The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 13, 1905, Image 1
JIB m Official Paper of Both County and City Largest Circulation in Northwest Nebraska. ii ! u'M VOLUME XII, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1905, -NUMBER 30 Wg ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, V' I! 4 MMNWiiwpmmm m i V0i$ I m All LIGHT SUITS sold at heavy reduc tion at NORTON'S ..HH:x:w-:':-:-xx:-:K- ! 'c In Alliance 10-30 of every month. Office over Norton's . . . 'Fhone 391. X For sale 45 head of cattle at Mrs. Hood's ranch, fourteen miles north of Alliance. 7-4t' BUSINESS LOCALS. Another car of Puritan flour, the best flour in the city, at A. D. Rodg- ers . qgqg (?) hats, 25c, Norton's. Buy feed and flotir at Pilkiugton's. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house hlk. E. E. Barr, Physician and Sur geon. Calls answered promptly dav or night. Phones: Office 201. v Resi dence 151. I2'tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera lipase blk. Go to the Alliance National Hunk" to deposit your money. Oct. --tf. Dr. Koons, dantiat. Office over Norton's. Buy your sheet music at Miller Bros, and hear it aung on the talking machine. 23'tf. For Sale: House and two lots, two 1 blocks east of First National bank. ' Enquire- at the house or saloon W. 1 N. Corneal. 6tf 1 Buy "America patent" flour at Pil 1 kington's. 25tf If you want bargains, look at Miller Bros'. 5, 10, 15 and 25c counters. 2j-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. "America patent" flour is the best in town at Pilkmgton's. 25th 9999 (?) hats, 25c, Norton's. See F. E. Reddish for loans on real estate. 27tf Cash for butter, eggs and cream at Zbinden Bros.' feed store, by W. E. Spencer, agent for Harding Cream Co. 2Q-4W. Steam Threshing. filling Bros, will be prepared to do steam threshing this season. Those desiring their services can find them at Box Butio Postoffice, where mail is received. 28-4W Mouse Cleaning. Can supply the services of a thorough and experienced man for general house cleaning. Phone 139. Geo. Darling. LET'S HAVE SEWERS at City Citizens Meeting to be Held Hall Tonight. The demand for a system of sewor ago for Alliance has been staring tltc citizens in the fact sb long and neces' sity for such hasbecoma so urgent that a special ineotfuP fbr all to attend te called to tako place in the council ro6uH j of the city hall this evening at 8 o'clock to talk the matter over. This is tho most important question that confronts the city and the meotlnf should be well attondeJ, that question of sewerugo ntay be properly discuM&ti.: Com3 out, everybody ! jUndelclrctiveAgnin. For sevarnl months past Uncle Zojl Goodwin who li&c passed his eightieth milestone bus Ween very poorly and tt ho says himself "trying to dio" but tlja old gentleman who is undoubtedly th oldrst stockman living demonstrated this week that he is still active by buy ing a bunch of heifers and wlvjch wofoVJ the Miner." the best shipped from this market for many a day. Just before shipping, however, he sold them to 'Gene Hall and then bought back a half interest in the bunch, .which are on the South Omaha market today. It is expected they will sell at $. 50 to P4.00. ion and is survived by the following: Dr. J. H. Reed of Grand ftapids, Mich., Charles McCoy of Rapid City, S, D., Mrs. C. P. Holden of Chicago, nfld Mrs. Allen of Alliance. Lake Resort. THE METER SYSTEM Hroncho i 1 Mavor Buechsciistoin and Win James and their families onjoyed the pleasures of a summer rosort last evon-. inir at Broncho lake, whore they tookl! with them a new boat. The lake is well filled with water and the excur sionists enjoyed theirnxw greatly in the cool of the evening. Broncho is a beautiful sheet of water aurroiuled by a sandv shore and easv of accesn. It Is onlv about two inltos from town antl '?f soma arrangements could hi made to pro me Uio same wuu row uoais aim lin electric laimah or two, n pavfllion here people. conld congreto and a band stand, boat