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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
XC t IT WILL PAY OU TO. GO TO H. FROHNAPFEL Tho Hemingford Merchant WUKN YOU WANT DRY GOODS, GROCERIES OR CLOTHING rcw we D4 re EZUUKI ifflr , s. '. ir ft' l h i &$& I ?) . Jk. 1 b "va" i rf-ilOn Isaturdav f ftilwikes 9 shoe sale and i at tare of a HI Lilian or tie Alliance Ca Jo goods TV J. THRELI Funeral Directc lAND Embalmer IEBR. tticephtnie 1JQ. Residence phone 207 W1LLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. BOYD & BARKER, ,. Attornoyw Jit Ijiiv .. ALLIANCE, NCUKASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. SMITH P. TUTTLE. 1HA E. TA II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NKH J. Et MOORE, M. D. I'Lirrctmt nr.och, ALLIANCE, NLU. Calls answered from olllco day or night. Telephono No. U3. H. H. BELLWOOD PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Holstcn IlulldltiR, - ALLIANJi:, NKB E. E. BARR, Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered day or nignt. Phone 201 Res. 151. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. OOIcp In I'lrst National Hank block. Alll anco Nebraska. DR. G. W. MITCHELL, Physician ano Sarseon Day and nightfalls. Ontcoovor lloguu Store. 1'honoliO. DR. GEO. HAND, 110.M i:oiatiiic I II YSICM N A N I S I' K G 15 O N Formerly Interne IIimeop.ithli5 Hos pltiil UuUerslty of Iowa. Phone 231. Olllco out Alliance Shoe Htore, Night culls answered from office. FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. MS ItOX IiUTTB AVn.NUE. I'hono 23S, Calls answorod lit town or country. Guy Lockwood GHADl'ATi: CHICAGO SCHOOL OF EMBALMING Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Cxpcrt I.ody Attcndnm.. Alliance, Nebi FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Heating. Steam and. hot water h .ftMi'tf: ALLIANCE, I 'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. evenino. Julv 29. when V'H be a over with prices afterward will be We make this last announcement in the warning: in order that ,.fJ ., ,. cnnu may overiuorv hjs Unusual Shoe Benefit AT charged or sent on approval in Btirlinglon Bulletin OK ROUND TKIP RATES. Chicago and return, on sale daily, . $33.70 St. Louis and return 30.70 on sale daily. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and return 4o.oo on sale daily. Denver and Colorado Springs and .return 12.00 on sale daily. on sale Aug. 30 to Sept . 4 Denver $4.80, Colorado Springs $6.30. Salt Lake and Ogden and return. . S24.25 Yellowstone Park, through and iucluding hotels and stage, and return,. .$105.00 Cody, Wyo., Black Hills, and Hot Springs S. D., approximately half rates all summer. Milwaukee and Southern Wisconsin points, Michigan resorts on Lakes Michi gan aud Huron, Canada Maine and New England, St. Lawrence and Lake Cham plain regions, very low tourist rates drily. If you will call or write, it will be a pleasure to advise vou about rates, traiu service, to reserve you a berth, and to try to make your trip a comfortable one. Thirst Maple Frappe Orangeade Mint Freeze Selzer Lemonade Manhattan Punch Coco Cola at the Fountain THIELE, Prescription Druggist 306 Hox liutte Ale. ...MOVED... SEE ME NOW AT MY NEW LOCATION First Floor Elks Hall Billiard and Pool Hal FINEST IN THE WEST W. A. Hanchester successor to .M X M Milliard Hull DR. J. G. BRENIZER HltLLDKU Ol' Pure Scotch aud Scotch Topped SHORTHORN CATTLE BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA. Herd headed by CRIMSON SCOTT, 177035, Straight Scotch Breeding. Herd numbers 90 breeding cows that weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds, a large number being pure bcotcn, and as good breeding as was ever brought from Scot land. Experience has taught me that for breeding purposes cattle shipped in ara very little good the first year, their consti tutions must become accustomed to our high altitude and our grass. Hence ani mals raised here are preferable, I intend to raise them here. Good, first class Nebraska breeders, the equal