The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 20, 1905, Image 3

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Cure For The Bines
1 .. .
Health Felly Bettered ami tlM Jey
Ufe Retained
' When ncheerful, bravo. llfrht-hrt
woman is suddenly plunged lno -thai
perxeouo oi misery, tne JS-UfiB, it H
ft aad pictu re. It is usually tills war t j
mra itas oeen zUBg' oatoi aorwr
lor somo tune; bead nas acned an
back also ; bas slept poorly, been qui
aervous, ana nearly fainted once
twice: head dizzy, and heart-beats vc
fast; then that bearing-down feelin
and dormer her menstrual period she
exceedingly despondent. Nothin
pleases her, Her doctor says : "Cheesy
up i you have dyspepsia r you will
ricrbt boob."
But she doesn't ret " all riarht,
hope vanishes ; then come the broodj
tasr.stisorbid,, melancholy , everlastlail
Doa't.waitjanaiTOmi' bdfftiflmm h-B"
driven you to despair, with your nerves
all shattered and your courngo gone,
but take Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege
table Compound. See what it did for
Mrs. Rosa Adams, of 819 12th Street,
Louisville, Ky., niece of the late Gen
eral Koger Uanson, C.S.A. She writes:
Dear Mrs. Finkham:
" I cannot tell you with pen and ink what
Lydla E. PinkhanVB Vegetable Compound
has done for mo. I Buffered with female
troubles, extreme lassitude, 'the blues,'
nervousness and that all-cone feeling. I was
advised to try Lydia E. Pmkhrjn's Vegetable
Compound, and it not only cured my female
derangement, but it has restored me to perfect
health and strength. The buoyancy of my
younger days has returned, and I do not sur
fer any longer with despondency, as 1 did be
fore. I consider Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound a boon to sick and suffering
If you have some derangement of
the female organism write Mrs.
Pinkham, LyaH, Mass., for advice.
Follow the Fliof xrAT
South and Southeast, one fare plus
Hot Springs. Ark., dally $23.00
St. Louis, Mo., daily $18.50
Chautauqua, N. Y., July 28... 34.00
Detroit, Mich, August 13th
and 14th 21.E0
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 17th
and ISth 25.25
Richmond, Va., Sept. 8th to
11th inclusive 33.75
Philadelphia. Pa., Sept 14th
to 16th. Inclusive 32.7r
Long limits, stopovers and other
features offered In connection with
the above rates.
All Agents can sell you through
tickets and route you wnbnsh.
All tickets reading over the Wa
bash from Chicago east are op
tional with passenger via Lake or
Rail, either or both directions.
Call at Wabash City office, 1001
Farnam St., or write and let me
give you all Information, maps, de
scriptive matter, folders, etc.
G. A. P. D. Wabash R. R., Omaha,
C There is quality in Railroad
Travel as in everything else.
O. Track, Trains and Time are the
M., K. T. Ry.
has that qualitya jood thing to
remember when you travel South'
ti.It you are in &
hurry, use
and Wood Frames, JI5 and up. Write
us oeiore you Duy. we save you
'monev. Also Fumns and Wlsd
BECKHAN BROS.. Dei Moines, lows.
$100 Weekly Easily Made
writing health and accident Insurance experience nn
neceMarr.'YYrlle Bankers' AccUent Co-Dei Homes. la.
W. N. U. Omaha.
. No. 291905.
n jsKHtn ni
' HflT
tfsjjpi JH jsTjiisansjmiljiiXptissssagriisllsi saiirlsqa,ftisasy-aaTMO
I 4 m i JJL J
in8Ky-jpryiy f Natural
fVyLzrU 1$5$ - ti ''vsw -
It sKJBILMsS ?Pfl DM'tBeWrtoatTbeataYwHfls ff
I I8mIP Ffi-A ' Ti-Biin Tkey ire Always Rcay ts Servt g
"tSR&r Wj".jriM I
JSlirfa I?lilL-eVw Lunch Tongues Veal Loaf 1
C ffi-6f2?-fiBBb-'- i BoneleM Chioken Dried Boef I
KffltinJvE BrlekctBeei Soup. i
trtZJ 'WKjKJt&. Jollied Hocksj BeJced Beans f
3 "Cw?B55t 1 1 -Ml AjJt Sour Croctr I
I L -9fj!ii3rf2 Miy Th Booklet "Hovi to JSal Good TMoq$
13 "-"SeC 3JeVf? ' to Eat' itnt frtt. t
I Libby, McNeill a Llbby, Chicago I
Coal Fields of Splberyen.
