LINCOLN NED l Mir IllBiOIIUll SocUtV I Mfc m -. Official Paper of Both County and City VOLUME XII, , ., , ...,,. - Ml )MW 1 J NJi l I i ' l . . VWfiv ALLlANCE.gBOX BUTTE COUNTY, V' NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1905, " NUMBER 31 - . " -i ! - . I I c65 I hunacifirJk. Wa nVVWW ( BUSINESS LOCALS. Another car of Puritan flour, the best flour in the city, at A. D. ledg ers'. oqqn (?) lints, 25c, Norton's. Buy feed and flour at I'ilkington's. I j Dr. Allen, dentist, uperanouse uiu. E. E. liarr, Physician and Sur geon. Calls answcied promptly day or night. Phones: Office 201. Resi deuce 151 i..i California to Alliance in on Auto. Captain Corbin, accompanied byt hls chauffeur, arrived from San Francisco, Cnli., last Saturday afternoon, making the long journey in his automobile. While the hip was one varied by smooth and rough roads, mountain climbing and desert wastes, the CapnH tain, with his rugged Spirit, onjoyod the novelty and ltroks heartier for it. The THE SEWER QUESTION Meeting Held to Discuss tlto Propo! sition Sentiment of uticns to be Expressed. The meeting called for last Thursday evening, at the city hull, to duscuss the proposed sewer project waB well attend ed and a dTjbdsncsqV.".it prevailed. S. M. Smyserwjis called ou to piuoidc All LIGHT SUITS sold at heavy reduc tion at NORTON'S Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera houss blk. Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf. Dr. Koons, dentist. Office over Norton's. Buy your sheet music at Miller Bros, and hoar it sung on the talking machine. ' 23-tf. For Sale: House and two lots, two I blocks east of First National bank. Enquire at the house or saloon W. 1 N. Corneal. f G-tf I Buy "America patent" flour at Pil- 'kington's. . 2 If you want bargains, look at Miller Bros'. 5, 10, 15 and 25c counters. 23-tf ' Dr. Allen, deutist. Opera house blk. "America patent" flour is the best in town at Pilkington s. 25th 0999 (?) hats, 25c, Norton's. E. .-K'-h-':H"X-::'v V : A BE1TTIST In Alliance 10-30 of eyery monih sX Office over Norton's ... 'Phone 391, v ,..,..a..a.v......:v!..,...:..:..,). For sale 45 head of cattle at Mrs. Hood's ranch, fouiteen miles north of Alliance. Seel estate. Reddish for loans on real 27'tf heaviest stretch of the entire journey. ad K M. Hampton acted hs secretary. The questions of public-oxprossion, tax levy nnd civil engineer's survey were paramount befoio the meetiuic. The coats of a sower necessary for adequate dVainaco is estimated to cost from $.15,000 up. ,Tho cost of employing an engineer to outline the work is etiinnt ed at S150 to Saoo. Mayor Buechsn oteiu in expressing his attitude stated that while he was in favor of a sawef sstem but befoio any other move was made he considered it best that a petition be circulated and the wish of the people ascertained. This mat with the approval of thfeso present and the meeting adjourned awaiting an expres sion of the citizens and the question of bonding the city and a special election. A committee composed of Mayor Buechsenstein, H. J. Ellis and W. II. Bartz, was elected to make a canvass of the city. So the general expression is favorable to the project, and no doubt the matter of sewerage will soon be under full headway. Cash for butter, eggs and cream at Zbinden Bros.' feed store, by V. E. Spencer, agent for Harding Cream Co. 20-4W. Steam Threshing. Dilling Bros, will be prepared to do steam threshing this season. Those desiring their services can find them at Box Butte Postoffice, where mail is received. 