The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 13, 1905, Image 2

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The Alliance Herald
T. J. O'KEEFE, Publlther.
News in Brief
William A. Wheeler, president of
tho council or Now York university,
dlod In Now York.
Martial law was abolished over tho
wholo of Formosa and tho Fccadorcs
islands, says a dispatch from Toklo.
Tho l'hlllpplno commission has
passed an net granting Babln Ulass ol
San Frnno'sco a tranchlso to construct
tolephona and tolcgraph systems
throughout tho islands.
Tho correspondent ot tho London
Dally Mall at Uenova says that several
persons havo been killed or injured by
violent thunderstorms which prevailed
throughout Switzerland.
FJro at Antloch, Cnl., destroyed J.
Llndcnburgcr & Co.'s salmon cannery,
cold storngo plant, 600 barrels of can
ned Bnltnon, twenty fishing boats and
ono launch. Loss, $150,000.
Charlc3 F. Wells, vlco president of
tho National Lead and Oil company of
Pennsylvania, has boon killed 'and his
daughter 'Clara, Injured in a runaway
accident nt Weaver Falls, Pa.
At Hagorstown, Ind., President
Mason ot tho Commercial bank issued
a statement that tho bank wwould not
again opon for business, and it is ex
pected a receiver will bo namod.
John L. Flynn of Mississippi, after
a desperate but unsuccessful attempt
to kill his brldo at Now Orleans, has
committed sulcldo. Mrs. Flynn was a
daughter of C. F. Hudson of Groeloy,
President Roosovolt has approved
tho lssuo of $600,000 of bonds by tho
treasury of Hawalt to refund tho gold
bonds of tho ropubllc of Hnwali, lssuod
under an net of tho logislaturo of Juno
13, 189G.
Tho Longuo of Amorlcan Travelers.
a national organization which has for
Its object tho security of concessions
from railroads on mtlcngo and other
questions, was launched at Cincinnati,
Rear Admiral W. H. Whiting, hav
ing sorvod for forty-two years in tho
United States' navy, will rollnqulsn
command or tho naval training station
at Son Francisco and bo placed on tho
retired list.
Charles Henry Treat, who becamo
United States treasurer sovcral days
ago, Is a direct descendant of Robert
Treat, who for thirty-two years was
deputy and roynl governor of tho col
ony of Connecticut.
A telegram has boon received by
tho Harvard collogo observatory from
Prof. Lowell at Flagstaff, Ariz., stat
ing, that thoro was a projection on
terminator Mars on Sunday near Prop
ontts position anglo 10 degrees.
It is nnno.uncod that Albert T. Pat
rick who Is awaiting execution lor tho
murder or William Marsh Ktco, the
Toxas muUi-mtllionnIro, has Instructed
his counsel, David U. Hill to tako his
enso to tho United Statos supremo
In a battlo at St. Louis between llvo
negroos, believed to bo highwaymen,
nnd four pollco olllccrs ono negro was
Wiled, another probnbly fatally wound
ed and a third was shot through tho
loft nrm. None of tho olllccrs woro in
jured. J. P. O'Brien has been formally
elected vlco president and general
mann'ger of tho Oregon Railway and
Navigation company at a meeting of
directors hold in Portland, Oro., vlco
li. A. Worthing, whoso roslgnntlon was
Cardinal Rlcholmy has Instituted a
movomont to secure funds for the erec
tion or a monument to Christopher
Columbus in tho neighborhood of St.
Peter's, Itomo, to commemorate tho
440th anniversary of tho great discov
erer's death,
Tho Canadian Pacltlc Railroad com
pany, which recently purchnsed tho
Esquimau & Uanlmo railway, an
nounces that survey parties would at
onco bo placed In tho hold, looking to
tho oxtonslon of tho lino to tho north
of Vacouver island.
In tho case of tho stato of Min
nesota against Congressman C. B.
Buckman to rccovor $70,000 for nl
loged Illegal timber cutting, tho su
premo court has decided against tho
state, finding that tho Btate's claim
had been outlawed.
Tho brokerage nrm ot Frazer & Co.,
Chicago, havo suspended business.
Tho whereabouts of S. L. Frazer, tho
nctlvo member of tho tlrm, Is unknown.