JpTho coal Holds or Spitsbergen, ntter
experimental mining In previous sea
sfijns, havo boon round or suttlclcnt
valuo to Justiry moro extensive opera
tions. An expedition has been fitted
out at Shellleld, England, in which
&IJ50 somo Norwegian capital Is invest
edi About 80venty men aro engaged,
lifts tho intention to erect cloven largo
buildings to bo used lor lodgings,
sheds ror machinery, etc.
Do Your Clothes Look Yellow?
Then use Defiance Starch, it will
keep them .white 16 oz. for 10 cents.
' '1
I Meaning of Prison Sentences.
i Lord Justlco Mathew or Kngland.
speaking at a meeting or tho Catho
lic Prisoners' Aid Society, said that
'when ho first becamo a Judgo ho ask;
eda certain prlBon govornor what it
really meant to a, man to bo sent to
a convict prison. Tho reply was:
'Flvo years do not hurt him much,
especially ir ho is a young man. But
36ven years means utter ruin to him."
When You Buy Starch
buyaDeflnnce and cct tho best, 10 oz.
TorSlO cents. Once used, always used.
"bf Weak Bear Pain Best.
Dr. J. V. Locknrt Mummery, tho
famous British surgeon, says it is
often oxtremely dllllcuit to estimate
thecondltlon or a patlont with regard
to 'his power or standing a severe op
eration. Often a wealtly looking in
dividual, who looks as it ho would not
,'itand a severe operation well, stands
it qulto well, and vice versa.
CITC pennMimtlr cured. No fit or nerreninm fte
r 1 1 w fant day's use of Ifr. Kline's Or Nr ltMoi
r. Send for FilEIS S2.0O trll bottle and truttM,
Ua.U. U.lODti.Ltrt.,!! ArchBtrert, 1'blUdelpais, I
The Thoughtless Rain.
Little drops or water
Showers tar and wide,
Always spoil the temper
or tho gentle bride.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Plso'a Cure is tho best medicine -wo ever tiled
for all nllectlons of tho throat and lungs. Wa.
O. Endsi-xt, Vanburcn, InO., Feb. 10, 1900.
Tho real skeleton at tho feast is the
man who refuses catsup and them ex
plains to all tho table that he never
uses it because ho has seen It mado
In tho factories.
Special Offer
The name and address of your
shoe dealer and 15c to cover
costof mailing-, etc., will secure
ono of tho handsome rolled
cold pins illustrated above.
Enameled in colors and will
wear for years. These pins
were secured by thousands of
World's Fair visitors.
Only a few hundred left.
Write Quick.
trnnfcled with ills ceculiar to
their sex, used as a douche is mirvelouily too
cestui, inorougmy cleanses , irms aucais germs .
i topi discharges, heals inflammation and local
soreness, cures leucorrhcea and natal catarrh,
Iaxtine is In powder form to be diuolved injure
water, and is far more cleansing, healing, cermicidal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists, SO cents a box.
Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free.
Bend for Catalogxu No. 105
Omaha Tent & Awhisj Ct. J
Owaha, Nebraska,
Man Who Stole Tiffany Diamonds
Gathered In a White Elephant.
