1 II I li W m mmm IPN9k9J PUBLISHED THURSDAYS. T, J. OKEKFE . Publisher Entered tit the postollico at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, ns second-class matter. sFTiie Herald is the Official Publica tion of Box Dutte county and its. circula tion is nearly twice that ol any other Al liance paper. ADVUTISING KATES: Display, per single column inch per month t .. . Business locals, per line first insortibn Each subsequent Insertion, per lino Legal notices at statute rates. So .10 .05 Subscription, $1.50 per year In advance. JOHN HAY AND THE PEOPLE. In the presence of great joy or great sorrow the American people invariably display tlio ability to forget party lines and other differences and to stand to i;ellier. Never lias this been more strikingly illuatrated than since the death of Secretary of Stato Hay. There were many who criticised some of Mr. Hay's policies. There wcie many who wished he might have seen things from a different standpoint, but there is no American who does not re gret Ills death or appreciate that the nation has lost n. truly great statesman. To the Roosevelt cabinet the loss of Sccrcfnry Hay is indeed grievous. Ho was one of the old cabinet members whose terms have continued over from the McKiuley administration and the most influential of the men who sat at the president's cabinet table, with the possible exception of Secretary Taft. Unlike Mr. Taft, his duties were of a character which afforded him ample time to study the broader questions which must confront every administra tion and hs advice to the president was not only sound but expressed in terms which commanded the respect of the soman hat impulsive chief executive. He loved the president, called him "Theodore," and frequently referred to him as " my boy," and the president loved John Hay and listened to his ad vice and heeded his admonitions more than those of any other man in the country. . LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. ( Wanted A lady cook at tho Barry house. Dr. Krcamer came in from Ilyannis today. f , A T. Lunu and family visited Craw ford Sunday, F. E. IIostcii and sonv paid Denver n visit this weok. 1 A son was born to Mr. uml Mrs. Henry Knipplc Monday. , 1 Hear Ada Heist-Obcrmnu at the opern house Friday evening. Miss Antra Nngelschneidor of Heitt ingfordwas an Alliance visitor Mouday. We carry tho best grade of machine oil at the Eagle Pharmacy. J. E. J odor. I 30 Thos. Olsen, the shoe man, went to Bridgeport Tuesday morning to transact business. Rov, ,G. C. Jeffers participated in the dedication of a new Baptist church at Belmont Sunday. E. A. Hall wcut to b. A. G. Ranch, Wyoming, yesterday, to spend a few days on some cattlo deals. Mrs. H. J. Ellis rotuinedycMorday from Lincoln whore she has hoc n visit ing relatives for several weeks. This hot weather may bo very hard on tho population, but boar in mind the fine corn and crops it will, germi nate.' t '" . '" ' Miss Delia Reod - ruturned Wednes day from Douvor' whore she attended the Epworth convention and visited fnotuls. C. E. Wiltsey, a well known stock man from nearllemingford was a busi ness visitor at the county sent tho first of the week. Rev. G. C. Jeffers anuounces as his subjeitufprSuniHgr diicoureqs, "The Chusthm's Need and ite Supply,1 also "llNow. Man." Sheriff Reed ioturnd from Iowa Tuesday where lis went with two car uf lujrses July 3. He will sljip another raf.nt Monday. ' . 1 ' Miss Maye McDetmott will be mar ried to Mr. Fred Ayres on July. iS, in this city. They are aiuoug our most popular young people. W. J,. Owens, the Burlington ' sleuth" came up from Lincoln yqfeter da .jHo waB accompanied by Detective Inn M alone who went on wet. The meinbore of the Alert fire de pat tmeut have received their hew suits and they are handsome but nothing ' is too good for the fire laddie. R, A.