Thomas Mcdlll, an nssoclate, has se
cured a warrant for Frazor's arrest,
charging embezzlement.
At Cheyenno, Wyo., audge Scott de
cided against Colonel J. H. Pratt ot
Omaha In tho celebrated Pratt-Lelter
suit, holding that tho partition ot tho
property of tho company In that stato,
valued at over $500,000, as made by
tho commission appointed by the court
was Just and, cqultablo and must
stand. .
JThe cartmen'B union has decided to
'join the longshoremen in -a sympa
thetic strike at San Juan, P. 1.
Western contractors, Nebraska, Illi
nois, Minnesota and others, aro ngur
ing upon contracts tor building tho
Wostorn Pacific toad, tho Gould lino,
from Salt Lako to tho Pacific coast.
Chancellor von Buelow tolegraphed
to Prince Radolln, the German ambas
sador, at Paris to lnrorm M- Jaures,
the French socialist loader, that tho
German government thought it best to
debar him from speaking In lierlln,
July 9, as It had been announced he In
tended to do.
Dr. Pierce Announces the Ingredients
of tho Family Medlclneo Which
Have Made His Namo a Household
Word In the World.
With all tho recent talk about patent
medicines and tho determined effort in
certain quarters to cast discredit upon
all household remedies which como un
der that head, tho fact remains that
somo of these medicines are so firmly
established In popular favor and con
fidence havo so proved their worth
and value, that all tho denunciations
of bigots cannot destroy tho peoplo'a
faith in them.
Ono of tho best known of thcEO rem
edles Is Dr. Plerco's Favorite Prescrip
tion, a mcdlclno which for years has
been accepted by tho pcoplo as a stan
dard preparation for tho cure of thoso
ailments to which women alono aro
subject and which has proved to bo a
cortaln euro In nlno cases out of ten
and a suro relief In tho other one.
Thoro is nothing to conceal about
tho Favorite Prescription. l is an ab
solutely pure medicine made of roots
and herbs, Naturo's own restoratives.
Dr. Plerco Is perfectly willing to let
every ono know that his Favorlto Pro
scription contaln.8 Bluo Cohosh (Caulo
phyllum Thallctroldes), Black Cohosh
(CImlclfuga Racemosa), Lady's Slip
per (Cyprlpedlum Pubescens) npd
Golden Seal (Hydrastis Canadensis).
Every doctor knows that such a pre
scription is beneficial la tho diseases
of womon and when properly com
pounded Is certnln to effect a euro In
practically all cases when given n fair
trial. Hereafter every bottlo of tho
Favorlto Prescription will plainly tell
ot what tho mcdlclno Is composed.
Thus Dr. Plerco will onco more provo
to tho world hlB own confidence In tho
romedy which for forty years has
borne his namo and which is known all
over the world as a sovereign cure for
thoso diseases which, unchecked, mako
our women old before their tlmo.
Thero 1b no alcohol In tho Favorlto
Prescription. Dr. Pierce never bo
lloved In using alcohol In tho prepara
tion of his famous household remedies.
For it he substituted chemically puro
glycerine, which has wonderful prop
erties for extracting tho medicinal
principles of roots and herbs and barks
and preserving them at their full
strength, without any deleterious ef
fect whatever.
Your druggist sells tho Favorlto
Prescription nnd also that famous
alterativo and blood purifier, tho Gold
en Medlcnl Discovery. Write to Dr.
Plerco about your case. Ho is a well
qualified physician and will treat your
caso as confidential and without
charge for correspondence. Address
him at tho Invalids' Hotel nnd Surgical
institute, Buffalo, N. Y., of which ho is
Chief Consulting Surgeon.
Sermon Moved the Stones.
This curious tale of tho Venerablo
Bcdo Is told In tho medieval "Golden
Legend": Ono day, when ho was old
and blind, tho deslro to preach camo
upon him. An attendant led him to
a spot whero ho faced a heap of
stones, and Bcdo, believing that a
human audlenco was before him, de
livered an eloquent sermon. At tho
end, It Is gravely recorded,, tho stones
cried "AmcJ" no doubt to savo
Bedo's feelings.
Dahomy Sweet Potato.
