The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 13, 1905, Image 3

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Victim Itnil Uecomo Helpless "When II
Tried Dr. "William' l'lnk l'llls, but
Was Cured In I'our Months.
BocnnBo ho did not know that tbcro is
a remedy for ataxia, Mr. Ariel endured
four years of weakness, imiu and tho
misery of thinking his caso incurable.
"At tho outbreak of tho Spanish
American war," ho Bays, "I went with
Company B, Eighth Itegimcut;, M.V.M.,
into camp at Ohickamanga, nud whilo
thcro my system bocamo thoroughly
poisoned with malaria. When I was
mustered out, I carried that discaso
home with mo. After a whilo locomotor
ataxia appeared."
" How did tho ataxia begin?"
" I first noticed n pain in my ankles
and knoo joints. This was followed by
a unmb fooling in my legs. At times I
had to drag mysolf around; my legs
would shako or bocorao perfectly dead.
I had constant troublo in gotting about
in tho dark. I kept a light burning in
my room nt night as I could not balanco
mysolf in the darkness. Even with tho
aid of a light I wobblod, and would
reach out and catch hold of chairs to
provont mysolf from falling?"
" How long woro you a suffcror ?"
"Four years in all. Daring tho last
thrco years I was confined to bod, somo
times for a week, again for thrco or four
weeks at a tiino. Whon I was lying
down tho pain in my back was fre
quently so sovcro that I had to bo helped
tip and put in a chair to gob a littlo ro
lief. I had considerable pain in my
howels and no control oror my kidnoys.
Tho worst of all was that tho doctor
could givo mo no hopo of recovery."
"Howwero you cured?"
"I read that Dr. Williams' Pink
Fills had cured locomotor ataxia and
ono or two friends spoko to mo about
thorn. In tho fall of 1903 1 began to tako
them for myself and I had not used
moro than ono box boforo I found that
tho pains in my kneos and mikles woro
greatly relieved. Four months after
ward Ibecamon porfectly well man, and
I am today enjoying tho best of hoalth."
Mr. Edward n. Ariol lives at No. 43
Powow street, Amesbury, Mass. Every
sufferer from locomotor ataxia should try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills without delay.
Any druggist can supply them.
Domesticity Barred.
Tho Unltod States government has
mado known Its decision that neither
husband nor wife can bo subordinate
to tho other In a government office,
such a stato of things being considered
subversive or discipline and good ser
vice. This was maao Known on tho
uoccaslon of tho chief clerk in tho
United slates engineering olHco at
Heattio, Wash., wishing to marry ono
of tho women clerks under him.
In lino with. tho classic case of tho
oyster shippers, cited by President
Hadley of Yale University in his book
on Railroad Transportation, Is the case
' of tho Aroostook potato growers
brought by President Tuttlo of tho
Boston and Maine Railroad befoio tho
Senate Committee on Intcrstato Com
merce. Nothing could better show
how a railroad works for the Interest
of tho localities which it serves.
A main dependence of the farmers
of tho Aroostook region is tho potato
crop, aggregating annually eight to
ten million bushels, which find a mar
ket largely in Boston and tho adjacent
thickly settled regions of New Eng
land." The competition of cheap water
transportation from Maino to all points
along tho New England coast keeps
railroad freight rates on theso pota
toes always at a very low level.
Potatoes are also a considerable out
put of tho truck farms of Michigan,
their normal market being obtained In
and through Detroit and Chteago and
other communities of that region.
Not many years ago favoring sun
and rains brought a tremendous yield
of potatoes from tho Michigan fields.
At normal rates and prices thoro
would have been a glut of the custom
ary markets and the potatoes would
havo rotted on the farms. To help
the potato growers the railroads from
Michigan mado unprecedentedly low
rates on potatoes to every reachablo
market, oven carrying them in large
quantities to a place so remote as Bos
ton. Tho Aroostook growers had to
reduce the price on their potatoes and
oven then could not dispose of them
unless tho Boston and Maine Railroad
reduced its already low rate, which it
did. By means of theso low rates,
making possible low prices, the potato
crops of both Michigan and Maino
were , finally marketed. Everybody
eats potatoes, and that year every
body had all the potatoes he wanted.