-Spaulding of Bunvell, Neb. come here Tuesday and expects to buy 1000 head of fcteers. He went down to Platte Valley yesterday to buy a couple cars of hogs. Mr. Spaulding is in extensive shipper of cattle from Northern Nebraska. . Frank Gillcran has commenced the erection of a large barn on his farm northeast of town. Gregory Zum is doing the caipenter work. Harry Piorcedrove down from Hem ingford Monday. He was accompauiod hunw by Earl Enyeart who will spond a few days on his father's ranch. v The Alliance ball team will go to Crawford next Sunday to retrieve its lost fortune on the diamond which was lost here on the Fourth of July. G, W. Young came up from Lincoln last Tuesday to remain several weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Young recently returned frotn a trip to Chicago and Milwaukee. The Women's Industrial society of tho Baptist church will give an ice cream social on the church lawn next Tuesday evening, July 18. Everybody invited. Win. Hollinrakc and Thos. Killeen residents of Dawes cqunty transacted business in the metropolis MoUday. Mr. Hollinrake says everything is prosper ous in Ids vicinity. Mrs. B. F. Wilson arrived Friday from Golden City, Mo., anu alter a few days visit with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Martin, both ladies will visit tho Portland exposition. Sunday was red letter day for Alli ance's population. On that date there came to the homes of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Shores and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raymond baby girls. Arthur Gordon and M. H. Hagerty returned from a few days-stay in Den ver. They report that tho city, was crowded with tourists and the weather was "hot as blazes," Mr. and Mis. Hosktns entertained at a six o'clock dinner, Sunday, John Lyle and sisters, Miss Anna and Myrtle, of Broken Bow; Miss Carlson, J. I. Archer, F. Rolider, and F. A. Dunning. Martin Brennan, accompanied by his brother John, arrived from Cali fornia last Monday. "Mat" stood the long journey well, and his friends and relatives rejoice over his return. Mrs. J. J. Donohoe, wife of Chief-of-Police Donohoe of Omaha, ac companied by her daughter, Miss Aicc, arrived today on 41 to visit with Mrs. Donohoe's sister, Mrs. W. J. Connors. Some lady is going to have a silk dress worth $17. 50 for nothing. Horace Bogue' is going to give tickets on every Si. 00 purchase next week during his clearance sale. There w ill be a draw ing Saturday night. Mrs. Nollie Hillier returned from Lincoln last Monday, where she has been visiting Her niece, Mrs. Burke. A aby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Burke recently, and their friends in Alliance send congratulations. Tho remains of Engineer Robert Fieoland who was buried in Green wood cemetery' about a year ago were disinterred by Undertaker Lockwood today and shipped to Lincoln wheie Mrs. Freeland uow resides. Joe O'Connor and Mort Sweeney went to Chadron last Sunday to visit a week with friends and take in the sights of the strett fair at that place. A picnic in progiess one of the days also has attractions for our visitors, II. K. Schars and Fred Raymond were the happiest men in Alliance Sun day, each wearing smiles that "won't come off" till they are obliged to walk the floor 'o nights with the little gills who made their advent into this glori ous world Sunday. All parties con cerned doing nicely. R. J. Lawrence and bride arrived from Chicago last Saturday and left again Sunday for Sheridan where they will spend a few days before returning to Alliance. During their brief stay here they received congratulations and wore seienaded one evening by the baud. v It is hardly necessary to call your attention to the several now spaces oc cupied by business houses this weok. The mattor contained therein is so at tractive that you can't afford to over look it. Wo might also add that the merchants who use the columns of the local papers judiciously are notwqrry itig about the mail order houses. Cloo McCormack, representing a Chicago china and glassware house, spent a couple of days in Alliance the fore part of the weak, "Mac" as he is commonly known, is an adept on the piano and entortainod a party of friends Sunday evening at Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Broome's residence and Monday