ami boat house, it would not be long era Alliance would have the reputation of being an ideal summer resort. I lore's u chance for some one to ret .richer than Scotty Life's Journey Ended. Henry M. McCoy died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dr. T. Allen, In this city early Sunday morning. , The funeral services were conducted at the residence Monday afternoon by Rev, G. C. Jeffers and interment was made in Greenwood cemetery. Mr. McCoy was born May 10, 1828, Addington county, Ontario, Canada, and came to the states in 1881, resid ing in Michigan. South Dakota and Iowa, coming to Alliance last May to make his home with his daughter. Mr. McCoy joined the Methodist church at an early age but later transferred his membership to the Baptist society. Deceased was the father of eight child- Bitten by a Tarantula. John Riordan received a message last Tuesday from Lincoln stating that his fc'oungest brother, a lad about 16 years jold had been severely poisoned by the ting of a tarantula. The poisonous spider was hidden in a bunch of ban anas which young Riordon was hand ling. He became deathly sick from the bite, but a physician's prompt action saved his life. Kenncdy-Duskin Jas' G, Kennedy and Miss Alma Duskin were united in marriage Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keano in the presence of about twenty five relatives and friends, Rev. G. C. JefiVrs performing the ceremony. The groom is a son of Mr.' anu Mrs L.. M. Kennedy anu the bride a , Unshvillo djttghtercf Mr.and Mrs. John H Dusking, t MT, . .!.. u nn,.. .: I'luo " l " A Proposition of Special Interest to the Citizens of Alliance. A movement is on foot to place the water aybtem of this oily oft -n meter basis. This matter lint boon under cousidqration for some time by tho city authorities ahti will be brought up at Ii Snocinl or the next regular mooting of tho cuy council. T his new system will riftiultin n decided saving to thos pny ing for city water. Thoro are at pres ent about 16 meters in use and those . hiufhg them installed state that they hriro saved tho price of M major In one yonr. ' heio Is no doubt when the meter system is generally understood our citizens will upite in endorsing the step proposed bv the municipal government. To CfrgonWe Diiiiylilcrs of'lsnbella. Tho legulnr meetings of tho loeal court of the K.itflits of Columbus waa held at their lull lust night. After the meeting a social wor held in which quite a number of the Catholic Indies participated. An Interesting program of music and declamations was given and the subject of organizing a oouit of the Daughters of Isabolla discussed. This matter has been considered for some time and since the meeting hold last evening it looks as if Alliance would have the distinction of being the first city west of tho Missouri river to institute such an organization. The Daughters of Isabella is similiar to that of the K, C's and is purely relig ious In character. who reside on their ranch fifteen miles northwest. They .are a worthy young couple and Tub Herald joins their friends In wishing them a happy journey through life. Arrested for Cuttle Stealing Theodore Osborne, residing twenty miles northeast of Alliance, was placed under arrest last Saturday by the sheriff of Sharidan county and taken It is alleged that the lfer having the btands of while others contend that tho charge in trumped up by neighboring ranchmen with whom he has trouble, dsburn and his wife wsto tho main witnesses for the prosecution against John and Herman Knuiso In the govurnment land fencing case a short time ago. Potato Growers wiil Organize. At n meeting qf potato producers held at tho West school house, north of Alliance last Saturdav ti tomporary organization was perfected by olecting Albert Hadlcy president and John Lawrence secretary. The purpose of this association is to look to tho pro tection of tholr interests and .all grow ire are invited to join the same. A of two-rA. Hadley and Win. MatzatWM appointed to confrt with tho failBOr ' ftw&t , Hemingfunl next SntcrcUYfcud a general meeting h call ed to take place in AllU'ifp, July .:, For sale -Almut sixty spring shunts, choicu, for Sa.00 each, at 111 v place ton tniles.northoust of Alliance. Otto VOgol. 