Whilo tho Michigan railroads mado
rates that would havo been ruinous to
the railroads, had they been applied
to the movement of all potatoes at all
times, to all places, they helped their
patrons to find markets then. Tho
, Boston and Maine Railroad suffered a
decrease in its revonuo from potatoes,
but It enabled the Aroostook farmers
to market their crop and thereby to
obtain money which they spent for the
varied supplies which the railroads
brought to them. If the making of
rates woro subject to governmental
adjustment such radical and prompt
action could never have been takon,
because it Is well established that if
a rate be once reduced by a railroad
company it cannot bo restored through
tho red tape of governmental proce
' dure. If the Michigan railroads and
the Boston and Maino Railroad had
been subjected to governmental limi
tation they would havo felt obliged to
keep up their rates as do the railroads
of France and England and Germany
under governmental limitation and let
tho potatoes rot.- ham
Every tlmo a man makes lovo to his
wife he makes a prontaBIe Investment
Life in Unquiet Macedonia
Journeying through Macedonia by
railway train last month, an English
man thus describes the sights from his
window: "The valley Is alivo with
busy rural life. Men and women aro
working In tho flolds, gray or mouse
colored teams of oxon aro drawing
long, narrow drays along tho paths,
there aro strings of pack ponies, hero
and thoro a Turk riding on horseback,
perched with short stirrups on a high
Eastern saddle. The men aro mostly
in tho jackets and wldo drawers wo
havo seen In Servia, with feet bare,
or In sandals, bound up tho leg with
complicated putties of string; tho
women in red petticoats, with whito
hoods and wimples. Tho land In this
early summer, when the chestnuts and
acacias aro bending with blossom, and
the flolds are bright with tho young
shoots of maize and tho tobacco plant,
wears a prosperous, fertile look, and
tho people seem a Bturdy, well-grown
you would almost say a contented
folk. But tho Arnaut or Anatolian sol
dier, with his rifle and loaded bando
lier and his ragged shoos, Blouchcs
oalong every station platform."
Hero Is his description of a street In
Uskub: "My window looks out upon
tho rough lano which Is tho main
More Than One Technicality
"Say, jedge," said Jim Fury, after ho
had been sentenced to bo hanged on
the outskirts of camp for horso steal
ing, "If thar's any technicalities In tho
law that I happen to think of I s'poso
I kin take advantage of them, can't
"Sartln, you kin, Jim, though I reck
on you won't find many In your caso."
"Mebbe not, but wlll'yo do mo a
"If I kin, Jim. I'm alius wlllln' to
favor tho condemned up to a sartln
"Well, then, sentenco mo to be hung
at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon with a
"I'll do It. Just consider that tho
hour, and that ye aro to be choked to
death with a rope. I never heard of
anybody beln' hung with anything
Thoro was much amusement after
court adjourned about Jim finding
technicalities In tho law, but his re
marks were not fully understood until
tho next day. Then for tho first tlmo
the boys began to look around for a
rope, but after half an hour's hunt It
was found that there wasn't an inch
of ropo In tho camp. Tho nearest
Put Washing
A story comes from the west that
is good enough to bo true. In tho
autumn of 1001, when tho royal tour
ists, then known as tho duko and
duchess of York, were passing tri
umphantly' through a loyal dominion,
they came to a small tovn not far
from tho Rocky mountains', of which
Alexander Guthrie was mayor. Of tho
mayor and his wife, be it remarked, In
tho words of Mrs. Jean Blewett, "ho
was Scotch and so was she." There
was a chango In the plans of tho royal
party, ahd tho mayor received word
that they would arrive at 10 o'clock
on Monday morning, Instead of four
hours later- Sunday afternoon was a
period of excitement. The mayor sur
veyed his "Sunday suit" with feelings
of prldo and anxiety, and assured his
wife Margaret that her black silk
would be tho proper garb for tho oc
casion. Ho arose betimes and saw
that tho station platform was properly
decorated. But what was his horror
to discover after C o'clock that Mar
garet was out In tho back yard bend
ing over a washtub and presplring
with honest toll.