even ing at the home of Mrs. Lawrence. Tho A. B. C. ball toam of this city went to Crawford last Sundfciy and played the Juniors' of that place a game whioh resulted in a score of 18 to iO in favor of Crawford. In the 10th inning the score stood to to to, when the Crawfordites rang in a full grown man to do the pitching, thus de feating the A. B. C's. The latter team lms made arrangements to play the Junior ball team of Bridgeport in this city next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Betts arrived yesterday from Syracuse, N. Yt, and aro the guests of. Mrs. Betts parents, Rev. Dr. Bogue and family. They are enroute to Soattle their future home, Mr. Betts having accepted a lucrative posit ion. in tlfat city. He will remain hero only a couplo of day? but Mrs. Betts will spend two months or "more. B. Fondrich the only merchant at Duulap, Dawos county, was in the city a couple of days the latter pa"rt of the weok 'accompanied by his family. Mr. Fetidrich stated that the Fourthof July celebration at that place was a success, a large crowd being present to spend the day and the Hemingford baud did itsolf proud. He says that crops in that section arc good and the people are accordingly looking foward to a bountiful harvest. Geo. Douglas, whose farm is five miles southeast, retains his reputation as being one of the most successful farmers in the country. He brought us samples of his graius and grasses Saturday which are certainly very cred itable. His rye and wheat stands over 5 feet, oats 4 feet, alfalfa 3 feet, tim othy 4, clover 3, and the bromos and oat grasses are simply immense. Mr. Douglas has in 200 acres of crops which it would well be worth your time to drive out and see. Dr. and Mrs. Oborman arrived in the city Saturday from Des Moines to spend a few days with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Heist and Mr. and Mrs,. S. C. Reck, after which they will make n trip to Colorado. Mrs. Ober man is best known heic as Miss Ada Heist, the talented reader and im porsdnalor who entertained the people of Alliance a couple of years ago. She has continued her profession and one of her latest productions is Preciosa," the "Spanish Dancer" which was writ ten especially for her. By request, Mrs. Oberman will appear at the opera house tomonow evening (Friday) and all who desire to avail themselves of an opportunity to witness a high class en tertainment should not fail to attend. Take your prescriptions to the Eagle Pharmacy wheie a registered man will give them prompt and careful atten tion! Our ico cream, crushed fruits, etc. at the., fountain t ro delicious. J. E. Joder. , 30 Save While You Can. Shoe the entire family. Ton's days' shoe sale at Fred's. 30 Denver Wins. At the Elks reunion in , Buffalo yes- fterday Denver was voted the city in which the convention will be held in 1906. The Elks convention is one of tl)o greatest of any order and Denver Is to be congratulated in securing it. We'll all have a big time in the Colora do metropolis next year. The Spirit that Mtikes Success. The success of a public celebration depends greatly on the public spirit of its citizens and the energy of the com mittees at the head of such affairs. This was the case in the Fourth of I uly celebration in Alliance this year. Among those who assisted gratuitously were Win. Janie&, the coaj dealer, and tho Forest Lumber Co., through its manager, Mr. Hemingway, both of whom tendered the services of thoir drivprs and teams during tho day. Tho committee's work, under the di rection of Mayor Bucchsenstein, was all that could be desired and the pro gram carried on most satisfactory. It was a clean, business-like celebration and speaks well for all interested. CARpW1aVING Rodgers Bros. Prepared to do the Best Work in Their Line. Alliance has a carpet-weaving com pany in the persons of Jos. and L. O. Rodgers. They 'are prepared to do all kinds of carpet and rug weaving includ ing ingrains, Thoy have one of tfio latest pattern, looms and with their ex perience are enabled to turn out first class work at reasonable prices. If