AND JtKTAIL UANDI.K8 Seed Wheat, Spring Rye and Spelt. 'Phone No. 71. Residence, No. 95. W.S. ACHESON Hardware a Plumbing Windmills and Pumps Tin shop in connection. Opera House Block Phone 98 ALLIANCE N Friday and Saturday Given on the Store ALWAYS HANDLES THE BEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR THE TABLE IF YOU HAVEN'T TIME TO CALL at the STORE 'PHONE No. 4. How Is Yotirl Complexion? B Do y x realize that jou can ? iiavu .1 nrni, muuoui, veiveiy 1 S skin by Mi.iply Using IK. o s ib. e o J I T!io Beauty MaKsr I Only COc per jar. j I - J I ton sale or I F, J. Brennan d? Co. I Xjmj.jLi DRVGdlSTS t' g ALLIANCE - NEBRASKA 1 LEE ACHESON j The City of LLIANCK is n thriving city of perous and glowing prospects of Orrtaha, 23G miles north of western Nebraska. It has water works, electric lights, a three story city hall and fire engine house, first class fire company and apparatus. Two large school buildings; employs twenty teachers to educate its 1000 schoolchildren. Seven churches. U. S. land office, Court house, two National Banks, modern business blocks and handsome residences. Its railroad facilities are the best. It is on the main line of the Burlington from either Chicago or St. Louis to Portland and the Pacific coast. It Js the Division headquarters for western Nebraska, Wyoming, South Da kota and Montana, the offices of General Superintendent Phelan having been recently located here. The western division shops are located here and more than Coo railroad men are employed here.. Its people are hospitable, enterprising, and intelligent. Its climate is healthful and invigorating. In short, no town in Nebraska presents superior induce ments for men of capital, enterprise and push, to locate within her borders Letters of inquiry addressed to the Alliance Hkrald .will bo answered promptly and in detail, Better write for a copy of our hand some twenty-four page illustrated Industrial edition, it will tell you more than we could write you in a month. t J-Me-rr---5H---' Successful Mining Enterprise. F. II. Woodbriilge arrived in the citv today from Dcadwood and will spend the day renewing acquaintances and attending to some business matters. Mr. Woodbridgc is on his return from the annual meeting of the Safe Invqst ment Mining company of which lie is sectctarv and reports that the same board was re-elected with one qxeep- j tion, Mr. Curtis a prominent business ! man of Chicago, being elected in place of H. G. Underwood, deceased. The company is receiving bids on an eighty 1 stamp mill, which as soon as settled I upon will be ordered within the next j thirty days. The foundation foi the samols now being prepated. While some may have felt that the company j has been a little slow it seems that the I business lias been managed admirably and the officers deserve great credit in amassing such property which is replete with ore, timber and water while the B & M. railroad spans the property. To do this and keep out of debt is no small undertaking and still have a re serve in the treasury of $35,000. This is a property of no small magnitude, comprising as it does some 1200 acres all of which is under process of patent. We congratulate our former townsman who has been quite instrumental in bringing about tins result wiucn is pleasing to all who are so fortunate to Hold stock in this enterprise. Take your prescriptions to the Eagle Pharmacy where a registered man will give them prompt and careful atten tion. ww- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chtisty returned Tuesday from a month's trip on the Pacific coast which included visits at Salt Lake, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland. Mr. Christy- reports the Poitland exposition similar to the Trans-Mississippi hekl at Omaha ex celling the latter only w ith two features the Alaskan and Phillipine exhibits "which are very good. One of the pleasant features of their trip" was a visit with Mr. Christy's brothers at Portland and Seattle whom he had not seen for over twenty years. They also visited the families of A. T. Long and Chas. H. McKinney, former residents of this county, who are now located in Oregon. Mr. Christy says that in all his travels he saw no place where, in his judgement, a man could do better with the same capital as in this county and he returns perfectly contented to remain in Box Butte. CARPET WEAVING Rodgers Bros. Prepared to do the Best Work in Their Line. Alliance has a carpet-weaving com pany in the persons of Jos. and L. O. Rodgers. They