Feats of Indian Jugglery
Andrew Lang quotes In Longman's
Magazine a letter from India In which
a Btrango tale of Jugglery Ib told:
"Yesterday," says tho writer, "wo
were all marching in from Khlmlasa
when wo passed a vlllago and on tho
roadside a Juggler was resting. Wo
said to him: 'Juggle!' WO stood
within six feet of him, all round him,
all tho time, and he was half-naked.
He took a rudely carved littlo boat,
empty and undecked, about 8 Inches
by 4 Inches, with one thwart across
It, with a hole for a mast Wo all ex
amined this boat and handed It round.
It was empty. Ho then stuck a thin
bamboo stick about two feet long In
the holo and then took a cocoanut and
handed It round. This cocoanut was
empty, with three holes in It.
"Ho then stuck the nut, which wo
had all seen and felt was empty, on
the bamboo, and stuck a little bamboo
The Trials of
When first I tried to chronicle
The doings of our town.
Jim rtogers of the Clamvlllo Press
Bald: "Jot the Items down,
And be observant of events
That stir your busy hive.
We'll show the world that Muddycrlck
la very much alive."
I scarce had bought a notebook
And tilled my fountain pen.
When news arrived that Mrs. Cobb
Had lost a setting hen.
The nlnco was in a ferment
Folks knew not what to think.
Though Tommy Jenkins said he guessed
Tho culprit was the Chink.
Then Silas Pegg was raided.
And though they found no rum,
The ohuiches made an 'awful fuss,
And things began to hum.
The air was filled with rumors,
Some true, but mostly fakes
Out none tlonled that Ell Wood
Missed two fine quaghaug rakes,-
street of Urkub, and oven at this early
hour It Is full of movomont. Tho ox
walns of tho noasants coma cronkini;
Sslowly down from tho mountains. Thoy
aro long and narrow and sprlngless,
and each Is drawn by two bullocks.
Somo of tho animals aro sleek, and
cream-colored and patlont, Uko tho
bovl that drag tho country carts
among tho vine-clad slopes of Tus
cany; somo aro wild-looking, buffalo
Uko creaturos, with ragged heads,
borno low In front of humping shotfl
dors, and threatening curved horns.
But they follow tholr peasant masters
quietly enough, as thoy walk In front
with a leading string."
Another sight from his window is
tJTii8 pictured: "Tho women among
theso Christian peoples do their shnro
of manual labor. Hero aro a dozen of
them, who look Uko a sort of femalo
navvies. .Thoy aro dressed In wfclto
cotton and wool, with wldo divided
skirts, and high boots upon tholr sub
stantial legs; each bears an ax or a
pointed heart-shaped Bhovol ovor hor
shoulder, as though It wore a weapon
of war; thoy aro broadly built and
muscular, and thoy swing along with
a fine, straight-kneed, manly stride
Ono seldom sees women who walk so
town was twenty miles away, but
Jim stopped any ono from going thoro
by saying:
"Gentlemen, I was to bo hung at 1,0
o'clock, and It's past the hour now. I
wbb to bo hung with n ropo, but you
haven't got any. I demand to bo set
a"t liberty."
"And and this Is a technicality?"
queried tho Judgo with a blank face.
"She bo, sir two of 'em, and I
stand on both. Joe Thomas stole all
tho rope In camp la3t night and hid
It, and If ye hang mo with anything
elso It'll bo Illegal."
Thoro was an awkward and ombar
asslng silence, nnd then tho crowd be
gan to back Jim up, and the judge Miw
that tho points wore well taken nnd
"Jim, you've shoroly got tho bulge
on tho crowd this time, and I'm goln
to turn loose and ax yo to drink with
us. That's plain law, Jest as I glvo
you. Then tho crowd Is goln' to form
in lino and each ono help to boost
you out of town. That's a technical
ity same as you worked on us. Cast
the prisoner loose, and prepare to
drink and kick!" Cleveland Plain
Before Royalty
"Woman," he exclaimed, aghast,
"yo'U bo lato for tho duko."
"Alexander Guthrie," said Margaret
solemnly, "yo're mayor of tho town
and may havo to make a fool of your
self. But Monday's tho day for tho
wash and It's going to bo dono, duko
or no duko. Queen Victoria was a
sensible body, and it's likely that tho
duchess of York would think far moro
of a woman that did her week's wash
at tho proper tlmo than she would If
I were to put on my best gown nt this
hour of tho morning. Now, off with yo
to tho station!"