yon have a lot of rags suitable for carpets it will pay you to let Rodgers Bros, make you a carpet, Call and son the machine in operation also samples of work at their place of business, G07 Sweetwator avenue. Two blocks oast of court house. F. A. Delano former general mana ger of the Burlington ast of the Miss ouri rivor now prasidcut of the Wabash terminal at Pittsburg, wont through on No. 42 yostorday with special car "Waljash" on his way to Kansas City. RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS & t Roadmaster Bowen was in Alliance yesterday. , f A. J. Halsted of the round house has left the service. Roadtnttstor Buckley of Sterling was in Alliance Tuesday. F. E. Watson rfnd C. L. Wallace have been employed as brakomen. Firaman J. McKirahan has been transferred to the Black Hills line. C. L. Kirkbride, machinist, has been transferred to Guernsey as engineer. A. Denny and J. W. Langston of the machine shop3 have loft the service. Mrs. Chas. Ritter and daughter lime gone to Lincoln to spend a few weeks. Arthur Sharp of Lincoln has been visiting with his brother, F. W. Sharp. Conductor M. L. Wright brought in the belated No. 42 011 the morning of the 11. E. L. Eaton, foreman of the train inspection gang, wcut io Lincoln to soend a few days. Mrs. Gl A. Reed and children went to Chicago the fore part of v the week to be gone two weeks. I. S. P. Weeks of the engineering department at Lincoln was here en- route to points on the Sheridan division. A meeting of tho firemen's schedule committee was held in the office of the general superintendent Saturday, July 5. J. R. Phelan and wife went to Chic ago Sunday moming. Mr. Phelan was called there to attend a meeting of operating officers. Conductor W. E. Zollinger left for Chicago and other points iti Illinois to visit his children. He expects to be gone a couple of weeks. Roadmaster Holtorf of Edgemont came to Alliance luesuay to nccom accompany the Carnegie Steel Co. rail inspector over his district. A. Gregory, operator, will be return ed to Alliance to work nights. He has been rcleiving O. W. Low at New castle for the past six weeks. J. W. Bowen roadmaster from Seneca left for Guernsey where he will have charge of the rail laying gang for the spur track to the Chicago mine. Mr. C. J. Sabcrhagen, master mechanic of the Sheridan Division, was in Alliance Saturday attending the fucman's schedule committee meeting. E. N. Power, representing the Car negie Steel Company, is making a trip of inspection over tho Wyoming dis trict, inspecting all the 75-pound rail now in track. II. P. Tooho has onterod the service as operator and will relieve W. D. Mc Intyre of Crawford. Mr. Mclntyre and wife are going to take several weeks' vacation. Special car "Mayflower" carrying Howard Elliott, former second vice president of the Q system but now president of tho Northern Pacific, went eat on No. 42 Friday. E. W. Stewart, conductor on the Spearfish 1 un, came up from Denver on his way home from a visit to Iowa, Sunday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Stewart and children. Live Stock Agent J. A. Eiler and family made a trip over the Wyoming District; they returned to Omaha Monday morning. Vhile. on the Wyoming District they used Mr. Phelan's special car. J. Kridelbaugh passed through Al liance Monday on his way to Sheridan. Jake has been transferred to Sheridan as agent, which will be a more lucra tive position than that at Omaha. He expects to take a vacation of a few weeks before assuming his duties. FormSr Geneial Superintendent of the Wyoming district, G. W." Rhodes, wife and daughter passed through Al liance Saturday on thoir way to Den vor where they spend a few days Mr. Rhodes says that after spending a few months in Canada tlujy will take a trip to Palestine and Egypt aftqr which he which he will go to England his for mer home to spend soma time. .Burlington Bulletin Of ROUND TRIP RATES. Chicago and return, on sale daily, , $33.70 St. Louis and return 3-7 on sale daily. Portland, Tacoma and Ssattle and return -4 0.00 on sale daily. Portland, Tacoma and Smle and os way via Calif ,.. 