The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 13, 1905, Image 5

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Ija.'i V ,;.
E. ,,
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ifiS,'; :
25 ii nr d
For 30 Days
Sale cQmmences July 15 and continues until Tuesday, i
August 1, 1905.
on the .entire line of Gents', , Boys', Ladies', Misses' and"
Children's Shoes and Slippers. t
off the. regular, all-the-season prices. ' This is no old, out-of-
style goods of a past decade we offer, but all new. and up-to-
date goods. You will find this a genuine, money-saying shoe 5
sale. f
The Alliance Cash Sloe Store
No goods charged or sent on approval in this sale.
Land Office Notices.
LandOfllceat Alliance Nobr., May 5. llWj.
Ordinance No. 95.
ay the expenses of the city of Al-
An ordinance providing and appropriating
fumlB to defray t!
, i1V"iMti -) .vw r. m. . r . ,. ......... f....l ,,..,.. ...!
VnllKnk lii'ri'hVL'lwn Hint till! foIIOWltll!- I U'lIICe, BBUraUhn. lor lliu luuuiv j nu i-mi-
mruoi ni inieiuion 1 ."h."j. ,"" "".".... 1 .:. .... . ...f i...t.T.ii
rinmitd b.tt1lr. Iim'
f mnliii Html unvnf in sultmort of Ills claim
uml thut said pntof will lie made bctoro
Keclstor and Heeolvor lit Alliance, Nebr., on
July 14th, ll05, vU
of HemWfonl. Neur, on Homestead entry No.
am for the BW' NW'i. W'i SWU. SIC SW't.
section 12. township 27 N-H 4(1 V.
I lo names the following witnesses to prove
Ms continuous residence upon and cultivation
or said land, viz: Walter It. Kent, lAMulnke,
Nebraska; .lumen Krejcl, Hoy. Butte. Nebras
ka: August 11. Dilllnvr, Hox llutle, Nebraska:
William Dllllng, Hox Htitle, Nebraska.
24-0 Huuce Wilcox, Heglster.
Land Olllcoat Alliance, Neb., JunuST, IMS.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the follonliiR
named settler has Hied notice of his Intention
to mako final proof in Mipport of his claim,
and that -aid proof will bo made before
KcKlsturand Keeeiver at Alliance. Neb., on
August Hth 1005, vl.
if Canton. Nebr. who made II. E. No. 2A)3. for
tho w'i no'i. w'j .soV. section 22, town. 2. n.
range J w.
lie names tho following wltnpvcs to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: IJeorgn W. .loiiea.
ot Alliance, Nebr.: Charles Hnll, or Canton,
Ncbr.j Albert Hall, or Canton, Nebr.; Louis
IIikhI, of Canton, Nebr. ,
28-0 -JlitniE Wll-cox. negater.
on water bonds and to pay interest on city hall
bonds. ,,
He It ordained by The mayor and council of
tho city of Alliance.
That there is hereby appropriated out of
tho money to be raised by tux or otherwise by
tho city of Alliance the sum of $13000. 00 for t he
purpose or paying tho expenses of tho said
city of Alliance from xucli funds us follow:
Oiucers salary S.Wi) 00
StreotB and alleys IW 00
General fund 25S0 w)
Kiro and water MW0 00
Stationery uud printing , aw 00
Interest on water bond" 610 no
Interest on city hall bonds ... 4N) W)
Hartrauft of Craw
visitors .1 couple of
Slav 20. inc.
that the following
I.atidOIHco at Alliance, Nebt.
Viitif.,, U lu.rnbv ifiven that
named settler has Hied notice of his Intention
to make llnal proof lit support or lusciann,
tiud that said proof will bo made before Keg
isttvraud Receiver at Alliance, Nebr,, on July
13, l'-Wj, viz:
of Hemlngford, Neliraskti.ou homestead entry
No. 3150. fort E'i stHJtion a", township U. N.
range 50 W. , . ,
Ho namej. tho following witnesses to proo
his continuous resilience uivoii and cultivation
it said land, vis Able ll. .Mitmu. Joun iveeue,
Emery Ablev- Walter Langford, ull of liem
lugford, Nebr. '
10-H Hruci: Wilcox, UogUter.