Alexander departed In sadness, for
ho know the quality of his wife's
"nay." So It happened that when
Prince George and Princess May step
ped on tho station platfoom at Clydo
they were greeted by a chief magis
trate whoso welcome had a subdued
and chastened note. But from the rear
platform of the departing train could
bo seen the broad back of Margaret
Guthrlo as she stood in tho back yard
hanging out tho clothes of tho house
hold. spout in ono holo of the nut, and
stood five yards off, and said: ''Spout,'
and It spouted like 1 o'clock for a long
time. Ho said: 'Stop,' and It stopped;
'Spout,' and it spouted. It spouted
much moro water than could over
havo been In tho nut or boat. All tho
time the man, who bad a monkey's
skull with him, kept on saying: 'Ban
dar ka kopra' ('monkey's skull') over
and over again."
Mr. Lang tells another Jugglery
story sent him by a friend. Tho Jug
gler was a Malay, who stroked- with
his fingers the blado of a long knife
or krls. Tie observer Baw water fall
drop by drop from tho blade, which
.becamo flaccid, Uko a strip of India
rubber. Thrown on the ground, It
bounced about, but was a knife-blade
again when lifted by tho juggler. An
examination showed that thero was
no water on the .mat on which the ob
server saw tho drops falling.
Tho wave of crime that followed
Was awful to relate.
Some rufflaiiB. bolder than the rest,
Broke old man Johnson's gate.
Tho sewing clrclo loudly cried
That hell had broken Ipose,
And all admitted that the town
Was going to tho deucei
I kept tho paper busy
With each appalling tale.
Till It scared the summer boarders,
And tho stores began to wail.
Then Deacon Wiley said ho knew
The cause of oil the mess
Was what young Jones was writing
In tho Clamvflle Weekly Press.
They held a nubile meeting,
And oheered Klnatlmn West
When he raid the town was nursing
A vljior in Its breast.
They made me feel an though I were
A wolf among tho lambs .
So I cursed Jim llogors and his rag,
And now I'm digging clams.
M. Fitzgerald in New York Sua.
Deposits In Nebraska Reach Their
Highest Point
Tho condition of tho stato banks of
Nebraska ono month ngo, as reported
by tho stato banking dopartmont, was
tho host In tho history of tho stato.
Tho doposlts reached ?44,U4a,UOO, tho
highest ovor known. Tho doposlts in
creased nearly $7,000,000 In ono year.
Tho total doposlts In tho stato, includ
ing tho amount In national banks, was
?10,Uli,400. Thero wero 521 etato
banks In oxlstonco at tho tlmo of tho
roport. May 2'j, and noarly a dozon
havo been organized slnco that tlmo.
Tho number or depositors In tho stato
banks was 141,109, an lncroaso of
9,081 slnco last February. Tho rcsorvo
held was 30,091' per cont, two and ono
thlrd times tho legal requirement Sec
retary B. Royso of tho etato banking
board, spooking of tho roport, said:
"This showing Is tho best that tho
banks of our stato undor Btato super
vision havo ovor prcsontod. Tho
growth and lncrcaso of buslnoss, as
shown by tho following comparisons,
especially deposits Is very gratifying
and almost phenomenal.
"Comparod with tho roport of Kob
ruary 23, 1905, loans havo Incroasod
I52.881.C3, doposlts havo increased 2,
881,427.17, cash and duo from hanks
havo lncoasod $2,732,322.05, capital
stock paid In has Increased $02,320.00.
Total resources havo Increased $2,928,
255.01, bills payablo and notes and
bills redlscountod havo been roduced
$214,172.75. Tho number of dopoaltora
has increased 9,081.
"Compared with ono year ago, loans
have increased $4,400,483.49, doposlts
havo Increased $0,817,314.72, tho num
ber of banks has Incroasod 14. Tho
lncroaso In tho number of depositors
is 18.973.
Tho total loans of nil banks of tho
stato, Including national banltB, on
May 29, 1905, was $91,030,141.25, total
deposits In all tho hanks of tho stato
Including National banks on May 29,
1905, was $120,110,400.70 total numbor
of banks oporatlng In tho state, Includ
ing national banks was 078.