51.00 on sale June 24-26-i8-j-jo. San Francisco and Los Angelas and return 5 75 on sale Aug, 7 to 15 Inclusive. Dan'er and Colorado Springs and return f 12.00 on sale daily, . The Alliance Herald and Nebraska State Journal, both one year for j5 1.50. ITime Table Alliance, Nebr. LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT' LAKE CITY PORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO, untThU points wist anfl all points west and south. TiutNS Lkavr as Follows, ILou.ntainTihk: Nit 41 Pnsyncer dally. Deadw vd. Hillings, nil points north 11ml west 13:50 p.m. I'uetiSBr dally. Lincoln, No. 42 Omaha, Chicago and nil point uist 3:1,1 a. u). No. 11 l'mienirHr dull. I'lissi-nirtipilal v. for for Den r or . Situ Fran- Oxdi'iiiS-nlt liuku, kii Fran Otflh'II.S-illt I.I Cisco and nil 1nterandiute nuliits. ilL'iuirtK At.. 3.0n..tn. No. 303 l'.ivseii?er dully from Denver ami un lnteraiuamie pitus, arrives at 10:45Jru. No. 300 TuoiOnys. Thursday. Satur days iruluts south and west, departs S:00a.ui. Nb. 300 Tuesday, Thursday. HRtur- ilays. houtli mid wett, urrlvos.0:25p. m. PleopliiB, dining mid lvctlnlus chair cars (M'ut fri'p) un throiiKh trains. TIckolM sold nnd lmsffn, clipokcfl to tiny point in tho United States or (itumrin. For information, tlii.e tublen and tickets cull mi or vrrito U. H. HAtiB. ARert. or I W WtKBt.KV. Uon. crul 1'ils.onstnr Ajfe U Oiuiiha Nebraska Official Directory. CIlUHCllirR Kl'lSCOi'Afj Itpznlnr Hundiiv scrv!rt-8 a.m. 11 11. nt.; 7:;i)p m.s Mindny school ut 10 11 in. Ulmrii's 1 J. (Aierr. lEectnr. CATUuLIC KejuJar Sunday services 7:30 a M.; 10 it. m ; 11 a. in., eiitechWm for country rhtldivn; 7 p. in . enteohlsm. 7:80 p re , iMiiuMiii'iion, instruction. Weelt duvs O.!l0. uuins, except on Mondoj lit 5:30 11. m.; 2:00 p. in., Siiturdajs, cute, chlsm. huther Julius Do vos. METHODIST -Ursi'lar Bundnj servlco-1! . in.; 8 p. in.; Sunday hi'hool 10 it, m.; Junior Ijuuitiie 2.30 p. in.; Kpworth league 7 p. tn.; Prayer nicotinic Tliursdajs, 7:30 p. in. Itev. ('.. V. Kay, l'astor. F11S8T I'liranYTliUIAN-Kuiiuiur Sunday service 't ft. ui.; S p. ui.; Sunday school 10 a. ni ; Christian Kndoftvur 7:15 p. m. n. I. V. Uogue. li-.tor. UNITIJI) I'ltESHYTEKIAN'-Krwulur Bundtiy aervleo 11. in. 8 p. in.; Sunday school 10a.m.; Y.T.C.U. 7:15 p.m. Kov.McC'on noll, l'astor. HAlTtST Kczulur Sunday sarvtco It in.; 8 p. ni.; Sunday school 10 u m.s Younc I'eople'it meeting 7:15. Prnjer meeting Thursday, 8 p, in. Kev. O. C. Jotters, I'.i.scor. G HUMAN LUTHEKAN-KeBUlar Sunday ser lco 11 11. in; Sunday school 10 u. m.; ARvunliiir services twiccettch month. Kev. Otto Uoelirlg, l'astor. At.LIANOK 'UCltKT SOCIKTim. HASTEKN SI'All-lst and 3rd Tuesday utghta. Mrs. Anna Davi.J, Worthy Matron KHIIHCOAS-Snd and 4th l-'riday nishts. MrM Uco I-pidy, N O DHOKRi: OK1 UONOU-tst and 3rd Monday nlKhts. Mrs A 1: Reynolds C H Council Proceedings. Regular meeting July 4, 1905. Called to order by mayor; no quorum present; ad journed to July 6, by order of the maar. V. W. Harris. Clerk. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETINC, JLLY 0, JOOj Called to order by Mujor'Biiechenstein. Present; Councilmen Mollring, McCrae and Smith; absent, Franklin. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Copy of notice served on couaty treas urer by citv treasurer for demand of poll tax in former's hands, from 1888 to date, was read. Reports of city officers for month of June, shoeing as follows were read and approved, City treasurer, balance on hand. ..$131 01 Water rents collected 254 56 Police judge, fines col.... $125 95 Police judge, marshal fees. 46 20 172 15 Following claims returned by committee and warrants ordered drawn for amounts stated. I7. Tompkins, digging cellar S 5 50 S. C. Boon, sal. marshal two days. 5 00 Dierks Lutnber&Coal Co., lumber 112 60 Following claims were read, pasted to committee on claims, approved, returned and warrants ordered drawn by full vote; Al. A. bhay, salary street Com T. . . .585 25 F, V. Harris, salary clerk 10 50 F. M. Knight, water Com'r 15 00 F. V. Lester, special police 4 00 A. Cardwell, " " 400 A. Wiker " " 400 M.S.Gregg. " " 400 C. Wvkoff, special police and)labor. 