In tho opinion of Detective "Char-
llo" llaldolberg. tho man who stolo 1
tho great Tiffany d amonds has a
-" '
white elephant of prodigious slio on
his hands. While tho stones represent
a fortuno in themselves, theo la ab
solutely no wny In which tho thief
can dispose of them without subject
ing himself to Immedlato capture. Tho
only satisfaction left him is to gaze
at the gems in tho solltudo of his
homo and wcavo dreams about great
possibilities contained la thoso three
sparkling bits of carbon.
'All tho diamond cutters in tho
world may be numbered on tho fin
gers of both hands," said Heidelberg.
"They havo all received accurate de
scriptions of tho stones and It they
are presented to any of thoso experts
to bo cut, tho person in whoso custody
they aro will immediately bo arrested.
"Somo dayB ago it was reported
that thero was a diamond cutting ex
port in Pittsburg who had not been
included In tho official list An inves
tigation wns made at onco and tho re
port proved to bo false. Thero is ono
cutter in Chicago, but none nearer.
Tho description of tho missing gems
has been scnttered broadcast, and so
much publicity given to tho matter
that even tho most daring 'fenco'
would not take the diamonds at a
titho of their value.
"In my opinion, tho theft was not
tho work of an outsider," added tho
detective. "Tho stones were taken
by somo one in tho store who was
familiar with tho methods of tho es
tablishment. An Appreciation.
I am very fond of poetry
Couldn't possibly be more
Every thing I lay my hands on,
Modern works or ancient lore.
But of all things I'vo perused
(And Indeed I've read a sight)
Nothing seems to mo so clever
As the poetry I write.
Shnkeapeare? Well, he's pretty good.
Milton? Il'm, I guess he'll do.
Pope and Browning? Just so-so.
Keats? I've never rend him through.
Byron? Well, his style's too free.
Tennyson? Too serious, quite.
None of them can hold a candle
To tho poetry I write.
I can sit and rend It over,
Backward, fomard, by tho hour.
Such magnificence of diction!
Phrasing of uneijualed powerl
Often over It I've pored
Fnr Into the stlllv nlcht.
Nothing fills me with such bliss
As the poetry I wilte.
Every word's a polished Jewel.
Strings of gems are every line.
Strange that editors' opinions
Rarely coincide with mine!
Some day they will beg my verso
But they'll never get a mite.
For they won't deserve such luck
As tho poetry I write!
Blancho Goodman.
Bath in Goldfleld.
"All trouble and inconvenience
growing out of tho scarcity of water
in tho new mining camps of Nevada
is rapidly disappearing," remarked
Oscar J. Smith, lawyer and capitalist
of Reno. "They have quite as much
water in Goldfleld now as will satisfy
tho requirements of the camp. I was
down at Goldfleld recently, and notic
ing a sign on a building which pro
claimed tho fact that baths were to
be had thero I went In and announced
that I would like to get a bath. Tho
fellow in charge handed mo a ticket
and took my money.
"Well, see here,' said I, 'I don't
want a bath ticket. I want a bath.'
'"Oh, you'll get a bath all right,'
and the bathhouse manager. 'Lot me
see your ticket, No. 813. Thero are
about 812 pcoplo ahead of you. Come
around In about three or four weeks.' "
San Francisco Chronicle.
A Proper Distinction.
Here is a story that the Rev. Mox
om of Springfield tells of John Flake,
which Illustrates his frankness:
It seems that ono day his wife had
to report to him that their son had
been guilty of calling Mrs. Jones, a
neighbor, a fool and Mr. Jones a much
worse fool.
Prof. Fisko sent for tho youngster,
and when ho appeared in the library
said to him sternly: "My son, is It
true tsat you said Mrs. Jones was a
Hanging his head the boy replied:
"Yes, father, I did."
"And did you call Mr. Jones a worse
"Yes, father."
After a moment's reflection tho fam
ous historian said slowly: "Well, my
son, that is just about the distinction
I should make." Boston Record.
Where the Gang Rules.
Col. Sheldon Potter, who represents
reformed Philadelphia in the headship
of tho city's police department, was
talking at a dinner party about gang
rule and municipal corruption.