284v House Cleaning. Can supply the services of a thorough and experienced man for general house cleaning. Phone 139. Geo. Darling. was encounter Qd in the sand hills bo tween Bridgeport and this city. Tlie" distance traveled was 3,000 miles and, the journey begun June 6. Meet Alter HI teen Years. Mrs. Rose Renrdon was agreeably surpiiaod last Monday by the artival i)f her brother James Sweeney who ar rived over the Denver route from Cnlb fornia. The brother and sister hnd iKi met for more than fifteen yours and Tji t fact Mrs. Rcardon knew nothing m Mr. Sweeney's whereabouts durhjjjt these yeais, jatt of which wore spent in the Klondike and sunposcd he xvftg dead. Grandma Sweeney too vtu) overjoyed to again see her son after sut;h a long lapse of time. Mr. Sweenqy lives in San Francisco and is enjoying good health and is prosperous. Itto Games of Base Hall. The Alert firo department team of this city has organized a ball team and their first appearance on the diamond took place in this city last Sa'turday and Sunday, when they played Thed ford team. In both games there were an abundance of scores on both sides and quite a few errors. The Saturday game was won by a score of 12 to 10 in favor of the firemen, and the Sunday game went to the visitots by 12 to 7. Considerable money was waged in both games and this created a lively spirit Otherwise the contest did not exci RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS :..!.. Brakman C. E. Bullock has left the service. Car Foreman Roupo spent' Sunday Pholan lias been attending a meeting of operating office! b. k. Conductor J. D. Hicks wont to Den ver yesterday mbrning. K.ili. Boyd wont to Broken ltaw Wednesday on bnsiitoss. A. Sun'th, brakemaiij has gone to Denver-lot a short visit. F. S. Dark, car man, has been trans ferred front Edgotnont to Alliance. Flagman J. E. Kennedy has loft the servico and will soon go to Billings. Engineer R. J. Dcitlicn has gone to Burlington, Iowa, to make a short visit. Conductor L. H. Highland wont to Wilcox, Nob., to visit for a few days, No. 4a was five hours late this" morn ing on account of being late from the Not thorn Pitcifc. V. T, KUstnger, assistant superin tendent telegraph of Lincoln was in Allianco Tuesday. G. V. Holdridgc passed through Alliance on 41 Tuesday with his special car for Cody, Wyo. Master Mechanic Kraomor was in Dead wood the first of the week looking after the motive power. Brakeman 1. A. Holdrogo returned from a two months' vacation in Indiana and California Tuesday. T. H. Hoodgon has entered the train service, taking the place of flagman on 41 and 42 west of Alliance. Dispatcher Peckcnpaugh went to Crawford last Sunday to root for Man ager Brown's base ball boys. Traveling Engineer Benedict and wife of Edgemont spent a few days in Alliance the first of the week. T. R. Randall, night yardmastcr, re turned from Lincoln Monday, where ho the interest better games would have produced. For Sale. Three residence' properties. Only small cash payment required. G. W. Clark. ing. l'.ofoio going to Omaha ho spent several days at his homo noar Mlntlcn, Neb, , It is rumoicd'in Omaha that D. O. Ives, general freight agent at Omaha, is soon to leave the service. It is not slated just what Mr. Ivor Intends doing after leaving the Burlington, Vice President Willaid of the Bur lington passud through Allianco j ester day enrouto to Frannie. "Wyo., to look after the construction of the new road boing built to Thotmopolis. Ho was joined by Mr. I'helnn on teaching Alliance. C Scovillo, who has boon in the telegraph offico in Allianco for the past two years, has been tlnnsforrod to Dendwood to much bf tttn position in the dlapatchfr's office. He took the place yacateo by If. L. I'chhmaii who has accepted n positfolt as dispatcher with the Northwestern at Chadion. The Order of Ruilwuy Telegraphers heldlits annual division mtuting in Al liance Saturday. This was the first meeting the boys hold and of courso felt goodiover the recognition. Super intendent Birdselland Chief Dispatcher Hollaway addressed the meeting. About thirty members of the order were present. J. B, Konnedv presided at tho meeting and W. H. Prettymait of Ellsworth acted as secretaiy. A dance at the onera house concluded tho operators gathering in this city most pleasantly. Buy Now j for your future needs. 