16 25 u. jeuers J. L. Main A. Cardwell, kill dogs. . , D. H. Hill, lab on crossings and Exp, C. H. Connett. lab. on Wat. Bks. . . 4 00 0 00 2.25 4 5 37 85 uco. rox, oox ior meter 40 00 Forest Lbr. Co , lumber 515 ii. .u. .Martin, orayace 25 z Goodwin, sprinkling ..." 61 75 Auimra j ei. (on. uo., pnonerent.. O oo C. 13. re Q. R'y lab. on well 20 66 Ja. Daughertr,' night police 55 00 Nate 1 aylor, scavenger work 5 50 Petition of A. K. Baldridge for crossing returned by committee, recommending crossing be put in. On motion of Mollring, duly seconded, Street and Alley committee instructed to have contract drawn up for construction of cement cross walk between King and Rumers corners, with full power to ex ecute contract. Ordinance No. 94, for construction of sidewalk in front of lots SS, bo, 90 and 91, county addition, was read first time, on motion of McCrae, duly seconded, rules being suspended, was read second time and passed to third reading. .Ordinance No. os. aDDronrlatine funds to defray expenses for fiscal year ending May, 1906, was read first time: on motion of Mollring. dyly seconded, rules being snspended was read second time and pass ed to third reading. Question of making improvement to prevent damage to city hall account water falling from eaves was referred to street and Alley committee. Adjourned to meet July 7. F. W. Harris. Clerk. ADJOURKKD MEETING, JULY 7, 1905. Called to order by Mayor Buechenstein. Present: Councilmen Mollring, McCrae and Smith, absent Franklin. Ordinance No. 94, for sidewalk in front of lots SS, 89. 90 and gi, county addition, was read third time, and, on motion of Mollring. duly seconded, was apprcved and ordered published by full vote. Ordinance No. 95, appropriating fnnds to defray expenses for fiscal year ending Moy, 190O, was read third time and, on motion of Mollring, duly seconded, was approved and ordered published, by un animous vote. General discussion on question of forcing the installation of water meters followed; no formal action taken. , Adjourned on motion. P. V. Harris, Clerk. T. J. THRELKELD Funeral Director and Emisalmer alliance, nebr. Office phone 139. Residence phone 207 Thirst Quenchers Maple Frappo Orangeade ' Mint Freeze Selzer Lemonade Manhattan Punch Coco Cola at the Fountain TH1PI P? Prescription 1 1 11CLL;, Druggist JOO Box Dutte Ave. ...MOVED... SEE ME NOW AT MY NEW LOCATION First Floor Elks Hall Billiard, and Pool Hal FINEST IN THE WEST W. A. Tlanchester Successor to M &. S llllllurd Hall WlLLIAn MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AT LHVY. ALLIANCE. - NEBRASKA. BOYD & BARKER, ,. Vtioniwys tit ILitrw .. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. SMITH 1 TUni.K. IHA E. TA II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North .Main St., ALLIANCE. NF.n J. E. MOORE, M. D. - I'MTrcilKR lll.OCK, ALLIANCK, Mill. OiUis answered from olllce day or night. Telephone No. S2. H. H. BEULWOOD PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ilolstcn HuIldlnR, - ALLIANJL NEII . E. E, BARR, Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered day or nignt. Phone 201 Res. 151. L. W. BOWMAN, . PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ae'ttuS Nat!nil1 ,,unkblo. A"! DR. G. W. MITCHELLy riiy-slcliin iino .Sorsoon Day itnd nlshtcalls, OIBooovur Hoi?ue Store. Phono 150. DR. GEO. HAND, It M i: OIMTII1C l 11 V S I O I v N A N 11 s URGE O X Formerly Intoriio Hotiivointlilc Hos pital ITnlvundty of Iowa. Phono SSI. Ofllc over Alliance Shoo Store. Nifflit calN auswurml from ofllce. FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. HIS nOX JIUTTK AVENUR. Phono as, Culls answerou In tonn or country! Guy Lockwood . . GHADl'.VTi: CHICAGO SCHOOL OP EMII.YL.MING - Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. -Res 205 Expert I.udy ' Attendant .. ' XlHanCB, U, FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. r 'Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. ! .' & -1 f v t I r 4&&, ,..i2-sar;-- .