County Must Pay for Treatment of
LINCOLN No dipsomaniacs havo
yet boon rocolycd at tho Lincoln ln
sano asy.Ium, as tho result of tho now
Epperson law. Superintendent Groen
says that tho cases will bo proporly at
tended to If any aro sent, but that ho
hardly sees how room can bo mado for
thorn as tho Lincoln asylum Is already
crowded beyond Us normal capacity.
Whon tho addition to tho Norrolk
asylum Is completed thcro will bo
somo Improvement In this condition.
Dr. Greeno thinks that a financial
provision cannlly attached to tho law
will mttko tho cases actually sot up
few. Tho county must pay $15 per
month for tho care of tho patlont, and
a doposlt for thrco months or $45
must bo mado when tho incbrlato Is
committed. Tho medical treatment
for tho drinkers will bo about tho
samo as that for tho 'drug hahlt Less
whlskoy will bo given day to day until
In ton days tho supply Is shut oft.
Somo mcdlclno and enforced sanitary
habits of living complete tho euro.
Doctors to Be Smooth Shaven.
LINCOLN At tho mooting of tho
stato board of health tho subject of
ordering physicians to bo closoly
shavon was informally discussed. All
Iowa doctors havo been compelled to
dlspenso with beards, and It Is possible
that Nebraska may follow Iowa's ox
ample so far as tho advise that medi
cal men bo shaven. Tho Idea Is to les
sen tho possibility of spreading germ
Carnegie Library for Tecumseh.
TECUMSMH Tho Tocumsoh city
library board has received a proposi
tion from tho agent of Andrew Carno
glo whereby that man, for Mr. Carne
gie, proposed to donate tho sum of $7,
500 to that city for tho erection of a
library building. This proves that tho
city will tako action to provide a fund
of $000 per year to maintain the
Shot In Self Defense.
FULLKUTON Uan Dlmlch, the
man who shot and killed Vosa Bosov
lg In a car near tho Union Pacific do
pot In this city was discharged by
,County Judgo Hoblnson, Deroro whom
tho preliminary hearing was hold. Tho
ovldenco clearly showed that tho do
dondant was acting In self-defense.
Grand Island Funds Debt
Auditor Bearlo has received for reg
ister $110,000 funding bonds issued by
tho city of Grand Island. Tho bonds
run twenty years at 4 1-2 per cent
Tho records In tho auditor's olllco
show that this Is a great year for the
Issuance of bonds.
M'COOK -Tho cream business has
so grown apaco In southwestern Ne
braska as to suggest tho Idea of a
i'mllk" train to tho peoplo of this sec
tion as tho Inevitable should the ln
crcaso continue at tho present rate
very much longer.
LINCOLN Morabers of tho stato
board of equalization expect a general
Increaso of 5 per cont over last year In
both real and personal property. Re
turns from a number of counties on
real and personal property. Indicate
this Increase.
Wahoo has by Its city council In
nauguratod its curfow law.
Tho annual camp mooting of tho
Church of God, will bo given at Beat
rice July. G and continue until July IB.
Julius Munstcr, a former living
north of Boatrlco, sustained a hrokon
log, through having a horso fall on
John V, Morgan, ono of tho loading
attornoys of Nobraska City, dlod last
weok after having boon ailing for tho
past two years.
Tho harvesting of whoat has bogun
In Otoo county nnd farmors say tho
whoat will mako moro bushels to tho
aero than for mnny years past
Mr. Harris M. Chllds of York has
boon appointed by Governor Mickey
to sorvo on tho stato board of edu
cation for n torm of flvo years.
Dan Dlmlch, an Austrian laborer,
was shot and killed nt Fullorton by
Voso Dosovlch, a follow workman, In
a box car on a sidetrack at tho dopot
nov. J. T. Dalrd, for thirty years
pastor of tho Prosbyterlan church of
Plattsmouth. has resigned and tho
resignation has boon accopted by tho
presbytery. i
Samplos of whoat left in Boatrlco
by n numbor of farmors of that local
ity who aro engagod in harvesting
show tho grain to bo of an oxcollent
Tho city of York Is to havo a now
gas company. It has also absorbed
tho York Eloctrlo Light & Powor com
pany. This company will havo a capi
tal stock of $80,000.