10 days bar gain sale tit i-rcu s. 1 J. W. Bell, stationer, at Lincoln has in Newcastle. I Mrs. L. N. McFall and daughter nrn went with the remains of Robert Free 7T7 Th TJenver this veok.- w 'tmpil 's"ifi' . , Brakemap F. W. Gray has gone to Demor to n few days. (left the service. J. C. Barber will have Superintendent Birdsell has been in 'charge of this department in addition Deadwood this week. to Hie storehouse, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Phelan returned ' Frank Pierson returned Monday from Chicago Monday, where Mr, from Omaha, where he bad been visit- Save Doctor Bills BY EATING FRESH FRUIT CVCRY DAY At GLEASON & FRANKLIN'S See Cream Parlors H'lhaWiMW' mttewWI II ' il ill SMiaHHaEiSWHMH mM HHUSP?? eamoxxs NO FAKE SALES TRIED HERE tW COMPARE PRICES WORK GLOVES 5c ?air A regular I2jc drill glove Two paiis to customer hodoz. MEN'S WORK SOX Three pairs 1(Thf Fine Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS Three for Wc BOYS' SUSPENDERS New Goods, per pair, 7c STETSON HATS Broken sizes in black railroad shapes $2.50 The $4 kind $3. 50 Line of MEN'S FINE TROUSERS now $2.50 BLACK SATINE SHIRT The Dollar Kind HELP! REDUCING SALE! WE have had the largest business this spring and summer we have ever had since we came to Alliance. This shows that our goods are the right kind and that the prices are right. But we bought more goods than we ever did and the late season, that is, the continued cold weather, has left us with lots of summer goods that should have been sold under ordin ary weather conditions, and in order te move them we are making big reductions. OUR well known policy of handling and selling only well known standard brands has reaped a just re ward. With Hart, Shaffner & Marx and Sterling Clothing we have cured many a man of the tailor habit. We can cure you of that habit too and put money in your purse in the way of savings if you will come and look at our Fine Readymade Clothing. 4 STARTLING MONEY SAVERS! Men's fine, elegantly made, two-piece suits, fine fitting, STERLING make. Bought to sell for $10.00. Sale price A big line of new summer suits includ ing some of HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX fine hand-tailored suits in broken lines, all the new grays that sold for $18.00 and $20.00, now. . . $5.00 $15.00 75c MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR 19c each 100 suits, all sizes in the lot but not all sizes of each pattern. Broken lines and sample suits, there is hardly one not worth $10.00. Your free choice $5.95 Big drive on men's work pants. Hardly a pair in the lot worth less than f -d 39 $1.75 and many more worth $2.00. 4 I wmm All go at M 25 Per cent discount on any spring or summer suit in our boys' department, except worsteds. aamoxxs ADVERTISERS OF FACTS COMPARE PRICES PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS 39c While thev last BOYS' HOSE A new lot of good ones. The knock-about kind. All sizes, 2 pairs for 25c BOYS' FINE DRESS SHIRTS 39c Boys' Buster Brown suits, $3.00 kind $1.50 ta retailers of none but good, stand ard lines for men and boys. DON'T MISS THIS SALE! MEN'S black CHEVIOT SUITS Others ask you $7.50 ffLjd. 95 for them. Our price hP It won't cost anything to look at them. SEE OUR NEW LINES OF Fancy Dress Shirts Including the Imported Japanese Crepe in All Colors. If it's new, it's here. BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS Wool, well made at rf O 95 the low price of . . . . PJ Better investigate before buying. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Everv one guaranteed 39c BOYS' OXFORDS $2.50 values nou only $1.75 Another lot of Boys' Calf Shoes, warranted $1.45 Our 75c Balbriggan Under wear reduced to 50C STRAW HATS Hats worth from 50c to $ 1 now 19c