to anything raised in the U. S. Come and see me. (20-Cm) sli Shoe Store Quenchers the clock our great different. no man. k ," this sale. Legal Notice. Land Ofllcuat Alliance, Neb.. .Tune 27, HUB. Notice is hereby Riven tliat the folloulMK named settlor lias (lied notice of Ids Intention to ninko final proof In support of Ills claim, and that nald proof rlll ho uiiuk' before Itt'irlbtcrniul Keceivor at Alliance, Neb , on August 14th 100.'i, viz .IKItl'MK II. HUKL-mritT, of Canton, Nebr. who made H. H. No. Iffl, for tbu w'- nu'i, w'-s su5, section Si, town. 23 n, range hi w. Ho names tho following wltnesnes to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vizi Oeorire V. Jones, of Alliance. Nobr.: Charles Hall, of Canton. Nebr.; Allien Hall, of Canton, Nebr,; Louis Hood, of Omit on, Nebr !M 0 Iliiucr. Wilcox, Itelsior. Land Olllco at Alllauco, Nebr., May 20, 11)05. Notice Is hereby ctvea that the following named settlor has (lied noticoof Ids Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and said proof will lie made before ltei: Ister and ltccelt or at AUIaine, Nebr., on July 13, 1V03, Uz: hoheut cckuy of UcniliiKford, Nebrnska.oa homestead entry No. .1150. for t L'i section 33, township 2tl, N. ruiiKuWW. He names the follonlii'' witnesses to nrou his cunt liiuous rcslilt nco imtm anil cultivation ofsiiid laud, h Alllu II. .Maliln, John ICeelfe, Knierv Ablev. Walter (jinufortl. all of uein- niKiorti, rseor lil-U , ,t ,... liituin Wilcox, iteKlntor. Sale of Minors' Lit nil by (itinrdlnu. Notice In hereby given, by virtno of a license Issued at chambers by one of the Juduesot tho Fifteenth Judicial District of Nebraska In and for Hox Unite county, to me granted, I, Charles M. Lotspelch, guardian of Itay 1'otvleH, Krnest I'owlcs. Ldeu 1'ovnIhs, Opal I'owlus and Merltl I'.ilmer I'owles, minors, will sell for cash, 'it public miction on Motidaj. tlio 7th d.iy of uuuit, A.I). VJU3. at 10 o'clock a. m at the west front door of the court bouse In lll.111ce, Ilov Unite count), Nebraska, tho follow luir real estate sttuulod In said llov liutte county, the land of said minora, to-w ll: An untlfvlded one-dftb in terest IntheSU NVi hl'.ii Hoc 31. Tp. 2(1 N. H. 50 W, and lotH 7 and h lit block u, Johnston's addition to Alliance. C'llAIU.Rs M LOTSI'KlCIl, Chi-.rdlan for ltay I'owles, Krnest I'owles, KUen I'owles, Opal I'owlts and Morrllt I'.ilmer I'owles. Dated Juno 3, l'J05. 2I Application for I'niKRlst's Permit. Notlcols hereby Klveu that A. I). Mlllett has filed his petition with the board of lllace trustees of the villain of llemltiufonl, Neb braska, for a peimltto Mill malt, splrltitoUK and Iiiouh liquors fur medical purposes on lots, block 10, 111 tho IU.iki of lleuilnnford Neb., foryeartmdltiii MjvS 1000. fp Julo A. 1). Mn-i.irrr, Applicant. Notice of Dissolution or l'artitcrshlo. Thls will certify that on this 10th da) of July, 1P05, the iiartHitr-dilp oxintliiK lietween XV. & Hldfcoil and II. V. Keeves Is hereby (lis- soueil ii mutual concent, w. H. UK I full will rontluuo tliobuslnees at Alllmice, All bill are to do paid to . 9. Kldll. Mirned. XV. 8. ItllKlKI.U Wi-3w II V. Kkiivks. Notice of DNsolutioii. Notice Is hereby kim-ii that tho partnership heretofore eUtiiiL- under tilt; uiiiuu of lvc)i. wltluV, 11 firm ttiinsactlni: a clotlilnx business lu the city of Allhui:e, Neb.. Is thl, tlay di-soUisI by mtitual consent. Itoy Hock wiin will coiitimie tho business, nav all the k oui.tstminjr and collects all-accounthtlut 1 tile tlrill. TllAMt UllliSB , Datid July h, 1005. itov Hi.ckwitji fpJulyso-Ht Notice to Kcdccni. The Suite of Nebraska, 1 , Hox Hutto County 1 To the known and unknown lwlrs of Jool T, Karl, d -ceased: Vou aud inch of sou are hereby notified that on Dm 4th day of November, IIW3. V. .1 Karl purchased at tax Mile tlio W. NW' bee. 3 ami theS'j !s '4 St 11 Ltf is'E'4 ,ec u, all In township i. hm III lu Hox Hutto count, Nebraska, ' mi! . l.itid was taxed In name tif Joel T. Kn ,jd s.i d nur- chasoof tax sale of mid laud hh inado for ciiasuoi uixsaie 01 Mild mnci k the year HC, and that sulwsiueiit 1 lieen paid on sttitl laud by V. .1. Kn ) ears IMS and i'iyi. That tho tin laxos hue lvurl for tht mo for rtv deinptloiiof the aforesaid land will expire on the 4th day of November. 