Woodward & Burgoss of Omaha
havo leased tho Overland Theater at
Nebraska City and will open tho samo
tho first of Soptombor. They havo so
curod a leaso for threo years.
John Evard of Mitchell, S. D., was
bilked In Lincoln, at tho Burlington
dopot by a stranger who loft a $700
check In his possession and dopartcd
with $37.50 belonging to Evard.
Tho American Birth Insuranco com
pany of Massachusetts, which seeks to
put a promlum on tho stork's visits,
Is tho latest company to mako appli
cation to do business In Nobraska.
Tho "Tablo Bock Fishing associa
tion" has orectod on Its grounds, at
Cut-off lako, north of town, a flno
summer houso, for tho accommoda
tion of tho stockholders and visitors.
Thos. Dalton while attempting to
board a moving freight train In tho
Ashland yards was caught beneath
tho whoels and ono foot was Bo badly
crushed that It will havo to ho ampu
tated. Land Commissioner Eaton roturnod
from a trip over tho wostorn portion
of tho stato, whero he had boon to "at
tend tho miction of school lands. At
this tlmo practically all of tho school
lands nro under leaso.
Miss Lucilo Bloodgood, living flvo
miles cast of Beatrice, camo near be
ing killed In a runaway. Tho team
bocamo frightened and ran noarly two
miles, when sho succoedod in turning
tho animals In at a farm house.
John Garrison has brought suit in
tho district court of Dodgo county
against John E. AndrowB for libol,
placing hl3 damages at $2,000. Tho
action grows out of an artlclt pub
lished bv dofendant over his signa
ture in a local paper.
Koarnoy pooplo aro elated ovor a
movo contemplated by tho Union Pa
cific, which Is willing and anxious to
como to that city with improvements
whI6h will mako Kearnoy ono of tho
most Important points on tho lino be
tween Omaha and Cheyenno.
Marshal Coomes of Wood Ttlver
held a man and team answering tho
description of ono stolen at Madison
on June 21. On telephoning to tho
Madison authorities their description
did not tally with that of tho card of
tho team and tho follow was released.
A roomy, permanent building will
bo orectod at tho stato fair grounds
by tho. Nobraska dopartmont of the
Ancient' Order of United Workmen.
Tho now building Is to bo located at
tho head of Fraternity street, and
open houso will bo held there during
tho fair.
At tho meeting of tho stato board of
public lands and buildings plans sub
mitted by Architect Berllnghoff for
tho now cottago at tho Beatrice feeble
minded lnstltuto and tho now barn,
sheds and addition to tho hospital at
tho Grand Island Soldiers' Homo were
York county stands at the head of
tho list so far In tho counties which
havo mado tholr returns to tho stato
board of equalization. Tho county
roturnod an assessment of $724,000 in
oxcoss of tho assessment last year
after the stato board had added 5 por
cent to tho total.
Royalty's Tom, No. 94211, ono of
tho best Hereford bulls in tho state,
died at Wolf Crook Btock farm, near
Tocumsoh. Tho animal was tho prop
erty of Hon. William Ernst and son
and was bought at Emporia, Kan.,
tho purchasers paying $400.00 for him
when ho was a calf.
A numbor of prominent farmers and
business men residing in the Sargent
and Walworth districts wero fined $5
each for taking G. Mortcnsen out of
his homo and giving him fifty-two
stripes for wlfebeating and abuse.
Lawrence Leo, a farmer living in
Cameron township, was almost drown
ed whilo returning to his homo from
Wood River. Ho wa3 crossing Ash
creok, which 13 very high at present,
and his horses got out of tho road and
his buggy tipped over. Ono of his
horses was drowned and Mr. Lee was
forced to cling to a tree until help
Back actios all tho time. Spoils your
appotlto, wearies tho body, worrlos
tho mind. Kidneys causo it all and
Doan b Kidney
Pills rollovo nnd
euro it
H. B. McCar
vcr, of 201 Cherry
St, Portland,
Ore, inspector of
frolght for tho
Trans-Continental ,
Co., sayB: "I UBCd
Doan's Kldnoy
Pills for back
ncho and other
symptoms of kid
noy troublo which
had annoyed mo
for months. I
think a cold was responsible for tho
wholo troublo. It seemed to sottle In
my kidnoys. Doan's Kldnoy Pills
rooted It out It is Bovoral months
slnco I usod thorn, nnd up to dato
thoro has been no recurrence of tho
Doan's Kldnoy Pills for salo by all
doalors, Prico 60 conts per box. Fos
tor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
A fortuno awaits tho genius who will
Invent a borrowloss' umbrella.