are prepared to do all kinds of carpet and rug weaving includ ing ingrains. They have one of the latest pattern looms and with their ex perience are enabled to turn out first class work at reasonable prices. If you have a lot of rags suitable for carpets it will pay you to let Rodgers Bros, make you a carpet. Call and see the machine in operation also samples of work at their place of lousiness, O07 Sweetwater avenue. Two blocks east of court house. Estrayed Night of July 4th, Yellow cow with anchor brand on right hip. Liberal reward, I. E. Bushnell. We carry the best grade of machine oil at the Eagle Pharmacy. J. E. J oder. 30 Save While You Can. Shoe the entire family, shoe sale at Fred's. Ten's days' 30 Our ice cream, crushod fruits, etc. at the fountain are delicious. J. E. Joder. wwwww 3 For sale About sixty sjjring shoats, choice, for 2. 00 each, at my place ten miles northeast of Alliance. Otto Vogel. 29'3W' Alliance more than 5000 population, pros for the future. 400 mile west Denver, It is the metropolis of yWX' - THE CHURCHES. .,....... The regular prayer meeting will be held in the basement of the church next Tuesday evening. The Bible study class will meet at the home of Capt. Alters a the usual time next Tuesday evening. Morning subject at the M. E. church Sunday. "Whom I Saw And Whom-I Met, Echoes From Denver." Even ing, "The Kingdom Of God Is Not Meat And Drink." Next Tuesday afft-jnoon at 4 o'clock there will be r, reception at the M. E. church (or all parents who have babies in the cradle roll of the Sunday school. Mothers are requested to bring their babies, if possible, and any desiring may have their children baptized at this service. lakesideTights. Denver, mountains, home again. Hot? Yes, some, but now is the time to keep cool. C. C. Joy of Jess, has began haying in his alfalfa fields. Elder D. J. Clark of Cha'dron, presided at the fourth quarterly conference for Lakeside last evening. Our minister, Rev, Lyons is keepiug bachelor's hall these days. He managed however to make his usual trip to Luella and return last Saturday and Sunday, Miss Hattie Ash was inviting the young people of Lakeside, ye scribe included, Saturday and Sunday, to a party at her father's home thre and a half miles south east of town, to be held last night. A goodly number attended and a pleasant time reported. The young people of Lakeside' planned a pleasant surprise parly for the two sons of Aunt Rebecca Stephenson at her new home three miles north. The boys have been here on a couple of weeks outing visit ing their mother. They returned to their Iowa home yesterday on 42. Quito a heavy hail storm was noticed to pass over a small strip of country not far north of Lakeside, Sunday afternoon, Hail was still found on the ground Monday morning. The roar of falling hail was heard for several miles. Wc have learned of no damage. Rev. Lyons accompanied Elder Clark to day as far on his journey home as Alliance for the. purpose of visiting one of his mem bers, MissLoemma Swoyer who was taken to that place sick one day last week. Miss Swoyer has been very sick while in Alli ance, but is reported as on the mend. oooooooo f TR.eVVv . Yvevce. 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Insurance. Hhmisgford, Neuraska. Acent for tho Caledonian, of Scotluud, which insures town property only, und the Colum bia, which Insures town and farm property and live stock. Itotb arts reliable old line com panies. 2 Notai'ia.1 Work, 0o-OOOOOOOO W. M. FOSKETT --u.ctiorxeer Will Cry Sales in This and r Adjoining Counties.... On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY, 1ST Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingfohd, Neb. Alliance, Ncbr. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, 1JUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, nml all points east and nil points west and south. TitAi.vs Leave as Poiaows, Mountain Time: No. 41 Pnwniror daily. Dcadwood, Billings, all points north and west.... ' 12:50 p.m. No. 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln, Omabti. Chicago find all points cast 3:15a.m.. Xo. 301 Piisseniror dally, for Denver Ogtleii.Salt Lake, San Iran clsco and nil Intermediate points, departs at..... 3:20 a.m. No. 302 Passenger ilally from Denver ami nil intermediate points, arrives at .......... 