Sale of .VHnors' Lund by Guardian.
NotlcoU hereby given, that by virtue of it
license Issued at clmmlh-rs by one or the
Judges or tho Fifteenth Judicial District or
Nebraska in and for Hox llutte county, to me
granted, I, Charles SI. Lotspeich. guatdlaii or
Hay rowlen, Ernest Howies. Eden Howies,
Opal l'owles and Murltt Halmer Howies,
minors, will sell for cash, at public; auction
on Monday, the 7th day of August. A. D. 1005.
nt 10 o'clock a. m. at the west front door ol
tho court house in Alllunce, Hox Hutto county.
Nebraska, the following real estate sltuatttd
in' said Hox Hutto county, the laud of said
minors, to-wlt: An undivided one-fifth in
terest InthflS't NKJinnd N' SE'i ec. 31,
Tp. SON. It. 50 W, and loUTuud s In block li,
Johnston's Mddltiou to Alliance.
finirdlanforltuy Howies. Ernest l'owles,
Uden l'owles. Opal Howies nod Merrltt
Halmer l'owles.
Dated Juno .1, 11)03. -0
Application for nruRglst's-Hcrmit.
Notice is hereby given that A. 1). Miilett
lias llletl his petition with the board or village
trustees or the village ol Hemlngrortl, NoI
braska, tor a permit to sell malt, spirituous
and vinous liquors for medical purposes on
lot2, block ll'. In the vllltiiiu or llemlngford
Nob., foryeari'iidlinjMuyMnW.
rp Julytl. A. 1). AIiLUCTr. Applicant.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
'I'hU will certify that on this 10th day of
July. 1P05, the partnership existing between
XV. H. Itldgell and 11. Y. Hoove, is berby dis
oolved by inutndl concent. ) t. ilidgell w ill
cuutlnUe the buslnees at Alllauce. All bills
nro to do pMd l W. S. Hldgfli. Mgned.
W. S. ItllXlLI.U
:jO-3W H. V. Hekveh.
Total .?130u0 00
That theru Is hereby levied a tax or 10 mills
on eaeh dollar or the assessed property valua
tion in said city or Alllunce ror tho payment
or the geuetal and liicldenllal expenses ot si.ld
citv, as stated In section 1 or this ordinance
That there Is hereby levied a tax or 7 mills
on each dollar or tho assessed property valua
tion or tho city of Alliance iortne payment oi
tho interest on the water bonds ol said city or
Allluuco as slated m sectioti I ot this oull
uauce. 8KCTIOW 4.
That there Is hereby levlod a tax or 2 mills
on each dollar or the assessed property vnlua
tlouot tho city or Alliance ror tho payment of
interest on city hall bonds of tho city of Al
liance as stated in section lor this ordinance.
section ft. ...
This ordinance shall take elfeet and bo in
force ufter its p'lnsage, approval and publica
tion. Head the llrst time July ', 1D0.1
Head tho second time July 5. b'05
Head the ttilrd tlmu Jul 7, IKOJ
Approved July 7. I!i
L. Hi'fcciiiiK.xsrmN, Mayor.
Attest: . .
K. W. llAnitis Cleric.
Ordinance No. 94.
An ordinance providing for the construction
nud inalutuinuiiCH of u sidewalk along tne
front or lots hs, mi, (o unit nl, county addition
to the city or Alliance, vobraskn.
lleitoidained by the mujornnd council or
the clly ol Alliance, Nebraska.
That there shull Ik; built u sidewalk along
the south side or East Wyoming Avenue in
rront or lots e-, so. iJ and i'l. county addition
to the city ol Alliance, Nebrusku.
That said sidewalk shall bo built ol lumlwr
ut least S Inches in thickness and shall l3 i
feet and s inches In width, the planks to bo at
leust 0 inches w ide, and sliall 1j securely nail
ed to at least 3 stringers, 2x1 sot on ouge on
the surface or the grade.
hr-iTloN 3. . , ,
This ordinance shall ttiko ulTect and-be iu
rorceund fullelTis-t fnim and ;ifter passage,
approval and publication.