A now variety of sweet potato hav
ing great economic valuo has been ac
climated In tho experimental gardens
ot Bordeaux. It Is n natlvo of Da-
homy and very prolific. Tho leaves
of tho plant can bo used as a sub
stitute for spinach, and tho tubers,
containing a higher percentngo of su
gar than beets, aro flno flavored and
mako exceptionally good food for llvo
Go to Aid Lepers.
Throo sisters of charity sailed from
Vancouver, B. C, by tho steamship
Empress of India recently to spend
their lives In tho leper colony at Ku
mantu, Japan, whero thero aro 400
Arriving at a Verdict.
Kushequa, Pa., July 10. (Special)
In this section of Pennsylvania thero
is a growing belief that for such Kid
ney Diseases as Rheumatism and
Lame Back thero is only ono suro
cure and that Is Dodd's Kidney Pills.
This belief grows from such cases as
that of Mrs. M. L. Davison ot this
place. Sho tells tho story herself as
"I havo suffered from Rheumatism
for thirty years and find that Dodd's
Kidney Pills havo dono me moro good
than any medicine I havo ever taken.
I was also bothered with Lamo Back
and I can only say that my back hasn't
bothered mo slnco I took Dodd's Kid
ney Pills."
Considering that Mrs. Davison only
took two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills,
tho result would be considered wonder
ful if it were not that others are re
porting similar results dally. Kushe
qua is fast arriving at a verdict that
"Dodd's Kidney PUla are the one suro
cure for Rheumatism,;'
Removing Nicotine from Tobacco.
Poisonous nicotine In tobacco is re
moved by steeping the leaves in a
solution ot tannic acid, This Is tho
method adopted by a German chemist
Defiance Starch
should be in every household, none bo
Rood, besides 4 oz. more for 10 cents
than any other brand of cold water
The real evil or poker is tho fact
that so' many of its devotees tako up
your tlmo explaining how they almost
won a Jack pot.
KYlMf tif tl jr uvjmb B Hi HR KMMT tB nt ' f,y t
HBw thmd! m llfliHHnH HE!!' 2 jBDw iw t t r $ h
HkLMfMMt' "i rJ i ir " '""'fV'tftaky'fcnMt B3T ? HW iSS X'j'MI
With most lmpresslvo ceremony, ac
companied by tho highest naval hon
ors, the body of John Paul Jones, on
Its arrival in this country, is to be In-
urned in tho crypt of tho magnificent
new chapel now nearlng completion at
tho Annapolis naval academy. Spe
cial Ambassador Loomls, Hanked, by
Admiral SIgsbee and a brilliantly uni
formed staff, will present tho remains
of the great admiral to tho land for
which ho did Buch valorous ssrvlce,
and they will bo received with a aaval
European Pensions Convenient and
Well Kept Up.
To tho tourist contemplating a Eu
ropean sojourn on a modest qxpedituro
tho pension furnish a perfect solution
of tho living questions, snys Good
Housekeeping. Every prominent Eu
ropean city Is full of them, and thoro
are numerous rellablo lists published.
Tho rates vary from 5 francs up to 10
or 12 francs per day for stays for less
than ten days, with lower weekly
rates for longer periods. My wife nnd
I found delightful places, easily, In
every city visited, at C francs ($1.20),
never moro than 7 francs, per dny,
all Included. Our first experience was
In Naples, and tho easo with which wo
found accommodations and becamo
promptly settled and at homo was a
revelation. Pensions differ but llttlo
In tho different cities of Italy, Switzer
land, Franco nnd Germany, except In
tho cooking, and It is. quite possible
now to visit almost every leading
city In Europe and stop In every ono
nt your choice of a German, n French
or nn English pension. Wo visited but
one whero English was not spokon
by ono or moro attendants.
Fewer M. D.'s From Columbia.
Only five men of Columbia's grad
uating class, which numbers over 100,
Intend to study mcdlclno. Twenty
will study law. Fifteen will enter
commercial Ufa and nine will tench.
As a rule law and medicine claim tho
largest number of students, but this
yenr tho medlcaf men havo fallen oft
In a decided manner.