"Gang rule," he said, "encourages
bad habits, drunkenness, a hundred
evils. This was well ehown in a
school board meeting in a New Kng
land town. Corruption in that town
was rampant, and in consequence dis
slpation was rampant, too.
"Well, at tho school board meeting
I speak of it was said that tho clerk
long before the night's business end
ed was signing checks with tho whisky
and drinking tho ink." Cincinnati 1
Tearful Milk.
A lady was complaining to her dairy
man some time ago about tho qualltj
of his milk. "Short o' grass feed
mum short o' grass feed this time o
year," said the Jocular milkman
"Bless you, them cows o" mine arc
Just as sorry about it as I am. I often
stands and watches 'em cryin regu
lar cryin', mum because they feel af
how their milk don't do 'era credit
You don't believe it?"
"Oh, yes, I believe it," said the lady;
"but I wish in future you'd see thai
they don't drop their tears into out
ca." The Tatlor.
How to Preserve Engs.
Now-laid eggs can bo preserved for
months by smearing tho sholls of
them with pure glycorlno on tho same
day that tho eggs aro Inid. It is host
tn t ,i,. 1., .in .m. n.
I'invvJ kuuiu lit u fiiuwii nun t,uu
smaller end up. Ptiro glycerine is
much hotter thnn huttor or RreiiRe, ns
It never turns rnncld and thus avoids
tho chanco of Bpotllng tho flavor of
tho eggs.
8enslble Housekeepers
will have Defiance Starch, not alonn
because they get one-third moro for
the same money, but also because of
superior quality.
Lapsed In Meaning.
Whon menus nre written in French,
by thoso who aro imperfectly ac
quainted with that languago, amusing
effects nre somotlmes produced. For
instance, on tho front of n small res
taurant in Vvnlon, a fow days ago,
thero nppcarod the following surpris
ing Item: "Voilow-tall a la gratis."
And it isn't a frco lunch, either.
Try Ono Package.
If "Defiance Starch" does not please
you, return it to your dealer. If it
does you get one-third moro for the
same money. It will give you satis
faction, ana will not stick to the Iron.
Old Excuse Is Rejected.
A married Italian couplo who left'
their lodgings at Avclllno wttnout pay
ing their rent becnuso they thought
tho houso was haunted navo been
lined 5100. Tho Judgo ruled that mod
ern sclenco does not recognize tho ex
istence of ghosts.
BIra. Wlnslow'a 800111101; Syrop,
For children teethlor, softens the garni, redm
duces ts
niminUon,alljprn,cureiwtndoollu. SJcalotUe,
Benefit of Good Manners.
Good manners pay oven if they do
lot mako friends, becauso wo cannot
;ry to mako others happy, to radiato
tunshlno, without feeling better and
purer ourselves, Success.
"I had Inflatnatorr Ttheuruatism, bnt I am
r!l now, thanks to Dr. liavlit Ktnuedr'l Fftrnrlta Rein
ed. It's taj boat friend." Unrrttt LuuIdi, Troy, N, V.
In after years it usually gives a
married man a headache every time
do hears another man whistling the
.veddlng march. (Jhlcago News.
Defiance Starch Is put up 1C ounces
In a package, 10 cents. One-third
more starch for tho same money.
Most of tho so-called original Ideas
aave been on tho toboggan ror cen
turies. The Best Results In Starching
;an be obtained only by using De
fiance Starch, besides getting 4 oz.
more for same money no cooking re
quired. Ho who bopes for tho best seldom
sxpects It
Don't Poison Baby.
pORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child nmt have
PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep, These drugs will produca
sleep, and A FEW DROPS, TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WKE0E
THERE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who have heen killed or
whose health has been ruined for life by paregorio, laudanum and morphine, each
of which is a narcotio product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling:
either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling
them " poison." The definition of " narcotic " is : "A medicine which relieves paiiv
and produces slcepj hut which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul
sions and death. ' ' The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised,
and sold under the names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc You
should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or
your physician know of what 'it is composed. 0AST0RIA DOES' NOT CON
TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Ohas. H. Fletcher. j;
iTTS InmrH
1 1 m 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 i . 11 11 . 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 n 1 1 n 1 rmj
1 1 1 H 1 HI i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, tTTi i TrfTTTTT I r. 1
eCctaWePrcparaiionfor As
similating ihcFoodarulRcgula
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigeslionXheerful
nessartdltest.Corttalns neither
Opwra.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Anerfeet Remedy forConatlo
tion.Sour Slomach.Diarrhoea.