Head llrst time July 5. Ho.
Head second Mm Jttly 5, 1005
Head third tlmu July , HV"'
Approvoil J ul.v 7, l'.V
Louis Hociikksstcin, Mayor.
Attest :
E.W. Harhis, clerk.
Miss Mary Hickey will teach the coming
school year in tho Ford district.
Mrs. Grant and daughter, homesteaders
near Canton, were in town Monday.
Mrs. E. E. Ford and daughter Gencvive
were in town Thursday shopping and call
ing on friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N
ford were Marsland
days this week.
Charley Hunsaker, who is working on
the Harris ranch west of town was down
to spend the Fourth.
Mr. Willey of Texas, the McCormack
harvester agent was putting up harvesters
for L. Snow the latter )art of the week.
Tom Carlson, L. D. Bruce, C. G. Holli
baugh, J. Sullenberger and Mrs. Hughes
all had business in Alliance the latter part
of the week. ,
Mrs. James Tollman, who went to Chad
ron to celebrate with the homo folks, and
remained for a ten days visit 'returned
home Monday.
Dick Thomas, a former resident of this
vicinity, came up from the Platte valley
recently and will work for his aunt Mrs.
I Mary Hughes.
1. P. nnrl Ivnrl Tnllmnn lnrtRil nrmi:
the country for Chad ron where they ex
pected to spend the Fourth, but finding so
many bridges gone and the roads in such
bad condition they abandoned the trip,
J, T. Richardson, formerly of this place
and well known to our people, has moved
from Junction, Wyo,, where he has run
the section for two years to Cheyejine and
taken the oversightjOf a section there. The
HBRALn'keeps them posted in Marsland
Notice to Kcdcctn-
Tho State of Nebraska,.
Hox Hutte County. (
To tho known mid unknown heirs of Joel T,
Karl, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby n'l""l
that ou the tth day of Nuvember. 1JSB,
Earl purchased at tax sale the W'i MW
Soe.auiidlhoS'iSWuSee. tl and Kt isj-.M
Sec 0, all In township 21. iHiig 10. In Hox
llutte county, .senrasKB. ijiiiimmi" "
taxed iu name or Joel T. Karl uud said pur
chase or tu sale of said land was mvie for
tho your IH-J. and that suhe4tient txo huyo
lieon paid on said land by W. .!. Earl for the
years 1KB and 1WI. That the time for ro
lemptloiiortliouroreuid land will expire on
tho ttli day or November, 1005.
DatedJllly I3.1K05. . . Tpjuly 13-6t
lllds ror School llulldtiifi. s
Notlco is hereby given that, school district
No tl will build u school hous and thut bids
ire solicited as per spevlllcations as follows,
l0UuUdliig to be 10x2l!0. onslslingiif school
room and entry: foundation nxiulm. three
liewhos or stone; brick culmuey: drop siding,
ituddlng 10 inches npartj llJori'ig to lio rour
Inchquartcr-sawwl; box sills, jolco HI Inclies
aiart shliiBlesto be 1W to wonther; tar tell
Slider shingles; four windows, four panes
10X84 iroor to be oue-lhlnl pitch; lathed and
IVl ...i.l. . .,...., U'llt-fc
atelror trethur its it seems most advan
tageous tonhe district. Thu lowest rosiwn
slbYo bidder will I awarded the wu traci or
c mtructs as tho case may bo. Material will
U rurnllen on the ground, ftpeoll cations
arolu the hands or Peter Bwunson. director.
wHl wl An ull bids should be Hod. iu separate
iwilisl envelopes. HIds will Iw openl at
lU!ndngrord oil August 6, itus, at a .o'clock p.m.
1 Igl t nerod to reje-'t anor all bids.
How Is YourJ
fjwntr&lp'snon I
Do j u ti-aii.- that you can H
hae .i c'.ir. smooth, velvety I
skin by .simjny i.'ing
Tle Beatity MaKer fOc ptr jar. g
-. ... v -
run salt, ut
F, J. Brennan & Co.
ftilfat DRVGGISTS imi"'
i J
We hear of fences which surrounded
government land being taken down in this
vicinity, the parties not being willing to
run tho risk of the thousand dollar fine be
ing imposed by the government for fenc
ing government land.