1UU3, W. ,T. Eaw.. fp July 13-st Datid.luly 13,1001 Hlds for school Hiilldlng. 1 Notice is hxruby pUeii that scIhmiI district No M will build u school Iiouim mid that bldx are solicited us per spbullicuiloiis as follows. towlt. Hilldlu to lio jOJa'niO. consUtliiiC of school room and entry, foundation ruiulros thro. Ijerrhos of stonii brick chimney: tirop sldlni;, stnddinK It) liu'hos apart; floor murt; It.xirliiK t ho four 1: box sills, jolce 10 IncliBs bel'ito weather; tar felt men iuarter-siieu aparl; siuiikiua to uutier sniiiK'ies; tour winuown, four punts IUX2I; rtwji to ij oiie-ttilra pitch; lathed aud plastered with stm-co, two cil work. CarjauiU'i andolht r work will be let kltir utly or together us it ststms most atlvau t.iKeous to tne tllstriet. 1 lie lowest re.soii- slble bidder will IwawartltMl tho tiontraoi or I contracts Ms tho cisemaj le. Material will lie furnished on the Kroutul. Spooltlcutltms I are lu the hands of Peter tinansou. director . with whom all bid-, should ho tiled. In i.utupuii. ' sealed envelopes ltltW will Imi oIhjiikI at Hemingford on Aueunt 5. HU5, at S o'clock u.m UlKhl reserved to reject any or till bids. The Alliance Herald and Nebraska State Journal, J both one year for tj5l.50. HEMINGFORD. Kcit'i I t'lrwi Is fully nuMiurlzctl t o Ic'tsuiiscrlpttons and Job work ami collect and receipt for same, and transact all other ouslness in connection with bis osltlun as an aicredttiHl repreentatU e of this pnper.) Mrs. Sharw-ootl went to Alliance Friday. Ira Hu!msll was up from Alliance Sun day. Clark Olds went to Alliance Tuasdav evening Ira Kotd leaded a oar of horses horo Sunday. Hail Insurance. K, L. Pierce, insur ance agent. Sam Grass is building a new liouso for Henry Sliimok. Wild) 's keep all kinds of building ma tcrial and posts, Decring headers, binders, mowers, rakes and twine at Wildy's, 13. F. Gilman loaded a car of liorsos for Hatt Clair on Tuesday. V. L Everett and N. Frohnapfel went out to Lawn Monday. H. li. Johnson shipped two cars of cat tie to South Omaha Monday. Four business lots for sale opposite Wildy s. Apply to K. L. Fierce. Dr. ICoons will bo in Hemingford July 28 and 39, Friday and Saturday. A large number of new binders nrc be ing sold on account of the extra fine crop which the farmers hava this year. I have four young registered Durham bulls to sell at a bargain for cash or on timo. Call and see me. U. E, Johnson. Insure your house, barn and livestock now, Lightning season just beginning. K. L. Pierce, agent. Notice All those knowing themselves indepted to me will please call and settle same with John Anderson in tho Millet pharmacy, I have sold out and want to collect all outstanding debts at once. tf Gko. F. Hedokcock. Hemingford antt Marplo played a game of ball at Marple Saturday, Hemingford winning the game. It is getting- so our boysaccidently do win a game once in a while. If they continue to improve they may get up courage to try Alliance. A special run made on the celebrated JOHN DEFRE HAY LOADEKS AND ACME SWEEPS which are guaranteed not to be excelled or equaled by any others, will be sold on extremely close figures by Anton Uhrig. Lewis Homrighausen suffered a severe loss from lightning Friday night. Ilia log barns and feed, all his saddles, harness, etc . were consumed. Tho first intimation he had of tho fire was the light from it shining on the window near where he was sleeping, riENlSTKY. Dentist Koons of Alliance will be in Hemingford Friday and Saturday, July 28 and 39. MARSLAND. Miss Minnie Wanek of Lawn came up from Alliance Saturday, H. G. Furman had a fine Galloway ani mal killed by lightning recently. Mrs. C. H, Kichey was an over Sunday visitor with her sister Mrs. T. J. Pool. Mrs. Geo, Gregg and baby are spending tt