Worms .Conyulsions ,r everisn
nsas andLoss OF SLEEE
XacSiottle Signature oj
kxaot copy or wrapped.
Facts Are Stubborn Tilings
Uniform oxcoilont quality for over a quarter of a
CCntury hoa Btoadily increased tho Balos of LION COFJFEE,
The leader of all package coifees.
Lion Coffee
ia now usoil in millions of homps. Such
popular buccoss BpoukB for itself. It is a
positive proel that LION COFFEE bas tho
Confidence of the people.
Tho uniform quality of HON
COFFEE survives nil opposition.
LION COFFEE keep Urn old friends ad
makes new ones every day.
UUii lAlrrfclj has even more
than Its Strength, Flavor and Qual
ity to commend It. On arrival from
the plantation, It Is carefully roast
ed at our factories and securely
packed In 1 lb. scaled packages
and not opened again until needed
lor use In the home. This precludes
the possibility ol adulteration or contact with germs, dirt,
dust. Insects or unclean hands. The absolute purity of
LION COFFEE Is thcrclorc guaranteed to the consumer.
Sold only In 1 lb. packages. Uon-hoatl on overy package
Savo these Lion-heads for valuable premiums.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher
Dr. J. W. ninsdale, of Chicago, III, ays:
uis In all families where there are children."
Dr. Alexander H. Sllntle, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "I hare frequently pre
scribed your Castorla and hare found It a reliable and pleasnnt remedy lor children.'
Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., says: "A medicine so valuable and bene
ficial for children as your Castorla Is, deserves the highest praise. I find It In use
Dr. J. A. McCIellan, of Buffalo, N. T., says : "I have frequently prescribed your
CVstorla for children and always got good results. In fact 1 use Castorla for my
own children."
Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Iuls, Mo., says : "I heartily endorse your Castorla. I
bare frequently prescribed It In my medical practice, and haro always found It to
do all that Is claimed for It"
Dr. C. IT. Glldden, of St Paul, Minn., says : "My experience as & practitioner
with your Castorla has been blghty satisfactory, and I consider It an excellent remedy
for the young."
Dr. n. D. nenner, of Philadelphia, Pa., says : "I have used yonr Castorla as ft
purgative In the cases of children for years past with the most happy effect, and,
tally endorse it as a safe remedy."
Dr. J. A. Bnarman, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Tour Castorla Is a splendid
remedy for children, known the world over. I use It in my practice and have no
hesitancy la recommending; it for the comQlalnts of infants and children." ,
Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. V., says: "I consider your Castorla an er
cellent preparation for children, being composed of reliable medicines and pleasant
to the taste. A good remedy for all disturbances of the digestive organs."
Dr. Howard James, of New York City, says : "It is with great pleasure that X
desire to testify to the medicinal virtue of your Castorla. I have ueed it witta
marked benefit In the case of my own daughter, and have obtained excellent results
from its administration to other children in my practice."
Bears tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years.
cwfsaKiv !
" o
W00L90N BPIOE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Mueller Pianos
Are Sent Free
to responsible people on trial. If y
don't Hay thoy aro 1100.00 better
sr tn
any piano you navo seen, box it up.
sond it bach at our expense.
Our Prices Are Way Down
becauso we have no agents or travelers.
Our terms are enwh, or 120.00 down and
$5.00 monthly Wrlto today tor cata
log and prices.
Address tho makers,
established, 1850. OJIAIIA, NKB.
"1 uto your Castorla and adrlse Its
Signature of