HHbB4iS k BK- vHv4T 4 iK f U,BlfpvR ftfeVll
ttllfllBlfcy v BlIK Py IH'I 1 HflflH H-M-T- iff 19 -r ri pi B
Tho body of John Hay now rests in
the Hay family burying ground in a
corner of Lako Vlow cemetery at
Cleveland, Ohio. Around his gravo
are tho granite monuments of men
who havo done strong things for
Cleveland, for Ohio, and some of them
for the nation.
Five hundred feet to the west of
where the former secretary lies Is tho
memorial to James A. Garfield. Near
by rises tho monolith of the Rocke-
Immigrants Change Surnames.
According to the New York Sun
many immigrants change their names
on arriving in this country because
of the difficulty they find In getting
them proporly spelled. A good many
residents of tho East Side havo adopt
ed as their surnames the names of
atroets. in Rlvington street thero is
a tailor, Isaac Dolancoy; In West
Broadway, a cap manufacturer, Solo
mon Ludlow; a tobacconist not far
away sports tho namo of Abraham
Clinton and there Is an Israel Christie
in Orchard set.
salute and a specially prepared funer
al service. Tho new chapel, a central
feature of tho reconstructed naval
academy group of buildings recently
ordered by Congreca at a cost of many
millions, rises on tho water front with
n massive dome for Its Inspiration, the
architecture of tho wholo being not
unllko tho Hotel d'luvalldes of Paris,
In which rest the remains of tho great
Napoleon. Tho crypt of the chapel Is
Intended for a Inst resting place of the
bones of. the nation's naval heroes.
Would Easily Extricate Himself From
Position of Danger.
Rudyard Kipling and Frank Stock
ton, author of "Tho Lady and tho Ti
ger," were chatting on one occasion
about India, when the latter said: "By
the way, Kipling, I'm thinking of go
ing over to India somo day myself."
"Do- so, my dear fellow," replied Mr.
Kipling with a suspicious warmth of
of cordiality. "Como as soon as ever
you can! And, by the way, do you
know what wo will do when wo got
you out there, away from your friends
and family? Well, tho first thing will
be to luro you out Into tho junglo and
havo you seized nnd bound by our
trusty wallahs. Then we'll lay you
on your back and have ono of tho very
biggest elephants. stand over you and
poise his ample forefoot directly over
your head.' Then I'll say In my most
insinuating tones, 'Come, now, Stock
ton, which was it tho lady or tho
tiger?' What would you do then?"
"Oh, well, that's easy enough. I should
tell you a He."
Wars Not Near an End.
Despite Its horrors' war will persist
as long as tho struggle for existence,
tho effort of self-preservation and tho
economic contests of trade engage our
attention. Of wars and rumors of
wars there will bo no end until hu
manity Is evolved Into something
higher than It now Is. Nevertheless,
unless wars, wars of mero vainglory,
wars wnged only for prestige, should
be restricted, and can be. Washing
ton Times.
feller family. Closer still are tho
graves of the Otises and tho Rusts.
Most of these men were burled with
funeral services far more elaborate
than was John Hay.
The services throughout were ad
mirably conducted, and from tho .ar
rival of President Roosevelt In the
morning until his departure In the aft
ernoon brought tho official day to Its
end not a single untoward Incident
' was In evidence.
Russell Sages' Contribution.
A late story of Russell Sago tells
how a committee of society women
waited upon him and asked a sub
scription to somo charitable object.
Carnegie, Rockefeller and Morgan
wero down for a thousand or two
apleco and Mrs. Russoll Sago's namo
appeared opposite tho modest sum of
$100, Tho old financier reached for
his pon and his fair visitors wero Jubi
lant until ho handed back tho sub
scrlptlon list. Ho had morely written
"Mr. and" in front of "Mrs. Russell
W i , I W
Map of Sweden and Norway, Showing
Location of Recently Declared "War
(Dotted circles mark Stockholm, Karl
skrona, Gothenburg and Farosund
ports, which by order of tho Swed
ish government aro barred to for
eign warships.)