C. II. Kichey drove to Ashbrook's ranch
Sunday evening carrying a message an
nouncing the death of Mr. Ashbrook, Sr.,
father of the' Ashbrook brothers whose
home was in Texas. There being some
delay in delivering thCmessage it was not
possible for the, family to reach the mid
night train and therefore they did not go.
Miss Carrie tlrant was "elected Monday
to teach our school; Miss Grant has had
considerable experience as a teacher and
has just recentlyreturnod from Valpiraso,
urn , wnciL- sue uas uoon uuuug special
training in'school work. She is at present
attending the normal at Alliance, bchool
Alii open the first Monday in September.
Mrs. l. T. Gregg left Wednesday night
for Ne'w York, the placo of her birth and
home of her childhood. She has been ab
sent for twenty three'years and there has
been many changes in that time. She
came away a wife of only a few years and
goes back, three times a grandparent. She
will be absent about two months and will
visit friends in Huston, East Berrin and
several other cities.
We see by the mortuary record of the
Aurora, III., Daily News, tort John M.
Scott, aged 30 years and 5 nt .nibs died at
the home of his mother Mrs. IJriggs, of
hemorrhagic panciatitis, a very rare dis
ease. Jack Scott, as he was familiarly
known here, was lor several years a resi
dent of this vicinity. He WRS a kind
hearted boy and much liked by his asso
ciates. He went from here to Aurora, 111.,
where he was married to a young lady of
that place who preceded him to the grave
just two months. They left a little child.
iKelth L. IMetve Is fully authorl-ed to w
dclt subscriptions and Job work and collect
ind receipt ror ssme, and transact all other
buslnoM in connection with his position as tin
iccredltea representative of thta pper.)
Harry Pierce wont to Alliance Monday.
Frank Combs went to Chnriten, Iowa,
H. F. Oilman was In town the last of
the week.
A. B. Canfiold shipped A oarot horses
east Friday.
Hail Insurance.' K, I.. Fierce, Insur
ance agent.
Wildy's keep nil kinds of building ma
terial and posts.
Deering headers, binders, mowers, rakes
and twine at Wildy's,
11. K. Johnson sold Ira Uuslinell n car
load of cattle Tuesday.
Fred Davison was in from his valuable
Sioux county ranch Saturday.
Four business lots for sale opposite
Wildy's. Apply to K. L. I'iorco.
Alex Olds nple a business trip to the
W. A. Randall ranch Tuesday.
Ole Hedgecock opened up his new bar
ber shop in the Oilman building Saturday.
Miss Koon of Denver, an old friend of
Mrs. Hikncr is visiting with her at present.
Miss Daisy Hockitt came up from Mitch
ell where slie has been working to visit her
parents Monday.' .
Hev. llurleigh and family returned from
their trip to Denver where they attended
the lipworth League convention.
insure our house, barn and livestock
now. Lightning season just beginning.
K. L. Fierce, igent.
1). E. Johnson has added a stock of
hardware to his implement business hav
ing acquired the Cornelius Donaghue stock.
First State Hank; Safe, conservative
and reliable. Tho best place to deposit
your idle funds. We carry burglar insur
ance. Cornelius Donaghue, who has run a
racket store here for somo years has closed
out his stock and will go to Portland for
the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sheldon were visit
ing friends here the first of the week.Tliey
went to Canton to spend a few days with
their son Marshal Tuesday.
The Canton people are about to begin
building a line from Canton here connect
ing with the southwest line and using a
part of their poles from T, A. Green's
ranch to town but having a separate wire.
Notice All those knowing themselves
indepted to me will pleaso call and settle
same with John Anderson in the Millet
pharmacy, I have sold but and want to
collect all outstanding debts at once.
tf Guo. F. Hkdgkcock.
A special run made on the celebrated
ACME SWEEPS which are guaranteed
not to be excelled or equaled by any others,
will be sold on extremely close figures by
Anton Unrig.