10:45a.m. No. 303 Tuesday. Thursday, Satur days, points south and west, departs 8:00 n.m. No. 306 TuLsiUys. Thursdays. Satur- days, fcoutli and west, nrrlves.0:2jp. m. Sleeping. dlnliiR and recllnlnf clmlr ears (scats free) on tlirouuh trains. Tickets sold and bairinipo checked to any point In the United States or Cimails. For information. tiu.o tables and tickets call on or write L. 8. Saiie. Agent, or L. W. Wakblev. tlcn. oral PasoeiiRpr Agent. Omaha. Nebraska. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OKFICKltS. Hon. John 11. Mickey-Oovornor. Hon. E. U. MrClllton Lieutenant flovcrnor. lion. A. nalusha-Sccrulury of State, Hon. K. M Poarle, Jr. Auditor. Hon. Peter Morlenson Treasurer. Hon. .1. L. Mellrlcn-Supt. Public Instruction. Hon. Morris Drown Attorney Genural. Hon. II. M. Kutou Coru'r Public Lands and. Buildings. ' Hon. Hurry LlmUiiy-Stato Librarian. coNonnss Hon. J, H. MUlnril-lI. 9. Semite, lion. h'. J. Hurkett-U. S. Senate. ft Hon. M .1'. Kliikutrt-Cuuirressmnn aixthlMsk District. , r. S. I.AKII OfFlOB. Hrueo Wilcox lti-Rister, W. It. Akerv-Hocclwir. .1, H. H. Howctt-rierk. UI4TKK t Jurxina 1&th mTiitcr. Hon. V. II. Wofcover-Kulivllle. Hon. J. -3. Uurrltisioti O'Mulll. ' county ornrKits uoxiiuTTE codxtv. S. M. Smj-MT-Oounty Clerk, itecorder, and Clerk bUri.-t Court. O. W. Ilrenniiit rreasurur, Ira Itet'il-SliorllT II. lv. Sn.iphl Cmintv .1 mlirci. I.coru A. Itut-tin bupt. Public Instruction. William Mitchell County Attorney. J. P. Ilnraril County Surveyor. A. S. Heed Assessor. Ci. V. Loor Commissioner. Chairman. - 1' 1:111k t'nliii uonimlssioiHT. L. V. Smith Commissioner. 11. H. Ik'llwocd. M. D. County Physician. L)r. J, E MooroCorouer. CITI OFF1CIU.H Louis Hucchsenstoln Muyor. I'tcd W. Harrts-City Clerk. MlUe Shuy-Ohlef of Police. V. 8. UlrtKell-PolIco JudRc. II. C. Nommttn-'-Clty Attorney. Dr. II. H. Itellwood-Physlelun. P. M. Knlijlit City Treasurer and Water Commissioner. COUNCII.MKN-. Saliion'Sr'M" Wanl. . I'red llrciman -Chief Fire Department. Prof. W. 11. JJartz-Sup't. City Schools. CIIIIHCIIKS CATHOLIC Ui'Kulur t-undny services 7:30 11, in.: 10 a. m ; 11 a. m., catechlum for country chlldrun; T p. in., catechism; 7:30 p. m , benediction. Instruction. Week days flJifi mass, uxcept on Monday at 5 Wit. in.; X' 'W . in., Saturdays, catu chbtn. I-ather .) uliusDu Vos. METHODIST -ltcsnlar Sunday service 11 11. in.; S p. m.; Sunday school 10 a. in.; Junior p. m.; Dpworth Lcaguu 7 p. m.; Prayer meeting Thursdays, 1 ; jj p. 111. jiuv. v . it . nay, i-asiur. FIKST PKESHYTKIUAN-KoBular Sunday service 11 11. m.; 8 p. m.; Sunday school 10 11. in ; Christian Endeavor 7:15 p. in. 11. P. V. Iloxue, Pastor. UMITIU) pnESIlYTEUlAM-KoKUlur Sunday pcrvlce 11 a. 111. 8 p.m.; Sunday rcIiooI 10 n. m.; Y. P. C. U. 7:15 p. m. Hov. McCon- upII, Pastor. UAPTIST-HcKUlar Sunday servlco-11; s p. in.; Sunday school 10 a. m.; Youni; People's nun-tiii!" 7:15. Pr.ijcr lucctliiR Thursday, H p, in. Hov. U. C. Jeflors, Pastor. OF.llMAN LUTHEKAN-ItORiihir Sunday ser vice II 11. 111; Sunday m-IiooI 10 ;i. m.; E filing sonices tulcuoach month. Kov. Otto lioolu-ik'. Pastor. AI.T.IANCi: SECllET SOCIETIES. t EASTEKN K'l'AK-lst anil 3rd Tuesdny nlKlitH. Mrs Anna DavU, Worthy Matron ItEIlKCOAS Slid and nh Friday nichts. Mr Geo Lcidy, M (1 DEOHKU OP HOMOK-ist and 3rd Monday nlKhta. Mrt. A 1: Reynolds, C H nOVALMHIGHHOltS-ind and 4th Wednes day nights. Mrs UN Hosklns, Oracle L T.,Jfr2l,,d IU"1 w 'Monday nights. Mrs O II ltocky LADIES AUXILIARY II of I T-2nd and Uh 'niursdays : p m Mrs" U M Hopkins .llSirfB8 LADIES AUXILIARY R of L E-lst and 3rd lhursdajsiipm Mrs It L Harris, Presi dent LADIES AUXILIARY 11 of L P-2nd and 4tl . ay? S )i m Mrs V L Austin. ODDFELLOWS -Every Tuesday night. l)uila K. ..1.1.. . . ..! " " L T iiiv, .iuuiv virailil A "-V. A M 0 l-3 Thursday on or bpforo full moon. SAKrniiklln, W M HEULAH COMMANDERY Mo, 20. K T-nd iiniNth Tuesday nights. IV E Zollliicer. C r. It AM No.54-lstand3rd Monday nlirlns. k A Pran kfln, HP ' A O V W-i'nil and 4th Monday nlfhts.,.tlLtul. M...... 11 ..... B-'.J, vHiwioniii, ...inicr iiiirhuiau M arTi'tU,UV C1 W,1t,"t"a"' "'shts. Ed EA slindgoTi1vni 4th Sunauys' 2:3 P u w K 'J ?na 3rl JIo,lJ'y '8!. .1 U Mll- II of L E-l st and 3rd Wednesday 2 p m s A luiiaiiu, j f4 oil. l'-Every Friday night C W TUIett. n J N An- UU311T O K ('-Every Tuevdny at 2 u ",,c.?esT07rMaryte1r,,Ursday,,,,,t' A Man- r. v J, J J A O O P Alliance Harbor N'ni'UKi ..-.1 3rd Friday nlghu. J. Y Haye";1 Com. Una K" S'iJlrtnrW,leck- Jl n-Knnedy, Grand " &?he,WT.i?1g!2ce?fe. Wm. it you want ernod. vholesome baking- use Lexington Five-X Flour Guaranteed the best on the market. For sale by S. B. LIBBY THE GROCER (Successor to G W. Yountr) f; L r-