Army, peace footing 39,000
War footing 500,000
Field guns '. 240
Small battleships and mod
ern coast defenso vessels.. . 13
Monitors and gunboats .... 25
Navy, total vessels 38
Tonnage of vessels ..'. 04,432
Eight-Inch guns . 29
Officers and men 8,000
Area, squaro miles 172.87Q
Population 5,200,000
Army, peace footing 30,000
War footing 80,000
Field guns 40
Small battleships and mod
ern coast defense vessels.. 5
Monitors and gunboats 11
Navy, total vesseis 16
Tonago of vessels 29,453
Eight-Inch guns 10
Officers and men 4... 4,000
Area, square miles 124,129
Population 2,250,000
City of Buda Pesth Has Right to this
Buda Pesth, tho Hungarian capital,
Is ono of tho handsomest cities in tho
world. Its wide streets, bordered by
magnificent buildings, its parks, pal
aces, theaters, and last, but not least,
Its luxurious cafes which havo no
equal, can not fail to Impress tho visi
tor with its wealth and beauty. ?
The city Is built on volcanic ground
and the Internal fires are still smold
ering. A visit to the St. Lucas hot
sulphur baths across tho Danube nt
Buda might lead tho visitor to think
that the infernal regions aro not far
off, nnd Indeed a humorous preacher
could mako good use of this when
moralizing on the gay and luxuriant
lire of tho Pesth half of tho consoll
dated town. Another curiosity of the
spot Is the natural aperient waters re
nowned throughout tho world, of
which Apenta Is the leading ono. The
Apenta accumulates In wells dug for
the purpose, nnd absorbs from tho soil
tho salts that mako It a valuable pur
gative. To one returning from the east by
the Oriental Express, Buda Pesth ap
pears Hko tho gato of Europe, as It
really Is, for this was the last outpost
of tho Turks 1$ their march westward.
English Actress Will Make Vaudeville
Tour of America.
The fact that Mrs. Langtry is com
ing to act In the New York vaudeville
theaters does not necessarily show
that sho needs the money. It Is truo
that sho built In London several years
ago a theater which haseen a source
of almost continuous loss, but sho is
not poor. Sho has a mania for increas
ing her cash bank account and is in
tho habit of turning her property into
cash whenever she feels that her bal
ance needs It. To havo her deposit
go below a certain Bum seems to her
the approach of grim poverty. Last
spring sho sold sqmo of her Jewels be
cause her bank nccount had fallen
below what sho believed it should be.
It is tho prospect of a comparatively
large sum in a very short time with
no risk about plays that has led her
to decide to como back here In vaude
ville. Must Give Wife Pay Envelope.
William TIeman, a tailor of Dayton,
Ohio, was up before Justlco Carlln,
charged with being drunk and abusing
his family. His honor imposed the
unique penalty: "You nre sentenced
to turn over your pay envelope to your
nife every Saturday night for three
months nnd the following Monday
present mo with a receipt for same
signed by his wife. Either that or
pay $19,60 fine and costs and go to
tl.e workhouse for ninety days." The
prisoner did not hesitate a moment
in deciding to give his wife the en
velope. Prominent Mexican Veteran.
Gen. Leonardo Marquez was among
the most Interesting figures in the city
of Mexico last week. Wednesday was
tho thirty-eighth anniversary of the
triumphant ontry of Gen. Porflrlo Diaz
and the republican army Into the City
of Mexico a month after the fall of
Quoretaro and two days after tho oxo
cutlon of tho Ill-fated Archduke Maxi
milian. Gen Marquoz, who commend
ed tho Maximilian garrison of the city.
Is still living thoro, hnvlng returned
years ago from the exile to which ho
fled with death at his heels In 1867
Avoid the Cheap nnd "Big Can" BaK.
Ing Powders.
Tho cheap baking powders havo but
ono recommendation: they certainly1
give tho purchaser plenty of powder
for his money. These powders aro
so carelessly made from Inferior ma
terials that they will not mako light;
wholesome food. Further, theso cheap
baking powders havo a vory small per
centage of leavening gas; thereforo It
takes from two to threo times ns much
of Buch powder to ralso Uio cako or
biscuit as It does of Calumet Baking
Powder. Thereforo, In tho long run,
tho actual cost to tho consumer of
such powders Is moro than Calumet
would be. Cheap baking powders
leave tho bread sometimes bleached
and acid, sometimes yellow and alka
line, arid always unpalatablo. They
aro never of uniform strength and
Why not buy a perfectly wholesomo
baking powder like Calumet, that Is at
tho same tlmo moderate in price and
ouo which can ho relied upon? Calu
met is always tho same, keeps Indef
initely and gives tho cook tho least
Boon for Tired Housekeepers.