E. L. Everett has bought the lots which
the Lincoln Land company owned'in Hem
ingford, about no in all. This closes out
the holding of this company in Heming
forford and no doubt will facilitate the
buying of lots as the company was not al
ways reasonable in pricing them,
A niece of Mike Butler, who with her
father was visiting his sister Mrs, Butler,
died at the Butler home Tuasday. She
came up from the east a few days ago and
is supposed to have caught the disease on
the train. She leaves an invalid father
who had a similar misfortune in the death
of an older daughter while he was in the
hospital at Omaha. The little girl was 12
years old.
The llcniingford Merchant
"Time Waits for No Man"
HKN you are haying, you want machin
ery that time don't have to wait for.
ry j T McCormick Mcwcrs, Binders and Rakes.
fry II y International Stackers and Sweeps. Dain Stackers and
" Sweeps. Superior Stackers and Sweeps.
All most approved haying- machinery, at
Grain, Flour and Feed
..Will not be undersold..
isrici-risoiv iriiiic'rojiiii-ii
1 1 Art ford I'l re Insurniico Comnaur.
North American of Philadelphia,
l'hocnlv or Hlooklyn. New York.
Continental or New York City.
Niagara Klro Insurance Company.
Now York Underwriters, Now York.
Commercial Union Assurance Co., Iimlnn
Liverpool, London and (Hobo Inn. Co.
(lormait American Ins. Co., Now York.
1'iiriucrx and Merchants Ins. Co , Llncoli
Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
Hhocnlx liis. Co., Hartford, Conn.
Office CpStnlrs.lMctchcr Hlock.
A Big Come-down
in lumber is not nt nil likely, unless
the unexpected happens. Prices are
more likely to go up.
IVc carry
LV fll U E If
a full line of
Lumber and Coal Co.
D. WATCRS, Mngr.
'Also agents for Neb. Cent. Bid.
& Loan.Asso. 'Phone 22,
UALITY and .
a-o to
The Palace Meat. Market
'Phone Your Order Early. No. 131
H. L. BUSHNELL. Propr.
d Plumbing
Windmills and
Tin shop in connection.
Opora House Block
Koy Hickey was in Hemingford Monday
fur two loads of posts.
Charles Moravek was in Hemingford for
a load of shingles to coyer his new house.
Mesdames J. V. Brosbar and V. A.
Handall were trading in Hemingford Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E, Hood were enter
tained after Sunday school Sunday by Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Lockwood.
Charles W, Lockwood is visiting his sis
ter. Mrs. S. II. Wright and Mrs. George
Spencer of Ioveland, Colo.
J. S. Hood left Saturday morning for the
line Ridge where he will look over his
homestead and make some improvements.
Mrs. Kennedy returned home a few days
jgo from near Mitchell where she has
teen visitine her daughter Mrs. Rienian.
Geo. P. Jones and family are out on
i heir new possesions and will commtnee
i mlding and improving as fast as possible.
A telephone meeting was held in Canton
Ust Saturday and many eloquent speeches
made on the subject of a high lin to Hem
ingford. Revs. Bover and Bices, on their way
from Belmont to Carpenter, stopped over
in Canton and held religious service Mon
day night.
Mrs. W. A. Randall had a little bad
luck coming har way a few evenings ago
by a coyote catching a fine turkey hen that
would have hatched fifteen little turks the
i next day,
' Harvey Myers, the picture man of Alli
ance, who has been taking pictures ot
ranches and stock in this part of "the coun
, ty was around delivering his work which
J was good.
I As the Almanck Hbralo has again
' changed its politics, the Canton news
, slinger will begin where he laft off and
i give the news of the week.
B. C. Curtis, one ol Sioux county's
staunch ranchmen went to Hemingford
Saturday, returning the first .of the week
with a bunch of horses to feed upon the
green pastures of his ranch during the
T"3 'amns Wat?he?
Gold Jewelry,
Repairing in all its . nail orders promptly
Branches. attended to. --
1A. O. Barries,
Jeweler and Optician.
sheep- Dipping Vats -cattle
Wo make a suporior article in our factory and want you
for a customer. Our material is the best and our prices
are right. New list just out. Send for it.
FOREST LUMBER CO. - Alliance, Nebr.
Absolutely Pure Paint
Every Gallon