2i)-3W Ruy N'ow for your future needs. 10 davs bar gain sale at Fred's. 'MVnted! First-class saddle mnkor, two har ness maker to make farm harness, one good man who understands putting up hay harness made from summer oak harness leather. These harness will bo for sale by Geo. A. Hills. 28tf j-w. $1.00 Value for 75c. at Fred's 10 day bargain sale. A. S. Reed was dug up about a mile from his bouse and that a knife bearing Osbom's name was also fojyid near by. Some believe Osborn guilty Save Doctor Bills BY EATING FRESH FRUIT EVERY DAY At GLEAS&N & FRANKLIN'S See Cream Parlors WK j3W5&moxs Hflf B M unra lyjKKa NO FAKE SALES TRIED HERE 2 COMPARE PRICES WORK GLOVES 5c pair, A regular I2c drill glove Two pairsto customer hodoz. MEN'S WORK SOX Three pairs 1 fr Fine Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS Three for ioc BOYS' SUSPENDERS New Goods, per pair, 7c STETSON HATS Broken sizes iu black railroad shapes $2.50 The $4 kind $3.50 Line of MEN'S FINE TROUSERS now $2.50 STOCK REDUCING SALE! OTemewMM iiBMBNMeMaeMOTMaeiaMewaMaeaeaMMaBMnMeaMaMawaaeMMBWMaMaMaaiMa BLACK SATINE SHIRT The Dollar Kind 75c MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR 19c each HELP! WE have had the largest business this spring and summer we have ever had since we came to Alliance. This shows that our goods are the right kind and that the prices are right. But we bought more goods than we ever did and the late season, that is, the continued cold weather, has left us with lots of summer goods that should have been sold under ordin ary weather conditions, and in order te move them we are making big reductions. OUR well known policy of handling and selling only well known standard brands has reaped a just re ward. With Hart, Shaffner & Marx and Sterling Clothing we have cured many a man of the tailor habit. We can cure you of that habit too and put money in your purse in the way of savings if you will come and look at our Fine Readymade Clothing, STARTLING MONEY SAVERS! Men's fine, elegantly made, two-piece suits, fine fitting, STERLING make. Bought to sell for $10.00. Sale price $5.00 A big line of new summer suits includ- ing some of HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX fine hand-tailored suits in ft W f" broken lines, all the new grays that 1 I vl I II I f m. s m v v-f sold for $18.00 and $20.00, now. 100 suits, all sizes in the lot but not all sizes of each pattern. Broken lines and sample suits, there is hardly one not worth $10.00. Your free choice 85. Big drive on men's work pants. Hardly a pair in the lot worth less than $1.75 and many more worth $2.00., All go at 39 25 Per cent discount on anv spring or summer suit in our boys' department, except worsteds. Boys' Buster Brown suits, $3.00 kind, ,$1.50 5e retailers of none but good, stand ard lines for men and boys. DON'T MISS THIS SALE! MEN'S black CHEVIOT SUITS Others ask you $7.50 LjdL Q5 for them. Our price Pm It won't cost anything to look at them. SEE OUR NEW LINES OF Fancy Dress Shirts Including the Imported Japanese Crepe in All Colors. If it's new, it's here. BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS Wool, well made at tf O Q5 the low price of . . . . P-J Better investigate before buying. W5amou$ ADVERTISERS OF FACTS COMPARE PRICKS PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS 39c While thev last BOYS' HOSE A new lot of good ones. The knock-about kind. All sizes, 2 pairs for 25c BOYS' FINE DRESS SHIRTS 39c MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Every one guaranteed 39c BOYS' OXFORDS $2.50 values now onlv $1.75 Another lot of Boys' Calf Shoes, warranted $1.45 Our 75c Balbriggan Under wear reduced to 50C STRAW HATS Hats worth from 50c to $ 1 now 19c 1