Dr. IvM Kennedy's Fnvnrlte Remedy, th
Or Klilnf r knit Ur.r Cilr. World Kaiuoui. Writ C
Kenned) ' Booi, llonilont, N. T., for tree aauple botUe,
It's oaslor not to want things than
It Is to got thorn.
riso'a Curo for Consumption Is on Infallible
mcdlclno for coughs and colds. N. W. SAMUEL,
Ocean QroTO, N. J., Feb. 17, 1800.
Women In Swiss Universities.
Womon form noarly ono-flfth of tho
students at Swiss unlvorsltlos.
Alt Up-to-Date Housekeepers
uso Defiance Cold Water Starch, bo
causo It In better, and 4 oz. moro of It
for samo money.
Marrlago Is always a serious step
or a moro serious misstep.
For Hot Weather
Mull's Grape Tonic
Have You Constipation, Stomach
Trouble, Indigestion Dyspepsia.
Blood Polson.SklnDlseases.Sores,
Sudden Bowel Trouble, Diarrhea,
Cholera, Etc.? .
No one whoso bow
els are healthy nnd ao
ttvo contracts theso
complaints. Invari
ably they are tho
result of Constipation
which means decayed,
poisoned and dying
bowels or intestines.
Check diarrhea and
rpu aro liable to fatal
blood potson-a physio
makes you worse.
Thoro Is only ono right
courso and that Is to
treat the causo. Rc-
viro nnd strengthen
tho bowels and Intes
tines. Wo will prove
to you that Mull's
Qrapo Tonlo cures
Constipation and all
tbeso terrlblo Dowel
troubles becauso It
cleanses tho Illood and
makes tho Intestines
praotlcally new. It
feeds tho starved con
dition nnd brings them
back to life nothing)
olso will. For hot
weather Ills It has no
Good for oiling children and nursing mothers.
Send this coupon with your name and ad
dress and your druggist's name, for a free
bottle of tfull'sQrapa Tonlo, Stomach Tonlo
and Constipation Curo.
To Mull's Grape Tonic Co.,
148 Third Ave., Rock Island, III.
Qlvi Full Addrttt and Writ Mainly
The 11.00 bottle contains nearlr threo times
tho Wo bite. At drug storos.
rho genu! no has a dato and number stamped
in tho labol take no other from your druggist.
Special Offer
The name and address of your
shoe dealer and 16c to cover
costof mailing, etc., willsecuro
ono of the hand somo rolled
gold pins illustrated above.
Enameled in colors and will
wear for years. These pins
wero secured by thousands of
World's Fair visitors.
Only a few7 hundred left
Write Quick.
Uobbhts. Johnson 6Kand
shoe co. st. lt0ui5
Tlie Opportunity of Today
Tat opportunity for tbe mm with little means
! better today Id tba prairie mtti ot the South
wet turn erer before In tbe hlatory of tbs
nation. To be eure. there U not tbe van open
choice of lead for tbe hotneateeda that extited in
the 70i. Tbe lands (ben taken up under OOTern
meat law, are now proaperuua farms and
ranches. There Ii need or mure handt to derelop
tbe country. la tbe Southweee-Indlan Terrf.
tory, Oklahoma and Teiai are vatt areas of un
ImproTed land not yet yielding the crop of
which It la capable. Practically the asms thlng
la true of the towna. Few line ot builbca are
adequately repreenled. There are opeolosre of
all aorta for WIDK-AAVdKi: MEN. ABU
If yon are Intereited, tellm That you want,
how much you hare to Invcit, and we will eladly
luroiinineintorinauon. write
for a copy of our paper, "The
Coming Country." It's fret.
box oft.
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