Here Is a prdphecy by a Canadian
nowspaper: "Tho city homo ot tho
future will contain no stoves. Cook
ing will bo dono by power, tho build
ing will bo heated from a central
plant, elevators will run from cellar
to garret, and breakfast, lunch and
dinner will bo supplied from a co
operative center. Not only will the
house of the futuro be cleaned by pow
er but tho dust will bo removed by a
pneumatic exhaust system."
' i
Ask Your Dealer for Allen' Foot-Ease.
A powder. It rests tho feet. Cures Swollen,
Sore, Hot, Callous. Aching. Sweating Feet
add Ingrowing Nails. At all Druggists and
Shoe stores, 25 conts. Accent no substitute).
Sample mailed FREE. Address. Allen S
Olmstod, LeRoy, N. Y.
Offers Aid to Convicts.
A man writing from a London lodg-lng-houso
is sending letters to defend
ants whoso names and addresses ap
pear in tho newspapers, offering to
supply them with "wrinkles" on pris
on life that will add to their comfort
while incarcerated ono especially
by which they "will bo able to obtain
an Improvement in tho official die
tary," all he asks In return is cast-oft
clothing or boots, and "railway fare
paid in advance."
Against the Newest Methods.
Tho greatest boons that medicine
has ever conferred upon humanity
have been met at first with tho most
violent opposition, amounting in somo
cases almost to persecution. When
Pare introduced the ligature ho was
greeted with a perfect storm of ridi
cule and abuse, and finally, in self
defenso had to show that the idea
was not strictly original, but might
bo traced in tho writings of Hippo
crates. Pearls In Clam Shells.
About ono mussel in a thousand
yields a pearl worth $100. Tho aver
age pearl Is worth abouf $C. But the
dally finds runs from $2 to $20. Al
though a farmer 'many never find a
valuablo pearl in his clam bed, ho
may find enough common ones to
yleid him a comfortablo sum aside
irom the money received for the
Parsees Bar Converts.
In recent years soveral wealthy Par
sees havo married European wives
and brought them into tho Parseo
fold. Now the Parsees havo decided
that thev will admit no moro converts.
Even tho children of the Parsees mar
ried to Christian mates will not bo
recognized as Parsees.
No One Claims the Price.
Unawarded for a long time, and
thereforo still on tho list of tho Lom
bardy Institute, Is tho special prize by
Commeno for tho discovery ot hy
drophobia poison.
Bird Is True to Duty.
Letters aro dropped two or throo
times a day on to a wren which is sit
ting on her eggs in tho letter box ot
Mr. D. Baker, an English draper, but
tho bird keeps its piaco.
Curious That a Tired Preacher Should
Have Such Desire.
A minister speaks of the curious ef
fect of Grapo Nuts food on him and
how It has relieved him.
"You will doubtless understand how
the suffering with indigestion with
which I used to bo troubled made my
work an almost unendurable burden,
and why it was that after my Sabbath
dutos had been performed, sleep was
a stranger to my pillow till nearly day
light. - "I had to be very careful as to wha
I ate, and even with all my care I ex
perlenced poignant physical distress
after meals, and my food never satis
fied me.
"Sir months havo elapsed slnco I
began to use Grape-Nuts food, and the
benefits I have derived from it aro
very definite. I no longer suffer from
indigestion, and I began to improv
from the time Grape-Nuts appeared on
our table. I find that by eating a dish
of it after my Sabbath work Is dono
(and I always do so now) my nerves
are quieted and rest and refreshine
sleep are ensured me. I reel that I
could not possibly do without Orape
Nuts food, now that I know Its value.
It is invariably on our table we foel
that wo need It to completo tho meal
and our children will oat Grapo
Nuta when they cannot bo porsuaded
to touch anything else." Name given
by Postum Co., BntUc Creek, Mich.
Thore's a reason.
Read the famous Utile book. "Thftv
Road to Wellvllle," m each pkg.