week at the parental home, L. bnow, K. A. Tollman, George Evans and C. A. McGoggy were Alliance visitors Wednes-. day night. Operator Pollock attended the conven tion of operators and agents at Alliance Saturday. Miss Jantz of Harrison, accompanied by Attorney Porter of Crawford made a busi ness trip to Kendric's ranch recently. -lr an(1 rs- - t'neips 01 ine riign- i land dairy farm near Belmont, has gone , .1 t?:, ., ,.tQ,i .,:-!, ' the Empire state on an extended visit. D. Zimmerman of York is here on busi ness he was accompanied by Edna Dyers who has been spending a few weeks at York. A photographers car is sidetracked on main street. A number sampled the, work Sunday, and there will doubtless be a big run of customers here. , We were misinformed and errod when ' we started that the father of the Ashbrook "' brothers had died recently in Texas. It 1 1 was Mrs. Larry Ashbrook's father. Emery brothers of Glenn, passed through town Friday on their way to Hunter's ranch, where they have taken the contract of putting up the large crop of hay. Mr. Mingle, living north of town came down the other day bringing two bushels of fine gooseberries to market which he sold at eight cent per quart. He has .1 1 larf crop this year. I " Saow went to Mystic, S. D., several ' days ago to oversee some work being done at the mining claims, 01 which he is a share holder. His son Linn accompanied him for an outing in the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Durnon and Mrs. Pome roy were called to Crawford the Utter part lul "' "cc uy ",D !,DWU":, "- "- happened Mr. Swartzentroaper while , . ... 4 , ., . , wuiaiu ti u mw tiiiii iwquwy iimtm uui ui Crawford, He had one arm cut off close to the body by coming in contact with a buzz saw. Wanted? First-class saddle maker, two liar nose maker to make fann harness, one good man who understands putting up hay harness made from summer oak harness leather, These harness will bo for sale by Geo. A. Hills. 2Stf S 1 .00VaTuTforT5c. at Fied's 10 day bargain sale. "Time Waits for No Man" NOR NO HACHINE. TIEN you ;ire haying-, you want machin ery that time don't have to wait for. Moral: Ty I Tf McCormlck Mowers, Binders and Rakes. 13 I) V International Stackers and Sweeps. Dain Stackers and - V-' a. Sweeps. Superior Stackers and Sweeps. All most approved haying1 machinery, at -sNEWBERRY'S HHI JOHN PILKINGTON Grain, Flour and Feed AT THE OLD STAND. ..Will not be undersold.. isusLsoisr jrjL.icxcxxiav& FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING IN8URANOE COMPANIES. Hartford I'iru Insurance Company. Nortli American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Ulookljti. New York. Continental of Now York City. Niagara FIro Insurance, Company. New York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Loudon Otitl -H :: X "' T POS O-O TO The Palace Meat Market 'Phone Your Order Early. No. 131 H. L. BUSHNELL. Propr. I. E. BUSHNELL, Mgr. Tiamonds, UKU . Souvenirs Repairing in all its Branches. A. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. A WORD WITH YOU WOODEN TANKS AND sheep Dipping Vats -cattle We make a superior article in our factory and want you for a customer. Our material is the best and our prices are right. New list just out. Send for it. FOREST LUMBER CO. - Alliance, Nebr. Absolutely Pure Paint STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST Every Gallon Guaranteed.. TOR SALE BY F. E. HOLSTEN Liverpool. London and Olobo Ins. Co. German Amorlcan Ins. Co., Now York. Farmers and Merchants Ins. Co,, Lincoln. Columbia FIro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Ins. Co,, Hartford, Conn. Offlco Cp-StnlnU'lctchcr Itlock. A Big Come-down jiiluinbcr is not at all likely, unless tl7o unexpected happens. Prices aro mOro likely to go up. We carry a full line or l.V H UE R A fi D COAL Dierks' Lumber and Coal Co. 1). WATEliS, Husr. Also agents for Neb Cent. Bid. & Loan Asso. 'Phone 22, I UALITY and UANTITY nsiBsti f.i. zuau j&wuMiy, e Hail orders promptly attended to.' ' V